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Teacher Name/Collaborative Group:

Week of: January 6th- January 13th

Unit Details:
Desired Results--What do we want students to know and do?

Course Learning Outcomes:

● Write coherently for a university-level audience with attention to rhetorical appeals.
● Build arguments based on critical analysis of primary and secondary sources.
● Format paper and cite sources according to MLA guidelines.
● Integrate sources into their own body of work using summary, paraphrase, and direct quotation when appropriate.
● Read academic and popular texts critically, and analyze the effectiveness of the rhetorical choices made in these texts.
● Improve their writing in response to feedback provided by other writers and provide constructive feedback to others so that they
may do the same.
● Revise and edit with an awareness of how to improve larger rhetorical features.
● Employ awareness of how and when to perform the conventions of Standard English grammar, usage, and spelling.

Essential Standard(s): Demonstrate rhetorical flexibility through writing and revising a variety of texts in multiple genres and for a variety of
college-level audiences and purposes. Students should reflect upon the writing process and themselves as writers

Evidence-How will we know they learned?

Assessment(s) of Learning Targets-Formative and Summative

Formative: Students will participate in Peer Review with peers and will be allowed to revise their papers before submitting the polished draft.

Summative: “Believing and Doubting”- For this assignment, you will discuss both sides of a controversial topic; however, this will be done
in two different short papers (1.5-2 pages each), addressing both sides of the argument. To get a better feel for Peter Elbow’s “believing
game,” you will first write a 1.5-2-page paper of some belief that you strongly disagree with. Then, you will write a 1.5-2 page paper on
the same topic, but discussing the opposing side to the position you discussed in your first paper. Essentially, you will be writing pro
and con papers on the controversial topic.
Learning Plan--Plan for instruction, intervention, and extension.

Monday/Tuesday Wednesday/Thursday Friday/Monday

1/6-1/7 1/8-1/9 1/10-1/13

Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling Direct Instruction/Modeling

(I Do): (I Do): (I Do):
● Review rules/ expectations ● Back to the Basics ● MLA Review-Powerpoint
● Tentative Syllabus ○ Note taking strategies

Guided Practice/Group Work Guided Practice/Group Work

(We Do): (We Do): Guided Practice/Group Work
(We Do):
● Composition notebook: create a list of ● MLA Review/Practice
goals(THREE OR MORE) you have for ● Discuss homework
Comp II. After creating this list, provide Independent Work
ways you plan to achieve those goals. BE (You Do)
● “Where Do We Go From Here?” Independent Work
(You Do)
Independent Work ○ Writing Exercise
● MLA Mock Essay
(You Do)
● In-class writing
Homework: Read Chapter 10 “Commentaries”
Homework: Citation Activity in Writing Today. Also, read “Why My
Generation Doesn’t Care About Performance
Enhancement,” and “When May I Shoot a
Student” in Writing Today. This will ALL be
posted on google classroom.
● Feed back
● Writer’s conferences Intervention: Intervention:
● Feed back ● Feed back
● Writer’s conferences ● Writer’s conferences

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