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a. What did you like most about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
I liked the main characters the most about this piece because it brought the story together well. For example, my
favorite character was Blaire and her shyness throughout the story.
b. What did you like least about this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
The cliches throughout the story is what I like the least. For example “Once upon a time”
c. What was most difficult for you while working on this piece? Use specific examples from your work.
The most difficult thing while working on this piece was finding how to introduce Bates and portray his evil side to
get the audience to recognize the climax.
d. What peer editing suggestions helped you the most while revising this piece? Use specific examples from your
The peer editing suggestion was to make our dialogue and situations more descriptive so it was easier for the
reader to comprehend the situation going on.
e. How does this piece compare to your other work in this course? Use specific examples from your work.
This piece compares to my horror story because it was the same process to get my writing going. For example
describing the scene and using dialogue.
f. What would you change if you had the chance to do this piece over again? Use specific examples from your work.
I would change the scene and make the climax more of a cliffhanger to really grab the reader's attention better.
g. What do you want the reader to take away from your piece? (What’s your purpose/thesis?)
To realize that you don't know everyone's story and some people have a worse life at home rather than at school.
h. In what areas do you think that you still need improvement? Use specific examples from your work.
I think I need improvement in my figurative language and being able to use metaphors.
l. What does this say about you or how you view the world around you?
This says that the world around us can be very judgmental and rude.
j. What is a goal you have for yourself for your next piece of writing?
To be even more creative

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