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Radio Script

RJ1: Hello …Good afternoon S.H

RJ2: Helloooo Everybody.... Welcome to our one and only radio
station VOICE OF SH.Powered by conversa academy.
RJ1 : Hey next week we're going to celebrate Christmas. I'm so
Rj 2 : same here, me and my cousins have planned for a trip. And I'm
so eagerly waiting for my holidays...
RJ1: Yeah, our friends also waiting for their enliven Christmas
RJ2: "Enliven" what does that mean?
RJ1: more entertaining, interesting....
RJ2: friends for the day is Enliven meaning entertaining and
RJ1: we were talking about our Christmas holidays and our plans...
so what's your most interesting part t about Christmas
RJ 2 : for me it's always decorations and especially the Christmas
RJ 1: You can thank Prince Albert for your Christmas tree.
RJ 2 : Prince Albert and Christmas tree? what's the connection?
RJ 1 : actually The origin of Christmas trees goes all the way back to
ancient Egyptians and Romans, who marked the winter solstice with
evergreens as a reminder that spring would return soon. But it wasn't
until Prince Albert of Germany introduced the tree to his new wife,
Queen Victoria of England, that the tradition really took off. A
drawing of the couple in front of a Christmas tree appeared
in Illustrated London News way back in 1848 and as we say today,
the idea went viral.
RJ 2 : srsly... i really don't know that story... so thanks prince albert
and queen victoria.. I too have an interesting fact to share but only
after a beautiful track..

RJ1 : SO stay tuned we will be back soon after this song with more
intresting facts about Christmas .
RJ1: So friends, you are listening to our schools radio ‘Voice of S.H’
powered by Conversa . This is the station for fun, updates and self
learning.. we are your RJ's ...I'm RJ
and RJ
RJ2: You probably already knew that the idea of Santa Claus came
from St. Nicholas, but the real saint wasn't a bearded man who wore a
red suit and had a long, white beard. That all came much later.
According to legend, the fourth-century Christian bishop gave away
his abundant inheritance to help the needy and rescued women from
servitude. As the tale made the rounds, his name became Sinter Klaas
in Dutch. That later morphed into Santa Claus, and the rest of the
trappings followed....
RJ1: so Santa Claus derived from a Dutch word... that fact was quite
RJ 2 : christmas is always all about sharing happiness and joy...
RJ2 : Of course.. everyone must have already taken their Christmas
friend and eagerly waiting to give and receive the gifts.
RJ 1 : Hey... who's your Christmas friend ?
Rj 2 : it's just none other than ...nooooway,... i'm not going to tell...but
Christmas is the time of exchanging gifts. People either save up
through the year to buy gifts for their friends and family or make the
gifts themselves. But do you know which is the largest Christmas
present ever given? and do know which is the biggest gift ever gifted
and by whom
RJ 1 : oh ...what can be the biggest gift ever,,??
RJ 2 : any guess
RJ 1 : sorry I don't have any please tell me ..................................

RJ :............................................. The biggest Christmas gift was the

gift of friendship to the US from the people of France!

RJ 2 : what could France have gifted....

RJ 1 : It is the Statue of Liberty! The Statue of Liberty was gifted by
France to the USA as a Christmas gift in the year 1886.

RJ 2 : that's a huge gift. I don't think anyone can beat that... Thank
you ....................................... for sharing such interesting facts with
RJ 1 : i really loved today's episode ..we had lots of interesting facts
and also a new word ..enliven....
RJ 2 : voice of S H is always a space for such interesting facts and
talents ... Stay tuned....
RJ 1 : merry Christmas to one and all from voice of S H... be happy
and enjoy each moment. and best of luck all of you for your annual
day practice.
RJ2: give best and do ur best. This is your station Voice of S H. I'm
Rj .................... and .................................. bye,.....

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