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Option Private Module

Option Explicit

Public FP As New FluidProp

'MsgBox FP

'Sub Auto_Open()

' Application.RegisterXLL ThisWorkbook.Path & "\FunCustomize.dll"


' MsgBox "Path is =" & ThisWorkbook.Path

' Run [FunCustomize], ThisWorkbook.Name, shFunctions.Range("A2:Z49")

' Application.SendKeys "%^{F9}"

'End Sub


' Procedures concerning working fluid definition '


Function SetFluid(ModelName As String, Optional Components As Variant = "", _

Optional Concentrations As Variant = 1, Optional UnitData As String)

' It defines the thermodynamic model and the fluid

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Comp() As String

Dim Conc() As Double

Dim Num_Comps, Counter As Long

Dim error As Boolean

'In case no component names and concentrations are specified...

error = False

If ModelName <> "IF97" And _

Not IsArray(Components) And Not IsArray(Concentrations) Then

If Components = "" And Concentrations = 1 Then

error = True

SetFluid = ModelName + ". No fluid specified..."

End If

End If

If Not error Then

ErrorMsg = "Init value..."

'Count number of components.

If ModelName = "IF97" Then

Num_Comps = 0

ReDim Comp(1 To 1)

ReDim Conc(1 To 1)

If Not IsArray(Concentrations) Then

Num_Comps = 1

ElseIf IsObject(Concentrations) Then

Num_Comps = Concentrations.Count


Num_Comps = UBound(Concentrations)

End If

ReDim Comp(1 To Num_Comps)

ReDim Conc(1 To Num_Comps)

End If

'Store composition.

If Num_Comps = 1 Then

Comp(1) = Components

' For TPSI Moist. Air concentration is used for mass fraction H2O

If ModelName = "TPSI" And Components = "Moist. Air" Then

Conc(1) = Concentrations


Conc(1) = 1

End If


For Counter = 1 To Num_Comps

If ModelName = "StanMix" Or ModelName = "StanMix3" Then

If Counter > 1 Then

Comp(Counter) = ""

Comp(Counter) = Components

End If


Comp(Counter) = Components(Counter)

End If

Conc(Counter) = Concentrations(Counter)

Next Counter

End If

'Define the working fluid just to check the correctness.

Call FP.SetFluid(ModelName, Num_Comps, Comp, Conc, ErrorMsg)

'Return fluid data in a string or an error message

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

SetFluid = ModelName

'No additional data needed for IF97

If Not ModelName = "IF97" Then

'Store components.

If ModelName = "StanMix" Or ModelName = "StanMix3" Then

SetFluid = SetFluid + ", " + Comp(1)


For Counter = 1 To Num_Comps

SetFluid = SetFluid + ", " + Comp(Counter)

Next Counter
End If

'Store concentrations. If there is just one component then

'its concentration is 1 which needs not to be specified.

If Num_Comps > 1 Then

For Counter = 1 To Num_Comps

SetFluid = SetFluid + ", " + CStr(Conc(Counter))

Next Counter

End If

'For TPSI Moist. Air the mass fraction water is stored

'instead of the concentration

If ModelName = "TPSI" And Comp(1) = "Moist. Air" Then

SetFluid = SetFluid + ", " + CStr(Conc(1))

End If

End If

'Process units

'Test if a correct unit definition is in the cell....

If UnitData <> "" Then

SetFluid = SetFluid + ", units: " + UnitData

End If


SetFluid = ModelName + ". " + ErrorMsg

End If
If Len(SetFluid) > 255 Then

SetFluid = Left(SetFluid, 255)

End If

End If

End Function


' Procedures to calculate tmd properties iteratively '


Function Solve(FluidData As String, FuncSpec As String, FuncValue As Double, _

InputSpec As String, Target As Long, FixedValue As Double, _

MinVal As Double, MaxVal As Double)

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim output As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

Solve = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."

Call FP.Solve(FuncSpec, FuncValue, InputSpec, Target, FixedValue, _

MinVal, MaxVal, output, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

Solve = output


Solve = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' General calculation function for all output properties '


'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

' Call FP.Pressure(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.Temperature(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.SpecVolume(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.Density(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.Enthalpy(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.Entropy(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.IntEnergy(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.VaporQual(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.LiquidCmp(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, OutputArray, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.VaporCmp(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, OutputArray, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.HeatCapV(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.HeatCapP(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.SoundSpeed(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.alpha(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.beta(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.chi(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.ksi(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.psi(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.zeta(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.theta(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.kappa(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.gamma(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.Viscosity(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.ThermCond(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.SurfTens(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, output, ErrorMsg)

' Call FP.FugaCoef(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, OutputArray, ErrorMsg)


' Specific calculation functions for all output properties '

'Function Pressure(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the pressure P [bar]

Pressure = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Pressure", Value1, Value2)

End Function

'Function Temperature(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the temperature T [°C]

Temperature = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Temperature", Value1, Value2)

End Function

'Function SpecVolume(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the specific volume v [m3/kg]

SpecVolume = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "SpecVolume", Value1, Value2)

End Function

'Function Density(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the density d [kg/m3]

Density = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Density", Value1, Value2)

End Function

'Function Luca(lc1 As Double, lc2 As Double)

'MsgBox FP

'Luca = Calculate("IF97", "PT", "Enthalpy", lc1, lc2)

'Luca = Luca * 100000

'MsgBox Luca

'End Function

'Function Enthalpy(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

' Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the specific enthalpy h [kJ/kg]

' Enthalpy = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Enthalpy", Value1, Value2)

'End Function

Function Entropy(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the specific entropy s [kJ/kg.K]

Entropy = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Entropy", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function IntEnergy(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the specific internal energy u [kJ/kg]

IntEnergy = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "IntEnergy", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function VaporQual(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the vapor quality q [kg/kg]

VaporQual = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "VaporQual", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function LiquidCmp(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It returns the liquid phase composition {[mole/mole]} if VLE or

' the overall composition in all other cases

LiquidCmp = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "LiquidCmp", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function VaporCmp(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It returns the vapor phase composition {[mole/mole]} if VLE or

' the overall composition in all other cases

VaporCmp = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "VaporCmp", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function HeatCapV(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the isochoric heat capacity cv [kJ/kg.K]

HeatCapV = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "HeatCapV", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function HeatCapP(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the isobaric heat capacity cp [kJ/kg.K]

HeatCapP = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "HeatCapP", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function SoundSpeed(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the of sound of speed c [m/s]

SoundSpeed = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "SoundSpeed", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function alpha(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative alpha = (dP/dRho)u [m2/s2]

alpha = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Alpha", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function beta(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative beta = (dP/du)rho [kg/m3]

beta = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Beta", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function chi(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative chi = (ds/drho)u [N.m4/kg2.K]

chi = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Chi", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function fi(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative fi = (ds/du)rho [1/K]

fi = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Fi", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function ksi(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative ksi = (drho/dh)p [kg2/N.m4]

ksi = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Ksi", Value1, Value2)

End Function
Function psi(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative psi = (drho/dp)h [s2/m2]

psi = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Psi", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function zeta(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the partial derivative zeta = (dT/dv)u [kg.K/m3]

zeta = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Zeta", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function theta(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the thermal expansion coeff theta = 1/v*(dv/dT)P [1/K]

theta = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Theta", Value1, Value2)

End Function
Function kappa(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the isothermal compressibility kappa = -1/v*(dv/dP)T [1/bar]

kappa = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Kappa", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function gamma(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the fundamental derivative of gasdynamics gamma = 1 + rho/c(dc/drho)s [-]

gamma = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Gamma", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function Viscosity(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the dynamic viscosity [Pa.s]

Viscosity = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "Viscosity", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function ThermCond(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the thermal conductivity [W/m/.K]

ThermCond = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "ThermCond", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function SurfTens(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the surface tension [N/m]

SurfTens = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "SurfTens", Value1, Value2)

End Function

Function FugaCoef(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

' It calculates the logarithm of the fugacity coefficients of the components in a mixtures [-]

FugaCoef = Calculate(FluidData, InputSpec, "FugaCoef", Value1, Value2)

End Function


' Calculation function for all output properties in one go '

Function AllProps(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Items(1 To 250) As String

Dim Counter As Long

Dim ItemCount As Long

Dim OutputArray(1 To 23) As Double

Dim P As Double

Dim T As Double

Dim v As Double

Dim d As Double

Dim H As Double

Dim s As Double

Dim u As Double

Dim q As Double

Dim cv As Double

Dim cp As Double

Dim c As Double

Dim alpha As Double

Dim beta As Double

Dim chi As Double

Dim fi As Double

Dim ksi As Double

Dim psi As Double

Dim zeta As Double

Dim theta As Double

Dim kappa As Double

Dim gamma As Double

Dim eta As Double

Dim lambda As Double

Dim x() As Double

Dim y() As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Parse Fluid data string

ItemCount = 1

For Counter = 1 To Len(FluidData)

If Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1) = "," Then

ItemCount = ItemCount + 1


Items(ItemCount) = Items(ItemCount) + Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1)

End If

Next Counter

'Redimension x and y depending ModelName

If Items(1) = "StanMix" Then

ReDim x(1 To 10)

ReDim y(1 To 10)

ElseIf Items(1) = "RefProp" Or Items(1) = "StanMix3" Or Items(1) = "PCP-SAFT" Then

ReDim x(1 To 20)

ReDim y(1 To 20)


ReDim x(1 To 1)

ReDim y(1 To 1)

End If

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllProps = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.AllProps(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, P, T, v, d, H, s, u, q, x, y, cv, _

cp, c, alpha, beta, chi, fi, ksi, psi, zeta, theta, kappa, _

gamma, eta, lambda, ErrorMsg)

OutputArray(1) = P

OutputArray(2) = T

OutputArray(3) = v

OutputArray(4) = d

OutputArray(5) = H

OutputArray(6) = s

OutputArray(7) = u

OutputArray(8) = q

OutputArray(9) = cv

OutputArray(10) = cp

OutputArray(11) = c

OutputArray(12) = alpha

OutputArray(13) = beta

OutputArray(14) = chi
OutputArray(15) = fi

OutputArray(16) = ksi

OutputArray(17) = psi

OutputArray(18) = zeta

OutputArray(19) = theta

OutputArray(20) = kappa

OutputArray(21) = gamma

OutputArray(22) = eta

OutputArray(23) = lambda

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllProps = OutputArray


AllProps = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Calculation function for all output properties in one go '


Function AllPropsSat(FluidData As String, InputSpec As String, _

Value1 As Double, Value2 As Double)

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Items(1 To 250) As String

Dim Counter As Long

Dim ItemCount As Long

Dim OutputArray(1 To 33) As Double

Dim P As Double

Dim T As Double

Dim v As Double

Dim d As Double

Dim H As Double

Dim s As Double

Dim u As Double

Dim q As Double

Dim cv As Double

Dim cp As Double

Dim c As Double

Dim alpha As Double

Dim beta As Double

Dim chi As Double

Dim fi As Double

Dim ksi As Double

Dim psi As Double

Dim zeta As Double

Dim theta As Double

Dim kappa As Double

Dim gamma As Double

Dim eta As Double

Dim lambda As Double

Dim d_liq As Double

Dim d_vap As Double

Dim h_liq As Double

Dim h_vap As Double

Dim T_sat As Double

Dim dd_liq_dP As Double

Dim dd_vap_dP As Double

Dim dh_liq_dP As Double

Dim dh_vap_dP As Double

Dim dT_sat_dP As Double

Dim x() As Double

Dim y() As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Parse Fluid data string

ItemCount = 1

For Counter = 1 To Len(FluidData)

If Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1) = "," Then

ItemCount = ItemCount + 1


Items(ItemCount) = Items(ItemCount) + Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1)

End If

Next Counter

'Redimension x and y depending ModelName

If Items(1) = "StanMix" Then

ReDim x(1 To 10)

ReDim y(1 To 10)

ElseIf Items(1) = "RefProp" Or Items(1) = "StanMix3" Or Items(1) = "PCP-SAFT" Then

ReDim x(1 To 20)

ReDim y(1 To 20)


ReDim x(1 To 1)

ReDim y(1 To 1)

End If

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllPropsSat = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.AllPropsSat(InputSpec, Value1, Value2, P, T, v, d, H, s, u, q, x, y, cv, _

cp, c, alpha, beta, chi, fi, ksi, psi, zeta, theta, kappa, _

gamma, eta, lambda, d_liq, d_vap, h_liq, h_vap, T_sat, dd_liq_dP, _

dd_vap_dP, dh_liq_dP, dh_vap_dP, dT_sat_dP, ErrorMsg)

OutputArray(1) = P

OutputArray(2) = T

OutputArray(3) = v

OutputArray(4) = d

OutputArray(5) = H

OutputArray(6) = s

OutputArray(7) = u

OutputArray(8) = q
OutputArray(9) = cv

OutputArray(10) = cp

OutputArray(11) = c

OutputArray(12) = alpha

OutputArray(13) = beta

OutputArray(14) = chi

OutputArray(15) = fi

OutputArray(16) = ksi

OutputArray(17) = psi

OutputArray(18) = zeta

OutputArray(19) = theta

OutputArray(20) = kappa

OutputArray(21) = gamma

OutputArray(22) = eta

OutputArray(23) = lambda

OutputArray(24) = d_liq

OutputArray(25) = d_vap

OutputArray(26) = h_liq

OutputArray(27) = h_vap

OutputArray(28) = T_sat

OutputArray(29) = dd_liq_dP

OutputArray(30) = dd_vap_dP

OutputArray(31) = dh_liq_dP

OutputArray(32) = dh_vap_dP

OutputArray(33) = dT_sat_dP

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllPropsSat = OutputArray

AllPropsSat = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Calculation function for all output properties in one go '


Function zFlow_vu(FluidData As String, v As Double, u As Double)

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Items(1 To 250) As String

Dim Counter As Long

Dim ItemCount As Long

Dim OutputArray(1 To 10) As Double

Dim P As Double

Dim T As Double

Dim H As Double

Dim s As Double

Dim alpha As Double

Dim beta As Double

Dim chi As Double

Dim fi As Double

Dim zeta As Double

Dim gamma As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Parse Fluid data string

ItemCount = 1

For Counter = 1 To Len(FluidData)

If Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1) = "," Then

ItemCount = ItemCount + 1


Items(ItemCount) = Items(ItemCount) + Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1)

End If

Next Counter

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

zFlow_vu = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.zFlow_vu(P, T, v, H, s, u, alpha, beta, chi, fi, zeta, gamma, ErrorMsg)

OutputArray(1) = P

OutputArray(2) = T

OutputArray(3) = H

OutputArray(4) = s

OutputArray(5) = alpha
OutputArray(6) = beta

OutputArray(7) = chi

OutputArray(8) = fi

OutputArray(9) = zeta

OutputArray(10) = gamma

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

zFlow_vu = OutputArray


zFlow_vu = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Function to calculate Psat as function of k1 and T '


Function Psat_k1(FluidData As String, k1 As Double, T As Double)

'This is a hidden function...

Dim Psat As Double

Dim ErrorMsg As String

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

' Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

Psat_k1 = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.StanMix_Psat_k1(k1, T, Psat, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

Psat_k1 = Psat


Psat_k1 = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Functions to retrieve fluid info '


Function GetInfo(FluidData As String, DataSpec As String)

' General fluid info retrieval function

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim output As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

' Retrieve fluid data if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

GetInfo = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Select Case DataSpec

Case "Mmol"

Call FP.Mmol(output, ErrorMsg)

Case "Tcrit"

Call FP.Tcrit(output, ErrorMsg)

Case "Pcrit"

Call FP.Pcrit(output, ErrorMsg)

Case "Tmin"

Call FP.Tmin(output, ErrorMsg)

Case "Tmax"

Call FP.Tmax(output, ErrorMsg)

End Select

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

GetInfo = output

GetInfo = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function

Function Mmol(FluidData As String)

' It calculates the molar mass [kg/mol]

Mmol = GetInfo(FluidData, "Mmol")

End Function

Function Tcrit(FluidData As String)

' It calculates the critical temperature [°C]

Tcrit = GetInfo(FluidData, "Tcrit")

End Function

Function Pcrit(FluidData As String)

' It calculates the critical pressure [bar]

Pcrit = GetInfo(FluidData, "Pcrit")

End Function

Function Tmin(FluidData As String)

' It calculates the lower temperature limit [°C]

Tmin = GetInfo(FluidData, "Tmin")

End Function

Function Tmax(FluidData As String)

' It calculates the upper temperature limit [°C]

Tmax = GetInfo(FluidData, "Tmax")

End Function

Function AllInfo(FluidData As String)

' It calculates all info in one go.

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim OutputArray(1 To 5) As Double

Dim Mmol As Double

Dim Tcrit As Double

Dim Pcrit As Double

Dim Tmin As Double

Dim Tmax As Double

' Get working fluid from from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

' Retrieve fluid data if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllInfo = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.AllInfo(Mmol, Tcrit, Pcrit, Tmin, Tmax, ErrorMsg)

OutputArray(1) = Mmol

OutputArray(2) = Tcrit

OutputArray(3) = Pcrit

OutputArray(4) = Tmin

OutputArray(5) = Tmax

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllInfo = OutputArray


AllInfo = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function

' Procedures concerning unit set and reference state '


Function SetUnits(Optional UnitSet As String = "FluidProp", Optional MassOrMole As String = "", _

Optional PropSymbol As String = "", Optional PropUnit As String = "")

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Call FP.SetUnits(UnitSet, MassOrMole, PropSymbol, PropUnit, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

SetUnits = UnitSet

If Not MassOrMole = "" Then

SetUnits = SetUnits + ", " + MassOrMole

End If

If Not PropSymbol = "" Then

SetUnits = SetUnits + ", " + PropSymbol

End If

If Not PropUnit = "" Then

SetUnits = SetUnits + ", " + PropUnit

End If


SetUnits = ErrorMsg

End If

End Function

Function Excel_SetUnits(UnitData As String)

' General supporting function to define the units set. It retrieves

' the units set from the cell that specifies the units set. It is

' used by SetFluid.

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Items(1 To 250) As String

Dim Counter As Long

Dim ItemCount As Long

Dim NumUnits As Long

Dim UnitSet As String

Dim MassOrMole As String

Dim PropSymbol As String

Dim PropUnit As String

'Parse units data string.

ItemCount = 1

For Counter = 1 To Len(UnitData)

If Mid(UnitData, Counter, 1) = "," Then

ItemCount = ItemCount + 1


Items(ItemCount) = Items(ItemCount) + Mid(UnitData, Counter, 1)

End If

Next Counter

'Count number of specified property and unit symbols

NumUnits = (ItemCount - 2) / 2

'Store parsed unit data in strings

UnitSet = Trim(Items(1))

MassOrMole = Trim(Items(2))

PropSymbol = ""

PropUnit = ""

For Counter = 1 To NumUnits

If Counter = 1 Then

PropSymbol = Items(2 + Counter)


PropSymbol = PropSymbol + "," + Items(2 + Counter)

End If

If Counter = 1 Then

PropUnit = Items(2 + NumUnits + Counter)


PropUnit = PropUnit + "," + Items(2 + NumUnits + Counter)

End If
Next Counter

'Update units in FluidProp DLL

Call FP.SetUnits(UnitSet, MassOrMole, PropSymbol, PropUnit, ErrorMsg)

Excel_SetUnits = ErrorMsg

End Function

Function SetRefState(T_ref As Double, P_ref As Double)

' Defines the reference state in order to process nondimensional properties

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Call FP.SetRefState(T_ref, P_ref, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

SetRefState = "Reference state: T_ref = " + CStr(T_ref) + ", P_ref = " + CStr(P_ref)


SetRefState = ErrorMsg

End If

End Function

Function SaturationLine(FluidData As String)

' Function returns data of saturation line'

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim nPnts As Long

Dim T(1 To 5000) As Double

Dim P(1 To 5000) As Double

Dim x(1 To 20, 1 To 5000) As Double

Dim y(1 To 20, 1 To 5000) As Double

Dim OutputArray(1 To 5000, 1 To 2) As Double

Dim i As Integer

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

SaturationLine = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.SaturationLine(nPnts, T, P, x, y, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

For i = 1 To nPnts

OutputArray(i, 1) = T(i)

OutputArray(i, 2) = P(i)

Next i

'For i = nPnts + 1 To 5000

' OutputArray(i, 1) = -8888.8

' OutputArray(i, 2) = -8888.8

'Next i

SaturationLine = OutputArray


SaturationLine = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function

Function IsoLine(FluidData As String, PropSpec As String, PropVal As Double, RunSpec As String, _

CalcSpec As String, MinVal As Double, MaxVal As Double, nPnts As Long)

' Function returns data of the isoline, specified by PropSpec.'

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim RunVal(1 To 1000) As Double

Dim Calcval(1 To 1000) As Double

Dim OutputArray(1 To 1000, 1 To 2) As Double

Dim i As Integer

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

IsoLine = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."

Call FP.IsoLine(PropSpec, PropVal, RunSpec, CalcSpec, MinVal, MaxVal, nPnts, RunVal, Calcval, _


If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

For i = 1 To nPnts

OutputArray(i, 1) = RunVal(i)

OutputArray(i, 2) = Calcval(i)

Next i

IsoLine = OutputArray


IsoLine = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Function to calculate x,y as function of Aij,Aji,alfa and P,T for StanMix mixures '


Function xy_A_alfa(FluidData As String, Aij As Double, Aji As Double, alfa As Double, _

P As Double, T As Double)

'This is a hidden function...

Dim xy(1 To 2) As Double

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim x(1 To 2) As Double

Dim y(1 To 2) As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

' Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

xy_A_alfa = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.StanMix_xy_A_alfa(Aij, Aji, alfa, P, T, x, y, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

xy(1) = x(1)

xy(2) = y(1)

xy_A_alfa = xy


xy_A_alfa = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function

' Function to calculate x,y as function of kij and P,T for PCP-SAFT mixures '


Function xy_kij(FluidData As String, kij As Double, P As Double, T As Double)

'This is a hidden function...

Dim xy(1 To 2) As Double

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim x(1 To 2) As Double

Dim y(1 To 2) As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

' Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

xy_kij = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.PCP_SAFT_xy_kij(kij, P, T, x, y, ErrorMsg)

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

xy(1) = x(1)

xy(2) = y(1)

xy_kij = xy

xy_kij = ErrorMsg

End If

End If

End Function


' Calculation function for all output properties in one go '


Function AllTransProps(FluidData As String, T As Double, rho As Double)

Dim ErrorMsg As String

Dim Items(1 To 250) As String

Dim Counter As Long

Dim ItemCount As Long

Dim OutputArray(1 To 2) As Double

Dim eta As Double

Dim eta_T As Double

Dim eta_rho As Double

Dim lambda As Double

Dim lambda_T As Double

Dim lambda_rho As Double

' Get working fluid from fluid definition cell

ErrorMsg = Excel_SetFluid(FluidData)

'Parse Fluid data string

ItemCount = 1

For Counter = 1 To Len(FluidData)

If Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1) = "," Then

ItemCount = ItemCount + 1


Items(ItemCount) = Items(ItemCount) + Mid(FluidData, Counter, 1)

End If

Next Counter

'Calculate thermodynamic properties if working fluid found...

If Not ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllTransProps = "Invalid cell reference. There is not a valid working fluid definition in that cell."


Call FP.AllTransProps(T, rho, eta, eta_T, eta_rho, lambda, lambda_T, lambda_rho, ErrorMsg)

OutputArray(1) = eta

OutputArray(2) = lambda

If ErrorMsg = "No errors" Then

AllTransProps = OutputArray


AllTransProps = ErrorMsg

End If

End If
End Function

'Public Sub Pippo()

Rem prova routine per chiamata diretta da VBA di funzioni fluidprop

'Function Luca(lc1 As Double, lc2 As Double)

'Dim lc1 As Double

'Dim lc2 As Double

'Dim H As Double

'lc1 = 40

'lc2 = 400

'MsgBox "parto"

'H = Calculate("IF97", "PT", "Enthalpy", lc1, lc2)

'Range("O2") = H

'End Sub

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