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Almost everyone eats bread daily, especially for breakfast.

Bread making is not a complicated

task. You only need flour, water, yeast, sugar, salt, oil, butter, and an oven.
Choosing good flour is the step in making bread. There are two kinds of flour, soft and hard.
Hard flour, made of winter wheat, is a better choice for making bread because it produces
bread that has a better texture and taste.
Then, lukewarm water, yeast, sugar and salt are mixed with the flour to make dough. Yeast is
a microscopic organism that is capable of producing carbon dioxide. It can make the dough
rise or expand. Both sugar and salt give flavor to the bread so that it tastes nice. They,
however, have different effects on yeast. After that, oil (such as olive oil, corn oil, peanut oil)
and butter bare added because they are essential to make the bread tender. After mixing the
ingredients, the dough is sent to the oven.
What is the passage maily about?

a. The process of baking a good loaf of bread

b. The reason bread is served as breakfast
c. Two kinds of flour
d. Steps in choosing good flour
e. The process of making bread*

What is the latest process of making bread

a. Baking the dough in the oven*
b. Mixing all ingredients
c. Adding butter
d. Adding yeast
e. Putting in some oil

Bread making is not a complicated task. (first line). The underlined word can be best replaced

a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Harmful
d. Risky
e. Tiresome

Loyalty and (1) sacrifice go hand in hand in this story. Christine loved Raul, but she knew
that Erik loved her,……………….(2). She was loyal to Erik because he taught her to sing and
helped her become the best singer in Paris. She was also genuinely sorry that his ugliness
scared people and made them………………..(3) from him. Although she herself was terrified by
his ugliness, she agreed to marry him because she felt sorry for him, and because she wanted
to save Raul’s life. she was willing to……………(4) her own happiness so that others could be
happy. Erik was touched by her compassion for him. He let her and Raul go, although he
loved her so much. Erik was ready to sacrifice his life……………….(5) Christine could be happy.

a. and

b. but

c. so

d. when

e. although


a. well

b. too

c. so

d. very

e. either


a. run out of

b. run down

c. run to

d. run away

e. run along

a. destroy

b. request

c. sacrifice

d. control

e. leave


a. as if

b. although

c. because

d. otherwise

e. so that

there are many advertisements aired during some TV programmes. In my opinion,

advertisement should be stopped and not be aired for some reasons.

Firstly, advertisements are nuisance when people are watching. They are many advertisement
to relay and usually spend long time. Sometimes the duration for advertisements is even
longer than the program being watched.

Secondly, advertisement can give bad effects to the audiences. They try to promote people
to buy unhealthy products such as soft drinks, junk food, candies and chips.
Text for number 1 - 5

When an earthquake measuring 7.8 on the Richter scale struck the west coast of
Sumatra on Wednesday night, March 2016, thousands of residents of Sikakap district,
Mentawai Island, rushed to nearby hills. Everyone, including children and the elderly, had to
stay there all night. Having learned from a devastating tsunami in 2010 and previous drills
organized by the authorities, the residents took the prepared paths to higher ground located
a kilometer from North Pagai beach. Fortunately, the tremblor, slightly more intense but
further from the islands than that of 2010, caused no damage or loss of life.
However, fear remained after the residents arrived at the hill as no shelter or
telecommunication facilities to call for assistance were available. Further, the shelters that
had been readied after the 2010 tsunami were unusable.
Mentawai islands Disaster Management Agent lamented the lack of communication
facilities. She said when the earthquake occurred, she was on a boat heading to Padang, and
her phone was functioning but she couldn’t reach anyone on site. Several other facilities,
including tsunami-warning sirens were also out. Given the fact that Indonesia is the world’s
largest archipelago, it is prone to seismic upheaval because of its location on the Pacific as
the “Ring of Fire”, an arc of volcanoes and fault lines circling the Pacific Basin.
A local rights activist with the Alliance of Indigenous People (AMAN) said the
earthquake should be a wake-up call for the central government and local authorities to
better equip tsunami-prone areas. Meanwhile, the government praised the preparedness of
local residents. “What’s important is how people respond immediately by leaving houses and
buildings to seek higher ground. And all of that was put into practice last night by the
people in Mentawai Islands”. The risk of tsunamis is still an endemic in the archipelago, said
the government officer. Hence, to increase the budget for tsunami-mitigation efforts is

1. based on the text above, what is the main message of the first paragraph :
a. The Sikakap’s people are well prepared
b. The people are aware about the earth quake
c. There is no victims for the current earth quake
d. The fear of an earth quake remains strong within the residents
e. The people run to higher areas for a safe place*

2. Where do the residents head to after getting news about Tsunami?

To the district of Sikakap, Mentawai – West Sumatra
The hilly and higher areas around them
To the save places apart from their own houses
To North Pagai Beach areas
Away from the hills

3. What is the biggest fear that people have to face as soon as they arrive at the hilly areas?
They are well prepared to save their own life by themselves
There were no tools for the residents to stay in contact
The awareness of the local authorities in sufficient
Some of the censors for earth quake are working well
That they will have facilities for a while

4. The meaning of “Ring of Fire”, for the final sentence of the second paragraph implies that:
a. Indonesia lays out on the dangerous areas
The mountain areas around them
Provinces are at highest risks for
There will be dangerous coming all the time
An areas with lots number of volcanic and earthquakes occur

Text 2 for number 6 -10

BPS-Statistics Indonesia will soon conduct Economic Census (EC) 2016 to obtain new data
related to the business sector in Indonesia. The EC is conducted for every ten years, and
aimed at obtaining data on the total number of business sectors in Indonesia. As stated by
the head of BPS, the Economic Census will cover characteristics, types, and distributions of all
business sectors in Indonesia, from cities to remote areas. Previously the Economic Census
was conducted for 1986, 1996 and 2006. It was a primary source of statistical data based on
various economic sectors excluding the agriculture sector. The main objective is to obtain
the population of business in Indonesia by economic sector, activities, business skill and
region. Further, it also updates the directory of business register, master sampling frame of
economic activities, develops as well as creates a map of economic activities distribution. At
last, the result of this EC is to collect detail information on the structure of all economic
activities. The coverage of EC is mainly for all non-agricultural businesses or establishment in
Indonesia. This EC has been planned since 2014 for its preparation phase while the field
survey will be conducted in 2016. The information and data gathered will then be processed
and analyzed “from 2017 to 2018 to businesses from the micro to macro scale. This survey
will also cover all economic activities including haberdasher and street vendors. The business
sectors that will be surveyed include the fields of manufacturing, housing, mining,
excavation, domestic, and overseas trading, as well as services. The agricultural business
sector will not be covered as the BPS surveyed the field in 2013.
6. What is the Census Economy that is conducted this year covers items on :
People activities in urban and rural areas
All activities of each sectors of the economy
Characteristics, types, and distributions of all businesses excluding agricultural sector
Those nonfood sectors activities
Particularly activities runs by the street vendors

7. In second paragraph, the first target 2016 Economic Census aimed to obtain
Details on all sectors activities
Mapping the data for the economic activities
Identification on numbers of activities around areas
Information on the economic sector, activities, business skill and region
Information on agricultural activities

8. How long does it take for Economic Census before the final outcomes will be available for
general use:
It needs two years to ruin the economic census
It needs 2 years to prepare and another 1 to 2 years to analyze
It depends on how well the preparation on each region can be done
It needs number of years as Indonesia consists of thousand islands
It needs more than a year after all the data can be collected

9. The underline word “haberdasher” and street vendors that stated in sentences of the
second paragraph represents:
Type of works that in line with the informal sectors
All activities or income earning
Kinds of economic activities for youngster
Interesting places that need specialized skills
Those seller that provides food and beverages

10. What is the main idea of the final paragraph:

Type of works that in line with the informal sectors
All activities or income earning
Kinds of economic activities for youngster
Interesting places that need specialized skills
Those seller that provides food and beverages

Text for number 11 - 15

Before we smoke, it is better to look at the fact of smoking effects, not only for smokers but
also for non-smokers. About 50 thousand people die every year in Britain as a direct result of
smoking. This is seven times as many as deaths in road accidents. Nearly a quarter of
smokers die because of diseases caused by smoking.
Ninety percent of lung cancers are caused by smoking. If we smoke five cigarettes a day, we
are six times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. If we smoke twenty
cigarettes a day, the risk is nineteen times greater. Ninety five percent of people who suffer
from bronchitis are people who smoke. Smokers are two and half times more likely to die of
heart disease than non-smokers.
Additionally, children of smokers are more likely to develop bronchitis and pneumonia. In
one hour in a smoky room, a non-smoker breaths as much as substance causing cancer as if
he had smoked fifteen cigarettes. Smoking is really good for tobacco companies because
they do make much money from smoking habit. Smoking, however, is not good for
everybody else.
11. What is the text about?
A report of deaths caused by smoking
The effects of smoking for people
A calculation of how many cigarettes that may cause cancer
Information of the effect of smoking to non-smokers
The result of smoking habit for tobacco companies

12. Which of the statements below is TRUE?

Smoking only does a good impact for the tobacco company
Non-smokers don’t have any threat of getting pneumonia
Fifteen cigarettes a day is all right for smokers
Smoking can risk ninety five percent of the people in a country
The risk caused by smoking for non-smokers is low

13. What is the effect of smoking to non-smokers?

It makes non-smokers healthy
It makes non-smokers a good life
It risks non-smokers health
It causes so much fun
It results in a better lung function

14. What is the communicative purpose of writing the text?

To make people realize the risk of smoking
To make non-smokers stay away from smokers
To make the government stop tobacco production
To make people in Britain stop smoking
To make the doctors find the cure of lung cancer

15. “This is seven times as many as deaths in road accidents.” (Paragraph 1). The underlined
word refers to ……..
The smoker
The non-smokers
The data
The company
The accident

Recently, junk food is considered as a normal eating style. People do not only eat out on
particular occasion or weekends anymore. This shows that people tend to eat junk food
almost all the time. However, is junk food good for human body?
Junk food gains its popularity in the 1940s. Within a few years, operations of junk food
appeared everywhere. With the compelling rise in fast-food restaurants since the 1940s,

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