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The Memory Failures of Everyday Questionnaire (MFE)

Name................................................................................... Date..................................

Age.......................... Age of studies..........................................

Following here, there is a list of memory failures that could happen in everyday
life. Tag, which how often happen to you this failures, by using the next scale:

If it happens NEVER or HARDLY EVER, mark ............... 0

If it happens SELDOM or FEW TIMES, mark ............... 1
If it happens MANY TIMES, mark .......................................... 2

Please, answer all the questions:

1 Forget where you lost something. Lose things at home.

2 Do not recognize places in which you were supposed to


3 Have difficulties to follow a story on TV.

4 Do not remember a change in your everyday activities;

for example, have changed the place where you keep
something, or do not remember the hour you did
something. Follow an ancient routine accidentally.

5 You have to verify if you did something you had to do;

for example, turn off gas supply.

6 Forget when something happened; for example, forget

if it happened yesterday or last week.

7 Forget absolutely to take objects you need (keys, glasses,

wallet...) or leave objects and have to look for them.
8 Forget something that someone told you yesterday or
few days ago and maybe being obliged to ask again.

9 Start to read (a book or an article in a paper) without

notice you have already read it.

10 Digress in a conversation and allow you to topics

without any importance.

11 Do not recognize, although have been saw them,

relatives and friends when you come across them.

12 Have difficulties at the time of learning a new thing; for

example, the rules of a new game or the functioning of a
mechanism, after practicing once or twice.

13 Having a word “on the tip of your tongue”. Knowing

what you want to say, but not being able to find the
wright word.

14 Forget absolutely to do things you want to do, or what

you are supposed to do.

15 Forget important details about what you did or what

you did the day before.

16 When talking with someone, forget what the other

person is about to say or ask twice: “¿what are we talking

17 When reading a paper, being unavailable to follow the

plot line, lose the thread of the story.

18 Forget to say something important to someone; for

example, give an advice or remember something to
19 Forget important details about him/herself; for example,
your birthday or the place you live.
20 Mix and confuse the details other people have told you.

21 Tell someone an anecdote or a joke you have already

told him/her.

22 Forget details of things you usually do, at home or at

work; for example, forget details about what you have to
do or about the hour, you should do.

23 Do not recognize faces of famous people what you

usually watch on TV or photograph.

24 Forget where you usually keep the things or look for

them in a wrong place.

25 Get lost or follow a wrong direction in a trip, in a walk

or in a building where you have already been.

26 Get lost or follow a wrong direction in a trip, in a walk

or in a building where you have already been once or

27 Making something twice by mistake. For example, Add

salt twice to the food or comb your hair again after you
done it.

28 Repeat someone what you have told him/her or asking

twice the same question.

TOTAL ....................................

Original, autores: Sunderland, A., Harris, J. E., & Gleave, J. (1984). Memory failures in everyday life following severe
head injury. Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 6, 127–142.

Esta versión: Montejo Carrasco, P.; Montenegro-Peña, M.; Sueiro-Abad, M.J. (2012). The Memory Failures of Everyday
Questionnaire (MFE): Internal Consistency and Reliability. The Spanish Journal of Psychology 15, 2, 768-776.

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