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Zillennial are those who are born on the cusp of Gen Z. i.e. the period of transition from a non-
digital to a digital age. Born in the late 1990’s, zillenial are stuck between The Millennial and
Gen Z. They are influenced by many factors, causing them to lean towards one side with other
still having an impact. Factors such as Gen X parents and current social environment had a
significant effect on these people. We feel too young to be a part of the millennial world,
whereas Gen Z feels us to be too old for us to identify as such. This is how the term ‘Zillenial’
came to be. Millennials grew up in an era of desktop computers, while Gen Z have their
‘smartphones’. Millennials are optimistic and idealistic whereas individuality is expressed
more by the Gen Z’s.

Experience as a Zillennial, grew up using dial up internet, and believed having a flip phone
made you a cool kid. I still remember why I opened a gmail account reason ‘ORKUT’. In a
time where there was msn messenger and myspace, orkut from google became all the rage I
online web based chatting. Just for the fun of it, I used to spam my friends with stupid messages
even though I just had been with them 1 hour ago. Also we Zillennials also had underaged
youtube accounts which gave us the thrill of being a part of that community. Facebook, where
to start was it the online connectivity, social chats or was it the meme’s. It became an overnight
sensation with our generation. Then came the twitter, instagram, snapchat and many others.
The idea of internet didn’t blow our mind but touchscreen mobiles took all our attention. A
desktop with windows vista made you the person to host a gaming party whereas, Gen Z use
tablets, macbook etc. I remember me using cd’s, dvd’s while today’s kids are shareit etc. We
are the misfits who still remember the days without smartphones and can still keep up with the
meme’s. Overall we are that generation which can incorporate both the worlds of Millennials
and Gen Z. I am happy to be a Zillennial. Zillennials in context of a workforce in my opinion
would be the ideal option to any corporate. This is owing to the fact that we in the middle of a
generation change have already adopted the features from both the worlds ie non-digital and
digital and we can better manage the situations. We can appease the Millennials while also
understanding the Gen Z’s shortcomings/problems which help us to better manage the


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