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暴れる (aberu) - to rage

喘ぎ (aegi) - gasping

喘ぐ (aegu) - To breath hard -> 喘い で (aeide)

溢れる (afureru) - to overflow -> 溢れて (afurete)

上がり (Agari) - partner, companion, rise [noun suffix], income, greet tea, end
result [noun]

上がる (agaru) - to rise, go up -> 上がって (agatte) OR 上がった (agatta)

上げる (ageru) - to raise -> 上げた (ageta) OR 上げて (agete) OR 上げられた (agerareta)

合い (ai) - together, state

合う (au) - to come together, to meet -> 合って

間 (aida) - space, gap, between time

間に (aidani) - while

相変わらず (aikawarazu) - as ever, as usual

曖昧 (aimai) - vague, ambiguousl, unclear

愛してる (aishiteru) - I love you -> 愛しげな (aishigena)

愛する (aisuru) - to love

味わい (ajiwai) - taste, charm, appeal -> 味わって (ajiwatte)

味わう (ajiwaru) - to taste, enjoy, experience -> 味わって (ajiwatte)

開けたて (aketate) -> 開けた (aketa) - opening and shutting

明らか (akiraka) - obvious

相手 (aite) - partner

赤く (akaku) - red color

赤み (akami) - blush
赤らめる (akarameru) - blush -> 赤らめて (akaramete)

甘え (amae) - lack of self-reliance, depending, spoiled

甘える (amaeru) - to behave like a spoiled/depending -> 甘えた (amaeta)

甘い (amai) - sweet -> 甘く (amaku) - sweet

甘やか (amayaka) - sweet voice

穴 (ana) - opening, hole

貴方 (anata) - you (equal/lower). Dear

安心 (anshin) - reliefe, peace of mind

圧迫 (appaku) - pressure

圧迫感 (appakukan) - feeling of oppression

荒い (arai) - rough ->荒く (araku)

現れる (arawareru) - to appear, to come out -> 現れたら (arawaretara)

荒れる (areru) - to be rough

歩く (aru) - walk -> 歩いて (aruite)

汗 (ase) - sweat

遊ぶ (asobu) - to play, to enjoy, to have a good time -> 遊ばれて (asobareta)

与え (atae) - gift, godsend -> 与えられ (ataerare) OR 与えられる (ataerareru) OR 与える

(ataeru) OR 与えられた (ataerareta)

頭 (atama) - Head, hair, top

当たり前 (atarimae) - natural, obvious

辺り (atari) - vicinity

当たる (ataru) - hit ->当たってる (atatteru)

暖かい (atatakai) - hot -> 温かさ (atatakasa)

当て (ate) - purpose, expecations

宛がう (ategau) - to allot, fit, fasten, supply with -> あてがった (ategatta)

後 (ato) - behind, after

熱く (atsuku) - hot

熱さ (atsusa) - heat

熱い (atsui) - hot (thing), passionate feelings, hot temper, intense, fired up

集まる (atsumaru) - to gather, to collect, to assemble -> 集まってる (atsumateru)

圧力 (atsuryoku) - pressure

あっという間に (attoiumani) - just like that

泡 (awa) - bubble, foam

合わせる (awaseru) - to match rhythm/speed-> 合わせて (Awasete) - In all, in total,

collectively [adverb] In addition, besides, at the same time [conjunction]

謝る (ayamaru) - to apologize -> 謝った (ayamatta) OR 謝らなく (ayamaranaku)

怪しい (ayashii) - suspicious, shady, charming OR 妖しく (ayashiku) ??


場 (ba) - place, discipline, scene

馬鹿 (baka) - idiot, trivial, stupid

爆発 (bakuhatsu) - explosion

番 - (ban) - (one's) turn

離れ (banare) - separation from

ばらまく (baramaku) - scatter, spread -> ばらまいた (baramaita)

場所 (basho) - place, spot

別 (betsu) - difference, distinction

敏感 (bikan)- sensitive

微妙 (bimou) - subtle, delidate, difficult, tricky, doubtful

敏感だ (binkanda) - sensitive (skin)

微笑 (bishou) - smile

媚態 (bitai) - coquetry (flirtatious

膝 (biza) - knee, lap

勃起 (bokki) - erection

僕 (boku) - I, me

骨 (bone) - bone, backbone

膨張 (bouchou) - expansion, swelling

暴発 (bouhatsu) - spontaneous discharge

暴力的 (bouryokuteki) - violent

部 (bu) - part

部分 (bubun) - part

分 (bun) - part

物欲 (butsuyoku) - greed


血 (chi) - blood

地 (chi) - place

乳房 (chibusa) - breast

違い (chigai) or 違う (chigau) - Differ, not usual, not correct -> 違って (chigatte)

近い (chikai) - near, close

力任せ (chikarikase) - with one's strength

乳首 (chikubi) - nipple

散らし (chirashi) - scattering

散らす (chirasu) - to scatter, disperse - > 散らして (chirashite)

散る (chiru) - to fall, scatter, spread

膣 (chitsu) - Vagina -> 膣内 (chtsunai) - Inside vagina

膣圧 (chitsuatsu) - vaginal tightness

膣口 (chitsukou) - vagina opening

膣壁 (chitsuheki) - vaginal walls

力 (chikara) - force, strength, efficacy, capability

小さい (chiisai) - small -> 小さく (chiisaiku) OR 小さな (chiisana)

直結し (chokketsu) - Direct Connection; Direct Link

直 (choku) - direct, honest

直後 (chokugo) - immediatley following

中断 (choudan) - break, interrupt

注文 (choumon) - order

挑戦的 (chousenteki) - aggressive, challenging, provocative

調子 (choushi) - rhythm, conditionm tone

宙 (chuu) - space, air

躊躇 (chuucho) - hesitation, indecision

中心 (chuushin) - center, core, balance


大 (dai) - large

大事 (daiji) - important, valuable,

大丈夫 (daijoubu) - Alright

抱き上げる (dakiageru) - to hold up in one's arms -> 抱き上げて (dakiagete) OR 抱き寄せ

る (dakifuseru) -

抱きしめる (dakishimeru) - to hold someone tight

駄目 (dame) - no good, cannot, must not

誰 (dare) - who

誰か (dareka) - someone

大好き (daisuki) - Love it

大胆 (daitan) - bold, daring

誰 (dan) - someone, somebody

男根 (dankon) - penis

弾力 (danroku) - elasticity, flexibility

男性器 (danseiki) - penis, male genatalia

断続的 (danzokuteki) - intermittent aka irregular intervals

出る (daru) - to leave, to go out, to come out, start -> 出し (dashi) - take out,
get out, reveal, show, start -> 出して (dashite) OR 出て (date) OR 出ちゃった

出す (dasu) - to take out, reveal, submit, publish, to begin -> 出した (dashita) OR
出して (dashite)

脱衣所 (datsuijo) - bath house

出來る (dekiru) - to be able to do -> 出来ないなら (dekinaigara) - to NOT be able to


電流 (denryou) - electric current

怒張 (dochou) - overswelling, bulging

何処 (doko) - where, what place, how much

___ 度目 (dome) - the ___th time

何の (dono) - which, what way

貪欲 (donyoku) - greed

怒濤 (dotou) - surging waves

動 (dou) - motion

同調 (douchou) - alignment, agreement

同時 (doujin) - Same Time

同居 (doukyou) - coexistence, living together

同士 (doushi) - mutual, companion

同様 (douyou) - identical, same


笑顔 (egao) - smile

鋭く (eikaku) - acute/sharp angle (smaller than 90 degrees)

影響 (eikyou) - influence

液 (eki) - liquid, fluid

液体 (ekitai) - liquid

笑み (emi) - smile

笑む (emu) - smile

獲物 (emomono)- game, spoils, trophy

円 (en) - circle

演技 (engi) - act

遠慮 (enryo) - reserve, constraint, holding back

遠慮のない (enryononai) - unreserved


普段 (fudan) - usual, normal

不意打ち (fuiuchi) - surprise attack

深々(fukabuka) - very deeply

深い (fukai) - deep -> 深く (fukaku)

二回目 (fukaime) - 2nd time around

復活 (fukkatsu) - revival, restored, comeb ack

含める (fukumeru) - include, instruct, put in mouth -> 含めて (fukumete)

膨らみ (fukurami) - bulges (boobs)

膨らむ (fukuramu) - to get big -> 膨らん (fukuran) OR 膨らませて (fukuramaste)

膨れ (fukure) - swelling

雰囲気 (funiki) - mood, ambience

触れ (fure) - touch -> 触れあう (fureau) - come in contact with, touch (each other)
OR 触れる OR 振れる (fureru) OR 触れて (furete)

振り (furi) - swing

風呂 (furoba) - bathroom

振る (furu) - shake, swing -> 振って (furutte) OR 振った (fureutta)

震え (furue) -shivering, trembling > 震える (furueru) - to shiver, shake, tremble

-> 震えて (furuete) -> 震わせた (furuwaseta) OR 震わせる (furuwaseru) OR 震わした
(furuwashita) OR 震えてる (furueteru)

不思議 (fushigi) - wonderful, mysterious

二つ (futatsu) - two

再び (futatabi) - again, once more

二人 (futari) - two persons, couple

太い (futoi) - thick -> 太くて (futokute)

太もも OR 太腿 (futomomo) - thigh, buttocks

布団 (futon) - yep


我慢 (gaman) - endurance

我慢汁 (gamanjiru) - pre-cum

頑張り (ganbari)- endurance

頑張ろう (ganbarou) - Give it your best shot, let's do this, pull together

頑張る (ganbaru) - do best -> 頑張って (ganbatte) OR 頑張らせて (ganbarasete)

頑固 (ganko) - stubborn, obstinate -> 頑固だからな (Gankodakarana)

側 (gawa) - (taking someone's) side, part

言 - (gen) Word, Remark, Sentence -> 言えない (without word)

構 (gen) - strict

現地調達 (genchichoutatsu) - local procurement/content

限界 (genkai) - limit

元気 (genki) - lively, healthy

銀 (gin) - silver

銀糸 (ginshi) - silver thread

五感 (gokan) - five senses

極上 (gokujou) - the best

剛 (gou) - hard, manly

剛直 (gouchoku) - integrity, moral courage

具合 (guai) - condition, state, way

ぐしょ濡れ (gushonure) - soaked, dripping wet

逆 (gyuku) - reverse


肌 (ha) - Skin/Body

歯 (ha) - tooth

幅 (haba) - width, breadth

裸 (hadaka) - nudity/bareness

派手 (hade) - loud

生える (haeru) - to grow, spring up -> 生えている (hateteiru) - currently growing up

激しい (hageshii)- violent, intense -> 激しく (hageshiku)

背筋 (haikin) - back spine muscles

入る (hairu) - to enter, to go into -> 入って (Haitte) OR 入った (Haitta) -> 入っちゃっ

背徳 (haitoku) - immoral -> 背徳的で (haitokutekide) - to be like immoral

恥 (haji) - embarassment -> 恥ずかしい (hazukashii)- embarassed OR 恥ずかしげ

弾け (hajike) - burst/explosion

弾ける (hajikeru) - burst open, split open

初めて (hajimete) - For the first time

始める (hajimeru) - to start, begin -> 始めた (hajimeta) (past tense)

吐き出す (hakidasu) - spit out -> き出した (hakidashita)

迫力 (hakuroku) - impressiveness, force, innteisney

ハマッた (hamatta) - hooked???

花びら (hanabira) - flower petal

話 (hanashi) - talk, chat

離す (hanasu) - to separate, divide -> 離し (hanashi) OR 離さない (hanasanai)

放つ (hanatsu) - emit, release -> 放った OR 放って

半開き (hanbiraki) - partly open

半勃起 (hanbokki) - semi-erection, half-boner

判断 (handan) - judgment

跳ね (hane) - jump, upward turn, splash

跳ねる (haneru) - jump, break up, to come to end

端から (hanakara) - from the start

反応 (hannou) - reaction

半端 (hanpa) - remanent, incomplete, fraction

反省 (hanseni) - reflection, repetence

反射的 (hanshateki) - reflexive, reflecting

貼り (hari) / 張る (haru) - to stick, to strethc, tightne

張りつめる (haritsumeru) - to strain, tense -> 張りつめた (haritsumeta

張る (haru) - to stretch, stick -> 張って (hatte)

遥遥か (haruka) - far off

挟む (hasamu) - hold between -> 挟んだ (hasanda) -> 挟んで (hasan) -> 挟まれ (hasamare)

走り抜ける (hashirinukeru) - run through

発する (hassuru) - to let out

果てる (hateru) - to end, to be finished -> 果てて (hatete)

這う (hau) - to creep, crawl -> 這う這い回って (haimawatte) -> 這わせて (hawasete) OR 這

わせた (hawaseta)

舞う (hau) - to dance, flutter -> 舞って (hatte)

早い (hayaki) - fast, quick

早く (hayaku) - quickly

速く (hayaku) - early, soon, quickl,y fast

速める (hayameru) - to quicken -> 速めて (hayamete) OR 速めた (hayameta)

早める (hayameru) - to bring forward, to advance quicken

筈 (hazu) expected to be

弾む (hazumu) - to bounce/be stimulated

気 (heiki) - Calmness, composure, alright, fine

平均 (heikin) - avaerage

変 (hen) - strange, weird, unepxected

辺 (hen) - area, vicinity, side, circumstances

変化 (henka) - change

部屋 (heya) - room

火 (fire)

響か (hibika) OR 響き (hibiki) 響く (hibiku) - Reverberation, echo OR 響い (hibii)

響き渡る (hibikiwataru) - to resound, echo

秘部 (hibu) - secret part/genitals

襞 (hida) - fold, folds

左 (hidari) - left

酷い (hidoi) - cruel, heartless, vioolent, intense

比較的 (hikaku) - relatively, comparivley

光 (hikari) - light, vision

光る (hikaru) - to shine, glitter

引き上げる (hikiageru) - pull up, increase

引き抜く (hikinuku) - to pull out -> 引き抜かれる (hikinukareru)

引き締まった (hikishimatta) - learn, toned, compact, compressed

引っかかる (hikkakaru) - to be caught or stuck, to stobp by, get mixed in, be

decided, on one's mind

秘 (himitsu) - secret

引っ張る (hipparu) - to pull (tight), draw -> 引っ張る (hippatte) OR 引っ張られる


開く (hiraku) - to open, to widen -> 開いて (hiraite)

秘裂 (hiretsu) - female genitalia

広がる (hirogaru) - to spread out, fill -> 広がって (hirogate)

広げる (hirogeru) - spread, expand -> 広げられ (hirogerare) OR 広げて (hirogete)

疲労 (hirou) - fatigue

久しぶり (hisashiburi) - a long time (since last imte)

潜める (hisomeru) - to hide, lower, quiet -> 潜めて (hisomete)

悲壮 (hisou) - tragic but brave

必死 (hisshi) - frantic, desperate

浸る (hitaru) - to be soaked in, immersed in

人 (hito) - Person, human

一言 (hitokoto) - single word, few words

瞳 (hitomi) - eye

人差し指 (hitsosashiyubi) - index finger

必要 (hitsuyou) - necessary

卑猥 (hiwai) - indecent

他 (hoka) - Nothing but, nothing aside from,

褒める (homeru) - to praise -> 褒められて (homerarete)

本番行為 (honbankoui) - sexual intercourse

誇る (hokoru) - to boast, be proud of

本気 (honki) - seriousness, eartnestnaness

本能 (honnou) - Instinct
本当に (hontouni) - Really, truly

頬 (hoo) - cheek of face

ほろ酔い (horoyoi) - slight intoxication, tipsty

細い (hosoi) - thin, slender, small

細める (hosomeru) - to make narrow.

捕食 (hoshoku) - predation, preying on

欲しい (hoshii) -> 欲しいなら (hoshiinara) - wanted, wished for, desired

火照る (hoteru) - to feel hot -> 火照った (hoteta)

迸る (hotoru) - to surge, well up, gush out -> 迸らせた (horaseta) OR 迸った OR 迸って

放置 (houchi) - leaving as is, leaving to chance, negletcting

方 (hou) - direction, way, state, apperance

放題 (houdai) - as much as you would like

包皮 (houhi) - foreskin

奉仕 (houshi) - service

表現 (hyougen) - expression

表情 (hyoujo) - facial expression, look, appearance

表面 (hyoumen) - face, outside, surface


一段 (ichadan) - more

一物 (ichabutsu) - penis

位置 (ichi) - place, position

一丸となって (ichigantonatte) - in unison, as one, united

一度 (ichido) - Once, for a moment, one time

一番 (ichiban) - number one

位 (ichii) - throne, crown, social standing, government position

一枚 (ichimai) - one thin object

抱く (idaku) - to embrace, to have sex -> 抱いて (idaite)

意外 (igai) - unexpected, surprising

言い放つ (iihanatsu) - to declare

言い方だ (iikatada) - way of talking, speaking style

言いながら (iinagara) - While saying

意地 (iji) - Stubborn, Desire, Disposition

苛める (ijimeru) - to bully, tease -> 苛めて (ijimete)

弄り (ijiru) - fondling

弄ぶ (ijibu) OR 弄び (ijibi) - to play with

意地悪 (ijiwaru) - malicious, unkind

以上 (ijou) - not less than, above-mentioned, since...

生き (iki) - living, fresh, vitlaity

息 (iki) - breath, breathing

一気に (ikkini) - in one breath, without pausing

行き (ikiki) - coming and going

熱り立つ OR いきり立つ (Ikirita) - To get Angry, lose one's temper -> いきり立った

勢い (ikioi) - force, vigor, life

行く (iku) - to go, to move, to reach, to proceed

幾分 (ikubun) - somewhat

幾度 (ikudo) - many times, often

今 (ima) - now, present, just now -> 今や (imaya) now as opposed to past, now at

居間 (ima) - living room

今更 (imasara) - now, at late hour, at point of time, again

意味 (imi) - meaning, signifiance

妹 (imouto) - younger sister

淫靡 (inbi) - obscene

陰茎 (inkei) - penis

淫乱 (inran) - lewd

陰唇 (inshin) - labia
一方 (ippou) - one, the other, one way, one pparty, the other party

入れ (ire) - to go in, admit, accept

入れる (ireru) - to put in, to take in, to insert -> 入れなくて (irenakute) - not
inside OR 入れず - without inside OR 入れて (irete) OR 入れたい (iretai) OR 入れさせてく

挿れる (ireru) - to insert for sex -> 挿れて (irete)

入り (iri) - entering

入り口 (iriguchi) - entrance

色 (iro) - look, expression, appearance, color, lust, love

色っぽい. (iroppoi) - sexy, erotic -> 色っぽく (iroppoku)

言う(iru) - to say, declare, name, make noise -> 言って (itte) OR 言った (itta) OR 言
っとけ (ittoke)

意志 OR 意し (ishi) - will, determination

意思 (ishi) - intention, wish, purpose, mind

意識 (ishiki) - consciousness, becoming aware,

意識的 (ishikiteki) - conscious deliberate

一心不乱 (isshinfuran) - wholeheartedly, single-mindedly, intently

一緒に (issho[ni]) - together, at the same time

一生懸命 (isshoukenmei) - very hard, one's might, dear life

一瞬 (isshun) - Instant, moment

痛 (itai) - pain, ouch -> 痛く (itaiku) (becoming pain)

痛い (itai) - painful, hurt -> 痛がって (itagatte)

痛み (itami) - pain -> 痛む (itamu) - to hurt, feel pain

糸 (ito) - string

いつの間にか (itsunomanika) - before one noticed, unnoticed

一定 (ittei) - fixed, constatn

一滴 (itteki) - drop of fluid

言う (iu) - to say, to name, declare -> 言って (itte) -> 言いつつ (iutsutsu) -> 言わな
いで (iwanaide) OR 言うべきだろう (iubekidarou) OR 言われた (iwareta) OR 言われて

言われてみれば (iwaretemireba) - now that you say that, now that you mention it

嫌 (iya) - disagreeable, destatable, unpleasant, reluctant

否応 (iyaou) - answer respectivley agreement or disagreement

否応なく (iyaounaku) - whether one wants to or not, no choice

異様 (iyou) - strange


自分 (jibun) - Myself, I, oneself, Me, himself, herself

焦らし (jirashi) - irritate, tease -> 焦らされる (jirasareru)

自制 (jisei) - self contorl

実際 (jissai) - In reality, Actuality, pracicality

自信 (jishin) - self confidence

自身 (jishin) - one'se self

自体 (jitai) - itself, one's own body, originally

実は (jitsuwa) - To tell you the truth, as a matter of ffact, honestly

充分 (juubun) - plenty, enough

十分 (juubun)- thoroughly, sufficient, throughly

徐々 (jojo) - gradually, steadily, quietly, slowly

潤滑油 (jonkatsuyu) - lubricant

女性 (josei) - Woman, female

上 (jou) - aboard, top of

状 (jou) - shape

上下 - (jouge) - up and down

上下動 (jougedou) - up and down movement\

上半身 (jouhanshin) - upper half of body/bust

上気 (jouki) - flushing of cheecks

状況 (joukiyou) - situation

上位 (joui) - superior, higher order, (domination?)

上体 (joutai) - upper body

状態 (joutai) - current status

情欲 (jouyoku) - passion, lust

上手 (jouzu) - skillfull

準備 (junbi) - preparation, setup, arrangements

充血 (juuketsu) - congestion with blood -> 充血した (juuketsushita) -


勝ち (kachi) - win

重なる (kachinaru) - lie on top of one another

返り (kaeri) - turning over, reply,

変える (kaeru) - change, vary, revise -> 変えて (kaete)

返す (kaesu) - to return, overturn, retaliate, repeat -> 返さない (kaesanaide) -

don't OR 返して (kaeshite) - connective

輝き (kagayaki) - brightness, brilliance, radiance

加減 (kagen) - Adjust, balance

下腹部 (kafukubu) - abdomen

下半身 (kahanshin) - lower half of body

回 (kai) - time(s)

甲斐 (kai) - effect, worth, use

垣間 (kaima) - chink in fence, gap in hedge

開発 (kaihatsu) - development, explitation

快感 (kaikan) - pleasant feeling

解放 (kaimou) - release, unleashing

快楽 (kairaku) - pleasure

回転 (kaiten) - rotation

会話 (kaiwa) - conversation

格好 (kakkou) - position
駆け上がる (kakeagaru) - to run, dash up, to rush up

駆ける (kakeru) - to run, dash, advance

掛かる (kakkaru) - take, hang, arrive, come into view -> 掛って (katte)

かき回し (kakimawashi) - to stir up, to disturb

掻き分ける (kakiwakeru) - to push one way through -> かき分けて (kakiwakete)

描く (kaku) - to draw

角度 (kakudo) - angle

確実 (kakujitsu) - certainity, reliability, soundness

隠す (kakusu) - to hide -> 隠さず (kakusazu) - noto hide

亀頭 (kamegashira) - glans

髪 (kami) - hair

叶わぬ (kanawame) - impossible dream -> 叶わなかった (kanawanagatta)

歓迎 (kangei) - welcome

考える (kangeru) - to think about, consider

感じ (kanji) - feeling -> 感じ取る - to perceive/sense

感じる (kanjiru) - to feel -> 感じて (kanjite) OR 感じてる (kanjiteru)

感じがする (kanjitoru) - to have a feeling

感覚 (kankaku) - Sensation/sense/feeling ->

間隔 (kankaku) - Space, interval

緩急 (kankyuu) - pace, tempo

彼女 (kanojo) - girlfriend, her/she

管理 (kanri) - control/management (noun or suru verb)

観察 (kansatsu) - watching, obsering

鑑賞 (kanshou) - appreciation

感触 (kanshoku) - feel, touch, feeling

簡単 (kantan) - easy

完全 (kanzen) - Perfect, complete

顔 (kao) - Face, look

体 (karada) - body

駆られる (karareru) - to succumb to, be driven by feeligs

苛烈 (karetsu) - severe

カリ首 (karikubi) - glans, head of penis

絡みつく (karimitsuku) - coil around -> 絡みついて (karimitsuite) OR 絡みつき


軽い (karui) - light -> 軽く - light

構わず (kamawazu) - to mind, concered about

噛み締める (kamishimeru) - to chew -> 噛み締めながら (kamishimenagara

霞む (kamu) - to grow hazy/misty -> 霞んで (kande)

彼女 (kanojo) - She, her, girlfriend

観賞 (kanshou) - enjoyment, viewing

感想 (kansou) - thoughts, feelings

絡む (karamu) - to entangle -> 絡んで (karande)

重ねて (kasanete) - once more, repeatedly

箇所 (kasho) - passage, place

加速 (kasoku) - acceleration, sped up

方 (kata) - direction, side, type, way, manner

肩 (kata) - shoulder

形 (katachi) - shape, figure, form

片手 (katate) - one hand

硬い (katai) - hard, stiff, strong -> 硬くてっ (katakute) OR

固い (katai) - hard, stiff, strong -> 固くて (katakute)

固さ (katasa) - hardness

渇望 (katsubou) - craving, longing

勝手 (katte) - one's own convenience, way, selfishness.

葛藤 (Kattou) - conflict, troubles

可愛い (kawaii) - cute -> 可愛くて (kawakute)

乾く (kawaku) - to get dry -> 乾いて (kawaite)

変わる (kawaru) - change, to move, different -> 変わって (kawatte)

変わった (kawatta) - another, different, unusual

風 (kaze) - behavior

毛 (ke) - hair, down

兄 (kei)- older brother

兄妹 (keimai) - older brother and younger sister

痙攣 (keiren) - convulsion, cramp, spasm

計算 (keisan) -- calculation/forecast/recokening

血管 (kekkan) - Blood vessel

結構 (kekkou) - splendid, nice, quite, fairly

獣 (kemono) - beast

懸命 (kenmei) - eager, earnest, utmost heffort

毛先 (kesaki) - tip of hair

結合 (ketsugou) - union, joining -> 結合部 (ketsuguohou)

気 (ki) - spirit, mind, heart, motivation, mood, ambience

厳しい (kibishii) - strict, intense

気分 (kibun) - feeling, mood

鬼畜 (kichiku) - brute, savage

消える (kieru) - to disappear

聞こえる (kikoeru) - to be heard

聞く (kiku) - to hear, listen, to ask, learn -> 聞いて (kitte) -> 聞かない - don't

決まって (kimatte) - always, usually

気味 (kimi) - sensation, feeling

君 (kimi) - you (famil なる iar), male/young female

気持ちいい (kimochiii) - feels good -> 気持ち良く (kimochiyoku) -> feeling good -> 気持
ちよくて (kimochiyokute)

禁断 (kindan) - prohibited, forbidden

筋肉 (kinniku) - muscle

禁止 (kinshi) - prohibition, ban

切れ (kire) - piece, sharpness

綺麗 (kirei) - pretty, lovely,

きり/限り (kiri) - ends, limit, only

気力 (kiryoku) - willpower

鍛える (kitaeru) - to forge, build, train, -> 鍛えた (kitaeta)

来てる (kiteru) - to be coming -> 来て (kite) - come

亀頭 (kitou) - glans

屹立 (kitsuri) - towering

器用 (kiyou) - skillfull, nimble

刻む (kizamu) - to engrave, carve, tatoo -> 刻みこんで (kizamikonde)

気づき (kizuki) - awarenes, realization

気づく (kizuku) OR 気付く (kizuki) - to notice, realize -> 気づか (kizuka) -> 気付いてい
ない - not notice

気遣う (kizukau) - to worry bout -> 気遣えず (kizukaezu) - not worry

子 (ko) - young woman

拒む (kobami) - to refuse, to deny

媚 (kobi) - flirty

小ぶり (koburi) - small side, smalli sh

子ども OR 子供 (kodomo) - child

鼓動 (kodou) - beat, palpatation

声 (koe) - Voice, Sound

越える (koeru) - to cross over, to exceed -> 越えて (koete)

濃い (koi) - deep- > 濃く (koku)

恋人 (koibito) - lover, girlfriend,

誇示 (koji) - (vulgar) display, ostentation

股間 (kokan) - crotch, nether region

小気味 (kokimi) - sentiment, feeling

小刻み (kokizami) - short repeated movements/trembling, gradual , little by litttle

心地 (kokochi) - feeling

心 (kokoro) - heart, mind

呼吸 (kokyuu) - breathing, respiration

細かく (komakaku) - finely

こみ上げる (komiageru) -welling up feeling/sensation -> こみ上げて (komiagete)

込む (komu) - packed, put into, do intently -> 込まれて (komarete)

今度 (kondo) - this time, now

今後 (kondo) - from now on

こねくり回す (konekurimawasu) - to knead/turn -> こねくり回しつつ


根元 (kongen) - root, base

今夜 (konya) - tonight

転ぶ (korobu) - to fall down, turn out

転がす (korogasu) - to roll -> 転がした (korogashita) OR 転がして (korogashite)

殺し (koroshi) - murder

腰 (koshi) - Hips

腰つき (koshitsuki) - position

腰を下ろす (koshiwoorosu) - To sit down -> 腰を下ろされて (koshiwoorosarete)

擦ら (kosura) - to rub -> 擦ってる (kosuteru) OR 擦られる (kosurareru)

擦り (kosuri) - rubbing

擦る (kosuru) - to rub -> 擦りつけて (kosuritsukete)

答える (kotaeru) - answer/reply -> 答えて (kotaete)

応える (koeru) - to respond, reward -> 応えたい (koetai) OR 応えられる (koerareru)

腰骨 (koshibone) - hip bone

事 (koto) - thing, event

言葉 (kotoba) - words

言葉通り (kotoba-doori) Exactly as stated

異なる (kotonaru) - to differ

断る (kotowaru) - to refuse/decline

紅潮 (kouchou) - flush, blish

硬直 (kouchoku) - rididity, sfitness

行動 (koudou) - action, behavior

興奮 (koufun) - arousal, excitement, stimulation

興奮気味 (koufungimi) - being somewhat excited

睾丸 (kougun) - balls

効果 (kouka) - effect

交換 (koukan) - exchange, interchanging

行為 (koui) - act, deed

光景だ (koukei) - sight, view

恍惚 (koukotsu) - ecstasy, trance

口唇 (kousihin) - lips, labia

強張る (kowabaru) - to stiffen -> 強張る (kowabari) OR 強張った (kowabatta)

恐い (kowai) - scary

蠱惑的 (kowakuteki) - Fascinating, alluring

壊れる (kowareru)- to break, to fall through -> 壊れて (kowarete)

洪水 (kouzui) - flood

子作り (kozukuri) - having children

首 (kubi) - neck

首筋 (kubisuji) - neck naape

口 (kuchi) - mouth, opening, hole

口元 (kuchimoto) - mouth, entrance

唇 (kuchiburu) - lips

口走る (kuchibashiru) - to blurt out -> 口走った (kuchibashitta)

下さい (kudasai) - please give me/do for me

食い (kui) - bite

苦悶 (kumon) - anguish

繰り返す (kurikaesu) - to repeat

繰り返し (kurikaeshi) - repeatedly

黒髪 (kurokami) - black hair

来る (kuru) - to come, arrive, come back, to do -> 来た (kuta) - came

苦しい (kurushii) - painful

咥える (kuwaeru) - to hold in one's mouth -> 咥え込む (kuwaekomu) - to hold fast deep
in, bring in man for sex

崩す (kuzu) - throw off balance -> 崩しかけて (kushikakete)

却下 (kyakka) - rejection, dismissal

今日 (kyou) - Today

拒否 (kyouhi) - refusal, refjection

享受 (kyoujyo) - reception, acceptance, enjoyment

強烈 (kyouretsu) - strong, intense

昇る (kyouru) - rise up -> 昇って (kyoutte)

嬌声 (Kyousei) - sexual voice, flirtatious voice, moan

急 (kyuu) - sudden, abrubt

急激 (kyuugeki) - sudden, abrubt


増 (ma) - increase -> 増して (to increase)

街 (machi) - Town, Street, Neighberhood

間違いない。 (machigainai) - There is no doubt

前だった (maedatta) - was before

前に (mae ni) - previous, former, last, pre-, before, earlier

埋没 (maibotsu) - being buried/immersed

混じる (majiru) - to be mixed/blended with -> 混じって (majitte)

交わり (majiwari) - sexual intercourse, intersectio

交わる (majiwaru) - to cross, to join -> 交わった (majiwatta)

真っ赤 (makka) - bright, deep red, complete

任せる (makaru) - to entrust, to rely on, to leave to -> 任せて

実に (makotoni) - indeed, really

負け (make) - Defeat, loss -> 負けて (makete)

負けじと (makejito) - resolutely; determinedly

負ける (makeru) - to lose

真っ黒 (makkuro) - pitch black

撒き散らす (makichirasu) - to scatter -> まき散らし (makichirashi)

塗れる (mamireru) - to be covered -> 塗れた (mamireta)

満々 (manman) - full of

満足 (manzoke) - satisfication, sufficient

眼差し (manazashi) - look, gaze

丸見え (marumie) - full view

正しく (masashiku) - surely, no doubt

摩擦 (masatsu) - rubbing

真っ白 (masshiro) - blank

増す (masu) - to increase, grow -> 増した (mashita)

跨る (matagaru) - to straddle -> 跨った (matagatta) OR 跨って (matagatte) -> 跨がる


待つ (matsu) - wait -> 待って (matte)

回る (mawaru) - to turn/revolve

回す (mawasu) - to turn, to spin, to gyrate, to move -> 回して (mawashite)

迷う (mayou) - to lose one's way, to hesitate, to give into temptation

眉 (mayu) - eyebrow
目 (me) - eye, sight, stare -> 目の前 (menomae) - before one's eyes OR 目の前に

滅茶苦茶 (mechakuchada) - unreasonable, senseless, confusing

巡る (meguru) - to go around -> 巡った (megutta)

目尻を下げる (mejiriwosageru) - to look happy

面 (men) - aspect, faced, side

濡らす (merasu) - to wet, to moisten, to soak -> 濡らさない

濡れる (mereru) - to get wet -> 濡れて (merete)

塗り (meri) - coating

目線 (mesen) - one's gaze, point of view

目覚める (mezameru) - to wake up -> 目覚めつつ (mezametsutsu)

珍しい (mezurashi) - unusual, rare, new

身 (mi) - body, onself, one's place

見 (mi) - looking, viewing -> 見下す (mikutasu)- to look down 見下ろさ (miorosa) -
Looking Down (???) OR 見られ OR 見下ろし (miroshi) OR 見られて OR 見下ろす OR

見上げる (miageru) - to look up

密着 (michaku) - glued to

満ちる (michiru) - to be full -> 満ちた

見目麗しい (mimeuruwashii) - good lucking, fair, beautiful -> 見目麗しく


見れる (mireru) - to be able to see -> 見れば (mireba)

魅力 (miryoku) - fascinatination

淫ら (midara) - indecent, lewd

乱す (midaru) - to disarrange -> 乱れて (midareru) - to be disheveled, discomposed ->

乱れて (midarete) or 乱し (midashi) OR 乱して (midashite)

見える (mieru) -to be seen -> 見えない (mienai) - to NOT be seen OR 見えた (mieta)

右 (migi) - right

短 (mijika) - short, brief

見下ろす (miosuru) - to overlook, to look down on -> 見下ろして (miosushite)

見られる (mirareru) - to be seen, able to see OR 見られたい (miraretai)

見る (miru) - to see, to look, to view -> 見て (mite) OR 見える - to be seen, to

appear, look like

見せる (miseru) to show/display -> 見せたい (miseta) OR 見せつける (Misetsukeru) - To

show off, flaunt, make a display OR 見せて (misete)

満たす (mitasu) - to fill -> 満たして (mitatte)

蜜 (mitsu) - nectar, honey

見つめる (mitsureru) - to stare, gaze -> 見つめながら (mitsumenagara)

見る (miru) to see -> 見たい (mitai) - want to see OR 見たら (mitara)

自ら (mizukura) - oneself, personally

瑞々しい (Mizumishii) - fresh and youthful, lively, vibrant, vivacious

水音 (mizuoto) - sound of water

持ち上がる (mochiagaru) - to be lifted, to go up -> 持ち上がった (mochiagata)

悶え (modae) - Agony, anguish

悶える (modaeru) - to be in angony

戻る (modoru) - return/go back

目的 (mokuteki) - goal, purpose

桃色 (momoiro) - pink

物 (mono) - thing, quality

物み (monomi) - sightseeing, patrol

物足りない (monotarinai) - Unsatisfied -> 物足りなく (monotarinaku) OR 物足りなさ

(monotarinasa) Unsatisfiction

漏らす (morasu) - to let leak -> 漏らした (morashita) OR 漏らして (morashite)

漏れる (moreru) - to leak out -> 漏れて (motte)

盛り上がる (moriagaru) - to swell, rise, bulge

諸 (moru) - together

揉む (mosu) - rub -> 揉んで (monde) -> 揉まれたら (momaretara) -> 揉み (momi)

弄ぶ (moteasobu) - to play with

元栓 (motosen) - stopcock / gas water valve

求める (motomeru) - to want, demand, seek -> 求めて (motomete)

元々 (motomoto) - Originally

持つ (motsu) - to hold, to take -> 持って (motte) OR 持たないだろう (motanaidarou) - to

NOT hold

もう一度 (mouichido) - once more

もう一回 (mouikkai) - once more

猛烈 (mouretsu) - firece, intense, severe ,violent

申し訳ない (moushiwakenai) - I'm sorry

放出 (moushotsu) - release, ejection

無茶 (mucha) - unreasonable, excessive

夢中 (muchuu) - absorbed in, ecstasy

無意識的 (muishikiteki) - unconsoious

迎える (mukaeru) - to go out to meet, approach -> 迎えて (mukaete)

昔 (mukashi) - olden days, former

向ける (mukeru) - to turn towards

剥きだし (mukidashi) - naked, bare

胸元 (munamoto) - breast

胸 (mune) - chest

無理 (muri) - unreasonable, forced, no way

脈打つ (myakuutsu) - to pulsate -> 脈打った (myakuutta) OR 脈打ってる (myakuutteru) -

pulsating OR 脈打ち (myakuuchi)

脈動 (myakudou) - pulsation

妙 (myou) - strange, mystery, cleverness


撫でる (naderu) - to stroke, carress, rub -> 撫でて (nadete) OR 撫でられ (naderare)

萎える (naeru) - to lose strength -> 萎えて (naete)

長 (naga) - long

長い (nagai) - long

眺めだ (nagameda) - scene, view

眺める (nagameru) - to look at

流れこ (nagareru) - to stream, flow, wasthed away

流れこむ (nagarekomu) - to flow into, stream into

無い (nai)- nonexistent, unique

内壁 (naiheki) - inner wall

中 (naka) inside, within, center, middle

中身 (nakami) - interior

泣き (naki) - weeping, cry -> 泣きそう (nakisou) - cry -> 泣き顔 (nakigao) - crying

生 (nama) - raw, natural,

生殺し (namagoru) - half-dead

舐める (nameru) - to lick, taste -> 舐められてたら (nameraretetra) - licking

生意気 (namaiki) - cheeky

涙目 (namidame) - teary eyes

何 (nan) - how many

何度 (nando) how many times, how often

何度も (nandomo)- many times over, often

慣れる (naneru) - to get used to, familiar in -> 慣れて (nanete)

何 (nani) - what, how many

何か (nanika) - something

何も (nanimo) - nothing, not any

何もかも (nanimokamo) - just about everything

何より (naniyori) - most, best, above all

何とか (nantoka) - something, somehow

何とも (nantomo) - quite, very, extremely

慣れた (nareta) - experienced, practicved

成る (naru) - to become, to get, to grow, to reach, to result in, to consist of ->

なって - [connective verb version] OR なっちゃい

鳴る (naru) - to sound, to echo, roar -> 鳴った (natta)

情け (nasake) - pity, affection

無し (nashi) - without

擦り付ける (nasuritsukeru) - to rub on

悩ましげ (nayamashi-ge) - anxious appearance, appearing uneasy, yearning look

粘り気 (nebarike) - stickiness

粘つく (nebatsuku) - to be sticky -> 粘ついた (nebatsuita)

粘っこい (nebokkui) - sticky, stiff

捻る (nejiru) OR 捻ら (nejira) - to twist, turn -> 捻って (nejitte) OR 捻られる


捩る (nejiru) - to screw, twist

寝かさ (nekasu) - to put to sleep, lay on -> 寝かさない (nekasanai)

粘度 (nendo) - viscosity [thick, sticky, semifluid]

粘膜 (nenmaku) - Mucous Membrane

粘液 (neneki) - viscious liquid

粘液質 (nenekishitsu) - phlegmatic temperament (calm, cool)

寝る (neru) - to lie down

寝そべる (nesoberu) - to stretch, to lie sprawled -> 寝そべった (nesobetta)

熱心 (nesshin) - zeaous, enthusiastic

熱 (netsu) - passion, enthusiasm, heat

熱っぽい (netsuppoi) - feverish/enthusiastic/(passionate?)

鈍い (nibui) - dull, blunt, dim

二度 (nido) - two times, twice

二度目 (nidome) - the second time

煮えたぎる (nietageru) - to boil hot -> 煮えたぎって (nietagette)

握る (nigeru) - to clasp, to grip -> 握って (nigete)

握らす (nigirasu) - to let someone take hold of hand -> 握られて (nigirarete)

にじみ出る (nijimimeru) - to ooze

滲む (nijimu) - to run, blur, ooze, show through -> 滲んだ (nijinda)

肉 (niku) - flesh, meat

肉棒 (nikubou) - dick, cock

認識 (ninshiki) - recognistion, awareness, understand

匂い (nioi) - odor, smell

肉体 (nukutai) - the body

伸ばす (nobasu) - to reach out -> 伸ばし (nobashi)

昇り (nobori) - ascent, climbing

登りつめる (noboritsumeru) - to reach -> 登りつめたらしい (noboritsumetarashii) -


昂 (noboru) - Rise

野太い (nobutoi) - audacious, bold, throaty, hoarse -> 野太くぬ (nobutokunu) - NOT
bold or NOT hoarse

乗っかり (nokkari) - To get on, climb on

残らず (nokorazu) - all, completely

残る (nokoru) - to remain

残さず (nokosazu) - all, entirely, withou texception

残す (nokosu) - to leave behind, save

呑みこん (nomikon) - Swallow deeply, engulf, swallow, take in -> 飲み込む (nomikomu)
OR 飲み込まれる (nomikomareru) OR 飲み込まれて (nomikomarete)

呑む (nomu) - gulp, to wallow, engulf, keep down

乗る (noru) - to get on, get in, to board, to reach -> 乗って

脳 (nou) - Brain, mind

濃厚 (noukou) - rich, thick, passionate, hot

のぞき込む (nozokikomu) - peer in/look into

覗く - (nozoku) - to look down, peek -> 窺える (nozoeru)

望み通り (nozomidoori) - just as you wish -> のぞき込んで (nozokikonde) -

望む (nozomu) - desire, wish -> 望んで

脱ぐ (nugu) - take off clothes -> 脱がせたので (nugasetanode) OR 脱がせる (nugaseru)

抜ける (nukeru) - to come out, be missing, to fade -> 抜けて (nukete) OR 抜けた

抜く (nuku) - to draw out

濡れる (nureru) - to get wet -> 濡れて (nurete) OR 濡れた (nureta) OR 濡れそぼつ
(nuresobotsu) - to be dripping wet -> 濡れそぼつ (nuresobottatsu) -> 濡れそぼった

尿道口 (nyoudoukou) - urethral opening


帯びる (obiru) - to be entrusted, trace of, to carry

覚える (oboeru) - remember, memorize, feel -> 覚えて (oboete)

落ち (ochi) - Outcome, final result

落ちる (ochiru) - to fall down, to drop -> 落ちて (ochite)

踊る (odoru) - to dance

愛撫 (oibu) - caressing

間 (oida) - space, gap, relationship

追い詰める (oitsumeru) - to corner, chase after -> 追い詰められた (oitsumerareta) OR

追い詰められて (oitsumerarete)

お返し (okaeshi) - return favor

お構い (okamai) - enterainitment, hospitality

犯す (okasu) - to rape, to violate -> 犯してる (okashiteru)

起き上がる (okiageru) - to rise, to erect, to get up

起きる (okiru) - to happen

起こす (okosu) - to raise -> 起こした (okoshita)

向こう (okou) - opposite, other sid,e over there

奥 (oku) - inner part, insides, depths -> 奥まで (okumade) until as, until insides
OR 置かれたら (okaretara) - if you were inside

置く (oku) - to put -> 置いて (oite)

奥歯 (okuba) - molars, back teeth

お前 (omae) - you [rude]

遅れる (okureru) - to be late, delayed

思い (omoi) - thought, imagination, desire

想い (omoi) - thought, imagination, wish

思いの丈 (omoinotake) - one's whole heart

主 (omo) - important, main

思える (omoeru) - to seem -> 思えない (omoenai) - to NOT seem

重み (omomi) - weight, importance

思いきり (omoikiri) - With one's strenght/heart, resolution

重たい (omotai) - heavy, massive, important

思う (omou) - to think, consider, judge, imagine -> 思って (omotte) OR ちゃう - will
be finished/done OR 思わなく (omowanaku) - NOT think OR 思ったら (omottara)

思うさま (omousama) - to one's heart's content

思わず (omowazu) - Unintentionally, reflexively, instinctively

同じ (onaji) - same

お腹 (onaka) - belly, stomach

お願いします (onegaishimasu) - please

女 (onna) - female, woman, girlsfiend

女の子 (onnanoko) - girl, young woman

お姉 (onee) - elder sister

赴く (omomuku) - to go in direction of

多い (ooi) - many

大きく (ookiku) - in a big way, on a grand scale

大きな (ookina) - big, large

多く (ooku) - many, much, largely mostly

大間違い (oomachigai) - great mistkae

大真面目 (oomajime) - dead serious

俺 (ore) - I [male rough]

俺達 (oretachi) - We/Our

折り (ori) - opportunity, folding, fold

降りる (oriru) - to come down -> 降りて (orite)

恐ろしい (oroshii) - terrible, terrifying, amazing

下ろす (orosu) - to lower -> 下ろして (oroshite) OR 下ろされ (orosare) 下ろされる

押さえる (osaeru) - to pin down, hold down, quell, lower -> 抑えてる

収まる (osamaru) - to settle down -> 収まらない (osamaranai) - NOT settled

足 (oshi) - foot, leg

押し (oshi) - to push -> 押しつける (oshitsukeru) -> 押しつけられて (oshitsukete)

押し当てる (oshiateru) - to push against -> 押しあてて (oshiatete)

教える (oshieru) - to teach -> 教えてくれた (oshietekureta)

惜しげもなく (oshigemonaku) - freely, generously, liberally

押しつける (oshitsukeru) - to press, to force

押し出す (oshidasu) - to push out -> 押し出して

お仕置き (oshioki) - punishment,

お尻 (oshiri) - bottom, buttocks

押しつけ (oshitsuke)- imposition, compulsion

遅く (osoku) - late

恐らく (osoraku) - Perhaps, probably

襲う (osou) - attack -> 襲われる (osowareru) OR 襲われて (osowarete)

息子 (osuko) - penis

お互い (otagai) - Mutual, reciprocal, each other

音 (oto) - sound, noise

男 (otoko) - Man, Male, boyfriend

大人 (otona) - adult

落とす (otosu) - to drop -> 落として (otoshite)

訪れる (otozureru) - to arrive, to come

愛液 OR お汁 (otsuyu) - Genital secretions, sexual fluids, love liquid

往復 (oufuku) - going and returning

泡立つ (owadatsu) - to bubble/foam -> 泡立った

危うく (oyauku) - barely, almost


爛々 (ranran) - glaring, flaming

裸体 (ratai) - nudity, naked body

冷静に (reisei) - cool off, recover, collect oneself, chill out

立っち (richhi) - positio

離婚 (rikon) - divorce

臨界点 (rinkaiten) - critical point

理性 (risei) - reason

律動 (ritsudou) - rhythem

理由 (riyuu) - reason

露出 (roshuotsu) - exposure

良 (ryou) - good

両側 (ryougawa) - both sides

旅行 (ryoukou)- travel, trip, journey

両脚 (ryoukyaku) - both legs

両端 (ryoutan) - both ends

両手 (ryoute) - with both hands


挿 (sa) - Insertion

寂し (sabishii) - lonely

下がり (sagari) - hanging down

最中 (saichuu) - in the middle of

最大限 (saidaigen) - maximum

最後 (saigou) - end/final

最近 (saikin) - recently, nowadays, right now

最高 (saikou) - the best, most, highest

最奥 (saiou) - innermost place

最深部 (saishinby) - deepesr part

最初 (saisho) - Beginning, first

最優先 (saiyuusen) - maximum priority

最優先事項 (saiyuusenjikou) - first priority/highest pirorit

錯覚 (sakkaku) - illusion, delusion

先 (saki) - previous, prior

先っぽ (sakippo) - tip

先走り汁 (sakibashirijiru) - pre-cum

桜色 (sakurairu) - cherry blossom color

責める (sameru) - to blame, to urge, to torture -> 責めたて (sametate) OR 責められて

(samerarete) OR 責められた (samerareta)

寒い (samui) - cold

寒気 (samuke) - chill, shivers

散々 (sanzan) - thoroughly, severely

竿 (sao) - rod, penis

更に (sarani) - furthermore, again. even more

さらけ出し (sarakedasu) - expose, lay bare, confess

晒す (sarasu) - expose, rinse, soak -> 晒されて (sararete) -> 晒して (sarashite)

支える (sasaeru) - to support

刺さる (sasaru) - to stick into, pierce -> 刺さっちゃってる (sasacchatteru)

差し入れる (sashiireru) - to insert/put in -> 差し入れて (sashiirete)

誘い (sasoi) - invitation, tempration

誘う (sasou) - to invite, to tempt, to arouse

痴態 (satai) - foolishness, silliness

説得力 (sattokuryoku) - persuasiveness

触る (sawaru) - touch -> 触って (sawatte) OR 触っちゃ (sawaccha)

左右 (sayuu) - left and right, control, domination

さざ波 or 細波 (sazanami) - ripple on water

背 (se)- back

狭まる (sebamaru) - contract

精 (sei) - strength, energy, semen

盛大 (seidai) - powerful, magnificient.

正義 (seigi) - justice/correct

精液 (seieki) - semen

性癖 (seiheki) - fetish, sexual disposition

性格 (seikaku) - personality

性感 (seikan) - sexual feelings

性器 (seiki) - genitals

性行為 (seikoui) - sexual intercouse

精子 (seihsi)- semen

生殖 (seishoku) - reproduction

性的 (seiteki) - gender, sex

清楚 (seisou) - neat and clean, tidy

世界中 (sekaijuu) - around the world

急かす (sekasu) - to hurry, to urge -> 急かしたく (sekashitaku)

責任 (sekinin) - duty, responsiblity

石けん (sekken) - soap

積極的 (sekkyokuteki) - Assertive

狭い (semai) - narrow, small

迫る (semaru) - To approach -> 迫って (sematte)

責め立てる (semetateru) - to tortue severely -> 責め立てて (semtatete)

扇情的 (senjouteki) - lascivious

背中 (senaka) - back

宣言 (sengen) - declaration/proclaim

脊髄 (senkizui) - spinal cord

背伸 (senobi) - overreaching, pushing limt

先輩 (senpai)- senior

接触 (sesshoku) - contact, touch

選 (sen) - selection, choice

選択 (sentaku) - choice

先端 (sentan) - pointing up, tip

切 (setsu) - eager, earnest

接合 (setsugou) - union, joining

説明 (setsumei) - explanation

射精 (shasei) - ejaculation -> 射精感 (shaseikan)

痺れ (shibire) - numb

縛り (shibari) - binding, regulation, limit

絞る (shiboru) - to squeze -> 絞って (shibotte) -> 絞られて (shiborarete)

絞り (shibori) - to squeeze

次第 (shidai) - depending on, as soon as, immediatley

垂 (shide) - droop, hanging

刺激 (shigeki) - stimulation, thrill

扱き (shigoki) - waist?

扱く (shigoku) - to stroke, work hard, mastrubate

支配 (shihai) - domination, control

視界 (shikai) - field of vision

仕方ない (shikatanai) - It can't be helped

敷く (shiku) - to lay out -> 敷いて (shiete)

島 (shima) - island

死ぬ (shime) - todie

湿り気 (shimerike) - moisture

湿る (shimeru) - to become wet -> 湿った (shimeta)

示す (shimesu) - to show, tell, point out, indicate -> 示しあわせた (shimeshiawaseta)

染み (shimi) - stain, spot

振動 (shindou) - vibration, swing pendulum

信じられない (shinjirarenai) - incredibly, unbelievable

心臓 (shinzou) - heart, guts

潮騒 (shiosai) - sea roar

下 (shita) - below, bottom

舌 (shita) - tongue

下敷き (shitajiki) - being pinned under, being buried under

指摘 (shiteki) - pointing out

身長 (shinchou) - body height

身体 (shintai) - body

新鮮だ (shinsenda) - Fresh/New

子宮 (shikyuu) - womb/uterus

締める (shimeru) - to tighten -> 締めあげて OR 締め付ける OR 締め付けて (shimeagete)

締め付ける (shimetsukeru) - to tighten -> 締めつけて (shimetsukete) OR 締めつけられる

(shimetsukerareru) OR 締めつけた (shimetsuketa)

締め付け (shimetsuke) - tightening

搾る (shiboru) - to squeeze -> 絞ろう (shiborou)

侵入 (shinnyuu) - penetration

尻 (shiri) - Butt

白い (shiroi) - white

汁 (shiru) - juice

知る (shiru) - to know, undestand -> 知らなかった (shiranakatta) - to not known -> 知

らない (shiranai)

知り (shiri) - to know, understand

視線 (shisen) - line of sight, gaze

知っちゃったら (Shitchattara) - I knew???

幸せ (shiawase) - happiness

閉まる (shimaru) - to be shut, tighten

下着 (shitagi) - underwear

肢体 (shitai) - body

室内 (shitsunai) - indoor,

沈む (shizumu) - to descend -> 沈ませる (shimaseru) OR 沈める (shimeru)

処女 (shojo) - virgin, virginity

少女 (shoujo) - girl, young lady (between 7-18)

消耗 (shoumou) - exhaustion

衝動 (shoudou) - urge, impulse

正直 (shoujiki) - Honestly, Frankly, Honest

主導権 (shudouken) - initiative

首肯 (shukou) - consent

瞬間 (shunkan) - moment

周囲 (shuui) - surroundings

集中 (shuuchuu) - concentration

収縮 (shuushuku) - constriction, contraction

損ねる (sokoneru) - to miss one's chance/ to fail, to harm -> そこねて (sokonette)

速度 (sokudo) - speed

染まる (somaru) - to be dyed, to be stained -> 染まった (somatta) OR 染まって (somatte)

染め (some) - dyeing

その通り (sonotoori) - just like that, quite so

存在 (sonzei) - existence, bring

逸らす (sorasu) - turn away, avert

反らす (sorasu) OR 反らせる (soraseru) - to bend -> 反らし (sorashi)

反り (sori) - curve, arch

注ぐ (sosogu) - to pour into/fill ->

注いだ (sosoida)

そそり立つ (sosoritatsu) - to rise -> そそり立った (sosoritatta)

双 (sou) - pair

壮観 (soukan) - spectable, magnificent view

挿入 (sounyu) - insertion

相当 (soutou) - corresponding to, appropriate, proportionate to, considerable,


想像 (souzou) - imagination
滑る (suberu) - to drop -> 滑らせて (suberasete) OR 滑って (subete)

全て (subete) - all, everything

荒ぶ (suchibu) - to grow wild, rough -> 荒ぶらせつつ

既に (sudeni) - already, too late

姿 (sugata) - figure, appeareance, state

過ぎ (sugi) - past, after, too much, over

過ぎる (sugiru) - to pass through/beyond,

凄い (sugoi) - amazing, great

凄く (sugoku) - awfully, very

素肌 (suhada) - bare/naked body, complexion

透き (suki) - gap, break

隙間 (sukima) - gap, opening

少し (sukoshi) - small, little while -> 少しな (sukoshina) - NOT small?

少ない (sukunai) - few, a little -> 少なく (sukunaku)

吸い (sui) - suck up, inhale, breathe, absorb

吸いこみ (suikomi) - suction

吸い寄せる (suiyoseru) - to draw in /attract -> 吸い寄せられて (suiyoserarete)

好き (suki) - like, love

好きな (sukina) - As you want -> 好きなだけ (sukinadatte) - all you want

少しずつ (sukoshizutsu) - little by little

素股 (sumata) - intercrural sex

素直 (sunao) - honest feelings

拗ねる (suneru) - to sulk, pout -> 拗ねた (suneta)

寸前 (sunzen) - on the verge of, just before

擦れ合う (sureau) - to rub against -> 擦れあって (sureatte)

擦れる (sureru) - to be rubbed -> 擦れてる (sureteru)

擦り (suri) - rubbing, scrubbing, scraping

進む (susumu) - to advance, make progress, deepen -> 進みそう (sumisou)

素敵 (suteki) - lovely, wonderful, nice

数瞬 (suushun) - a few moments


食べる (taberu) - to eat -> 食べられて (taberarete)

度 (tabi) - time, times -> 度に (tabi ni) - every time, each time, whenever

多分 (tabun) - Perhaps, probably

高く (takaku) - quanity

沢山 (takusan) - a lot, plenty,

確かに (tashikani) - surely

耐え (tae) - to endure, resist

耐える (taeru) - to bear, endure -> 堪えた (taeta)

滾り (tagiri) or 滾る (tagiru) - to boil

体調 (taichou) - physical condition

大儀そうに (taigisouni) - wearily

大変 (taihen) - very, immendely

体重 (taijuu) - body weight

体位 (taii) - sexual position

体温 (taion) - body temperature

大量 (tairyou) - large quantity

大切 (taisetsu) - important, beloved, precvious

互い (tagai) - mutual, recirprocal

玉 (tama) - bead (of sweat)

溜まる (tamaru) - to collect, accultmulate -> 溜まって (tamatte)

体力 (tairyoku) - stamina, endurance

多重 (taju) - multiple

高まる (takamaru) - to rise -> 高まって (takamatte) OR 高める (takamete) OR 高いし

(takaishi)- high???

体勢 (taisei) - Position, posture

対する (taisuru) - to face, to be in response to, to receieve

大抵 (taitei) - mostly, usually, probably, most, ordinary

保つ (tamotsu) - to keep, retrain -> 保った (tamotta)

谷間 (tanima) - cleavage

他人 (tanin) - Others, another person, stranger

短く (tanjuku) - shortening, reduction

頼 (tano) - request

頼むから (tanomukara) - Please, I'm asking you

楽しむ (tanoshimu) - To enjoy (oneself) -> 楽しんで (tanoshinde) OR 楽しみつつ


楽しげ (tanoshige) - happy, pleasanat

倒す (taosu) - to knock down -> 倒した (taoshita) OR 倒されていた (taosareteita) OR 倒

して (taoshite) OR 倒される (taosaseru)

垂れる (tareru) - to lower, droop -> 垂れた (tareta) OR 垂れて (tarete)

垂らす - (tarasu) - to spill -> 垂らし (tarashi)

垂れ流し (tarenigashi) - wetting self, discharge

足り (tariru) - to be sufficientm enough

多少 (tashou) - a little

叩く (tataku) - to strike, beat, knock, tap

叩きつける (tatakitsukeru) - to strike, thrust -> 叩きつけて (tatakitsukete)

立て続け (tatetsudzuke) - succession, continuation

立てる (tateru) - to stand up, put up, thrust into, make a noise

立てて (tatete) - especially, wholeheartedly

戯れ (tawamure) - play, fun

容易い (tayasui) - easy, light -> 容易く (tayasuku)

手 (te) - hand

手始め (tehajime) - outside, start, beginning

程度 (teido) - degree, amount,

抵抗 (teikou) - resistance
的 (teki) - -like, typical

手のひら (tenohira) - palm of hand

照れ臭い. / 照れくさい (terekusai) - Embarassing, akward

照れる (tereru) - to be embarassed -embarassed> 照れさせよ (teresaseyo) OR 照れちゃう


手探り (tesaguri) - fumbling

富 (to) - rich, abundant

飛び (tobi) - flying, naught

途中 (tochuu) - In the middle of, on the way

届く (todoku) - to reach, arrive -> 届いて (todoite)

尖った (togatta) - pointed, sharp

溶かす (tokasu) - melt

時 (toki) - time, occassioan, chance

時折 (tokiori) - sometimes

特権 (tokken) - privilege

所 (tokoro) - place, spot

特別熱く (tokubetsu) - special, extraordinationl

特に (tokuni) - particularly, especialy

問い (toi) - question

吐息 (toiki) - sigh, long breath

共 (tomo) - together with, same

伴い (tomonai) - accompaniment
止まる (tomoru) - to stop (moving)
止まれない (tomoranaii) -> can't stop moving
止まら (tomarazu) - does not stop
止められない (tomerarenai)- (can't stop) OR 止めなかった (tomenakatta) - did not stop

飛ぶ, (tonfu) - soar, jump, spring, hop -> 飛んだ (tonda)

当の (tono) - the ___ in question

遠ざかる (toogikaru) - go away, fade away

通る (tooru) - to go by, along, run between, connect,cary, penetrate

通す (toosu) - to stick through, to spread throughout, make a path -> 通して


取れる (toreru) - to come off, disappear, attained (balance)

取り出す (toridasu) - to take otu

取り戻す (torimodosu) - to take back, regain, recover -> 取り戻して (torimodoshite)

蕩ける (torokeru) - to melt, be captivated

取る (toru) - to take -> 取って (totte) OR 取られて (torarete)

年 (toshi) - year

都市伝説 (toshidensetsu) - urban legend

年下 (toshishita) - younger

年上 (toshiue) - older

突 (to) - stab, thrust

整う (totonou) - to be ready, to adjusted, to be well-proportioned -> 整って


透明 (toumei) - transparent, clear

到達 (toutatsu) - reaching

当然 (touzen) - naturally, deserved

肉壺 (tsubou) - jar, pot

粒 (tsubu) - drop

募る (tsunoru) - grow violent, stronger -> 募った (tsunotta)

潰す (tsubusu) - to smash, shut down,wreck

呟く (tsubuyaku) - to mutter -> 呟いた (tsubuyaita)

続く (tsuzuku) - to continue, occur again and again, to lead to - > 続いて (tsuzuite)
OR 続ける (tsudzukeru) OR 続けてい (tsuzukete) OR 続けた (tsuzuketa) OR 続けられ

次 (tsugi) - Next,

告げる (tsugeru) - to tell, inform

掴み (tsukami) - grip -> 掴まれる (tsukamareru)

掴む (tsukamu) - to grasp -> 掴んで (tsukande)

突き (tsuki) - thrust -> 突き上げ (tsukiage) - To push up OR 突きあげた (tsukiageta)

突き刺さる (tsukisasaru) - to stick into, to pierce -> 突き刺さっていた


付き (tsuki) - attached to

突き出る (tsukideri) - to stick out

付く (tsuku) - to be attached

吐く (tsuku) - to breathe out -> 吐いて (tsukite)

突く (tsuku) - thrust, poke --> 突いて (tsuite)

着く (tsuku) - to arrive, sit on -> 着いて (tsuite)

尽くす (tsukuru) - to exhaust, devote -> 尽くして (tsukutte)

使い (tsukai) - use

捕まえる (tsukamaeru) - to catch, seize -> 捕まえ (tsukamae)

使う (tsukau) - to use, make use of -> 使って (tsukatte)

突き上げる (tsukiageru) - to push up, force up, to burst out

突き出る (tsukideru) - to stick out -> 突き出て (tsukidete) OR 突き出した

(tsukidashita) OR 突き出された (tsukidasereta)

摘む (tsumamu) - to pinch -> 摘んで (tsumande) OR 摘んじゃ (tsunjya)

詰まる (tsumaru) - to be full ->詰まった

詰める (tsumeru) - to stuf into, to pack, closer, reduce -> 詰めて (tsumete)

摘ん (tsun) - to pinch

繋がり (tsunagari) - connection, link -> 繋がって (tsunagatte)

繋がる (tsunagaru) - to be connected to -> 繋ぐ (tsunagu) - to connect -> 繋がれて

(tsunaga rete) -> 繋がった (tsunagatta)

貫く (tsurameku) - to pierce, penetrate

吊り (tsuri) - hanging

伝わる (tsutawaru) - to be transmitted -> 伝わって (tsutawatte)

伝える (tsutaeru) - to convery, transmit -> 伝えた (tsutaete)

伝う (tsutau) - to go along, follow -> 伝って (tsutatte)

包ま (tsutsuma) - to be wrapped up, to cover oneself

包む (tsutsumu) - to wrap up

包み (tsutsumi) - wrap
通じる (tsuujiru) - to understand, to lead to

艶っぽい (tsuyappoi) - romantic, spicy, captiviting

強い (tsuyoi) - strong -> 強く (tsuyoku)

強め (tsuyome) - to strengthen


奪う (ubau) - to snatch away, steal, dispossess

内側 (uchigawa) - inside

打ち消す (uchigesu) - to demy, negate, drown out

打ちつける (uchitsukeru) - to knock, bang, strike hard

腕 (ude) - arm

上 (ue) - Above/Up/Over/(On) Top/On/Before/Superior

上から目線 (uekaramesen) - looking down on

動 (ugo) OR 動く (ugoku) - move, motion, shift, shake -> 動かす (ugokasu) to move, to
inspire, to change, to mobilize, to manage OR -> 動いて (ugoite) OR 動かさないから
(ugokasanaikara) OR 興奮 (ugoki) OR 動かす (ugokasu) OR 動かして (ugokashite) OR 動か
し (ugokashi) OR 動き

蠢く (ugomeku) - to wriggle

浮かべる (ukaberu) - show on one's face -> 浮かべて (ukabete)

浮かす (ukasu) -> 浮かさ (ukasa) - to float OR 浮かせる (ukaseru)

受け入れる (ukeireru) - to accept, receive, give -> 受け入れて (ukeirete)

受けて立つ (uketetatsu) - to accept challenge, take up gauntunat

受け止め (uketomeru) - to accept -> 受け止めます (uketomemasu)

受け身 (ukemi) - passive attitude

受ける (ukeru) - to receive -> 受けた (uketa) - received

受け止める (uketomeru) - to catch, to react, to accept -> 受け止めて (uketomete)

浮き (uki) - floating

上手い (umai) - delicious, splendid, skillful

埋まる (umaru) - to be buried, overflow, crowded -> 埋まって (umatte)

海 (umi) - sea
促す (unagasu) - to urge, encourage, press -> 促された (unagasareta)

頷き (unazuki) OR 頷く (unazuku) - nod, to agree -> 頷いた (unazuita)

運動 (undou) - movement

裏 (ura) - other side, behind

裏側 (uragawa) - reverse, other side

裏腹 (urahara) - opposite, controsey

裏返る (uragaeru) - to be turned inside out, squeak ->

裏筋 OR 裏スジ (urasuji) - frenulum

裏付ける (urazukeru) - to support, to prove

嬉しい (ureshii) - happy, glad

潤む (urumu) - to be wet, moist -> 潤んだ (urunda) -> 潤んでいた (urundeita) -> 潤ませて
いる (urumaseteiru) - is getting wet. OR 潤って (urutte) OR 潤った (urutta)

失う (ushinau) - to lose -> 失った (ushinatta)

後ろ (ushiru) - back

薄暗 (usugurai) - dim, gloomy

愛しさ (utsukushisa) - beauty

上書き (uwagaki) - superscription, overwriting



輪 (wa) - circle, loop

我儘 or 我が儘 (wagamama) - selfihs, wilfull

分かり (wakari) - understsanding -> 分かりません (wakarimasen) - polite no

分かる (wakaru) -> 分から (wakara) - to be understood, become clear, obstinate? ->
分からない (wakaranai) OR 分かった (wakatta)

訳 (wake) - conclusion, situation

解る (wakeru) - I understand -> 解った (wakatta)

湧き (waki) - welling up, gushing, surging

笑う (warau) - to laugh/smile -> 笑って (watte) OR 笑った (watta)

割れ目 (wareme) - vulva, slit, crack

悪者 (warumono) - bad fellow, rascal, scoundrel

悪い (warui) - at fault -> 悪く (waruku)

忘れる (wasureru) - to forget, carelessly -> 忘れた (wasureta)

私 (watashi) - Neutral I pronoun

私たち (watashitachi)- We, Us

私にはで (watashiniha) - for the likes of me

僅か (wazuka) - only merely



破れ (yabure) - tear, rip, break

宿す (yadosu) - to keep, carry, entrust

野外 (yagai) - Outdoors, outside

躍動 (yakudou) - lively motion

槍 (yari) - lance, javelin

優しくする (yashikusuru) - to treat kindly/gently

矢継ぎ早 (yatsugibaya) - rapid sucesssion

柔 (yawa) - softness

柔らか (yawaraka) - soft, tender, gentle -> 柔らかさ (yawarakasa) - softness

涎 (yodare) - drool

良い (yoi) - good, plesant -> 良くて (yokute) OR 良かった (yokatta)

酔い (yoi)- drunkness

余韻 (yoin) - reverberation, swelling, suggestiong

欲求 (yokkyuu) - desire, urge, craving

横 (yoko) - horizontal, side to side

横向く (yokomuku) - to turn sideways -> 横向ける (yokomukeru)

良く (yoku) - nicely, skillfluly

欲望 (yokubou) - lust, desire

欲情 (yokujou) - sexual desire/horny

嫁 (yome) - wife, bridge

読み取る (yomitoru) - to read someone

悦び (yorokobi) - joy, pleasure

喜ぶ (yorukobu) - to be glad, accept

喜んで (yorunde) - with pleasure..

良さ (yosa) - good quality

寄せ (yose) - last moves

寄せる (yoseru) - to come near, approach, near -> 寄せて (yosete)

様 (you) - appearing, looking, way of, form

用意 (youi) - preparation, arrangements

要領 (youryou) - outline?? gist?? points??

予想 (yousou) - expectation, anticipation,

予想外 (yosougai) - unexpected

誘導 (youdou) - guidance, leading, introducting

妖艶 (youen) - bewitching

容赦 (yousha) - mercy -> 容赦なく (youshanaku) - no mercy

様子 (yousu) - state, appearance

弱い (yowai) - weak

余裕 (yoyu) - composure, calm, surplus, leeway

指 (yubi) - finger -> 指先 (yubisaki) - fingertip

委ねる (yudaneru) - to abandon self to (pleasure) -> 委ねて (yudanete)

愉悦 (yuetsu) - joy

歪む (yugamu) - to wrap, distorted, perverted

歪める (yugameru) -> 歪み (yugami) - strain, bend

床 (yuka) - floor

愉快 (yukai) - enjoyable, pleasant, amused

浴衣 (yukata) -

夢見 (yumemi)- dream
夢見心地 (yumemigokochi) - dreamy state of mind

揺れる (yureru) - to shake -> 揺らす (yurasu) - to rock, shake OR 揺れ (yure) -

shaking OR 揺らし (yurashi) OR 揺れて (yurete) OR 揺らしながら (yurashinagara) OR 揺ら
して (yurashite)

緩める (yurumeru) - to loosen, relax, reduce -> 緩めて (yurumete)

緩む (yurumu) - to become loose, to decrease -> 緩んで (yurunde)

緩やか (yuruyaka) - gentle, slow -> 緩やかな (yuruyakana)

揺さぶる (yusaburu) - to shake, to swing

揺する (yusuru) - to shake/swing -> 揺すって (yusutte) OR 揺すりた (yusurita) OR 揺すっ

た (yusutta)


絶頂 (zecchou)- climax

絶叫 (zekkyou) - scream, shriek

前 (zen) - the previous

全裸 (zenra) - nude

全部 (zenbu) - all,whole, entire -> 全体 (zentai) - whole

絶対 (zendai) - absoultely

蠕動 (zendou) - crawling like a worm

前戯 (zengi) - foreplay

前後 (zengo) - front and rear, before and after, around

前後左右 (zengosayuu) - in all directions

前回 (zenkai) - previous/last time

全然 (zenzen) - not at all

絶景 (zekkei) - superb view

全力 (zenryoku) - all one's power

全身 (zenshin) - full body

全体的 (zentaiteki) - overall, on the whole

絶頂 (zetchou) - climax

絶妙 (zetsumyou) - exquisite, superb

増幅 (zoufuku) - amplification
図星 (zuboshi) - bulls eye, on the mark

随分 (zuibun) - very, extremely

頭上 (zujou) - above one's head

伝い (zutai) - along

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