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[Your Company’s


Business and

A Proposal to
Investment Proposal

Presented on

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Executive Summary..............................................................................................3
Strategic overview................................................................................................3
Investment areas...................................................................................................3
Target Page...........................................................................................................3

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Executive Summary
This is a business proposal from syndicate group 4 for Eagel’s Nest Hotel Inc. This proposal
contains 3 substantially different broad areas of investments of US$125 m. Cash generation is
the overall strategy of the company The proposal is made by using information collected
before the meeting and during meeting with director of Eagel’s Nest Hotel.

Eagle’s Nest Hotels Inc is a US hotel chain based on the West Coast, USA which operates hotels both
internationally as well as in the USA. It is seeking to expand its operations. The Executive Directors
of the corporation have allocated a budget of up to US$125 million for the initial investment with the
possibility that if the venture is successful further funds could be made available in later years
Interview – we

Strategic overview
The Eagel’s Nest Hotel is currently going through financial disabilities and is not making
much profit and can even run out of business. Company is looking forward to follow cash
generation strategy in order to increase it profit margins in short period of time.

Investment areas
Eagle’s wing travel agency - Establishing travel agency aims helping travellers to organize
their holidays plan and to ensure their joyful and safe travel and it should generate much
profit. With the hotel running the business around Europe and US, it is easier to establish
travel agency in those areas. Also, we can naturally lead those customers to our hotel with
lower cost. It may be a way that can actively attract people to our hotel that means we can
double the cash by connecting two different businesses: hotel and travel agency with higher
reputation in loyal brand image of tourism. It would not take long time to build up this
business because what we all need is only an office and some staffs for each branch but we
need to make sure we hire and train quality staffs because it is personal service based
business which requires lots of information. We need to acquire more information of history
and geography around so that we can make better travel plan to our customer.

Acquisition of Hotels - In real estate, hotel business has dynamic market. Tenant leases are
not major as every room is resold every night. On hourly basis guests comes in dinning and
meeting rooms and then leave.
There are many types of hotel properties available in market like a resort, a motel-limited
service. Opening or buying an existing hotel located near to a theme park, an airport or a
industrial is very profitable business. These types of hotels easily attracts tourist because of
convenience reasons and doesn’t require lot of marketing tools for making promotions and
awareness. Adding more chains of hotels in to existing hotel business will be very busy as it

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does not requires management to hire new skill manpower for the business and experience in
the past of running hotels can be more helpful in making more profit.

Amusement park - The users of hotels tend to be tourists and holiday makers, these people
are generally out to have a good time and go to tourist attractions and fun places around the
area. With the amount of money there is to invest I believe there is a huge potential to create
many tourist attractions. An amusement park will target at families and 18-30 year olds that
are out on a holiday. Amusement parks are very popular all over the world and require large
investments but can also create large amounts of profit. I believe this would be great
investment as hotel and park deals can be created and it can also be promoted in-house to
current customer that uses the hotels. It will make the current hotels busier as people would
want to come visit this new amusement park.
We also had the idea of making this amusement park primarily indoors. Having an indoor
amusement park is unique and can be used all year round. The main reason for having the
park mainly indoors is so it does not have to rely on the season. Most amusement parks
would only be open during the summer seasons. If we could create this amusement park
indoor with a summer atmosphere it could be a unique selling point to holiday makers

Target Page
Our group interviewed one of the directors from the Eagle’s Nest Hotels for writing the
proposal. After meeting with Mr Alan Catraz, the Vice president in the company and
responsible for Human and Organisational development, we were able to know that he is
looking for a business proposal which can generate money very quickly and can increase the
profit margin of the company by the end of the first year. His business objective is not to
expand the market share but to achieve cash generation. He wants to improve the current
business by getting more money out the customers. He is not interested to run a business
which is environment friendly as he believes it will not meet his need of attaining more profit
for next ten years from the business and more over an environment friendly business will
needs licences and quality checks.
Basically Mr Alan Catraz wants to attain higher profit margins by adding or expanding the
current business. He is more interested in a business which can be smoothly established in
short period of time with less hassle and assets. Any business plan promise to offer good
profit margins from the very first year is more appealing to him.
The proposed idea of having an amusement park was taking in consideration the amount of
investment available also the director’s interest in travel/tourism. In our interview we
discussed that the main point was cash generation and that the director was interested in
making back the investment in a short time. Having looked into this the amusement parks that
are currently in business is making quick money in the seasons. I believe that having an
indoor amusement park the money invested can be made back a lot quicker. Having this
amusement park can also create more opportunities for existing hotels having looked at some
information provided by the director it showed that there was a percentage of rooms that were
not vacant a lot of the time. We feel that this amusement park could make the percentage
figure drop so rooms are full more of the time. This is great for the existing business as it will
show more profits coming from the hotels. We have also noticed that a lot of the rooms that
are available are in the higher rated hotels with 5stars. If the amusement park was to be

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located near one of these hotels it could show these hotels becoming more utilised rather than
getting wasted rooms.

The proposal idea of acquisition of hotels can help the company to generate more cash in
shorter time period. As buying a number of hotels will consume less time, energy and is less
expensive in building up the business from the starting a new business from ground level.
The company can easily manage resources even after performing number of acquisition of
hotels, as it can transfer resources and skilled human resource from branch to another
whenever it is required.
Establishing travel agency which is one of our proposals to our company aims helping
travellers to organize their holidays plan and to ensure their joyful and safe travel. Of course,
it should make much profit as we are going to make much investment and also bring better of
our company image. As we are doing hotel business we have enough experience of dealing
with service matters, training and recruiting quality employees who fits to service industry
sector. As we are now having hotel business around Europe and US, it is easy to establish
travel agency in those areas. Also, we can naturally lead those customers to our hotel with
lower cost. It may be a way that can actively attract people to our hotel that means we can
double the cash by connecting two different businesses: hotel and travel agency with higher
reputation in loyal brand image of tourism. It would not take long time to build up this
business because what we all need is only an office and some staffs for each branch but we
need to make sure we hire and train quality staffs because it is personal service based
business which requires lots of information.

Basically, adding up new branches in to the business, will going to help the company in
increasing its profit margin by bringing new customers into business and can develop strong
customer loyalty. Company can easily increase its market share and can be more competitive
by offering more services to its existing customers. With the help of new business, company
can increase its target segments in the market and can establish strong brand image.

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