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Leji Li

ENGL 21007

Task 2: Complete #3 on p. 39. You are tasked with writing a 500-word memo. (This is one of your
graded assignments.) The sample memo provided to you on BB has only one paragraph; however, I
would expect 500 words to be at least two paragraphs. Formatting: The memo should be in Times New
Roman, size 12pt. font, single-spaced, all content left-aligned, with a space added after paragraphs.
Please be sure to follow the guidelines provided on BB under the “How to write a memo.”

To: Instructor
From: Leji Li
Subject: Review of Adidas Group Social Media Guidelines
Date: September 3, 2019

The purpose of this memo is to present my feelings and opinions on the Adidas Group Social
Media Guidelines about its legibility and perfection. The Adidas Group Social Media Guidelines
gives the instructions to employees managing their behaviors when they are updating their social
In general, this guideline is a great example of what a good social media policy manual should
be. It uses simple and concise sentences to cover almost every aspect that employees need to pay
attention to when they post new content on the internet. Along with possible situations as
examples, the guideline provides a straighter view to employees about what they should do and
what they couldn’t.
The instructions in the guideline are clear and easy to understand. Each instruction contains one
major policy that the employees should follow. Each instruction used only one paragraph and the
key point of each paragraph was pointed out being used bold font. This design increases the
readability and accessibility of the guideline as well as employees’ interest in continuing reading
the guideline. This guideline is also concise and clear. Each paragraph of the instruction was
wrote using the daily language and simple sentences, coming with the specified example after
every what-to sentence. This can let employees use as less as possible time to read the whole
guideline without misunderstanding the policies.
The explanations of policies are persuasive. The guideline not only provides what employees
should and should not do, but also gives the reason why policies require to do so. For example,
the policy of not commenting on work-related legal matters or financial topics gives the reason
that the company have the special group of people handle those kinds of topics. Furthermore, the
guideline even provides the possible consequence if an employee doesn’t follow the guidelines –
that employee as well as the company has the risk being in serious trouble. The paragraph of this
guidelines consist of three parts – the policy, why the policy and what if an employee doesn’t
follow the policy. The policy tells employees what to do. The explaining reason of the policy lets
employees understand why they need to do so and have the willing to follow. The consequences
make the policy more reasonable and makes the explanation more persuasive, which will finally
lead the employees more willing to follow those policies.
The guideline is also comprehensive. The guideline informs employees that their accounts are
representing themselves, so that they need to carefully prepare their post content and be
personally responsible. They need to respect the copyright and cite every reference they used.
Just as employees are part of the company, their behavior also effects the company. Therefore,
employees should respect their audience and were required to think it twice before post anything.
As a part of the company, employees should obey the duty of confidentiality. No new designs or
events are allowed to be posted before publishing or any other sensitive information.
The whole guideline uses a positive tone to inform employees. From this guideline I can feel that
the company encourages its employees using social medias. It covers the points that employees
need to pay attention to and provides detail examples to help employees understand the
guidelines better, without letting employees feel nervous when they want to share their opinion
to social medias. These guidelines also show the active culture of the Adidas company.

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