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1/ An answer to the question:

How often do you go to the cinema?
- Once a month.
2/ A response focused on the language ability:
What’s your favorite color?
- Well, to be quite honest, I don’t really have an actual favorite color, but I guess that if I were buying clothes, I would usually
go for something like blue or gray – you know, kind of dull colors, nothing too bright.

 The examiner gives marks for language ability - not information, so answer A would actually get a very low mark.
Answer B does not focus on "answering" the question, instead it focuses on showing as much language ability as possible.
This is the type of answer that a candidate needs to consistently produce to get a high score.


 Keep in mind that examiners can assess what they hear. They will expect you to speak up so don't give one or two
word answers.

 Make sure to relate your answer to the interviewer's question. First, answer the question then give 'Added

Examiner: Do you have any plans/or going to university?

Candidate: That's for sure. I'd like to major in chemical engineering.
Examiner: Do you like swimming?
Candidate: Yes, but I don't get much time to go swimming these days.

 In general, good answers have ' main and supporting ideas '.
I love swimming because it's so relaxing. Besides, it helps me be in shape.
Main idea Supporting idea 1 Supporting idea 2
 Use appropriate linking words.
I love swimming because it 's so relaxing. Besides, it helps me be in shape.
Linking word 1 Linking words 2

 If you can't think of a word, simply paraphrase it.

He's a reliable person.
 He's the sort of person you can always trust /depend on.
She's so punctual.
 She's never late; always on time.

1. Who gave you your name?
2. Do you like your name? Would you like to change your name?
3. Does your name have any particular (or, special) meaning?
4. Do you think your name is special?
5. What do your friends call you?

1. Who gave you your name? / What’s the origin of your name?.
My parents gave me my name, my father to be exact. My name is named after a famous figure who my parents really admire
and they hope that I can turn out to be exactly like her in the future. So yeah, I guess both of them agreed upon the name.
2. Do you like your name?
Definitely yes! It’s a simple, yet beautiful and meaningful name to me. Say if you ask me whether I would like to change my
name into another one, my answer would be a big no.
3. Does your name have any special meaning?/ What is the meaning of your name?
It turns out to be a meaningful message under the story of my name. Hoang means
royalty, and Nhi means a little child. So I guess it was my parents’ expectation that I’m always precious, lucky and prosperous
as a princess in the imperial palace.
4. Do you think your name is special?
Actually, the name Nhi is fairly common in my country. You would be pretty
surprised at how many girls here are named the same. But, in a sense, this name is special to me because my parents gave it to
me and the sound ‘Nhi’ has quite a charming melody to my ears. I’m so please that it will stay with me for my whole life.
5. What do your friends call you?
It really depends. Most of my close friends prefer to call me by my nickname, “Mi”. Meanwhile, others just use my first


1. Where are you from? Tell me about your hometown / street / house/ room.
2. What do you like about your hometown / street / house / room?
3. How has it changed over the past few years?
4. Is there anything you dislike about your hometown? Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
5. Tell me the good things about your house. Is there anything you don't like about it?
6. What would you change about your city?
7. Would you recommend your area / street as a good place to live?
8. Do you want to live in a big city or in a small town?
9. Do you think it’s better to live in a house or an apartment? Why?
10. Which room in your house does your family spend most of the time in?

1. Where are you from? Tell me about your hometown.

Well, as you can probably guess, I’m now living in Hanoi which is the capital of my country and I have lived here all my life.
I’m quite happy to be here, I have to say, because this vibrant city is really on the move with higher living standards and a lot
of, you know, entertainment attractions.
2. What do you like about your hometown?
Well, admittedly, I like the fact that my hometown has experienced dramatic change over the past 10 years or so. First thing
to recognize is that residential areas are spring up like mushroom, which speeds up the pace of life here. Another thing
showing that my hometown has changed for the better is that all the roads are either under construction or already
upgraded. Finally, I won’t forget to mention a series of infrastructure design which offers both classical and contemporary
architecture which I already mentioned above. I’m pretty proud of my hometown, you know. I guess everybody does.
3. How has it changed over the past few years?
Well, if I recall the way I had seen my hometown a few years earlier, it had less population, fewer buildings, and a traditional
way of life. But in the last few years, this town went through numerous developments. The frequent parks and open spaces
have been replaced by the modern buildings and commercial establishments, more industries have been established and
people seems like have a busy lifestyle these days. The professions of people have transformed to mostly industrial jobs while
many of our ancestors were farmers. The roads have become wider and yet congested. The southern part of the town still has
the old traditional lifestyle and buildings, but the other parts of the town are quite different than it was 10 years earlier.
4. Is there anything you dislike about your hometown? Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?
I guess I have to say that one thing I don’t like about Hanoi is that there isn’t a good sense of community here. I mean I kind
of have a feeling that people just care about themselves but anything else, but that’s just my feeling. In addition to that, the
cost of living in this cosmopolitan city is quite difficult to afford. Another one of my least favorite things is having to fight
rush hour traffic everyday, you know, kind of disastrous traffic system which I bet you will agree with me at this point, won’t
Despite those ugly facts, I love to continue my life in this beloved city. Actually I believe that those are only temporary -
things are on their way to get adjusted to the ever-changing world, therefore; national culture values will again be restored,
preserved and promoted in the near future.
5. Tell me the good things about your house. Is there anything you don't like about it?
Well to be honest, I would say that my house is quite pretty, of a medium size and light yellow color that I love. Another
significant thing that I like is the cool fresh air, which is due to the fact that there is a little garden in front of it will many
kinds of flowers. Other significant things are the position and architecture which make my house always cool
and ventilated (thông thoáng). For me, it is the most desirable destination in the world.
To be honest, I think I’d have to say that I’m not so keen on the traditional market in our area, which is very noisy in the
morning. In addition to this, I’m not very fond of the lack of neighborhood solidarity. The neighbors are not very friendly and
6. What would you change about your city?
If I had a chance to do so, I would undoubtedly choose to protect its environment. My city has been under rapid development,
which results in the air pollution in a few places. This pollution will soon affect the health of city inhabitants.
7. Would you recommend your area / street as a good place to live?
Considering so many advantages I have mentioned above, though there's a drawback, which I'm sure that can be improving;
but in the end it’s still an ideal place to spend one’s life.
8. Do you want to live in a big city or in a small town?
Big city, definitely. Although I really love spending time in a small town, you know, because, there’s less traffic and it’s not so
crowded, which seems to be very peaceful and ideal to go travel and stay there for a couple of day but not to live there. You
know, as I have gotten accustomed to life in the big city so it’s hard to get bored when you already live in a place that never
sleeps, right? What’s more, I can get better opportunity for good education and well-paid job in the city.
9. Do you think it’s better to live in a house or an apartment? Why?
I would say living in a house has far more advantages than living in an apartment. Big houses are spacious, have a garden and
other places while an apartment has comparatively smaller rooms and no additional place. The houses give us an opportunity
to live freely and there are very few privacy issues. On the contrary, an apartment has some rooms with no place for gardening
and playing. The whole building is shared with many other families and that creates the privacy issues. You can reconstruct or
build new facilities in a house which is quite impossible in an apartment. However, maintaining a big house requires more
effort than it is required for an apartment. Finally, I would say I always prefer living in a house than living in an apartment.
10. Which room in your house does your family spend most of the time in?
It’s certainly the living room. We'd like to sit around a set of comfortable sofa there and have a chit-chat with each other or
watch a good movie together. There’s no doubt that living room is the place where most happy memories take place.

1. Do you work or study? What are you studying?
2. What’s your major? Why did you choose to study that major?
3. Would you say that you are a good student?
4. What’s the most difficult part of your study?
5. What do you like most about your school?
6. Do you prefer to study alone or with others? Why?
7. Where do you prefer to go when you need to study? Why?
8. How do you feel if someone disturbs you when you are studying?
9. Do you dream of studying abroad? Why/ Why not?

1. Do you work or study? What are you studying?

I’m currently a freshman at X University, which is one of the top schools in the nation. Admission is incredibly competitive so
I’m very proud of being a student here.
Well, I’m majoring in Accountancy, so as you can guess, I deal a lot with numbers and figures day in, day out. It can be
overwhelming at times, but I’d like to think that I have a knack for mathematics and calculations so it’s okay.
2. What’s your major? Why did you choose to study that major?
There are many reasons for my choice. As I’ve already explained about my long-term interest in Accountancy, another reason
could be because of accountancy itself, since I’ve found my personalities have changed in a positive way, you know, like I’ve
become more patient and skillful.
3. Would you say that you are a good student?
Honestly, I must admit that I am not really a good students because sometimes I play truant to hang out with my friends at
school. Although I am studying in a reputable university with a lot of skillful and dedicated teachers, I am at times not
interested much in my study and every now and then I miss the deadlines.
4. What’s the most difficult part of your study?
Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments and students are always under a lot of
pressures from deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake. They are quite predictable, and I can pretty
much breeze through them with a bit of revision.
5. What do you like most about your school?
I guess the aspect I find most enjoyable is the environment. I mean, I get to study in new and modern classrooms and the
facilities are top-notch; I mean, all the classrooms are air-conditioned and well- equipped with projectors. My friends and
teachers are all very nice as well, so all in all it’s a great place to study.
6. Do you prefer to study alone or with others? Why?
I’m in no doubt that I prefer to study alone since I need to be able to concentrate fully. Honestly, other people are a distraction.
7. Where do you prefer to go when you need to study? Why?
I suppose if I had to choose the best place for me to study, I would say I like to find a quiet corner in my local library; being in
an old building and surrounded by books seems to help me to focus on my work.
8. How do you feel if someone disturbs you when you are studying?
Alright, I must admit that It really frustrates me because it breaks my concentration and interrupts my train of thought. That’s
why I always try to avoid distractions by going somewhere where nobody will bother me.
9. Do you dream of studying abroad? Why/ Why not?
For sure it is my big dream to study in a foreign country. The first thing I should mention is that it gives me the
opportunity to experience a different way of living/ make new friends.
What’s more, studying abroad makes you more independent because you have to learn to cook, clean, pay bills and
take care of yourself.
On top of that, I can learn valuable life lessons and practical skills such as stress management, communication or
problem-solving skills which are very important for my future career.
1. Do you have a hobby?
2. What do you do in your free time?
3. Is it important to have a hobby? / Why is it important for people to have free-time activities?
4. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
5. What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?
6. Did you have a hobby as a child?
7. What hobbies are popular in your country?
8. Do you share your hobbies with anyone else?

1. Do you have a hobby?

Of course yes, tons of them. I like to sing a lot, watch a lot of movies and I also like to design and edit videos. Particularly I
am a bookworm. Books and novels are my cup of tea. It helps me relieve from stress and broaden my knowledge as well.
2. What do you do in your free time?
Well, to be quite honest, I’m not the one who has much spare time, you know, coz all the study and over-time job, but if I
have, I’ll stick to one of my hobbies which is reading, singing, watching movies or designing and editing the videos, or
sometimes just’ve got a sudden idea to go shopping, I never know. Ah, I’ve been writing blog for a while – good way to
release your thought and feelings, you know.
3. Is it important to have a hobby? / Why is it important for people to have free-time activities?
I definitely believe that it’s very important for a person to have at least one hobby or free time activity of their own. This can
either help you to relax yourself as you have been long time involved in work and study or calm you down, give you comfort
when you are frustrated, you know, like a stress reliever. In additional to that, it gives you a sense of accomplishment and a
feeling of self-worth, which is essential for you, even sometime you cannot recognize.
4. Is it harmful to spend too much time on a hobby?
Well in actual fact, if I think about it, I guess that in many ways hobby cannot influence your daily work or study, I mean it
couldn't occupy large quantities of time you have in one day unless you are aiming at developing your hobby and pursuing it
as your career, as I am doing now. But even so, I have to say that over-indulgence in anything could do more harm than good.
I have noticed that some of my friends spending too much time on video games make themselves too tired to stay awake
during the work or study. In my viewpoint, everything occurs for some reasons. So all in all I guess my answer would have to
be yes and no.
5. What free-time activities would you like to try in the future?
--> Well, actually, I’d really like to have a go at playing the piano. You know, the idea of me singing and playing it at the same
time has hit my mind since I was a little girl. Besides, I do love its sound which always touches my heart when I feel
emotional and also cheers me up a lot when I’m down.
6. Did you have a hobby as a child?
Of course, there’s no doubt that painting and drawing in Japanese manga's style were my favorite leisure activities when I was
in primary and secondary school. My dream at that time was to become a manga artist. I still remember I had a really great
and vivid world in my imagination and drawing was the best way for me to approach my world.
7. What hobbies are popular in your country?
Well, it actually varies in terms of age and gender, too. Young people tend to have a preference of exciting activities, playing
basketball or football or computer games for boys while girls are certainly a lot more into fashion and umm Korean films.
However, the middle age are more likely to watch TV series or chit-chatting about social issues. And the elderly who usually
get up early in the mornings would prefer to listen to the radios to keep themselves updated or some could spend time looking
after their grandchildren.
8. Do you share your hobbies with anyone else?
Personally I always love to talk about books to my sister because we have the same taste in reading. For instance, we often
buy new editions with our own savings and later exchange them to each other. And believe me, it’s extremely interesting and
relaxing to discuss the stories with someone who are as crazy about reading like you.

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