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Learner KA


In the following article ¨Why We Should Work Less¨ Richard Schiffman demonstrates how americans now

have increased work hours with a majority not recieving alot of pay to make up for the additional hours they

worked, he also shows how these probelms are effecting the home behavior of an everyday person with

addition hours of work by using multiple forms of rhetorical devices etc.

Support 1:

Believing that citizens should now work increasingly less than they do now, Schiffman supports his belief to

the audience by using the following Rhetorical Device: Pathos, to appeal to the readers emotions by giving

examples of his friends working situations. Following Pathos Schiffman uses an example from the suffering

of one of his friends, he deliberatly says ¨She takes her work home with her, which has taken a toll on her

personal life, health and sleep.¨ Therefore showing the great deal of stress put on not only a persons work life

but also their personal life. Now giving that example Schiffman used, it allows the user to

Support 2:

Futhuremore, Schiffman also uses Logos in a incredible way that shows the background facts and stastics of

the people in america and their suffering whilde dealing with the extra work hours in their day to day lives.

Support 3:

Following along with the rest, in the simple addition of Ethos Schiffman allows the credibilty type of the

rhetorical device known as Ethos to demonastrate the belief and credible sources of the people who believe

not only agree with the article ¨Why We Should Work Less,¨ but has evidence backing up their beliefs.


Richard Schiffman has used modes of persuasian to explain in his article why people should work less and

help those who read his article to understand the scientific studies, the real opinions of those who work
harder and longer than others. He persuades the reader into showing how millions of people everyday suffer

from the increased work hours from their job. He not only gets his background infromation from credible

sources but he also increased the productivty and the publicity of his artcle.

Learner KA

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