CR Book Response

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Name : Gatya Farhan Azizi

Nim F31181188
Class : B

Book Response Form

Book title : Things Fall Apart

Author : Chinua Achebe

Publisher : Anchor Books

Date published : __________1958_________ Number of pages :___202___

Genre (type of book)-Bold one :

novel mystery science fiction romance biography

history science/technology other : ________________

1. Why did you decide to read this book?

Because this book look interesting from the cover book, moreover the title of this book make me

2. Were you glad that you decided to read? Explain.

Yes i’am, i glad with my decision to read this book, it expand me more about understanding the
whole story, because to understand this story you have to really analyze it critically. Overall the story
was good.

3. What did you like least?

The things that i like least in this book is the use of words, that some words in this book is still hard
to absorb/understand, and the plot/storyline, which makes you have to think hard to be able to
understand the whole story.

4. Would you recomend this book to a friend? Explain

Yes I do, I would recomend this book to my friends, because beside the good story, this book also
forced you to think to understand the plot or the whole story

5. On a scale 1-10, how difficult was this book for you? (1=easy, 10=difficult) why?.

On scale 1 – 10, this book difficulty level is on the 8th level, because there are some words which is
not common and i don’t understand it

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