How To Get Hypnosis Clients On A Shoestring Budget

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How To Get Hypnosis Clients
On A Shoestring Budget

3 Proven Marketing Methods

For Getting Hypnotherapy Clients
Without Spending A Fortune!

Craig Eubanks

A Free Special Report From

Table Of Contents

Introduction! 5
Your Most Valuable Assett! 6

3 proven low-cost marketing methods for hypnotists! 7

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #1 Public Speaking! 9

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #2 Free Publicity! 10

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #3 Referral Sources ! 12

Recommended Resources! 14


I’ve been giving marketing advice to professional hypnotists since 2006. In that
time I have received hundreds of emails and thousands of questions.

Here are some examples of the most common questions I get:

"How do I get new hypnosis clients without

relying on expensive advertising?"

Here is another variation of this common question:

"How do I get the word out? I am on a

shoestring budget. I have great business cards,
but don't know many people. Help!"

And yet another:

"How do I get clients to come to my

new business on a budget?"

It’s pretty obvious there is a common theme of getting more clients while on a
shoestring budget.

The good news... it is possible to do this.

You too can get a steady stream of clients for without spending a lot of money.

The bad news... if you are really desperate for dinero, you need to go get your
finances handled before you start up a new business.

Fact is, you need to have enough in the bank to pay rent and eat. Otherwise you'll
be in panic-mode.

Panic leads to stress and you don't make good decisions when you are stressed

Plus we humans can sense desperation, and desperation isn't attractive. Especially
in hypnotherapy where rapport is an important part of the process.

So, I'm going to assume all your basic needs are handled and you've got at least
enough to pay for Internet service, a website, and basic office supplies for the next
couple of months.

Your Most Valuable Assett

If you haven’t got a lot of money and you don’t have a lot of clients (these often go
together), what you do have is a lot of time.

Frankly your time is your single most valuable asset, so make sure you put it to
good use. By doing this you can quickly build a fully booked hypnosis practice.

If you don’t have clients on that day, use the entire business day to get new clients.

Or In the words of Dan Kennedy,

“If you don't have money you have shoe leather!”

What he means is, instead of buying advertising get out of your office and go make
things happen for your business.

This is the essence of Shoestring Marketing Strategies 1 & 3.

By the way, I HIGHLY recommend getting some of Dan Kennedy’s books on

marketing & business. I’ll recommend a few of my favorites in the Resources

3 proven low-cost marketing methods for hypnotists

In this special report I'm going to reveal to you the 3 low-cost marketing methods
that been proven to be effective at getting new hypnotherapy clients.

You might be wondering... How do I know these are effective methods for getting
new clients?

It’s a fair question.

I know these methods work because:

➡ I’ve interviewed some of the most successful hypnotists in the world from
2010 - 2013 when I did a monthly Hypnosis Marketing & Practice Building
teleseminar series for

➡ I’ve talked to hundreds of hypnotists and hypnotherapists when I was teaching

marketing courses at conferences such as the National Guild of Hypnotists
(NGH) Convention, Mid-America Conference, ACHE conference, and The

➡ I’ve helped hypnotists build 6-figure practices through coaching and consulting.

What I will share with you today are 3 ‘Shoestring Marketing Strategies’ which I
discovered successful hypnotists were consistanly using in their businesses.

For hypnotherapy, my definition of successful is a 6-figure practice.

As my good friend Scott Sandland likes to point out, a competent hypnotist

should have no problem making over $100,000 yearly.

In fact, Scott built his 6-figure practice only using Shoestring Strategy #3.

Roy Hunter and Gerry Kein both are big fans of Shoestring Strategy #1.

And Debbie Lane skyrocketed her hypnotherpy business by using Shoestring

Strategy #2.

Which is why I say these marketing methods are PROVEN.

Now, are you ready?


And away we go...

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #1

Public Speaking

Speaking at groups is a highly effective marketing tool.

And it's a fast way to get started.

It works great for Hypnotists because your topic is rare and fascinating. Plus you
can do mind-blowing demonstrations the audience won't easily forget.

In my talks with successful hypnotists, almost all of them had used public speaking
at one point to build their business.

One in particular has created a method that gets him (at least) one new client
EVERY TIME he speaks.

His name is Kevin Cole.

I did an interview with him about his unique method of public speaking.

This is one of my most popular interviews.

And it's full of good basic marketing advice you can apply to your business

You can get the MP3 for free by using the link below to download the interview.

"How To Get More Clients

With Public Speaking"

Note: Kevin and I also did a full-day seminar on how to get at least one new
hypnosis client every time you speak.

This will be released as a home study program in the near future.

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #2

Free Publicity
Getting free publicity is easier than most people think, yet very few hypnotists

Hypnosis is fascinating to the general public and makes for great news stories.
News media are ALWAYS looking for new interesting stories.


With a little effort you can get your press release and your story to the right
media people in your city.

One story can launch a business!

Here's how I know...

A few years ago, I did an interview with hypnotist Debbie Lane about her
experience with the media.

Because about a year earlier, after hearing me talk about using publicity marketing,
she wrote up a press release and sent it to her local news outlets.

A few weeks later the St. Petersburg Times did a feature story on her with
multiple photos.

They ran it on World Hypnotism Day in 2008.

She said this one story resulted in 6 MONTHS worth of client bookings.

Fully booked paid sessions!

It launched her business. Now she's a faithful user of publicity marketing. Regularly
sending out news releases.

To help you get started with publicity, I have a free resource and a very low cost
resource for you.

The first one is a replay of a teleseminar I did with Elsom Eldridge on the Obvious
Expert Series.

It's on my blog and is called:

"How To Get Over $10,000 Worth Of Publicity FREE!

For Consultants, Coaches & Hypnotists"

It's a little dated in that it talks about using fax machines, but the basic concepts
are still valid.

There is also a list of the Top 10 Free Publicity Websites on my blog.

And I have a low-cost program called

"How To Use Free Publicity

To Get More Clients"

It features Kathleen Hannover, who has over 20 years of experience doing

publicity & PR.

It also includes Kathleen's PR kit, with templates and more.

Shoestring Marketing Strategy #3

Referral Sources
In my research on the most successful hypnosis practices I discovered something

Almost every 6-figure hypnotherapy business gets at least 80% of new clients from

The problem is, on average it takes 5 - 10 years to get to be an all-referral practice

(and mostly it's closer to 10 years)

And there are ways you can make happen faster (more on that in a minute), and
there are systems to stimulate referrals.

But... the #1 thing you can do to stimulate referrals is...

==> BE AMAZING! <==

Blow people's minds by doing the unexpected and over-delivering on everything.

Fact is, this isn't really not hard.

You can start with sending Thank you cards.

Think about it... when is the last time a business sent you a thank you card?

Not email. A real card.

Since I've lived in California (over 10 years) I've gotten exactly three thank you
cards. Two cards from one business, and one card from another.

I remember those businesses, and I talk about them.

Now in my research I discovered two well known hypnotists who had shortcuts
for building a referral based hypnotherapy practice.

I interviewed them extensively and created a road map based on their methods
that any hypnotist can follow.

Full details at the links below:

How To Build An All-Referral Practice Featuring guest expert Scott

Sandland Discover how Scott built a 6-figure hypnosis practice using ONLY

How To Get Doctors To Refer You Hypnosis Clients Featuring guest

expert Melissa Roth A proven system for getting doctors excited about referring
you clients.

I recommend you implement each of these 3 marketing strategies, but only do one
at a time.

That way you have multiple ways to get a constant stream of new paying clients.


Craig Eubanks

Recommended Resources

How To Use Free Publicity To Get More Clients

Kathleen Hannover, A 20+ year veteren in the PR business, shares her secrets for
getting yourself and your business free publicity through the media. Kathleen is a
trained hypnotist and a regular contributor to She has done
PR work for Scott Sandland and other hypnotists.

How To Build An All-Referral Practice

Featuring guest expert Scott Sandland Discover how Scott built a 6-figure
hypnosis practice using ONLY referrals.

Scott has never spent any money on advertising. Not even a dime. He built one of
the most successful practices in the USA using only referrals, and is constantly
raising his rates. He remains fully booked due to the methods he lays out in the

How To Get Doctors To Refer You Hypnosis Clients

Featuring guest expert Melissa Roth. Her proven system for getting doctors
excited about referring you clients.

Melissa has taught her system to hypnotists all over the world. So it's not just
limited to the USA. And she used it to build two full-time practices. One in
Birmingahm AL, and her newest one in Boulder CO. She was fully booked in
ONLY 6 WEEKS at the Boulder practice using this system.

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