Prof Jung, DR Frohlich

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Possible reactions following the first Airnergy treatments and how to

interpret them
Airnergy inhalation therapy has been on the market for a number of years now and is used by those
that are ill, by healthy people, performance athletes and therapists.

The device works by drawing in the ambient air, feeding it through catalysts and then making it
available to the user again in its altered state through a nasal cannula. As it passes through the
Airnergy device the oxygen contained in the air is altered into a different energy state for fractions of
seconds and brought into contact with water. Additional energy is generated as a result, which, in
combination with the atmospheric humidity, produces an effect if inhaled with reasonable regularity.

Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Jung

Possible therapeutic effects and psychophysical reactions:

Normalisation of sleep patterns

The harmonisation of autonomic regulatory mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system

intensifies recovery phases with accelerated regeneration processes and deeper relaxation.

Improvement in energy levels following rest phases

A generally higher energy level accelerates all regeneration processes and the “coming round
in the morning” phase is significantly shortened due to more effective energy usage.

Falling asleep during treatment

Intensive relaxation due to activation of the parasympathetic nervous system can result in the
patient falling asleep during treatment.
Increase in secretions in respiratory tract disorders

Improved functioning of the mucous membrane in the respiratory tract results in easier and
more rapid removal of inhaled dirt particles and harmful substances. Initially this can manifest
itself in increased expectoration and a runny nose.

Enhanced concentration

Due to the harmonisation of the control processes of the central nervous system, in particular
following normalisation of the regulation processes of the autonomic nervous system, both
internal and external stimuli can be better dealt with.
More efficient cardiac output

Improved cellular breathing secures the energy supply during physical exertion at a lower pulse
rate and therefore takes the load off the heart and lungs.
Improved vision

Nourishment of and removal of metabolic waste products from the cells of the fundus of the eye
are significantly improved and this also stimulates healing in previously damaged structures
thus improving vision.
Elimination of headaches and tension

By harmonising the autonomic control processes painful tonicity of the blood vessels is avoided.

Normalisation of blood pressure

The ability to regulate blood pressure can be restored by harmonising the autonomic control

Improved blood flow

The improved blood flow resulting from optimised control processes is frequently associated
with a tingling feeling and warmth in the hands and feet.
Lowering of blood sugar spikes

An improvement in the metabolic function also manifests itself at the islet cells of the pancreas
by increasing the residual capacity to produce insulin.

Increased resistance to stress

Harmonising the functions of the autonomic nervous system normalises the interplay between
sympathetic and parasympathetic stimuli.

Enhanced physical performance

The increased bioavailability of oxygen in the breathing air results in a greater supply of energy
to the heart and skeletal muscles.

Reduced frequency and duration of pain

Repair and regeneration processes are significantly accelerated by the availability of more
energy and the break-down of free radicals.
Normalisation of digestive functions

Strengthened digestion can result in the accelerated excretion of metabolic waste products and
to changes in the colour, smell and quantity as well as frequency of stools and urine.

Individual reactions to medical measures that influence regulation

Since the health status of each person at the start of Airnergy therapy is different and unique, it
goes without saying that the reaction to this regulatory medical treatment is also very individual.
The different responses, especially the quality of the initial reaction, is usually characterised by
the nature of the underlying disorder.

Thus, for example, in the case of allergic disorders or conditions, a reduced immune response
during the course of an inhalation therapy can result in more secretions being produced and
therefore more mucous being coughed up. It therefore seems to the patient as if the condition is
getting worse. In fact, however, the symptoms indicate that defensive and regeneration
processes are beginning and are signs of active regulation processes of which the organism
was not capable up until this point because of the existing illness.

Thus the purification and renewal of the largest human organ, the skin, under the effects of
inhalation therapy can initially be characterised by an increase in the amount of impurities
because of the intensified excretory processes. When, due to the extra energy, the body is
once again in a position to defend itself against harmful processes then, in the short-term, e.g.
because of the body’s renewed ability to defend itself in the fight against chronic inflammation, it
can be that pain is experienced or worsens in the short-term.

Defence processes, repairs and also regeneration processes and stress reduction all cost
effort. It is therefore not unusual for patients to be more tired in the evenings at the start of
treatment and also to need more sleep. Just like the other possible initial reactions that have
been outlined, this is in no way to be interpreted as an undesirable side effect. Rather it is a
clear sign that the organism has set its priority to first of all charge up its energy stores in order
to balance out corresponding deficits and thereafter carry out healing processes with renewed

This possible initial process should only be interrupted if the initial reaction is experienced as
being too strong or extremely unpleasant. As a rule a break of between one and three days in
the therapy and/or a reduction in the intensity of treatment with gradual continuation of the
therapy is sufficient to overcome these symptoms.

Over 90% of the energy of approximately 70 billion cells in the body is supplied to the organism
by breathing alone. With approximately 26,000 breaths per day the tiny increase in energy from
each breath adds up to create a huge energy boost.

Risks and side effects

The principle of breathing support using the Airnergy process has proven itself now for nearly
two decades without any risks coming to light and without any side effects being discovered.
The process can be used as an independent treatment concept but is also absolutely safe in
combination with traditional medicine and natural healing methods.

Organ function and metabolic functions can be stimulated and strengthened by medical
processes that influence regulation such as breathing support with the energy of singlet oxygen.
Thus they also help towards self-help. Where inhalation therapy is combined with traditional
forms of medical treatment, in particular with a drug regime, it is recommended that the drug
dosage be regularly checked, since it is likely that it will be necessary to reduce this dosage.

The simultaneous application of appropriate, complementary forms of treatment can intensify

and accelerate the effects. In any case it follows the principle of medical measures that
influence regulation, according to which externally applied stimuli naturally result in appropriate
reactions in the body. In view of the multifactorial processes in an organism, with the complex
interplay of countless regulatory circuits, it is no wonder that even an apparently small factor,
such as breathing support, generates a plenitude of extraordinarily significant therapeutic

Furthermore, breathing supplementation has a quite distinct advantage over numerous other
alternative treatment methods:

You do not have to believe in it for it to work!

So long as you feel better, then we have achieved our objective.

© Dr. (med).S. Fröhlich

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