Elena Profile

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My deepest Purpose in life is to manifest the Gift of Dynamism.

To realise my Purpose I need to transform the Shadow of Provocation.

In relationships my greatest challenge is to transform the Shadow of

Love Forgetting into the Gift of Mindfulness.
The highest expression of my heart is Honour.

I unlock my prosperity through my Gift of Magnetism.

Prosperity I undermine my prosperity through the Shadow of Dullness.
I thrive best in a partnership.

A journey of self illumination


My Life's Work - what I’m here to do - Gene Key 21

You are destined to be an authority figure in the world. You may or may not like this idea, but it is genetically
essential for your well being. If you are either too yielding or too controlling, you will lose your natural
authority and fail to be recognised in life. This means that your life is a lesson in which you must continually
learn to balance these two forces. In the modern world, it is of great importance that you understand the
laws of money because you have a gift in that area. You do not necessarily need to understand the finer
points of economics, but you must understand the needs and patterns of others concerning money and
business. You are at your strongest and happiest when you are given responsibility for a team of people,
which can mean anything from running a family to heading a large organisation. Ultimately however, you
need to stand out in your community. If you truly own your potential, you will get the recognition you need
and deserve.

My Evolution - what I’m here to learn - Gene Key 48

Your skills and gifts are grounded in this 48th Gift of Resourcefulness. This can be a double-edged sword for
you, because along with this talent comes great fear. You fear that life may bring you situations that you may
not be able to cope with. If you succumb to this fear, you may spend unnecessary time trying to develop
skills or resources that make you feel more secure and in control. You will never find peace in this way. You
have to realise that whatever your fear, you do not need more preparation. You are always ready right now.
The moment you begin it, whatever it is, your inner resources will always show up just when you need them.
You must trust your own nature. Instead of wasting so much energy in trying to be certain, you will discover
that there is great power in accepting uncertainty. Life is uncertain and you are a master of uncertainty. All
you have to do is embrace it.

My Radiance - what keeps me healthy - Gene Key 38

The secret to your health lies in physical activity. You need to move your body and push your physical limits
on a regular basis. Without this exertion, your whole being will simply dry up. Added to this, you also need to
be involved in something that continually tests and stretches your spirit. For you to truly shine with the
radiance of your highest potential, your life must be an example of honour. Honour is a code that connects
you to other beings with very high aspirations, but it also sets you apart from others. In this regard, you must
find the inner strength to weather the storms that come your way. You will have to find this strength in your
very aloneness. However, honour is such a beautiful energy field to live in that it will lend you the strength
you need to win through to final victory.

My Purpose - what deeply fulfils me - Gene Key 39

The hidden purpose of your life is to create sparks wherever you go. Your job is to rouse the stagnant, and
provoke others to see and do things in new and different ways. If you reach the end of your life without
shaking things up, you will not have lived your own life, but some conditioned shadow of your life. It doesn't
matter what medium you use to fulfil your role. It only matters that you make others feel life burning inside
them, as you feel it burn within you. To fulfil one's Life Purpose, one cannot have an agenda. It is a feeling
that simply floods you when you are getting it right. Whenever you feel truly alive and excited, you know you
are on the right track. Hold back nothing. Give life every kilowatt of energy you have, and you will get it all
back a hundredfold.

© Gene Keys Publishing 2019 My Hologenetic Profile Page 2


Authority Birth City:Câmpulung, Argeş, Romania

Life's Work
Birth Date: 03 Apr 1978
Birth Time: 06:45


Mindfulness Culture Magnetism

33 15
Perseverance Perseverance Resourcefulness
Radiance SQ Evolution

38 38 48
Innovation IQ EQ Enrichment

3 56


Purpose Dynamism


The Siddhi - my essence Genius

The Gift - my creativity
The Shadow - my challenge


is an amazing journey of self discovery
into your Genius, Love and Prosperity

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© Gene Keys Publishing 2019 My Hologenetic Profile Page 3

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