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Roade Service Station

Stratford Road

Prepared on 10th September 2013





Works will commence on: To be confirmed

And be completed by: To be confirmed
The hours of work will be: 0800 to 1800 hours


 Strict monitoring of health and safety will be carried out throughout the works,
with toolbox talks being given regarding key areas of work.
 A general inspection of the site will take place each morning prior to work
commencing, to spot and assess any new hazards that may have arisen
subsequent to the initial risk assessments.
 All persons will undertake a site safety induction when first arriving on site
and, subject to having an adequate method statement and risk assessment
and all necessary PPE they will be allowed to commence work.
 Continual health and safety monitoring will take place throughout the working
day to ensure the works are carried out safely and in line with the method
statement and risk assessment.
 A strict no smoking rule is to be enforced. Smoking is only to take place in
designated safe areas, appointed by site manager, outside the site.
 At all times during the works good levels of communication should be upheld,
with daily safety meetings to agree work areas and any additional control
measures to be implemented.

Details of isolation

 All services will be identified and made safe as is necessary prior to working
in excavations through the permit to dig.
 Services will be disconnected and re-connected by trained professionals
before works take place in their proximity.


 A fire and first aid point and emergency muster point will be set up on site.
 Adequate trained personnel will be on site at all times to deal with any fire or
first aid incidents.
 Included in the site file is a map detailing the route to the nearest hospital
accident and emergency department
 All personnel will be briefed on the emergency procedures during their safety

 Heras & pedestrian fencing
 Welfare & storage units
 Pumps
 Underground Storage Tanks
 Interceptor
 Fuel pipe work and associated equipment
 Drainage and duct pipe work
 360 degree tracked excavator
 Welfare cabins
 Tipper wagons
 Skip wagons
 Dumper
 Bomag roller
 Kerbs
 Various hand tools

 Hard Hat
 High visibility jackets/vests
 Eye protection (Appropriate for the task)
 Gloves (Appropriate for the task)
 Oil and chemical resistant reinforced toe safety footwear
 Coveralls (Appropriate to the job)


Employees MUST wear the appropriate PPE at all times (A minimum of hard hat, hi-
vis vest / jacket and protective boots). No shorts and vests.

 Issue a ‘good neighbour’ letter to all nearby properties, informing them of the
works and giving contact details for any queries or potential issues they may
 The area is to be cordoned off with 2.5m high Heras fencing, with debris
netting erected along the perimeter.
 Pedestrian fencing is to be used to make a safe walking route around the
cabin area and the site entrance.
 Conspicuous safety signs will be mounted with site rules and details of
protective equipment needed. Deep excavation signs should be displayed
around appropriate dig areas.
 Site welfare & storage units are to be placed, being hi-ab lifted off lorries
ensuring ground is stable, safe system of work is followed and units are level.
 Set up welfare facilities to CDM 2007 standards.
 Parking is restricted to only 2 vehicles on site; all other vehicles are to park on
the adjacent Client property, accessed via the private lane, and enter site
through the secure pedestrian gate.
 Section off an area within the site for deliveries, none are to take place on the
highway. Keep a clear traffic route and plan delivery times to avoid any
congestion – no traffic is ever to queue on the highway.
 Create a safe storage area for all materials and equipment, fence off and
clearly designate.
 Section off an area on the site for storage of skips; separate waste for
disposal to recycling facilities where possible.
 Ensure all tools that have the potential to create dust are damped down at
source – via an on-board water supply.
 Adequate access/egress must be provided across the site.
 A minimum of 2 certified ABC category dry powder fire extinguishers, with an
adequate fully stocked first aid kit and eye wash station made readily
available for use at designated points, and an emergency muster point must
be established.
 Arrange a clean area to wash wheels of exiting vehicles if required, this will be
via the water supply on site.

Fence erection

 Plan out the positions for the fencing to be placed

 When receiving delivery ensure the driver drops where it will minimise the
need for manual handling – use several drops if possible
 2 persons should handle the fence panels (unless lightweight) and 1 foot per
person should be carried – as a guide.
 Safely carry the panels across site and place in feet – always have them in the
feet for stability
 Secure the panels as soon as they are placed to avoid any collapsing
 Clip the panels and secure, using double for extra security if required
 Install double folded debris mesh around the entire perimeter of the fencing


During the demolition dust will be damped down via hosepipe and site muck will be
controlled by leaving in hard standing areas (as long as possible) for vehicle
movement on and off site.

All waste will be recycled where possible, via licensed facilities. Disposal to landfill
will be used as a last resort.

All clean concrete on site will be re-used as backfill. A crusher will be contracted in,
with driver, to achieve this.


Uplift fuel

To be undertaken by an outside specialist contractor.

 Drain all lines back to the tanks (leaving out ACV poppet).
 The bulk of the product will be withdrawn either through the tank filling point,
or by removing the 4 inch plug on the elbow, removing the cage and
withdrawing the overfill prevention tube.
 Once this is done a 3 inch hose can be lowered into the tank and most of the
product can be removed. The last remaining dregs can be removed with a
smaller pipe.
Waterfill tanks 
 Flush water through the pump end to clean the suction lines first.
 Seal off the suction pipe work at the pumps or lid valves.
 Water fill tanks to full capacity via the existing offset fill points. Water is to be
delivered by tanker – final effluent grade.
 Issue tank gas free certificate.


 Remove the pumps and dispose of as per the clients request.

 Remove old pump islands using the excavator, ensuring the operator is fully
trained and the excavator has been checked for safety.

THE SITE IS NOW GAS FREE – until all tanks are removed this must be confirmed
at the start of each daily shift



Canopy is able to be dropped:

 Position the excavator behind the canopy direction of fall – to the side of the
canopy as fall direction is to be away from the existing shop
 Anchor the canopy with the excavator bucket at the top of the fascia, where a
support is fixed. Don’t put any pressure on the structure, just anchor it
 NB before commencing any hot cutting complete a hot works permit and
ensure the area is clear of flammable debris and confirmed as gas free.
 Cut the legs with the gas cutting gear ready for dropping: 3 sides at the
bottom, leaving the side to bend in the direction of fall; 3 sides at the top,
leaving the opposite side to that left at the bottom so that the structure folds in
on itself
 NB. The distance between the top and bottom cuts will be the distance the
canopy travels when pushed over, these should be equal on all legs.
 Cut the leg attached to the shop diagonally down to the fall direction so that it
will slide free as the canopy falls
 Make sure all people and materials are cleared from under the canopy and its
direction of fall
 Post watchers to signal a clear footpath and surrounding area before the drop
 Release the excavator bucket from its anchor point and push at the front of
the fascia in a slow controlled manner
 The canopy will drop forwards, with the top falling back flat on itself, still
attached to the legs, preventing it from travelling
 Demolish the canopy structure on the ground using the excavator, gas gear
and hand tools. Use the excavator wherever possible, only resort to hand
methods when machine methods aren’t possible
 Ensure the steel is separated and disposed of in bins to a licensed recycling

Shop and building demolition

 The site manager will advise as to specific techniques for demolition if any
difficult situations are encountered and this safe working procedure cannot be
 Check that there has been a suitable asbestos survey carried out and that any
materials have been removed prior to commencement
 Strip out materials from the buildings and dispose of in separate skips, taking
out only what it is safe to do so. Keep a clean and tidy site.
o Remove heavy items by mechanical means – excavator or suitable
o Minimise the risk of any trip hazards by correct storing of materials. Out
of the way, and stacked properly and stable
o Strip out materials from building for disposal in skips using hand tools
(be sure to wear protective gloves when handling waste as it may
contain sharps)
o Warn others inside the building when you are pulling apart or
demolishing structures, keep good levels of communication at all times
with regards to work areas and work tasks
o Keep a check at all times on levels of dust and fumes and any others
that may cause nuisance to the public, take all practicable measures to
reduce these
o Don’t block up routes with discarded debris, maintain emergency
escape pathways at all times
o Dust masks will need to be worn at times when levels of dust are likely
to be high
o Survey all areas before removing waste; there is always a possibility of
sharps being contained in waste piles that may cause injury. Use a
shovel to bin waste into bags for disposal in the skips provided
o If any hypodermic needles are found the local council environmental
health must be contacted for their removal
o Assess each situation as you come to it during the stripping out, ask
advice if you are unsure how structures will be affected
o When removing suspended ceilings take down the tiles before pulling
down the bracings. Make sure you can see what is above and can
plan accordingly when pulling down

 Demolish the building using 360 degree tracked excavator

o Keep workers clear while the machine nibbles down the kiosk.
o The machine is to work its way around the outside of the building,
stripping down the shutters, windows and brick work.
o Store all materials separately for disposal / re-use, safely and out of the
o Once the sides are exposed use the excavator to pull down the roof.
Pull the roof gently and try to take in 1 section.
o Anchor in with the machine bucket and track back gently, easing the
roof to the floor. Lift into the waste skip and compact.
o Move around the building and repeat if necessary.
o Work the excavator into the widest part of the building, pulling out the
walls and any remaining waste, storing in separate piles
o Clear back all materials to leave a clean base

 Where there is steel in the structure the machine should be able to de-link and
bend over supports for cutting off at ground level with the gas gear if
 Any hot cutting to be done must be done only when any flammable debris has
been cleared from the area.
 Clear back the building floor leaving no obtrusions that may be hazardous to
trespassers, make sure the whole area is flat and debris free and any holes,
pits or trenches have been filled in.
 Match the remaining level with the level of the rest of the site, eliminating as is
possible slip, trip and fall hazards.
 Separate materials and dispose of in skips and wagons through a recognised
hauler to a registered waste transfer station.

Tank removal

A suitable barrier of at least 950mm is to be erected around the dig area, to prevent
risk of fall.

 Before commencing excavation complete a permit to excavate.

 Ensure that any live services in the area have been identified and clearly
marked and made safe.
 If excavation is required around any identified service locations then they
must be hand dug around to expose and made safe as is requested by the
 Use the machine with the breaker to remove the concrete from the top of the
tank farm and expose the top of the tanks.
 The concrete will need to be broken down about a third / half way all round.
 Remove concrete from the pit and stock pile for recycling.
 Put the ripper tooth on the machine.
 Pump the top of the water from the tank so that no spillage occurs.
o Remove the water via an air pump to a mobile oil water separator,
placing the outlet of the last chamber of the separator into the first
chamber of the on site interceptor, obtaining discharge consent (Or
verifying this has been done) from the local water authority.
 With the ripper tooth cut the length of the tank along the very top.
 Move around to the side of the tank and cut at 90 degrees to the first cut at
either dome end.
 Change to the bucket and peel back the steel, flapping it to either side, to
leave the tank open.
 Pump out the remaining water.
 Once the water is fully removed push the two flapped sections back inside the
 Repeat the above process for all tanks.
 Break down to the bottom third of the concrete cradle at least before
attempting to free tanks from the suction of the concrete. One end will
probably need to be broken down to nearly the base.
 Use the small bucket of the machine to prise the tank bottoms from the
 Once tanks are loose they can be pulled from the ground using the folded
over steel or lip at the dome end for grip.
 Pull the tanks as per the site managers instructions. He is to assess the
situation based on ground conditions and the lay of the tanks and position of
the machine.
 The machine should be able to rip the dome ends of the tank off whilst it is still
in the ground and in the suction of the concrete:
o Manoeuvre the tooth around the outside of the tank and progress the
cut around.
o Gradually prise the dome end away.
o Lift out of the pit using the lip of the dome end, folded over.
o If this can not be done then they are to be cut off with the oxy-
acetylene cutting gear once the whole tank is lifted out.
 Any gas cutting should only be done when the tank is in a secure and stable
state, chocked at either end on either side. There area is to be cleared of any
flammable debris before commencing and confirmed as gas free.
 The tanks should be cut so that the dome ends are off and cut to fit the skip
as necessary, with the body of the tank left as a whole.
 The body of the tank is to be flat packed by the machine
o Spread out and track the steel out so as it is flat.
o Track forward onto the steel and bend around 1.5 metres up (Or less
depending on the size of the tank) and around the tracks.
o Track back, still on the steel and use the bucket to push the bent
section down, flattening with the tracks if necessary.
o Repeat this until the steel is folded into a bundle.
 Load the tanks into skips or wagons and dispose of through a licensed metal
recycling facility.
 All excavated concrete is to be crushed on site and re-used.
 Remove the rest of the concrete cradles as per the specification.

All ground is to be prepared ready for the construction phase.


Before commencing any excavating, survey the area for existing, unknown drainage
and services. If any are encountered make safe or divert as is applicable.

Ensure that the method statements and risk assessments are present and approved
for all sub contractors prior to their works commencing.


 Set out the perimeter of the tank farm.

 Store all excavated materials to one side so that they will not have an impact
on the stability of the excavation.
 The pit is to be protected at all times with a minimum 950mm high barrier set
at least 1.5m from the edge of the excavation.
 Fully excavate the tank hole with the 360 machine.
 The sides of the excavation are to be battered back at a suitable angle all
round (To be Confirmed from ground report and structural engineers
guidance). Continue to assess the ground as the dig progresses.
 All excavated material is to be stored well away from the edge of the
excavation to prevent any material ingress or downward pressure on the
ground around the excavation – at least 4 metres from the bottom edge of the
pile to the excavation.
 Ensure the excavator has a large safe working area free of personnel during
the operations.
 The machine is to create a ramp into the excavation that is suitable for man
and machine access and egress

 Using wooden pegs spaced approximately every 1.5m, set the levels to the
depth of the base required (200mm). Place a 50mm dry lean concrete blinding
to the base of the pit
 Lay the tank anchor straps flat on the pit base, spacing evenly and align with
the plastic corners which are positioned to the diameter of the tank avoiding
placing a strap where the manhole on the tank will be
 Place the grade plate spacers on the blinding at 1.5m intervals. Lay the
reinforcing onto the spacers and the tank straps
 Secure the eyes of the straps to the sides of the pit using twine strung across
the pit ensuring that the ends of the straps rise vertically from the plastic
 Ensuring the ramp is suitable for mixer access, back the mixer down to the
base, pour the tank base and hand tamp to finish level with the top of the
pegs or use the machine to lay concrete from above
 Fully line the tank hole with a geo-textile filter fabric with minimum 300mm
lapped edges
 Cover the bottom of the base with a 150mm pea shingle bed raked level
 The tank hole is now ready for the tank installation.

Inspection Point 1

Check access barriers in place throughout open excavation.

Check that sides of excavation are holding up adequately, and the pit will be safe for
Petroleum Officer to approve base.

Inspection Point 2

Check level of top of base will produce correct tank lid level.
Check correct and sufficient placement of reinforcement.
Check correct grade of concrete poured.
Check correct positioning of holding down straps.
A mobile crane is to be set up on a suitable hard standing area no closer than 4
metres from the edge of the excavation (as detailed on the lift plan issued under the
contract lift). If no suitable CBR test is present the area will be laid with type 2,
compacted and rolled to finish.

 Any free standing water is to be pumped from the excavation

 Carry out the traffic management to get the tanks onto site (as per traffic
management plan). The tanks will enter via the prescribed traffic route, drive
into the store access road and into the space provided on the filling station
 The supplier is to have confirmed the suitability of route prior to delivery,
check their turning circle data matches up and that there has been enough
room allowed for manoeuvring on site. At all times the vehicle is to be
marshalled with the public safety as paramount important
 Check crane operator has all the appropriate certificates, complete mobile
crane checklist and check loadings and ground conditions. Permit to lift must
be in place before lifting commences.
 Confirm with the tank supplier the correct weight of the tanks
 Confirm the lifting points have been tested
 Set up crane in designated area and park the delivery lorry adjacent to the
 Crane mats to be as detailed on the lift plan. Crane exclusion zone must be
set before crane lift
 Using the correct rated lifting tackle (as detailed in lift plan) raise the tank from
the lorry and check the stability of the crane. Lower the tank into the
excavation and position
 The tank is to be guided in from the outside of the excavation with tow lines
fitted to the ends
 No personnel are to enter the excavation until the tank is securely placed
 The tank is to be lowered in as per the contract lift method statement, with the
slack taken in the chains when it is positioned whilst man access takes place.
This will ensure beyond all doubt that the tank stays in position
 Level the tank on its longitudinal axis using a spirit level on the tank lid
 Access to the top of the tank is to be via ladders, with a man harnessed and
attached to the crane block for fall protection
o The slack in the inertia reel must not be such that a fall from the tank is
a longer distance than the line will prevent
 Once level the anchor straps are to be pulled up to the tanks and placed,
ready to tighten. Strap the tank with 1 strap at each end whilst attached to the
crane (an operative is to enter the tank hole and pass up all the straps to the
operative on top). Ratchet on all straps
 Watch the vehicle off site safely, as per the traffic management plan. Vehicle
to be marshalled out onto exit route
 Backfill the tank excavation using pea shingle. Backfill with pea shingle to the
underside of tank lids.
 Pull Teram around and lay at sides ready to enclose the shingle when works
are complete to the area

Inspection point 3

Check tanks are of correct orientation.

Check required gaps between and at ends of tanks.
Check tank coating is intact
Throughout pour, check that shingle is of a grade satisfactory to the Petroleum
Officer and the standard drawings.
Monitor constantly that tanks have not lifted or turned, and remain level and at the
correct depth.
Ensure shingle is finished evenly and at the correct level.


 Set out for the bases and excavate down to level with the 360.
 A safe path of hard standing material will be arranged for the passage of the
mixer - Site operatives will be made aware of heavy plant movement.
 Area is to be set out as per the Architects site drawings.
 Reduce dig and prepare area with excavator as per footing drawings.
 Ensure all open trenches / pits are made safe, fence off where necessary and
create an access route if man entry is needed.
 Clear safe route to bring mixer wagon onto site.
 Back mixer into positions to pour, using a safety man with pre arranged hand
signals for manoeuvring and agreed verbal instruction.
 Ensure the operator has the correct PPE before setting the mixer ready to
 Pour concrete into position.
 All operatives must wear the appropriate protective gloves as per the concrete
COSHH assessment.
 Tamp and screed the surface to bring any air to the top and achieve the
desired finish.
 Set in any bolts etc as required


 Set out for the pipe work trenches.

 Break out as necessary and dig down to the levels as detailed on the site
 Remove debris and level for the pipe work to be installed.
 The width of the trench shall be wide enough to enable 150mm of pea shingle
on either side of the pipe lines. Changes in levels should be avoided.
 The bottom of the trench shall be covered with a layer of 150mm of pea
shingle. The trench shall be lined with a geo-textile membrane.
 Inspect the trench for any soft spots, width, depth, stability of sides and any
sharp objects or fragments of masonry etc.
 Install pipe work in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
(attached), the site specific drawings and all H&S requirements.
 Use the fusion welder as per instructions and seal all joints of the new pipe
 Avoid any loops or dips in the pipe lines as this can lead to air locks.
 Observe manual handling techniques when moving rolls of pipe, be aware of
the spring action of the roll and avoid possible injury to personnel.
 BACKFILLING. When the pipe work has been laid & tested it must be covered
with 150mm of pea shingle.
 The trench can then be brought up to formation levels with the appropriate
materials all in accordance with drawing.


 Isolate the pipe work to be tested at both ends.

 Fit a test rig at one end of the line and fit a blank to the other end
 Introduce nitrogen / oxygen into the line to a pressure of 1 bar
 Apply soapy water to all exposed joints and check for leaks
 Isolate the nitrogen / oxygen supply and leave the line pressurised for a
period of 30 minutes
 Check for any pressure drop in the line after 30 minutes. If there has been no
loss of pressure, the line is sound and a Line Test Certificate can be issued
 If the line has lost pressure and there are signs of leakage on the exposed
joints, the line has failed and must not be put into service
 Line failure must be reported to the Site Manager
 On completion of the tests, reconnect the lines and in the case of suction
lines, prime the pumps
 Repeat test for all pipe work and issue certification on completion.


 Set out for the drainage and service ducting as per the site drawing.
 Excavate the area with excavator to the required depths and falls as per site
drawing. All brown water drainage must flow to the site interceptor before
flowing to mains drainage, with the exception of any wash facilities which
must flow out to mains drainage via a silt trap, detergent waste is never to
flow to the interceptor.
 Dependant on ground conditions and trench depths, the site manager will
advise whether or not the sides need battering back and the angle at which to
do so
 Line the bottom of the trenches with a 10mm pea shingle base
 Lay drainage / service ducts to the required fall levels (as per drawing)
 BACKFILLING: When the pipe work has been laid it is to be covered with
150mm of pea shingle
 The trench can then be brought up to formation levels with the appropriate
materials all in accordance with drawing and specification


 Set out the runs for the new drainage as per the site drawing
 Dig down to level with the excavator
 Set the channels in place with lean mix concrete – ensure the wagon is
watched safely onto site and has a suitable area of hard standing
 Make sure that you use proper lifting techniques when placing the drainage
 Step down to the gully and ensure the drainage pipe work is installed
 Build up and finish the area and edges as needed
 Clean up all materials and tidy up, protecting the drainage as appropriate
whilst concrete dries
 If trenches or drains are to be left where they may cause a hazard they should
be appropriately made safe


 The interceptor is to be installed with the excavator.

 The interceptor excavation is to be dug 3 metres deep with the excavator
 Sides are to be battered back at a 45 degree angle
 Any free standing water is to be pumped from the excavation
 If groundwater is present, water fill the tank to prevent it floating up during the
installation and drying process
 Lay concrete base
 Check with the tank supplier the correct weight of the tanks and ensure the
use of correctly rated lifting tackle where appropriate
 Lower the tank into the excavation with excavator and position. No personnel
to enter the excavation at any time
 Level the tank
 Backfill the tank excavation using lean mix concrete up to invert level
 Backfill the excavation with imported type 1 and type 2 once the concrete has
gone off


 Reduce levels for the kerb line in accordance with site layout drawing
 All kerbs are to be delivered along the installation line, to eliminate any
manual handling
 A grab attached to a machine is to be used to manoeuvre the kerbs into
position. No manual handling to manoeuvre kerbs.
 Use the grab to raise the kerb
 Manoeuvre the kerb into position and lower into place with the grab
 Repeat procedure for all kerbs
 Ensure that there is an area of hard standing for concrete mixer to manoeuvre
around the site safely
 Move mixer into its positions with the use of a safety man to direct around the
site, and make personnel aware of its trajectory
 Fix kerbs into position with the poured concrete mix, wearing the appropriate
gloves for protection. Site manager will advise as to the correct protection to


 Identify areas to be concreted from the site drawing

 Ensure sub base is in accordance with design standard for ground conditions
and fully compacted
 Line the bottom of the bays with 300 micron thick visqueen.
 Set out for slabs using combi-form to define the bays, ensuring the falls are
correct in accordance with levels drawings
 Ensure that there is an area of hard standing for concrete mixer to manoeuvre
around the site safely
 Move mixer into its positions with the use of a safety man to direct around the
site, and make personnel aware of its trajectory
 Set combi-form into place with premixed concrete
 Let combi-form dry for one day
 Pour bays with pre mixed concrete, using the same safety measures for
movement of the mixer
 The concrete mix as per drawings
 The top should be tamped with a brush finish


 Set out the area for the pump island as per Architects drawings
 Ensure the surround is built up
 Fix pump cradles in place, ensuring all ducting is placed correctly.
 Pour concrete and finish to standard specified on the drawings.
 Install new pumps using forklift truck.
 Connect up all lines and electrics (Electrics by outside contractor).
 Flush pumps through, system is connected and ready to be commissioned.


 Reference all the COSHH information for the products being used and take
the precautions prescribed by the manufacturer
 Arrange with the contracts manager the areas to be painted.
 If higher access is required then it must be via a working platform or ladders,
used correctly within the work at height regulations.
 At the end of each evening tidy the working area and make sure it is safe.
 Obtain approval at the end of the works, remove all equipment and make sure
the area is clean and tidy.
 All works are detailed in the schedule; further clarification can be given by the
site and contracts manager.


Steel erection, cladding and roofing of the kiosk, M&E, fitting out and electrical
installation is to be done by others - ensure their safety paper work is reviewed and
approved prior to start, that they work safely and that they are an approved
contractor prior to commencement.


 Mark out setting out lines for walls

 Ensure all materials are delivered to site and stored safely and to minimise
manual handling as much as possible
 Lay brick and block work to lines ensuring verticality
 Install scaffold lifts (by specialist external contractor) as the height progresses
to keep safe at all times.
 All materials are to be lifted onto the scaffold mechanically at specially
installed gate sections
 Complete job to specifications in the site drawings.
 Any work equipment must be suitable for the task at hand
 Working at height must be via suitable access platforms only


 Obtain the safety paper work prior to commencement of the contractor and
ensure they are approved. Monitor for safety during the contract.
 Prepare their area and explain the sequence of works.


The tarmac and white lining will be conducted by external contractors - ensure their
safety paper work is reviewed and approved prior to start, that they work safely and
that they are an approved contractor prior to commencement.
Should site conditions change the site manager may consider that on safety grounds
the above method statement cannot be adhered to. In this situation all work must
cease and guidance sought from the Contracts Manager



I have read and understood the above method statement and will abide by it.

If at any point during the works conditions arise that are be deemed to be unsafe,
work should stop immediately and the site agent should be informed



















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