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WindCatcher Plus

Quick Start Guide

43130 Amberwood Plaza, Suite 200● South Riding ● Virginia 20152

Direct: (703) 714-1965 ● Fax: (703) 995-4643

TECHNICAL SUPPORT CONTACTS ....................................................................................................................3

MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................3
WINDCATCHER INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................3
LICENSING .................................................................................................................................................................7
DATASET CREATION AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................... 10
DOCKED WINDOWS .............................................................................................................................................. 12
CELL SITES CREATION........................................................................................................................................ 17

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Technical Support Contacts
For technical support questions please call, email or write to Anite at:

Telephone: (703) 714-1966

Address: Anite Network Testing
43130 Amberwood Plaza, Suite 200,
South Riding, Virginia 20152

Minimum System Requirements

Nemo WindCatcher can run on any PC with Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8
operating system. The following are the minimum PC hardware requirements for Nemo
WindCatcher to operate optimally:
Operating System: Windows 7, Widows 8
Office: Microsoft Office 2003/2007/2010/2013
Processor Speed: 4.0 GHz
Processor: i5 or i7 Core

WindCatcher Installation

All windows applications must be closed prior to WindCatcher installation.

If stand alone license (Dongle) is in use, the user has to remove it before starting the
Download the WindCatcher.exe file and run it to begin the installation. Follow the
installation steps below and click Finish when complete.

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The product is now ready for use.
The product may only be run if the appropriate security requirements are fulfilled. This may be
in the form of a USB hardkey or network license key depending on the security measures
adopted as part of the product purchase. See the section on Licensing for more details.


WindCatcher provides 2 licensing options:

Standalone License (hard key)

Remote License (remote key)

Standalone License

The standalone license is a single user license provided in the form of a USB Key (hard key).
This hard key has to be plugged into the user computer at all times when WindCatcher is in use.
The standalone license only provides one license to activate a single copy of WindCatcher on the
user’s computer.

Remote License

The remote license provides a shared pool of licenses on a single USB key (remote key). This
remote key can be installed in a central location.

This pool of licenses can be shared between users in different physical locations over a TCP/IP
network (local LAN, WAN, Internet etc.). Users can check in and checkout licenses as needed.
Users can work offsite with a checked out license without having to be connected to the network.

WindCatcher provides the following options for the user to acquire a Remote key:

AutoDetect Mode

Users will automatically acquire a WindCatcher license when they start WindCatcher and
automatically return a license when they close WindCatcher.

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Checkout Mode
In this option users can checkout a license for a specified duration up to 30 days, and work with
WindCatcher when they are not logged on the network.
To check out a license the user must first enter the IP address or Server name of remote license
server and then select “Set”. After that select Product/feature and the number of days the remote
license is needed for and then select the “Apply remote license” option.
If a user wants to return a checked out license before the expiry of the checkout period they can
go to the “License Manager” and use “return remote license” option or the license will be
automatically returned when the checkout duration expires.

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The remote license key has the following installation requirements:
A license manager software and driver will be installed on the computer hosting the network key.
Port TCP 475 and UDP 475 is the default port the key uses to broadcast itself. This port has to be
open on all network entities (firewalls etc.) between the user and host computer.
Users will identify the host computer by its name or IP address. In case of access over the
Internet we recommend a static IP address for the host computer.

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Dataset Creation and Management

The first step in viewing data in WindCatcher will be to create a dataset from the data files
to be analyzed.
WindCatcher provides the powerful option to save the datasets once they are processed.
Therefore, this process of creating the dataset need only be performed once for each unique
set of drive data. These datasets may subsequently be opened immediately without the need
to go through the processing step again.

Create New Dataset

From the main menu, select File, then New Dataset… or select the New Dataset …

The following window will open:

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 Click on the Add button next to select the Drive Test Files and select all files that you
wish to process. Note that more than one file may be selected for processing, and these
files may be of any supported File formats.
 Click on the Browse under the save Database section to select a directory and name to
save the processed data.

 You may choose not to save the processed data, in which case the last step does not
have to be performed. However, in this case, you will need to repeat this process to
view the data the next time the application is loaded.
 If a dataset has already been created, then this dataset may be reopened by selecting
the Open Dataset…icon that is next to the New Dataset…icon above.

Open Existing Dataset

To open a previously processed and saved dataset, select File, then Open Dataset… or
select the Open Dataset … icon:

Browse to the directory where the dataset was saved and select the .mdb dataset database
file. The selected dataset will be loaded into WindCatcher as a new map window.

Close Dataset
To close a dataset, select File, then Close Dataset and select the appropriate dataset to

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Docked Windows

Key information about the dataset associated with the active map window is contained
within windows along the sides of the application. This key information includes: Layer 3
and phone log messages, events, binned phone data, legends and dataset information.
The default view is with all windows in the Collapsed Mode. This maximizes the map
viewing area.
Any window can be expanded by just moving the mouse over the desired window on the
side-bar window selection. This window may be temporarily fixed for display by clicking
on this side-bar window selection, as shown.

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This window may also be resized as required. To collapse the window again, just select
any point outside this window.
This window may also be Docked so that it is permanently expanded on the screen. In this
docked mode, the other windows in the application will be resized so that all windows are
visible. To dock the window, just select the push pin as shown:

Just select the push pin again to get this window out of the Docked state, and revert back
to the collapsible state.
Docked Windows may be changed to floating windows by just dragging it out from the
side bar. To reinstate a docked window, double click window header & it will re-
positioned to side bar.

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Tabbed Windows
WindCatcher supports multiple datasets to be loaded into the application at the same time.
Each dataset is opened as a new tabbed window.

You may move between windows by just selecting the appropriate tab. The tabbed
window title will be modified appropriately to reflect any metric that is currently
displayed on each map.

Multiple Maps
Additional Map and/or Time-Series windows may be opened for any of the loaded
datasets by selecting the appropriate dataset under the Veiws tab.

You may place windows side-by-side by selecting and dragging the desired window to the
right or below. Just Click on the icon below for the location selection i.e. left, right, top or

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An example of a vertically split window using the above-mentioned technique is
shown below:

All windows of the same dataset are synchronized, so this makes comparison between
metrics very convenient and powerful. The synchronization extends to between Map,
Tables and Time-Series windows as well.

WindCatcher implements complete synchronization of all possible views in any direction
for maximum effectiveness and efficiency in performing drill-down analyses of problems.
The following views are all synchronized with each other (from the same dataset):
 Maps (including multiple map windows for the same dataset)
 Time-series charts (including multiple time-series chart windows for the same
 Dropped Call Event Analysis Window
 High BLER/RxQual Analysis Window

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 Message Window
 Event Window
 Phone Data Browser
 Tables

Cell sites Creation

a) Cell site creation

Click following menu for cell site creation

This option allows the user to create cell site files from ‘.csv’ or ‘.txt’ files containing cell
site information.

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The following information must be entered correctly:
 Separator: eg: ‘Comma’ for a csv file, ‘Tab’ for a text file.
 Column Names: Select ‘First row has column names’
 Encoding
Map the ‘Available fields’ onto the appropriate ‘Base Station’ fields by dragging the
values, select a location to save the out MapInfo tab files and select OK.
If the user wants to use the same cell site information format every time, the user has the
privilege to save the mappings in a template. The next time user won’t have to map these
fields again. After completing mapping click on “save as” option & choose a name for
future use. The next time after importing cell site information file, the user can simply
select the saved template form the drop down menu which will map all fields

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b) Default Cell Sites.
This option will allow user to choose default cell sites i.e. every time user processes data
or opens a database, these cell sites will appear automatically as default cell sites.

Browse for already created cell sites & click OK to save them as default.

c) Remove Cell Sites

This option will enable the user to remove the imported cell sites from the background.

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d) Create Geoset

To create a background map, select ‘New’ and the following window will be displayed:

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The ‘plus’ sign will enable addition of data for creation of the Geoset(GST):

Once the selections are made, select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’ and a preview of the
processed GST will be displayed:

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e) Background

This option will let the user to import the created GeoSet into your current map. A pop up
window will appear to let you browse to the saved GeoSet file to choose.

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