Tectonic Setting of Porphyry Cu-Au Mo An

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The Island Arc (1999) 8, 47–55

Research Article
Tectonic setting of porphyry Cu–Au, Mo and related
mineralization associated with contrasted Neogene magmatism in
the Western Sulawesi Arc
Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132,
PT. Rio Tinto Indonesia, Kotak Pos 7564, Jakarta 12075 and
Jalan Pinang Emas 8/US28, Pondok Indah, Jakarta 12310, Indonesia

Abstract The Neogene Western Sulawesi Arc, from the south going northwards, can be
divided into three magmatic provinces of K alkaline–shoshonitic (AK-SH), high-K calc-
alkaline (KCA), and low-K–normal calc-alkaline (TH-CA) affinity, referred to, respectively,
as South, Central and North Sulawesi. The origin of this magmatism in terms of subduc-
tion and collision processes is contentious. Four widely spaced Cu–Au porphyry, and one
Mo porphyry district(s) occur along the Western Sulawesi Arc, with the North Sulawesi
province being the most mineralized. This porphyry mineralization is part of a regional
belt that extends north into the Philippines and possibly south to the Sunda Arc. In western
Sulawesi, common features that define the porphyry belt are obscure because the por-
phyry districts cannot be simply related, either in terms of their magmatic affinity, nature
of basement, or tectonic setting. Nevertheless, it can be suggested that the generation of
porphyry Mo systems requires involvement of continental crust in terms of magma source,
while Au-rich porphyry systems are independent of the nature of the crust, and are derived
from a mantle source.

Key words: arc reversal, magmatism, porphyry Cu–Au, Sulawesi, tectonic setting.

INTRODUCTION K-alkaline–shoshonitic (AK-SH), high-K calc-

alkaline (KCA), and low-K–normal calc-alkaline
During the past 25 years extensive mineral explo- (TH-CA) affinity, respectively, which are referred
ration surveys primarily for Cu and Au have been to as South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, and North
carried out in western Sulawesi (Fig. 1). This Sulawesi. The present article summarizes the
exploration focused on Neogene volcanic and geochronology, geochemical characteristics, and
intrusive rocks, and resulted in discovery of a magmatic–hydrothermal mineralization of these
number of Cu–Au and Mo porphyry, and epither- three provinces.
mal Au prospects, mainly located in the northern
part of this arc. More recently the Western
Sulawesi Arc has been the subject of several MAGMATISM AND TECTONIC SETTING
geochemical, petrographic, and radiometric age
studies (Yuwono et al. 1988; Coffield et al. 1993; The present configuration of Sulawesi is the result
Priadi 1993; Priadi et al. 1993, 1994), principally of of a complex history of tectonic events involving
a reconnaissance nature. These investigations subduction and collision (Katili 1978; Hamilton
show that the Neogene magmatic arc can be 1979; Silver et al. 1983). Broadly, Sulawesi consists
divided into three distinct magmatic provinces of of two terrains; a western magmatic belt, paired
with an eastern terrain comprising ophiolite,
Accepted for publication June 1998. blueschist, and Paleozoic continental fragments
© 1999 Blackwell Science Asia Pty Ltd. (Sula and Buton microcontinents), the latter
48 R. Soeria-Atmadja et al.

The presence of leucite-bearing rocks in south-

ern Sulawesi was first reported by Wichmann
(1893). Subsequent investigations by geologists of
the Netherlands East Indies Geological Survey
showed that K-alkaline and shoshonitic (AK-SH)
rocks were widespread, covering more than 50% of
the land surface (Rutten 1927; van Bemmelen
1949). Volcanic rocks dominate, forming strato-
volcanic and caldera complexes, and voluminous
pyroclastic sequences. Lithologies include: shosho-
nite, banakite, potassic alkali basalt, trachybasalt,
leucite-bearing basanite and tephrite, and
nepheline-bearing phonolite. Plagioclase, sanidine,
biotite, and pyroxene are the dominant mineral
phases. Intrusive rocks are present as dykes,
sills and stocks, and in the northern part of
the province as a large batholith (Mamasa
monzonite), and range from quartz diorite,
monzonite, and granodiorite to monzosyenite
and syenite.
Available radiometric dates (Sukamto 1978; van
Leeuwen 1981; Yuwono et al. 1988; Coffield et al.
1993; Priadi et al. 1994) suggest that the AK-SH
magmatism took place between 13 and 2 Ma (late
Miocene–Pliocene), and locally continued into the
Quaternary, namely at the Lompobatang strato-
volcano located at the southern end of the South
Sulawesi Province.
Chemically the rocks are characterized by low
TiO2 contents (< 1.5%), high incompatible alkaline
and alkali-earth element contents, high light-rare-
Fig. 1 Tectonic setting of Western Sulawesi arc showing Neogene
magmatic provinces and the distribution of porphyry and related miner- earth (LREE)/heavy-rare-earth-element (HREE)
alization. ratios, and negative Ta and Nb anomalies (Yuwono
et al. 1988; Priadi et al. 1994). These are all typical
arc characteristics. Whole-rock 87Sr/86Sr isotope
derived from the Australian continental plate ratios range from 0.707 to 0.722, and 143Nd/144Nd
(Sukamto 1978). Mid-Tertiary collision between ratios range from 0.5119 to 0.5125 (Coffield et al.
these microcontinents and the Western Sulawesi 1993; Priadi et al. 1994).
Arc has inactivated west-directed subduction south The petrographic and chemical characteristics
of the northern tip of Sulawesi, and has led to arc of the leucite-bearing rocks of the South Sulawesi
reversal, with renewed subduction from the North Province are similar to those of Foley et al. 1987)
Sulawesi Trench (Hamilton 1979; Silver et al. 1983). group III ultrapotassic rocks of active orogenic
According to Solomon (1990), arc reversal may lead zones, such as found in the Mediterranean region,
to the development of Cu–Au mineralization. The including the Roman Province in central Italy
South and Central segments of Western Sulawesi (Peccerillo et al. 1984). Ultrapotassic magmas in
are underlain by Mesozoic metasedimentary these orogenic zones are intimately associated
basement belonging to the Sundaland continental with less potassic types (Wilson 1989), which is also
margin (Hamilton 1979), whereas basement a typical feature of the South Sulawesi Province.
beneath North Sulawesi may be of transitional In addition, Coffield et al. (1993) suggest that in
character, including oceanic basalt (Priadi 1993) central Sulawesi these rocks form a bimodal suite,
correlatable to the Celebes Sea plate. Recent and of basaltic and leucite-bearing end-members to
active volcanicity at the northern tip of Sulawesi silicic trachyandesites, and lack intermediate
continues offshore as the Sangihe Arc, which is basaltic andesite varieties.
intra-oceanic (Tatsumi et al. 1991). Various theories have been advanced to explain
Magmatism in the Sulawesi Arc 49

the origin of the AK-SH rocks of the Southern teristics rather than island arc characteristics.
Sulawesi Province. van Bemmelen (1949) specu- The felsic granitoids have high, and relatively
lated that these rocks are the product of magmatic restricted, SiO2 contents (63–75%), and K2O/Na2O
assimilation of limestone. Katili (1978), Sukamto ratios commonly in excess of 1, as well as enriched
(1978), Hamilton (1979), and Carlile and Mitchell LREE (Priadi et al. 1994; van Leeuwen et al.
(1994) believe them to be related to subduction 1994). Arc characteristics are shown by typically
processes, indicating a normal volcanic arc polarity depleted Ta, Nb and Ti values (Priadi et al. 1994),
with alkalinity increasing across the Neogene arc as well as I-type (Chappell & White 1974) granite
(Katili 1978), or a shallow dipping Benioff zone signatures. However, strong enrichment in K, Cs,
(Carlile & Mitchell 1994). Van Leeuwen (1981) Th and U, together with isotope data (shown here)
suggests that they may have been formed from suggest a significant crustal component in the
mantle, trapped by deep-seated faults in a post- genesis of these rocks. The hornblende–biotite
subduction environment; Yuwono et al. (1988) and granodiorites have similar chemical charac-
Leterrier et al. (1990), noting similarities with the teristics, but lower K2O contents, and K2O/Na2O
Roman Province, propose a model involving partial ratios £ 1. Isotope results for the felsic granitoids
melting of mantle sources (enriched in incompat- (Priadi 1993; van Leeuwen et al. 1994) show
ible elements from previous subduction events) in consistently high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.710–0.715), and
a distensional, post-collision, within-plate setting. Nd/144Nd values ranging between 0.5121 and
In contrast, Coffield et al. (1993) suggest that the 0.5123.
AK-SH magmatism was related to compressional Van Leeuwen et al. (1994) point out that the
continent collision, and melting of mantle and felsic granitoids have a number of features in
continental components. common with late–post-collision granites from
In the central portion of the Western Sulawesi other parts of the world: (i) they occur in
Arc, two KCA suites are distinguished (Fig. 1). Vol- contrasted association with minor diorite and
umetrically dominant felsic granitoids, and minor gabbro; (ii) biotite is the dominant mafic mineral;
comagmatic volcanics, with similar mineralogical (iii) the plutons occur as dispersed, isolated
and geochemical characteristics, are exposed over intrusive complexes surrounded by strongly
a distance of more than 600 km (Fig. 1). Intrusive discordant metamorphic aureoles; (iv) dyke
rocks include granite, quartz monzonite and gran- swarms and coeval andesites are absent; (v)
odiorite, with porphyritic and equigranular tex- molasse deposits formed during a later part of the
tures. Individual plutons vary from km to tens of magmatic event; and (vi) on the Rb–Hf–Ta
km in size, and in some cases are strongly foliated. diagram of Harris et al. (1986), samples from
Distinctive and characteristic for this suite are one of the plutons (Dondo) plot in the late–post-
porphyritic, fine-to-coarse-grained biotite–quartz collision field.
monzonites, with megacrysts of K-feldspar, up to 6 Recent models proposed for the genesis of the
cm. Mineralogically this KCA suite is character- granitic rocks invoke melting of the lower crust
ized by K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, biotite, and due to lithospheric thickening caused by collision,
minor amphibole, with accessory apatite, mag- but the timing for their generation varies from
netite and zircon. Volcanic rocks are restricted in syn-collisional (Coffield et al. 1993), late–post-
distribution, and occur as rhyodacitic ash flow collisional (van Leeuwen et al. 1994; Polve et al.
tuffs, dykes and more rarely as volcanic domes. 1997) to post-collisional (Kavalieris et al. 1992;
Mineralogically the volcanics are similar to the Priadi 1993; Priadi et al. 1994).
granitoids, except that some contain pyroxene in Priadi et al. (1993) show that lower crustal rocks
small amounts. exposed near Palu are probable source rocks of the
A geochemically similar KCA suite occurs to felsic granitoids, and have an Australian isotopic
the east of the felsic granitoids, along the south affinity. This, together with Precambrian and
coast of the north arm of Sulawesi (Fig. 1), but Paleozoic zircon U/Pb isotope ages (Coffield
mineralogically it is distinguished by fine-to- et al. 1993), suggests that Neogene potassic
medium-grained hornblende–biotite granodiorite. magmatism in Central Sulawesi has incorporated
This suite is intruded by porphyritic biotite– old crust, most likely derived from the Australian
sanidine rhyodacites, that are geochemically continental plate.
correlated to the aforementioned biotite–quartz The North Sulawesi Province is characterized
monzonites. The KCA magmatism in the Central by basaltic andesite to rhyolitic TH–CA magma-
Sulawesi Province has continental margin charac- tism, which extends offshore to the active Sangihe
50 R. Soeria-Atmadja et al.

Arc. Limited K–Ar age dates (Lowder & Dow NEOGENE MAGMATIC-HYDROTHERMAL
1978; Bellon & Rangin 1991; Priadi 1993; Perello MINERALIZATION OF THE WESTERN SULAWESI ARC
1994; Polve et al. 1997) suggest there have been
two main periods of magmatism: 22–13 Ma The most significant mineralization related to the
(early–mid-Miocene), and younger than 9.5 Ma AK–SH South Sulawesi Province is porphyry
(late Miocene–Present). Kavalieris et al. (1992) Cu–Au mineralization at Sassak (Djumhani &
suggest that the apparent hiatus in magmatic Pudjowalujo 1975; Taylor & van Leeuwen 1980).
activity (13–9.5 Ma) is related to collision of the The mineralization occurs in a quartz syenite
arc with the Sula microcontinent, which choked intrusion of shoshonitic affinity; K–Ar dates of
subduction beneath western Sulawesi. nearby related rocks give ages of 10.6 Ma
The early Miocene magmatism appears to (Sukamto 1978), 11.9 and 10.7 Ma (Priadi 1993).
have been the most voluminous, judged from the The Sassak Cu–Au porphyry is located near
extent of hornblende granodiorite, exposed near the southern margin of the Mamasa monzonite
Gorontalo. Co-magmatic volcanics are mainly batholith, and within a major sinistral trans-
andesites. The volcanics are interbedded or overlie current fault zone (Walanae fault). The Mamasa
greywacke, shale and minor limestone. Subse- batholith is ~ 50 km in diameter, and is co-
quent post-collisional magmatism, and the active magmatic with Sassak (Priadi 1993). It is sur-
Sangihe Arc are coincident with this early rounded by a deeply eroded remnant, mainly
Neogene arc magmatism. quartz-unsaturated K alkaline volcanic field,
The late Miocene–Present volcanics are much that originally may have been > 10 000 km2.
more diverse in composition, and range from Other related mineralization includes Au-base
basaltic andesite to rhyolite. Co-magmatic intru- metal vein mineralization in the Sassak region, and
sions are small, and include quartz diorite and gra- possibly minor quartz vein Au, base metal miner-
nodiorite. From limited sampling (Priadi 1993; alization that is widespread on the northern
Perello 1994), the early Miocene arc magmatism is margin of the Mamasa batholith in the Latimojong
mainly normal calc-alkaline, whereas the late Formation.
Miocene–Pliocene arc magmatism is low K (TH) to The felsic granitoids and related volcanic rocks
normal calc alkaline (CA), and also somewhat in the Central Sulawesi Province appear to be
similar to the present Quaternary–Recent Sangihe poorly mineralized. However, there are a few ex-
Arc (which, however, is variable, and shows ceptions: these include the Dondo batholith, which
cross-arc variation to high K suites; Tatsumi et al. contains several porphyry Mo occurrences, and
1991). the Pani Volcanic Complex, which hosts significant
Recent models proposed for the Neogene evolu- low sulfidation gold mineralization. Gold miner-
tion of the north arm of Sulawesi envisage initial alization in the Pani Complex has been inferred
westward subduction and associated magmatic to be related to a deeper porphyry Mo system
activity followed by collision of the arc with the (Sillitoe 1994).
Sula microcontinent, which resulted in clockwise The Dondo batholith (van Leeuwen et al. 1994)
rotation of the north arm (Surmont et al. 1994), is a large composite batholith composed predomi-
back-arc thrusting, and inception of southward nantly of porphyritic granite, granodiorite and
subduction along the North Sulawesi trench quartz monzonite, with a cooling age of ca 4 Ma.
(Hamilton 1979; Silver et al. 1983; Kavalieris et al. Porphyry molybdenum mineralization associated
1992; Carlile & Mitchell 1994; Perello 1994; with the Dondo batholith occurs in the roof zone of
Surmont et al. 1994). There is, however, no agree- the intrusion, and to limited extent in the adjacent
ment as to when the Sula collision took place. It wall rocks. The most important occurrence, named
has been suggested that the post-collision mag- Malala, has been described in some detail by van
matic activity is related (in part) to subduction Leeuwen et al. (1994). The Malala prospect
along the North Sulawesi Trench (Perello 1994; belongs to the F-deficient class of porphyry Mo
Carlile & Mitchell 1994), and/or (in part) to a phase deposits and has a geological resource of 100 mt,
of rifting along the length of the north arm averaging 0.08% Mo. Alteration and mineraliza-
(Kavalieris et al. 1992; Perello 1994). In contrast, tion are developed erratically over 4 km2. The min-
Polve et al. (1997) propose that magmatism in eralization forms a 50-m-thick, low-grade ‘shell’ at
North Sulawesi was continuous during the the outer intrusive contact, and in addition is
Neogene but migrated northeast as the arm present in a steeply dipping fracture zone 1850 m
underwent clockwise rotation. long, 30–100 m wide, and more than 200 m in ver-
Magmatism in the Sulawesi Arc 51

tical extent. This structurally controlled zone con- The North Sulawesi Province is comparatively
stitutes the main mineralized body. well mineralized (Kavalieris et al. 1992; Carlile &
The model for mineralization (van Leeuwen et Mitchell 1994). Mineralization includes Cu–Au por-
al. 1994) involves initial separation of silica- phyry, Cu–Au–magnetite skarn, polymetallic vein,
bearing aqueous fluids from a cooling granitic high-sulfidation epithermal Au (enargite–Au),
magma, resulting in the formation of irregular, low-sulfidation epithermal Au, as well as Carlin-
commonly pod-like barren quartz veins. This type Au (jasperoid type). All these styles of min-
was followed by escape of volatiles that accumu- eralization are thought to be late Miocene–
lated together with Mo and K in hot, saline Pliocene in age, although there are no data on the
magmatic–hydrothermal fluids at the top of low-sulfidation Au occurrences. Cu–Au porphyry
the intrusive body, while the rock was still mineralization occurs in three districts: (i)
semiconsolidated. Molybdenite and pyrite were Bulagidun (Lubis et al. 1994); (ii) Tombulilato–
deposited from these fluids in quartz–K- Tapadaa (Lowder & Dow 1978; Carlile &
feldspar–apatite veins and veinlets. The mineraliz- Kirkegaard 1985; Perello 1994); and (iii) Sangihe
ing event was terminated by the (abrupt?) (Fig. 1). Porphyry Cu–Au mineralization appar-
introduction of cooler meteoric fluids into the mag- ently occurs in clusters (Tombulilato–Tapadaa,
matic system, which was accompanied by wide- Bulagidun), and districts are apparently widely
spread sericite, chlorite and carbonate alteration spaced. The porphyry systems in North Sulawesi
and minor base metal mineralization. occur in small stocks, and are typified by strong
The Pani Complex (Kavalieris et al. 1990) is 3.5 potassic alteration with magnetite, and Au-rich
km in diameter and composed of various por- copper mineralization.
phyritic lavas, intrusions, breccias and pyroclastics The most important and best known district is
of predominantly rhyodacitic composition. These Tombulilato–Tapadaa near Gorontalo, where at
rocks form several volcanic domes and related least five porphyry centers occur. It currently has
facies. An unusual feature of these silicic domes is mining resource of 295 mt, 0.57% Cu, 0.46 g/t Au in
that they are phenocryst-rich. Gold mineralization three deposits (Kavalieris et al. 1992). The miner-
at Pani (Kavalieris et al. 1990) is spatially related alization is dated at 2.93–2.36 Ma, or Pliocene
to the Baganite dome, which is a prominent feature (Perello 1994). Pliocene granitoids in the Gorontalo
in the centre of the Pani Complex. It is generally region, possibly co-genetic with the porphyry
low grade (< 1 ppm), occurs in disseminated form system, are of low K to normal calc-alkaline mag-
and is associated with minor pyrite (< 1%) and matic affinity, and have typical island arc charac-
trace base metals. Higher grades (1–3 ppm) are teristics (Priadi 1993). Albite is important in the
found on the flank of the dome, where it is associ- alteration assemblage of the Tombulilato por-
ated with quartz and adularia encrustations in phyries, and may reflect the relatively low K
vuggy zones and narrow breccia zones in weakly magma composition (Lowder & Dow 1978). The
silicified rhyodacites. Prospect scale alteration Tombulilato district is also characterized by exten-
includes albite–anatase–pyrite ± quartz, adularia, sive advanced argillic alteration (Lowder & Dow
and carbonate–sericite. A notable feature is the 1978), and by close spatially and temporally
virtual absence of quartz veins. related high sulfidation mineralization; the
Fluid inclusion data and temperature–redox Motomboto enargite–Au prospect.
data from chlorite compositions indicate a complex Bulagidun occurs ~ 150 km to the west of the
hydrothermal history associated with the Bagan- Tombulilato district. Bulagidun has a geological
ite dome. Kavalieris et al. (1990) suggest that resource of 14.4 mt, 0.61% Cu, 0.68 g/t Au (Lubis
hot and moderately saline fluids (~ 300°C and 5% et al. 1994). The age of mineralization is 8.95 Ma,
eq. NaCl) rose through the root zone of the and host rocks are dated as 9.4 Ma, or late Miocene
Baganite dome, with boiling, silicification and (Lubis et al. 1994). Limited data suggest the rocks
pyritization of the upper parts of the dome are of high-K calc-alkaline affinity (Lubis et al.
and overlying volcanic rocks. Mixing with dilute, 1994). Bulagidun is unusual for porphyry occur-
cooler ground waters around the margins of rences in the southwest Pacific due to the presence
the dome resulted in the deposition of higher of abundant tourmaline, cementing Au-rich
grade Au. It is noteworthy that there is some breccia zones. At least two other porphyry centers
evidence for an earlier, highly saline fluid phase, are known in the Bulagidun area. In addition,
suggesting that the Au mineralization has a other mineralization, possibly related to the
magmatic component. same magmatism, includes a Cu–Au–magnetite
52 R. Soeria-Atmadja et al.

skarn at Matinan. Polymetallic veins that occur mineralization is related to some fundamental
in the Paleleh–Sumalata region could also be co- aspects (or evolution) of this terrain, that are
magmatic with the Bulagidun district. This miner- involved in the late Neogene magmatic–tectonic
alization includes the Paleleh Dutch mine, which processes; and (iii) (not necessarily mutually exclu-
was historically the largest Au producer in North sive with (ii)) the magmatism in the Western
Sulawesi (8152 kg Au; 5419 kg Ag; 550 t Pb) (van Sulawesi Arc is governed mainly by the nature of
der Ploeg 1945). the mantle wedge and lower crust, and is corre-
On Sangihe Island, weak Cu–Au porphyry min- spondingly diverse, but in contrast porphyry min-
eralization occurs in a quartz diorite intrusion eralization is linked by components introduced
at Taware ridge. In the same area, colluvial gold from the same subducted (and subducting) slab
has been concentrated by weathering of sulfidic beneath Western Sulawesi.
veinlets hosted by andesitic volcanics, and 10 km The Western Sulawesi porphyry belt most likely
to the north-northeast a high-sulfidation epi- continues north into the Mindanao, and possibly
thermal prospect (Binebase) is found (Garwin south to the Batu Hijau Cu–Au porphyry
& Inkiriwang 1990; van Leeuwen 1994). Low- (Meldrum et al. 1994) in Western Sumbawa. This
sulfidation epithermal mineralization is wide- belt then corresponds to tectonic reconstructions
spread in North Sulawesi, and can be generally of the Early Tertiary Sunda Arc (Rangin et al.
related to Neogene andesitic volcanics, but there 1990; Helmers 1991), and lends weight to the
is no clear spatial relationship between low- second argument that evolution of this terrain, or
sulfidation epithermal mineralization and Cu–Au inheritance of early characteristics, is important
porphyry systems. for ultimate generation of porphyry mineraliza-
tion. It also suggests that long-lived magmatic
belts may lead to porphyry mineralization.
DISCUSSION Sillitoe and Gappe (1984) have noted that Cu–Au
porphyry mineralization in the Philippines occurs
Porphyry Cu–Au and porphyry Mo mineralization, close to the edges of major phaneric plutons, in
which is well represented in the Western Sulawesi zones of earlier major melt generation. Similarly
Arc, is most closely related to magmatic processes. in the Western Sulawesi Arc, it is noted that in
However, the nature of common magmatic– North Sulawesi, the Tombulilato and Bulagidun
tectonic processes that define this belt of porphyry porphyry districts are within or peripheral to volu-
mineralization is obscure. The porphyry districts minous early Miocene phaneric intrusions, and
cannot be simply related in terms of their mag- that in Central Sulawesi, the Sassak Cu–Au por-
matic affinity, basement, or even tectonic evolution phyry prospect is on the margin of the 50-km
(Table 1). This suggests several possibilities: (i) diameter Mamasa batholith.
porphyry mineralization is an intrinsic component Oxidized, magnetic-series (Ishihara 1977), or I-
of arc magmatism (i.e. all arcs have them except type (Chappel & White 1974) magmas are also
Japan and New Zealand), and the porphyry important for the generation of Cu–Au porphyry
districts need not be related; (ii) the porphyry deposits, since oxidized magmas have a higher

Table 1 Magmatic-tectonic setting of Neogene porphyry districts in the Western Sulawesi Arc

District Spacing Mineralization No. of Age (Ma) Magma Basement Sr87/Sr86 Tectonic setting
porphyry suite
Sassak — Cu–Au 1 10.7 SH C 0.710–0.722 C–C post-
Malala 450 Mo 3 4.12 KCA C 0.710 C–C post-
Bulagidun 150 Cu–Au 3 9.4 KCA T? — C–A arc
Tombulilato– 175 Cu–Au 5+ 2.9–2.05 TH-CA O? — C–A arc
Tapadaa reversal
Sangihe 475 Cu–Au 1 Pliocene? TH-KCA O 0.7035 A–A incipient?
0.7042 arc reversal

1, the distance to the next district along the arc to the north; C, continental; T, transitional; O, oceanic; C–C, continent–continent colli-
sion; C–A, continent–arc collision; A–A, arc–arc collision.
Magmatism in the Sulawesi Arc 53

capacity to dissolve sulfur. Early sulfur saturation 1985, pp. 351–63. Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
in melts is deleterious because sulfides scavenge London.
Cu and Au, making these metals unavailable to CARLILE J. C. & MITCHELL A. H. G. 1994. Magmatic
late magmatic-hydrothermal fluids (Wyborn 1994). arcs and associated gold and copper mineralization
All arc-related magmas are I-type, and despite in Indonesia. In van Leeuwen T. M., Hedenquist
J. W., James L. P. & Dow J. A. S. eds. Mineral
continental collision-related melting, the Western
Deposits of Indonesia: Discoveries of the Past 25
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arc environments is abundant hydrothermal CHAPPEL V. W. & WHITE A. J. R. 1974. Two contrasting
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oxidizing magmatic–hydrothermal fluids. These COFFIELD D. Q., BERGMAN S. C., GARRARD R. A.,
characteristics are well exemplified by the GURITNO N., ROBINSON N. M. & TALBOT J. 1993.
Tombulilato district in North Sulawesi. I-type Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the Kalosi
magmas are oxidized due to subduction of hydrous PSC area and associated development of a Tertiary
slab components. In the case of South and Central petroleum system, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Pro-
Sulawesi, melting of an earlier subduction- ceedings Indonesian Petroleum Association, 22nd
Annual Convention, pp. 679–709. Indonesian Petro-
generated component can be inferred for produc-
leum Association, Jakarta.
tion of oxidized melts. However, if porphyry min-
DJUMHANI & PUDJOWALUJO H. 1975. Laporan 5 tahun
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linked to the same subducting slab, a direct deriva- Mineral di daerah Sulawesi Selatan Block 5. Geolog-
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Based on the geochemical and isotopic charac- FOLEY S. F., VENTURELLI G. & GREEN D. H. 1987. The
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