Revised GR 01 04 2017 08112017

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lndustrial Policy 20ts

Scheme for Assistance to Micro,

Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME)
(REVISED with enhanced assistance)

Government of Gujarat
lndustries and Mines Department,
Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar.
Resolution No.MSM-102O17-688-Ch

Read :

1. Scheme for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) No.

ssvL02o74 /9248pl0lCH Dt. 19.01.2015


The industrial polialof 2015 aims at promotion of ,Gujarat' as a globally competitive and
innovative industrial destination that stimulates sustainable
development and inclusive
growth. Make in lndia is also a major national initiative,
devised to transform lndia into a
global design and manufacturing hub. This initiative
will boost the primary mission of the
lndustrial policy 2015 which incrudes the proactive support
for the Deveropment of
MSMEs in the state. During the imprementation of
the scheme, it is observed that MsME
sector needs more support to invite more investment in MSME
sector as it prays very
important role in terms of economy and employment generation.

ln view of this it was under active consideration of the

state Government to extend some
specific incentives particurarry to MSE sector by revising the
existing provisions of


ln view of the strategy under the rndustriar poricy 2015 the

Government is preased to
modify existing schemes for MSME and to introduce a .scheme
for Assistance to Micro,
small and Medium Enterprises (Revised with enhanced
assistance),, which wi come into
force from dated 01.04.2017 and wirr remain in operation
tir 3L/72/2orgas per scheme
for assistance to Micro, Small and Medium enterprise.

1.0 Definitions

1.1 Micrq Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME):

An Enterprise , which satisfies the conditions of Micro, Small
and Medium
Enterprises as per the definition under the MSMED
Act 2006 0f the Government

of lndia, introduction of new provision from time to time,
as amended/ revised/
and having acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs' Memorandum /Udyog Aadhaar'

t.2 New Enterprise:

New enterprise means MSME, which has filed Entrepreneurs Memorandum /
Udyog Aadhaar and commences commercial production during the operative
period of the Scheme.

1.3 Existing Enterprise3

Existing enterprise means MSME which has commenced commercial production
before the date of announcement of the scheme.

1.4 Expansion or Dive6ification:

Existing or New enterprises carrying out expansion/diversification with an
investment of more than 50% of (out of which minimum 50% investment should
be in plant and machinery) its existing gross fixed capital investment on the date
of initiating expansion/diversification and commencing production of said
expansion/diversification during the operative period of the scheme. Only one
expansion/diversification will be eligible for assistance during the operative
period of the scheme.

1,5 Modernization:
Existing MSMES carrying out modernization by way of adopting new technology/
production process and/or improving quality of products with an investment of
more than 25% ol its existing Sross fixed capital investment in plant and
machinery on the date of initiating modernization and commencing production of
said modernization during operative period of the scheme shall be termed as
modernization. only one modernization will be eligible for assistance during the
operative period of the scheme.

1.6 MSME Service Enterprise:

MSME service enterprise having an lnvestment in equipment more than Rs' 5

will be eligible for lnterest subsidy.

L,7 Gross Fixed Capital lnvestment:

Gross fixed capital investment means the investment made in required building'
plant and machinery and other related fixed assets required to manufacture end

1.8 Term Loan:

(Except NBFC)
Term loan means loan sanctioned by the financial institution / Bank
for the acquisition of new fixed assets of the project' However, only the amount
actually disbursed against the sanctioned will be considered for the

under this scheme. The loan sanctioned and disbursed on second hand assets will
not be eligible for incentives under this scheme.

1,9 Eligibility:
An enterprise which has obtained first disbursement of term loan on or after
O7/04/2OL7 and commenced commercial production during operative period of
the scheme, shall be eligible for Capital tnvestment Subsidy under this scheme.

The enterprise which has obtained first disbursement of term loan before
O1/O4/20L7 shall be considered eligible under GR SSt/102014/924940/CH Ot.
19.01.2015 subject to condition that the enterprise commences commercial
production bel orc 3t/ 3 / 2OL8.

2.O Assistance of Capital hvestment Subsidy

2.L For lnvestment up to Rs,sO lakhs in plant and Machineriesl

i.Capital lnvestment Subsidy@ 15% of term loan amount disbursed by Bank/
Financial lnstitute with the maximum amount of Rs. 15 lakhs in Municipal
Corporations area.
ii. Capital lnvestment Subsidy@ 20% of term loan amount disbursed by Bank/
Financial lnstitute with the maximum amount of Rs. 25 lakhs in other area
outside the municipal corporations' area.

2.2.1 For lnvestment from Rs.50 lakhs up to Rs.2 Cror€ in plant and Machineries:
i. Capital lnvestment Subsidy@ LZ % of term loan amount disbursed by Bank/
Financial lnstitute with the maximum amount of Rs. 15 lakhs in Municipal
Corporations area.
ii. Capital lnvestment Subsidy@ 17 % ol tetm loan amount disbursed by Bank/
Financial lnstitute with the maximum amount of Rs. 25 lakhs in other area
outside the municipal corporationd area.

2.3 For lnvestment from Rs.2 Crore up to Rs.lO Crore in plant and Machineries:
a) Capital lnvestment Subsidy@ LO % of loan amount disbursed by Bank/
Financial lnstitute with the maximum amount of Rs. 15 lakhs in Municipal
Corporations area.
b) Capital lnvestment Subsidy @ tS % of loan amount disbursed bV Bank/
Financial hstitution with the maximum amount of Rs.25 lakhs in other areas
outside the municipal corporations, area.

2,4 Conditions for Capitat lnvestment Subsidy

a) Service sector will not be eligible under this scheme.
b) Enterprise shalr have to apply to concerned Drc either within one year from
the date of first disbursement of loan or on or before the date of
commencement of commercial production whichever is later.

t9 3
c) Capital lnvestment subsidy will be paid only after commencement of
commercial production of the enterprise.
d) The enterprise will be eligible under this scheme, if term loan is sanctioned
after one year from the date of commencement of commercial production or
before expiry of this scheme whichever is eadier
e) Total quantum of capital investment subsidy (State + Central) in any case
should not exceed the total loan amount disbursed by Bank/ Financial
f) Enterprise will have to remain in production for 5 years from the date of
commercial production and if it fails to continue production for five years
then amount of capital investment subsidy disbursed will be recovered as
arrears of land revenue.

3.0 Assistance for lnterest Subsidy:

a) quantum of lnterest subsidy

i. lnterest subsidy @ 5% with the maximum amount of Rs. 25 lakhs per
annum for period of 5 year in Municipal Corporations areas.

ii. lnterest subsidy @ 7% with the maximum amount of Rs. 30 lakhs per
annum for period of 5 year for in the other areas outside the municipal
corporations' area.

iii. 1% additional interest subsidy to

physically challenged entrepreneur/
Women entrepreneur in manufacturing and service sector.

iv. 1% additional interest subsidy to young entrepreneur below age of 35

years on the date of sanction of loan.

v. Maximum rate of lnterest subsidy to an enterprise will not be more than

9% &7% where the rate of interest subsidy is 7%& 5o/o respectively.

vi. Only new MSME of Service sector as listed in Annexure -1 will be eligible
for lnterest subsidy @5% with the maximum amount of Rs. 25 lakhs per
annum for 5 years on the term loan of machinery and equipment
anywhere in the state.

3.1 Conditions for lnterest Subsidy:

a. Enterprise shall have to apply to concerned DIC either within one year from
the date of first disbursement of loan or on or before the date of
commencement of commercial production whichever is later.
b. Enterprise shall opt for date of eligibility of interest subsidy either from the
date of first disbursement of loan or from the date of commencement of
commercial production.

CT5 4
c. Late submission of application
will be considered subject to deduction of late
submission periodafter commercial production and deduction of
proportionate amount of interest subsidy from maximum ceiling.
d. Reimbursement of interest subsidy will be made only after commencement
of commercial production of the enterprise.
e. The enterprise will not be eligible for interest subsidy under this scheme if,
term loan is sanctioned after one year from the date of commencement of
commercial production.
f. lf the enterprise becomes defaulter in payment of interest or instalment of
term loan to Bank/Financial institution as per guidelines of RBl, such
default period will be deducted from the period of five years.
g. lnterest subsidy will not available for penal interest or any other charges.
h. Total quantum of interest subsidy (State + Central) in any case shall not
exceed the total interest paid to Bank/ Financial institution.
i. Enterprise will have to remain in production for 5 years from the date of
commercial production

3,2 General conditions applicable to capital lnvestment subsidy and lnterest subsidy

a) Loan sanctioned by Bank or Financial lnstitution as per RBI guidelines will

be eligible for any incentive under this resolution. Loan sanctioned by Non-
Banking Financial lnstitutes will not be eligible for any incentive under this
b) The enterprise that has availed assistance under this scheme will not be
entitled to avail benefit under any other scheme of State Government,
unless and otherwise specified under that scheme.
c) For the purpose of assistance under this resolution, the investment made
in the state of Gujarat shall be clubbed to decide the status of MSME.
d) Enterprise shall have to furnish information regarding production, sales,
turnover, and employment etc. annually to concerned DIC before end of
e) Enterprise will have to observe pollution control measures as prescribed by
GPCB or other competent authority.
f) The enterprise shall have to obtain Noc from Municipar corporation for
doing business, if enterprise is rocated in the area of Municipar corporation
g) Enterprise will have to employ at least g5% of the total employment and
50% of supervisory and managerial staff from local persons.
h) Enterprise has to give undertaking to confirm that he has paid all
Government dues on his letter head signed by authorized signatory.
i) Enterprise can avail benefit under such schemes of Government of rndia, if
i) The detailed standard of procedures and imprementation guiderines
will be
issued by the MSME Commissionerate and will be final and binding
to all
the concerned stakeholders.

(-.F 5
4.0 Assistance for venture Capitalr
a) The entrepreneur setting up an MSME with innovative technology will be
assisted to raise promoter contribution in the form of equity or loan.
b) The entrepreneur shall apply to lndustries commissioner along with project
details of innovative technology.
c) The GVFL will consider extending support to such entrepreneur to formulize
the project and preparation of project report.
d) MSME commissioner will appoint a technical committee to scrutinize the
proposal in consultation with GVFL.
e) GVFL will appraise the project and extend support to get loan from
commercial bank.
f) The Assistance as promoter's contribution will be @20% of project cost
maximum up to Rs. 50 Lakhs.
g) GVFL will release this assistance from the fund placed as disposal of GVFL by
MSME Commissioner.
h) GVFL will create a separate fund for this scheme.
i) The Assistance for Venture capital through GVFLwould be subject to specified
guidelines to be worked out and get approved.

5.0 Assistance for Quality Certification:

ln addition to quality certification, the use of optimizing the resources of an
MSME entrepreneur becomes vital with the support of ERP systems andwith ICT
implementation. To extend the support in ERP system installation and in ICT
implementation the following assistance to MSMEs entrepreneur in
manufacturing sector becomes eligible.

5.1 Assistance for ERP:

For investment up to Rs,so lakhs in Plant and Machineries:

55% of the capital cost for installing the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system of approved ERP service provider by MSME Commissionerate,
subject to a maximum amount of Rs. 1,00,000/-
For investment from Rs.50 lakhs up to Rs.2 Crore in Plant and
60% of the capital cost for installing the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
system of approved ERP service provider by MSME Commissionerate,
subject to a maximum amount of Rs. 1,00,000/-
t. For investment from Rs.2 Crore up to Rs' 10 Crore in Plant and
50% of the capital cost for installing the Enterprise Resource Planning
system of approved ERP service provider by MSME Commissionerate'
subject to a maximum amount of Rs' 1,00,000/-

5.1.1 Conditions for ERP

a,.$- 6
a) ERP system installed to be verified in terms of network linkages with server
and software having facilities covering production, inventory control, sales,
purchase, accounting and Human Resource Management etc.
b) The Capital cost in ERP system includes installation charges, software and
annual service cost. The Capital cost does not include the hardware part of
the ERP system.
c) ln case of Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) based deployment option of ERp
system, the annual subscription charges will be considered.
d) The MSME Commissioner will approve the list of ERp service provider.

5.2 Assistance in lnformation and Communication Technology:

The equipment required for use of ICT as a media of communication such as like
hard ware, networking and hardware for accessing cloud computing will be
Forinvestment up to Rs.So lakhs in plant and Machineries:
65% of the capital expenditure related to ICT fucilities, maximum up to Rs.
For investment from Rs,50 lakhs up to Rs. 2 Cr, in plant and Machineries:
50% of the capital expenditure related to ICT facilities, maximum up to Rs.
t. For investment from Rs.2 Cr. up to Rs. 10 Cr, in plant and Machineries:
50% of the capital expenditure related to ICT facilities, maximum up to Rs.

5.3 5O% of all charges including consultancy fee up to a maximum amount of Rs.
5O000 paid for obtaining ISO certification. No assistance will be given for
expenditure incurred on the testing equipment/machineries under ISO
5.4 50/' ol all charges upto a maximum amount of Rs. 5 lakhs paid for obtaining of
each certification for tSt/WHO-GMp/Hallmark certifications & other
national/lnternational certification approved by euality Council of lndia.
5.5 50"/o of fee payable to Recognized lnternational certification Authority and sv/o
cost of terting equipment and machinery required for that certification, totalling
up to maximum amount of Rs. 10 lakhs.
5.6 The cost for certificate will include:-
5.6.1 Fees charged by certification agency (excruding travel, hotel & surveillance
5.6.2 Cost of testing equipment and machinery as required for certifications
5.6.3 Calibration charges of equipment
5,7 MSME will not be eligible if any certification referred at 5.3 to 5.5 above are
required as part of statutory provision.
5.8 MSME in the manufacturing sector will be eligible for the assistance.

(Tb ,7
5.9 This Quality certification scheme will be supplementary to such scheme of
Government of tndia. However, in no case total assistance from GOG and GOI
should exceed more than actual expenditure incurred by MSME for said purpose.
5.10 The testing equipment and machinery purchased after the issuance of Quality
certificate shall not be eligible for assistance.
5.11 Expenditure incurred for renewal of certificate shall not be eligible for assistance
under the scheme.

5.0 Assistance for Technology Acquisition

a). For lnvestment up to Rs. 50 lakhs in Plant and Machineries:
Assistance for the acquisition of appropriate technology from recognised
institution by MSME for its product/ process during the operative period
of the scheme will be @ 55% of the cost payable to the institution,
maximum of Rs. 50 lakh, including royalty payment for first two years.

b). For investment from Rs.sO lakhs up to Rs.2 Crore in Plant and
Assistance for the acquisition of appropriate technology from recognised
institution by MSME for its product/ process during the operative period
of the scheme will be @ 60% of the cost payable to the institution,
maximum pf Rs. 50 lakh, including royalty payment for first two years.

c). For lnvestment from Rs. 2 Crore up to Rs' 10 Crore in Plant and
Assistance for the acquisition of appropriate technology from recognised
institution by MSME for its product/ process during the operative period
of the scheme will be @ 50% of the cost payable to the institution,
maximum of Rs. 50 lakh, including royalty payment for first two years.

6.1 Conditions:
a) MSME shall have to obtain prior approval of MSME Commissioner after
signing MoU with Technology provider.
b) Assistance available to set up a new enterprise with new
will be
technology. Existing enterprise will also be eligible for new product or for
improvement of production process.
c) Assistance will not be eligible for purchase of any plant and machinery or

7.O Assistance for Patent Registration

a) lndividual any legal entity will be eligible for assistance under the scheme'
b) 75% of cost expenditure incurred subject to maximum Rs' 25 Lakhs for
obtaining Patent registration of developed product.
c) Fees paid to patent attorney, patent service centre, patent registration and
patent equipment purchased to develop patent will be eligible as cost /

expenditure (excluding travel, hotel charges) for obtaining patent
d) The Assistance will be disbursed after the publication / notification of the
e) Applicant shall have to submit application within one year from the date of
publication / notification of the patent.
f) Application submitted after one year from the date of publication /
notification will not be eligible for assistance.

8.0 Assistance for saving in consumption of Energy and Water.

The existing as well as new enterprise taking action for saving in consumption of
Energy and Water will be eligible for assistance under this scheme.
a) 75% cost of energy / water audit conducted by a recognized institution /
consultant subject to maximum Rs. 50,000/- for each will be reimbursed once
during the operative period of the scheme.
b) 25% oI cost of equipment recommended by the auditing authority subject to
maximum Rs 20 lakhs one time assistance will be eligible during the operative
period of the scheme
c) The assistance on cost of equipment will be eligible subject to the condition that
saving in energy / water minimum by !0o/o ol average monthly consumption of
previous 12 months before audit.
d) Even after taking all steps as mentioned above for efficient use of energy / water,
if consumption is increasing with reference to increase in production than such
claim will be examined separately by the committee to be constituted by MSME

9.0 Assistance to SME for raising Equity capital through SME Exchange

a) For investment up to Rs, 2 Crore in plant and Machineries -

25% expenditure incurred on raising of equity capital through SME exchange
maximum up to Rs 5 lakhs
b) For investment from Rs,2 Crore up to Rs, 10 Crore in plant and Machineries
20% expenditure incurred on raising of equity capital through SME exchange
maximum up to Rs 5 lakhs

9.1 Conditi ons:

a) Under the guidelines of SEB|, the MSME has to get listed in SME Exchange.
b) The assistance would be paid one time in poliry period after successful raising
of equity.
c) Only manufacturing activity will be considered eligible under the scheme.

Ot I
10,0 Assistance for Reimbursement of CGTMSE fee.

a) Government of lndia decided to increase the coverage of the eligible credit

limit per borrower under the Credit Guarantee Scheme (CGS) from Rs.100
lakh to Rs. 200 lakh extended by Scheduled Commercial Banks and selected
Financial lnstitutions to the units in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs).
b) The enhancements in existing guarantee cover up to Rs. 200 lakh, provided
the proposal meets the guidelines of CGS, would be with a cost of Guarantee
cover as per the guidelines issued and amended time to time by Credit
Guarantee Trust for Micro and Small Enterprise (CGTMSE).
c) lt has been decided to extend support to MSES on the cost of Guarantee
Cover which are the Service Fees paid annually to Banks / fts by the
d) Assistance as reimbursement @ 100% annual Service fees paid to
Bank/financial lnstitution by Micro & Small Enterprise for availing of the
collateral free term loan under scheme of CGTMSE, for the period of five

10.1 Conditions:
a) The MSE has apply to concerned District MSME Centre in prescribed
Application Form on sanctioning of the Term loan from Bank/Fl under the
Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE within one year from the date of first
disbursement of Term loan or on or before the date of commencement of
commercial production, whichever is later.
b) The assistance will be disbursed with lnterest subsidy once in a year.
c) The service activity and trading activity will not be eligible under the scheme'
d) The detailed standard of procedures and guidelines for giving assistance in the
Credit Guarantee Scheme of CGTMSE would be provided by the MSME
Commissionerate office and will be final and binding to all the concerned

11.0 Rehabilitation of Sick enterprises.

a) MSME Sick lndustrial enterprise satisfying the criteria of sick enterprise as per
the RBI guidelines will apply to MSME commissionerate for Sick Enterprise
b) MSME Commissioner will scrutinize the application on the basis of the
balance sheets.
c) After scrutiny of the application sick enterprise registration will be issued.
d) This registration issued by MSME Commissioner shall only indicate that the
or oTS from state Government. However the sick enterprise may be assisted
by banks/financial institutions as per their prevailing poliry'

e" 10
e) For Preparing the diagnostic report from expert / expert agency and
expenditure thereof will be reimbursed @5O% of cost of Draft Rehabilitation
Scheme as assistance subject to maximum of Rs. 1 lakh to sick enterprise.

,,2.O Assistance in Service line and power Connection charyes

Lz.t Eligibility:
MSME, located in other than GtDC/approved industrial park area, which has paid
charges to distribution licensee, for new connection or for gefting additional load
in case of existing consumer (in case of expansion) or for shifting of connection or
service line, will be eligible for assistance under the scheme.

12,2 Quantum of assistance:

a) For investment up to Rs.50 lakhs in plant and Machineries -
Assistance @ 35% of charges paid to distribution licences for LT/HT service
line, maximum limit up to Rs. 5 lakhs.
b) For investment from Rs.sO lakhs up to Rs, 2 Crore in plant and
Assistance @ 30Yool charges paid to distribution licences for LT/HT service
line, maximum limit up to Rs. 5 lakhs.
c) For lnvestment from Rs. 2 Crore up to Rs.lO Crore in plant and
Machineries -
Assistance @ 25% of charges paid to distribution licences for LT/HT service
line, maximum limit up to Rs. 5 lakhs.

12.3 Conditions:

i. The MSME manufacturing enterprise has to apply for reimbursement within

six months from the date of payment of charges to Distribution Licensee for
service line.

13.0 State Level lmplementation Committee3

committee consisting of following members is constituted for sanction of

assistance with respect to various proposals received under the schemes.

Commissioner, MSME Chairman

Additional lndustries Commissioner (Ext)/Sp. Commissioner Member
Financial Advisor, lndustries & Mines Dept. Member
Deputy Secretary lndustries & Mines Dept. Member
President, Gujarat Small Scale lndustries Federation Member
Invitee Member from GltlC, CED, EDt, others, etc. lnvitee Member/s
Joint/Deputy Commissioner of tndustries (MSME) Member-Secretary

r} ll
13,1 Sanction and disbursement of assistance with verification on proposals under
scheme no. 2,3,5,8,10 and 12 will be done by General Manager, District lndustries
13.2 The State Level lmplementation Committee will also monitor the implementation
of all schemes including assistance sanctioned by DlCs.
13.3 Sanction and disbursement of assistance with verification on proposals under
scheme no.4,6,29, and 11 will be done bythe office of MSME Commissioner.
13,4 State Level lmplementation Committee is authorized for interpretation of any
provision and to give clarification / decision with reference to any provision under
this resolution, keeping in view the objective of the scheme and it will be final &
binding to all the concerned.
14. Genenl Conditions:
a) The effective date of implementation of the scheme would be from
OtlO4l2OLT with issuance of the Government Resolution.
b) Application received on and after the date 0llM/2oL7 is eligible to get the
c) For all the above schemes, random verification of 5% of the total assisted
enterprises to be carried out in a financial year. This is to be done in addition
to the regular inspection and verification carried out before claim
15.0 Budget Provision: The expenditure on this account will be met from the
sanctioned grant of the respective financial year under the following budget
Budget Head
Demand No. 49 Major
Head 2851, Village & Small lndustries
102-(16) IND-1 - Financial Assistance to lndustries
3135 Grant in Aid (C) others
issued with the concurrence of Finance Department dated
This G. R. is
tGhOl2OLT received on the even number file of this Department.

8y order and in the name of Governor of Gujarat,

(Anand Bihola)
Deputy secretary
lndustries and Mines DePartment
Copy to
1 Secretary to Hon'ble Governor of Gujarat'
ncipal Secretary to Hon. Chief Minister'
3 Personal Sec.etary to all Hon. Ministers
4 Deputy Secretary to chief secretary
5 Additional chief secretary, Finance Department
5 Personal Secretary to P.S. l&M.
7 lndustries Commissioner, Gandhinagar
8 VC & MD, GIDC, Gandhinagar
9 commissioner MSME, Gandhinagar
10 Accountant General Rajkot/Ahmedabad.
11 Select File.
Annexure -1
List of eligible services activities
(G.R. No. MSM-102017-688<h, Dt.24l tOlzOL7.l

1 Logistics facilities such as Container Freight Station Operators/ Warehouses / Cold

Storages etc.
2. Material Testing Centre
3. Start ups & lncubation Centres
4. Hallmark certifi cation centres
5. Technical testing and analysis servicing
5. Maintenance and repair of machineries & equipments
7. Repair of Computers / Communication & Electronics equipments / Household Goods
8. Maintenance and repair of Utility projects
9. Packaging services
10. lndustrial reuse / disposal services
11. Apparel/Cutting & stitching job work (other than retail tailoring)
12. Printing Scanning, Digitalization & Lamination
13. Weigh bridges
L4. Color labs
15. Steam & Air conditioning supply
15. Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities
L7, Electrical, plumbing & other installation activities
18. Maintenance & repair of Motor vehicles
19. Motion pictures, Video & Television production, Sound Recording & Music publishing
20. Activities of lnternet Access by the Operator of the wireless / Satellite infrastructure
27. Web hosting activities
22. Specialize design activities - Fashion design related to textile/ Apparel/ jewellery/
Furniture/ fashion goods/ graphic design etc.
23. State Level lmplementation Committee is empowered to add / delete service
activitibs listed in this Annexure.



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