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COMSATS University, Islamabad.

Class: BSE VC Submission Date: 29-10-19

Subject: Artificial Intelligence
Instructor: Dr. Muhammad Imran Marks: 10
Assignment 1
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Question 1: [Marks: 6]
Consider the scenario of solving an 8-puzzle problem using both uninformed and informed
search algorithms. Write a short report and provide answers for the following set of questions.

• Take a random initial state of an 8-puzzle problem and dry run to solve the problem using
uninformed search algorithms BFS and DFS. (For help, read Section 3.2.3 from Artificial
Intelligence by George F Luger (5th Edition).) (3)
• Take a random initial state of an 8-puzzle problem and dry run to solve the problem using
informed search algorithm A*. Consider number of misplaced tiles as the heuristic function and
calculate the value of f(n) at each step while generating the tree. (For help, read Section 3.6
from Artificial Intelligence by Russell Norvig (3rd Edition).) (3)

Question 2:
Consider robot navigation starts from location S and ends at location G using A* Search. Provide
the reason for each step it takes and draw a search tree. [Marks: 3]

f(N) = g(N)+h(N),
g(N) values are on the link
h(N) values are the following
S = 17
A = 10
A 6
B = 13
6 E 4
D=2 5 3
E=4 S B 7
G=0 1 D
0 C 6

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