A Faked Resume at Yahoo

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Narrate the case

2012- Scott Thompson

Daniel Loeb, out of spite discovered a falsified resume
Stonehill college doesn’t have a computer science course
Thompson lashed out at Loeb when confronted saying he’s using this info to get into the
Thompson had lied about the degree before at a radio interview
Yahoo’s previous CEO was also fired clumsily over the phone
False claim angered Silicon Valley as the top job required technical experience
Past instances of falsifying- Radioshack CEO was fired; Bausch & Lomb CEO’s bonus was cut
Thompson had hidden from the board that he had undergone surgery for thyroid cancer
May 13th, Thompson resigned; Loeb got 3 seats at the board

3 questions:

Alternatives to expulsion for Yahoo like Bausch & lomb

Is the reason for Yahoo’s demise the inconsistent CEO position?
Performance or value of the company itself to be questioned?
Need for a fake resume?

Key leanings:

Humility (didn't own up to his mistake, blasted out)
Habitual Liar- degree, cancer (knowledge of material information to the company) etc

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