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Hitler Youth Admission Ceremony

It is of the greatest importance that the admissions are arranged in a solemn way.
For everybody the hour of his induction must be a great experience. The cub (Pimpf)
and young lass (Jungmädel) must regard this hour of their first vow to the Führer as
the holiest of their whole life.

Text of the speech of the DJ leader, to be read in all branches:

Dear boy!/Dear girl,

This hour in which you are to be received into the great community of the Hitler
Youth is a very happy one and at the same time will introduce you into a new period of
your lives. Today for the first time you swear allegiance to the Führer which will bind
you to him for all time.
And every one of you, my young comrades, enters at this moment into the
community of all German boys and girls. With your vow and your commitment you now
become a bearer of German spirit and German honor. Every one, every single one now
becomes the foundation for an eternal Reich of all Germans.
When you too now march in step with the youngest soldiers, then bear in mind
that this march is to train you to be a National Socialist conscious of the future and
faithful to his duty.
And the Führer demands of you and of us all that we train ourselves to a life of
service and duty, of loyalty and comradeship. You, ten-year-old cub, and you, lass, are
not too young nor too small to practice obedience and discipline, to integrate yourself
into the community and show yourself to be a comrade. Like you, millions of young
Germans are today swearing allegiance to the Führer and it is a proud picture of unity
which German youth today presents to the whole world. So today you make a vow to
your Führer and here, before your parents, the Party and your comrades, we now
receive you into our great community of loyalty. Your motto will always be: “Führer,
command—we follow!”

Oath Recited by New Members:

You, Führer, are our commander!

We stand in your name.
The Reich is the object of our struggle,
It is the beginning and the Amen.

Your word is the heartbeat of our deeds;

Your faith builds cathedrals for us.
And even when death reaps the last harvest
The crown of the Reich never falls.

We are ready, your silent spell

Welds our ranks like iron,
Like a chain, man beside man,
Into a wall of loyalty round you.

You, Führer, are our commander!

We stand in your name.
The Reich is the object of our struggle,
It is the beginning and the Amen.

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