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No. SO (SEV) 2-43/2014 GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Dated Lahore, the 25" October. 2011 1 Allthe District Coordination Officers, in Punjab, 2. Allthe Executive District Officers (Edu}. in Punjab. SUBJECT: RECRUITMENT POLICY — _2014_ FOR SCIENCE, MATHEMATICS, COMPUTER SCIENCE _AND_ ENGLISH EDUCATORS The Government of Punjab has decided to ensure internationally competitive education especially in the subjects of Science Mathematics, Computer Science and English. In keeping with the national requirements and Global trends, systematic efforts will be undertaken to achieve a ratio of 70:30 between Science and Arts students. Accordingly. all the human resources and system wil be aligned with this vision. At present, there is an acute shortage of Science Mathematics, Computer Science and English Teachers, 2. The major milestones of education include 100% enroliment, 100% retention and quality education. For this purpose, a large number of additional Teachers will be required. However, keeping in view the financial constraints the recruitment will be made against vacant posts. The additional Fequrement will be catered for gradually im the coming years in all subjects, according to the Student Teacher Ratio of each district. 3. The policy aims to provide an equal opportunity for quality education to all sections of the society irrespective of income and gender The Policy is guided by the principies of merit, transparency, foolproof selection Process, fair competition and uniform recruitment procedure 4. The Chief Minister Punjad has been pleased to approve the recruitment of~ Science, Mathematics, Computer Science and English. » Educaters against 30,045 (thirty thousand and Forty five) posts. The recruitment shall be made against the existing teaching posts of BS-9. 14 & 76 which are lying vacant or created through SNE Ail these Science >s)iey Mathematics, Computar Science ane English Educators shall aso toach allo ‘any otter subject according fo the workload assigned to them by the Head Teacher The dishictwise and gostwise break up of all categories of Educators 's attached at Annex-A. The appointments would be on contract ass and non-vansferable 5. _ DISTRCT RECRUITMENT COMMITTEE (ORC) | Distet Cootdination Offoae chaiman ii Executive District Offcer (F&P) Member Ii Executive Dstt Offer (Edu Member Iv Distict Montoring Oftcer Member 2 One ep of Provincial Government Member to be nominated by AD. Vi An expert of relevant subject Member tobe nominates by Chairman ORC vi pponting Authonty Momoet! Secretary TORs OF COMMITTEE 1) Al he Commitee members wil be fesponsible for smooth and Transparent conduct of recrutment process, interviews and computer assessment 1) ADVERTISEMENT (aiAavertwoment will bo issued by the Charman Distiet Recrutment Commitee / Distr Coordination Officer clearly Indicating category-wise, gender-wise and Tehsi-vise vacancies tobe published in leading national newspapers (b)However. double copy of advertisement wil be got vetted from the Department prior to publishing, ii) Challan Form No.32-A wil be attached with Application Form by submiting fee of Rs. 100% for-each category of post, under the ‘account head af Government Treasury, Provincial Account No-t Non-Food) C-Non Tax. Revenue, "CO2-Reooipis tam Ci ‘Aamisistration & Other Functions, C028-Social Services, C-02816 Education. Gthere-Fee on account of application for Educators in State Bank of Pakistan of National Bank of Pakistan Iv) Absent candidates in the interview and computer assessment, will ‘Stand disqualified for recruitment altogether respective of their ‘marks in Presinterwew Merl List vy) MERIT LIST a) The interested candidates for the posts of Educators wall compete at tehsil evel However, the Distnet: Recruitment Commitee wit genorate 2 ment Hs by indicatng Minorty & Disable quota ard tehsi ofthe candidates for each category of Ecivcators at Disinct level for gis ard boys schools separately 1b) In case of non-svalisbiy of eligible candidates from che foncermed Tehsil then the canis belonging ta other tess hike aesirct wil be eigbie a compete in order of mort. ©} The merit ist wil be acrangod in descending order ofthe highest marks and in case tWo or more candidates have the same ‘maths then, the elder wil be givan preference. 4) ‘Final Merit List’ for each category of Educators will be prepared after adding campuler assessment /inervew marks ‘on the basis of merit marks secured by the aigible candidates, } Final Mest List wil be signed by all the members of Distt Recrutment Commttee ans wil be placed on the website ‘ew schools punab gov. and Note Boards. f) The Merit Lists shall emai val for a period of 180 days fom the date of approval cf Distnet Recrutment Commitien and the Appointing Authorty shall eamplete the process of appointment ‘an the approval of Chairman Distt Recrutment Commitee itn the 5318 pend 8) ALLOCATION OF POSTS 12 The number of existing vacant posis of PSTIESE (BS-09) ESTISESE (All categonos -8S-14) and SSE / SST (All categones, BS-16) equvaiert to alocaled number of posts shall stand vwitnarawn ftom the schools and converted into equal number of posts of corresponding category le. ESE {Science ~ Math}. SESE (Seierco), SESE (Math), SSE (Physics — Math), SSE (Gio — Chemistry). SSE (Com Science) and SSE (English) ma tehsi| The posts so convert wil constitute @ poo! al tes level The same wih be notified by the EDO (Education) b Belore placing the adverisement, the EDO (Edueaton} and OMO wil ily Went the senoo' fr allocation of goets and submat yth the advortsomert for vettny the Ist of schools where posts of ESE (Sonce ~ Math), SESE (Science), SESE (Math). SSE (Physics — Math), SSE (Bic = Chemsiry, SSE (Com Science) and SSE (Engish) are tobe given, vi) Flowing criteria for allacation of posts wal be cbserved 1 SNE posts of newly estadlished sehgols shall remain intact in the Concerned schools. One post of SSEIHM of Elementary School osplaly vi {ard minimum norm of shale section of Ekementaryigh Schoo! shal also be maintained 1, In fist phase, the ESES (Science - Math) wn be given to Primary Schoo's or Piimary Poriens wera enratiment fal least 140 OF above in descending der af enraliment. in the concemed tebe No Primary Scheel wi be glen two oF mare posts of ESE (Science ~ Math) Only the Elementary Schools selected for estabishment of Computer Labs wil be given one post of SESE (Sceence} and Done pos! of SESE (Math) and they wil teach the subject of ‘Computer n adition © Those Elementary Schools which do not fall in category of Elementary Schools mentoned at Sivi(a & ¢}) or Eementary Fetions of higher level schoo! only ne post liner SESE {Science} or SESE (Math) wl be provided te each Elementary ‘School / Portion in descending order of enraliment subject 10 avaisbiity of posts in the given Yehsl. For ths purpose the Enrolment of Elementary Porton (6-8) wil be taken into Account. No Elementary School / Elementary Porton of higher level school wil be given two or more posts either SESE (Setence) or SESE (Math) including the post of SESE {Science} Provided earier In Secondary Schoo's proterence wil be given to those schools im the given tehs! whete no Physics Math or Chemsty 8 Teacher is avaiable Posts efter SSE Phy Math) or SSE (Chy-B.0) wal be givan in descending order ef entollment of Science students in and 10" Class, SSE (Com. Science) willbe provided to those High HS Schools \where Computer Lab has been estabished and no SSE (Com. Science) is avaliable there {9 SSE (English) wil be provided on the basis of enrolment of 9” & 10" Gisss in descending order in schools of the given tehsil winere no SSE (English) avaiable For all calagones the enroliment of 31° October. 2010 wil be toon a5 yarcatick PLACEMENT OF SELECTED CANDIDATES. 4. The selected candidates wil be placed according to the inter-te ‘merit in cach tehsil of the respective category of post. The provisionally selected candidates may give Per choices during training, The Provisional Leter of Agreement will be signed Ih case of successful completion of raining, during the last week of trainog ” 1. Incase of dispute botwzon two or more candidates fora seat the ‘senior in ment wil take precadence LETTER OF AGREEMENT The names of selectees wil be deciared provisionally by the Recruitment Committee and tne selected candeates wil get Pre service Inoucton Training before joring he service a selocioe does net join ‘raining, Nelshe wal foose the right to yon servos ‘nit ofr wil be givan tothe next candidate on ment 'b The selected candidates shall nave to pass computer tests and post traning tests. After successiil taining, provisional efter of Agieement shall be ‘ssued and signed between a selected tandidate and Appointing Author © Ia person fails t join the post within fiteen days or where a ‘wniten refusal is received fom a selecteo, hiner selecton shail Stand canceled and next person on the rei st wil be oferec the Letter of Agreement (Annex-B) subject to provisions of ara ab biante 4. Incase a person joins and leaves the same within a period af 190 days. then the Agposrting Autharty may offer the appointment to the next candidate onthe ment is with te aparoval of Charman Distt Recrutment Committee DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES , Degrees and Certicates wil be considered, fsued by the Public Secior Universites, BISES or recognized Unwersites wnich are recognized affizted by the Higher Education Commission, Islamabad as well as sy ‘nek respective Provincial ! National ‘Assembles for spectied area of charter . Verification of cenifeatesidugroes from BISES I Unversites will be done by the Appointing Aunty concemed within thieo months after joining of the selaclad tandidates. Tho Letter of ‘Agreement shall Be provisional il he vertioaton of the degrees and certcates, Verification ee wll be borne by the candidates, ‘STEPS OF RECRUITMENT a ‘The candidates wil obiain prescribed Application Foims for each post fiom the office of the respecive Appoining Aurorty or down Toad rom website wu punjab schook gov. pk os ]e yl li) Submission of Apaication Forms ‘2 For the posis of ESE and SESE in Govt Boys Schoals, the applicants (Boys & Gis el apaly to DEO (EE-M): For the post of ESE anc SESE in Govt Gifs. Schools, the female appicans will apply to DEO (EE-W) For te post of SSE. io Govt. Giris Schools, the female ‘aopicans val appy to EDO (Edu); and For the post of SSE in Gavt Boys Schools, the male appicants wi apply to EDO (Ed i) Category wise computer generated Pre-tnterviow Mest Lists will be fisplayed on the notice board in the office of EDO (Edu) and ‘ebste Oieicts may eeata ter own websites addon, The District Recruitment Commitee shall prepare and approve category wise ment ists duly singed by DRC and shail prove tothe Apponting Authory aanguth is recommendations, 7. TERMS & CONDITIONS OF RECRUITMENT 1) Post wise Recommending & Appointing Authorities ‘ops | Recommending Name of post 2 ° aera | Erponiary Shoot 08 ist “Distt Eeeatos (ESE (iene. Recutmeri | Edyaton Oficer Math) | Committee (EEM) For Boys schools cous z | Flemensary Shot 9 sine oii [Evaro (ES (Soence Reautment | Euston Ofer ats Commitee | (EE) Forrs schoo | | | Seno leery Sosa | Dat Eiatre SESE) al" | Recrutmant Eatin Ofear Estepones) Fer Boye |Comminee” | (EEMh Senor | - Senor Elementary School | 14 | District District Pitenoe SESE ial Reowtment | Eaveston Ofer tategores) For Gis | Comite (ee) ‘Secantiary School 16 | District | Executive District i Eaters (SSE) (A Rectment Ofer ey Snigones|orboye 8a Comme scheme | ' 8) Age Limit ‘or fresh & inservice candidates, minimum age int has been fixed 20 years ‘end maxinum age limit $5 years across the board incisive of general five \yeais age relation already admissible, a8 on the closing date of receipt of ‘appicatons and wil appear as 5 par of the advertsement. No further age ‘olaxation wil be allowed in any case. Age lent shall be deteravned from the Matic corcate. ©) Acadomic & Professional qualifications, | Nomenclature | “orPosts | ESE | (Scrence-Mathy SESE (Science) Academie Quatfieation [BSc 2 ae) wits at Teast Wires subjects out of Chemisty, Zoology x farce) MEST A (Edu) Math oR BAIBSc/ BS (Honors) Biology Mat” OR ‘as mentioned above BSc (2 div) with Zoology & Botany OR Zoology | Botany Zoology & Botany Course on i | BstHonors) a Botany, Physics, Mats Professional Gualitestion PTOICTIB Ea | (2% am)! prec cas 8S Ed (2" dw) in Selence Subjects and FSe with Physies, Chemistry, | MEd /M.A (Edu) Chemistry. CTIB Eas mea! BS (Honors) (2"* iv) wth. Chemistry! ‘aed FSe_ with oy) Physics, Chemistry, Bology / Math oR BSEd (2 dv} with Chemisty sith SESE any [MoluPhysts ac FSe nn Mat | Physics, Chemmaty OR BSc (2 div) with. Physics, Math-A&R | ' | BS.Ed (2a) wn Physics, Math | SSE (Bio- ‘Gnem) SSEDPhy ah) SSE (Com Sci) | SSE (Engin) 5 Course (Eagtsh 2" Die) 23° Div MLA. Engiso) can apply but they wil havo ta cually TEFL within inves years MSC (2" GW) in BBiogy | Chemsuy land. BSe wi Chemisty, Zoology & | — [Botany — _— | MSe (2” div) in Pryses | Math and Se wih Physics, Math A&B Courses “ise (Gom Sev MCSmaseiT) j! BCS (a-yars course) 2" an) BA Hono i Engish 4 years) MA, MA IEds) cup ess meas MA Edu) crm. Eaimedy MA Eo) cre carmeas MA (Edu) Bea medsma (Eau) BEaMEd/MA (ey) Beam ew MA (Eu) BEOMEW MA (Edu) | i | \ at fide Note: The candidates having prescabed academic qualification will be onsideted. However, such candidates without prescribed professional {uaifcstion appearrg in the mest list may be considered as pet ranking chicrs Such selected candidates wil have to acquire. the plesciined professional qualfetion wathin three years otherwise’ thet Eontvaet will nt be extondag 1) Bonafide resigents of the distet wil be considered for the recruitment of Educators. Maried female candidates may use domicle of thir husbands Domicile certiieate and Nikah Nama (in case of such female candidates only) il be produced ior claiming the candidature E) The Educators will ave no right to demand ar claim any change in ‘erm and consitons ofthe agreement or contact of appointment 8. Female Candidates Female candidates wil be elgible & apply for the posts of ESE and ‘SESE in Boys Primary and Elementary Schao's in adion to all categories of posts 1 Gils Schools, 9. Reserved Quota 2% stalutory quota for disabled persons, ofthe total located posts of ach category, wil be reserved on district basis Their disability ctiicates will be issued by Dector General, Social Welfare Provincial ‘Couns! for Rehabilitation for cisabled person, Under disabled persons ‘quols, bind, deat & dumb candidates vil not be ekaible to apply. Disabilty should not hurdle mobility and effective use of blackboard Disabled candidates ft for teaching profession and able fo 1636, speak Wwrle and use blackboard wil be eligible to apaly for appointment against this quota ) 5% of the total number of advertised posts of each category of ucators for Minorities (Nor-Muslims) may be given and vacancies reserved for Minories against which qualified canddates are not avaiable, these vecancies may be treated as unreserved ane filed on ment & Sep, 10. 44 RANKING CRITERIA (A)_ For Elementary School Educator & Senior Elementary Schoo! arts | Mes | Proteslone!Gusiteavon rs | Acscorc ueiteaton 1 i its sos or Matic 2 | Man toed emeate Fa Marts allocated for Graduation = | > Marks allocated for M.Sc os | i Tota Ment Marks | |stats ne ta of | Percentage cttaneaneschexamnabon |) MSe‘onip relat Scence Sj be! ended fot estona cuationion 1 sii) Marks allocated for BSEd | |" Gereaaton 8 potesnesn 3605 i yy Mane atocated or BS onor 4 year) i Siadsaton a se) 3505 ' (©) For Secondary Schoo! Educstr hieniows Comput assossnctt os Protesconal Queteseon oS | Academic Quatfeabon 7 | | Marks allocates for Matric 1s | : | — Marks allocated for intermediate 1) | Maitsalocatee or Graton a | | | Marts aloeau or Manse S| | (7 Nats iPnpaD os | | tibet subets | rowlatentarts to | Note:-i) Mest marks t0 be ealculated on the basis of | Percentage blamed in each examination. |i MPRII/ Ph only is retevant Sewence Suject | ‘wile constered fr aciional ablation | 1i) Marke allocated for BA (Honor years), ! (Graduation & MA} 20485 | Complaints Redressal Col! at Divisional Level a) A Complaints Redressal Cell at Dvisional Level for redressal of complaints will be consttuted by the Department comprising the followings: > ely + Reed Judge of High Gourt or Sessions Court Chalman + One nominee of the School Education Deparment Member ret blow Grade-19 + Commissioner orhis nominee not below MemberiSecretary the rank of Aeeional Commissioner ) Tre Chairman may forward decisions to the concemed Charman Recruitment Commitee / 000 for futher course of action regarding redressal of complants 42, Timelines for Recruitment The recrutment process, 80 far 38 pracicabie, shall be completed according to the timelines stated at Annoxure-C. ‘SECRETARY SCHOOL EDUCATION LEDS ea terion orricer (se ' copy i forwarded for information and necessary action to: Accountant General Punjad. Lanore 1 2 Allthe Diisignal Commissiones, Is Punjab, Program Drectors, PMI. Punjab, Lahore 4 Phogtam Diectors, DSD, Punjab. Lahore wih the request to plan the Induction Training fer Educators of all categones alongwuth Computer Teaiang Doctor Pubic Instruction (SEE), Punab, Lahore 5 The. Supermtendent, Govt. Painting Press, Lanore with the request to pant in Gazetle habe aster SECTION OFFICER (SE) ce: © Secretary o Chie! Minister Punjab, Lahore, 2 Sebrelary Finance, Gest of Punjab, Lahore, 3 Stal Oftee to Chief Secretary Punjab, 4 -BILAds| Dy. Seeretares School Eoucaten Deptt 5. Dy Direcor (i) of School Education Deptt wih he request to upload "Ne palicy, application orm ard aaversementon the wast, 5 PS fo Ninistar for Educaton Puja, Lahore PS fo Scorelay Schoo Eeveation Oapariment (weouy) (908 94 88) 1.804 LNVOVA sO0C 40 an-vaua JBIN'SOM ONY ASIA LORSIO Annexure-8 + Fei iT LETTER OF AGREEMENT emis coae. oN Minory Diese queta cr Tehsil we (Dt mer an tacoma negunaaoer TERMS AND CONDITIONS (0 herrea Ta it i grin anv et wm [ ialatcesna Staats 2 | arinsuase yu tae cong ete ronhe Seven n'a he es meet | ‘cbs stacy patorarce dive Set? [ince ‘ac. | Petry teeta wil ro be alow ne Ger Nr appre wi be pry en Cad i [and te te ney be eens ttre yoo ce ee a | Paton. Tose soe cate th a et ‘ualteston wil hove lo aeque ie eguate leon aes Re ee | hone. ta crater ! I | 1 eterno Soin uaa ate rst | i | spite cette caw sccame (eave maysonnae raha ee | ely rr Mend arate is pgse ew hes ce eee a | by he competent story ang wih Pe aplcsan er pcos ae ea | Renan | Frere aches ain 3 2s Mate Lad th Pp ened oy | |m) Feta Casal Loaven tren ay wi et nan 25 cy, "ore anan Cal esos waa stoocd aoe WF ‘Sich Une witout Pay i extn of be wit be pcr on te | rolucton ote caviai bau sty soras of SEO a ne | {Chay Incoe of evtersarn tee he cacti be oberasecereeg wh Maeva po, ranma aa te al oes oo | ee ltr ea i 1 mat Ot penton Be ee pets is yo 1 (0 Ganracktaspoant be ae ota on Ce Meth Roce oy {Gn rhSaary mi erat ay ee se men sau oie | 0 ewig Aiy aaah elem casey oy | ermination of i" come on seine fe ee ee se aye ace 1s een Setar Tac’ te (STH 00 1S ee oy auton be jad one tava CG Earteaton Se commer, Seige wrt es ah Stee oe mason ee | tm Wats eaoreme a ward ben We Sonat shat Bp ane by be _Aepanig haent ane |g tnt ncn amatiat acestay compat tice ese acy | (i ou cont fae torn, a ya foc aes ove (Siren Dis rte we tho tenman cmon oe \ | ere ita mapa i ne se. pomce je ‘ep i tea oem fbn orca Vag ites snnaen | YO sa8 Or sen | Sih yc ay i acre : Scoala oii enema ne | ieee ee eet Doers nec ae Oy Eeyore ias Serco ' | tre eae ge ned art | ‘Authenticity of | yy ‘Degrees, Cenitcates and Delonras wit De considered, sued by ine Publ ‘Sector | “rt es tetra amo 1 eothenes | \Eikies | Rewrite coecamennaes ee Snes) i | wy Caner Agra sea bo pve the verano ane demons | : | Seton ee be bare by he canst | pearance st” | Yelshatee bo pe wg esta ESTO ISN aara aay ponbeseynea mews aome | stra sates ty eg he abo st Teen Cantons coat apie #5 nos ont ieee emt yor Aes t naosned arabe cna He aurea nccencd he tecr dap wmarce fs Lote of Agee The fer sal dame ave aaonecncawaie i yt omit Accson a nemy Rept win prested ime sero Hen see my ppaiming Avert) some Re°0RT mn come Naber ‘pa Tens & Caron wenwanoa nhs Wer By agengting thn Acar ltrs te lorago my Seecionagainat anyother past Signed copy ft ining Report i hereby suited for signi of Scene ~ cause y Appointing Aue Annex-C Timelines for Recruitment of Educators 2011 { ‘Activity e Deadline [ston oTAdverisement in tonal Hewapaper® [November 52011 ; Last Date for submission of Applications December 5, 2011 [Scrutiny of Apptications and Data Entry of Application | Gecember 26, 2011 Forms and generation of Pre-Interview merit lists by DOE) & OMe a = spay of Pre Interview Mit Its December 27 264i “ater of candies | oeeerioer 263,305 |Dapay of us oF provisionally seleted canldates Tor January 4, 2012 Indaton Trang before ony Induetion training fs | stance of Previn ates of hareement iter [von Aer ie serezeun ner gS ferment, Se ‘APPLICATION FORM FOR EDUCATORS 2011 HEAL ee ea srs Dw ta (engi) con apt ey wl rave | geesag cH ack EPL wn tee year oh dt orn Ay {L_l wat Ter. wenn te eae tom neste erg z a TT patbettuel! | ceueveutattne OCF ere eee ae eee —Seholabe ~ a "| SRST RET [ES To ae TT OTT ‘ faxean Seen aan baany Pees ae aha Jracrmesrica) |r 68 ne) td Sewn vce a ery acy ano Se ests x rsa e en casmaTaT pee nat) Some BT oR [LE WATT para caw [a6 Morar 2nd de wih Chemsny Zctgy (Botany | 78-146] fem eee Snaes Shana eee aresint ann tenor aca ey cre eraera BSCE RT TERN EE OK Le ES A] [Ste evsmearma | BSiHoner) nda) wits MatvPIyses and FSewin | BPS-taFL) es ees esonn on ~__|eseztansons wm Pres maa 88 couse | StaiearaTieaa use ore em os BE evant a ees car oy ee area aT SEE T IRHSH aI BET PE Hawise! si aps. 1064-)| tao NES ECMO RCT TETRIS EIESAE| Sale teas [Ea MEW WAIEDU) |BA (Honor in Eralen 4- yaars) IMA. (English) (2nd Div) Heshsit| + =i Exe een schol puna gov 9x baring es Stee PLM Mu sip cb eg chartndived pez Downlond Se wensiiog Promnciad iL utes hE Fue sty tN L RE pM IM NOOFIAL phaclio —2 Sete tn fon) on an Raven Co Receipt om Ci AGminiraon 8 ier EySUE Application-For EducatorsFunctions.Co20-Sacial Services, C-02818-Education-others-Fes- eet ne dO egAieneN Sedratangs NAO de Sire irdse Racal Onetin entoe Pinas eoe ttm Lit dentse 8 . “enti sacivean aii Lay pabah tab a sdasond et Aa rib EBetdbisepe Lie CARPE 5 A Seam naoinlh i tee Ste nated oe ibe aut eter ban ebb oe PLA At Sind MNGC APE, 8 Ess teeta ctoconaadlnl att Pde amelie 7 red Fk PRaribiial Rasalan Powe main Woorlibigea merce bt # Pee ge aleasone EnilnteetecuugnbnreAtedicbags — & spl ddttontnd pil Sturn: Metall uP EA seg anal corals ai arrnaucon Ying w/oa 3A: Brbndtoiasesncne Pa SAPS 90 Pode snare pom babe dong Beene phe? LaBare Segue He enRoute ASIN SLAP) NE avd inane Am inanenc anc sige bi Enqhig ipatiie Propet Chiel Magi HBP EEK Jr hrvea tive SbunBe hatchery lie fection inves $9 “fei BA taste verlutted wee: wPoperes, Buhnesiet Oe Zoe m AOLRIAIIEE Fin FOXES oe Fee ce lea bat ae Tank PBL basso DEO EL EH net EP sIEOMED ee BRL AD a AE ALEOORINL Mee Zin Mainet beeen iii Ee =

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