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S.Y. B.B.A - C


The Akshaya Patra Foundation


ROLL NO : 185



Indian industry is waking up to the challenges thrown in by market

economy. It is facing such challenges and also succeeding in such competitions.
To survive in the highly competitive scenario, practical studies are gaining much
more importance as compared to theoretical knowledge is efficient there are
fewer chances of losses. Management has become an important part of each and
every organization. It is an omnipresent activity. It is an activity for human
beings and of human beings. Management is like managerial knowledge and skill
not evens.

A single unit can function property, so as a student of this institute, I had

also participated in this visit conducted by our institution.
The initial aim or objective or purpose of our visit was to get environment
and develop a positive attitude towards business environment. Being a
professional course Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A) consists of
studies. I have prepared this report containing all details of marketing department
and have also included the various process and operations taking place.


I am very thankful to all the people who helped me for

the completion of this project report. I am heartily grateful to the Director of our
institute Shri Vadibhai Patel who had arranged the industrial visit and industrial
training. I am thankful to Incharge Director of our institute Prof. Shefali Dani
and incharge of the marketing department Prof. Swenee Shah who provided her
proper guidance to prepare the project report. I also want to thank and to express
deep gratitude towards management and staff of The Akshaya Patra
Foundation for providing us with all the information about the working of the


State Governments partner with NGOs such as Akshaya Patra in
order to increase the number of children they reach out to.

This Private-Public Partnership (PPP) has proved instrumental in

improving the quality and reach of the program. There are many facets which the
Government considers when selecting a non-profit like Akshaya Patra to partner
with. Such organisations must be transparent and 'of proven integrity'.

 NP-NPSE 2006 criteria for choosing an NGO :

 The voluntary agencies should not discriminate in any manner on the basis
of religion, caste and creed, and should not use the program for propagation
of any religious practice.

 The voluntary agency should be a body that is registered under the Societies
Registration Act or the Public Trust Act, and should have been in existence
for a minimum period of two years.

 Commitment to undertake supply responsibility on a no-profit basis.

 Willingness to work with PRIs/ Municipal bodies in accordance with

relevant guidelines of the State Government.

 Financial and logistic capacity to supply the mid day meal on the requisite

 It will furnish to the body assigning the work to it an Annual Report along
with audited statement of accounts in terms of all grants received from the
State Government, both in cash and kind, duly certified by an approved
Chartered Accountant.

 From Grain grants to a cooked meal :

Once chosen, an NGO must set up a kitchen, carry out the day to
day operations of preparing meals and maintain its running costs. As the NP-
NSPE, 2006 Guidelines state,

'In urban areas where a centralized kitchen setup is possible for a

cluster of schools, cooking may wherever appropriate, be undertaken in a
centralized kitchen and cooked hot meal may then be transported under hygienic
conditions through a reliable transport system to various schools. There may be
one or more such nodal kitchen(s) in an urban area, depending on the number of
clusters which they serve.'

In order to implement the program effectively, therefore, an NGO

must be well equipped to handle the logistics of the program. A non-profit must
have’ financial and logistic capacity to supply the mid day meal on the requisite

The Government provides a solution as to how this may be

attained. The Ministry of Human Resources Department states:

“The state government shall be fully responsible in implementing

the program through NGOs support either for a cooked meal or pre cooked food
variant in eligible schools. To this extent the State Government or the NGO
concerned, may mobilize resources for conversion of food grains in to a cooked
- The Guidelines, in Annexure IX Para 7

This solution has allowed organizations such as Akshaya Patra,

who have kitchens across the country, costing an average Rs. 80 million rupees
(8 crores), to set up their massive infrastructures and conduct the scheme in line
with Government’s guidelines. It gives NGOs a means to raise funds for the
deficit incurred during program implementation.
As the minutes of the 2008-2009 Program Approval Board
meeting state, “Other expenses such as cooks honorarium, vessels and kitchen
construction, transportation are to be borne by
Trust Deeds of the
The Government has even made organizations, which the
provisions for donations raised. For example in
2003, a committee, headed by the former Chief
Government is privy to, allow
Justice of India (the National Committee for them to raise funds. Akshaya
Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare,
Patra’s trust deed states the
Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance,
Government of India) recommended Akshaya following:
Patra as an eligible project that could
raise donations up to Rs. 220 million (22 crores)
with 100% tax benefits to the donors for 3 years. 8.xi To accept gifts, donations
or contributions from
individuals, corporate and non-
In 2006 the committee reviewed
Akshaya Patra’s program once again and raised profit organizations around the
the amount for tax free donations to Rs. 1000 world so far as they are not
million (100 crores). Another review in 2009
increased that number to Rs. 2000 million (200 inconsistent with the objects of
crores) for a period of 3 years. the trust
There is a two-pronged strategy to the Government’s decision to
encourage NGOs. By doing so, not only does it improve the quality of the
program, but also promote community involvement. According to the NP-NPSE,
2006 ‘processes should also be set in place to ensure vibrant community
involvement so that the mid day meal programme becomes a peoples’

NGOs promote community participation through active

volunteering and fundraising. They involve all layers of society and help the
Government make the mid-day meal scheme a ‘peoples’ program’.

 Keeping it Transparent :

The question now arises as to the transparency of operations in a

public-private partnership. A National level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee
(NSMC) oversees management and monitoring of the program. As stated in NP-
NPSE, 2006, the committee's duties include:

 Mobilizing community support and promoting public-private partnership

for the program’

 ‘Monitoring program implementation, assessing its impact, and taking

corrective steps’

One of the conditions for eligibility is that ‘persons managing the

affairs of the association or institution are persons of proven integrity’ (National
Committee for Promotion of Social and Economic Welfare, Government of
India). Another is that ‘the association or institution maintains regular accounts
of its receipts and expenditure’. Reports must be submitted regularly by the
voluntary organization.

 Results :
The involvement of a number of private bodies in the
implementation of the mid-day meal scheme has resulted in visibly better

 Nearly 120 million (12 crore) children are so far covered under the scheme,
making this school lunch program the largest in the world. The
Government’s multi-faceted approach has therefore shown tremendous

 By leveraging the unique resources of organizations such as Akshaya Patra

to act as its implementing arm and making provisions for them to be as self-
sufficient as possible, the Government has successfully involved the entire
society in helping the children of our country. These foundations promote
community participation through fundraising and volunteering.

 The private public partnerships it has encouraged have been instrumental in

ensuring the success of the program. With the aid of these organizations,
the Government has managed to scale the scheme to massive proportions.

 The scheme has impacted children in many ways. Attendance has

increased, classroom hunger has reduced, malnutrition decreased and
socialization among children of all castes improved.

 On a global scale, the Indian Government has worked hard to meet the
Millennium Development Goals.

2. India's Mid-day Meal Scheme

India's Mid-day Meal Scheme :

How can one small boy, herding cattle in a

forgotten part of India, bring about monumental change in
the country? The answer lies in the words he spoke.

When Tamil Nadu’s former Chief Minster

K. Kamaraj saw a boy near the town of Cheranmahadevi
herding livestock he asked him,

“What are you doing with these cows?

Why didn’t you go to school?”

The child immediately retorted, “If I go to school, will you give

me food to eat? I can learn only if I eat."

Unknowingly, this young boy had touched on a critical problem

facing the nation’s children: they cannot learn on a hungry stomach. His simple
response sparked a series of events which gave rise to the Mid-day Meal Scheme
as it is known today. Started in the 1960s in Tamil Nadu, the program was set up
to reduce hunger and encourage universal primary education.

In November 28, 2001 the Supreme Court of India passed an

order stating:

implement the Mid-

"We direct the State Governments/Union Territories to Day Meal

Scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government assisted
Primary School with a prepared mid-day meal."

Objectives of the mid-day meal scheme :

 avoid classroom hunger,

 increase school enrolment,

 increase school attendance

 improve socialization among castes

 address malnutrition &

 empower women through employment

The Akshaya Patra Foundation, which was by then successfully

implementing its own feeding program in Karnataka, was called in to give
testimonies for verifying the efficacy of the scheme.

In order to successfully carry out this mandate, each State Government

then started its own Mid-day meal program. Initiated by the Government of
Karnataka, Akshara Dasoha is one such scheme in place.

Once started, the challenge which now faced the Government was one
of successful implementation. As the guidelines for the NP-NPSE, 2006 state,
wherever possible, the Government would: ‘mobilize community support and
promoting public-private partnership for the programme’

Voluntary organizations such as Akshaya Patra are therefore

encouraged to set up operations wherever possible. They act as the implementing
arm of the government.

In fact, as the Karnataka Human Development Report 2005 explains,
the Government of Karnataka was the ‘first to take this step’ of involving NGOs
in development programs. The report states that this ‘involvement of the NGOs
in multilateral/bilateral programs, raises the level of co-operations to another
level. The NGOs become not only implementers; they also find a place in
designing and managing programs together with government at all levels.’

This pioneering move, by the Government of Karnataka, to make

NGOs the implementing arm of the Government has been one of the major
reasons for its success in attaining the goals of the program. The achievements of
these private-public partnerships have even influenced the Central Government.
By setting up and encouraging private-public partnerships, the government is
successfully leveraging the skills and resources of the private sector for the
greater good. Today, India's mid-day meal scheme is one of the largest school
lunch programs in the world, reaching out to nearly 120 million children in the


Akshaya Patra works in partnership with various State

Governments of India to provide 1.2 million underprivileged children across the
nation with school lunch. Founded in June 2000 they are now the world’s largest
NGO run mid-day meal program, present in 18 locations of the country.

Their work actively affects the 2 most critical MDGs: elimination

of hunger and universalisation of primary education.
“No child in India
The program they implement gives
shall be deprived of
underprivileged children direct access to food. This education because
wholesome meal is often the only nutrition they get of hunger"
to have during the day. Their food lab therefore
-Akshaya Patra's vision
strives to ensure that the meals are palatable to
children, while also meeting the requirements of a growing child. The
Foundation’s centralized kitchens, some of the largest in the world, use
innovative technology to cook hundreds of thousands of meals in a few short
hours. Their decentralized kitchens reach out to children in the remotest areas of
India while also creating employment for hundreds of women.

The program also helps in the universalization of primary


Nearly 13.5 million children in India are out of school.* their

circumstances force them into menial labor in order to earn a single meal a day.
The food they provide therefore acts as an incentive to bring children back to
school. It prevents them from working while also encouraging their education.

Surveys conducted show that the program is working. In some

areas where Akshaya Patra is providing meals, enrolment for class 1 students has
increased by as much as 41% during the initial year of implementation.
‘Food for education’ programs, like that of Akshaya Patra’s, are
designed to address the link between education and hunger. Research shows that
universal education has lagged because of prevalent hunger and malnutrition.

They reduce enrolment in schools, hamper performance levels

and increase dropout rates, especially among girls. Hunger impairs a child’s
performance even if they do attend school.

This mid-day meal program helps prevent all this. It provides

children with a meal rich in nutrients that improves their health and increases
their overall well being. It gives each child the opportunity to learn, grow and
above all, aim for a brighter future.

Akshaya Patra works hard everyday to provide wholesome meals

“We will spare no effort to free our fellow men,

women and children from the abject and
dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty...”
-Millennium Declaration, 2000

to children so that they can grow up in a hunger free world that gives them the
opportunity to make their dreams come true.
*UNICEF, India http://www.unicef.org/india/children_3647.htm

Birth of The Akshaya Patra Foundation
The history of the Foundation starts with a story of

Looking out of a window one

day in Mayapur, a village near Calcutta, His
Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada saw a group of children fighting
with street dogs over scraps of food. From this
simple, yet heart breaking incident, came the
determination that: No one within a ten mile
radius of center should go hungry.

It is his inspiration which

helped them to create The Akshaya Patra
Foundation as it is today.

They began this initiative with

the vision that “No child in India shall be
deprived of education because of hunger.”

In June 2000, they started

Their mid-day meal program in Bangalore
by feeding 1500 children in 5 schools. At that time
there was no State run school meal program in Karnataka.

Within a few short weeks they had received hundreds of requests from teachers
who expressed the dire need of such a scheme.

This over whelming response was the impetus for the growth of
The Akshaya Patra Foundation.

Growth of The Akshaya Patra Foundation

In November 28, 2001 the Supreme Court of India passed an
order which mandated that: "Cooked mid-day meal is to be provided in all the
government and government-aided primary schools in all the states." Akshaya
Patra was called in to give testimonies to the Supreme Court in order to
implement the mandate.

By the time the Ministry of Human Resource Development

(Department of School Health and Education) extended its support to this noble
cause in 2003, Akshaya Patra was already reaching out to 23,000 underprivileged
children through the support of their donors.

With the partnership of the Government of India & various State

governments, as well as the generosity of thousands of Their supporters, they
have grown from a small endeavor to a mammoth force that stretches across the

Now they are reaching out to 1.2 million children every day.

For 10 years, they have been an international charity for children

that have worked to transform a vision into a reality.

They will continue to do so…

5. Mission of foundation

Their mission is to reach out to 5 million children by 2020.

Close to 13.5 million underprivileged children in India are out of

school and into child labour in order to earn a single meal in a day.

The surest way to break out of the cycle of poverty is through

education. Education can significantly improve the quality of life of a family for
generations to come. When the basic needs of a child, such as food are not met,
education often becomes the last priority.

They are helping underprivileged children by providing them

with a healthy, balanced meal that they would otherwise have to work for. The
meal is an incentive for them to continue their education. It helps reduce the
dropout rate to an enormous extent and increases classroom attendance.


 Vision Statement :

“ No child in India shall be

deprived of education because of hunger “

 Mission:

“ To feed 50,00,000
underprivileged students everyday by 2020 “


 Logo:

 Slogan:

Unlimited food for education


 Our kitchens are in various places :-

 Ahmedabad/Gandhinagar
 Bangalore
 Baran Dist., Rajasthan
 Bellary
 Bhilai
 Guwahati
 Hubli/Dharward
 Jaipur
 Mangalore
 Mysore
 Medak Dist., Hyderabad
 Nayagarh Dist., Orissa
 Puri
 Vadodara
 Vrindavan & Mathura
 Visakapatnam

Offices Addresses :
Head Office:

Bangalore :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation

H K Hill, Chord Road
Bangalore-560 010
Ph: 91-80-23471956, 23578346
Fax: 91-80-23578625
E-mail: infodesk@akshayapatra.org

Ahmedabad :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation

703, Shapath-I, Opp. Rajpath Club,
S. G. Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Telefax: 91-79-6605 8600/11
Mobile : 9898031919
E-mail: binali.s@akshayapatra.org

Kolkata :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation,

Tower II, 16th Floor Plot A3 ,
Block GP, Sector V Salt Lake Electronics Complex,
Kolkata – 700 091
Phone : 23572828 / 29 / 30

United States of America :

Madhu Sridhar
The Akshaya Patra Foundation USA,
92 Montvale Avenue,
Suite 2500 Stoneham,
MA 02180 - USA
Ph: 781-438-3090 ext. 1
Fax : 781 481 9155
Mobile: 978 886 9306
E-mail: madhu@akshayapatrausa.org

United Kingdom

The Akshaya Patra Foundation, UK,

11thFl, Broadgate West,
1 Snowden Street,
London EC2A 2DQ
E-mail: info@akshayapatra.co.uk

9. Mass production of food
Here is something that we dont see every day and something that
we can all be inspired by. The volume is mind boggling and amazing.. For those
of you that don’t know what kind of Indian food this is :

1. Rice = Steamed Rice

2. Sambhar = A Vegetable and Lentil Curry
3. Chapatti = Indian Bread made of wheat or cake flour

Each kitchen has the capacity to cook between 50 000 to 100

000 mid-day meals per day. Costing approximately 9 crores to set up, they are
built with funds from public donations.

The kitchen from the inside, consisting of rice cauldrons each of
which cooks up to 110kg of rice in 20 minutes. Sambar cauldrons cook up to
1200 litters of sambar in two hours.

Rice pours down into steam heated cauldrons for cooking. The
entire cooking process takes place on the 1st floor.
Super heated steam is used to cook food instead of flame.

When cooking is finished, it is loaded into trolleys.

Cooked rice is sent down the chute to the ground floor.
It flows down the pipe into containers.

 Stock in the Kitchen :

Washed dhal and vegetables flows down the chute into sambar
cauldron on the 1st floor.

 Making of chapathis :

 Chapatti dough is mixed :

10. Centralized Kitchens
Centralized kitchens have the capacity to cook between 50 000
and 150000 meals daily thus achieving economies of scale. Cooking takes place
in mechanized, steam heated cauldrons custom built to reduce the cook to
consume time.

Mechanization also helps Akshaya Patra maintain very high

standards of hygiene where there is very less human interference in the cooking
process. Food is cooked in steam heated cauldrons and packed in stainless steel
containers and transported to various schools in custom built vehicles.

The foundation has its largest kitchen located in Hubli-Dharwar,

with a capacity to cook for 185,000 students in less than five hours. The
organization sources its food stocks from local markets, thereby reducing costs
associated with transportation and food spoilage, while supporting the local etc.

11. Decentralized Kitchens

A decentralized kitchen model is one where all the cooking
activities of a school take place in an area close to the school itself. Decentralized
kitchens are set up in remote areas of the country where difficult terrain makes
setting up of large infrastructures infeasible.

In such areas, Akshaya Patra representatives identify self-help

groups (in many cases women’s groups), who will then carry out the cooking
process. They are trained and educated to prepare the meals in a healthy,
hygienic manner and provided with all the raw materials and infrastructure
required for cooking.

12.Program Implementation :

Central Government
issues guidelines which
are taken into
consideration by State
Governments when
implementing the
scheme. However, there
are some states which
have issued guidelines
that are different from
Central Guidelines.

National Steering-cum-
Monitoring Committee
is set up at the national
level to monitor the
program, assess impact
and provide policy
advice to Central and
State Governments.
Central assistance in the
form of subsidies is
released upon
submission of the
committee’s Annual
Work Plan by the Program Approval Board.
Steering-cum-Monitoring Committees are also set up at a state
level to monitor the program. A nodal department is authorized to take
responsibility. Implementation cells are organized by the nodal department and
one officer is appointed at each district and block level to oversee effective
implementation of the program.

The Panchayats/ Urban Local Bodies are in charge of the scheme

in states where primary education is entrusted to them.

 Flow of Funds :
The Ministry of
Human Resource Development
is the nodal agency for
sanctioning of funds and
supply of food grains (central
assistance) to the states on
behalf of the Government of

 Flow of Grains :

13. Impact of the program
A.C Nielson Study :
Increased enrolment in schools
Increased attendance in schools
Reduced dropout rate
Improved performance of students in class in terms of better attention span and
academic progress.
Improved nutritional status of students

Government Studies :
Ministry of Human Resource Development conducted survey on the followings-:

Situation Analysis of Mid-Day Meal programme in Rajasthan Report on

Dasoha Scheme of Karnataka

Harvard Case Study :

HCS was carried out in Bangalore and Baran village.

14. Educational Programs

 Vidya Akshaya Patra :

Started in Bangalore in 2008 with 1500 children, this scheme was

set up for students who need extra support in their academics. Guidance and
training is given to children with grades of less than
35% in their school work. Teachers provide after-
school tutorials to the students, particularly in Math,
English and General Science. They are also provided
with workbooks to prepare for their exams as well as
wholesome nutritious food to help improve
concentration and prevent classroom hunger.

The program has shown remarkable results. Within just 200 days
of coaching, the children’s academic performance improved from 35% to 60%.
They were also better focused and prepared for their annual exams. Due to this
success, we also plan to launch this program in Hubli in the coming year.

 Akshaya Life Skills :

A joint initiative of Edumedia and Akshaya Patra, Akshaya Life

skills was started with the vision of:
“enabling young children to develop into responsible social beings with a
competence to respond to their personal, social & cultural needs”.

Today, it reaches out to 40 000 children with a mission to expand

to 100 000 by the 2010-11 academic year. Akshaya Life Skills has the following

Life Skills sessions :

“Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behavior that enable
individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of
everyday life”
- W.H.O.

These sessions are designed to boost a

child’s self esteem and increase its confidence. Life
Skills covered by the program include self-awareness,
communication, creative thinking, critical thinking,
dealing with stress and emotions as well as
interpersonal skills. The program is designed to help a
child develop in all aspects.

Talent Development Program :

This helps children realize their own
potential, develops their talents and builds confidence.
Participation in Debates, Essay Writing, Painting/Art, Quiz, Mehendi & Dance
competitions is mandatory for all students.

Awareness Programs :
A platform for children to participate in social and environmental
projects, this program increases their awareness of issues concerning today’s

They are action oriented programs that are designed to

help students develop their overall people skills. Road shows, poster making,
awareness camps, etc are conducted to create awareness among the students,
their family members and the community they live in.

Leadership Development Program
Student Committees are initiated in schools for the analysis and development of
Leadership skills.

Discipline, Cleanliness and Guidance Committees are the

decisive committees, with 6 firm and responsible students leading each
committee. The outcome of these committees has resulted in a sound
environment in the school, obedience in students and great self-esteem among
the committee members.

Akshaya Help Centers :

Children need special help and assistance in dealing with their life
issues and this is addressed through ALS counseling. The Life Skills sessions
conducted follow the group therapy format. This brings out several personal
issues of children to the forefront.

The entire Akshaya Life Skills team consists of trained

counselors. They visit the schools every Saturday for children come to them with
their issues and problems. Akshaya Helpline - 9900421027 was created to enable
the children to seek personal help anytime.

Principal & Teacher Workshop:

Teachers and principals are encouraged to revise their knowledge

and understanding of subjects in this program. The workshop also enhances
teaching skills and helps teachers deal with children’s academic issues from a
fresh perspective.

At Akshaya Patra, we firmly believe that good governance and

ethics are the necessary foundations of any non-governmental organization.

Their core values of transparency and pursuit of excellence have

helped us build a credible vehicle for individuals, organizations and institutions
to partner with.

Their empowered team spread across India, US, and UK plays a
large role in understanding the complex issues faced by children and spreading
their authentic cause through well-defined processes.

The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) is a public, charitable,

secular Trust, registered in Bangalore. The Board of Trustees comprises
missionaries of ISKCON Bangalore, corporate professionals, and entrepreneurs.

Their Advisory Board comprises of eminent persons and is

headed by Former Chief Justice of India.

The following organogram briefly depicts how your organization is oriented

towards a satisfied child:

Composition of Revenue 2008-09 Vs 2007-08

On an average, for every rupee you donate, 89 paisa is spent

towards feeding a child, and the rest goes towards administrative and fundraising

Over the past 5 years up

to 56 % of our revenues have been
generated through well wishers who
sponsor children on a regular basis.

Audit and Systems

They believe, above all,

that internal control is key to good governance and therefore strive to ensure that
stringent measures are in place to meet with the highest standards of

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the internal controls, the

Foundation has appointed Chartered Accountant firms of repute, as Branch
Auditors. The respective branch auditors submit monthly branch audit reports,
which are then reviewed by the Head Office Audit team regularly. To ensure the
effectiveness of the internal control environment, an audit committee was formed
as a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees which constitutes the following

 V.Balakrishnan – Trustee & Chairman of the Committee

 Ramadas Kamath U – Trustee & Member
 Raj Kondur – Trustee & Member

16.Transparency in foundation
We, at Akshaya Patra, believe in absolute transparency in all our
activities. In keeping with this principle we comply with the International
Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and, to a large extent, with the Indian
Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered accountants of India.
We also apply the latest principles of Fair value accounting and recognize all in
kind donations.

Our best practices have always resulted in keeping the operational

expenditure to a fraction of revenues earned.This has been the result of
optimizing the administration and fundraising costs.

Sources of Revenue for last five years 2004-09

17. Board of Trustees

 Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman An M.Tech post graduate from the prestigious
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, Madhu Pandit Dasa is the
visionary who initiated the Akshaya Patra program in the year 2000,
developing a technology-driven operating model.

 Chanchalapathi Dasa, Vice-chairman Chanchalapathi Dasa, is a post-graduate

from the premier institution, the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and
provides strategic directions to the Akshaya Patra program.

 Chitranga Chaitanya Dasa, Program Director A food expert, CC Das brings

with him special skills in fund-raising and was instrumental in setting up the
overseas offices of the Foundation.

 T.V.Mohandas Pai, Board member, Infosys Technologies An ace chartered

accountant by profession, Mohandas Pai has held key positions in Infosys
since 1994. In addition to his current responsibilities, Pai is working with
governments and decision-makers across India to improve the quality of
education in the country.

 Abhay Jain,Head - Group corporate affairs, Manipal Education and Medical

Group Abhay Jain is one of the largest distributors for polymers in South India.
He is on the Board of Governors of the prestigious Indian Institute of
Management, Bangalore (IIMB) and the Maliviya National Institute of
Technology, Jaipur. He has also served as the vice president in the Birla Group
of companies.

 Ramdas Kamath,Vice-president (finance & admin), Infosys Technologies

Deeply committed to the socio-cultural development of India, Ramdas Kamath
is involved in philanthropic activities and is particularly passionate about
underprivileged children's welfare.

 V.Balakrishnan,CFO, Infosys Technologies Bringing with him several years of
finance and accounts expertise, Balakrishnan also serves on the boards of
Infosys Technologies Australia Pty Limited and Infosys Consulting, Inc, both
wholly owned subsidiaries.

 Raj Kondur,Chairman, Nirvana Business Solutions An alumnus of the Harvard

Business School, Raj Kondur has worked for several years in Morgan Stanley
and AT Kearney in the US and is known for his expertise in fund management.

 Financials

They comply with the International Financial Reporting

Standards (IFRS) and, to a large extent, with the Indian Accounting Standards
issued by the Institute of Chartered accountants of India. We also apply the latest
principles of Fair value accounting and recognize all in kind donations.

Akshaya Patra is audited by KPMG.


 What is Marketing?

Marketing is a societal process by which individual and groups

obtain what the need and want through creating, offering so freely exchanging
products & service of value with others.

Marketing Management is the process of planning & executing

the conception, pricing, promoting & distribution of ideas, goods & service to
create exchange that satisfy individual & organizational goals.

 Scope of Marketing:

Marketing is typically seen as the task of creating, promotion &

delivering goods & service to consumers & businessman in fact, marketing
people are involved in marketing to types of entities, goods, services, experience,
events, persons, properties, org., information & ideas.

 Organisation of Marketing:

The Marketing Department of the company is handled by the

Marketing Mangers.


Business where market diversity is huge and customer aspirations

changes frequently. It is extreme essential to evolve and show chase
contemporary products, reflecting the fast changing Indian lifestyle.


Huge Growth in real estates and construction, with infrastructure growth.


Sales driven through networks and intermediaries.


Market segmentation means dividing market into distinct groups

of buyers with different needs, characteristics or behaviours who might require
seprate product or marketing mixer.

Market can be segmented on the base of:

1) Geographic Units :
Market are segmented in nations geographic units. The product is
of suiting which were common in all nations.

2) Demographic segmentation:
The market is divided into groups on the basis of variables such
as age, family size, family life cycle, gender, income, occupation, education,
religion, race, generation, nationality, social class. Demographic variables are the
most popular bases for distinguishing customer groups.

3) Psychographic Segmentations:
Here buyers are divided into different groups on the bases of life
style or personality and values.

4) Behavioural segmentation:
Buyers are divided into groups on the bases of their knowledge
of, attitude toward, use of or response to a product.

It has segmented the target market on the basis of the needs of the
customers. They are mostly focused on the high and market segment. They
produce different types of tiles with different price ranges. Especially for high
and market segment they produce high quality products with high prices and for
middle end market segment they produce products with relatively low prices and
low quality as compare to high and market. So, they produce different prices for
different market segments, depends upon usage, projects & institutions-&-


The tiles are very essential for decoration of our residential and
commercial building. So, target markets are:

a) Target Architects
b) Interior designers
c) Builders & contractors
d) Technician & workers
e) Dealers/stockists.

 Overall strategy should adopt the widest distribution network model to
deliver products to end user in quickest and most effective way.

 It may include foundation owned distribution vehicles and having with the
partnership in the vehicles which are distributed food to the schools.

 Distribution network should be clearly segregated towards specific product

segments. May introduce 3 dimensional catalogue visual experiences to its
customers and also give customers a chance to design product in their

 The company’s marketing strategy is aligned with different product

classes, product usage, products verticals, product segment, product targets
that it itself manufacture and trade.

21. Human resource Development

Human Resource management is concerned with the people

dimension in management. Since every organization is made up of people,
acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher level
of performance and ensuring that they continue to achieving organizational
objectives. . Foundation is for the people, of the people and by the people. Thus
foundation the pays greater attention to its human resource, as they are the assets
of the foundation.


 At Gandhinagar 300 Staff is there including employee & cleaning staff also.

 8 Hours shift is there.

 Insurance is provided

 Ambulance is provided.

 Doctor comes twice a week

 Eye check up for soter

 Person selected then there is Induction Programmes.

 Weekly training is there.

 Marketing Manger is provided highest remuneration.

 Peace full Relation with IR, Trade Unions, Wages as per Governments rules.

 Promotion is based on skills

Akshaya Patra have managed its personnel department very well.
There are 300 people are working in the foundation. They are working in hours.

22. Recruitment & selection :

Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective
employees and stimulating and encouraging them to apply for job in an

For staff recruitment is needed in case of expiry of any personnel

or registration.

Selection procedure is concerned with securing relevant

information about an applicant. Workers are mainly selected by taking interview,
as they needed various types of skills.

23. Wages & Salary Administration:

A wage is the remuneration paid, for the service of labour in
production, periodically to an employee. “Wages ’’ usually refers to the hourly
rate paid to such groups as production and maintenance employee.

Akshaya Patra pays wages at monthly bases .

24. Training and development
In the beginning of the workers job, they are given training for 5
to 10 days regarding machines on which they have to work. Generally qualified
workers of the company give training to the new workers.

The training programmes are for the up gradation of the skills of

the workers. The workers may also qualify for the promotion after the training
programme and the firm can improve the productivity level.

Akshaya Patra reaches out to 1340,842 children in 18 locations
across 8 states of India, providing them with freshly cooked meal on all school
days. Currently, we implement the mid-day meal program in 8,680 schools of the
country, with plans to increase that number to hundreds more.

Number of Number of
State / Location Type of Kitchen
Children Schools

Andhra Pradesh 42,829 253

Vishakhapatnam 5,415 7 Centralized Kitchen

Hyderabad 37,414 246 Centralized Kitchen

Assam 47,571 510

Guwahati 47,571 510 Centralized Kitchen

Chhattisgarh 29,716 158

Bhilai 29,716 158 Centralized Kitchen

Gujarat 2,62,609 1,139

Gandhinagar 1,33,590 523 Centralized Kitchen

Vododara 1,29,019 616 Centralized Kitchen

Karnataka 5,35,112 2,430

State / Number of Number of
Type of Kitchen
Location Children Schools

Bangalore 85,486 361 Centralized Kitchen

Bellary 1,33,384 611 Centralized Kitchen

Hubli 1,76,344 780 Centralized Kitchen

Mangalore 25,487 145 Centralized Kitchen

Mysore 16,334 61 Centralized Kitchen

Vasanthapura 98,077 458 Centralized Kitchen

Orissa 76,798 794

Puri 46,661 435 Centralized Kitchen

Nayagarh 30,137 360 Decentralized Kitchen

Rajasthan 1,59,653 1,764

Jaipur 1,28,121 1,375 Centralized Kitchen

Nathdwara 17,646 226 Centralized Kitchen

Baran 13,886 163 Decentralized Kitchen

Uttar Pradesh 1,86,554 1,645

Vrindavan 1,86,554 1,645 Centralized Kitchen

TOTAL 13,40,842 8,680

Number Of Children Served
Vrindavan 186,554

Uttar Pradesh 186,554

Baran 13,886

Nathdwara 17,646

Jaipur 128,121

Rajasthan 159,653

Nayagarh 30,137

Puri 46,661

Orissa 76,798

Vasanthapura 98,077

Mysore 16,334

Mangalore 25,487

Hubli 176,344

Bellary 133,384

Bangalore 85,486

Karnataka 535,112

Vododara 129,019

Gandhinagar 133,590

Gujarat 262,609

Bhilai 29,716

Chhattisgarh 29,716

Guwahati 47,571

Assam 47,571

Hyderabad 37,414

Vishakhapatnam 5,415

Andhra Pradesh 42,829

0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000


Outstanding Annual Reporting Award

 Best Bhagidari Award :

Akshaya Patra was recognized as the best ‘Bhagidari’

[Partnership effort] under social development by the Government of Delhi.
Akshaya Patra was selected among 14 non-governmental organizations to
participate in the two-day annual Bhagidari Mela hosted by the Government of
Delhi on 9th and 10th April 2011 at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. This event also
witnessed the participation of 45 departments of Delhi government and several
resident welfare associations (RWA).

 Outstanding Annual Reporting Award :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been declared the runner-up
for the CSO Partners ‘Outstanding Annual Reporting Award’ for the year 2010-
11 in the large organizations category. We have received this award for the
second year in a row. This award is an effort to promote transparency and
accountability in the voluntary sector and promote better standards of financial
reporting, which takes into consideration the preparation and presentation of
annual report. CSO partners is a non-profit organisation with a team of
professionals from multi-discipline backgrounds with an extended base of
partners specialized in services relevant to Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) in

India. The award is a joint initiative of CSO partners, Financial Management
Service Foundation (FMSF) and Credibility Alliance (CA).

 Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been awarded the Gold Shield
Award for best financial reporting by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India (ICAI). The award was given based on Akshaya Patra’s Annual Report and
Accounts for the year ending March 31, 2010. Akshaya Patra was selected by a
panel of judges on the degree of compliance with accounting standards, statutory
guidelines and other relevant pronouncements. The Gold Shield is the top award
given by the ICAI.

 International Award for Akshaya Patra :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation’s Annual Report for 2008-09 has
received the “Certificate of Merit” awarded by the South Asian Federation of
Accountants (SAFA) for the year 2009 in the category of Non Governmental
Organizations (NGOs). The Award ceremony will be held on 12th December,
during the first valedictory session of first SAFA summit in Kathmandu, Nepal.

 Indian Express Innovation Award :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation received the distinguished Indian

Express Innovation award in the ‘Scalable, technology driven kitchen model’
category on July 14, 2010 at New Delhi. The Gold trophy was presented by Dr.
Nandan Nilekani with the citation that described Akshaya Patra as “a role model

for the mid-day school meal program".

Initiated in 2005 by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, the objective of the

award is to identify and promote innovative organizations in India who have
made breakthrough changes to become role models in their fields. It is aimed at
promoting a ‘culture of innovation’ throughout the country.

While receiving the award Sri. Chanchalapathi Dasa, Vice

Chairman, The Akshaya Patra Foundation said, “Akshaya Patra is very humbled
and honored on being conferred the distinguished Innovation Award. This
recognition is considered to be the blessings of millions of children we feed
through Akshaya Patra.”

Date: Mon, 2011-05-23

 Best Innovative Project by India Urban Space Foundation :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been awarded by the Indian

Urban Space Foundation as the Best Innovative Project for the Innovations in
Services for Urban Poor. Ms. Selja Kumari, Union Minister for Ministry of
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA), Government of India,
presented the Awards at an awards ceremony in New Delhi.

To recognize the spirit of entrepreneurship in solving social

challenges, the awards were organized on April 21, 2010 by India Urban Space
Foundation in collaboration with Cisco Systems and supported by the Swedish
International Development Agency (SIDA) and the World Bank, the Ministry of
Housing and Poverty Alleviation as well as the Ministry of Urban Development,
Government of India. Akshaya Patra was selected because of its Outstanding and
Dedicated service to Primary Education and Preventive Healthcare provision.
Speaking on the event Sri. Chanchalapathi Das, Vice Chairman, The Akshaya
Patra Foundation said, “On behalf of Akshaya Patra, I thank the government’s
initiative to recognize the work undertaken by organizations in Urban India.
Many problems that are still unanswered here can be dealt better with private
undertakings backed by government support. Platforms like this help to make
that bond stronger and a combined effort will surely bring about a change in our

The jury panel included Arun Maira, member, Planning

Commission, GoI, Dr. Ramachandran, Secy, MoUD, GoI, Chaturvedi, Director
MoHUPA, Roberto Zagha, Country Director, World Bank, Sheela Patel,
Founding Director, SPARC, Madhu Kishwar, Founder, Manushi Sangathan,
Tarun Das, President, Aspen Institute India, Jayant Sinha, MD, Omidyar
Network India.

Nominations were invited from government, private sector and

social organisations. Innovations were sought in five urban themes - Primary
Education and Preventive Health Care, Urban Housing, Urban Livelihoods,
Water and Sanitation and Urban Mobility. A total of 166 nominations were
received, of which 37 were shortlisted and the four finalists selected. The
selection criterion was based on a number of parameters such as nature of
innovation, sustainable implementation, value to the community, etc.

India Urban Space Foundation (IUSF) is a not-for-profit

organization working on the core belief that spatial planning of land is central to
shaping vibrant cities.

Date: Sat, 2010-05-22

 LeapVault Change Leadership Awards :

The Akshaya Patra Foundation has been declared the Winner

under the Social Change Leadership – Education category for LeapVault Change
Leadership Awards 2010. The award was a unique initiative and the first of its
kind; it was announced at a glittering ceremony in Mumbai.

The LeapVault Change Leadership Awards focused on those
select leaders who broke new ground, and paved the way to inspire millions to
believe in their dreams. The contenders for these awards exemplified that game-
changing quality through their actions and attitude. The awards were given to
recognise ‘Change Leaders’ across all walks: business, politics, media and
entertainment, sports, healthcare, social change and non-profit.

Speaking at the event Sri. Chanchalapathi Das, Vice Chairman,

The Akshaya Patra Foundation said, “Society is the most ingredient part of a
nation, any nation cannot do well until the problems of the society are answered.
We are honoured to receive this award. We see ourselves as social servants rather
than leaders, we are trying to do our share for the society”.

The LeapVault Change leadership awards are an initiative to

recognize the game changing behaviour of individuals and encourage many
others to come forward and adopt the change philosophy.

Date: Tue, 2010-05-25

 ICAI- Gold Shield Award :

Akshaya Patra was conferred the Gold Shield award for the best
financial reporting in the entries received under category VII (Educational
institutions, NGOs, charitable hospitals & other organisations) of "The ICAI
awards of excellence in Financial Reporting".

The criterion for the award was based on the review of

accounting practices adopted by all participating organisations for the preparation
of financial statements. The Gold Shield was awarded at the function held at
Gorgeon Sports Club, Malad Link Road, Mumbai on January 30th, 2010.

Mr. Harinderjit Singh, the Chairman of the Research Committee
was also one of the seven judges in the panel. Mr.Ramdas Kamath, Trustee, The
Akshaya Patra Foundation and Mr.T.S.Ramaswamy, Finance Controller,The
Akshaya Patra Foundation received the Gold Shield from Mr. Uttam Prakash
Agarwal, President of the Research Committee.

Date: Tue, 2010-05-25

 CSO partners, Outstanding Annual Report Award 2008-09


The Civil Society Organization awards recognize financial

transparency in the voluntary sector and are aimed at awarding exceptional
standards in financial reporting, preparation and presentation of annual reports.
Akshaya Patra received the award this year for Outstanding Report.

 Distinguished Alumnus Award by IIT Mumbai :

Sri Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman of Akshaya Patra, was honored

by his alumni, the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai with their annual
Distinguished Alumnus Award 2010 for his 'contribution to humanitarian service
and organic farming'.

List of Awards

* Rotary Bangalore Citycentre RI Dist 3190- Man of the Year 1997

* Bangalore West Lions Eye Hospital 1998

* Lions Club of Bangalore West 1998

* Rotary Bangalore Jayanagar 2000

* Rotary Bangalore Brigades Plaque of Honour 2001

* Paryaya Sri Palimar Hrishikesh Mutt, Sri Krishna Krupa

Paatra, Udupi

* Governor’s Award 2002

* Rotary Club of Bangalore Central, Award of Recognition 2002

* Jagadguru Sri Madvacharya Moola, Sri Krishna Maanya,

Mahasamstanam – Palimar Mutt 2003

* Rajyotsava Award, Govt. of Karnataka 2003

* Kannada Koota, New York, Inc., Humanitarian Award 2003

* Karnataka Sahitya Parishat, Karnatakashree 2003

* Lions Club International Dist 324DI, Region VI 2003

* Rotary International Dist 3190, Excellence in Community

Service Award

* Independence Day Award, Government of Rajasthan 2006

* Republic Day Award, Govt. of Rajasthan 2007

* Rotary Bangalore Orchards, Vocational Excellence Award 2007

* Rajasthan Gaurav Samman 2008

* IPEGA National status award for Social Development - 08 2008

* The CNBC INDIA Business Leader Awards in the Social

Enterprise of the year category

* Microsoft Tech Museum Award 2009

* Lifebuoy National Child Health Award 2009

* Americares- Spirit of Humanity awards 2009

* Gold Shield : By The institute of Chartered Accountants of
India for excellence in financial reporting 2010

* Distinguished Alumnus Award by IIT Mumbai 2010

* CSO partners, Outstanding Annual Report Award 2008-09 2010

* LeapVault Change Leadership Awards 2010

* Innovations in services for urban poor, by World

Bank,SIDA and Ministry of Urban Development 2010

* Indian Express Innovation award


List of Recognitions
 US President Barack Obama :

In his letter to the Foundation, President Barack Obama wrote,“In

just a few years, Akshaya Patra has become the largest single
feeding program in the world. Your example of using advanced
technologies in central kitchens to reach children in 5,700 schools is
an imaginative approach that has the potential to serve as a model for other
countries. Thank you again for all of your efforts.”

 Harvard Business School :

Based on the fact that The Akshaya Patra Foundation has

engineered its kitchens to prepare around 100 000 meals in six
hours, at extremely low cost, Harvard Business School has made a
Case study of The Foundation as part of their MBA curriculum for
precise time management.

 World Economic Forum:

World Economic Forum invited Akshaya Patra to share its

experiences for THE PROJECT HUNGER in Africa.

 Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program:
The Mickey Leland International Hunger Fellows Program matches emerging
leaders with effective international organizations that address the root causes of
hunger around the world.
In 2007, Akshaya Patra was chosen as a recipient
organization for the program. Ms. Nicole Woo, Mickey
Leland International Hunger Fellow, who came to India to
establish a comprehensive development and evaluation
framework for Akshaya Patra said “From what I've observed
in just my first few days here, Akshaya Patra's operations are
truly impressive... Akshaya Patra's mid-day meal program could become a
model for other developing nations around the world."

 Limca Book of Records :

First published in 1990, the 20th edition of this book was released in March
2009 by famed Bollywood actor Amitabh Bachan. Akshaya Patra entered the
book as 'the world's largest school meal program'. Today, we feed over 1.2
million (12 lakh) children in 18 locations across India, while also
creating employment for hundreds of women through our
decentralized kitchen model.

 India Book of Records :

The India Book of Records provides a prestigious platform for people to
showcase their accomplishments. In June 2010, Akshaya Patra entered the book
for running the 'world's largest school meal program'.

27. Conclusion

The industrial visit to Akshaya Patra was a wonderful visit from

our college. We were around 50 students gone from college and our visit was
really a memorable one. The visit provided me in depth understanding in various
processes undertaken at the Akshaya Patra in making various items.

Akshaya Patra is a developed company having its registered

office as well as the Kitchens located at Gandhinagar

So, we can conclude that if Akshaya Patra progresses with this




 Website :



Professor Swenee Shah



In the office of – The Akshaya Patra Foundation


I would like to thank all the people who have helped in the successful completion
of this project report.


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