Sugar Project

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Addis Ababa Institute Of Technology

Chemical Engineering Department

Hosting company:-Fincha Sugar Factory

Group members:-

Duration of internship:- started at 02/11/2014

Finished at 20/02/2015

Report submission date:- 04/03/2012

Student declaration and approval of mentor and supervisor

Our group member’s are Ashebir Adel, Beka Fekeda, Dawit Beyene and Tufa
Telila & our Hosting Company is Fincha Sugar Factory(FSF) that we have
approved our practical skills, theoretical knowledge, inter personal
communication skills, work ethics, entrepreneurship skills in it.An internship
program is the program that experience gained was approved by both the mentor
from the compus(Unirversity) and supervisor from the hosting

Accordingly, mentor called Mr. Nebiyu contributed alot of things in our

training program by advicing, material support and tried to check weekly and
monthly activities. He approved us just once on 4, January/2012.

Not only these, but also he contribute in the way of report writing,
fulfillment of body report and way of final presentation.

Supervisor was assigned to us who their names are Ato Ashetu and many
Operators, and they contribute in our work by outlining training program used
for four(4) months that depends on the working principles, efficiency,
capacity and flow chart of each unit operation in the FSF. In addition to
these, command on what have to be done, contineous check, material support,
improvement of work, and monthly and final evaluation were performed by them.

During the time of our internship many individuals have helped us in different ways in the
process of knowing what is expected from us. For them, our acknowledgement and respect is
endless. Our honorable and special thanks to our plant supervisor Ashetu and chief engineer
Mr.Dinsa who was there every time we need him.

We want to thanks our mentor Nebiyu for his enormous help he has done.

We wish to thank those individuals who have shared their suggestions and evaluations of this
text throughout its many editions .Finally, we want to thanks our families for their endless and
incomparable support.

Executive summary

In all sugar factory the aim is to produce maximum amount of sucrose from cane . In Fincha
sugar factory sugarcane is used as a raw material to produce a commercial sugar. In the process
many unit operations exist such as Loader, Conveyers(transportation), Size reduction(sets of
knives &shredder), Mill tandems, Boilers, Dorr clarifier, Pre heaters, Evaporators, Vacuum pans,
Crystallizers, Centrifugals, Dryer, Cooler, Grading and Bagging.

The all machineries in Fincha sugar factory obtain operating energy from steam produced by

As well as in Fincha sugar factory there are a lot of loss problems due to its old process
technology and improper supervision. These losses are through; bagasse, inversion, filter cake
and final molasses.

Table of content
Content page

Declaration of student and approval of mentor and supervisor………………………..2


Executive summary……………………………………………………………………….4

Background information of FSF, process description and flow chart………………….8


Objective and uses of internship……………………………………………………….11

Chapter one

1.1Weigh bridge and cane yard……………………………………………………..14

1.1.1. Objective of weigh bridge and cane yard…………………………………14
1.1.2. Working principle of weigh bridge……………………………………….14
1.1.3. The main datas from weigh bridge………………………………………..15
Chapter two

2.1.Cane preparation and milling plant……………………………………………..16

2.1.1. Objective of cane preparation……………………………………………..16

2.1.2. Working principle of knives………………………………………………17

2.1.3. Capacity and efficiency of knives………………………………………….17

2.2.1. Objective of milling plant………………………………………………….18

2.2.2. Working principle of mill tandem………………………………………….18

2.2.4. Material balance on milling plant………………………………………….20

2.3.1. Factors affecting the efficiency of mills……………………………………21

2.2.3. Capacity and efficiency of mill tandem……………………………………22

Chapter three

3.1. Boiler and clarification……………………………………………………………25

3.1.1. Objective of boiler and power plant………………………………………….25

3.1.2. Working principles of boiler………………………………………………….25

3.1.3. Capacity of boilers…………………………………………………………..26

3.1.4. Flow chart…………………………………………………………………….26

3.2.1. Working principle of power plant(turbine)…………………………………..

3.2. Clarification…………………………………………………………………………27

3.2.1. Objective of clarification………………………………………………………27

3.2.2. Chemicals (materials) used in clarification……………………………………28

3.2.3. General process flow chart of clarification……………………………………29

3.2.4. Working principle of clarifier…………………………………………………30 Dorr clarifier…………………………………………………………… O.C filter………………………………………………………………..

3.3.1. Capacity and efficiency of clarifier……………………………………………

3.3.2. Factors affecting efficiency of clarifier………………………………………..

3.3.3. Process chemistry in clarification plant……………………………………….

Chapter four

4.1. Evaporation plant…………………………………………………………………..

4.1.1. Objective of evaporation………………………………………………………

4.1.2. Working principle of evaporator………………………………………………

4.1.3. Factors affecting efficiency of evaporator…………………………………….

4.1.4. Mass and energy balance………………………………………………………

Chapter five

5.1. Pan boiling and crystallizer………………………………………………………

5.1.1. Objective of pan boiling…………………………………………………….

5.1.2. Working principle of vacuum pan ………………………………………….

5.1.3. Advantages of vacuum pan boiling………………………………….

Chapter six

6.1. Centrifugal up to finishing………………………………………………………..

Chapter seven

7.Overall benefits and experiences gained from the internship……………………….


Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………..






1.1 Background and history of Fincha Sugar Factor

Fincha sugar factory located at Oromia regional government 350km from Addis Ababa,
Horo Guduru Wellega zone, Abay comman Woreda. The project of the factory comes in
to existence first in 1977 followed by the study of the soil and topography of the area
which was concluded from 1980 to 1982.Though, there was a plant to carry out the
project in joint venture by Ethiopia and Libya in 1989 the agreement went how here but
failed. Obtaining a loan from African development bank in 1984 and the work of the main
studies and development bank in 1984 and the work of the main studies and
development activities were conducted between 1981 to 1999.The sugar cane cultivation
job of the factory was first started in 1991/92 and by then the total sugar cane cultivated
land the factory had was 55.74 ha which later grew up to 67.78 ha. The construction of
the factory comes in to complete in 1999 during which it went through trial production
after commission. By this time the factory had the capacity of crushing 4400 tons of cane
per a day, the factory in its first production year had produced 500000 quintals of sugar.
The factory at the outset was designed to produce 850000 quintals of sugar per a year
crushing 40000 quintals of cane per a day; currently it has a capacity of producing 110000
tons of sugar per a year. Later on the factory had built an ethanol producing plant with
the production capacity of 45000 liter per a day. This plant has a capacity of producing
8000000 liter ethanol annually, till factory was the only one in the nation that produces
ethanol. The factory is now closer to the concluding chapter of its expansion job it had
been carrying out both at its plant as well as agricultural sector. By the end of its

expansion, it will reach in to a level of producing 270000 tons of sugar and 20000 liter of
ethanol annually. The agricultural expansion work of the factory is currently found being
executed both on eastern side of Finchaa river at areas known as East bank and Neshie
and also at vacant places found on western side of same river .

The factory is now found carrying out this agricultural expansion job which will in the end
enable it to have 21000 ha of sugar cane cultivation land.

1.2 Objective of the company

1.2.1 General objective of Finchaa Sugar Factory

The general objective of Fincha sugar factory is to produce high quality of white sugar
and also produces ethanol from its byproduct molasses.

1.2.2 Specific objective of Fincha Sugar Factory

 To plant and grow sugar cane that can produce sugar.

 To generate electric power using steam.
 To maximize production and productivity, physical and chemical property
of soil in particular and environmental in general
 Continually decrease production cost
 Continually increase the production of sugar & ethanol so as
to attain a production capacity of 2.7 million quintal & 20
million liter of ethanol per year
 To provide the customers of sugar products distribution service that are
to the standards attained by well rated countries ,supports the
development and growth of national economy through the
establishment of efficient and responsible distribution network for sugar

1.3 Main products of Fincha Sugar Factory

The main products of Fincha sugar factory are;

 White sugar &

 Ethanol

The byproducts of Fincha sugar factory;

 filter cake which is used as fertilizer

 bagasse which is used as fuel
 C-molasses which is used for Ethanol production

1.4 Customers of Fincha Sugar Factory

This sugar factory presently produces sugar for the local market and for export white sugar is
mainly exported to neighboring countries such as Djibouti, Kenya and Yemen in quantities
ranging between 30000 to 50000 tons per annum.

1.5 Objective of the internship

1.5.1 General objective of the internship

The general objective of the internship is to join real world or practical view from theoretical
knowledge gained from university for long period of time.

1.5.2 Specific objective of the internship

 To develop students practically

 To develop social life of student with their society

 To develop communication skill of the students

FSF Organization Character

Board management

Audit committee

General manager

internal audit & inspection service

legal & contact administration

Assistant to general manager

service administration

planning &project division

state social security service

HRD & system improvement service

Deputy general manager Deputy general manager Deputy general manager

(Agricultural operations) (support service) (factor operations)

Assistant to agricultural Human resource quality control service

operations manager management division

civil& irrigation eng. department safety section

land preparation & cult. department medical service material planning &section

cane plant division

harvesting department finance division production division

foresting & environmental mechanical engineering division

protection department supply division electrical engineering division

General process flow chart

Weigh bridge Cane yard Cane unloading Inclined cane

table &
washing cane

Measuring tank Milling plant 1 and Horizontal
2ndknive set cane carrier

lime flocculent

1st heating Liming and 2nd heating Dorr

(75oc) sulphitation (103oc) clarification

so2 muddy juice

Crystallization Sugar boiling Multiple 3rd

on cooling and vacuum effect heating
pans evaporator

filtrate filter cake

Centrifugal Rotary drum Sieving and bagging

separation dryer grading of
sugar To market

Final molasses


2.1.Weigh bridge and cane yard

Weigh bridgeis the device used to measure the weight of the cane that is going to be the input of
the factory .before going to the unloading platform, All the transporters pass over the factory
weigh bridge. The exact weight of cane coming to the factory(mill) must be known.

2.2.Objective of weigh bridge

The main objective of the weighing the input cane is to know the input amount of the factory
.but there is also another reasons;-

 payment to the farmer and planter for the sugar produced from their cane.
 chemical control and determination of factory performance.
 statistical information regarding cane yield per hector and per field as well performance
of different varieties of cane.
 transport statistics for determination of tons per kilometer cost of the vehicle (which is
not functional there).

2.3.Working principle of weigh bridge

First the empty tractors (tar) and cart while on the way to the field will be weighed and record.
Then after the tractor came back with a load(gross) again it will be weighed. The difference will
be taken to get the exact weight of the cane as follows:


Then depending on some data the weighed cane will be recorded. The cart with load stays in
cane yard until their reaches to be unloaded. The first cane first unloaded. because to avoid
evaporation of water from cane.

Cane yard is the station where the weighed carts with full cane stays until
their turn reaches to be unloaded. This weighed cane should not stay more than
24 hours on cane yard. This is to avoid water absorption or drying of cane.

2.4.The main data from the weigh bridge

The weighed cane recorded depending on the following datas in 24 hours.

1. field number
2. section
3. cane variety
4. month of planting
5. cutting
6. cycle
7. number of cart used in 24 hour
8. remark
9. date of harvest of plant
 The cane was weighed after checking the zero point of the weigh scale

Table 1 data taken on the weigh bridge

Cart NO. Gross (Kg) Tarr (kg) Net weight (Kg)

187 48750 26320 22430

143 50250 2572o 25880

05 39890 21100 18700

03 38810 21200 17610

01 60440 39900 20550


3.1.cane preparation and milling plant

The cane stored in cane yard should be unloaded over the cane carrier turn by
turn. In order to this there are different types of cane unloading is used
depending on local condition. The most common types are:-

1. Over head travelling crane

2. Tipping plat form
3. Hydrun loader
4. Self loading trucks and trailers

In Fincha sugar factory by the help of Hydrun loader, the cane unloaded over
the cane table. The cane is then washed by spray water on the cane table. The
purpose washing cane is to remove soils, ashes and sands entrained in the

The amount of cane fed to the factory unit operation is controlled by
horizontal shaft, leveler. This horizontal shaft placed above the axis of the
front drum of the table, and which

rotates slowly in the reverse direction. It is provided with arms arranged in

a helix along its

length, which ensure that the cane falls into the carrier in small lots,
avoiding a heavy fall

of large masses which would be liable to provoke chokes at the knives.

The main cane carrier transport the cane to the first unit operation(i.e. size
reduction by set of knives). Cane preparation(i.e. chopping into pieces) takes
place by these two set of knives.

3.1.1.Objective of cane preparation

The main objective of cane preparation is:-

1. They favor the capacity of the mills.

2. They break down the rind of the cane and so facilitate its
disintegration and the extraction of its juice
3. Increases the bulk density of cane by cutting into small and short

Flow diagram

whole The first and the

second set of knives
prepared cane


3.1.2.working principle of set of knives

In Fincha sugar factory we do have two sets of knives seriously installed over
the same elevation(clearance). This sets of knives driven by the electric

Both set of knives rotates in the direction corresponding to the movement of

the main cane carrier. In such a way the first set of knives cut the cane into
pieces and conveyed to the second set of knives for more size reduction. The
speed of the second knife is faster and its number of set of knives is greater
than that of the first. Therefore, more size reduced cane will be obtained in
the second knife.

3.1.3 Capacity and efficiency of knives

The two sets of knives of Fincha sugar factory has the capacity to cut(chop)
16,500kuntal ∕day of cane sugar.

The efficiency of the set of knives can be evaluated by the calculating

preparation index. As we did in lab the average size of prepared cane that is
ready for milling effect of Fincha sugar factory is 73.6% ; which is best
doing at that day.

𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑒

PI = *100
𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑥 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑣𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑒

= *100

= 73.6%

In such a way the average performance of Fincha sugar factory’s knife set
when evaluated by preparation index ranges from 65 – 70%.

Remark :- There is no extraction of juice takes place by the effect of set of
knives but it prepares the cane for further mill tandems.

3.1.4 Factors affecting the efficiency of cane knives

There are some factors which affects the efficiency of the cane knives directly. These factors are
listed as follows:-

1. Speed of rotation
2. Pitch of knives
3. Quality of knives
4. Cane variety
5. The radius of cutting circle
6. Clearance of the set of knives
Fiberizing The Cane
The more size reduced cane from the second knife is transported by belt
conveyer to the fiberizing unit operation called shredder. The shredder
has many hammers fitted on its body and the hammers grind the cane
rotating in opposite direction to the movement of main the conveyer.
Magnetic Separator
The reduced size of cane enter the magnetic separator in which metallic
substance trapped on the surface magnet because these metals will affect
the teeth of the rollers of mills during extraction.

2.2.1. Objective of milling plant

The main objective of mill tandems;-

 to extract a maximum amount of juice from the prepared cane.
 to produce a bagasse with minimum amount of pol content.
3.2.2. Working principle of mill tandem

The prepared cane from the fibrizer or shredder transported to the mill tandem for the extraction
of juice. But before it goes to the mill tandem, there is a grooved pressure rotary feeder which
facilitate the prepared cane by applying pressure for easily feeding to the first mill. This feed
rollers are two in number and a little bit extraction takes place here. Therefore it is used to
enhance the capacity of the mills by easily feeding the prepared cane that comes from the

The blanket of prepared cane will be fed to the first mill. Each mill has three roller. The top,
feed, and delivery roller. In the old Fincha sugar factory, there are four mill tandem in use now
a day.

The top roller rotates in counter clockwise direction but delivery and feed roller rotate in
clockwise direction or vice versa depending on directional reference taken.

Top roller

Feed opening Delivery opening

Delivery roller

Feed roller trash plate

In such a manner when top and feed roller rotate in the opposite direction as shown on above
figure ;they can pull the blanket into the feed opening and crush it by applying from both sides.
The motion of the direction of the two roller force the blanket of bagasse to the discharge out.
then through the delivery opening after pressure is applied again from top and delivery roller.
Imagine that the feed opening is wide than the delivery opening, this is because the volume of
blanket of a bagasse is reduced by feed opening pressure and for further extraction the opening

of delivery should be narrower than of feed opening .not only this, trough out the mill tandem the
opening of rollers decrease from the first to the last mill.between the feed roller and delivery
roller there is a trash plate ;which prevent the bagasse from sink down and it’s perforated to
separate the bagasse from mixed juice. Therefore, bagasse can be easily transferred from feed
opening to delivery opening by the help of trash plate. The juice extracted from the mill is
termed as first expressed juice and the juice extracted by the rest mills are called last expressed
juice. The juice from all mill tandem mix together and pumped to measuring tank.

3.2.3 Imbibition

It is not possible to remove all juice from the bagasse by pressure. In order to obtain a
satisfactory extraction of sugar, it is necessary to dilute the juice remaining in the bagasse by
adding a water or juice. Therefore; imbibitions is the process in which the water or juice is put on
the bagasse to mix with and dilute the juice present in the bagasse. The water so used is termed
as imbibitions water.

Type of imbibitions and method of applying

Type of imbibition:-

 Simple imbibitions:- where water only is applied to the blanket of the bagasse. This is not
practical in modern installation.
 Compound imbibitions:- applicable to trains of four or more mills, where water is applied
to bagasse going to last mill. The last mill juice is returned to the next to last mill. This
juice in turn goes back to bagasse from the proceeding mill.

In Fincha sugar factory compound imbibition is practicing now a day. The other thing is
imbibitions water is added over the third mill in Fincha sugar factory.

Imbibition water is generally applied by a perforated pipe which adds the water in the form of jet
at higher velocity and gives a reasonable penetration of the bagasse blanket. But in the case of
juice return back to the preceding mill it does not penetrate so well since it has low velocity.

The return of fine bagasse

The other thing is the return of fine bagasse, which often represents 20-25% on the weight of the
cane entering the mill tandem. This fine bagasse is known as “bagacillo” or “cushcush” and the
separator is an apparatus placed after the mills, serving to screen the mill juice. By using the
screw conveyor this fine bagasse which is separated from juice received by the second mill.

Hydraulic pressure

The other very important thing is the hydraulic pressure installed over the top rollers of all mills.
The purpose of this pressure is used as a measure of the pressure undergone by the bagasse.
When thick bagasse layer feed, it exerts a pressure over top roller and may lift it up. As a result
the feed opening get wider. This has a direct negative effect on the mill tandem efficiency.
Therefore, the use of hydraulic pressure is to maintain a constant pressure over all mills. This
hydraulic pressure increases from the first mill to the last mill as follows. Hydraulic pressure of
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th mill is 150, 170, 180, 200kg∕cm2 respectively. This is because the bagasse gets
dryer and dryer from the first to the last mill effects.

Brix, pol and purities

Brix is the weight of soluble solid in 100gm parts by weight of juice. Because of the addition
imbibition water to the third mill the brix of mixed juice decreases from the first to the last
successive mills. The juice obtained from the mills has a brix value of 130 in WSF.

Pol is the apparent sucrose content of a mixed juice. Pol is also decreasing from the first to last
mills because of addition of imbibition water.

Purity indicates what percentage of the solid in a sugar solution is composed of sugar.

Pty = ∗ 100%

The first pressure give the highest purity juice. As we follow through the successive pressure,
the juice extracted from inner cell is of lower and lower purity.

3.2.4.Factor affecting efficiency of mills

The principal elements which influence the efficiency of milling work as measured by extraction
ratio are as follows:

1. cane preparation:- the more the prepared cane the more the extraction.
2. Specific pressure :- The extraction increases rapidly as the pressure increases
3. Length of the tandem:- As the length of the tandem increases the extraction also increases
and lost juice in percent fiber decreases.
4. Roller speed:- The influence of the roller speed depends on whether the fiber loading or the
crushing rate is assumed constant.
 If the thickness of the bagasse blanket is the same; the extraction decreases as
speed of rotation increases.
 If the crushing rate is kept constant, the extraction increases with speed of
rotation; but very slightly.
5. specific fiber loading:- The efficiency of the mill work decreases as the capacity ratio
increases. For instance; if a mill is capable of crushing 100 t.c.h. and if its reduced
extraction is 95%, this should drop to 94.83% if the rate is increased to 110 t.c.h.
6. Imbibition water:- analyze the following graph:

Extraction pol in bagasse


3.3.1. Capacity and efficiency of mill

The capacity of mill is the quantity of cane which the mill capable of
treating in unit of time. It is usually expressed in tones of cane per hour(
t.c.h). The average crushing capacity of Ficha sugar factory’s mill is
16500kuntals/day or 68.75 t.c.h.

The suitable standard to adopt as a measure of the efficiency of a milling

train is extraction. Using the data of 2010/2011 we may calculate the
extraction as follows:

Analysis dataassumptions from factory

%pol of mixed juice = 14.72 wt. of imb.

Water = 25% of cane crushed %pol of bagasse =
3.75 wt. of mixed juice = 90% of
cane crushed cane crushed = 16500 kuntal/day

Wt. pol in MJ = %pol MJ * wt MJ wt MJ = 90%

*16500 wt. pol in MJ = 0.1472 * 14850
wt MJ = 14850 kun/day wt. pol in MJ = 2185.92 kun/day

Wt. IW = 25% *16500kun/day

Wt. IW = 4125 kun/day

From the general mill controlling equation or taking mass balance on mill we
can obtain weight of bagasse as follows:-

Cane + IW = B + MJ

16500 + 4125 = B + 14850

B = 16500 + 4125 – 14850

B = 5775 kun/day

Wt. pol in bagasse = 0.0375 * 5775

= 216.563
𝑤𝑡.𝑝𝑜𝑙 𝑀𝐽
Pol extraction = ∗ 100
𝑤𝑡.𝑝𝑜𝑙 𝑀𝐽+𝑤𝑡.𝑝𝑜𝑙 𝐵

Pol extraction = 2185.92+216.563 ∗ 100

Pol extraction = 91%

Flow chart

Imbibition water

Prepared cane Mill Bagasse

Mixed Juice

Material balance on mill will be:



4. Boilers and Clarification

4.1 Boiler
Boiler is the equipment which is designed for the production of steam in general. Boilers use
bagesse as a main fuel source. Finally bagasse is the solid fibrous material which leaves the
delivery opening of the last mill of the tandem, after extraction of the juice.

4.1.1. objective of boiler plant

 The main objective of boiler is to produce a steam sufficient for the production of power
for the factory by using the condensate water and bagasse as the main input. so that
Boiler is the heart of the company that used to produce steam for power generation ,
steam turbine (for mills, shredder, for water pump) and for boiler purpose.

4.1.2. Working principle of boiler

In the sugar factory, the boiler feed is a condensate water and using bagasse as a fuel; the change
of condensate water into steam is takes place. In Fincha sugar factory, the input water is a
condensate water from the evaporators and sugar boilers with an average temperature of 75oc –
90oc. Sometimes when the shortage of condensate water in the reservoir happens they use water
from Bulbul river(25oc – 30oc). Therefore, it is better to use the condensate water than cold water
because to save energy to boil the cold water. Then the condensate water should be fed into the

boiler. From the combustion of the bagasse flue gases releases. This flue gases leave the boiler at
a temperature which is relatively high(in FSF up to 400oc), generally above the saturation
temperature. For the sake of minimizing energy loses through this flue gas the economizer is

Economizer is a heat exchanger installed in the path of the flue gases leaving the boiler, and
through which the feed water is circulated between the feed pump and the boiler. This
economizer tube is designed as zigzag line used to elongate the passing line of the flue gases, as
a result, to transfer more energy as much as possible. Immediately after the condensate water
leave the economizer tube; its temperature will be about 140oc -160OC. Then it will be collected
in the drum of the boiler. In the drum there is 20 tubes installed vertically that this hot water
divided through, this 20 tubes divided again into 160 tubes horizontally; this is used to increase
contact surface area between hot water and the heat exchanger as a result to transfer more energy

By doing so, first steam with a temperature of 160oc will be obtained which is a saturated steam.
so, FSF use half of this saturated steam for the factory process and half this feed to the drum in
order to change to supper saturated steam with(280oc – 400oc).

This supper saturated steam used to rotate the turbine for the production of electricity. After it
rotates the turbine it loses its energy and it becomes exhausted. Again this exhausted steam uses
for the factory process.

4.1.3. Capacity of the boiler

The FSF’s boiler are four in number and these boilers have the maximum capacity to produce

65 tons/hr steam; used to rotate the turbine to generate electric energy as well as used for factory
process. In FSF there are two turbines which use the baggase from the old factory and each
turbine generates 3.5 MW. From the two turbine around 7 MW electricity can be produced. The
new factory would produce 24MW from two turbines, but has been out of use for now.

Flow chart
Flue gas

Bagasse steam

water Boiler Ash


B + W + f = F + S + A …………………..Overall balance

4.2 clarification

Clarification is a process by which the removal of suspended solids or

impurities takes place.

4.2.1 Objective of clarification

The primary object of the clarification is to remove from the juice the
maximum quantity of impurities, more specifically particles at the earliest
possible stage.

The main objective of juice clarification:-

a) To separate soluble and insoluble matter that can be precipitated

b) To reduce color and turbidity of the juice
c) To produce clear juice of correct PH(7.0), for avoiding inversion of
sucrose & decomposition of reducing sugars
d) To kill or inactivate micro-organisms in the juice by heat treatment

4.2.2. Chemicals (materials) usedin clarification

There are five chemicals which are of any industrial importance for
purification of juice in general. This are :-

1. Lime (CaO); the treatment with lime is called “defecation”.
2. Sulphurous acid; from SO2; treatment with SO2 is called “sulphitation”.
3. Phosphorous acid; from P2O5; treatment with P2O5 is called
4. Carbonic acid; from CO2; treatment with carbonic acid is called
5. Magnesia; MgO

 In Fincha Sugar Factory, among the five chemicals mentioned above

defecation and sulphitation are used.

Roll of phosphate

The phosphate content of the juice is the most important factor in efficient
clarification. In sugar cane the phosphates are found as inorganic as well as
organic forms. It is obvious that only the free phosphate ions (inorganic
form) take part in juice clarification.

Therefore, juice with adequate quantity of inorganic phosphate are most

desirable. During cane growing, if fertilizers are not properly applied, there
may be more organic phosphate in the juice than inorganic phosphate. Then the
juice may not respond well to clarification.

It is demonstrated that the inorganic phosphate level in raw juice is less

than 300 ppm (W/V) the juice can’t be properly clarified and addition of
phosphate is required.

The advantages of phosphate adding are:-

 Greater colloid elimination

 Fewer lime salts in clarified juice
 More rapid settling
 Faster mud filtration
 Better working conditions of low grade massecutes

The disadvantages of phosphate addition

 The precipitate tricalcium phosphate is difficult to filter

 Increased mud volume
 Higher lime consumption and extra cost
Action of SO2 gas on juice clarification
1. SO2 neutralizes the excess quantity of lime added and precipitates
calcium sulphate
Ca(OH)2 + H2SO3 CaSO3 + H2O

4.2.3.General process flow chart of clarification

milk of lime
vapor 1st heating
Liming Sulphiti 2nd
ng tank (75oc)
M,J ng heating
PH=8.8 Flash
PH=7.2 (103oc)

so2 flocculent

Multiple Dorr
effect clear juiceclarifier

muddy juice

water Mud
vacuum rotary
drum filter

filter cake

4.2.3. Working principles of clarification

The dark and green juice from the mills is acidic and turbid. Therefore,
clarification of this mixed juice is necessary. But, before treating this

mixed juice with different chemicals and heat, weighing of mixed juice is
important for the factory control step by a tank called weigh hopper.
Basically, the Fincha sugar factory uses two measuring tank both has a
capacity to hold 60? hectoliter at once. After weighing the juice, by the help
of centrifugal pump it will be pumped to a heat exchangers.

In FSF there are seven shell and tube type of heat exchanger is in use now a
day and this heat exchanger has 2-tube passes and 2-shell passes for the first
and second heating. But for the third heating they use a heat exchanger with
4-tube passes and 4-shell passes for better heating and this type of heat
exchangers are two in number.

Then the mixed juice is fed to the first heater in which the juice boils from
25oc to 75oc.

Purpose of 1st heating: - to sterilize the juice

- to increase the mixing rate of lime with juice

Then the heated juice reaches a pre-lime station. At this station the milk of
lime suspension is added over the hot mixed juice to bring the PH of a mixed
juice from 5.5 to 9.2 which is basic media.

Purpose of adding lime: -to bring the PH of mixed juice from acidic media
to basic

-to eliminate organic acids by the

reaction on the juice.

- to coagulate the albuminoid matter

- to remove a coloring matter.

The chemistry of lime station :- CaCO3(s) CaO + CO2(g)

CaO + H2O


Milk of lime

After liming station it reaches the sulphitation station and SO2 gas is
injected from the bottom of the container with high pressure. This brings the
PH from 9.2 to 7.2 which is slightly neutral media.

The chemistry of sulfur station:-

S + o 2 heat

Neutralization Reaction: SO2(g) + H2O H2SO3

CaSO3(s) + H2O

This neutralized juice will be pumped to the Dorr clarifier. But on the way
to Dorr clarifier; the second heating will be applied to juice from
sulphitation station. This application of the second heating brings the juice
with a temperature from 75 to103oc.

Purpose of the 2ndheating :- to decrease the settling time of coagulated

impurities by decreasing

the viscosity of juice.

-to decrease the conversion by

bacteria and fungi.

Clarifiers are normally preceded by a flash tank. This flash tank is a simple
cylindrical tank located just above ahead of clarifier, with a flue open to
the atmosphere. The juice from the heaters discharges tangentially into this
tank; since the juice has been brought to a temperature of 103oc, it partially
flash out to the vapor. This flashing removes from the suspended particles the
air bubbles attached to them, which if not removed, would prevent particles of

bagasse from settling during clarification process. On the way to clarifier
from the flashing tank, the flocculant will be added.

The juice to be clarified enters tangentially at the top, into a compartment

half the diameter of the clarifier; this is called feed chamber. The Dorr
clarifier has consists of four super imposed compartments, each forming a
complete clarifier independent of the other, and feed separated by rotating
central tube. There is a buffle plates inside the compartment used to ensure
good distribution of the juice. Then after some times the particle settle, and
form mud on the bottom plate. This mud will be pushed towards the center and a
mud tray formed.

From this mud tray, by the help of vacuum rotary drum filter,filtration takes
place and the filtrate will be obtained. This filtrate will be recycled back
to the first heating by mixing with mixed juice from the mill. The clear juice
from clarifier is withdrawn from each compartment by a circumferential
internal pipe with several openings which withdraw the clear juice. The clear
juice obtained will be heated for the third time before entering to the
multiple effect.

Purpose of third heating: -it is used for immediately starting evaporation

when the clear juice

enters the evaporator.

Lime quality

Whatever process of juice clarification is followed, lime is the main

clarification agent. Lime is transported in tracks to the sugar factories from
lime kiln. The amount of lime received should be kept low and fresh enough
since lime attracts moisture and CO2 from the atmosphere. the quality is lime
is important as impurities will pass in to the juice which brings negative
effect on clarification and subsequent process.

A good quality of lime should contain above 95% CaCO3 and less than 2% in
soluble matter.

The maximum impurities allowable are :-

 Magnesium oxide (MgO) 1.0%

 Iron oxide and almunia2.0%
 Silica 1.5%
 Sulphates0.5%
 Moisture 2.0%
 Carbonic acid 2.0%

Capacity and efficiency of clarifier

The FSF’S clarifier has the capacity to hold 140m3 of mixed juice.The
efficiency of clarifier is measured by settling time of the particle. The
settling time is proportional to the depth of juice. This means, the
efficiency of clarifier is independent of it’s depth. A clarifier twice the
height will contain twice as much juice but will take twice as long to settle.
Therefore the only surface area is important that is why it has four

Factors Affecting Efficiency of Clarifier

1. The difference in the density between the particles and juice.

2. The area and shape of the parties.
3. The viscosity of the juice.
4. Temperature of the juice.
5. Reactions

Parameters to be control for good clarification

1. Temperature of mixed juice(above 70oc)
2. PH of the mixed juice(i.e. slightly basic) (7.1-7.3)
3. Vacuum
5.1 Evaporation plant

The greatest and most striking advance in the history of sugar manufacture was
the development of multiple effect evaporation, conceived about 1830 by
Norbert Rillieux an American of French origin, and introduced by him in
Louisiana in 1844.

Historically, evaporation was achieved by applying heat in the following

1 . By open fire

2.Heating by steam

3.Applying vacuum

Evaporation: The juice as received from clarification station contains water

and sucrose together with water added to the mills for the purpose of
maceration and water used for washing the filter cake. of 100% weight of
clear juice, only 15% is solid sugar with other impurities and the remaining
is water. so, all this component of water is removed by the principle of

5.1.1 Objective of evaporation

The objective of Evaporation is to remove water by vaporization ,from aqueous solution of non-volatile
substances .so, juice evaporation is used to remove by far the greatest weight of material ,water from
the clarified juice without affecting crystallization process. Hence, in FSF evaporation process
concentrates the juice from about 150 to 650 brix.

5 .1.2 Working principle of evaporator

Fincha sugar factory uses a quadruple effect of evaporation which operates at

vacuum. The height of the vacuum increases from the first to the last effect
in order to boil juice at low temperature. The clear juice with a brix of 15o
from clarifier heated up to 110oc and feed to the first effect. To start
evaporation steam with 120oc feed to evaporator and heat transfer takes place.
As a result, some amount of water evaporated from the juice. This vapor from
the first vessel used by the second vessel to evaporate some amount of water
from the juice. This is done if the height of the vacuum of the second vessel
is higher than the first vessel. Again the vapor from the second vessel used
by the third vessel which has higher vacuum than the second vessel.And again
the vapor from the third vessel effect used by the fourth vessel that has a
vacuum with higher than all vessels and its output juice has a brix of 65o.

When the amount of water in juice get lower and lower due evaporation, its
viscosity become higher and higher, as a result brix of the juice increases
and the sugar become concentrated.

It will then approach the point of saturation, that is, the point at which
crystals will begin to appear and it is called syrup.

The concentration is pushed to its maximum until there is left for the mother
liquor only the space remaining free between the crystals. So in this case it
is difficult to control as the syrup gets viscous since the vessels are has a
shape of up and down.

Therefore; there is equipment well designed for this type of sugar solution
which is called pans.

Advantage of boiling under vacuum

 it increases the total difference in temperature between steam and

 It permits evaporation to be carried out at temperature proportionally
less dangerous, from point view of conversion and coloration of the
juice; as the juice becomes more concentrated and more viscous.

Vapor bleeding

In multiple effect evaporators, it is possible to enlarge the 1st vessel, tap

off some of the vapor boiled there (instead sending all vapor to the next
vessel), and use that vapor for heating at other stations like juice heating,
pan boiling. This practice is called vapor bleeding and it results in further
saving of steam. But the exhaust steam saved is not equal to the exhaust steam
that would otherwise have had to be used to heat the heat the mixed juice, but
to some fraction of it.

Mass and energy balance

Around evaporator material balance is as follow


Clear juice Evaporator


In order to calculate the quantity input and out put the following data should
given in wongi sugar factory

total cane crushed ---------------------------------------------------


weight of mixed juice----------------------------------------------


weight of clear juice(J)------------------------------------------------


brix of clear juice-----------------------------------------------------13o

brix of syrup----------------------------------------------------------65o

temperature of juice before heating-----------------------------30oc


a)total water evaporated

E=J(1-BJ/BS)=14256(1-13/65)=11405 qui/day

b)choose of temprature vapor tem

exhaust steam 120oc Juice Temp drop

1st vessel 112oc 112 8

2nd vessel 100oc 102 10

rd o
3 vessel 85 c 87 13
th o
4 vessel 55 c 60 25
c) Choose of vapor bleeding

nd o st
By vapor of 2 vessel from 30-75 c(1 juice heating)

By vapor of 1st vessel from 75-100oc(2nd juice heating)

The latent heat of vapor are:-

1st vessel at 112oc is 531kcal/kg

2nd vessel at 100oc is 539kcal/kg




d)calculate of individual evaporation of the vessel

4th vessel: x

3rd vessel: x+x

2nd vessel: x+x+610 11405=7x+231

1st vessel: x+x+610+1097

Sum up 4x+3x+1220+1097X=1299qui/day

The evaporation in each vessel will be

4thvessel(E4) =1299

3rdvessel(E3) =2598


1st vessel (E1)=4305 11410

 The total water evaporated per day is=11410 qui/day

e)brix calculation




AVERAGE BRIX=(13+18.62)/2 =15.81o

AVERAGE BRIX=(18.62+27.48)/2 =23.05


AVERAGE BRIX=(27.48+44.71)/2 =36.1o


AVERAGE BRIX=(44.71+65.1)/2 =54.91o

 Quantity of syrup is therefore s=14256-11405=2851quintal/day


6. 1 .Sugar boiling and crystallizer

The operation known in the sugar factory as sugar boiling is essentially in

the process of crystallization, which is carried out in single effect vacuum
evaporators designed for handling viscous materials and known as vacuum pans.
Thus, the vacuum pan is an evaporative crystallizer in which degree of supper
saturation is controlled by evaporating solvent as the solute crystallizes

The art of pan boiling requires skill and experience to make crystals of
required number and of predetermined size, character, free from false grain
and conglomerates or twined grain. Once the crystals are formed, the boiling

operation is conducted in such a way that grains already formed only developed
and that none of the existing grain is re-dissolved.

Objective of pan boiling

The objective of pan boiling is to obtain maximum amount of the sugar from
syrup through crystallization by concentration under vacuum in a vessels known
as vacuum pans. it develop formation of crystals(grain). So, it is to produce
satisfactory sugar crystals from syrup or molasses.

6.1.2 Working principle of pans and crystallizer

The sugar boiling process commences with syrup from the multiple effect at 65-
70 Bx. This material is further concentrated to a concentration of 78 Brix in
which crystallization of sucrose begins. In the case of FSF there are about
seven pan boilers with their sixteen bottom crystallizers. The first eight
crystallizers are four A sugar. Each of this crystallizers have the capacity
to contain 250-280 hectoliter. The second eight were for B and C grade sugar
with the same volume of A.

The syrup obtained from multiple effect with a 65-70 Bx will be supplied to
each successive pans as a footing. The longer the syrup stays in the pan
boiling the more sugar crystal forms but high consumption of energy will
happen. Addition of seeds takes place on strike to shorten the time of crystal
formation; as a result we can save energy. At this point the added seed grain
serves as nuclei for sugar crystals, and more syrup is added as the water
evaporates. The growth of the crystals continues until the pan is full. The
original crystals can be grown without the formation of addition crystal, so
that when the pan is just full, the crystals are all of the desired size and
the crystals and the syrup forms massecuite. The strike is then discharged
through a foot valve into a mixer or crystallizer.

The pans boiling operation, solubility is reduced by evaporating water from

solution, where as in crystallizer conditioning, solubility is reduce by
cooling the massecuite. The rate of crystallization is determined by degree of
supper saturation, temperature, crystal surface area and nature &
concentration of impurities. The viscosity is also influenced by the same

factor. The limit to which the massecuite can be cooled depends upon the
ability of crystallizer to handle physically the material at high viscosity.

when cooling the massecuite, the viscosity increased. The increase of

viscosity again prevent deposition of sugar on the existing crystals. The
viscosity should kept at this stage as well.

6.1.3 Advantage of vacuum pan boiling

1. Increase of capacity
2. Saving in steam
3. Reduction of sugar losses
4. The pan is easy to automate
5. Operating parameters, such as absolute pressure, mobility, steam flow,
temperature, and power loads are remarkably steady, and no peaks occur.


con. juice SYRUP

A-massecuite A-sugar


B-massecuite B-sugar


C-massecuite C-sugar


Pans and crystallizer

raw material for

ethanol production


Centrifugal and Drying process

Objective of centrifugal

1. To separate the massecuite in to crystal of sugar and molasses.

2. To gain final molasses which used for production of ethanol

Working Principle of Centrifugal and drying

Massecuite leaving the crystallizer has to be separated into the crystal and
molasses. the more efficient this separation, the more sucrose will be
recovered as a sugar and less sucrose will be lost in molasses. the
centrifugal consist of cylindrical basket designed to receive the massecuite
to be treated .the basket is carried on the vertical shaft which is driven
from its upper end by a motor. The basket pierced with a numerous holes to
allow the molasses to escape .the basket is open to allow the massecuite to be
fed into it and a bottom opening allows the sugar to be discharge when the
machine is stopped. while the machine is running that is during charging and
spinning the discharge opening is generally closed by a cone of thin sheet
metal. in Fincha sugar factory the centrifugal wash sugar A and B. this sugar
again washed for the second time .the other centrifugal washed massecuite
from pan in order to produce the seed from sugar B and final molasses from
sugar C. the sugar type B is used as a seed and sugar type C is used as a
remelt sugar. the. The sugar leaving the centrifuge is hot at 60-70oc and
moist 0.5 up to 1.5 moisture and as such it can’t be bagged for sale.

The formed sugar type A is go to rotary dryer. in the dryer hot air blow in
countercurrent way on the surface of wet sugar in order to dry the sugar,
here mass transfer between hot air and sugar. On the head of dryer there is
air heater which sucks air from the atmosphere. With the help of bucket
elevator the dry sugar from the dryer goes to the top of the cooler. Then from

the top of the cooler the sugar allowed to goes down and atmospheric air flow
from the bottom up to the top of the cooler. In this way there is heat
transfer between air and sugar. The sugar obtained after drying and cooling
consists of heterogeneous crystals and needs to be well sieved and graded
before bagging. After grading crystals of sugar 0.7-0.9mm is ready to market
and other dusts of sugar will be remelt for further process.

Factor affecting sugar drying

 Inlet condition of the sugar to dryer; Moisture content and temperature of the sugar
 Grain size; Smaller crystal have higher surface moisture and are difficult to remove it
 Air flow rate; A high air flow rate results in rapid moisture removal and sugar leaving the
dryer is cool but wet(total moisture)
 Air condition (Relative Humidity); Relative humidity of air to be below 60% or the sugar
will pick up moisture from air and result in a warm & a wet sugar
 Consistent sugar feed to dryer; uniform sugar feed to dryer

Capacity of centrifugal

Capacity of centrifugal is Influenced by:-

 Diameter and speed of rotation of basket

 Basket height and the massecuite thickness
 Time of cycle

Centrifugal capacity estimation

Taking the massecuite thickness of 12.5% of the basket diameter, the following
formula can be used for estimating the capacity of centrifugal.

V=0.34D2HN, where V=volume of massecute per hour


H=height of

N=number of cycle per hour


overall internship experience and benefits gained

An internship is a program that planned by Ethiopian-German cooperation,which

forms the foundation for the development,capacity building and compititiveness
of industries in the field of engineering and technology.

To perform the Engineering capacity Building Program (ECBP),the University-

Industry-linkage office(UIL) distribute the internship placement letter for
all of the students those candidated for this internship.

Everything was simple for us to join our hosting company for internship
training due to a good relation between Ethiopian sugar corporation and
University-industry linkage office.

Benefits from internship

It scales up our practical skills deep knowledge as deals with:

 Quality analysis/control

 Process control: bieng a process controller we are encountered with
controlling the process like the following:
 Raw material flow rate
 The gearing diagram and motion transmition in
each of the machines.
 The operating principles of each machines
 Process parameters used at each machines
 The wastes produced and the ways/method the
wastes are recycled,teated or ejected, etc...
 Effective material handling at all parts of the
production line
 Stages where inspection or testing is done and
so on

Interms of upgrading theoretical knowledge:-

 It improves our previous theoretical knowledge as we explore

more than ever inorder to solve the existing problems of the
manufacturing plant.

Inter personal communication:-

 It brings social interaction

 It helps to build up selfesteam/personal confidence
 It improves our speaking and listening skills
 It thoughts us to behave in the proper manner
 It motivates us to see different problems and to find out solutions
to them
 To exchange new ideas and knowledge,etc..

Inter-personal communication may include one of the following

 Commmunication with the production:-

- Operators
- Supervisor
- Production department head/clerks
- Material engineers (quality testers)

Communication with other organizations like

-General Managers
-Finance and human resourses department
-Marketing and purchasing department
-Agricultural department
-logists department
-Maintainance department

Improving team playing skills:-

As ateam we contributed alot in many ways thereby this improves every

individuals commulative knowledge of solving the existing problem.

As a team we believed that we improved the following:-

-Ability of problem identification

- Selecting the most appropriate method to solve the existing problem.

- Generating or forwarding flexible premises to arrest the problem

- A good decission maker, ability to persuade others & etc.

Interms of improving leadership skills:-

As a supervisory activity in the production line,one should be certian about

having the knowledge of the following:

 Process control
 All parameters
 Capacity
 Efficiency
 Quality
 Quantity
 GMP,etc

Each and every departments communicate with each other to excute their tasks
and owes their respective responsiblities. The out put of certain department
may used as the in put for the other department and thereby the respective
supervisor of each department have to concern about the points listed out
above for the quality and purity of the finalproducts to be obtained.

Interms of improving work ethics it builts us with:

 Puntuality
 Reliability
 Honesty
 Independence in work responsibility in the task fulfilment
 Organization team participation quality as a team member
 Cooperation with collageus

 Contribution to the company

Interms of improving interprenership skills:-

The exprience obtained has a great importance upon our life to choose and plan
each of our future activity. Being an intern student we believe that we became
knowledgable in:

-Selection of the effective processing with the least possible

cost and maximum out put

-Reduce the production loss

-Increasing efficiency

-Prefering the easiest methods of producing a product

-Extend different projects upon existing problem concerning

certain company, etc

Problem faced during the time

Type of problem Solutions

Breaking down of mill roller Using bypass(jumping over broken mill)
but it should be replaced which
decreases the loss of sucrose through
High temperature around pre-heaters No measure was taken, in our point of
and evaporators view better insulation should be
Leakage No measure was taken but replacing
pipes with the new one is better.

Manual cleaning It should be cleaned mechanically and
adding chemical.
Mechanical and manual weigh bridge It must be digital for accuracy


Fincha Sugar Factory is one of the sugar industries present in Ethiopia.It

has crushing capacity of 1650 ton per day and produce around 1650 quantals per

Although the factory was designed with this crushing capacity, there are alot
of factory that have been redused its capacity and inturn final product. The
consequences may be

 Oldness of the factory (i.e it was function for 107 years).

 Handling of the raw materials.
 Handlig of the extracted juice through the unit operation.
 Absence of some unit operation (like shredder).
 Many of the workers are non-educated.
 Most of the machine work manually (i.e non-computerized).

In addition to these, sugar loss occur in different ways; These are;

 Sugar loss with filter cake

 Sugar loss with molasses
 Sugar loss due to leakage of the pump

 Undetermined loss
 Sugar loss due to unproper storage and etc.

Also we concluded that all the by product of sugar indusries has great value
in the production of;

 Electric power (using bagasse for production of flue gas )

 Ethanol (from final molasses)
 Felteriser (from filter cake )
 Biogas (also from filter cake)

To sum up, sugar produced from sugar cane has an application in different
areas like ;

 Biscuit factory
 Soft drink factory
 Beer industries
 Confectionary factory
 Marmalade and etc as an ingridient

And used for direct consumption.


The recomended ideas which we are listed below are based on taking one month
avarage data, which is less than the actual production capacity of FSSF for
the last month.


The quality of sugar produced dependes on many factors starting from the
cultivation of cane till paking of sugar.Out of these factors there are some

factors that should be improved in the Fincha sugar factory to increase the
qualityof the sugar.

 Cane cleaning : The uncleaned cane may reduce the quality of the product
 Increasing impurities in the extracted juice
 Form corrosion on teeth of rollers
 Increases the retention time of door –clarifier

Washing cane before unloading and use high performance sieve on a cane table
reduce the impurities came with cane.

Milling sanitation has also a greate advantage in improving the quality of

sugar produced.

 Liming method : Fincha sugar factory use hot liming method for juice
clarification.However,liming while boiling is a modification of hot
liming.It has an advantage to avoid any rapture of the floc.

This process consists of

a) Heating or boiling the juice at 100.50C

b) The heated juice is then pumped to a tank above the subsider ,in to
which the milk of lime also pumped inorder to obtain complete and
homogeneous mixture with the juice.
c) From this tank the juice flows by gravity preferably by an inclined
rather than vertical pipe in subsider.

 Preparation index : degree of preparation of cane has a direct effect on
the capacity and extraction in the milling train.Using shredder between

knife and crusher complete the preparation and disintegration of the
cane and this facilitate the extraction of the juice from the cane.
 Mill setting :the seed of rollers ,position,teeth diameter and pressure
applied should be kept regular to enhance the juice
extraction.Increasing mill efficiency has an advantage to increase the
quantity of sugar produced.
 Sugar lose :The quantity of sugar lost in the FSF generally in two ways
determined and undetermined loss .The determined loss is in in three
ways bagasse ,filiter and molasses.

The amount of sucrose lost in FSF is greater than the standard data
3.0%pol,which is 3.83%pol. This will reduces by improving mill setting
,appropriate use of imbibition water and use of shreder.

In FSF 3.34% of sucrose lost through filiter cake , which is also greater than
2.5%(standard data).This is due to unproper addition of bagacillo,leakage of
sieve,efficiency of door-clarifire and performance of nush pump.This problem
can be minimized by increasing the efficiency of oc filiter ,proper usage of
floculants and minimize the impurities cames with cane.

Sugar loss in final molasses is due to many reasons

 Formation of false grain

 Decrease the crystallization time for D-massacuite from 32hrs -20hrs
 Leakage of centrifugals sieve
 Unproper purity of massacuite in the process
 Amount and type of water used during cooling (washing)

Loss due to these problem can recover by

 Proper boiling of sugar.This includes

a) Feeding flow rate
b) Steam flow rate
c) Boiling time
d) Accuracy of parameters(temperature and pressure)
 Increase the crystallization time for D-sugar at least
 Checking centrifuge sieve before pumping the massacuite for work and
magma for after work.
 Purity of massacuite should be optimized during sugar boiling

FSF produce steam and power by burning bagasse.Steam is lost in many ways.

 Larg amount of steam is released to air when it is not

needed for the process.
 The insulation system
 Equipments efficiency
 Turbine trip

Power is lost in the factory:-

a) For sugar recovery

b) Using 50% wet bagasse
c) Pump leakage

Steam and power can be saved in many ways:-

 The accuracy of steam production and steam usage has a greater advantage
in steam saving.
 Collecting and using the non-condensable gases for other purpose such as
bagasse drying.
 dry bagasse for Using combustion.

Turbine Trip

Turbine can be tripped by different causes:-

1. P and T fall- due to lack of steam causes the steam going to be

input to the turbines not to have sufficient force per uint area and
dryness quality of steam and hence the disturbance of alternation system
(tripping ) would be happend.
2. Corry over- If the water level of the drum is not controlled (drum
water level) higher above the 50%) a water droplete together with the
steam cane be let in to the turbine and hence cane cause the turbine to
be tripped.
3. Excessive load- number of load at knife, crusher, mills,
centrifugal etc can causes for the trip.
4. Over speed –due to the heavy load the governer opens too much to
control the speed but when the load becomes lowered suddenly would be
still on open postion while the rotating port rotates at preveous high
speed this can cause tripping.
5. Lubrication and cooling system can also be caused for the tripping
change in heat ( h) stack etc.

Action to be taken

2 0
1.Steam generation to be maintioned to the pr 15kg /cm at T 320 C

 Feeding system of cane in to the mills also addition of

hot imbibition.
 Proper feed of bagasse in to the boiler and packing of
boilers time

2. Avoied over flow of feed water in the drum.

3.Avoid maloperation feeding of crusher, mills, centrifugal.

4.maintan proper cooling and lubrication system.

 Cooling water temp 400C

 Oil temp (55-60)


Cane; raw material delivered to the sugar factories and includes clean cane ,field trash ,water

and etc

primary juice; All juice expressed undiluted. In Factory with no crusher it is first mill juice

Secondary juice; The diluted juice that joins primary juice to give mixed juice

Mixed juice; is the mixture of primary and secondary juice which enters the boiling house

First expressed juice; The juice expressed by first two rollers (Top & feed) of a mill-tandem.

this is the to no water has been added

Last mill juice; juice expressed by last two rollers of a tandem

Bagasse; residue of cane after crushing in one mill or trains of a mills.

Fiber; The dry water insoluble matter in cane

Imbibition; the process in which water is applied to a bagasse to enhance the extraction of
juice at the next mill

Dilution; the portion of imbibition, which enters the mixed juice

Brix; is the weight of all soluble solids per 100 gm of sugar solution

Extraction; The percentage component of a cane which is removed by a milling process

Clarified juice; The juice obtained after clarification and used for evaporator feed..

Pol ; The apparent sucrose content of a sugar product determined by direct polarization

Purity; Indicates what percent of the solids in a sugar solution is composed of sugar

Pty = pol/ brix *100

Apparent purity ; The ratio of pol ion brix or gravity solid, expressed as a percentage.

Gravity purity ; It is the percentage of sucrose to hydrometer or spindle brix

G. purity = sucrose/brix*100

True purity ; The percentage of sucrose in dry substance.

Ash ; The residue remaining after burning of all organic matter.

Reducing sugars ; The reducing substances in the cane and its products calculated as invert
sugar. (Glucose, Fructose)

Final molasses ; The molasses obtained from the last stage of massecuite from which no
further sugar is to be removed economically.

Magma ; A mechanical mixture of sugar crystals with a liquid such as syrup, juice, wash or

Footing ; it is a starting of new strike with its initial ingredients such as syrup, wash, magma in
which sucrose is deposited on the surface of the grain during boiling.

Seed ; A finely powdered sugar used for starting crystallization of the massecuite. Usually it is
used in the form slurry for low grade massecuite and magma is used for high grade massecuite.

Refined sugar ; high purity white sugar manufactured from remelted raw sugar.

Total sugar ; The sum of sucrose and reducing sugars.

Raw sugar ; The product of cane sugar factories which is an intermediate crystalline product
resulting from the evaporation of water from sugar cane stalk juice

Syrup ; The concentrated juice from the evaporators before crystallization has remove any

Massecuite ; The mixture of crystals and mother liquor obtained from the evaporation of sugar
boiling in vacuum pan. Massecuites are classified according to the descending purity as A, B, C.

Molasses – The mother liquor from which the crystals are separated by centrifugal machines. It
is distinguished by the same term as massecuite which it was extracted (A, B, C,molasses).


1. Cane sugar hand book, Meade Chen , 10th edition , 1994

2. Hand book of cane sugar engineering .E.Hugot ,2nd edition
3. Industrial utilization of sugar cane and its co-products , PJ-mano Harrao,
India, 1997,1st edition
4. Sugar processing and plant technology, Hand out ,Kassa Hundito,2005
5. Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency Training Center , Kemal Adal, 2007


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