Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

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Clinical Review & Education

JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery | Review

Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

A Systematic Review
Jiries Meehan-Atrash, BS; Tetiana Korzun, BS, BA; Aaron Ziegler, MA, PhD, CCC-SLP

Audio and Supplemental

IMPORTANCE Widespread legalization of cannabis throughout the United States has created a content
knowledge gap that leaves practitioners who manage voice disorders uninformed about this
substance, commonly referred to as marijuana. The association of cannabis inhalation and
voice disorders is rarely reported. However, studies on the association between cannabis
inhalation and respiration have been published; therefore, these studies may serve as a
surrogate for studies on the association between cannabis and phonation.

OBJECTIVE To review the literature on the association of cannabis-only consumption via

smoking and vaping with the health and function of the vocal mechanism to aid clinical
recommendations for patients with voice disorders.

EVIDENCE REVIEW This systematic review adhered to the Preferred Reporting Items for
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses statement. An electronic search in MEDLINE via
PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Cochrane Library databases for original research on inhaled
cannabis was performed from January 1, 2007, through August 10, 2018. The search strategy
included Medical Subject Heading terms and keywords marijuana, cannabis, respiratory,
lungs, larynx, voice, phonation, and vocal with Boolean operators (AND, OR). Studies of
participants of legal age (ⱖ18 years) who had cannabis-only clinical data and used
nonsynthetic cannabinoids were included in the review.

FINDINGS This systematic review identified 6 clinical science studies and 13 basic science or
animal studies. The only study to date that has evaluated the association between laryngeal
symptoms and inhaling cannabis found that human smokers assessed by indirect
laryngoscopy with mirror examination exhibited dark vocal folds. Analyses of 6 other clinical
science articles indicated an association between cannabis inhalation and respiratory
problems that were reduced with smoking cessation or switching to vaporizing. Lung
function was maintained in light cannabis smoke exposure after long-term use. Analyses of
basic science and animal articles indicated that cannabis smoking was associated with lung
and throat injuries attributable to smoking degradation byproducts, similar to injuries seen in
human tobacco smoking.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The findings suggest that cannabis-only smoking is associated
with changes in vocal fold appearance, respiratory symptoms, and negative lung function
changes, especially in heavy smokers. Details about patterns of cannabis consumption appear
to be relevant to gather in patients with voice disorders. Results further suggest that cannabis
Author Affiliations: Department of
smokers presenting with a voice disorder should undergo laryngeal imaging and complete Chemistry, Portland State University,
pulmonary function testing when indicated and receive education about consumption Portland, Oregon (Meehan-Atrash);
methods and their association with voice disorders. Department of Otolaryngology,
Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland (Korzun); School of
Medicine, Department of
Otolaryngology–Head & Neck
Surgery, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland (Ziegler).
Corresponding Author: Aaron
Ziegler, MA, PhD, CCC-SLP,
Department of Otolaryngology–Head
& Neck Surgery, Oregon Health &
Science University, 3181 SW Sam
Jackson Park Rd, Ste SJH01,
JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. doi:10.1001/jamaoto.2019.1986 Portland, OR 97239-3098
Published online August 8, 2019. (

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© 2019 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Clinical Review & Education Review Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

early half the population in the United States has tried
cannabis.1 In 2014, 19.6% of US adults aged 18 to 25 years Key Points
and 6.6% of US adults 26 years or older were past- Question What is the association between cannabis inhalation
month cannabis consumers.1 Past-year cannabis consumption in- and voice disorders?
creased in US adults 18 years or older from 10.4% in 2002 to 13.3%
Findings In this systematic review of 6 human studies and 13
in 2014.2 In Canada, where cannabis was legalized for adult recre-
basic science and animal studies, cannabis inhalation was
ational consumption in 2018, 12.5% of persons 15 years or older re- associated with dark vocal folds on laryngoscopy as well as
ported consuming cannabis in the past 3 months.3 Public aware- respiratory symptoms and negative lung function changes
ness and passage of cannabis laws have led to reduced perceived attributable to degradation byproducts generated during smoke
risk of harm, which was associated with increased prevalence in past- exposure, especially in large doses. Cessation of cannabis
year consumption from 2002 to 2014.2 Accordingly, practitioners consumption or changing to vaporizing methods was associated
with improved respiratory symptoms and lung function changes.
managing voice disorders need information about the association
of cannabis with voice disorders for making sound recommenda- Meaning The findings suggest that practitioners managing voice
tions on its consumption. To our knowledge, the association be- disorders should gather details about patterns of cannabis
tween cannabis smoking and voice disorders has only been stud- consumption and that cannabis smokers with a voice disorder
should undergo laryngeal imaging and complete lung function
ied once.4 More studies5-7 have addressed the association between
testing when dyspnea is present and receive education about the
cannabis consumption and disorders of the respiratory system, the
potential negative effects of inhalation.
function of which is vital to regulating air pressure and airflow for
voice.8 The findings of those studies5-7 may serve as a surrogate for
some aspects of the association between cannabis and phonatory
disorders. extracts (eg, butane hash oil) has gained in popularity.20 Although
Cannabis (and its preparations) can be delivered via oral, der- vaporizing cannabis has been touted as safer than smoking, ex-
mal, or inhalation methods. Inhaling smoke from dried inflores- tract consumption via dabbing (a method of inhaling vaporized bu-
cences (ie, flowers or buds) using a joint (a cannabis cigarette, typi- tane hash oil)21 may generate appreciable levels of aldehydes and
cally filterless and generally available in 0.5- to 1.0-g units), a cannabis benzene22 that are suspected to cause airway cancers.23
pipe, or a cannabis water pipe remains the most popular method be- Recent changes to the legal status of cannabis have outpaced
cause of ease of use, availability, and rapid response onset.9 Can- research about its association with voice disorders. We present
nabis smoking topography differs significantly from tobacco; can- the first systematic review (that we are aware of) to assess the
nabis smokers use large inhalation volumes and breath-holding to association of cannabis-only consumption with the health and
extract maximum amounts of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) be- function of the vocal mechanism. We hypothesized that cannabis
fore exhaling.5 Analogous to pack-years with tobacco, cannabis inhalation would be associated with chemical injury to the voice
smoking is measured using the joint-year, which is defined as smok- attributable to inhaling degradation byproducts, thermal injury
ing 1 joint per day for 1 year.5,10,11 The joint-year accounts for need- with high inhalation temperatures, and biomechanical injury from
ing less consumption to achieve the desired response compared with coughing.
tobacco smoking.
In the lungs, cannabinoid receptors are located on structural cells
and leukocytes.12 The endocannabinoid system, involved in regu-
lating physiologic and cognitive processes,13,14 primarily consists of
endogenous ligands (endocannabinoids), cannabinoid receptors (eg, Information Sources and Search Strategy
cannabinoid receptor 1 [CB1R], cannabinoid receptor 2 [CB2R]), and This systematic review focused on any associations between
degradative enzymes.14 The CB1Rs are primarily expressed in the cen- inhalation of cannabis and voice disorders. The review protocol
tral nervous system and activated by THC, a CB1R and CB2R partial was consistent with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
agonist responsible for the psychoactive effect of cannabis.15 The Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) reporting guideline. In
CB2Rs are most abundantly expressed in tissues related to immune consultation with a research librarian, we performed an electronic
function14 but are highly inducible under conditions of injury or search in MEDLINE via PubMed, CINAHL, Scopus, and Cochrane
inflammation.16 The endocannabinoid system and its modulators Library databases from January 1, 2007, to August 10, 2018, the date
may play a critical role in disorders managed by otolaryngologists of the most recent search. This date range was chosen to exclude
because of adverse manifestations or therapeutic benefits of can- older studies that likely differ from contemporary research because
nabis consumption.17 of changes in strain varieties, cannabinoid and terpene profiles, and
Urine biomarkers for toxic combustion byproducts were found large increases in THC content over time.24 Studies in a language
at high levels in cannabis smokers, and many also had tobacco- other than English were excluded. The search strategy included
specific markers.18 This risk of coexposure to tobacco stems from Medical Subject Heading terms and keywords marijuana, cannabis,
second-hand smoke or from mixing cannabis with tobacco in a ciga- respiratory, lungs, larynx, voice, phonation, and vocal with Boolean
rette with a mix of cannabis buds, hashish (a resinous extract), or operators (AND, OR).
cannabis flower rolled in a cigar wrapper. Several toxic constitu-
ents of tobacco smoke were found at higher levels in cannabis smoke Selection of Studies and Eligibility Criteria
(eg, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide nitric oxide, and aromatic amines).19 Three reviewers (J.M.-A., T.K., and A.Z.) independently screened
An alternative to smoking, vaporizing cannabis flowers or cannabis all titles and abstracts and divided clinical from basic science

E2 JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Published online August 8, 2019 (Reprinted)

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Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders Review Clinical Review & Education

Table 1. Results of Clinical Study Quality Assessment Using National Institutes of Health Quality Assessment Toolsa
Exposure Before
Participation Time for
Study Rate >50%/ Exposure- Exposure Assessors Confounding
Objective Representa- Outcome Defined or Blinded to Variables
Clear/ tiveness of Association/ Described/ Exposure or Measured
Study Participants/ Assessed Levels Exposure Outcomes Statistics or Results
Population Sample Size of Exposure on Assessed Clearly Cleary Follow-up Clearly
Study Study Design Defined Justification Outcome Repeatedly Defined Described <20% Described Total Rating
Pletcher et al,6 Cohort +/+ +/+/+ +/+/+ +/+ + NR + + 13 of 14
Tashkin et al,26 Cohort +/+ +/+/− +/+/− +/+ + NR − + 10 of 14
Van Dam and Cohort +/+ CD/+/− +/+/− +/+ + NR + + 10 of 14
Tan et al,7 2009 Cross-sectional +/+ NA/+/+ −/+/− +/− + NR NA + 9 of 14
Aldington et al,5 Cross-sectional +/+ +/+/− CD/+/+ +/+ + + NA + 11 of 14
Hii et al,25 2008c Case series +/+ CD/−/NR NR/NA/NR +/NR + + NR + 6 of 9
No. of studies NA 6/6 4/5/2 of 5 3 of 5/5/2 of 5 6/4 of 5 6 2 2/5 6 NA
Abbreviations and symbols: CD, cannot determine; NA, not applicable; NR, not differed at each time point.
reported. c
In the case series study,25 NR indicates that quality criteria account for fewer
Minus signs indicate that the criterion was not met; plus sign, criterion met. items in this tool than the one for cohort and cross-sectional studies (9 vs 14
Doses and exposure were self-reported by participants; data were available quality criteria, respectively).
only for a cross-section of participants from a larger cohort study, which

and animal research. Of the clinical research, observational and

interventional studies were included; case reports were removed. Results
Clinical science studies were excluded if participants were
younger than 18 years. The remaining articles were reviewed for Quality of Study and Risk of Bias
cannabis-only data, after which 6 articles of clinical research This systematic review identified 6 clinical science studies5-7,25-27 and
remained. Basic science and animal studies that used only syn- 13 basic science and animal studies.29-41 The study quality assess-
thetic cannabinoids were excluded, with 13 remaining for analysis. ment (Table 1) revealed significant heterogeneity in study design and
The eFigure in the Supplement shows the literature selection pro- strength of evidence among clinical science studies. Three clinical
cess. science studies6,26,27 were cohort design, 2 were cross-sectional,5,7
and 1 was a case series.25 Cohort and cross-sectional studies were
Data Collection and Data Items mostly of fair quality, although 1 prospective cohort study6 was of
Data for clinical science studies were extracted for sample size, high quality. Three studies5,6,26 had large data sets of participants
sex, age, tobacco use status, frequency and quantity of cannabis (>70 participants) (Table 2); 3 studies7,25,27 contained fewer than 19
consumption, spirometric data, and notes on symptoms and find- participants. In all human studies, cannabis and tobacco consump-
ings. Cannabis-only data were extracted by collating available tion were determined by self-report. Although studies that did not
data (J.M.-A., T.K.), and variables (eg, age) were recalculated for account for tobacco use were excluded, unforeseen interactions with
cannabis-only participants. Data extracted from Hii et al25 were of other drugs or environmental factors were not considered. Areas of
former tobacco smokers (1-7 years of smoking), and Tashkin weakness included lack of exposure levels, details on assessor blind-
et al26 differentiated between cannabis-only and other smoking ing, and sample size justification, as well as poor ability to establish
categories (Table 1). Basic science and animal data included ana- an association (exposure was not measured before outcome in 3
lyte, experimental substrate, measure or variable tracked, and studies). In terms of basic science and animal study quality, hesita-
findings on the association between cannabinoids or marijuana tion is necessary when considering results obtained using MSC or
smoke condensate (MSC) and the respiratory system. cannabis smoke because varying cannabinoid and degradant con-
centrations attributable to diversity in starting material and puff pro-
Risk of Bias in Studies file may lead to between-study variability (Table 3).
An assessment of clinical study quality was performed indepen-
dently by 2 raters (T.K., A.Z.) using tools developed by the Synthesis of Clinical Science Research
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at the National Insti- This systematic review examined published data on cannabis inha-
tutes of Health. Different tools were used for cohort and cross- lation from 6 clinical science studies.5-7,25-27 Although the study by
sectional study designs vs case series.28 Consensus was reached Mueller and Wilcox4 was not formally entered in the review be-
on the few rater discrepancies that emerged. A formal assess- cause it was published 27 years earlier, the objectives and associa-
ment of basic science study quality was not completed because of tions (with voice) in this study are relevant enough to warrant in-
a lack of published tools for nonanimal research. clusion. Participants were nonsmoking controls for the past 3 years (Reprinted) JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Published online August 8, 2019 E3

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Clinical Review & Education Review Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

Table 2. Clinical Study Variables and Characteristics of Individuals Who Inhaled Only Cannabis
No. of
Study Partici-
Study Designa pants Sex Age, y Tobacco Use Cannabis Consumption Main Findings
Pletcher et al,6 Cohort 795 55% M Range, NA Yes or no Difference compared with reference value
2012 18-30 of +0.7 mL for FEV1and +8.2 mL for FVC
Tashkin et al,26 Cohort 72 M and F Mean Mean (SD), 3.2 Mean (SD), 62.1 Respondents lost vs gained bronchitis
2012 (SD), (1.3) pack-years (20.4) joint-yearsb symptoms after a mean (SD) of 9.4 (0.5) y;
31.8 cough: 62.5% vs 11.1%; sputum: 61.1% vs
(0.6) 13.2%; acute bronchitis: 81.8% vs 11.7%;
wheeze: 77.8% vs 19.2%
Van Dam and Cohort 12 M and F Mean NA Mean (SD), 6.5 (1.0) Mean (SD) FEV1/FVC: 70.9% (48.1%); 26.1%
Earleywine,27 (SD), d/wk reported respiratory distress
2010 20.4
Tan et al,7 2009 Cross-sectional19 M and F Mean NA Yes or no; having AOR (95% CI) for risk of COPD as diagnosed
(SD), smoked >50 marijuana by spirometric testing: 1.66 (0.52-5.26);
65.2 cigarettes self-report: 0.62 (0.31-1.27); physician
(9.1) diagnosis: 0.67 (0.09-5.29)
Aldington et al,5 Cross-sectional75 89% M Mean NA Yes or no Mean (SD) FEV1: 4.17 (0.7) L; mean (SD)
2007 (SD), FEV1/FVC: 76.2% (6.6%); cannabis attenuated
42.5 FEV1 reduction from tobacco; cannabis
(9.7) associated with increased percentage of
low-density lung tissue
Hii et al,25 2008 Case series 4 M Mean Ex–tobacco Mean (SD), 19.2 Mean (SD) FVC: 80.2 (24.0); mean (SD)
(SD), smokers (1-7 y) (10.7) joint-years FEV1/FVC: 53.5 (7.9)
Abbreviations: AOR, adjusted odds ratio; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary Pletcher et al6 is a longitudinal study of 20 years, but the cannabis-only data
disease; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; are cross-sectional in nature.
NA, not applicable. b
Baseline value; follow-up data on joint-years were not given.
Data type for the cannabis-only subsets of the data for each study. Specifically,

Table 3. Study Variables of Basic Science and Animal Research

Source Analyte Substrate

Abdel-Salam et al,36 Cannabis extract Swiss male albino mice
Helyes et al,34 2017 Cannabis smoke CB1R knockout mice and WT mice
Davies et al,35 2017 MSC Curosurf, porcine pulmonary surfactant in a lung
Kim et al,31 2012 MSC WT human lung cells and p53 gene–inhibited human
lung cells
Kim et al,32 2013 MSC p53-WT lung cancer cells and p53-null
adenocarcinoma cells
Maertens et al, 2013 MSC and TSC Murine pulmonary epithelial cells
Dudášová et al,38 2013 CBD Guinea pig bronchial smooth muscles and bronchi CBC, cannabichromene;
Ribeiro et al, 2012 CBD Murine model of acute lung injury CBDA, cannabidiolic acid;
Chang et al,29 2018 THC Bronchial epithelial cells and HAEC CBD, cannabidiol; CBG, cannabigerol;
CB1R, cannabinoid receptor type 1;
Grassin-Delyle et al,37 THC Human bronchi, ex vivo CB2R, cannabinoid receptor type 2;
HAEC, human airway epithelial cell;
Preet et al,40 2008 THC NSCLC cells, tumor xenografts in immunodeficient MSC, marijuana smoke condensate;
NSCLC, non–small cell lung cancer;
Sarafian et al, 2008 THC, MSC, and TSC Cellular model of human lung epithelial; THC, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol;
CB2R-transduced cells
THCV, tetrahydrocannabivarin;
Makwana et al,39 2015 THC, CBD, CBG, CBC, CBDA, and Guinea pig–isolated trachea, male adult guinea pigs TSC, tobacco smoke condensate;
THCV WT, wild-type.

(1 male and 10 females), tobacco smokers who had at least 1 pack of findings. Although only cannabis smokers were observed with dark
cigarettes per day (1 male and 9 females), and cannabis smokers who vocal cords, it was not possible to visualize the vocal cords for 2 of
consumed cannabis at least weekly for the past 3 years and who had the 14 cannabis smokers, 2 of the 11 nonsmokers, and 5 of the 10 to-
not smoked tobacco during that same period (7 males and 7 fe- bacco smokers. Tissue sample testing was suggested, but no com-
males). Vocal pitch and voice quality auditory-perceptual ratings by ments were made about results. Some participants reported strain
naive and trained listeners fell within normal limits; fundamental fre- or hoarseness when queried about the effect of cannabis on their
quencies also fell within normal limits for age and sex. Darker vocal voice during times that they smoked it.
folds were observed on indirect laryngoscopy using a mirror in 8 of Several studies identified a negative association between can-
12 participants who were cannabis smokers compared with con- nabis inhalation and respiration. Hii et al25 described a series of 10
trols and tobacco smokers with normal laryngoscopy examination cannabis smokers admitted to a hospital with lung injury. Four re-

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Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders Review Clinical Review & Education

ported that they were former tobacco smokers (1-7 years of cessa- that MSC was associated with similar molecular pathways as to-
tion), whereas the remainder indicated that they currently smoked bacco smoke condensate (TSC) but was more potent. Helyes et al34
tobacco. Among the past tobacco smokers, high-resolution com- reported a negative association of cannabis smoking with lung func-
puted tomography showed severe bullae, and spirometry indi- tion and histopathologic findings that were not CB1R mediated and
cated moderate to severe airflow obstruction. Aldington et al5 com- suggested that this was attributable to pyrolysis products because
pleted secondary analyses using a cross-section of data collected as wild-type and CB1R knockout mice responded equally to cannabis
part of a larger cohort study. They found that lower lung density was smoke. In addition, Davies et al35 found that the hydrophobicity of
associated with cannabis smoking. In regard to airflow obstruc- THC was negatively associated with the properties of the lungs’ sur-
tion, 1 cannabis joint was equivalent to smoking 2.5 to 5.0 ciga- factant layer and with reduced alveolar stability, potentially leading
rettes. The authors attributed changes to the way cannabis was to restricted lung mechanics and increased risk of conditions such
smoked, using large inhalation volumes and breath-holding at full as COPD44 or localized infections.45
capacity with the Valsalva maneuver. Their conclusions were that can- Abdel-Salam et al36 studied effects of intraperitoneal cannabis
nabis in amounts smoked in New Zealand was not a contributor to administration in mice alone and in conjunction with systemic lipo-
emphysema. polysaccharide (LPS) administration using several markers of oxi-
Although the above studies identified negative outcomes, oth- dative stress (malondialdehyde [MDA], glutathione [GSH], and ni-
ers reported milder lung function response to cannabis smoking. tric oxide [NO]) and histopathologic and immunohistochemical
Pletcher et al6 reported a nonlinear association between forced vi- staining in several organs, including the lungs. Cannabis alone had
tal capacity (FVC)/forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) ra- no significant effects on MDA, GSH, or NO levels in the lungs. Can-
tio and cannabis inhalation, showing a positive trend below 10 joint- nabis administered to LPS-treated mice produced a decrease in MDA
years that plateaued and reversed with more intense consumption. and NO but an increase in GSH. For the histopathologic studies, LPS
Although the data set contained only a few heavy cannabis smok- administration indicated observable thickening of some alveolar
ers, a positive association was also found in a mixed set of cannabis- capillary membranes and focal hemorrhage, whereas LPS and
only and cannabis plus tobacco smokers. Tan et al7 did not identify cannabis–treated mice had intense congestion and dilation of blood
an association between cannabis smoking and chronic obstructive vessels, inflammation, diffuse alveolar collapse, and alveolar wall
pulmonary disease (COPD). thickening.
With regard to long-term findings, Tashkin et al26 sought to iden- Evidence was presented for use of cannabinoids as therapeu-
tify the association of continuing or quitting cannabis and tobacco tic agents.17 Grassin-Delyle et al37 found that inhibition of choliner-
smoking with bronchitis symptoms. Participants who quit smoking gic contractions by THC were CB1R mediated and may be associ-
either or both tobacco and cannabis were more likely to have fewer ated with acute bronchodilation after cannabis consumption.
bronchitis symptoms on follow-up. Spirometric data from the same Dudášová et al38 found that cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive
cohort42 indicated that an annualized rate of change in FEV1 for can- phytocannabinoid, was associated with reduced antigen-induced
nabis-only smokers was identical to that in nonsmokers. Tashkin bronchoconstriction, although contractions were potentiated at
et al26 noted that central airway edema, indicated by elevated air- higher concentrations. Makwana et al39 sought to probe possible syn-
way resistance, may have been responsible for increased coughing ergies among 6 phytocannabinoids on bronchoconstriction using in
and wheezing in the cannabis-only group. Van Dam and Earleywine27 vitro and in vivo methods. The THC alone had antitussive and anti-
examined whether switching exclusively to vaporizing cannabis (a inflammatory properties. THC plus CBD was associated with a com-
noncombustion method) would be associated with fewer respira- plete cessation of tumor necrosis factor α–augmented electrical field
tory symptoms than smoking cannabis (a combustion method). Va- stimulation contractions, and tetrahydrocannabivarin was associ-
porizing was associated with decreased respiratory symptoms, a sta- ated with only a partial reduction. Preet et al40 observed THC to have
tistically significant mean (SD) increase in FVC (0.22 [1.6] L; P = .007), antitumorigenic and antimetastatic properties on non–small cell lung
and a nonstatistically significant mean (SD) increase in FEV1 (0.38 cancer. Ribeiro et al41 revealed that single doses of intraperitoneal
[1.5] L; P = .047). CBD had a potent anti-inflammatory association with LPS-induced
lung injury in mice.
Synthesis of Basic Science and Animal Research
The published data from 13 basic science and animal studies29-41 were
examined to appreciate mediating factors for voice changes asso-
ciated with cannabis inhalation, although findings cannot be imme-
diately translated to humans (Table 4). Several studies found that This systematic review examined published research to assess the
cannabis smoke exposure may be associated with significant air- association between inhaled cannabis and voice disorders. One
way toxic effects. Chang et al29 found that human airway epithelial study4 directly addressed changes to voice; however, results were
cells exposed to THC expressed lower amounts of cystic fibrosis limited in scope. Studies5-7,25-27 evaluating the association of can-
transmembrane conductance regulator, a mucous membrane regu- nabis inhalation with respiratory tract health were reviewed as well;
lator that is dysfunctional in cystic fibrosis.43 Sarafian et al30 found findings from respiratory data about a potential association of can-
that THC was associated with reduced chemotaxis in human lung nabis inhalation with voice disorders are speculative. The associa-
epithelial cells, which is vital to immune response and repair; THC tion of cannabis smoking with airway disorders does not appear to
also affected cellular energetics through mitochondrial injury. Kim follow a linear trend, unlike tobacco. Two contrasting factors may
et al31,32 found that MSC was associated with chromosomal dam- account for the nonlinearity observed with cannabis inhalation and
age and oxidative stress that led to apoptosis. Maertens et al33 found airway function: (1) a tendency to increase airway resistance and air- (Reprinted) JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Published online August 8, 2019 E5

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Clinical Review & Education Review Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

Table 4. Study Findings of Basic Science and Animal Research by Analyte Used

Study Experimental Measures Main Findings Notes

Abdel-Salam et al,36 MDA, GSH, and NO as markers of oxidative Intraperitoneal administration of cannabis No results from immunohistochemical
2013 stress and organ damage after extract had no significant effect on MDA, staining were mentioned for the lungs
administration of LPS and/or cannabis GSH, or NO in lung tissue; histopathologic
extract; histopathologic studies and analysis after LPS administration indicated
immunohistochemical staining of affected observable thickening of alveolar capillary
organs after administration of LPS and/or membranes, whereas LPS and
cannabis extract cannabis–treated mice had intense
congestion and dilation of blood vessels,
inflammation, diffuse alveolar collapse, and
alveolar wall thickening
Helyes et al,34 2017 Bronchial responsiveness, markers of Daily cannabis smoke exposure induced Respiratory effects were not attributable
inflammation, histopathologic changes airway hyperreactivity, edema, atelectasis, to CB1R activation
emphysema, neutrophil macrophage
infiltration, lymphocyte accumulation, and
irregular bronchial mucosa
Marijuana Smoke Condensate
Davies et al,35 2017 Langmuir maximum surface pressure and MSC reduced surface tension and increased Compression and expansion cycling
compressibility compressibility in Curosurf relative to analogous to tidal breathing had a
unadulterated pulmonary surfactant protective effect against the increase in
Kim et al,31 2012 Effects of p53 on genotoxicity, ROS MSC-induced genotoxicity, ROS formation, p53 Plays an important role in cellular
formation, and apoptosis as a result of and apoptosis are statistically higher in response to MSC
MSC exposure p53-WT and p53-null cells
Kim et al,32 2013 Markers of apoptosis, ROS generation, MSC dose-dependently increased No notes
SOD and catalase enzyme activity cytotoxicity; p53 and other
apoptosis-related genes appear to be
involved in this process; MSC increases ROS
generation, likewise SOD and catalase
enzymes are activated by MSC
Maertens et al,33 Cytotoxicity, gene expression profiling, MSC is more potent than TSC in expressing No notes
2013 benchmark dose modeling genes associated with xenobiotic
metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation,
and DNA damage
Dudášová et al,38 Contractile responses of bronchial smooth CBD’s influence on antigen-induced The effect of CBD on airways may be
2013 muscle from OVA-sensitized guinea pigs contractions on airway smooth muscle is related to mast cell degranulation
were investigated in the absence or indirect and may act through multiple
presence of CBD; effects of ECBs, TRPV1 targets, including TRP channels and FAAH
agonist, and FAAH inhibitors, but it is not mediated by
Ribeiro et al,41 2012 Inflammation as monitored by leukocyte CBD decreases leukocyte migration to the Adenosine A2A signaling mediates
trafficking, myeloperoxidase activity, lungs, decreases myeloperoxidase activity, anti-inflammatory response
proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine and decreases proinflammatory cytokine
analysis, vascular permeability and chemokine production
Chang et al,29 2018 Effect of THC on CFTR protein expression; THC decreased CFTR protein expression in Only higher doses of THC resulted in
assessment of the role of ERK/MAPK primary human bronchial epithelial cells and sustained upregulation of ERK expression
pathway on effect of THC on CFTR appears to mediate this effect via activation
of the ERK/MAPK pathway
Grassin-Delyle Bronchial reactivity as measured by THC inhibits cholinergic contraction in a Inhibition of EFS-induced cholinergic
et al,37 2014 EFS-induced cholinergic contraction concentration-dependent manner contraction is CB1R mediated
Preet et al,40 2008 Effects of THC on EGFR on NSCLC and on In vitro results: THC inhibits EGFR-induced No notes
metastasis and tumorigenesis on NSCLC migration, invasion, and proliferation; in
vivo results: tumor growth, proliferation,
and vascularization in THC-treated mice
were significantly inhibited compared with
Sarafian et al,30 2008 Chemotaxis, mitochondrial membrane THC and MSC suppressed chemotaxis, THC’s effects on airway epithelial cells
potential, cellular ATP levels, intracellular whereas TSC did not; THC decreased ATP are only partially mediated by CB2R
signaling protein monitoring levels and mitochondrial membrane
Makwana et al,39 In vivo effects on bronchoconstriction THC reduced bronchoconstriction and cough No notes
2015 and cough; in vitro effects on TNF-α and in vivo; in vitro tracheal contractions were
LPS-induced leukocyte infiltration in reduced to background levels by THC and
the lungs THC plus CBD but only partially reduced by
THCV; other cannabinoids were without
effect; THC reduced neutrophil
accumulation in the lungs; only THCV
reduced LPS-induced neutrophilia
Abbreviations: ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CBD, cannabidiol; MSC, marijuana smoke condensate; NO, nitric oxide; ROS, reactive oxygen
CB1R, cannabinoid receptor type 1; CB2R, cannabinoid receptor type 2; species; SOD, superoxide dismutase; THC, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol;
CFTR, cystic fibrosis transmembrane transport receptor; EFS, electrical field THCV, tetrahydrocannabivarin; TRP, transient receptor channel;
stimulation; EGFR, epidermal growth factor; FAAH, fatty acid amide hydrolase; TSC, tobacco smoke condensate; WT, wild-type.
GSH, glutathione; LPS, lipopolysaccharide; MDA, malondialdehyde;

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Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders Review Clinical Review & Education

flow obstruction and (2) a tendency for improved lung function as documented association with cannabis, has been offered as an
assessed by spirometry. These results provide practical informa- explanation.62-65 This explanation is consistently dismissed, how-
tion for practitioners treating patients who consume cannabis and ever, given improvements in FEV1 after long-term treatment with
present with voice disorders. anticholinergic bronchodilators.5,6,10,65-67 The mechanism of ac-
tion of THC differs from anticholinergics,37,68,69 and long-term ef-
Cannabis Inhalation: Tendency fects of CB1R agonist–mediated bronchodilation specifically have not
for Increased Airway Resistance been studied. Alternatively, multiple studies5,6,10,66 suggest that
Increased airflow resistance and symptoms of respiratory distress large, repeated inhalation volumes when smoking cannabis may
were reported in most of the studies, especially in heavy cannabis stretch the lungs and exercise respiratory musculature, leading to
consumers (>10 joint-years). The finding in the study by Aldington increased FVC. Findings from Dudášová et al38 indicate that CBD was
et al5 that 1 cannabis joint produced 2.5 to 5.0 times the airflow ob- associated with reduced antigen-induced bronchial contractions,
struction of 1 cigarette aligns with the findings that MSC was more pointing to the usefulness of this compound for potentially treat-
potent than TSC in inducing genes related to inflammation and oxi- ing asthma and respiratory inflammatory conditions that in turn could
dative stress33 and that cannabis smoke had higher levels of gas- hinder phonation.48,67
phase toxins.19 Smoke toxins may contribute to chronic respira- Research on the potential of cannabis to cause airway obstruction
tory system damage, and the way in which cannabis is smoked may is somewhat conflicting. Spirometric data indicate that cannabis smok-
contribute to acute and chronic barotrauma implicated in sponta- ers have slightly higher airway resistance and modestly lower specific
neous pneumothorax25 and decreased lung density.5 Cannabis smok- airway conductance compared with nonsmokers, which may be ex-
ing was associated with respiratory symptoms, such as morning plained by secretions and upper airway congestion.66 A 2010 epide-
cough, sputum production, and wheezing.46 Respiratory symp- miologic study10 noted that cannabis smoking was associated with not
toms appeared to follow a dose-response relationship that was more only higher airway resistance but also increased FVC, total lung capac-
strongly associated with frequency of consumption rather than the ity, and residual volume; hyperinflation was suggested as causing ob-
quantity consumed.47 Changes to lung parenchyma would likely re- served increases in airway resistance. A 2015 cross-sectional study61
quire greater expiratory forces for voicing that may increase the work suggested that cannabis smoking is associated with increases in the
of breathing and potentially lead to speaking-related dyspnea.48 risk of an FEV1/FVC ratio less than 70% attributable to increased FVC
Muscle tension dysphonia may be a voice disorder associated with rather than decreased FEV1. This finding was seen in participants with
smoking cannabis because lung hyperinflation in COPD challenges a consumption history greater than 20 joint-years but was absent be-
the larynx’s control of phonatory resistance.48 Considering these low this threshold.
findings as a whole, cannabis smoking appears similar to tobacco
smoking in its potential deleterious consequences on voice; both may Clinical Recommendations for Voice
be associated with (in a dose-response relationship) airway inflam- This systematic review suggests that patients who inhale cannabis
mation, congestion, and cough.49,50 may experience a negative change in voice. The following are rec-
Although cannabis appears to have significant toxic effects even ommendations for the treatment of patients presenting with a voice
when compared with tobacco smoke, results from the study by He- disorder who consume cannabis.
lyes et al34 implied that negative changes were associated with com- First, during an evaluation, gather information about fre-
bustion byproducts and not from pharmacologically active constitu- quency and quantity of cannabis consumption (eg, joint-years) in ad-
ents of cannabinoids. However, cannabinoids are not without an dition to delivery method (eg, smoking, vaporizer, or dabbing). Re-
association with lung epithelial cells. Sarafian et al30 suggested that quest the type of cannabis product being consumed (eg, cannabis
THC may suppress chemotaxis,51 a process thought to play a role in flower, hash, or extract) to appreciate exposure to pharmacologi-
repair and response to outside injury.30 One possible hypothesis with cally active constituents. Strain-specific cannabinoid levels may be
such findings is that cannabis consumption by any route, inhala- found online, and states with legalized cannabis require display of
tion or otherwise, may alter vocal fold wound healing responses af- THC and CBD levels on packaging.
ter repeated vibratory microinjury during voice production (ie, Second, complete a visual examination in patients with voice
phonotrauma).52-55 In addition56-58, THC had a negative effect on disorders who inhale cannabis by using laryngoscopy, possibly with
the lungs’ surfactant layer, which was hypothesized to restrict lung stroboscopy, to assess laryngeal structures and vocal fold vibration.70
mechanics attributable to difficulty with alveolar expansion, indi- Practitioners can expect vocal fold erythema and edema.49,50 Pul-
cating that inhaled aerosols with higher THC content may be more monary function testing may be warranted to evaluate the contri-
damaging.35 Cannabis vaporizers have not been evaluated for safety. bution of lung function to dysphonia.
Van Dam and Earleywine27 found that switching from smoking to Third, during treatment, provide education on methods of con-
vaporizing may reduce respiratory symptoms. However, cannabis suming cannabis and their different associations with voice disor-
constituents, such as CBD and terpenes, under vaporizing condi- ders. On the basis of temperature and humidity profiles, nonin-
tions may release oxidation products.22,59 haled consumption methods, such as edibles, tinctures, or salves,
are preferred for vocal health over inhaled ones. Noncombustion in-
Cannabis Inhalation: Tendency for Improved Lung Function halation by vaporizing is preferred over combustion by smoking.
Despite60 potential lung toxic effects, increase and preservation of Identify strategies to optimize vocal health (eg, use of nebulizers or
pulmonary function seen in cannabis smokers have been consis- humidifiers). Discuss the compounding effect when smoking
tently observed in clinical studies,6,25,26 especially when com- cannabis with tobacco, including risk of pulmonary diseases and
pared with tobacco smokers.61 Bronchodilation, which has a well- cancer. (Reprinted) JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery Published online August 8, 2019 E7

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Clinical Review & Education Review Cannabis Inhalation and Voice Disorders

Fourth, dysphonia can occur from vibratory changes with al-

terations in vocal fold viscoelastic properties. Edema is likely if re- Conclusions
spiratory effects are indicative of laryngeal effects from exposure
to degradation byproducts with cannabis smoking.71 Educate pa- Recent advances in the legal status of cannabis have outpaced
tients that substantial cannabis smoking may be associated with poor medical research, in particular on voice disorders. In this system-
lung function and potentially with problems with expiratory force atic review, cannabis inhalation was associated with darkened
generation for voice. Teach strategies to optimize voice in the set- vocal folds on laryngoscopy and with structural and functional
ting of lung congestion and possible vocal fold edema. changes in the airways in part because of degradation byproducts
in a dose-response relationship. Respiratory symptoms
Limitations and changes improved with cessation of cannabis consumption
This study has some limitations that merit consideration. Only studies or changing to vaporizing methods. The findings suggest that
written in English were selected. The limited date range may have led practitioners managing voice disorders should gather details
toomissionofresults,althoughincreasedpotencyofcannabisovertime about patterns of cannabis consumption and educate consumers
may render older studies less relevant to current consumers.24 Incon- about negative changes with inhalation. Further research appears
sistencies in how cannabis consumption was measured and varying to be needed on cannabis inhalation and its association with
agesofparticipantsconfoundanalysisandpreventextrapolationoffre- the phonatory system’s health and function, as well as its possible
quency or intensity effects. therapeutic applications.

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