Adrenal Body Type Coursedr. Berg PDF

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Adrenal Body Type Mini Course

Where are the adrenal glands located? They are atop the kidneys. They sit almost to the back
part of the body.

The adrenals help you cope with all stress---they change your body physiologically to deal with
stress mentally and physically.

If you’re being chased by a tiger, your adrenaline goes up, blood flow to the muscles goes up,
heart and pulse rate go up and you’re more awake—but your body shuts down things like
digestion and reproduction.

When you push your adrenals too much, you get problems.

That’s because your body is constantly in survival, fight-or-flight mode.

The symptoms of the adrenal body:

 Sagging belly fat

 Cannot sleep: can’t get to sleep, stay asleep, wake up tired from lack of quality sleep
(adrenals revving all night long).
 Mentally dispersed, cannot focus—keep multitasking, popcorn thoughts. Never feel fully
 Mind fixated on problems—constantly problem solving
 Low tolerance for stress – little things bug you, no patience, all kinds of things drive you
 Easily overwhelmed
 Sleep apnea
 Salt cravings
 Chocolate cravings
 Inflammation (think about what you’re given for inflammation: adrenal hormones)
 Blood sugar issues (adrenals turn protein into sugar, elevating insulin)
 Hair less, male pattern baldness (androgen hormones) –women can have this too
 Hot flashes
 Brain fog
 Bloated belly

Adrenal Mini course: Cortisol

Cortisol is an adrenal gland hormone.

They use this in Prednisone, as an anti-inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, because
cortisol controls immune function and pain. However, when you take it, your body stops
manufacturing it.

Also, they use cortisol for poison ivy. Prednisone destroyed my body because of constant
poison ivy.

Cortisol is a dominating hormone. Cortisol has the power to nullify and inhibit healthy actions
and hormones when stress is too high.

If you’re exercising and eating right, I mean, stress and cortisol can wipe out all your efforts. It’s
a dominating hormone.

Cortisol controls

 Immune function
 Causes Inflammation
 Converts proteins into sugars (glycolysis) which raises insulin
 And is a dominating hormone – meaning it can override other hormones in the body
and also your efforts to balance hormones, lose weight, eat right, exercise . . .

if you do not get the stress under control.

First, we have to determine what is causing your stress:

 Lack of sleep?
 Too much chaos and noise around you?
 A nutritional deficiency?
 Too much or not enough exercise? (physical stress is stress too, including ILLNESS)
 Is your environment too stressful?
 Too many people around you?

Sleep: Normally, you should go through four whole phases of sleep, including deep wave sleep.
You need all these cycles of sleep to wake up fully rested, recharged, and fresh. They’re called
circadian waves—more on this later.

Exercise: will help you lower stress. But if you’re stressed out and haven’t slept, then the type
of exercise you do needs to be very aerobic ---lots of oxygen but also LOW stress. Not fully on
P90X kind of workouts. You have to adapt your body to the workout. The best exercise for
people with stress and adrenal fatigue is WALKING. Don’t overtrain. This is just more STRESS.

Can people stress you out?

Oh, yeah. Passive aggressive people, high drama people, overly critical people.

There are people that bring you up or down—we need to avoid the latter. The news will bring
you down. It’s overly fabricated and it brings you down.


It’s important to change your environment—go to the park, go hiking, get more space and

Adrenal Body Type: Eating Basics

Adrenal body types tend to be STRESS eaters and they snack a lot on unhealthy things for quick
energy or comfort.

For that reason, we’re going to do a combination of a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting.

When we get into ketosis, you’re going to be amazed at how STABLE your moods will become.

You’ll lower your blood sugar, and you’ll experience all kinds of benefits for

 Cognitive function
 Emotional state
 Sense of well being
 WEIGHT loss and fat burning

We want to do low carbohydrate.

That means bringing your sugar down to 0. Don’t worry. I’ll give you all kinds of pleasure foods
to replace the sugar with. Desserts, snacks, etcetera. . .

You have to get rid of hidden sugars:

 Flavored sugars
 Wine and alcohol
 Processed foods
 Canned foods (look at the sugar grams in canned soup).
This diet will focus on:

Low carbohydrate with unlimited vegetables ... 5% of your caloric intake (around 20g to 50g a
day). (If you’re pretty sedentary, more toward the 20 grams).

One reason is you need a lot of potassium, 4700 mgs. Every day.

And potassium is a physiological relaxer and is the mineral that will keep your nervous
system and adrenals CHILLED out. It also helps eliminate CRAVINGS for sugar and carb-rich

High Fat: 75% of your calories should be high healthy fats.

Why? Adrenal cases need more fat to build more hormones. Hormones are made from fat. If
you do a low-fat diet with adrenal fatigue, you’re not going to do well or feel good either. You
want to eat your fats at the meals.

Fats will keep you from eating between meals.

Moderate Protein (20% of your caloric intake):

Lean protein will spike insulin, throwing you out of fat burning. Try to eat fattier cuts of meat
like grass fed beef, bacon, dark meat chicken with skin.

Intermittent Fasting

We’ll start with 3 meals a day –no snacking. Fat at the first meal and last, help you avoid getting
hungry and snacking.

So, lots of eggs, avocado, bacon, grass fed beef.

We’ll go three meals, NO SNACKS, and then later we’ll try to take that to two meals a day.

The longer you go between meals, the more you’ll stabilize your blood sugars, and which will
help you burn more fat.

Down the road, if you want to skip breakfast, go ahead. Skip breakfast. The longer we can span
those meals apart, the longer you’re going without spiking blood sugars, and the more you’ll
lose weight.

Things to focus on:

 You need 7-10 cups of leafy greens to get that potassium in there.
 Apple cider vinegar with water, helps stabilize blood sugar and digestion.
 Sea salt—you’ll need a total of a tsp. a day.

 The adrenals go through MORE SALT.

The Nutrients for the Adrenal Body Type

I put together a kit that covers all the tools you need to fix the adrenal body type, feel great and
lose weight again. Here are some of the things you need that are in that kit:

1. Sleep Aid

The adrenal body type needs restful sleep. My sleep aid helps you get deep, restful sleep all
night. You take it 15 minutes before you go to sleep. You’ll go right to sleep and wake up feeling
refreshed. It doesn’t contain hormones like melatonin or valerian root, that makes you feel
foggy. Instead, it focuses on relaxing you internally with compounds you need. I’ve adapted it
over years and now the formula is exact. I’m never going to change it.

2. Adrenal and Cortisol Relief

This is a wonderful supplement you take during the day. This helps you turn off that feeling of
internal stress and tension and to stabilize cortisol and the adrenals. This really relaxes you.
Helps you have that calm, serene focus that you need to get a lot done.

3. Trace Minerals

I use plant based trace minerals. They’re 15,000 times smaller than regular minerals and are
highly and easily absorbed. Without trace minerals, you’ll have a lot of problems with proteins
not being converted, with manufacturing collagen, and with enzymes you need for bodily

This helps with energy, metabolism, muscle, collagen, hair, skin, nails, energy, bones and

4. Gall Bladder Formula

The gall bladder is a missing link to all kinds of health problem—bloating, indigestion.

So many people think they have a problem with the stomach or digestion. Really, it’s the gall
bladder. You need more bile to absorb nutrients and digest foods.

This is very popular and effective for bloating.

The Gall Bladder Formula comes with my book called The New Body Type Guide and you’ll
focus on the adrenal chapter after you do the basic plan.

This has everything you need to know about the Adrenal Body Type.

Then, this book right here is titled It’s Not Lose Weight to Get Healthy, It’s Get Healthy to Lose

It’s a powerful supplement to this book and helps you put the plan into action.

I cannot wait to hear your success story.

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