Review of All Modules

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Prepared by

Mrs Besma Belâm

Mrs Kaouther Hlel

Habib Bourguiba Prep School Bizerte

Edited by
Mr Rachid NAJAR

ELT Inspector

May 2009

1. Complete the unfinished words to make the paragraph below coherent:

I really enjoy life with my family. My parents are loving, caring and sup…………. .
They are always there when we need them. Tha ………. to their wis…………, we grew up to be self-
confident and ea………- going teenagers. When we are in tro………, we can le……….. on them for

2. Match the sentence parts to get a coherent paragraph:

a. When parents see 1. between parents make life enjoyable
b. In fact, this agreement 2. fight over things like money and up-bringing,
c. However, if parents always 3. eye to eye, everything will be fine at home.
d. things get worse at home 4. and life gets better and better.
5. and family life becomes unbearable and miserable
a + …… b + …… c + …… d + ……

3. Insert the missing parts below to complete the paragraph:

Because my parents are conservative and narrow-minded, I find it really hard …….. .
In fact, …………, neither do they give me enough pocket money. Moreover, whenever
I ask them to let me go out with my friends or go to parties, they don’t allow me to. I’m fed up with this kind
of life. …………. and they make jokes of the rules set down by my parents and which I must obey blindly.
………….. disobey my parents or show them any sort of disrespect.
a. My friends often tease and mock me
b. The problem is that I don’t want to
c. to lead the life that all teenagers of my age live
d. they don’t allow me enough freedom

4. Complete the unfinished words to make the paragraph below coherent:

Men should have an eq………….. role to play in the up-b…………… of their young children. Taking
ca………. of the kids makes the relationship between father and children so cl………….= intimate. It’s true
that children are very dem…………. and need a lot of att………… but it’s wor………. it.

5. Circle the right alternative :

Families are changing. One important ( changing/changed/change ) is that most women now work outside
the home. This is certainly related to the (need/needy/needs) of money. But parents do pay a( big/small/
heavy) price for this. In fact, ( society/social/ sociable) life can become less( excited/ exciting/excitement)
when both parents work outside and have children to look (for/after/at) .
6. Supply the equivalents of the bracketed words :
I’m fifteen years old and I live with my family. My father (comes back )………….. home very late every
night. As soon as he is home, he starts( quarrelling) …………. with my mother (about)……. food, money
and other problems. He sometimes hits her and if I ( help) ……….. by my mother, he ( hits ) ……….. me,
too. I can’t tell him how I feel and he always says that I don’t have the right to talk about things(
that)………… don’t ( none of my business) ..……..….. me. But I think he’s ( incorrect) ………… and that
things do concern me when he hurts us. I feel very angry and frustrated and I’m planning to( escape)
….…….. away from home.

7. Complete the unfinished words to get a coherent paragraph:

I feel happy because I have a good rel……………. with my dad, wher………….. my elder brother often
arg………. with him on different topics. I love my father because he’s modern, open-m…………. and easy-
going. I always le………. on him for support and wisdom. For this reason, he always lets me do what I like.
Besides, he doesn’t mi…….. giving a hand to mum. So, he sometimes looks after my two-year old sister.
He fe……. and ro……… her to sleep in his arms when mum is busy. However, dad is quite se………..
with my brother Tom who is a dog-h………. boy. Tom often diso……….. dad and bre…………. the rules set
do……….. by my parents. Indeed, he sn………. out of the house when they’re as………. . I hope he’ll
change his beh………. one day and become a reliable and resp…………… person.

8. Give the right form of the bracketed words:

Some kids claim that they never get enough pocket money and often (complaint) …………. about this. But
have they ever wondered why parents are so( prudence) ………….. with this child’s regular (allow)…………
? Indeed, many kids misuse the money given by their parents to cover their daily (expensive)…..…….. at
school or wherever. So, parents fear the (overspend)…………..of money as they can purchase
(many)………. stationeries than they really need. What parents fear most is that spending money becomes
an (addict)…………… for their children and they’ll always ask for more. Children should realize that pocket
money is as hard-(earn)…….. as their dad’s paycheque. Sometimes, the parents are too (poverty)……… to
afford their kids expenses. So what’ll happen if the kids become (addict)…………. to pocket money?

9. Complete the unfinished words:

According to exp……… , dogs- known to be man’s best friend- bi……….. nearly a million people each year.
Cats too can pose a real haz………, even more serious than dog bites, because these bites are often
inf………. . To reduce the ri……….. of being bitten by pets, the own………… should make sure their pets
are well-ca…….. for. For instance , dogs shouldn’t be chai…..……. and kept in iso……..…… all the times.


1. Fill in the blanks with: So- however – and – while- but- whereas
Sam and Henry are twin brothers, …………. they are different in many things.
..………..Sam likes sports, Henry is interested in films. …………., they don’t watch the same programs.
Henry plays basketball in his free time ………….. Sam plays the piano.
……………., they are both clever ………… hard-working.

2. Make comparisons of equality using: as+ adj. + as

- John’s father is handsome and so is John = John is as handsome as his father.
- Neil’s brother is mischievous and so is Neil = …………………………………
- Mary drives fast and so does Helen = …………………………………………
- Our home is comfortable and so is yours = …………………………………..
3. Use the right adjective in the right place : cheap cold hard long much quick
- I’m getting old. I can’t work as hard as I used to.
- Prices have gone up. Things aren’t …………………… they used to be .
- It’s freezing. It must be nearly …………………….. last winter.
- The bus wasn’t ………………………the train. It took over two hours.
- Cats don’t usually live…………………. dogs.
- Joe still plays tennis. He says he enjoys it ……………………ever.

4. Put the bracketed adjectives in the right form:

- You certainly look much happier than you did yesterday. ( happy)
- He is obviously ………………………in sport than I am.( interest)
- The game will certainly be much …………………….than it was last year.( exciting)
- Children nowadays seem to be much …….…….…. than they used to be.( noisy)

5. Put these words in the right form: a good idea/ a big house / a healthy climate/
a young man / a good job:
- California certainly has a healthier climate than New York.
- I’m getting too old. This is a job for ………………………….
- When the children get a bit older we’ll really need ………………………..
- I’m sure it won’t work. Can’t you come up with…………………………..?
- Perhaps we could afford it if I could get …………………………….

6. Follow the example to complete the sentences below using the superlative:
• I’ve never heard a more ridiculous story.  That’s the most ridiculous story I’ve ever heard.
• We’ve never stayed in a more expensive hotel  It was ………………………………. we’ve ever stayed
• It’s years since I saw a game as good as that.  That’s …………………..….. I’ve seen for years.

• It’s a very nice room .  It’s the nicest room in the hotel.
• It’s a very cheap restaurant.  It’s …………………………. in the town.
• It was a very happy day.  It was …………………….. in my life.
• She’s a very intelligent student.  She …………………………… the school.
• It’s a very valuable painting.  It ……………………………… the gallery.

7. Make compound adjectives:

- The boy has dark hair  He’s a dark-haired boy.
- A process that consumes time  It’s a …………-…………….. process
- An old man with a bold head  He’s a …………-……..….. old man.
- A girl with long hair  She’s a …………..- …………… girl.
- A child with curly hair  He’s a ………….-…………… child.
- A worker whose pay is bad  He’s a …………..- …………… worker.
- A shirt with long sleeves  It’s a ………….-…………… shirt.
- This old lady has a kind heart  She’s a …………..- …………. old lady.
- This teenager has a strong head  He’s a …………. -…………. teenager.
- Animals with four legs  They are ……………-…………… animals.

Module 1 Grandma’s Corner : Home Alone

 Read this short story and answer the following questions:

1. The story is about a/ Risks kids may run at home
b/ Home safety
c/ kids living without parents
2. How many characters are there in the story?
3. Who is / are the main character ( s )?
4. Were the parents at home when the doorbell rang?
5. What was the wrong thing that the younger brother did?
6. What did the stranger pretend to be?
7. Actually, who was that man?
8. How did the little son manage to go to the police?
9. Why did the parents scold their daughter?
10. What was the lesson that this story taught you and all the children left at home alone?
11. Write three safety rules for children to follow in case they are left at home alone?
…………………………/ ……………………………/………………………………….
 Look for the words in the text that mean nearly the same as :

• Taking care of the house P1……………………..

• Ran P2……………………..
• Opened the door with a key P3……………………..
• Obliged P4……………………..
• Things of big value P5……………………..
• Succeeded P5……………………..
• Thief P5……………………..
• A criminal who is looked for P6……………………...
• The act of stealing things P7……………………...
• Grateful P7……………………...
• Blamed P8……………………...


Could you imagine another different ending to this story:

1. Complete the unfinished words to make this paragraph coherent:
John did well at school. He always found it easy to le………. and he always do……… his homework. He
suc…………= passed all his school exams. Now he is stu…….……. geography at university. He is also
ta………….. a special geology cou……….. . He enjoys sitting in lec……….. and taking no………… . He will
s……. for his final exams next year. If he passes, he wil get = ob………. a deg……… in geography. If he
fai…………., he will be very sad. He would like to bec……….. a geography lecturer. He would like to
gi……….. lectures.

2. Unscramble the words between brackets to get the right words:

We all remember things that happened to us when we were schoolchildren. These have become our
school(emromise)…….……. . You certainly don’t (orfteg)…………. being punished,(socdled).…………or
even beaten by your teachers or the school responsibles. You also still(erclal)………. the bad marks you
got in Maths or French. But you certainly can’t forget your parents being (odrpu)………. of you when you
passed the exams.

3. Complete the unfinished words :

When you first enter the school, you can’t ignore the ru………… set down in this establishment. So, you
realise you’ll have to ob……….. them otherwise you’ll be severely pu……….. . At school, you have to be
polite and res………. the law. You must also show respect to your teachers as well as to your friends. You
mustn’t run or ye…….. in the cor………. or cause any damage to the school equ………... . In class, you
have to
pay att………… to your teacher, listen car…………. to his instructions and be very att……… . You mustn’t
day-dr………….. while the teacher is explaining the lesson.

4. Fill in the blanks: unfair/interest/cheating/deception/breaking/trickery

Because school is about grades, as many schoolchildren claim, many of them resort to …………. as a way
to get good marks. Yet ,cheating is still an act of lying, ….………,
fraud, ……… and imposture. It is employed to create an …….. advantage, in one’s own ….……, and often
at the expense of others. Cheating, then, implies the ..………. of rules.

5. Give the right form of the bracketed words:

Bullying is defined as actions that are meant to be (harm)………… and that happen on a regular basis. It
can be direct, either (physic )………… or (verb)……… , or indirect, for example, (ignore)……… a pupil or
not talking to him. This also includes Cyberbullying, that is the (use )………..of mobile phone and the
internet to bully pupils. Bullying can sometimes be so serious that the child is too( frighten)…………… to go
to school or the parents fear for their child’s( safe)……….. . The child can be too unwell to attend school
because of (fear)…..……... or (stressed).…………. .

6. Circle the right alternative or put in the right form:

School (violent/violence/violently) is a problem that plagues all the countries. Whether you (attend/go/study)
a posh suburban school or a run down urban school, it is almost (uncertain/ certain/doubt) that you have
witnessed an act of school violence. School violence has many different forms. It may be ( emotion)……….,
verbal or physical. Students can (smile/tease/play) and (kill/punish/ taunt) another student because of his
(accent/language/writing), origin, (appear)………. and look. Worse, some pupils are (bully)……….because
they work hard. The problem is that at school insults too often turn to (injury)……… . “They collide over
everything and anything – music and how people act and (dressed/dress/dressing)” says a 15-year old 10th
grader “ pupils have (threat)……….….to kill me, to punch me- and they have punched me.” .


1. Rewrite using the possessive case:

• The teacher of the pupil  The pupil’s teacher
• The memory of the kid  …………………….
• The grades of the schoolboy  …………………….
• The parents of the children  …………………….
• The town of Nancy  ……………………..
• The son of the lady  ……………………..

2. Choose the right alternative:

I have a very close friend at school. He is very hard working, so his marks are often better than (
his/hers/mine).However, my exam scores are higher than (mine/his/yours) because he often gets scared in
exam times. His dreams are bigger than ( my/me/mine) as he is more ambitious than ( I / mine/me).

3. Write : Intention or Planned Action in front of the sentences:

• I’m going to review my lessons: Intention
• Next week, we’re having an English test: ……………..
• They are going on holidays after the exams: .……………….
• She is getting married next summer: ……………….
• I’m going on a long trip next year: .………………
• We’re going to watch a movie: .………………

4. Use the right reflexive pronouns: myself/ himself/themselves/itself/herself

Many pupils don’t pay attention in class, that’s why they find ………….. obliged to do homework, that is
……………, often too difficult for them. When they ask their parents for help, they can’t do it …………… .
Besides, parents want their kid to the task by ………….... .

5. Make sentences using the words in brackets:

• I / to see/ Batman film ( last week)  I saw Batman film last week
• The taxi / to arrive (five minutes ago)  ………………………………
• We / to see/ the Taj Mahal ( in 1987)  ………………………………
• She / to write a letter ( yesterday )  ………………………………….
• I / to do homework ( after supper)  …………………………………
6. Fill in the blanks using : must / have / mustn’t
At school, there are many rules which pupils ….………to obey. They ……..… wear a school uniform and
respect their teachers and friends. Moreover, they ………. to be attentive in class, sit properly and listen
carefully to the teacher’s instructions.
Moreover, they …………. use the cell phone in class or eat. During exams, pupils …………. cheat,
otherwise they’ll be subjected to severe punishment. When they are in the corridor, students ………… to be
calm. They ………… yell, run or shout.

Module 2 Grandma’s Corner : Tom is ill

 Answer the questions:

a- Is Tom really ill? Justify your answer.
b- Why did Tom wish he was ill?
 Pick out verbs of sounds that people who are suffering make:
Groan /……………………………………………………………………..
 Complete the unfinished words to make the sentences below coherent:
To convince Sid that he was really suffering, Tom pre………….he was dying out of pain.
Tom’s aunt didn’t bel………….Tom was dying because he always played such tri……….. on her, but Sid,
who is quite nai………….and sil…………,did believe Tom.
 Tick the right alternative:
• Aunt Polly succeeded in: -pulling his loose tooth
-revealing Tom’s pretence
-taking him to the doctor’s

• Tom’s attitude was: -honest

 Match the words with their meanings:
(suffer –miserable –loose tooth –groan –eager –sore – moan- unconscious- ache –howl-
rubbish - nonsense –to inspect )
a-…………………….. : detached from its place
b-……………………...:feel pain, discomfort and great sorrow
c-………………………:very unhappy
d-………………………:long, low, mournful sound expressing pain and suffering
e-………………………:full of interest, desire, keen on
f-………………………:hurting when touched or used, painful
g-………………………:loud cry of a person expressing pain
h-………………………:not conscious, unaware
i-………………………:continuous pain
j-………………………:make a deep sound when in pain
k-………………………:to examine sth. closely
l- …………………… : having no meaning

1. Complete the unfinished words to make the paragraphs below coherent:

In order to have a clean and healthy env……………., everybody should care about the planet Earth. We’
better take act………. against pollution otherwise it will dam……our life for good. We ought to red….……
litter and rec ….…….much of it to have less and less landfills. Every single individual on earth have to
contribute to sav…………..the environment, pres…………. nature and prot…………..wild life.
Because of the sm…….… released by fa………… and cars, the air we breathe has become polluted. As a
result, a lot of people today suffer from serious re………………health di…………..,such as Asthma and
Lung cancer. For this reason, We should try hard to reduce smoke by sh………… a car and using public
tr…………. . Another result of acid air is acid ra……., which happens when rain meets clouds of smoke in
the air. This le…….. to the destruction of soi…….. and causes a great da…………… to crops.

2. Circle the right alternative:

Water pollution is due to( sew/ sewers/sewage) and oil (spill/spilled/spills). In fact, the waste that is carried
in sewers from the drains of buildings and factories is (dump/ /dumped/dumping) into rivers, lakes and
seas. This results(at/ on / in) the( contamination/ contaminate/contaminated)of water and the
(destroy/destroyed/destruction) of sea (resources/ sources/ resource) and sea animals.

3. Complete the unfinished words:

Tropical rainforests grow near the Equator. They are found in places such as Af……,As…….,Central and
South Am…….. . It rains hea……… every day . The trees themselves give off wa…… through their leaves.
Many of the plants and trees in tropical rainforests are huge and evergr……... .The forests are home to
about 30 million sp……of plants and animals. They include beautiful butterflies, birds and monkeys.
There are many rea………. why people are destroying them. Some companies cut down the trees for their
val………. wo…… . Others clear the land and grow gr…… for their animals. Local farmers use the land to
grow crops for fo……. . Many of the prod……… we use everyday come from the rainforests. These include
med……….,rub…….and oils. We should bear in mind that the rainforests are an important part of the world
weather sys…. .When people destroy them, there are more flo…… and dro……. . Rainforests are equally
important for the pl……. and an……….. species that live there. These species cannot live in other climates,
so more and more of them are becoming ext…………. .

4. Fill in the blanks with words from the list below:

Because of the big quantity of litter we …………. every day, we’re ………… out of space where to throw it
away. Landfills are filled with waste, junk and rubbish, and thus …………….the environment. It seems that
……...….is the one solution to this problem. By …………. used materials and ………………them into new
products , …………. of throwing them away, we may reduce land pollution.
5. Circle the right alternative:
Smoking doesn’t only cause the pollution of the air we( inhale/breathe/ smell) but also serious
(illness/medicines/diseases) to the smoker himself as well as to the people around him. This is known as
(passive/active/negative) smoking. Doctors say that it is even worse than smoking itself. Smokers may(
get/develop/attack) certain illnesses related to smoking such as (lung/ear/heart) cancer, asthma and loss
of(food/ appetite/hearing) which might lead to a dangerous loss of (sight/speech/weight).

6. Give the right form of the words between brackets:

Long exposure to a noisy environment leads to the gradual (lose)………. of hearing, that is (deaf).……..…. .
In fact, it’s been proved that living in (noise)……….… overcrowded towns has become (danger).………..,
as being regularly (expose)..……..…. to noise can cause headaches, earaches and may lead to serious
(healthy)…………. problems.


1. Provide the right function:

• Smoking might=could=may lead to lung cancer ……..………..
• We should= had better=ought to organize campaigns against pollution ……………….
• Offenders have to=must be punished through fines or jail ………………

2. Circle the right alternative or supply the right form:

Acid air ( leads / results/ causes) acid rain (who/ which/why) destroys the soil and kills trees. (That’s
why/ Besides/However) we should help (environment)…………………. groups fight against (
pollute)………… . We should also organize( many)……………. campaigns ( for/ to/ by ) make people
aware of the things that might ( danger)………… their (live)………… .

3. Give examples of Compound Nouns:

a- Noun + Noun : …………………… b- Noun + er noun : ……………………
c- Noun + Gerund : …………………… d- Gerund + Noun : ……………………

4. Fill in the gaps with : so, therefore, that’s why, because, as a result, because of :
- Factories dump industrial waste in the rivers and lakes ………. water is contaminated.
- The air is polluted …………….. means of transport release smoke into the air.
- Landfills are filled with waste …………….the big amount of litter we discharge.
- Farmers use pesticides ……………….. the food we eat is unhealthy.
- Rainforests are being destroyed for wood and land …………….. many animal and plant species
are becoming extinct.
- He started smoking when he was very young ………………. he developed lung cancer.
5. Word formation: Supply the right missing form of the words in the table below:
Contaminate ………………………………… ………………………………….
……………………………….. Environment ………………………………….
Organize ………………………………. ………………………………….
……………………………….. Health ………………………………….
……………………………….. …………………………………. Aware
Destroy …………………………………. ………………………………….
Industry ………………………………….
Develop …………………………………. ………………………………….
Release …………………………………. ………………………………….
Pollution ………………………………….
Litter …………………………………. ………………………………….
Use …………………………………. ………………………………….
Ban …………………………………. ………………………………….
Develop …………………………………. ………………………………….
………………………………….. Extinction ………………………………….
Smoke …………………………………. ………………………………….
Dump …………………………………. ………………………………….
Lose …………………………………. ………………………………….
Expose …………………………………. ………………………………….

Module 3: Grandma’s corner: The ant and the grasshopper

 Read the text then complete the table:

Characters Time Place

 Match the words with their prepositions, then with the right meaning
Words prepositions meaning
1-scurrying -to a-not to remember
2-to see -after b-become aware of s.b or by using the eyes
3-hurry -about c-move quickly
4-call -back and forth d-disappear gradually
5-forget -by e-become more cheerful
6-hop -away f-say loudly to attract someone’s attention
7-fade -into g-move away by jumping on one foot or two
8-perking -up h-run with short quick steps
Answers: 1+…../ 2+…../ 3+…../ 4+…../5+……/6+……/7+……/8+……..
 Reorder the following statements to get a coherent summary of the first part:
a. However, the grasshopper was lazy.
b. while the ant would collect grains
c. Worst of all, the grasshopper always
d. The ant was hard-working and laborious.
e. and store them in her larder.
f. In fact, he spent all day long singing,
g. mocked the ant and made fun of her.

 Match sentence parts in A with those in B to get a summary of the second part:
a- When winter came 1-door searching for warmth and a meal.
b- the grasshopper felt really cold and hungry 2-lazy during summer, and shut the door at his
c- That’s why he knocked the ant’s face.
d- However, the ant scolded the grasshopper 3-and it became freezing cold,
for being 4-as he had neither shelter nor food.

Answers: a+……../b+………../c+………../d+…………

1. Complete the unfinished words to make the paragraph below coherent:

Towns and big cities are pro………….. with many ser…………. that facilitate the citizens’ life . As in every
city we can find hospitals, hotels, post offices, transport, internet etc… Each of these offer certain types of
services to cus………… . So, in a hospital, med……….. care, ther…………and free medi…………. are
available. As for hotels, they offer acc……………. to tourists and businessmen who seek com…………. and
lux…………. . If you need a stamp or want to se……… a fax or a telegram you just go to the post office.
Concerning travel, there are several means of transport at the service of clients such as tra……….,
pla………., und………….., met……….., bus……….. and coa………….. . On these means of transport , you
can choose cla………. and sea……… On a plane, a pas………….. can have an ais……… or a
win………... seat.

2. Put the bracketed words in the right tense and/or form:

Internet is one of the services that is used by the young as well as the adults. People surf the net to search
for( inform)……...... and (know) ……………. . They also use the net to (chatting)……. with friends, e-mail
them, exchange files and (shopping)….…….. . However, while shopping on the net, customers must
(beware)…….. of hackers. Thus, internet shopping is not as (safety)…….…. as shopping from shops, over
the phone or by mail.
Moreover, children and young people must be under the control and( supervise)..……...... of their parents
when using the net as they can come across different forms of (violent) ………….. and poisonous
(believe).………… and opinions. This happens because we can never control information on the net and
everybody can have access to all sorts of sites.

3. Unscramble the bracketed words to get a coherent paragraph:

Tourism is certainly one of the fields that offer a lot to people who want to(ntenretia) …………….
themselves and forget everyday stress. In Tunisia, for instance, tourism has made a lot of
(rspgerso)…………… . Many hotels offer comfort and luxury to tourists who now come from all over the
(orwld).……… to do some (sgtih)……………seeing and visit its historical (tnomumsne)…………….. and
places of interest such as museums and ruins.

4. Fill in the blanks with words in the list:

If you’re traveling by plane, you have to ….………. in one hour before the plane takes off. You must also go
……….. customs. When you get on the plane, give your ………… card to the flight steward . But if you want
to travel by train, you should go to the ………. station before the train arrives at platform.
When you feel hungry you can go to the …………. or restaurant car which is ………….. on the train as it
travels long distances . The ….…… will of course be a bit higher. Some people prefer to travel by car for
they find it more ……………. than other means of transport. If they don’t have one, they …….……=rent a
car for a period of time. They have to fill it with petrol= ……….. .
5. Supply the equivalents of the bracketed words:
Nowadays, people use different new ways to (contact)……….….. with one another. They prefer the
(quickest).………. but also the cheapest ways. Most people do possess a mobile phone but many others
(utilize)………… the internet to (phone)…...…… their fiends and chat with them through the net because
it’s (very)…………. cheaper.

6. Give the right form of the bracketed words:

Most people find that computers enable them to do their work with greater efficiency. For a few, the
(attract)…………of computers lies in the numerous (possible).……….… they offer. Criminals may use
computers to transfer money (illegal).………… . Amateur computer experts may get excited by obtaining
secret (inform)…..……… .Total computer (secure)………….. is possible but such a system would be
(expense)…………….to build.


1. Put the bracketed words in the right tense and/or form:

a. Would you mind (to help) ……………. me carry this bag, please?
b. Could you (to turn) …………….. on the lights, it’s getting dark in here.
c. When shopping on the net mind (to hack) ……………, they can set you up.
d. Look out! Internet (to shop) ………….. is unsafe.
e. So far, Tunisia (to achieve) …………….. a lot in the field of tourism.
f. The Palestinian governments (to start / already) …………….. rebuilding Gaza.
g. I (not/ to finish) …………….. reading the book yet.
h. (You/ever/to be)…………………to Paris?
i. If you take exercises regularly, you (to get)………….. fitter and fitter.
j. There will be less air pollution if governors (to put) … more money into transport.
k. People carry on= keep on= continue (to cause) …………..damage to the earth despite the dangers
they’re facing.
l. Before (to watch) …………… T.V, you should do your homework.
m. Stop (to make) …………….. noise, you’ll wake the baby.
n. You can’t leave the restaurant without ( to pay ) ………….. .
o. We use the air-(condition) …………….. in summer to freshen up.
p. The (fry)…………..-pan is used to get delicious fried potatoes.

2. Circle the right alternative:

In 1874, The Universal Postal Union (UPU) (is/ was/has been) started with offices in Bern, Switzerland.
Since that time, in peace and war, the UPU (was/is/has been) one of the most
(success/succeeded/successful) attempts to organize a world service.
Today, 100 nations (use/uses/used) this mail system. The UPU has (become/became/becomes) one of the
specialized agencies of the United Nations. Every day millions and millions of letters go (at/to/with) all parts
of the world.
Module 4 Grandma’s Corner: Fire! Fire!

 Complete the following table with information from the text:

Hazard Actions done to stop it Consequence
………………… ……………………… ……………………

 Answer the questions below:

a. In which part of the house did the fire start?
b. Where was he house owner when his house caught fire?
c. Was the neighbour able to put out the fire?

 Choose the right alternative:

• The narrator was - silly
- courageous
- coward
• The narrator succeeded in: - saving the pets
- putting out the fire
- saving his neighbour
• The neighbour was sad because: - his pets were injured
- his whole house was damaged
- his kitchen was a wreck
• The neighbour was rewarded for his bravery by: - money
- a medal
- flowers

 Match each word with its explanation:

1. glow ( ) cause to stop burning
2. nick of time ( ) based on instinct not on reasoning
3. rescued ( ) send out light and heat without flame
4. banged ( ) save or bring away from danger
5. wreck ( ) strike deliberately and violently
6. reward ( ) just in time/in the last moment
7. restored ( ) a recompense for good work
8. put out ( ) bring back to a former condition
9. investigate ( ) badly damaged, destroyed or ruined
10. instinctively ( ) to examine or inquire carefully to obtain the truth
1. Complete the unfinished words:
In their fr……..= le…………= sp……….. time, people do a lot of activities in an effort to forget everyday
routine and stress. Some do outd………….. activities such as fishing or canoeing. Others, however, do
some ind………….. activities, so they watch T.V or listen to music.
Nowadays, young people’s activities are tightly related to dis……..-based technology. So, they either surf
the n……… to chat with friends and to play games or watch DVDs and listen to the latest CDs. They are no
longer interested in books because e-books have ta……… over. They also prefer to go to a wa...…-in-
cinema with big scr..……... and giant Do………… system.

2. Fill in the blanks with words in the list:

then/cost/rather/ savoury/quick/ luxury/expensive/burger/full
Eating out ranges among the favourite pastimes for people in big cities. People like to
have a …..……. meal in a …..……… restaurant now and …………., even though it’ll ………… them a
small fortune. When they have children, they’d ………......... go to a fast food restaurant where they can get
a ………… meal there, for example …………. and chips.

3. Use each of these words where needed: steak/omelette/potatoes/ gateau/soup/salad

• You can have tomato/vegetable/chicken …………... to start.
• Would you like a cheese/ham/plain …………… ?
• I’ll have the chicken/ham/fruit ………………. .
• I’d like some roast/mashed/new ……………… .
• Can I have the chocolate/strawberry/apricot ………….., please?
• Do you like your ……………..well-done/medium/rare?

4. Circle the right alternative:

Waiter : Are you ready to (ask/order/demand)?
Customer: Yes,( looking at the (food/book/menu)) I’d like tomato (soup/soap/pie) and steak, please.
Waiter : How would you like your steak- rare, medium, or well-(do/done/did)?
Customer : Well-done, please.
Waiter : What about (fruit/coffee/dessert)?
Customer : I’d have a fruit salad.
5. Unscramble the words between brackets:
Before going out, young people (akme)….…… up their minds about where to go to have good fun. Most
young people would (atrhre).……….. go to the fun (aifr)……….. than to any other place because there they
can go on all the (idesr)…..….., play games, enjoy carousels and eat ice-cream with different
(aflvrsou)…..…….. .

6. Circle the right alternative:

Jane : I saw a (terrible/terrific/terrifying) film at the weekend.
Bryn : What was it ?
Jane : Titanic, it’s an Oscar-(win/won/winning) film.
Lucy : Oh, yes it’s got great special (effects/impacts/influences): very sad though. I love
(romance/romantic/romanticism) films.
Calvin : I prefer science fiction films.
Jane : Although I really enjoyed Titanic, my favourite (type/category/class) of films are horror and thrillers.
Bryn : I love war films. I like (studying/learning/talking) about history.

7. Complete the unfinished words:

I personally find that eating healthy is vital. That’s why I never eat ju……. food because it is neither fresh
nor healthy. I don’t eat meat, either. In fact, I’m a veg………..
I am a tomato add…………. : I have a dozen a day. I drink tea but not cof………… . I occasionally have a
di………. coke. I don’t want to get fat so I try to avoid su……….. foods.
Kids nowadays are so fond of cartoon / movies that they have their own heroes whose pos………… and
photos are there on their room wa……… and school things. On a school bus, what you overhear is a
conversation among schoolchildren about last night’s film hero. So you hear names like Spid………..,
Bat………., Indiana J……….., Han………. Montana, Shr………, Harry Pot…….. and the list is endless.
They make sure they buy the lat..……… DVDs. They also surf the net to get some news about them and
find out about their new movies.

8. Choose the correct alternative:

Most young people are(like/mad/fan) about music and the world of music. So it’s not surprising that each
(adult/child/teenager) has his own rock, pop, hip hop, or country music star. Like all
(fans/lovers/spectators), they want to know everything about their (prefer/like/favourite)star. That’s why they
follow his news on the net or in stars (books/newspapers/magazines). For these youngsters, they have the
(reason/right/rule) to know every single thing about their star.


1. Put the words in the right form and circle the right alternative:
He was the father of Rock’ n Roll. He started it with a (sing)…..….. called “Heartbreak Hotel”. Rock’ n Roll
was a new kind of music (now/then/later), but (why/when/where) did it come from? It (to
come)..................from the blues and jazz. Elvis Presley is still (fame)…….…….. today. But Rock’ n Roll (to
change) .……..…….a lot since he made his (one)………… song. After that many groups played
(difference)……….……. kinds of Rock music. The most famous ones are the Rolling
Stones(which/where/who) started as a Rock’ n Roll group and the Pink Floyd who used light pictures and
sound (either/too/neither).
2. Write the appropriate function:
Certainty / Satisfaction / Interest / Suggestion / Regret / Indifference / Surprise / Uncertainty
a. That’s exactly what I was looking for. : ………………
b. He’s so lazy. There’s no doubt he’ll fail the exam. ….……………
c. Why don’t we go to the fun fair this weekend? : ………………….
d. I regret being inattentive when I was at school. : .………………..
e. Maybe she won’t come because of the awful weather. : ……………… .
f. How great that person was! : …………….
g. This dictionary is just what I need ! ……………….
h. She doesn’t mind telling journalists about her private life: ………………
i. How about going camping for holidays? : ………………..
j. I’m so sorry that I couldn’t come to your party : ……………..
k. I’m sure that he’ll be comprehensive. : ………………
l. I’d like to know more about this type of music : ………………..
m. It sounds interesting to watch that film. : ………………..

3. Put the bracketed words in the right tense and /or form:
Singer Sade has (to sell)…………….. more records than the Spice Girls but don’t ( to expect) …………….
to see her talking about it on television. The singer who ( to become) ……………. famous in 1984, with “
Your Love Is King” ,( to avoid) …………….publicity and says she never wanted to be (fame) …………… . “I
don’t want to be known. I really don’t. I don’t believe people should (to know)…………….every single detail
of your life.”
Yet, her 2001 album “ Lovers Rock ” ( to go ) ……………..Platinum in this country and reached number 1 in
the American charts and she earned ( to nominate)………….. at different awards. This is not bad for
someone who ( never/to want)………………… fame and fortune.
Born Helen Folesade Adu in Nigeria, (she)…………parents separated when she ( to be)…………four, and
she moved to England with her mother,( to settle ) …………… in Colchester, Essex. At first, she studied (
fashionable) .…………… at a London College. However, music remained her first love and she ( to sing)
……………. with different groups before( to start ) …………….. a solo career.
By the late 80’s, life in the public eye was too much for Sade and she quit recording, (to seek)
……………refuge in Madrid and Jamaica. “ The ( to affect) …………. Of ( famous) …………… on me was
so bad that I ( can’t) …………… make another record, ” she explained.
Although Sade returned in 1992with hits like “ No Ordinary Love” , she still( to prefer) ………….to avoid
publicity. She now lives with her teenage daughter Lila in London.
Module 5 Grandma’s Corner :Who did Patrick’s Homework?
 Answer the questions below:
a. What did Patrick do instead of doing his homework?
b. What was the cat actually playing with?
c. On what condition did Patrick save the elf?
d. Did the elf do all the homework for Patrick? Justify.

 Say if these statements are TRUE or FALSE :

a. Patrick always did his homework. ………….
b. Patrick thought he was very lucky. ………….
c. The elf accepted to do Patrick’s homework with pleasure. ………….
d. It was really hard for the elf to do the homework. ………….
e. At the end, Patrick got bad marks. ………….

 Match the following words with their explanations :

grant –tiny –elf –squeak – grimace – nag – weary –drag -bleary- grab
a. ………………………..= grasp suddenly
b. ………………………..= agree to give or allow
c. ………………………..= very small, not strong or solid
d. ………………………. = dull and boring
e. ………………………..= type of small fairy mischievous little creature
f. ………………………..= scold or criticize continuously
g. ………………………..= very tired after an effort
h. ………………………..= (of eyes) red-rimmed eyes due to lack of sleep or tiredness.
i. ………………………..= a twisting of the face.
j. ………………………..= a shrill cry or sound

 Complete the unfinished words to get a summary of our story :

The elf was rel…………….to do the work for Patrick. That’s why, he often asked him for he………..
Therefore, Patrick had to provide help in wh…………..way . In fact, he did all the work hi……… . As a
result, he felt so we……….. . Eventually, he obtained very good gr……….. . Best of all, he became not only
a good pupil but also a mo…..………. kid .

1. Give the right form of the bracketed words and circle the right alternative:
This might be the age of high technology in many western countries, but for the majority of the world’s
children, everyday life is still a (quarrel/fight/debate) just to (survival)..……….. . In Africa and Asia, 10% of
babies die before they are one year old. Average life (expect)…………. is about 46.One in four Third World
children can expect to (sick/recover/suffer) malnutrition. In (develop)…………… countries, nearly three
quarters of the people don’t have (access/enough/a lot)to safe water, yet 80% of the world’s
(problem/disease/disability)is caused by dirty water. Action Aid has started (develop) …………….programs
in eight of the (poor)………….. countries in the world. (Sponsor)……….……… is a personal relationship
with one child in (poor/hunger/need). The first aim is to provide a basic (educate)………….. and, where
needed, food, clothes, and (medicine)….…………. care. Over the years, more than a million children have
been (help)….…….…, but we need your help to (stop/begin/continue).You can give a child a chance. Just
contact a branch of Action Aid.

2. Put the bracketed words in the right form:

Mencap is the Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults. Mental handicap is not an
(ill)…..……; it cannot be (cure)……… medical means, it is a life-long (disable)..……….. .Our aims are
to (education)…………. the general public and to provide the (care)…………... that the (mental) ….………..
handicapped need. Our (ignore)…………… and fear can mean that we treat these people in a way which is
(hurt)……………and (discourage)…………… to them.

3. Fill in the blanks with words in the list below:

Refugees/urgently/ immigrate/rained/famine/crops/ torn/desperate/catastrophic
Droughts and ….……… have come to Africa again this year, just as they have every year for the past ten
years. In some parts of Africa it hasn’t ….……… for three years. There have been no …….…..., and the
animals on which many people depend died long ago. …………… are pouring from the countryside into
the towns in their ……..…….. search for food, and it has been estimated that over 1,000 people are dying
every year. This situation is …………….. . We need to get food, medical supplies, blankets, tents, clothes,
doctors and nurses to the area …..……… .

4. Unscramble the words in brackets:

Living in a developed country, you sometimes forget that there are people a lot worse off than you.
Especially some of those (orpo)..……. kids in the (irdht)……….. World. Just surviving each day is a
(amcirle)…………., with all that hunger and disease .It’s not right – what kind of (cdhohildo)…………. is
that? That’s why since 1938we’ve been making sure kids get good food and (crae)……….., an education,
or whatever they need most, so they can make something of themselves when they (orwg)….……. up.
There are many kids that need (ehpl)….…….. . If you can spare some money a month you can
(ndle)……….. a hand, or perhaps you could club together with some friends. Because that’s what costs to
(psnoros)….…….. a child. So you can really get involved in their welfare. It’s great knowing you’re doing
something worthwhile for just some pennies a day. With you as a (nimred)….………. there will be one less
needy kid in the world.

1. Put the words between brackets in the right tense and/or form and choose the right
This Honduran girl ( just / to survive ) …………………the ( large/ larger/ largest) ( nature) …………….
disaster to hit central America this century. A mudslide ( to wipe) …………… out her home in the
Tegucigalpa hills. In a state of ( shock) …………. She clings to her pet dog. She ( in despair/ desperate/
desperately) clings to the hope that someone ( anywhere/ nowhere/ somewhere ) will ( to help) …………….

2. Supply the correct tense and/or form of the bracketed words:

Every child ( to have ) …………the right to a name and ( nation) ……………… from ( born) …………….,
and to ( free) ……………..of ( think) ……………, conscience and religion. Furthermore, no child shall be
subjected to torture, or other ( cruelty)…………….. inhuman or degrading ( treat ) ……………. or ( punish)
……………. .Children also have the right to be protected from (exploit)…………… .
In 1999, the six-billionth person ( to enter) ……………our world. That child could become a ( succeed)
……………..entrepreneur, a brilliant scientist, a great humanitarian. Or like some 40 million children (birth)
……………each year, that infant could become an anonymous person. Because, according to UNICEF,
one third of the world’s 120 million annual ( born) ………….. go unregistered. Creating a huge but (silence)
……………. group of children denied the right to a name, a nationality and
( many) ……..…. .

3. Circle the right alternative:

When an ( child / infant / baby) is born, he doesn’t have the right to choose his parents. (Unfortunately/
Also/ Luckily ) some children are born to educated, healthy ( thriving/ needy / poor) parents who have no
difficulty ( take / to take / taking)care of them.( Otherwise/ Besides/ Although) a child may come into being
in a family with ( variety/ varied/ various) financial and social problems. That child may have ( fight/to fight/
fighting) against terrible odds to even ( stay/ live/ survive). This, unfortunately, is the case for a ( many/
majority/ most) of new-borns worldwide.

4. What do these statements express?

• The UNICEF can protect children’s rights. ……………………….
• What can I do for you to make you feel less sad? ……………………….
• She is able to solve this problem by herself. ……………………….
• I believe that the needy deserve our help. ………………………..
• In my opinion, we must put an end to wars. ………………………..
• The elderly are unable to look after themselves. ………………………..
• I hope that one day the whole world will live in peace. ……………………….
• Kids of the third world countries can’t survive because of the famine. …………..……………

5. Give the right form and circle the correct option:

Milton Petrie is the most( generosity)…………… man in the world. Every morning, billionaire Milton Petrie
walked from his New York apartment and (buys/bought/ has bought) a newspaper from the (rag) ……….
old man on the (street corner/ corner’s street/ corner street). One morning the man wasn’t there. Petrie
learned that he was very ill in the city hospital. Immediately he paid (he) ……… hospital bill and later, when
the man died, paid ( of / by/ for) his funeral.
Module 6 Grandma’s Corner : A Terrifying Experience

 Circle the right alternative:

 The story is about: a- A spoiled boy
b- A disobedient boy
c- A moody boy
 The narrator lived: a- An imaginary experience
b- An authentic experience
c- A funny experience
 The narrator’s tone is: a- Regretful
b- Cheerful
c- Funny
 Answer the questions below:
a. Did the boy ask for permission to go to the beach? Justify .
b. Why did the boy decide to get the ball for his friends?
c. Did he manage to get the ball?
d. What lesson was this boy taught on that day?
e. What was the parents’ reaction to their son’s mischief?
 Tick ( V ) the right alternative :
a. “to show off my swimming skills” : a- Swim in a quick way
b- Become good at swimming
c- Be proud of and show how well I could swim

b. “I breathed a sigh of relief”: a- I breathed fresh air

b- I breathed without worry
c- I breathed with difficulty
 Find equivalents to the following words:

a. Walk without much care or thought = ( parag 2 ) …………………..

b. Make a great effort = ( parag 6 ) ……………………
c. Unchanging / constant = ( parag 5 ) …………………
d. Very tired = ( parag 7 ) ……………….
e. Not to care = ( parag 7 ) ………………………
f. To lose consciousness = ( parag 7 ) ……………………
g. To draw people’s attention to or s.b = ( parag 9 ) ……………………

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