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Oral Question Bank for CL-VIII (SDM)

1. What is UML?
2. What is OCL?
3. What is meant by Object Oriented?
4. What is meant by Modeling?
5. What is Design?
6. What is Object Oriented Modeling?
7. Explain traditional Approach and Object oriented Approach?
8. Explain SDLC?
9. What is Object oriented Analysis?
10. What is Object Oriented Design?
11. What Are The Three Types Of Modeling In Uml? (Structural , Behavioral and Interaction
12. What is Class Diagram
13. What is Class?
14. How to identified the class in Class Diagram?
15. Explain Relationship in Class Diagram(Association, Qualified Association, Aggregation,
Generalization, Composition, Dependency)
16. What is Multiplicity?(One to one, one to many, Many to one, Many to Many).
17. Explain Use Case diagram
18. What is Use case?
19. What is Actor?
20. What is Include and Extend Relationship
21. What is Visibility ? (Private , Public , Protected)
22. What is an Activity Diagram and what is its purpose?
23. What is Activity?
24. What are different nodes used in Activity Diagram? (Action, control and Object)
25. Explain Different types of Action Nodes(Call Action, Send signal, Accept Signal)
26. Explain control Nodes(Initial Nodes, Activity Final Node, Flow final Node, Decision Node, Merge
Node, Fork node, Join node).
27. What is the concept of Pin in Activity Diagram?
28. Explain Sequence Diagram .
29. Explain sequence diagram Dimensions (Time, Objects).
30. What is lifeline in sequence Diagram.
31. What is Message in sequence Diagram.
32. What is Synchronous massage and asynchronous message.
33. What is Instantaneous message and Non-Instantaneous message.
34. What is Guards in sequence diagram.
35. Explain state diagram.
36. What is state , transition and Event.
37. What are the types of Event?
38. What is composite state?
39. What is submachine state?
40. What is meant by shallow history and Deep history.
41. What is Component and Deployment Diagram?
42. Explain Grasp Pattern ?

43. Explain GoF Pattern?

44. What is GoF?
45. Explain Creational , structural and Behavioral pattern in GoF
46. What is Creator, Low coupling , Controller, Polymorphism, Pure fabrication , High Cohesion,
Expert, Indirection, Protected Variations ).
47. What is State Design Pattern?
48. What is Strategy Design Pattern?
49. What is Adapter Pattern?
50. What is Singleton Pattern?
Prepare all diagrams with all advance notations.

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