Face Recognition Drone

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Face Recognition Drone

Face recognition systems are widely use in the todays

world, for example in Airport’s, applications like
Facebook, Instagram, Google etc... whereas it can be
utilised many other ways. so, I came up with an idea of
using both Artificial Intelligence and the latest hardware
available to implement it in a really complex piece of
I am Pradyun Baskar of 10th class and my project is a
Face-Recognition Drone, this is a special Drone which can
be used to track, trace and also follow a person or an
object. The concept is that, our Indian Police department
can make use of it in situations like a large public event
(high profile VVIP gathering, PM speeches etc....) to track
a particular person who is known to be a threat to the
event. In such large events it's nearly impossible to
search them by CCTV’s or manually by a Drone. So, what
I have done is an autonomous system by which the
Drone in the air can search the wanted person without
any Human commands, what you just have to do is
upload a Photo copy of the wanted person and the drone
will automatically search for that person. As soon as the
person is found it will start following him, during this our
Police forces can catch hold of him. This can also be used
in public places to scan the area and to check for any
WANTED person.

India is a large country but even larger than it is its

people and it's my duty to think for their wellbeing.
That's why I have made this drone to be used by the
Indian Police for a secure India.
Simultaneously I have added an additional feature to this
drone, that is the ability to carry medicines from one
place to other especially by avoiding traffic. This can also
be used to send medicines for remote places of India.

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