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TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum


The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Dharen P. De Cano


Cavite State University-Carmona Campus

December 05, 2019

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Part 1. Definition of Curriculum

Instructions: Interviewee three public school teachers and ask about their definition
of curriculum. Compare and contrast their answers.

First interviewee (Sr. High School Teacher), defined curriculum as the whole system
in an educational institution, the courses, subject being taught, facilities, teacher’s teaching
technique, visual aids, management, stakeholders and of course the students. Interviewee
also stated that a teacher is the heart of the curriculum. They are the implementer of the

Second interviewee (Jr. High School Teacher) says that the curriculum is an
aggregation with set of subjects, lessons and learning activities carefully chosen to fit the
standards and competencies for a given course/subject which aims to develop all the
dimensions of a person and which is usually aligned with the needs of the community. It
refers to the system of instruction that the teachers followed in order to effectively and
efficiently facilitate the learning of the student within in a specific institution.

For the third interviewee (Elementary Teacher), “curriculum is the basis of education.
It is where we teachers follow what we are teaching and it guides us on how we facilitate the
learning of our students. It consists of the subjects, students, teachers, parents, schools’
staff, instructional materials and lesson plan. Curriculum also helps the teacher to have a set
of objectives in which it is what the teachers must achieve in the learning process of the

Differences and similarities in definition given by the three interviewees were

interpreted through Venn diagram below:

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

My Reflection
How would you define curriculum, in your own words? Do you think a
curriculum is important? Explain your answer.

For me curriculum is a program contains a set of goals such as the knowledge and
skills that students are expected to learn throughout the course. It also provides a
description of the lesson or forms of lessons that the teacher will use to help the students
gain mastery of those skills, as well as what kind of tests will be used to assess student
progress. If the curriculum is to be used in public K-12 schools or in some private schools,
the goals are often correlated with state standards that need to be written in the curriculum.
In addition the program does not include the specific medium that the professor will use as
the textbook varies in K-12, whereas college teachers have the freedom to choose the
materials they use. Curriculum definition is as complex as the changes taking place in the
society. While curriculum regarded simply as a collections of subjects to be taught at school,
it is also applies to individuals’ overall learning experiences not only in schools, but also in

As a future educator, I strongly believed that the curriculum is an essential part of an

educational system. As a saying goes, if you’re unable to plan, you’re planning to fail. In
which the curriculum helps one specifically teachers to plan the educational procedure for a
specified time period. The program includes repeated sequence of events important for the
transformation of educational goals into a certain practices, resources and measurable
behavioural changes. One example of curriculum is the lesson plan which the teachers in K
to 12 schools use in the classroom. It is the everyday guide of the teachers for what the
students need to learn, how to teach students, and how learning will be measured. It allows
teachers to be more successful by including a detailed outline for each class period. It
means that every part of class time is spent teaching that the students will gain new learning
and it also ensuring that the class will have meaningful discussions.

Therefore, a society needs a curriculum that is useful and applicable to its needs in
order to achieve its educational goals.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Part 2. Types of Curricula

Instructions: Interview three public school teachers and ask about the different types
of curricula they use in school. Describe each.

According to interviewee No. 1 who is a Senior High School Teacher, below are the
types of curriculum used in their school:

1. Overt, explicit, or written curriculum which is simple what is written as part of the
formal teaching of educational experience.
2. Societal curriculum, it is the type of curricula which can be expanded to include the
social effects of social media and how it actively contributes to creating new
perspectives, and can help shape individual and public opinion.
3. Hidden or covert curriculum, this suggested by the structure and nature of schools
much of which are circulates around routines that are regular or created.
4. Null curriculum, according to Eisner’s point of view null curriculum is simply what the
schools do not teach. Somehow, some people are empowered to make conscious
decisions about what is to be included and excluded from the curriculum.
5. Phantom curriculum, is a messages that is common in and through access to any
media type where the elements and messages play a major role in the enculturation
of students into the prevailing meta-culture or in the acculturation of students into
subcultures that smaller or generational.
6. Concomitant curriculum, it is what is what is taught and articulated at home, or those
interactions that are part of family experiences.
7. Rhetorical curriculum, it is made up of ideas recommended by politicians, school
officials, administrators, lawmakers, professionals involve, educational initiatives, and
text critique.
8. Curriculum-in-use, it is the actual instruction that the teacher delivers and presents.
9. Received curriculum, this are the things that the students actually bringing out the
classrooms; some ideas and content that really taught and remembered
10. The internal curriculum, to build new knowledge, methods, content, knowledge are
combined with the learner’s experiences and realities.
11. The electronic curriculum, this type of instruction can be formal or informal, and the
lessons implicit may be transparent or secret, good or bad, right or incorrect
depending on the views of the students.

Interviewee number 2 and 3 presented the same types of curriculum, the concepts
are also similar to interviewee number 1, the only difference is the terms used and
interviewee number 1 gave more types of curriculum than 2 and 3..

Below are the types of curriculum for interviewee 2 and 3:

1. Recommended curriculum, developed by national agency such as DepEd, CHED,

DOST or any professional organization.
2. Written curriculum, it is the teacher’s lesson plan.
3. Taught curriculum, it is about the written curriculum being implemented.
4. Supported curriculum, helps the teachers implement the written curriculum.
5. Assessed curriculum tested or evaluated curriculum.
6. Learned curriculum, the students’ learning outcomes.
7. Hidden curriculum, unintended curriculum that is not planned intentionally but can
change the behaviour and influence learning outcomes.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

My Reflection
Observe the different types of curricula used in your school. What are these?
How are they used?

There are various types of curriculum evident at Cavite State University Carmona
including recommended curriculum, written curriculum, taught curriculum, supported
curriculum, assessed curriculum, learned curriculum, and hidden curriculum.

Cavite State University Carmona used recommended curriculum where the

university complies with the memorandum order and policy guidelines recommended by
Commission on Higher Education or CHED. In terms of written curriculum which is a plan
of what is to be taught, the university has a rule that all the instructors should provide a
syllabus outline for the students to serve as their guide to the course and what will they
expected. It will generally include the policies, rules and regulations, topic to be discuss,
activities inclined with the topics and the schedule. Basically it will tell almost everything the
students need to know and about how the course or the discussion will flow. In order to
arrive at the objective or purposes of written curriculum various task are implemented and
that is refers as the taught curriculum. It is what is taught in the classroom or in an event. It
is also used by the students with teachers’ guidance. So, the taught curriculum is
demonstrated when the instructor give a lecture, initiate both group and individual activities
to the students, or ask the class to do a laboratory experiment for the BSE Science students.
This curriculum also includes the teaching and learning style to meet the needs and interests
of the students. To help the instructors or teachers to implement the written and taught
curriculum for enabling the students to reach a lifelong learning, the university used the
supported curriculum. It refers to different instructional materials both traditional and
modern. Other examples are the real life objects, play area for sport or events purposes.
For the assessed curriculum, the teacher assesses or evaluates students learning through
exam, quizzes, and written activities. Instructors in our university used this type of curricula
to know if the students are progressing or not. The results of the series of evaluation
conducted will show what the students actually learned and this can be measured by their
learning outcomes which are referred as the learned curriculum. Hidden curriculum is
also clearly shows in Cavite State University Carmona Campus. This is refers to the
unwritten rules, beliefs and behaviours and attitudes that students are expected to comply
and learn while there are in the school premises. Although it is not recommended by the
national agency like CHED, it plays an important role in the student learning process.
Examples of the hidden curriculum inside our campus are respecting the authority, wearing
organizational uniform, disciplining, and etc. Hidden curriculum is usually contrasted with the
formal curriculum, which consists which consist of formal program of specific subjects and
lessons designed by governments, examination boards and schools to promote students’
educational achievement.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Part 3.A. Curriculum Process: Role of Stakeholders

Instructions: Observe your school and your community. What are the stakeholders
present? How do they influence your school curriculum (making or implementation)?
How do they interact with one another?

An improvement of the curriculum requires the participation of various stakeholders.

A stakeholder in Cavite State University Carmona Campus includes the teachers, learners,
school administrators, parents, community members, and government officials. They are the
individuals or institution that concerns in the curriculum. They are engage in various means
and direct or indirect influence of the curriculum. We, the learners are the main curriculum
recipients, which is why the curriculum was created. Therefore, we are the ones who affect it
directly. We involve in the planning, development, implementation, and assessment of the
curriculum. The extent of participation, on the other hand, will depend upon the learners’
capability. Learners in Cavite State University participate actively and explicitly in the
curriculum through taking exams, quizzes, and comply with the given tasks from our
instructors. Some of the students are joining to the different organizations they are
interested. We are also completely responsible to learn what our teachers teaching and
supposed to apply what we have learned in our lives. In terms of the teaching and learning
process, the teacher or instructor are the one who implemented the curriculum. Our
instructors facilitate learning of students through effective teaching. Instructors used various
strategies, learning materials and assessment in order for the students to grasp the intended
learning objectives. Based from my own experience, most of our instructors are not only aid
the students academically, but they also help the students in all aspects the best that they
can do. In an institution there is always school administrator that serves as the curriculum
manager. In our campus we have Prof. Cristina M. Signo, our Dean, that supervising the
development of the program, hiring and recruiting new instructors, accepting students,
providing the necessary equipment and materials for effective learning. School
administrators are concerned at the academic institution about what kind of curriculum their
school offers and how it is implemented.

Since that the learners’ are the centre of the curriculum, the main goals of the Cavite
State University is to provide excellent, equal and appropriate educational opportunities
through quality instruction. In order to achieve this goal, one of the important factors in
curriculum implementation is the participation of parents as stakeholders. Parents can
influence the success of learners in school more than the instructors or program can. By
teaching their child that all the input at school and efforts are appreciated, assuring that they
are aware in the educational progress of their child, and serve as their role model. Parents
can also show support in their child education through attending events in school that
required the presence of the parents like for example the orientation conducted in our
campus or by giving support for different activities in school. Aside from the parent’s
involvement, curriculum also requires resources for success of the curriculum from the
community members. In relations to this, our campus created partnership to the Camona
Municipality, that helps support the students through scholarship. Providing real-life
experiences and interactions for the students that in turn gives more meaning through their
learning. Like for example for us BSE students, when we are in the stage of practice
teaching our department head make sure that they will provide us the school for our on the
job training and it is done by coordinating the near municipality which part of the community.

On the other hand, since all schools in the Philippines are covered by the
regulation of the national government, the state then has a major role in the implementation
of the curriculum, as administer by Philippine Constitution. For the Cavite State University, it
is represented by CHED or Commission on Higher Education.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Part 3.B. Lesson Planning


At the end of the lesson, 85% of the students should be able to:
A. differentiate common noun and proper noun ;
B. identify common noun and proper noun through given example;
C. analyze the proper usage of capital letters in proper pronoun through activities/tasks
prepared; and
D. reflect on the importance of common noun and proper noun.


Topic: Proper and Common Nouns
References: DepEd Learning Materials
Other References:
Materials: Laptop, Projector, Board, and Marker


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


 Everyone please stand up for our prayer. (Teacher will lead the prayer.)
Let us all bow our head and feel the
presence of God.

 Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

 Before you take your sit please pick up (Students will follow.)
all the pieces of trash under your chair
and arrange your chair properly.

 Class secretary is there any absentees None Ma’am. We are all present.

 Thank you.


 Before we proceed to our new lesson, let

us firstly recall what we had last meeting.

Activity 1.
 I have here an envelope with different
questions. The instruction is you will
pass continuously the envelope to your
seatmate on your left side while the

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

music is play, when the music is stop,

the student who hold the envelope will
pick question inside the envelop.

 Is the instruction clear? Yes Ma’am!

 (student #1) What is a noun? Noun is a word that functions as the name of
some specific thing or set of things, such as
living creatures, objects, places, actions,
qualities, state of existence or ideas.

 (student #2) What are the different types Concrete nouns, abstract nouns, collective
of noun that we had discussed? nouns and compound nouns.

 (student #3) Differentiate concrete nouns Concrete nouns are names of material things,
and abstract nouns. persons and places that can be perceived
through senses while abstract nouns are
names of concepts, qualities, emotions,
conditions and attitudes that have no material

 (student #4) Give me an example of Collective Noun: Our team is definitely the
collective noun and compound noun in best.
sentence. Compound noun: A greenhouse is a place
where we grow plants.

 Ok. The result of our activity shows that Students will follow.
you really understand the lesson we had
discussed. Thank you for doing a great
job! So, give yourself a big round of

 Now, do you have any question or Nothing Ma’am.



 Ok. Since that you have no questions

and all are clear. Let us move to our new

 I have here an excerpt from Great

Gatsby (by F. Scott Fitzgerald)

 (call student to read the paragraph flash

in the screen). Can you please read?

(“All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if (“All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if
they were choosing a prep school for me, and they were choosing a prep school for me, and

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

finally said, “Why — ye — es,” with very grave, finally said, “Why — ye — es,” with very grave,
hesitant faces. The practical thing was to find hesitant faces. The practical thing was to find
rooms in the city, but it was a warm season, rooms in the city, but it was a warm season,
and I had just left a country of wide lawns and and I had just left a country of wide lawns and
friendly trees, so when a young man at the friendly trees, so when a young man at the
office suggested that we take a house together office suggested that we take a house together
in a commuting town, it sounded like a great in a commuting town, it sounded like a great
idea.”) idea.”)

 What you have noticed on the underlined Underlined words Ma’am are all nouns.

 Thank you. As you all noticed all the

underlined words are names. This is an
excellent example in which Fitzgerald
has used several nouns. These nouns
include “aunts,” “uncles,” “city,” “warm
season,” and “town,” for which the author
did not mention specific names.

 (Teacher will draw a 2 column table on

the board and list all the underlined

 How about this one, an excerpt from I

Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (by
Maya Angelou)

 (Call another student y to read.)

“On a late spring Saturday, after our chores “On a late spring Saturday, after our chores
(nothing like those in Stamps) were we done, (nothing like those in Stamps) were we done,
Bailey and I were going out, he to play baseball Bailey and I were going out, he to play
and I to the library. Mr. Freeman said to me, baseball and I to the library. Mr. Freeman said
after Bailey had gone downstairs, ‘Ritie, go get to me, after Bailey had gone downstairs, ‘Ritie,
some milk for the house.’” go get some milk for the house.’”

 Now, what you have noticed on the Ma’am all the underlined words are also noun,
underlined word? but this time there is a specific names mention
in the excerpt.

 Very good observations. In these lines,

“Saturday” is a specific name of one the
day of the week, while “Baily,” “Freeman
and “Ritie” are the names of individuals.

 If you analyze all the example s we had, Ma’am in the first excerpt there is no exact
how can you differentiate the two names given which is refer to a common noun.
excerpts? (Call students to answer.) While in second excerpt there is a specific
name in the underlined words which refers to
proper nouns.
 Ok. Very Good! Based on your answer
you already have an idea about what we

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

are going to talked about. We already

done discussed collective, complex,
abstract and concrete nouns. Today, we
will discuss the common nouns and
proper nouns.

D. Discussion

 Remember that everything we can see or

discuss is represented by a word that
names it. That word is called a noun. All
nouns can be categorized into one of two
groups: common nouns and proper

 A proper noun is the name given to

something to make it more specific.
Proper nouns are written with capital
letters regardless of where they appear
in a sentence.

 (Call student to go to the front) Can you

please underline the proper noun in the Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional
sentence? detective.

For example: Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a

famous fictional detective.

 Ok. Thank you. Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a

specific name of a person and written in
capital letters, therefore it is a proper

 Why do we have to look after proper Students answer may vary.


 (Call student to read.)Note that a proper

noun is written in capital letters because Note that a proper noun is written in capital
it is a specific name or a title. Do not letters because it is a specific name or a title.
write a capital letter to a word just Do not write a capital letter to a word just
because it is an important word. because it is an important word.

For example: As a valued Client, you

have been selected for a special Gift.
The words client and gift are
common nouns and should not have
capital letters.

 Here are four common issues

related to proper nouns and capital

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum


 (Let the students altogether read

number 1.)

1. Use capital letters for just the principal Use capital letters for just the principal
words in a title. words in a title.

Examples: Anthony and Cleopatra

Romeo and Juliet
The Two Gentlemen of Verona
(A non-principal word gets a capital letter if
its starts the title.)

Ernest Hemingway

(Title case is often used with foreign

names but not always, e.g., Dick Van
Dyke. It depends how the individuals
wrote it themselves.)

 (Let the students altogether read

number 2.)

Do not write the seasons (e.g., summer) and

2. Do not write the seasons (e.g., summer)
the points of the compass (e.g., north) with
and the points of the compass
uppercase letters.
(e.g., north) with uppercase letters.

Example: In the autumn, some geese fly

south for the winter.

 (Let the students altogether read

number 3.)

3. Write the Sun and the Moon with capital Write the Sun and the Moon with capital
letters. letters.

Examples: A solar eclipse occurs when the

Moon fully or partially blocks the Sun.

 Do you think this sentence is correct? Students answer may vary.

 The Earth's moon is called the Moon,

and our sun is called the Sun. When
referring to the Earth's moon and our sun
specifically, use capital letters.
 More often than not, Moon and Sun (i.e.,
with capital letters) are preceded by the

 (Let the students altogether read

number 1.)

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

4. Write terms like Director and Finance Write terms like Director and Finance
Department with capital letters if they Department with capital letters if they
refer to specific people or departments. refer to specific people or departments.

Example: You work in the Human

Resources Section? I didn't know we had a
human-resources office.

 How this example, do you think it is Students answer may vary.


 Treat job titles and office names

(e.g., Director and Finance Department)
as proper nouns when they refer to
specific people or offices, otherwise use
lowercase letters. More often than not,
such terms will refer to specific people or
offices when preceded by the.

 Now let’s move to common noun.

 (Call a student to read.) Common

Common noun is a generic noun
noun is a generic noun that isn’t
capitalized. A common noun is only that isn’t capitalized. A common
capitalized when at the beginning of noun is only capitalized when at
a sentence. Most of the time, these the beginning of a sentence. Most
nouns end in "s" to indicate plurality. of the time, these nouns end in "s"
to indicate plurality.
 (Call students to underline the
common noun in the sentence.)
For example in the sentence from
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,
by J.K. Rowling “Differences of habit “Differences of habit and language
and language are nothing at all if are nothing at all if our aims are
our aims are identical and our identical and our hearts are open.”
hearts are open.”

 Differences, habit, language and

aims are general names. Hence,
they are common nouns.

 (Call the student to underline the This character was created by the author Sir
common noun in the sentence.)This Arthur Conan Doyle.
character was created by the author
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

 In order to clearly differentiate

between proper nouns and common
nouns here are the examples.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Proper Nouns Common Noun

Mark Twain author

Mt. Olympus mountain

Philippines country

August month

Rodrigo Duterte president

To Kill A Title
Mocking Bird
 Do you understand the proper Yes Ma’am
nouns and common nouns?

 Do you have any questions? `Nothing Ma’am.


D. Analysis

 Since that you have no questions. Let us

try if you really understand the common
nouns and proper nouns.
 (Students will divide into four groups to
collaborate and share understanding
about the lesson)

 Directions: Groups will share

understanding about the lesson to
their groups in order to answer the
assigned activity. The group with
more correct answer will have
additional 2 points on our quiz after
the activity. You only have 3 minutes
to finish your work.

Activity 2
A. Group Activity: Read the following
sentences. Circle the proper noun (s)
in each sentence and then write what
it names on the line. The first one has
been done for you.

1. I read the Dallas Morning News every

day. news paper

2. We have 3 cats, named Lala, Kitty and We have 3 cats, named Lala, Kitty and Milie.
Milie. __________ pet names

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

3. In the summer, I will attend Carmona In the summer, I will attend Carmona National
National High School. __________ High School school

4. We are going to watch Dark We are going to watch Dark Knights. movie

5. Did you have a good time at Fifth of Did you have a good time at Fifth of August
August reunion this year? __________ reunion this year? occasion

6. I want to join the Central Student I want to join the Central Student Government.
Government._________ Organization

B. Analyze the following sentences.

Write √ if the underlined word (s) is
correct, otherwise X.
7. I think aunt Lorie baked cheesecake. X

8. Josie learned French in France. √

9. We take a vacation in Azalea Hotels &

Residences Baguio. √

10. I have a doctor’s appointment on

tuesday, May 9. X
11. The civil war period is fascinating.
12. Luiz bought take-out food last night from
barbara’s heritage restaurant.

13. Marie moved to pasay city.

14. I read an interesting story in Project
Gutenberg the other day. √
15. Peter was often assisted by his friend
Attorney. Ricardo Magdalo. √

E. Evaluation

Read the sentence below. Identify the

underlined words in each sentence as
proper or common nouns.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

1. Conan is a detective who works at Tokyo proper noun, proper noun


2. Yesterday Mr. Madeline Pascual came to proper noun

her with a very strange story.

3. The money was kept in a bank. common noun

4. Mrs. Francisco decided to call a doctor. proper noun, common noun

5. It seems that the students enjoy the activity common noun, common noun
in their school.

F. Application
In your own opinion, what is the importance
of learning common noun, proper nouns Students’ answer may vary.
and identifying which word should be
G. Remarks

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

TERM PAPER IN EDUC 90 | The Teacher and the School Curriculum

Part 4. K 12 Curriculum

My Reflection
As a graduate of the K to 12 Program, what challenges did you face as a
student? What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the program? What
can you recommend to better the program?

The K to 12 curriculum, better known as the, “Enhancement of Basic Education Act”

was introduced in 2013 and enforced in 2014 with the goal of effectively updating and
adapting the importance of the Philippines education system to the valid value of the other
curriculum. Secondary before only lasted for four years and six years for grade schools.
Since the K to 12 programs had implemented in the Philippines the curriculum in schools
from 10 years of studying changed into 12 years because of the two additional years which
is the Senior High School or SHS. Senior High School students are given the opportunity to
choose from a variety of tracks. Senior High School tracks are specific areas of learning,
much like college courses that come into four categories consisting, Academic, Technical-
Vocational-Livelihood or TVL, Sports, and Arts & Design. These are the subjects that will
provide the students advanced skills and competencies needed in college or tech-vocational
education, entrepreneurship, employment and most significantly in life. In addition, K to 12
programs requires children to enrol in kindergarten before taking the formal schooling which
is elementary level.

Since I am not a product of K to 12 Program I opted to interview some of my

classmates about what are the dilemma they’ve encountered during the time they are under
K to 12 program. Some of them are not given the chance to choose what strands they want.
For the information, K to 12 Program consists of four strands such as ABM for Accountancy
and Business Management; STEM for Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics;
HUMS for Humanities and Social Sciences; and GAS for General Academic Strands. Due to
the lack of strands to be offered in their schools, they forced to choose the strands which
they didn’t really like. Some of them pursue, but some are ending stop in school. During the
implementation of K to 12, some of the students are not actually prepared to the transition,
as well as skilled teachers. The Official curriculum was also not yet finalized during that time
that leads to confusion. I also remembered during the implementation of the K to 12
programs, there are still many parents and student that were not well informed about the
transition, and without even knowing the concept of that program. There is also information
from other resources that, some of the Grade 11 and 12 textbooks and materials to be use
were not yet ready printed.

The only flaw that I can think about K to 12 program is that the additional 2 years for
the students to spend in studying which supposed to be they are already graduating. Their
parents also have to spend another years when their child decided to enter in college,
therefore another expenses, although we all know that entering university are already free. I
am more on the positive sides of the K to 12 curriculum, because I can see that students
nowadays are more competitive. If you analyse the 10 year program was clearly inadequate
if you considered the 6 years as basic education and 4 years for years for intermediate is not
actually advance. The extra 2 years make the relevant skills can be taught, that leads to
more opportunities. Meaning the unemployment rate will decreased that make our overall
economic and social benefit.

In my opinion in order to improve the program, provide more skilled teachers trough
different free seminars that will enhance their knowledge in order to be more effective
facilitator. Increased the salary and benefits of the teachers, because they also have a
personal need and family.

Course Instructor: Omega R. Gresola, LPT

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