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Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

Identi®cation of gunshot residue: a critical review

Francesco Saverio Romoloa,*, Pierre Margotb
Head, Gunshot Residue Analysis Laboratory, Direzione Centrale Polizia Criminale, Servizio Polizia Scienti®ca,
Viale dell'Aeronautica 7, 00144 Rome, Italy
Director, Institut de Police Scienti®que et de Criminologie, University of Lausanne,
BCH-UNIL, 1015 Lausanne-Dorigny, Switzerland
Received 9 May 2000; received in revised form 7 November 2000; accepted 7 November 2000


A review of the scienti®c papers published on inorganic gunshot residue (GSR) analysis permits to study how the particle
analysis has shown its capability in detection and identi®cation of gunshot residue. The scanning electron microscope can be
the most powerful tool for forensic scientists to determine the proximity to a discharging ®rearm and/or the contact with a
surface exposed to GSR. Particle analysis can identify individual gunshot residue particles through both morphological and
elemental characteristics. When particles are detected on the collected sample, the analytical results can be interpreted
following rules of a formal general interpretative system, to determine whether they come from the explosion of a primer or
from other possible sources. The particles on the sample are compared with an abstract idea of ``unique'' GSR particle
produced by the sole source of the explosion of a primer. ``Uniqueness'' is not the only problem related to GSR detection and
identi®cation for a forensic scientist. With ``not-unique'' particles interpretation of results is extremely important. The
evidential strength of ``not-unique'' particles can increase with a more fruitful interpretative framework based on Bayes rule.
For the assessment of the value of a GSR in linking a suspect and a crime, it is important to compare two hypothesis: the ®rst
can be that of the evidence if the suspect has been shooting in a speci®c situation, the second that of the evidence if the suspect
was not involved in this shooting. This case speci®c or case-by-case approach is closer to what the court is interested in. The
authors consider that a ``case-by-case'' approach should be followed whenever possible. Research of models and data such as
those developed in other trace evidence material (®bres, glass, etc.) using a Bayesian approach is suggested in the
interpretation of GSR. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Gunshot residue; Firearms chemistry; Interpretation; Bayes rule

1. Introduction used, like cartridge discharge residue (CDR) [4] or ®rearm

discharge residue (FDR) [5].
In situations involving actual or suspected use of ®rearms, Detection and identi®cation of GSR are commonly per-
detection and identi®cation of residual materials from ®re- formed with the aim of determining whether or not a suspect
arms discharge may provide valuable investigative informa- ®red a gun, to determine a bullet entrance hole or to estimate
tion. These residues are principally composed of burnt and a ®ring distance [6,7]. Little success has been achieved in
unburnt particles from the propulsive charge, as well as using GSR to provide investigative leads other than those
components from the primer, the bullet, the cartridge case described [8].
[1±3] and the ®rearm itself, and they are generally called The present methods of analysis make use of SEM/EDX
gunshot residue (GSR). Gunshot residue is not the only and are considered ``very speci®c''. Organic GSR identi®ca-
de®nition used. There are articles where other de®nitions are tion and characterisation methods were extensively
reviewed by Meng and Caddy but are used only in a limited
number of laboratories [8].
Corresponding author. A review of the scienti®c papers published on inorganic
E-mail address: (F. Saverio Romolo). GSR analysis permits the study of several aspects of

0379-0738/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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196 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

detection and identi®cation of gunshot residue. The differ- The great advantage of this test over the dermal nitrate
ences in fundamental de®nitions used in the interpretation of test was the low incidence of false positives. In the following
results reveal that the meaning of ``very speci®c'' is rather years forensic scientists interested in GSR analysis looked
vague and follows more from the personal skill of the experts for more sensitive techniques in detecting these three
than from standardised procedures. Particles with the same elements.
composition were de®ned ``characteristic'' or ``consistent'' In 1962, Ruch et al. presented the use of neutron activa-
by Wolten et al. [9] and ``unique'' or ``indicative'' by tion analysis (NAA) for the identi®cation of antimony and
Wallace and McQuillan [4]. The ASTM standard guide barium in GSR at the meeting of the California Association
for GSR analysis is not a strictly standardised procedure of Criminalists. This research was published in 1964 [18].
and the de®nition and the classi®cation do not give an in NAA was used for the ®rst time in court in Canada in 1958 as
depth view of the problem [10]. supporting evidence [19]. At that time it was the most
The lack of precise interpretative framework gives the sensitive means of analysing for a majority of the elements
meaning of such conclusive statements as ``very speci®c'', in the periodic system. One of the most interesting cases of
``unique'', ``characteristic'' an undeserved impression of analysis using NAA was the determination of arsenic in
precision which is often subject to discussion in disputed Napoleon's hair [20].
cases. It is our aim to analyse the meaning of such conclusive Ruch et al. used a 1% HNO3-®lter paper removal tech-
statements in GSR detection and identi®cation. We will nique and analysed 130 samples to determine the control
consider a formal general interpretative view and a case levels of Ba and Sb on hands [18]. They found only 0.05±
speci®c or case-by-case approach. 0.10 mg of Ba and 0.01±0.03 mg of Sb in most cases of
A critical review of methods is necessary to get a deep controls (blank levels). Sampling hands for GSR after dis-
understanding of conclusive statements. charging a handgun resulted in values as high as 4 mg of Ba
and 1 mg of Sb, respectively. This technique was not applic-
able to lead and analysis had to be conducted by trained
2. A survey of methods for inorganic GSR analysis personnel using a nuclear reactor as the neutron source.
Despite these limitations, NAA has been extensively used to
2.1. Colour tests and bulk analysis detect gunshot residues [21±26] and to solve different
problems in forensic science like shooting distance deter-
In 1933, Teodoro Gonzalez of the Mexico City Police mination [27,28] or bullet identi®cation [29,30].
Laboratory introduced the dermal nitrate or paraf®n test. In 1971, a method was reported for the analysis of GSR
This involved the taking of a cast of the back of the suspect's using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) [31]. Conven-
hand using hot paraf®n wax. When cooled and set, the wax tional ¯ame AAS had suf®cient sensitivity for detection of
was peeled off along with embedded GSR particles. The cast the levels of lead encountered in hand samples (1.3±7.6 mg
was then sprayed with a 0.25% solution of N,N0 -diphenyl- non-®ring hand, 5.2±30.0 mg ®ring hand) but it was inade-
benzidine in concentrated sulphuric acid. The reagent, like quate for barium and antimony [32]. Development of elec-
diphenylamine used later, gave a deep blue coloration with trothermal atomisers (carbon rod, tantalum strip and
nitro-compounds from the partially burnt and unburnt pro- graphite tube furnaces type) has made ¯ameless AAS more
pellant particles [11,12]. attractive for forensic laboratories [33]. GSR could be
Whilst the test gave good information regarding the collected using swabs moistened with diluted acid, washing
distribution of these particles, the test itself was only indi- the hands with diluted acid or lifting the particles with an
cative for nitrates. Oxidisers causing a positive reaction are adhesive surface [34,35]. The last sampling procedure is
found in fertilisers, pharmaceuticals, ®ngernail polish, urine called ``tape lifting''.
and on hands of people after striking a match [13±15]. The Jones and Nesbitt in 1975 [36] and 2 years later, Nesbitt
Griess reagent was found later to be a little more selective et al. [37] introduced a photoluminescence technique for
[16]. GSR analysis. The sample put in liquid nitrogen was excited
In 1959, Harrison and Gillroy developed a test for the with a quartz-xenon arc lamp to detect the emission of Pb
identi®cation of lead, barium and antimony from lead (385 nm) and Sb (660 nm). In the ®rst article, a wash
styphnate, barium nitrate and antimony sulphide used in procedure for the collection of GSR was presented but in
the manufacture of primers. Swabs moistened with dilute the second paper a tape-lift method, used in 168 test ®rings,
hydrochloric acid were used to collect GSR on hands [17]. was found to be superior. Handblank samples were taken
The swabs were dried and treated with triphenylmethylar- from 45 different people including auto mechanics, painters
sonium iodide, then, after drying again, a solution of sodium and workers in other ®elds, while at work. Considerably
rhodizonate was added. The ®rst reagent produced orange more residues were found indoors than outdoors. Sb was
spots if antimony was present. The second one gave a red detected in samples obtained from ®rings of antimony-free
coloration with lead or barium and after addition of dilute ammunition (which do not contain Sb in the primer). A study
hydrochloric acid, the spots turned purple due to the pre- was made of the persistence of GSR on hands, showing a
sence of lead. drop of about an order of magnitude after 1 h. It was shown
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211 197

that GSR could be transferred from hand to hand and from ®bres. Barium is found in paint, in automobile grease and
hand to clothing, especially into trouser pockets. Similar barium sulphate from paper is probably the dominant source
results were obtained in 1975 by Kilty determining anti- of environmental barium on hands [50,51]. Havekost et al.
mony and barium concentrations by NAA [24]. studied barium and antimony distribution on the hands of
In 1977, Krishnan reported the results of the development 269 non-shooters and found that activities such as working
effort of nearly 8 years and of more than 1500 test shots, in as an auto mechanic, electrician or construction worker had
which 57 weapons were used [38]. The analytical procedure a tendency to result in higher levels of Ba and Sb on the
involved washing the hands with 50 ml, 5% nitric acid and hands [52]. Brandone et al. tested the introduction of
freeze-drying. A part of the solution was analysed by NAA samarium oxide to label gunpowder, resulting in a speci®c
and the other by AAS. In actual cases Pb, Sb and Ba levels way of detecting gunshot residues by NAA [53].
were above the amounts found in tests and well above A scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with a
handblanks. The persistence was up to 24 h in actual cases X-ray detector is capable of analysing X-ray spectra in
and 2 h in tests. The ratio of ®ring to non-®ring and back to sample volumes of a few cubic microns. A X-ray spectro-
palm was studied and found to be unpredictable. Positive meter can separate X-ray emission, according to the wave-
results could be caused by handling a weapon, a spent length, by diffraction from a crystal (wavelength dispersion
cartridge case or a target containing the bullet hole. or WDX) or by use of energy-dispersion characteristic of a
Numerous other different techniques have been studied solid-state detector (EDX). In a lithium-drifted silicon solid-
for GSR analysis. Anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV) state detector, the output signal is proportional to X-ray
could be conducted with relatively inexpensive equipment photon energy [54].
but could not determine barium [39±41]. Differential pulse Probably the earliest researches into the use of the SEM/
anodic stripping voltammetry (DPASV) allowed faster and EDX for GSR analysis were carried out in the Metropolitan
more sensitive simultaneous detection of lead and antimony Police Forensic Laboratory, New Scotland Yard, England
[42]. Proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) offered good around 1968 [15].
sensitivity but suffered from a number of limitations for Basically, the SEM is a microscope which uses a beam of
routine applications [43]. Inductively coupled plasma electrons rather than visible light to visualise the object.
atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP/AES) was found more SEM has a depth of ®eld over 200 times greater than an
sensitive than AAS only for Ba [44]. X-ray micro¯uores- optical microscope, an extremely high resolution and a
cence permitted the analysis of GSR on human tissues and magni®cation capability in excess of 100 000. In addition,
clothing, con®rming the possibility of an entry hole and on striking the sample, the electrons give up some of their
giving information on ®ring distance [45]. The use of energy to the elements present and this energy can be re-
inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry in analysis emitted as X-rays, the wavelength of which is particular to
of gunshot primer residue was reported in 1998 [46]. A the elements. A SEM, equipped with a X-ray analyser is a
simple histochemical technique for identi®cation of GSR powerful tool, providing morphological and analytical infor-
using alizarin red S (ARS) was studied as well [47]. mation for single particles in a non-destructive way and
In 1996, Singer et al. presented a survey sent to 80 allowing the ``maximum speci®city'' in GSR detection. No
forensic laboratories in 44 States of the USA and two bulk analysis technique can reach such a high selectivity.
Canadian Provinces concerning methodology in analysing In 1971, Boehm presented micrographs of GSR particles
GSR and interpreting the results [48]. The results were during the workshop on forensic applications of the scanning
compared to a previous survey reported in 1990 by De electron microscope following the 4th Annual Scanning
Gaetano and Siegel [49]. The majority (44%) utilised only Electron Microscopy Symposium [55]. He studied gunshot
AAS, a slight decrease ( 4%) over the value reported in wounds and found particles of ``gun smoke deposits'' around
1990. Only 2% used NAA and no laboratories used ICP. In bullet entrance holes. The elements present in such deposits
1990, the NAA users were 1.6% and ICP users were 4%. were mainly lead, antimony and barium. Both morphology
(see Fig. 1) and analysis (see Fig. 2) of these particles were
2.2. Particle analysis of GSR important for their identi®cation.
Because of these encouraging results and the interest
The methods based on bulk analysis techniques lack the generated, a symposium on particulate GSR was held at
speci®city required for GSR detection in forensic science. The Aerospace Corporation in 1975. Attending were 19
The results only show that the three elements (Pb, Sb and individuals associated with crime laboratories who had an
Ba) are present on a surface, but they could be picked up interest in the subject. One of them, Matricardi, came from
separately from the environment. Particles containing lead the FBI Laboratory in Washington, where the method used
and bromine are found in the emissions from the combustion to determine if a person had been exposed to the discharge of
of leaded petrol. Lead is found in plumbing materials, in a ®rearm consisted in swabbing each hand and determining
battery plates, in type metal, in solder, in glass and in paint. the amount of Sb and Ba using NAA [24]. The decision had
Antimony is found in several alloys, often with lead, and its already been made that an in-house evaluation and a corre-
oxide is used as a ®re retarding in cotton and polyester blend lation between the analytical results obtained by SEM and
198 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

Fig. 1. SE/SEM image of a particle found in a sample from the barrel of a pistol Pietro Beretta cal. 7.65 mm, after shooting a Giulio Fiocchi
Lecco cartridge 7.65 Browning with jacketed bullet.

the quantitative results obtained by NAA should be under- described in 1976 by Nesbitt et al. [56]. They showed that
taken in the FBI Laboratory. After the meeting of The using back-scattered electron (BSE) image approach, the
Aerospace Corporation, where the status of the research particles were easier to be detected than with normal sec-
and the prevalent experimental methods had been presented, ondary imaging (see Figs. 3 and 4). In some cases GSR
this work started. identi®cation with energy dispersive detectors (EDX) could
In 1976, Nesbitt et al. Presented a ®rst paper about be dif®cult. Calcium peaks overlapped antimony peaks and
detection of GSR using scanning electron microscope similar overlaps occurred for titanium and barium. For Sb,
[56]. They conducted test ®rings in The Aerospace Corpora- the problem was more serious because of its poor detection
tion with seven different guns. GSR were collected with a limit in lead, due to high X-ray absorption of lead. A
SEM specimen stub covered with a layer of adhesive (tape wavelength dispersive analyser (WDX) showed a higher
lifting). In 1977, Matricardi and Kilty produced an extensive resolution but it was slower than EDX and its use was limited
paper with the ®rst results of the research in FBI Laboratory to eliminate ambiguity in single particle identi®cation after
[57]. GSR were collected in a way similar to the one EDX analysis of the sample. A lack of reproducibility of

Fig. 2. EDX spectrum of a particle found in a sample from the barrel of a pistol Pietro Beretta cal. 7.65 mm, after shooting a Giulio Fiocchi
Lecco cartridge 7.65 Browning with jacketed bullet.
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211 199

Fig. 3. SE/SEM image of a group of particles found in a sample from the barrel of a pistol Pietro Beretta cal. 7.65 mm, after shooting a Giulio
Fiocchi Lecco cartridge 7.65 Browning with jacketed bullet.

particle counts was found from shot to shot. The deposition of the particle while barium and calcium/antimony were
varied as much as 10 times when analysing samples from distributed in the bulk. In a very important test described, a
subsequent ®rings of the same weapon. One very large weapon was ®red in a clean room. After 1 min, a piece of
particle of Pb, Sb and Ba was fractured with a scalpel. tape was moved around in the room for 1 min, 15 spherical
The distribution of lead was mainly on the external surface lead particles per square millimetre were found. The

Fig. 4. BSE/SEM image of the same group of particles of Fig. 3.

200 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

conclusion was that the presence of GSR on an individual's retention in the gun of residues from previous ®rings with
hand does not necessarily prove that the person discharged coated or jacketed bullets. In the majority of cases, 70±100%
or handled a ®rearm. of the particles in a sample of GSR were spheroidal, with a
During the same year, Andrasko and Maehly published surface smooth or fuzzy, scaly or covered with smaller
the results of the work of the National Laboratory of spheres. A relationship showing a decrease in the total
Forensic Science of Sweden [50]. They tested more than number of spheroidal particles with the muzzle velocity
10 different tapes, choosing SellotapeTM for the weakly of the bullet was presented.
interfering background. Using SEM/EDX, particles consist- In a second paper, approximately 80 samples of particu-
ing of lead, barium and antimony present on tapes lifted late matter were collected from the hands of a variety of
from hands were identi®ed as GSR. Different ammunition industrial and commercial workers, including those consid-
was tested but the type of ammunition could not be deter- ered most critical (from people working with lead smelting
mined by this method, since the relative amounts of lead, and explosive rivets) [58]. It was found that spheroidal
antimony and barium in different particles were different. particles containing elements heavier than sodium are not
Different regions of the same GSR particle were found to abundant in the natural environment. In most cases, there
vary in their elemental composition, too. Most of the GSR was no resemblance with GSR and ``characteristic'' particles
observed had a diameter of 1±5 mm and were almost sphe- of type 1 and 4 were never detected. Some particles
rical and a few large particles with diameters of up to 30 mm were similar but none of the occupational samples were
were occasionally found. Persistence was also studied, falsely identi®ed by experienced personnel following the
particles larger than approximately 10 mm disappeared from criterion that particles similar to GSR individually should
the hands after the ®rst hour after ®ring. Only small GSR not be found with particles that are produced by other
particles of less than 3 mm were observed after 2 h or more sources.
and could still be detected 3 h after a single pistol shot had A third paper described the ®rst extensive application of
been discharged. This time limit depended on the activity the SEM/EDX method to casework. In all, 86 cases in which
after shooting. Rinsing the hands with low pressure water samples from hands were submitted for analysis by law-
and wiping them with a towel decreased the number of GSR. enforcement agencies were evaluated statistically [59]. One
Washing hands with water and soap removed GSR com- case went to appeal and the appeals court upheld the
pletely. conviction and speci®cally af®rmed the scienti®c validity
In 1979, Wolten et al. published the most extensive work of the method. The conclusion of the authors was that
on the subject of SEM/EDX used for GSR analyses to date. particle analysis ``has been fashioned into the most de®nitive
The ®rst paper presented the characterisation of GSR from a method of identifying and the most successful method of
broad range of handgun cartridges in several hundred sam- detecting gunshot residue to date. It identi®es gunshot
ples analysed [9]. GSR particles were classi®ed following residue with greater certainty than any previous method
compositional criteria, morphology and size. Four composi- because discrimination from a majority of occupational
tions were observed in GSR only and were, therefore, deposits of lead, barium and antimony is possible. It is
considered ``characteristic'': effective for a much longer time after a ®ring than previous
methods because particle analysis does not have a threshold
1. Pb±Sb±Ba,
2. Ba±Ca±Si with traces of S,
A serious disadvantage to the use of the SEM for the
3. Ba±Ca±Si with traces of Pb if Cu and Zn are absent,
detection of ®rearms residue particles was the excessively
4. Sb±Ba.
long time required to search for and locate the particles. The
The following compositions were considered ``consistent lengthy searching was due to:
with GSR'' but not-unique:
1. the large sample area,
1. Pb±Sb, 2. the time spent examining, analysing and rejecting a
2. Pb±Ba, large number of non-®rearms particles,
3. Pb, 3. extraneous material such as ®bres and skin debris which
4. Ba if S is absent or present only as a trace, could make the particles dif®cult to ®nd or even conceal
5. Sb (rare). them from view.
In both ``characteristic'' and ``consistent'' with GSR These problems could be solved by increasing the sample
particles, one or several of the following and only the concentration, increasing the sampling ef®ciency, decreas-
following elements could also be present: Si, Ca, Al, Cu, ing the area to be scanned and using sample clean-up
Fe, S, P (rare), Zn (only if Cu is also present), Ni (rare and procedures. Wallace and Keeley introduced a two stage
only with Cu and Zn), K and Cl. ®ltration apparatus to recover particles in the size range
Elements from bullets or brass cases were detected. The 2±50 mm, reducing searching times by a factor of ®ve [60]. A
occurrence of a few copper-bearing particles in residues method was described by Ward for the collection and
from ammunition with bare lead bullets was attributed to concentration of GSR in a density gradient, using disposable
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211 201

hardware, in 15 min [61]. The process minimised the area to Matricardi and Kilty were the ®rst to study elemental
be searched and avoided the presence of extraneous debris distribution inside GSR by fracturing one large particle with
with minimal losses. Another method of concentrating GSR a scalpel [57].
was presented by Sugarman [62]. A different concentration Tassa and Zeldes in 1979 studied the distribution of
technique was reported by Zeichner et al. in 1989, who chemical elements over the morphological features of the
concluded that direct observation of a tape-lift surface was particle's surface [75]. They found that in nodule-bearing
preferable to concentration [63]. GSR, the chemical composition of nodules differed from the
In 1992, DeGaetano et al. compared three methods for composition of the ``body'' of the particle and suggested that
sampling GSR from hands and analysing by SEM/EDX when a not-unique particle was found, these nodules
[64]: tape-lift, concentration technique and glue-lift, intro- strongly indicated a GSR origin. When analysing such
duced by Basu and Ferries in 1980 [65]. The concentration nodules attention must be paid because X-ray emission from
technique gave highly variable results. Glue-lift, designed to an irregular surface can be misleading. The varying absorp-
be less sticky than the tape-lift surface, thus, collecting less tion of X-rays into the specimen with take-off angle and
epidermal cells and other debris, did not pick up much GSR matrix inter-element effect in¯uence the results.
either. Tape-lift collection devices proved to be the most Wolten and Nesbitt presented the results of their study
ef®cient particle-lifting device examined. In the same supporting the hypothesis that gunshot residue was formed
experimental conditions, it was possible to detect a mean by the condensation of vaporised bullet and primer materials
of six particles per hour using tape lifting as the collecting [76]. They called ``bullet'' particles of the residue the ones
technique and only a mean of 2.5 particles per hour using originating from the bullet material. They also found so
glue lifting. The ideal collecting device was described as a called ``primer'' particles produced by both primer-derived
surface that does not require carbon coating, polished and bullet-derived materials. Tassa et al. studied gunshot
smooth and ¯at, with no contaminating elements of high residues by X-ray diffraction and concluded that ``the
atomic number. residues are formed from a mixture of partially molten
A method for the removal of organic material from the and vaporised materials, which are derived mainly from
adhesive tape employed for collecting particles on the hands the bullet and the primer'' [77].
utilised oxygen plasma ashing [66,67]. The sample was Basu in 1982 established that GSR particles were con-
attacked by oxygen, excited by RF energy, and oxidisable densates not only in their surface morphology, as presented
materials were converted to gases which were continuously by Wolten and Nesbitt in 1980, but also deep in the particles
removed from the chamber by a vacuum pump. Oxidation in terms of distribution of lead, antimony and barium [78].
occurred usually at 1508C. The application of this technique He studied the distribution of Pb, Sb and Ba in 227 cross-
to SEM samples was improved in 1990 employing the action sections of GSR, and found three main categories of parti-
of the electron beam of the SEM before plasma ashing [68]. cles. He presented a hypothesis of formation process based
The cells of the epidermis were destroyed and only thin on the thermodynamical data in Table 1 [79]. Most GSR
®laments were left, while particles that were previously smaller than 10 mm are formed as droplets at equilibrium
concealed became evident. The treatment did not alter the during primer explosion. Regular spheroids are the most
morphology or composition of GSR or of inorganic envir- stable among these con®gurations of a condensate droplet.
onmental particles. While the temperature increases, larger spheres grow by
The problem of scanning a large sample area combined
with the time spent examining, analysing and rejecting a
large number of non-®rearms particles became less impor- Table 1
tant with automated SEM/EDX systems for the detection of Melting and boiling point of some elements present in GSR [79]a
GSR, either using custom-written software or commercial Name Atomic Atomic Tm (8C) Tb (8C)
software [69±72]. number mass
Statistical considerations are commonly used to justify a
Aluminum 13 26.98 660 2519
reduction in the total specimen area to be searched, but a
Antimony 51 121.75 631 1587
great deal of caution should be exercised because it was
Barium 56 137.34 727 1897
shown how the probability of a false negative report Calcium 20 40.08 842 1484
increases rapidly as the number of gunshot residue particles Copper 29 63.54 1085 2562
assumed to be present decreases [73,74]. Iron 26 55.85 1538 2861
Lead 82 207.19 328 1749
2.3. Formation and deposition of lead, antimony and Magnesium 12 24.31 650 1090
barium GSR Mercury 80 200.59 39 357
Tin 50 118.69 232 2602
The problem of understanding the origin and formation of Zinc 30 65.37 420 907
GSR is essential in order to distinguish them from the a
This table gives the melting point (Tm) and the boiling point
environmental particles. (Tb) at a pressure of 101.325 kPa (1 atm). Values are given in 8C.
202 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

coalescence of the smaller droplets. These particles pass hand in contact with or in close proximity to the ®rearm. The
through various metastable forms and then solidify. During deposits on the hands of the shooter are mainly the trigger-
the decreasing temperature phase of the explosion, a few blast residues coming out from the breeches and if the gun is
semisolid spheroids of Ba and Sb may capture Pb vapours pre-cleaned, using the same ammunition and the same hand
and form particles showing a ``peeled oranges'' morphology. grasp, a reasonably constant amount of residues is deposited
Lead, antimony and barium are not the only elements per ®ring on the back of the ®ring hand. If the ®rearm is not
coming from the primer. For example, phosphorus can pre-cleaned, the residues of previous ®rings lodged as foul-
originate from lead hypophosphite, which is a constituent ing in the interior of the gun are blown-off rather irregularly
of certain primers [4]. Calcium silicide is found in several through the breeches and the muzzle in the subsequent
primers lacking antimony sulphide. Both, 6.35 mm Hirten- ®rings [85].
berg and 0.38 Kynoch ammunitions were found to produce
Pb±Ba±Ca±Si particles [77]. A qualitative analysis of the 2.4. The casework experience of GSR particle analysis
particles from 7:62 mm  25 mm Chinese ammunitions
showed a composition containing Pb, Sb, Sn, Cl and S There are hardly any reports in the literature on the
[80]. Tassa et al. reported the composition of two ``corro- success rate of GSR detection in casework. The results of
sive'' primers, where potassium chlorate replaces barium Wolten et al. [59] reported quite a high success rate (about
nitrate. The 7:62 mm  39 mm manufactured in former 80%) in samples collected from hands using the tape-lift
Eastern Germany were found to produce S±Cl±K±Sb par- technique and performing a manual search.
ticles [77]. Ammunition having mercury fulminate-based A work reporting the SEM/EDX experience of 5 years
primers are commonly manufactured by former Eastern (195 sets of swabs from hands, head hair and face, 301 items
Bloc countries and used extensively in the Middle East. of clothing and 372 spent cartridges) in the Northern Ireland
Russian and Egyptian have 7.62 primer mixtures, which Forensic Science Laboratory has been published in 1984 [4].
consist mainly of mercury fulminate, potassium chlorate and The authors changed the classi®cation made by Wolten et al.
antimony sulphide. Their GSR consist of Sn, Sb, Hg, S, Cl [9], considering two ``unique'' particles coming speci®cally
and Cu accompanied by small amounts of Al, Si, Fe and Zn from a primer discharge:
[81]. Wallace investigated the presence of mercury in dis-
1. Pb±Sb±Ba,
charge residue particles from mercury-containing ammuni-
2. Sb±Ba.
tion [82]. He found that mercury did not make a signi®cant
contribution to the elemental composition of the GSR Their new discharge residue particle classi®cation is
because a high percentage was released into the atmosphere presented in Table 2.
and was not detectable by SEM. The classi®cation system was based on available experi-
The particles detected by SEM are composed of elements ence and was intended as a general guide only. If the gun and
not only from the primer and the projectile. The cartridge the ammunition used in the crime were available, test ®rings
case and the ®rearm itself contribute as well. Firearms that should be conducted for comparative purpose. Particles
are in rusted condition can produce discharge particles with containing elements other than the permitted accompanying
iron [4]. elements were classi®ed as inconsistent with ®rearms dis-
In 1998, the analysis by SEM/EDX of the smokeless charge unless the relevant element was present in the dis-
powder in 22 kinds of ammunitions were reported [83]. Cu, charge residue from the gun and/or ammunition used in the
S, K, Si, Al, Ca, Fe, Cl and Ba were detected. Cu was found crime.
in all samples and one sample contained a high amount of Zeichner et al. found that the composition encountered in
Ba. Hence, smokeless powder could be the source of some of casework could differ appreciably from the classic criteria
the elements detected in GSR. for identi®cation of GSR [86]. They presented two examples
The results of a study concerning the identi®cation of of some exceptional composition of GSR particles, formed
GSR by Raman microscopy were published in 1998 [84]. using different types of ammunition in the same ®rearm.
Raman spectra permitted identi®cation of compounds in Khanmy and Gallusser demonstrated that the type of clean-
GSR. It was found that most of the particles consisted of ing procedure (normal or ``professional cleaning'') does not
carbon. Anions of lead and barium were identi®ed as well. in¯uence the presence of primer residues from shots ®red
Particles consisting of BaCO3 or PbO were detected. Other before cleaning [87]. Sinoxid primer residues were detected
particles consisted of a mixture of compounds such as in all samples, collected after shooting Sintox ammunition.
BaCO3, PbSO4 and PbO. One interesting feature of Raman Harris found that lead, barium and antimony had been
spectra was the capability of showing evidence of a parti- deposited inside the chamber of an old revolver analysing
cular crystal structure and stoichiometry (e.g. orthorombic the metal shavings from inside the chamber [88].
PbO). Zeichner et al. found that the concentration of antimony
The GSR particles can escape from the ®ring chamber on the surface of lead alloy bullets is higher than in the bulk
through the muzzle or the breeches and are blown at once and made some tests using ammunition with antimony-free
onto the immediate surfaces of the ®rearm, including any primer [89]. Even when the surface of the bullet was highly
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211 203

Table 2 79 different cartridges were analysed [90]. He found that

Discharge residue particle classi®cationa[4] ``individually the particles (produced by blank cartridges)
Unique Indicative could not be distinguished from ®rearms discharge residue''.
Considering the group of particles, the ratio of indicative to
Pb, Sb and Ba Ba, Ca and Sib unique for ®rearms was 35:1, whereas for blank cartridges
Sb and Ba Pb and Sb discharge, the overall ratio was around 1:9, blank cartridges
Pb and Ba were found to produce very few lead-only particles and a
Sb (with S)
limited range of discharge particle types. Vinci et al. demon-
Sb (without S)
Bab strated the impossibility of ®nding signi®cant qualitative
Pb differences between residue from Fiocchi blank cartridges
Pb, Sb and Ba absentc,d and GSR from regular ball-cartridges [91].
In the survey by Singer, the particles containing Pb, Sb
The indicative particle types are listed in approximate order of
and Ba were ``still considered to be the most speci®c'' [48].
decreasing signi®cance.
b They have been found only as residues of primers, in ®re-
S absent or acceptable as trace only when Ba present at major
level. arms cartridges and in hand grenades as well [92]. Singer
Any of the above may also include some or all of the reported that ®ve laboratories out of nine considered the
following: Al, Ca, S, Si at major, minor or trace level; Cl, Cu, Fe, particles containing only the two components Sb and Ba
K, Zn (only if Cu also present and Zn:Cu < 1) at minor or trace ``less speci®c'' [48].
level; Mg, Na, P at trace level only, P only if Pb present and In an interesting work by Liu et al. 172 230 polydisperse
substantially greater than P level. Major: any element whose main particles originating from ®reworks have been analysed
peak height is greater than one-third of the peak height of the using aerosol time-of-¯ight mass spectrometry (ATOFMS).
strongest peak in the spectrum. Minor: any element whose main Particles containing magnesium, potassium, barium and lead
peak height is between one-tenth and one-third of the peak height
have been detected but no ``unique'' particle was reported
of the strongest peak in the spectrum. Trace: any element whose
main peak height is less then one-tenth of the peak height of the
strongest peak in the spectrum. The primary elements (Pb, Sb or Mosher et al. found on the hands of professional ®reworks
Ba) can occur at major, minor or trace levels, though for particles technicians ``GSR-similar particles'' [94]. The use of pri-
involving more than one of the primary elements at least one of mers and other compounds of Pb, Ba and Sb in ®reworks
them is typically present at major level. For particles involving manufacturing was reported by the authors. The pictures of
only one primary element, the element is typically present at a four particles with ``a morphology consistent with rapid
major level, occasionally minor and never trace. cooling from a liquid-state'' containing Ba, Sb and S were
Particles containing no Pb, Sb or Ba may be considered shown. Pictures and EDX spectra of particles from con-
indicative if they are composed entirely of the elements in three sumer-grade devices were reported as well. In one case, two
above and are accompanied by other types of indicative particles.
Ba and Sb particles were found in uncombusted ®reworks. In
another case, eight particles containing Pb, Sb and Ba were
detected. Most of them lacked the morphology considered
enriched with antimony, he found a small probability of typical of GSR and all of them contained Mg and/or Cu at
®nding GSR with a high level of antimony. major level.
Wallace and MacQuillan considered of very limited In 1997, Zeichner and Levin proposed to include in the
practical value, except in suicide cases, the distribution group of ``unique'' GSR, the composition Pb±Ba±Ca±Si±
on skin surfaces, because it is very easily altered. Statistics Sn, formed in ®ring of 9 and 7.65 mm Sellier Bellot of
gathered from casework showed that 98% of all suspects Prague (SBP) [95]. They examined 1211 samples from 482
with discharge residues on their hands were apprehended cases, starting in the year 1989. In 12 of these cases, SBP
within 2 h of the shooting incident. They studied the pos- cartridges were recovered from the crime scene. In three of
sibility of discriminating between discharge residues from these cases, particles characteristic of the SBP ammunition
cartridge-operated industrial tools and from ®rearms using were identi®ed. In every case where Pb±Ba±Ca±Si±Sn
SEM as well [4]. They tested all the different types of tools, particles were identi®ed, the recovered cartridge cases were
cartridges and nails sold in Northern Ireland and found one SBP. Such particles were detected and classi®ed, among
primer containing lead, antimony and barium (Obo SG75). It others, during auto-search run and manually examined.
was suggested that ``when interpreting the results, the Thus, in the period of 7 years, several hundred thousand
particles must be considered as a group''. The most striking particles were analysed and characteristic particles of SPB
difference between the two sources of discharge particles were identi®ed only in three cases (out of 12) in which SBP
was the scarcity of lead-only particles from the cartridge ammunition cartridges were found at the scene of crime. The
tools. The second important difference is that 99% of the authors concluded that the experimental data base was
cartridge tool discharge particles detected contained iron. extensive enough to consider that ``the uniqueness of
Wallace published later another work about blank car- SBP, GSR composition is not less than that of the composi-
tridges, where the residue produced by discharging a total of tion Pb±Sb±Ba or Sb±Ba''. It was pointed out by Stoney that
204 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

is not possible to reach uniqueness through statistics [96]. In (Polyviol1) was tested to collect gunshot residue from the
a meaningful identi®cation of GSR particles, the comparison hands of shooters. The application of this polymer in
of the particles found on a speci®c surface with those of the sampling procedures was found promising only on dead
ammunition used is as important as the ``formal'' idea of people, because it takes 45 min to produce the ®lm to be
uniqueness. It is always desirable to examine the spent analysed [109,110].
cartridge case and/or gun (if available) in order to determine
the primer type [4]. Whenever no cartridge cases are found, 2.6. GSR produced by lead-free ammunition
it is possible to ®nd GSR particles on the ``bottom of
discharged bullets'', including those severely deformed on In 1980, Dynamit Nobel AG commercialised a new
impact [97], or near the bullet hole [89,98]. ammunition, called Sintox, developed to minimise airborne
King reported the results of the work of the Home Of®ce lead levels and possibly other metallic residues such as
Forensic Science Laboratory of Birmingham using a swab- barium and antimony.
bing kit to recover explosives and gunshot residue from skin In 1987, Hellmiss et al. used a SEM equipped with Auger
surfaces and hair, and examining clothing by vacuum ®ltra- electron spectroscopy instead of EDX and an ion gun in a
tion [99,100]. Of 91 shooting cases (April 1992±April 1993), research project about the analysis of gunshot residue [111].
propellant was detected in 33% of them, while the success Auger spectroscopy permitted the analysis of elements with
rate in GSR detection by SEM/EDX was 10% before the low atomic number and elements whose peaks overlap in
introduction of propellant analysis. EDX analysis. The instrumental combination allowed a
Casework experience in Israel, in the detection of GSR spatial resolution of 0.3±3 nm (with EDX the characteristic
particles on samples from hands, hair and clothing was X-rays used for the analysis come from an area that has a
reported for a period of 6 years (1989±1994) [101]. The width and a depth in the order of 1 mm). Using simultaneous
overall success rate on the examined samples was about 10% Auger electron spectroscopy and ion sputtering etching, a
(the success rate increased by approximately 50% after the pro®le of the in-depth composition variations of GSR was
introduction of the automated GSR search system). Only studied. Two different kinds of particles formed by Sintox
68% of the submitted cases were examined. In most case- 9 mm para ammunition were found, both with a porous
work samples (83%) only a few (up to ®ve) GSR particles surface. The ®rst had a fairly irregular morphology and
were found and in a high percentage of these samples only consisted of titanium dioxide (TiO2) with only a thin layer of
one particle was found (39%). nearly 5 nm covering it containing zinc (Zn), sulphur (S),
Since the beginning of 1991, one stub was used for both potassium (K), calcium (Ca), carbon (C), oxygen (O) and
hands (25 dabbing each hand) and the other one for sampling silicon (Si). The second kind of particle contained consider-
the hair (200 dabbing) while the clothes were sampled using able amounts of copper (Cu). The authors believed that the
the tape-lift method. primer contained titanium and zinc compounds, whereas the
In laboratory experiments, it was possible to ®nd GSR copper came from the jacket of the bullet.
even 24 h after shooting if the hair had not been washed. Gunaratnam and Himberg used SEM/EDX to identify
Non-signi®cant difference in collection ef®ciency was discharge residues produced by Sintox cartridges (cal. 357
found between tape-lift technique and the more complicated Magnum) manufactured by Geco [112]. They found spher-
method of swabbing. In some cases, GSR were found in oidal particles mainly composed of titanium (Ti) and zinc
samples from hair but not in samples from hands [102]. (Zn).
Titanium and zinc are commonly used in paints as pig-
2.5. Sampling procedures ments. Paint particles are irregular in shape and these two
elements are never present as major elements, but the
Tape lifting is the most common procedure for inorganic problem of similar particles coming from other sources
GSR sampling from skin surfaces, and is used for clothing (e.g. particles formed in burning Ti±Zn pigment paints)
as well [103]. Wrobel et al. tested a number of adhesives has to be investigated.
for their suitability in the areas of elemental composition, Harris made SEM/EDX analysis of primer residue from
adhesive properties and adhesive stability under vacuum CCI Blazer Lead Free TMJ ammunition and of gunshot
and an electron beam. They found that the best overall residue generated by test ®ring a series of ®rearms using the
was SellotapeTM 404 [104]. The adhesive surface, if non- same ammunition [88]. The primer residue analysis
conductive, has to be coated with a thin ®lm of carbon obtained, striking the primer cup directly over a SEM stub,
before SEM/EDX analysis. Vacuum lifting is widely used determined that the only signi®cant element present was
for collecting GSR from clothes onto a ®lter disk [105, strontium (Sr). Some particles contained trace amounts of
106]. Swabbing is the most common technique for the barium (Ba) probably because natural deposits of strontium
collection of organic compounds from skin surfaces, and are often associated with barium. Most particles were in 0.5±
is used for inorganic particles as well [107]. A method was 10 mm range with a spherical morphology. Tricomponents
reported to recover GSR in human nasal mucus from 48 h unique particles (Pb±Sb±Ba) were found in all ®ring tests,
post-®ring sample collection times [108]. Polyvinyl alcohol even after the extensive and repeated cleaning of ®rearm, in
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211
Table 3

Ammunition Primer composition Elemental primer Case [113] Bullet [113] Primer residue Gunshot residue
composition [114]

CCI Blazer Lead Tetracene, diazodinitrophenol, Sr Al TMJ±CU Sr, Al, with Cu trace [113], Pb/Sb/BA, Pb/Ba, Pb/Sb Pb, Sr,
Free (Blount Inc.) smokeless powder, strontium spherical morphology Sr, Sr/Pb/Sb/Ba [88]
nitrate [88] with Ba traces [88]
Fabrique FeÂdeÂrale de Zn, Ti
Federal Cartridge Solid±Cu Irregular morphology and
Company porous surface Ca, Si [113]
Fiocchi Sb, Cu, Zn, Sr
Geco Sintox Typical Sintox: tetracene, Zn, Ti Ti, Zn [115] Irregular form and porous surface:
diazodinitrophenol, zinc (A.1) TiO2 core with Zn, S, K,
peroxide, titanium metal Ca, C, O, Si on surface; (A.2)
powder [112] considerable amount of Cu [111];
(B) spheroidal shape Ti, Zn [112]
Hirtenberger-Patronen Sr Sr [115]
Speer Lawman Clean Sr Cu, Zn (brass) TMJ±Cu Irregular morphology and
Fire (Blount Inc.) porous surface Sr, Cu, Zn [113]
Winchester Super K, Sr Cu, Zn (brass) FMJ base plugged Irregular form and porous
Unleaded with a brass disk surface K, Cu, Zn [113]

206 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

addition to strontium or Sr±Pb±Sb±Ba particles. The ana- As shown, there is little work on lead-free ammunition in
lysis of the metal shavings from inside the chamber of an the literature. Not all the products commercially available
older revolver, used with SINOXID ammunition, revealed have been analysed and no extensive studies have been done
that lead, antimony and barium had been deposited inside with particles similar to the ones formed by ®ring lead-free
the chamber. ammunitions produced by different sources. Without big
Particles of strontium with spherical shape could result research efforts in this ®eld, SEM/EDX analysis of samples
from exposure to ignited ¯ares and ®reworks. The possibility from real cases could give information of poor evidential
that gunshot residue containing strontium particles and Pb± value.
Sb±Ba particles may also be deposited from tracer ammuni- All the data related to the GSR produced by lead-free
tions was stated. ammunition in this paragraph are presented in Table 3.
Haag reported the results of his tests on American lead-
free ammunitions 9 mm para (CCI Blazer Lead Free and
Speer Lawman Clean Fire by Blount Incorporated of Lewis- 3. Discussion
ton, Idaho; Super Unleaded by Olin/Winchester of East
Alton, Illinois; 9 mm Luger Federal Premium by Federal Particle analysis can identify individual gunshot residue
Cartridge Company of Anoka, Minnesota) [113]. He ana- particles through both morphological and elemental char-
lysed primer residues on the inside walls of ®red cartridges acteristics. In the literature three elemental compositions of
(®red with and without the bullet and propellant charge) so called ``unique'' GSR particles are mentioned:
using SEM/EDX. He found particles with Sr and with
Pb±Sb±Ba [4],
aluminium (Al) from the cartridge case and a small Cu
Sb±Ba [4],
peak from the bullet in CCI Blazer Lead Free primer residue.
Pb±Ba±Ca±Si±Sn [95].
Strontium was detected with Cu and Zn from the brass case
in Speer Lawman Clean Fire primer residue. Potassium was These particles are produced under ``speci®c'' conditions.
found with Cu and Zn from the brass case in Winchester Temperature and pressure after the explosion of the primer
Super Unleaded primer residue. Calcium and silicon was rise from ambient to 1500±20008C and 104 kPa in a tenth of
detected in primer residue of Luger Federal Premium. The a millisecond. The gunpowder de¯agration begins 0.5 ms
picture of the particles showed a fairly irregular shape with a after the crushing of the primer. In 0.5±0.75 ms temperature
porous surface. and pressure reach peak values of about 36008C and
Herdener et al. determined the elemental composition of 3  105 kPa [51]. Melting and boiling points of Pb, Sb,
the primers in six different types of lead-free ammunitions Ba and other elements are reported in Table 1 [79].
with a XRF analysis [114]. The authors found the following If proper attention is paid to avoid secondary gunshot
elemental composition (only the elements corresponding to residue transfer from of®cers onto subjects to be tested for
main peaks are reported): GSR [116±118] and to avoid contamination in the labora-
tories [119], particle analysis can be the most powerful tool
CCI Blazer Lead Free Sr for forensic scientists to determine the proximity to a
Fabrique Federale de Munitions Zn Ti discharging ®rearm and/or the contact with a surface
Fiocchi Sb Cu Zn Sr exposed to GSR (®rearm, spent cartridge case, target hole).
Geco Sintox Zn Ti Recently Garofano et al. [120] studied particles of envir-
Hirtenberger-Patronen Sr onmental and occupational origin and proposed a slight
Speer Lawman Clean Fire Sr change in the classi®cation. They detected some Sb and
Winchester Super Unleaded K Sr Ba particles in samples from people handling ®reworks. The
particles were ``partially molten and generally consisting of
Recently NiewoÈhner and Wenz studied the interior mor- not completely aggregated structures essentially composed
phology of particles using a focused ion beam (FIB) system. of only Sb or only Ba''. Different Sb and Ba particles with
They analysed particles from Geco SinoxidTM, Geco Sin- irregular shape, always containing Fe, were found on the
toxTM, Hirtenberger Lead FreeTM and a lead-free ammuni- hands of people having automobile-related jobs (i.e.
tion which is currently not on the market [115]. The major mechanics, automobile electricians, tyre repairmen). Auto-
components of the examined types of ammunition were Pb, mobile disk brakes hubs were proposed as the source of this
Sb and Ba in Geco SinoxidTM, Ti and Zn in Geco SintoxTM, kind of particles. It is reported that these particles ``have a
Sr in Hirtenberger Lead FreeTM and Mn and K in the metallic composition (differentiated only by the absence of
ammunition not in the market. The four kinds of ammunition Pb and traces amount of Fe), and a morphologic aspect that
produced some particles with individual and unique interior could be indistinguishable from some irregular particles
morphologies. Further investigations are necessary because originating from ascertained GSR cases''. Garofano et al.
only four ammunition types were examined and the analyses suggested that Sb, Ba and Fe particles are to be considered as
on the interior of the particles were carried out with partial ``indicative''. It was also proposed that when particles with
success. Sb and Ba but without Fe are found, the distribution of
F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211 207

elements in the particle determined by means of X-ray dot The main problem of the ``formal'' approach is that some
mapping or de¯ection modulation imaging [121] should be ammunition does not produce ``unique'' GSR [77,80,81,
investigated. 122±124] and the diffusion of lead-free ammunitions is
When a particle with one of the ``unique'' composition is expected to increase in the coming years.
detected, it is necessary to check the presence of elements With ``not-unique'' particles interpretation of results is
not admitted in ``unique'' GSR. Then it is important to extremely important. It is surprising the number of articles
investigate the spheroidal shape and/or the condensate mor- concerning interpretation of glass or ®bre evidence. It is
phology exhibiting molten features and, if necessary, the more surprising that it is not possible to ®nd a single article
distribution of the elements, to exclude an origin different about interpretation of ``not-unique'' GSR particles. Glass
from the cooling of molten material. The only source of GSR fragments and ®bres are two ``transfer evidence'' types.
``unique'' particles is the explosion of a primer mixture. They support an inference of contact between speci®c
These rules are a formal general interpretative system. source and receiving objects. The strength of this kind of
The particles on the sample are compared with an abstract evidence has increased with a more fruitful interpretative
idea of ``unique'' GSR particle. The ASTM standard guide framework based on Bayes rule [125±127].
for GSR analysis is a formal approach procedure [10]. The At the beginning, transfer evidence was interpreted fol-
authors hope that in the following issues the Pb±Ba±Ca±Si± lowing a two-stage approach. In the ®rst stage some material
Sn particle will be included and that the whole procedure from unknown source was compared to determine whether
will be more precisely described. The effect on ``unique- they come from the same source or not. The probability that
ness'' of elemental distribution, morphology, other per- they are found to match with respect to some characteristic is
mitted elements and population of particles detected known as the probability of non-discrimination or the prob-
should be clari®ed. It was reported by Zeichner and Levin ability of a match (PM). The complementary probability, the
that ``with the advent of auto-search systems for GSR probability they are found not to match with respect to this
analysis in crime labs, a better statistical basis for the extent characteristic is known as the probability of discrimination
of uniqueness of various types of GSR particles may be or discriminating power (DP). If a method distinguishes
achieved'' [95]. more or less easily between two samples of material from
Is ``uniqueness'' the only problem related to GSR detec- different sources it is considered more or less selective. A
tion and identi®cation for a forensic scientist? The role of speci®c method can always discriminate between two dif-
evidence is to help assess whether or not a particular ferent samples (DP ˆ 1). If the comparison results in a
individual is associated with a particular crime. The identi- match, the second stage of interpretation estimates the
®cation of a ``unique'' GSR particle using the formal probability of a coincidental match. This coincidence
approach is not enough. The particle(s) found on a speci®c approach can overvalue a match and undervalue a non-
surface should be compared with those of the crime under match and there are cases where it does not work at all.
investigation whenever possible. This case speci®c or case- The Bayesian approach provides a conceptually simple
by-case approach is closer to what the court is interested in. and coherent one-stage solution to the problem of interpret-
The drawbacks of the ``speci®c approach'' are that the ing transfer evidence. To assess the strength of scienti®c
``shape and appearance of particles in a spent cartridge case evidence, it considers at least two explanations for its
are not typical of the particles detected in casework'' [4] and occurrence. The evidence is evaluated by assessing its
that GSR particles of exceptional composition are formed probability under competing explanations (Bayes' rule).
using different types of ammunition in the same ®rearm [86]. The strength of the evidence is measured by the probability
Despite these problems, the speci®c approach permits, in of the evidence given an explanation divided by the prob-
some cases, the use of analytical results undervalued by the ability of the evidence given an alternative exclusive expla-
formal approach. In fact, in the ``formal approach'' not- nation. The probability of the evidence supposing the ®rst
unique particles are considered not speci®c and the eviden- hypothesis divided by the probability of the evidence sup-
tial value of particle analysis results in these cases is poor. In posing the second hypothesis is called likelihood ratio (LR).
other cases, the speci®c approach allows to avoid the over- In this way evidential value is measured by a continuous
valuing of results. If Ni, Cr, Fe or any other element not function with no arbitrary cut-off.
permitted in ``unique'' GSR are found in particles sampled For the assessment of the value of a GSR ®nding in
around a bullet hole, can we consider ``unique'' similar linking a suspect and a crime it is important to compare two
particles found on the hands of the suspect? On the other hypotheses, the ®rst being, for example, that of the evidence
hand how can we consider one Pb±Ba±Ca±Si±Sn ``unique'' if the suspect shot in a speci®c situation, the second being
GSR found on clothes of a suspect in a crime where an that of the evidence if the suspect was not involved in this
ammunition producing different GSR has been used? And shooting.
what about tin, which is not included in the lists of permitted The ®nding of GSR on a surface can follow proximity to a
elements for modern ammunition? These simple questions discharging ®rearm or a contact with a surface contaminated
suggest how interpretation of results using a ``case-by-case'' with GSR (shooting hand, ®rearm, spent cartridge case,
approach can be critical. target hole, etc.).
208 F.S. Romolo, P. Margot / Forensic Science International 119 (2001) 195±211

The likelihood ratio for evaluating evidence under con- only possible source. In the ``speci®c'' or ``case-by-case''
¯icting hypotheses permits the forensic scientist to consider approach, the particles found on a speci®c surface are
not only the information relative to the possible source of compared to those of the ammunition used. The speci®c
one or more particles, but whatever is related to the speci®c approach is of much higher help to the court. It permits the
activity of the suspect. use of analytical results underestimated by the formal
Generally, the pair of hypotheses or propositions con- approach in some cases and avoids overestimation of results
sidered to express an opinion about the evidential weight in other cases.
associated with the presence or absence of transferred We consider that a ``case-by-case'' approach should be
material could represent, respectively, and roughly speaking, followed whenever possible and we hope in a more sensible
the prosecution and the defence positions. It is helpful to approach to GSR interpretation. We feel that a correct use of
regard these pairs of propositions as falling into three statistical concepts like speci®city or selectivity could help
different classes or levels, which can be called ``source'', to avoid discussion in disputed cases. Statistical considera-
``activity'' and ``offence'' [128]. At the ®rst level, the pro- tions and databases could help, not only to express the
positions relate to the source of evidentiary material and the ``extent of uniqueness'' [95] of various particles, but to
recovered sample is compared with a control sample. At the evaluate the strength of a particular evidence, too. We
``activity'' level, in addition to comparison, it is necessary to suggest research of models and data such as have been
consider other aspects like the probability of evidential developed in other trace evidence material (®bres, glass,
transfer and the persistence. It could be dif®cult to distin- etc.) in the interpretation of gunshot residue in a Bayesian
guish the ``offence'' level and the ``activity'' level. Some approach.
activities are necessarily crimes. More often at this level
there are considerations which are completely outside the References
domain of the scientist. If the expert has information which
leads to a framework of circumstances, the presence or the [1] W. Matty, Primer composition and gunshot residue, Assoc.
absence of materials can be interpreted at least at the Firearms Tool Mark Examiners J. 19 (1987) 8±13.
``activity'' level, giving a greater assistance to the court. [2] B.A. Bydal, Percussion primer mixes, Assoc. Firearms Tool
The simple methods developed following the Bayes' rule Mark Examiners J. 22 (1990) 1±26.
cannot effectively incorporate the range of issues that arise [3] J.S. Wallace, Chemical aspects of ®rearms ammunition,
in actual casework as transfer evidence is discovered. Never- Assoc. Firearms Tool Mark Examiners J. 22 (1990) 364±
theless, they helped in many cases to present scienti®c 389.
[4] J.S. Wallace, J. McQuillan, Discharge residues from
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work has to be done. The rates of deposition, transfer and [5] J. Flynn, M. Stoilovic, C. Lennard, I. Prior, H. Kobus,
persistence of GSR are not well understood and are critical Evaluation of X-ray micro-¯uorescence spectrometry for
for any proper interpretation [129,130]. Without this effort a the elemental analysis of ®rearms discharge residues,
``not-unique'' particle could be left aside as having little Forensic Sci. Int. 97 (1998) 21±36.
value in court, whereas a glass fragment with less informa- [6] W. Lichtenberg, Methods for the determination of shooting
tive content could be regarded as valuable evidence because distance, Forensic Sci. Rev. 2 (1990) 37±62.
research has demonstrated how valuable it can be. [7] K. Sellier, Shot range determination, In: A. Maehly, R.L.
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