Hanifah Zahra 17312087 Task 7

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Hanifah Zahra


4.44 4.44 In Major League Baseball, there are five teams in the Eastern Division
of the National League:Atlanta, Florida, NewYork, Philadelphia, andWashington.
How many different orders of finish are there for these five teams?
(Assume that there are no ties in the standings.) Do you believe that all these orders are equally likely? Discuss.

Dalam Major League Baseball terdapat 5 tim yang bertanding

Juara 1 Juara 2 Juara 3 Juara 4 Juara 5
5 tim 4 tim 3 tim 2 tim 1 tim

Maka dalam penentuan setiap tim akan menjadi juara ada

5*4*3*2*1 120 Peluang

4.39 A lock on a bank vault consists of three dials, each with 30 positions.
In order for thevault to open, each of the three dials must be in the correct position.
A. How many different possible dial combinations are there for this lock?
B. What is the probability that if you randomly select a position on each dial, you will be able to open the b
C. Explain why “dial combinations” are not mathematical combinations expressed by Equation (4.14).

A. Karena ada 3 buah kunci, tiap-tiap kunci memiliki 30 posisi

Maka banyaknya kombinasi yang terjadi adalah
30*30*30 27000
B. Probabilitas yang dapat terjadi bila ingin membuka kunci bank
yaitu 1/27000, karena jika ingin membuka kunci bank
peluang yang akan terjadi yaitu 1 peluang diantara 27000 kombinasi
C. Karena dalam kasus ini kita hanya menginginkan berapa peluang
yang dibutuhkan agar bisa membuka kunci bak tersebut
bukannya mneghitung urutan keberapa agar kunci bank bisa terbuka
qually likely? Discuss.

will be able to open the bank vault?

d by Equation (4.14).

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