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Newcastle 500 Supercars - Project Working Group

Date: 28 Feb 2018 Time: 1.00pm - 2.30pm Venue: Conference Room, CAC Level 6
Meeting No: 13 Meeting Objectives: Project Update, Agree on next steps

Jeremy Bath Chief Executive Officer
Ngaire Baker Executive Officer
Peter Chrystal Director Planning and Regulatory
Andrew Baxter Acting Director Corporate Services
Ken Liddell Director Infrastructure
Kathleen Hyland Manager Communications and Engagement
Jill Gaynor Manager Strategic Planning (Chair)
Mark Stratford Special Events Coordinator
Darren Green Program Development Coordinator Roads
Greg Essex Manager Civil Works
Alissa Jones Newcastle 500 Program Manager (Minutes)
Trish Hilkmann Newcastle 500 Project Manager
Item No Item Speaker Time

1. Welcome & Apologies Chair 2.5

2. Confirmation of Minutes from previous meeting Chair 2.5

3. Review status of any outstanding Action Items from Chair 10

previous meeting

4. Project Management Office Update

• Draft Project Charter PMO 30
• Resourcing Year 2
• All Agency Meeting Update
• Event Project Plan (Smartsheet)

5. Proposal from Contractors for Year 2

• Contract 2017/423Q Bryan Hardman PMO 10
• Contract Salty Dingo Photo Journalism Kathleen Hyland

6. Briefing Paper - Agency Meeting Council Jill Gaynor 5


7. Briefing Paper - Community survey for SA and DNSW Trish Hilkmann 5

8. Communications Update Kathleen Hyland

• Communications Agency Meeting Update 10

9. Civil Works Defects Update Darren Green 10

10. General Business All 5

Project Working Group - Newcastle 500 Supercars - Agenda 1 of 1

Newcastle 500 Supercars
Project Working Group

Debrief Meeting Notes

Date: 29 Nov 2017 Time: 2.30pm - 4.00pm Venue: CAC 6, Conference Room

1. Ngaire Baker Executive Officer
2. Peter Chrystal Director Planning and Regulatory
3. Jill Gaynor Manager Strategic Planning (Chair)
4. Kathleen Hyland Manager Communications and Engagement
5. Mark Stratford Special Events Coordinator
6. Greg Essex Manager Civil Works
7. Adam Smith Subdivision Coordinator
8. Shane Conserdyne Geospatial Information Services Coordinator
9. Darren Green Program Development Coordinator Roads
10. Susan Denholm Place Making Facilitator
11. Alissa Jones Newcastle 500 - Program Manager
12. Trish Hilkmann Newcastle 500 - Project Manager
13. Linda Woodbury Newcastle 500 - Project Support (Minutes)

1. Welcome and Apologies

• No apologies received.
• General consensus was that the 3 day event was awesome and Newcastle really shone.
• Favourite moments from the weekend were shared.
• Planning for Year 2 has started and we need to ascertain what we (Council) can influence
for the next year.
• Need to brain-dump, get the information down and then work on a draft report.

2. PMO Debrief (Alissa Jones)

• Overall it was a good experience and well run.
• Photos of the GCC and how it was set up are saved on the Supercars Server.
• Trish and Alissa worked alongside all agencies in a supporting role.
• 2-Way Radios:
− Worked well but need to provide better training and more protocols around usage
in the future.
− The Special Event radio channel worked well, not a lot of traffic, but it worked well
when needed.
− Next time a mic on the shoulder will be required at a minimum or an ear piece as it
was difficult to hear because of the noise.
• Event protocols coming out (Plan on a page).
• Special events email address for all events.
• Supercars event email - keep the address active.
• Trish developing a feedback form in SmartSheet.

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Newcastle 500 Supercars
Project Working Group

3. GCC Debrief (Shane Conserdyne)

• GIS staff got a lot of value from working in the GCC especially in terms of spatial
information, but weren't overloaded with work over the weekend.
• There was a waste issue inside the precinct (Supercars responsibility). Might be good to
put a sticker on the bins so that it is clear that Supercars are responsible for the waste.
• Would be handy to have a map with a grid overlay to assist with describing certain
• May also be handy to have a sticker on the toilets to call if they require servicing by
• 3D model:
− Was flown on Thursday morning - operational on Saturday morning. It was well
used operationally in terms of barriers, egress, crowd issues etc.
− Agencies struggled without CCTV - flying blind.
− DPC want to use the 3D model in their debriefs.
− Design - quick and dirty, but once it is processed the quality will be better.
− Need to include right down to the interchange to get full view of event precinct.
• Shane advised that the GCC worked well.
• Next year it would be good to deploy apps that can identify issues and have the ability to
take photos to report any issue.
• GCC will share the operational log.

4. Communications and Engagement Debrief (Kathleen Hyland)

• Refer to the Newcastle 500 Coverage Report.
• Have received multiple request for our images. Any requests should be submitted to
Kathleen Hyland.
• TMC and Keolis Downer is asking for images of buses in front of the Newcastle
• The photographer (Salty Dingo) has transferred the image licence to us and we can pass
onto a 3rd party with photo credit. This agreement was part of the contract.
• The low-res images have a watermark on them.
• Discussion about turning the images into a souvenir/coffee table book.
• ¼ of the images taken were not Supercars related.
• Discussion about all of the tourist/tourism opportunities for the race circuit for the other
362 days of the year:
− Walking tour - phone app
− Retain 2 of the race kerbs at T10 and T12 as they are good tourist attraction and
legacy item
− Have a selfie spot - I've walked the Newcastle 500 track
• Daracon took the opportunity to erect their own scrim on the fencing for some self-
• Pro-Supercars residents provided feedback about the blue noise matting blocking their
views and not making any difference to the noise.
• MERWG had its last meeting for the year on 22nd November and will debrief in January.

5. New Crew Volunteer Debrief (Susan Denholm)

• Volunteer locations worked very well.
• Volunteers were roving between Museum and QWH.

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Newcastle 500 Supercars
Project Working Group

• Newcastle Shop sold lots of merchandise.

• The maps and city guides were a good ice-breaker to engage with patrons.
• Volunteers were very please they didn't have to give out any complaint cards.
• Susan and Tim are compiling volunteer feedback and suggestions.
• TMC had the interchange manned by their own volunteers.
• Next year we need to have a marquee next to the Maritime Centre.
• Hunter Water hydration stations were not manned and only had warm water available.
Work with Hunter Water next year on the placement of the hydration stations and
possibility of them being plumbed.

6. Event Debrief (Mark Stratford)

• Transport were operating a bit on the fly
• We need a service-deed agreement with them to service the drop off/pick up points.
• Thanked all Council staff and clean-up crews.
• Reiterated the waste problem inside the precent. Don't think Supercars were prepared for
the numbers.
• Need to have a retail business workshop for local retailers
• Need Newcrew staff inside the Mall as patrons were being directed away from the Mall.
• Newcastle Now were promoting tours of Nobbys Headland for $5 entry.
• Bryan Hardman will provide an independent report on the event.
• Need bigger ferries and they need to start picking up passengers at the same time.
• It was hard for pedestrians to gain access to the mall from the water.
• There were some rogue traders on the weekend (Bolton Street Pantry had a hot bbq
blocking a footpath)
• Need an East End Trading Area within the precinct for year 2. This was part of the original
plan but there wasn't enough space available. More work to happen in this space.
• Business Liaison - part of the PMO for next year?
• Need to link inspiring business owners together so that they can inspire others!
• Marquee feedback:
− Need more giveaways
− Maps of the track and event precinct were very popular
− Opportunity to have a pop-up shop and sell merchandise
− Partnership opportunity with local driver Aaron Russell from Lucas Dumbrell

7. General
• Need more space on the Supercars Server. (Linda to action)
• Keep communication open with staff now - can continue the story…
− what staff had to work on in the lead up to the race
− bump-out
− keep the good news stories flowing
• Need to determine what the best structure is for the Project Management going forward.
• Civil defects work begins on Monday 11th December and will be complete by 22nd

The meeting closed at 4.00pm

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Newcastle 500 Supercars
Project Working Group - Outstanding Action List as at 28 February 2018

Meeting Responsible
No Required Action Due Date Status
Date Officer

Increase space on Supercars server for Photo

1 29/11/17 PMO 23/02/18 Complete

In Progress. Position Descriptions drafted for

PMO Resourcing to be determined for
2 29/11/17 PMO 23/02/18 Project Manager and Special Events Officer Roles.
Supercars Project
Awaiting approval for recruitment.

Darren In Progress. Contractors are back on site attending

3 29/11/17 Civil Defects to be resolved and actioned 22/03/18
Green to agreed works

In Progress Initial conversations have commenced

An East End Trading Area to be investigated
between Council (Mark Stratford & Greg Fenwick)
Mark for Year 2 event. Business liaison/opportunities
4 29/11/17 30/06/18 Hunter Business Chamber (Bob Hawes) and DPC
Stratford to be pursued with Newcastle NOW and
(Suzette Gaff). Plan will need to be developed to
Hunter Business Chamber for 2018 event
maximise opportunities for 2018 event

Pre and Post touring options to be investigated

5 29/11/17 and promoted through Supercars travel 30/06/18 Meeting to be organised by Events team.

PMO/Cultural Newcastle Shop to be well stocked with and Meeting to be organised with PMO & Cultural
6 29/11/17 30/06/18
Facilities promoted for 2018 event Facilities to discuss planning for 2018 event

Investigate opportunity to for an event app to

7 29/11/17 PMO/IT identify issues and report on major events 30/06/18 Meeting to be organised with PMO & IT
(including photo attachments)

Meeting to be organised with events team to

8 29/11/17 Patrick Quick Develop protocol on use of 2 way radios 30/06/18
document protocol

Newcastle 500 Supercars - Project Working Group - Outstanding Action List 1 of 1

Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Project Charter

Newcastle 500 Supercars -

2018 - 2021

Document Location
ECM Subject Project - Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
ECM Topic
ECM Document Description Documentation – Project Charter –Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Document Revision
Document Date Version Prepared By Approved By Approval Date
Project Management
17 January 2018 Draft 1.0 Office (PMO) Alissa
Jones / Trish Hilkmann
31 January 2018 Draft 2.0 Jill Gaynor

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Project Name Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021

Project File Number Project No. 602730

Project Type
 Built infrastructure  Strategic Corporate IT
• Choose which  Major Asset Preservation Program (MAPPs)  Governance
funding program
Executive Summary Location: Newcastle East End
• Where is the Project Description:
project located?
• What is the The annual Newcastle 500 is the grand finale of the Supercars Championship. The first
project? event was held from 24 - 26 November 2017 and was attended by more than 192,000
• Project people.
The inaugural event won the Supercars Best Event - Fan's Choice Award.
• Who is the end
Event responsibility is shared as follows:

• Destination New South Wales (DNSW) is the NSW Government Lead Agency for
the investment in the event and responsible for administering all authorisations for
the event
• Supercars Australia (SA) is the event owner, organiser and promoter and
responsible for the full delivery of all aspects of the event
• Newcastle City Council (NCC) is the landholder and local government authority
responsible for the area defined in the Event Precinct
• The Motor Racing legislation gives Supercars control of the land for a defined
period to conduct the Newcastle 500 event.

The 2018 event will take place on 23-25 November

It is anticipated that the subsequent year's events will also take place during November
each year.

Project Background:

Virgin Australia Supercar Championships (VASC) (formally Australian Touring Car

Championship commencing in 1960 with the Supercar concept emerging as the name in
1991) is the premier motorsport category in Australasia and one of Australia’s biggest

Council has a five year agreement with DNSW to host the Grand Finale on a purpose built
street circuit in Newcastle.

Installation of the temporary infrastructure, signage, grandstands (Bump In) will commence
six weeks prior to the event and dismantling and removal of the infrastructure (Bump Out)
requires an additional four weeks.

As a result this impacts on other event, ceremonies and functions held at Foreshore Park,
Fort Scratchley and other areas within the race precinct from mid-October to late
December. Council has adopted a protocol to deal with enquiries and bookings during this

An extensive community engagement strategy was implemented for the inaugural year by
Council and Supercars to address issues raised by residents and businesses affected by
the event.

Further engagement will be required for the remaining events with particular focus on
supporting the business community to leverage event benefits.

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Council officers will work with representatives from across State Government, Supercars
Australia, and industry business organisations (e.g. Newcastle NOW, Newcastle Business
Chamber) to ensure a successful ongoing event.

Project Why
Purpose/Justification The Newcastle 500 is a collaboration between Council, Destination NSW and Supercars
• Why are we
doing this? A MoU will define the roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder. This project will
coordinate the Council-related deliverables related to the Event.

• Alignment with Project Vision

Council’s To host a successful Newcastle 500 event, leverage on tourism opportunities for Newcastle
strategic as a destination and promote Newcastle as a key regional city for investment.
(Delete those Council's Strategic Objectives
not applicable) • Vibrant and activated public places
• Liveable and distinctive built environment
• Other strategic • Smart and innovative city
Documents eg
Relevant Strategic Documents
Case, Master
Plan, Technical • NSW Government Premier and Cabinet - Newcastle 500 - Roles and
Manuals, DCP Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders
Relevant Legislation
• Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Act 2008
• Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Amendment (Newcastle 500) Regulation
• Local Government Act, 1993
• Local Government (General) Regulation, 2005
• Environment Planning and Assessment Act, 1979
• Environment Planning and Assessment Regulation, 2000.
• Work Health and Safety Act 2011
• Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
Project Objectives To coordinate the Council services required to deliver the Newcastle 500 Supercars
Championship including:
• What are we
doing? • Management of Council's obligations outlined in the Services Deed and MoU
• Specific • Management of Council's contractual and financial obligations to DNSW
objectives for • Analysis of economic benefits
the scope of
work covered • Engagement with the business community to leverage benefits from the event
by this charter? • Communication with the broader Newcastle community on the impacts of the event
• Manage the handover of the race track and associated areas to Supercars
Australia for the event and back to NCC at the conclusion of the event.
• Event management and coordination
• Service delivery during the Event (in kind)
Constraints • Availability and timeliness of information from DNSW, Transport for NSW,
Supercars and other agencies
• Variations in priorities/agendas for the different agencies involved
• Human and financial resources
• Fixed timeframe to deliver project

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

• Lobbying by members of the community opposed to the event

• Large number of agencies involved; each with their own preferred communication

Assumptions • The Project Management Office established to oversee the project in year 1 will be
discontinued and responsibility for delivery will move to Council's Events team
• Project Management staff will be recruited for defined roles for the duration of this
• Internal secondments will be backfilled in their existing roles.
• The management of the political issues is out of scope of this project.
• Contract staff may be required to ensure the project is delivered within the required
Scope / Deliverables NCC roles and responsibilities outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding by the
• What are the Department of Premier and Cabinet are
deliverables for
the aspect of • Council deliver in-kind components to stage the event
the project • Council directs civic renewal components of the civil works program and provision
covered by this of funding
• Council provides advice and assists Supercars Australia (SA) in the delivery of the
community engagement program
• Council owns and manages communications around the Event legacy including
civic upgrades, the new Urban Forest program and the reinvigoration of
Newcastle's tourism and major events identity.
• Council actively participates in all Event working groups in accordance with the
Governance Structure
• Council proactively ensures internal communications on the Event's progress is
delivered to the Lord Mayor of Newcastle and other key council staff
• Council coordinates with DNSW to plan and ensure Event compliance including
review of applications under the Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Act 2008
• Notwithstanding the provisions of the Motor Racing (Sydney and Newcastle) Act
2008, Council monitor compliance against statutory Council regulations through the
provision of resources in identified areas including but not limited to parking,
hygiene, food vending etc…

NCC roles and responsibilities outlined in the NSW Government Premier and Cabinet
- Newcastle 500 - Roles and Responsibilities of Key Stakeholders are
• Assist and advise Supercars Australia (SA) in the business and resident
Community Engagement Management Plan to ensure its successful
• Assist with the dissemination of relevant key messages for both event and non-
event goers through communication channels such as websites, newsletters,
mayoral columns, social media, advertising etc.
• Assist, where possible, with the implementation of the event marketing plan.
• Develop key messages as part of the whole-of-government communications
• Provide media contacts and a spokesperson for communications protocol.
• Provide assistance to the organiser where possible for the successful operational
implementation of the event.
• Provide representation in the GCC as relevant.
• Upload all necessary material onto the events extranet as required.
• Contract a traffic management company.
• Provide advice to Destination NSW regarding all works and events applications
and authorisations.
• Provide resources to undertake compliance monitoring during the event.
• Liaise with SA during circuit design to ensure benefits to the community are
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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

• Attend DPC and other relevant working group meetings associated with the
planning and debrief of the event.

NCC deliverables outlined in the Services Deed from Supercars Australia are:

a) One track sweeping vehicle for the cleaning of the race track within the Circuit, for
a five day period on or around each Event with such period to be designated by
V8SCA at its complete discretion.
b) One track sweeping vehicle for the cleaning of the race track within the Circuit, for
a three day period on or around each Event with such period to be designated by
V8SCA at its complete discretion.
c) Maintenance and preparation of all parklands within the Circuit in the 14 days
immediately preceding each Event, including where reasonably requested by
V8SCA the provision of an arborist employed by the Service Provider to review all
trees located within parklands within the Circuit for safety and the removal or any
unhealthy branches on such trees.
d) Following each Event, rectification of any parklands within the Circuit so that those
parklands are left in the same condition as they were prior to the staging of each
e) Removal and reinstatement of furniture located within parklands within the Circuit
as reasonably requested by V8SCA for the staging of each Event.
f) Regular maintenance of all assets and infrastructure within the Circuit that are
owned by, managed by or the responsibility of the Service Provider to ensure that
such assets and infrastructure are available for the safe use of patrons attending
each Event (including, all public pathways within the Circuit).
g) Membership of, and active participation on, any and all committees responsible for
traffic and transport issues in respect of each Event.
h) Prepare and gain all necessary approvals for all traffic plans agreed between
V8SCA and the Service Provider within Newcastle (but outside the Circuit) as a
result of each Event.
i) Execute the traffic management plans referred to in paragraph (h) above, and
organise, manage and pay for all infrastructure and personnel required to execute
those traffic management plans.
j) Undertake all annual capital works to the parklands within the Circuit as reasonably
required by V8SCA for the staging of the Event including, as may be agreed
between the Service Provider and V8SCA, new footpaths, utilities assets and
infrastructure that are owned by the Service Provider.
k) Regular (and at least, annual) maintenance and upgrading of all roads within the
Circuit, at the direction of and as required by V8SCA.
l) Payment or waiver of all waste management and rubbish disposal fees, expenses
or costs incurred in respect of each Event.
m) Undertake all waste management, cleaning and rubbish collection and disposal
required outside the boundaries of the Circuit.
n) During the period starting 7 days prior to each Event and ending 7 days following
each Event, provision of an onsite (meaning, no greater than 10 kilometres from
the Circuit) maintenance crew to service all assets and infrastructure within the
Circuit that are owned, controlled, managed or the responsibility of the Service
o) Throughout the Term, active assistance with, and facilitation of, all community
consultation required in respect of the Event as reasonably requested by V8SCA.
p) Provision of all landscaping and beautification projects within the Circuit following
the completion of the initial civil and capital works prior to the first Event including
staged (over the course of the Term) replacement planting of any trees removed to
undertake the initial civil and capital works.
q) Provision to V8SCA of land owned or controlled by the Service Provider within the
Circuit for use by V8SCA for operational requirements designated by V8SCA in
respect of each Event, including the parking of Championship teams' transporters,
the hosting of support category paddocks, and the hosting of the operational
compound(s) used by V8SCA for the management of each Event.
r) As agreed, the removal before each Event and replacement (with white paint)
following each Event, of all nominated line marking on public roads within the
Circuit for the staging of each Event.
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Project Charter

s) Install before each Event and remove following each Event, all temporary (but
enforceable) traffic signage required in respect of each Event.
t) Provide supplies of water and a reasonable number of water trucks owned or
controlled by the Service Provider for use to fill any and all water barriers as
required by V8SCA in constructing the Circuit.
u) Remove before each Event and replace following each Event or, as agreed, cover
all permanent signage within the Circuit or its surrounds necessary for the safe
construction and staging of each Event.
v) Promptly notify V8SCA of all development applications and/or approvals,
construction approvals and/or applications, and/or traffic works to take place within
or contiguous to the Circuit during the Term.
w) Provide any assistance reasonably required by V8SCA in the event that V8SCA
chooses to offer residents that reside inside the Circuit a designated vehicular
access time on each day of each Event.
x) Ensure V8SCA's access to all sites within the Circuit for each Event including, as
may be agreed between the Service Provider and V8SCA:
• Fort Scratchley; and
• Foreshore Park.

NCC event benefits as outlined in the Services Deed from Supercars Australia are:
a) 100 x 3 day general admission tickets to access each Event;
b) a 20 person corporate hospitality suite within the pit building for the exclusive use
of the Service Provider during the Event; and
c) a signage package within the circuit (to be designated by V8SCA) for the use of
the Service Provider. All signage designs must be approved by V8SCA ion writing
and all production, storage and transportation costs of such signage will be borne
by V8SCA.

Budget Budget required for 2017/18:

Purpose (March Qtr Review)

Days Cost
Project Manager Role

Project Manager (Fixed Term Contract) 65 $31,850

Consultancy (SME) $30,000

Project Setup $5,000

Contingency $6,185

Project Subtotal 2017/18 March Qtr Review $73,035

2018/2019 Budget

Component Amount Source

Project Management costs for 2018/19 $1,359,400 Resources, Materials &
financial year Contracts, Consultancy
Provision of services during Event (refer to $250,000 Value In Kind (VIK)
Services Deed)
TOTAL: $1,609,400

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Event Management

Project Manager 260 $127,400

Special Events Officer 260 $91,000

Events Management Subtotal $218,400

Communications & Engagement

Community Engagement Coordinator (50%) 65 $29,575

Communications Manager (50%) 65 $36,400

Communications & Engagement Subtotal $65,975

Materials & Contracts

Consultancy $187,500

Event Deliverables $77,000

Marketing & Promotions $100,000

Event 3D Modelling and Emergency Overlay $30,000

Contingency $130,525
Estimated Total Cost

• 2018/19 financial year costs for internal resources has been determined following
an analysis of actual costs for 2017/18

• 2019/20 financial year costs and beyond will be estimated based on review and
analysis of actual costs for Year 2 event.
Risks / High Level Impact (where does it impact (project, organisation, community)

Risk Minimisation Strategy

Section 60 Heritage Project and Contracts to provide comprehensive material to support the application.
Approval to convert
Camp Shortland to an
activated public space
is rejected
Non-compliance with Program Development Coordinator - Roads to monitor compliance with conditions.
Section 60 Heritage
Approval at the
conclusion of the 5
year rights agreement
Reputation damage Whole of government response to contentious issues with an agreed communication
due to ongoing protocol.
campaigns by
residents opposed to
the event
Unauthorised Communication prior to event required on approved and unapproved structures.
temporary structures
erected during event

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Project Charter

Vandalism of Council Encourage Council to install CCTV and utilise Smart Poles to monitor the precinct
assets as a form of
Community protest
Changes to executive / Provide briefing to new CEO/Council on Project Management Plan.
elected Council
impacts on direction /
support for project
Project size
(see criteria for  Minor  Medium  Major
Project Size )
Completed Project On 26 July 2016 Council endorsed entering into a five year agreement with Destination
Phases and NSW to host the Supercars Event from 2017 to 2021
An extensive consultation and engagement program for East End residents was
• Has implemented by Supercars and NCC in 2017.
already been A Program Management Office (PMO) was established from April 2017 for 12 months to
undertaken provide oversight of the project for Year 1 including establishing the governance for the
with relevant program of infrastructure works required to establish the circuit prior to the first event.
stakeholders The PMO was resourced by 2.6 EFT consisting of a Program Manager, Project Manager
prior to and Project Support Officer.
initiating this
brief? A further 2.0 EFT from Event Management consisting of a Special Events Coordinator and
Are there opportunities Special Events Officer were also seconded to the project for 12 months and 9 months
to pool resources with respectively until December 2017. The Special Events Officer role was critical to the project
other councils, and almost exclusively responded to Council correspondence regarding the event. The
departments, etc? level of correspondence exceeded 1500 individual requests.

The project was structured into four streams (refer diagram below) and a Project Control
Group and Project Working Group were established to facilitate communication and
decision-making. The Project Working Group met monthly and coordinated briefing
papers, managed risks and issues and agreed on key event decisions.

The event also required in-kind resourcing from a range of council business units with over
110 officer's being accredited to work within the event precinct from 24 - 26 November

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Supercars Program Structure

Year 1

• Director Planning & Regulatory (Sponsor)

Project • Director Infrastructure
• Manager Communications & Engagement
Control Group • Program Manager – Supercars
• Project Manager - Supercars

• Program Manager - Supercars

Consultants Project Management • Project Manager - Supercars
(as required) Office • Project Support - Supercars

• Manager Strategic Planning

• Special Events Coordinator
• Manager Infrastructure Planning
Project Working • Program Development Coordinator – Roads
Group • Manager Civil Works
• Manager Communications & Engagement
• Program Manager – Supercars
• Project Manager – Supercars
• Project Support – Supercars
• EMT (optional)
• Manager Business Partnering (optional)

Civil Works Events Communications Service

Program Management & Engagement Delivery

• Program Development • Special Events • Communications Manager Resources to be confirmed to deliver:

Coordinator - Roads Coordinator • Community Engagement • Street sweeping
• Traffic Engineer • Special Events Officer Coordinator • Parkland preparation & restoration
• Surveillance Officer • Landscaping / beautification projects
• Project Manager – • Infrastructure maintenance
Bathers Way • Traffic management
• Waste collection and disposal
• On-site Maintenance Crew
• Linemarking
• Traffic signage
• Water trucks

For years 2-5 of the event, the program structure will comprise a project working group
(similar to year 1). The civil works stream will be substantially less in subsequent years
and the focus will be on event liaison, communications and engagement and service

The proposed structure for the project for years 2-5 is as follows:

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Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Program Structure
Newcastle 500 Supercars 2018 – 2021

• Director Planning & Regulatory (Sponsor)

Project • Manager Strategic Planning
Control Group • Manager Communications & Engagement
• Project Manager – Major Events

Consultants Strategic • Manager, Strategic Planning

(as required) Planning • Project Manager – Major Events

• Project Manager – Major Events (Chair)

• Manager Strategic Planning
Project Working • Manager Communications & Engagement
• Manager Regulatory Services
Group • Manager Civil Works
• Manager Facilities & Recreation
• Manager Waste Management

Events Communications Service

Management & Engagement Delivery

• Resources to be • Resources to be Event related services including:

determined determined • Street sweeping
• Parkland preparation & restoration
• Landscaping / beautification projects
• Infrastructure maintenance
• Traffic management
• Waste collection and disposal
• On-site maintenance crew
• Line marking
• Traffic signage
• Water trucks

Stakeholders and Communications Strategy for 2018/19

Stakeholders Name Communication method (email,

weekly meetings, monthly reporting,
website updates, brochures, mailouts,
media, etc)
Leadership Team EMT As required
Business Unit Managers
Project Control Group Director Planning and Regulatory Monthly Status Report and emails as
Manager Strategic Planning required
Manager Communications and Engagement
Project Manager - Major Events

Project Working Group Project Manager - Major Events (Chair) Monthly with frequency increased
Manager - Strategic Planning closer to event.
Manager - Communications and Engagement Shared server space for project
related files
Manager - Regulatory Services
Manager - Civil Works
Manager - Facilities & Recreation
Manager - Waste Management

Project Charter - Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021 Page 10 of 12

Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

Joint Stakeholders Destination NSW Monthly meetings held with:

Department of Premier and Cabinet • All Agency Group
Department of Family and Community Services • Emergency Services Coordination
Environmental Protection Authority Working Group
Fire and Rescue • Traffic and Transport Working
iEDM - Integrated Event Delivery Management Group
Newcastle Buses and Ferries • Communications Working Group
Newcastle City Council • Tourism and Business Working
NSW Ambulance
• On-Water Management Working
NSW Department of Industry
NSW Health
NSW Policy
NSW TrainLink
Office of Environment and Heritage
Port Authority of NSW
Port of Newcastle
Roads and Maritime Services
Supercars Australia
St John's Ambulance
Transport for NSW
Transport Management Centre
UrbanGrowth NSW
Staff All Council staff Intranet, newsletters
Council Lord Mayor Council Reports / Workshops, all
Councillors councillor memos

Community All residents and businesses in the LGA Newsletters, media releases, website
with fact sheets
Critical Activities and Milestones

No Action Required Due Date

1 Project Initiation and Approval Feb 2018

2 Recruitment of Project Management resources Mar 2018

3 Review of Internal and External Governance Documents April 2018

4 Year 2 Project Management Plan reviewed and adopted April 2018

5 Year 2 Event Implementation Plan reviewed and adopted April 2018

6 Year 2 Plan implemented May 2018

7 Supercars 500 Event - Year 2 November 2018

8 Review Lessons Learned - Year 2 January 2019

9 Year 3 Project Management Plan reviewed and adopted February 2019

10 Year 3 Event Implementation Plan reviewed and adopted February 2019

11 Year 3 Plan implemented March 2019

12 Supercars 500 Event - Year 3 November 2019

13 Review Lessons Learned - Year 3 January 2020

Project Charter - Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021 Page 11 of 12

Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021
Project Charter

14 Year 4 Project Management Plan reviewed and adopted February 2020

15 Year 4 Event Implementation Plan reviewed and adopted February 2020

16 Year 4 Plan implemented March 2020

17 Supercars 500 Event - Year 4 November 2020

18 Lessons Learned - Year 4 January 2021

19 Memorandum of Understanding between NCC, DNSW and SA reviewed, January 2021

renegotiated and signed
20 Year 5 Project Management Plan reviewed and adopted February 2021

21 Year 5 Event Implementation Plan reviewed and adopted February 2021

22 Year 5 Plan implemented March 2021

23 Supercars 500 Event - Year 5 November 2021

24 Review Lessons Learned - Years 1-5 February 2022

25 Project Closure March 2022


Client Manager Strategic Planning

Sponsor Director Planning and Regulatory

Program Manager Project Manager - Major Events

Project Control Group

Director Planning and Regulatory
Director Infrastructure
Manager Communications and Engagement
Project Manager - Major Events

Project Charter Prepared Name: Alissa Jones and Trish Hilkmann

by Date: 23 January 2018

Client:___________________________________ Date:______________
Approved By
Sponsor:_________________________________ Date:______________

Program Manager:_________________________ Date:______________

Project Charter - Newcastle 500 Supercars - 2018 - 2021 Page 12 of 12

Briefing Paper
TO: Project Working Group - Newcastle 500 Supercars Project

FROM: Program Manager - Newcastle 500 Project Management Office

DATE: 28 February 2018

SUBJECT: Extension of Contract 2017/423Q

To endorse the continuation of specialist advisory services from Bryan Hardman for the 2018
Newcastle 500 under contract 2017/423Q.

Bryan Hardman was the Chief Executive Officer of the Homebush Motor Racing Authority from
2009-2015 which had carriage of the annual V8 Supercar Grand Finale event at Sydney Olympic
Park during that period.

Bryan was engaged by Newcastle City Council to assist with the delivery of the inaugural
Newcastle 500 event and provided specialist advisory and guidance services to the Project
Management Office.

Bryan has a specialised area of expertise which cannot be readily found in the open market. He is
highly experienced in the management of and contract negation for Supercars events.

Additionally he has a thorough understanding of the relevant State Government approvals and
legislation Motor Racing (Sydney & Newcastle) Act 2008 that applies to the event.

Attached is a proposal from Bryan Hardman to ensure Council is well placed to deliver on the 2018
Supercars event. The list of services is detailed in the attached proposal.

1. The PWG endorse the continuation of services for Bryan Hardman for a cost of $28,600
2. PMO to organise contract information and confirmation of service documentation in
accordance with Council's Procurement Policy and Guidelines.

Page 1 of 1

ABN 94 148 679 052

9 Lurline Street
Ettalong Beach, NSW 2257
Mobile : 0417 257 037

18 February 2018

Ms Alissa Jones
Program Manager - Newcastle 500
Planning and Regulatory
Newcastle City Council
PO Box 489
Newcastle NSW 2300

By e-mail:

Dear Alissa

Re: Draft Fee Proposal for the 2018 Newcastle Supercars 500 Event

Please find following a draft Fee Proposal to provide my advisory and guidance services to
Newcastle City Council in respect of the above event. I provided similar services to Council for the
inaugural 2017 event and as such, my Fees are identical for the 2018 event.

As you may recall from our previous discussions, I was the Chief Executive Officer of the
Homebush Motor Racing Authority from 2009-2015 which had carriage of the annual V8 Supercar
Grand Finale event at Sydney Olympic Park during that period.

For Council's consideration, I would offer my following services, specifically acting for and on
behalf of Newcastle City Council to undertake some, or any of the following services:


1. Review of any, and all available Works Authorisation Application (WAA) plans, Consultant
Reports (Environmental, Noise, Oil Spill Management, Crowd Loading, Heritage Assessment,
Traffic Management Plans and the like), Expert Statements and all relevant documentation
associated with the 2018 Newcastle 500 event.

2. Provide verbal and/ or written comments to Council in respect of the above documentation.
Development of appropriate conditions for the consideration of Newcastle City Council (NCC) and
thence DNSW for inclusion within their Works Authorisation Application Approval.

3. Review and provide comments on DNSW's draft conditions of approval in respect to the Works
Authorisation Application Approval.

4. Review and provide comments on the Event Proponent's Operational Management Plan.

5. Attendance with any Newcastle City Council staff member (or Councillors with a staff member
present) as and when required through on-site meetings, telephone or email correspondence

6. Attend and meet with any staff of the Event Proponent, their Project Managers, Destination
NSW, Department of Premier and Cabinet, NSW Police Force, Transport for NSW, Fire and
Rescue NSW, any relevant NSW Government Agency or any other stakeholder as requested by
Newcastle City Council.

7. Attend any meeting of the Newcastle 500 All-Agency, Traffic and Transport or the Emergency
Services Co-ordination Working Groups (or their equivalents) at the request of Newcastle City
Council and provide input on behalf of Council as required.

8. Meet with any Newcastle Community Action Groups as requested by NCC and provide advice
and practical solutions to any concerns they may present.

9. Meet with any Newcastle retailer, commercial owner, resident or other potentially affected party
located within, or outside the Newcastle 500 Event Precinct as requested by NCC; or provide
advice to NCC staff as to how to deal with these event, or non-event community members.

10. Provide high level advice to the NCC Executive, Lord Mayor and Councillors if required. Attend
Council meetings and prepare Presentations or Updates of Status of the Event to Council as time
progresses at Council meetings if required. Prepare updates to NCC staff if required.

11. On behalf of NCC, make representations to the Senior Executive officials of DNSW, NSW
Police Force, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Minister's Office, Transport for NSW, NSW Fire
and Rescue, Ambulance NSW and any other NSW Government Agency as required.

12. Undertake high level dispute resolution with the Executive of Supercars, their Project
Managers, DNSW, any State Government Agency or any other major stakeholder for and on
behalf of NCC.

13. Undertake compliance monitoring on behalf of NCC for any potential civil works program and
prepare any necessary reports and recommendations for Council (subject to a separate fee

14.Undertake compliance monitoring on behalf of NCC in respect of the Works Authorisation
Application approved by DNSW for and on behalf of NCC (subject to a separate fee proposal).
15. Provide advice to NCC Environmental Health Officers of their statutory requirements and role
in the Newcastle Supercars 500 event prior to, and during the event period.

16. Provide NCC staff with early advice as to the technical, operational and logistical issues that
will arise in the lead up to the Newcastle 500 event. Provide possible solutions and alternative
actions to address each action as it occurs.

17. Review, provide comments and monitor the Newcastle 500 Service Agreement between
DNSW and NCC (and Supercars) to ensure the interests of NCC are being met and that all Parties
are fulfilling their stated obligations.

18. Assist NCC in ensuring that their Milestone Payments, as provided for by DNSW for the Event,
meet any Service Agreement requirements and are appropriately sought, requested and received
by NCC

19. Undertake compliance monitoring of the WAA immediately prior to and during event time to
ensure the Event Proponent has fulfilled their obligations in respect to public safety and the WAA
conditions of approval including equity provisions for persons with a disability, structural adequacy
of temporary buildings and a host of other WAA requirements (subject to a separate fee proposal).

20. Assist NCC with the development of a community consultation Weekly Build Program
Schedule for their affected event community members.

21. Review and provide comments on the Event Proponent 's Event Time Access for Persons with
a Disability Plan.

22. Undertake any review of the Newcastle 500 Motor Racing legislation (and Regulation) to
ensure that the Approval Authority and the Event Proponent are undertaking all their respective
obligations and works in accordance with that Act.

23.Undertake any other such role or task, prepare reports or offer verbal advice, attend and
participate in any meeting or take instruction as requested by staff of NCC in respect of the 2018
Newcastle Supercars 500 event.

24.Undertake a compliance monitoring role on behalf of Council in the period leading up to, during
and post the 2018 Newcastle Supercars 500 event period (subject to a separate fee proposal).


My fee to undertake some or any of the above services is $240 per hour (NB: there is no GST
charge on my services).

Additional disbursements;

A). Travel from my residence in Ettalong Beach to Newcastle will be $80 each way.

B). Any overnight accommodation that may be required in Newcastle for the continuation of my
day to day services would be standard motel accommodation costs as agreed with Council. NCC
approval would be sought in the first instance prior to any overnight accommodation being booked.

Fees generally for the 2018 Newcastle Supercars 500 event

To provide Council with a more specific understanding of the approximate costs to cover
my involvement in the overall year planning for the 2018 Newcastle Supercars 500 event,
the following is offered.

i. Attendance and participation on behalf of Newcastle City Council at all the monthly All-Agency,
Emergency Services Co-ordination and Traffic and Transport Working Group meetings located at
McDonald Jones Stadium from generally 9.00am- 3.00pm at each meeting. Costs including return
travel for each monthly meeting would be $1,600. There are potentially 10 Meetings from March
2018 scheduled including Operational Readiness Exercises and a Post Event Debrief meeting.

ALLOW SAY $16,000

ii. Review of any, and all available Works Authorisation Application (WAA) plans, Consultant
Reports (Environmental, Noise, Oil Spill Management, Crowd Loading, Heritage Assessment,
Traffic Management Plans and the like), Expert Statements and all relevant documentation
associated with the 2018 Newcastle 500 event.

Provide verbal and/ or written comments to Council in respect of the above documentation.
Development of appropriate conditions for the consideration of Newcastle City Council (NCC) and
thence DNSW for inclusion within their Works Authorisation Application Approval

Review and preparation of any reports in respect to any other internal Council, or other
documentation in respect to the event. This will be based on a fee of $240 per hour. For the 2017
event, I prepared numerous reports and provided comments on a various range of matters.

ALLOW SAY $10,000 (however this may be considerably less given that a significant amount of
resource and preparatory work has already been undertaken for the inaugural 2017 event).

SUB TOTAL = $26,000


I trust the above is of assistance and I again thank Council for providing me the opportunity of
providing my services for the 2018 Newcastle Supercars 500 event.

Please be further advised that I maintain a Certificate of Currency for Professional Indemnity and
Public Liability for an amount of $10M in each instance; Policy No. 9003292PIN. My ABN is 94
148 679 052

If you have any enquiries with respect to any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me on
mobile 0417 257 037 or email at;

Thank you.


Bryan Hardman

Briefing Paper
TO: Project Working Group - Newcastle 500 Supercars Project

FROM: Newcastle 500 Project Management Office

DATE: 28 February 2018

SUBJECT: Proposal to engage photography/videography company for 2018 Newcastle 500

Approval is sought to engage the services of external photo/video-journalism company Salty Dingo
to cover the 2018 Newcastle 500 event at a cost to the Project of $20,000 a similar figure to 2017.

The objective is to confirm this contract now and consolidate on a successful approach to
promoting the event in the inaugural year.

This is the same company engaged for the 2017 Newcastle 500, and feedback about Council's
coverage of the event and the photography was overwhelmingly positive. Images captured were
among the best produced by any government or media outlet, to the point where both the
Newcastle Herald and NBN were requesting permission to use.

The photos now form a library of images to use for future event and city promotion.

The supplier was highly experienced in producing material over sustained periods to a tight
deadline, and understood the brief and various directions for 'rolling news coverage' on social
throughout the weekend.

Consequently, images were provided in a timely fashion and enjoyed by large numbers on social
media both on Council's official channels and Visit Newcastle's.

In terms of return on investment, Facebook posts were viewed almost 300,000 times as outlined in
the Supercars Coverage Report attached.

Council photos were also used by the Newcastle Herald for a souvenir pictorial liftout of inaugural
Supercars event, crediting Council.

Lessons learnt for the inaugural event will help ensure we maximise the potential for effective
imagery that best promotes Council, its services and involvement in the event. Amazing images
capturing the city's personality promote Newcastle as an event and tourism destination.

Given this is photojournalism not professional photography alone, this is a specialised area of
expertise. The absence of comparable services locally and the company's proven track record
covering the 2017 Newcastle 500 will result in a single quotation.

• Approve CE to engage the company for the duration of the event at approx. cost of

• Booking to occur in February 2018 so that coverage in 2018 is arranged.

• 2018 contract will be for three days rather than four to reduce duration costs, with savings
to be directed to supply of video content instead.

Page 1 of 2
Briefing Paper
• Brief will be similar to 2017 with increased video and option to add as many locations/topics
as determined at the time (for e.g. park and ride).

Page 2 of 2
Briefing Paper
TO: Project Working Group - Newcastle 500 Supercars Project

FROM: Program Manager - Newcastle 500 Project Management Office

DATE: 23 February 2018

SUBJECT: Endorsement of Council Representatives at All Agency Meetings for 2018

To endorse the Newcastle City Council representatives that will attend the Agency Meetings for the
2018 Supercars event.

As part of the commitment to the 2018 Supercars event the Agency Meetings are held monthly and
are a forum for the lead of each working group to introduce plans for the 2018 event and to
table/escalate any issues relative to the respective event planning groups.

The meetings are also to ensure that all stakeholders can participate in a forum that enables
comment on the working group activities and to coordinate operational and communication plans.

The meetings will be run by Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC), Destination NSW (DNSW)
and Supercars Australia (SA).

The following representatives from Newcastle City Council are proposed for attendance at the
following Agency Meetings:

Name Position Agency Meeting

TBC Project Manager Newcastle 500 All Agency

TBC Events Team Representative All Agency
Kathleen Hyland Manager Communications and Engagement Communications
Kate Baartz Manager Communications Communications

TBC Project Manager Newcastle 500 Tourism & Business

Tim Askew City Revitalisation Coordinator Tourism & Business
TBC Project Manager Newcastle 500 Emergency Services Coordination
Patrick Quick Emergency Management Coordinator Emergency Services Coordination
TBC Project Manager Newcastle 500 Traffic & Transport
Dipen Nathwani Traffic Engineer Traffic & Transport
N/A N/A On-Water Management

1. The PWG endorse the following Council representatives to attend Agency Meetings for the
2018 event.
2. Council representatives brief the working group each month on the status of the Agency
Meetings and action items for Council.

Page 1 of 1
Event Date/s: Friday, 23 November - Sunday, 25 November 2018

Tuesday, 20 February Wednesday, 21 February

Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 20 March Wednesday, 21 March
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 17 April Wednesday, 18 April
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business Group to reconvene in 15 May Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management Group to reconvene in 15 May All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 15 May Wednesday, 16 May
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm (location tbc) Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 19 June Wednesday, 20 June
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 17 July Wednesday, 18 July
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 21 August Wednesday, 22 August
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 18 September Wednesday, 19 September
Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Wednesday, 17 October
All-Agency Operational Readiness Exercise 1:00pm - 4:00pm

Wednesday, 7 November Thursday, 8 November

Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am
Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:00pm
Tuesday, 11 Dec Wednesday, 12 Dec

December Communications 1:00pm - 2:00pm Emergency Services Coordination 9:00am – 10:30am

(Debriefs) Tourism and Business 2:30pm – 3:30pm Traffic and Transport 10:45am – 12:45pm
On-Water Management 3:45pm - 4:45pm All-Agency 1:15pm – 3:30pm

• All meetings will take place at McDonald Jones Stadium except for the Communications Working Group that will take place at the Lord Mayor’s Reception room
• November Meeting dates are Wed/Thurs due to Melbourne Cup.


Meeting Convenor/ Organiser

Communications Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC)
Tourism and Business Destination NSW
On-Water Management Destination NSW
Emergency Services Coordination Destination NSW
Traffic and Transport Transport Management Centre (TMC)
All-Agency Meeting Department of Premier & Cabinet (DPC)
Briefing Paper
TO: Project Working Group - Newcastle 500 Supercars Project

FROM: Project Manager - Newcastle 500 Project Management Office

DATE: 26 February 2018

SUBJECT: Supercars survey of East End residents/businesses

To endorse conducting a survey on behalf of Supercars Australia (SA) and Destination New South
Wales (DNSW).

At the final all agency communication meeting held in December 2017 at Hunter stadium,
Supercars and DNSW indicated a desire to survey East End residents and businesses regarding
the event delivery. It was suggested that the survey would be best placed coming from Council as
many of those in the area don't trust SA or DNSW.

The purpose of the survey is to get feedback from residents and businesses regarding what they
think could be improved for subsequent years of the event. The purpose is not to gain an
indication if they think it's good for Newcastle or if the event should continue at its current location.

The feedback received from residents/businesses in the months preceding the event, as well as
post event, has predominantly been provided by the same group of people. To gain a genuine
understanding of what worked well and how the delivery of the event could be improved, the
perspective of a wider range of people needs to be considered.

The survey would be anonymous and online. It would be promoted via letterbox drop to homes
and businesses in the East End. There will be screening questions at the beginning of the survey
asking if people were eligible for accreditation and present for at least one day of the event
weekend in an attempt to ensure that only those who are genuine residents/business owners
complete the survey.

A draft survey questionnaire is attached for your information.

The anticipated costs associated with conducting the survey are as follows:
Letterbox drop (printing and delivery) $1,300
Community Engagement Coordinator $14,950
Contingency 1,700
TOTAL $18,000

Currently there are insufficient funds available in the Supercars Year 1 budget as the project is
nearing completion and all costs have been reconciled. All excess funds were returned at the
December Quarterly Review.

An alternative funding source will need to be identified for the survey to proceed.

1. The PWG endorse NCC conducting a survey of East End residents and business owners
on behalf of SA and DNSW.
2. The cost of the survey to be charged to the Supercars Year 2 budget/

Page 1 of 1
Newcastle 500 – Post Event Survey 2017
There are two draft surveys in this document for consideration. The first targeted at Newcastle East
residents who were eligible to apply for Resident Accreditation to the Newcastle 500 event held 24-26
November. The other survey is intended to be targeted at businesses within the Newcastle East event
precinct i.e. businesses east of and including Watt Street.

DRAFT - Resident Survey

The inaugural Coates Hire Newcastle 500 round of the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship was
staged on 24-26 November 2017. Newcastle City Council are asking residents and businesses within the
event precinct to provide overall feedback on a number of key elements of this three-day event.

There are no right or wrong answers. Your honest feedback will assist in shaping the event for 2018 and
future years.

Research Draft question Measurement

Qualifier Were you and your household eligible to Yes or no
you apply for resident accreditation? [It
doesn't matter if you applied, we're asking
if you were eligible to apply]

Did you reside at your home for at least Yes or no

one day during the Newcastle 500 event?
If response is no to either question there will be a statement saying that they are not eligible to
undertake the survey
Please select your preferred response to the following statements.
Responsiveness The accreditation process was easy to Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
understand. D/K
Reliability Overall, how useful were the following
sources of information about the event. Not at all useful
1. Newcastle City Council website Slightly useful
2. Supercars Australia website Moderately useful
3. Build notices distributed to households Very useful
Extremely useful
Don't know/not used
Event layout Overall, I understood the event layout and Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
access points for residents. D/K

Resident The resident parking outside the event Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
parking precinct was satisfactory. D/K
Access to During the event, access to public Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
public transport (i.e. bus and train services) was D/K
transport satisfactory. Comment
Clearways During the event, clearways signage was Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
easy to understand. D/K
Signage Directional signage during the event was Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
clear and easy to understand D/K
Pedestrian During the event, pedestrian access to my Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
access residence was satisfactory. D/K
Resident During the event, the resident shuttle Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
shuttle within the event precinct was useful. D/K
Accreditation The accreditation wristbands were an Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
wristbands efficient way of getting into the event D/K
Noise barriers During the event, the installation of the Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
blue noise curtains was an effective noise D/K
mitigation measure.
For future races the blue noise curtains
should be installed along:
- Watt Street yes/no/ don’t know
- Parnell Place (west) yes/no/ don’t know
- Church St/ Shortland Esplanade yes/no/ don’t know
- Zaara Street yes/no/ don’t know
- In front of businesses yes/no/ don’t know

The benefits of the noise mitigation Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

provided by the blue noise curtains D/K
outweighs the restricted viewing of the
track that resulted from their installation
PPE Hearing protection was used by at least Yes / no / don’t know
one person in my household during the
three-day event.
Safety Overall, I felt my household was safe Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
during the three-day event from; D/K
1. Damage from Supercars vehicles
2. Antisocial behaviour

Security Overall, security personnel employed by Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

Supercars provided a satisfactory service. D/K
Responsiveness Overall the Resident Mobile Medical Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
Centre provided residents a useful service. D/K

Accessibility Access for those with mobility issues was Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
satisfactory. D/K
Location of My residential property is located on this Comment
residence street (name street location only). You
cannot be identified in any way, the
purpose of these questions is solely to
understand if people in different areas
experienced the race differently.
waste How satisfied were you with the removal Scale response to satisfaction (1 -5)
of waste during the event
waste How satisfied were you with the removal Scale response to satisfaction (1 -5)
of waste immediately after the event
Bump in How satisfied were you with the staging of Scale response to satisfaction (1 -5)
the installation of the event infrastructure If dissatisfied ask 'how could it be staged
(what went where, when during the bump differently to make it more satisfactory to
in period immediately prior to the event) you'
Bump out How satisfied were you with the staging of Scale response to satisfaction (1 -5)
the removal of the event infrastructure If dissatisfied ask 'how could it be staged
(bump out period immediately after to differently to make it more satisfactory to
the event) you'
Civil works For the following areas where civil works
upgrades upgrades were undertaken prior to the Better than before/no better or
event, please indicate if you think they are worse/worse than before
better or worse than they were before.
1. Watt Street
2. Foreshore Park
3. Nobbys Road/Parnell Place
DRAFT - Business Survey

The inaugural Coates Hire Newcastle 500 round of the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship was
staged on 24-26 November 2017. Newcastle City Council are surveying residents and businesses owners
and/or managers within the event precinct overall satisfaction levels to a number of elements of the
2017 three-day event.

There are no right or wrong answers. Your honest feedback will assist in shaping the event for 2018 and
future years.

It is requested that one person complete one survey for each business in the event precinct.

[Assumption: Council includes it Privacy Policy statement and relevant legal statements.]

Research Draft question Measurement

Qualifier Was your organisation eligible to you Yes or no
apply for business accreditation? [It
doesn't matter if you applied, we're
asking if you were eligible to apply]

If response is no to question there will be a statement saying that they are not eligible to undertake the

Please select your preferred response to the following statements.

Responsiveness The accreditation process was easy to Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

understand. D/K
Reliability Overall, how useful were the following
sources of information about the event. Not at all useful
1. Newcastle City Council website Slightly useful
2. Supercars Australia website Moderately useful
3. Build notices distributed to Very useful
households Extremely useful
Don't know/not used
Event layout Overall, I understood the event layout Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
and access points for staff. D/K

Access to public During the event, access to public Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
transport transport (i.e. bus and train services) D/K
was satisfactory.

Clearways During the event, clearways signage was Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
easy to understand. D/K
Signage Directional signage during the event was Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
clear and easy to understand D/K
Pedestrian access During the event, pedestrian access to Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
our organisation was satisfactory.

Accreditation The accreditation wristbands were an Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

wristbands efficient way of getting into the event

Noise barriers During the event, the installation of the Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)
blue noise curtains was an effective D/K
noise mitigation measure.
For future races the blue noise curtains
should be installed along:
- Watt Street yes/no/ don’t know
- Parnell Place (west) yes/no/ don’t know
- Church St/ Shortland Esplanade yes/no/ don’t know
- Zaara Street yes/no/ don’t know
- In front of businesses yes/no/ don’t know

The benefits of the noise mitigation Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

provided by the blue noise curtains D/K
outweighs the restricted viewing of the
track that resulted from their
Earplugs Earplugs were used by at least one Yes / no / don’t know
person in my business during the three-
day event.

Security Overall, security personnel employed by Scale response to agreement (1 to 5)

Supercars provided a satisfactory comment

Location of business Our organisation is located on this street Comment

(name street location only). You cannot
be identified in any way, the purpose of
these questions is solely to understand
if people in different areas experienced
the race differently.
How successful was your business Generated more income than a usual
during the three day event? Friday/Saturday/Sunday period

About the same as a usual

Friday/Saturday/Sunday period

Generated less income than a usual

Friday/Saturday/Sunday period
Did not trade during the event
Did you alter your business practices for Yes/no
the event e.g. offered different products
or services over the event weekend, Did not trade during the event
changed trading hours
Will you alter your business practices in Yes/no
2018 for the event e.g. offered different
products or services over the event Will not trade for 2018 event
weekend, changed trading hours
Could you please tell us what type of 1. Retail
business you own/manage 2. Hospitality
3.Professional service
4. Other
Please provide any suggestions for how Open ended response
the event could benefit businesses in
the area in future years

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