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ix] S Moorish National Republic Federal Government > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ ~ Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Aorthwest Amexem / Porthwest Atrica / North America / Che Forth Gate! i bh Aniversal Sovereign Griginal Indigenous Attivavit of Command for the American Military bp way of the American Provost Marshal {December 19, 2019]1439 ‘We are the original Indigenous Sovereign natural divine Moorish American Nationals who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consulate. We are in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes at all times. We are decendens ‘spiritum returned alive’. We are our Mother, Father and the descendants of the great Pharaohs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabites and Canaanites. We are the ministers, creditors, executors, claimants, trustees, beneficiaries and heirs of our own vast estate. We are the law and we are th government. Weare in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate at this time and at all points fn time and we have declared and proclaimed peace on our land. We are exercising all of our sovercign rights at this time and at all points in time. Nothing in this lawful document, nor any other documents, nor verbal declarations or proclamations shall be construed as consent to any other jurisdiction than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate, nunc pro tunc. 1. Goto the LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE ,City of ITTLEFIELD USPS and have MATTHEW DOLLE DBA LITTLEFIELD USPS POSTMASTER arrested, the ‘American Military take over the resources formerly used by the LITTLEFIELD USPS. ‘And that the resources should present our flag in plain view of the public (inside and outside) at all times. 2. The LITYTLEFIELD USPS CORPORATIONS} ‘are to be vacated by December 30, 2019 by 9:00 am est. Any that are on our land are to be arrested immediately regardless of who they are, or where they reside. Any supporters of, the said MATTHEW DOLLE who choose to speak out shall be arrested immediately as well. He has been given due process and repeated notification of their unlawful actions on our land, Arrest them all and place them in the jails and prisons wherever they can be placed. ‘Cause of Action Unlawful occupation of sovercign original Indigenous Ancient Ancestrat Land. Remedy ‘As commanded above. Once these actions have been completed, we will send further commands where the safety and the distribution of our natural resources, property and commerce are concerned. This ‘Affidavit of the Moorish American Consular Court is valid Pursuant to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836, The Declaration of independence 1776 and the Constitution for the united States 1789 and 1791. We have a religious right to our Ancient Ancestral lands as part and parcel of our worship. ixd S ‘This sovereign gold backed universal affidavit of command is hercby placed on the public record. for the record and let the record show in pursuance of all commands and laws made by this government to include the recordings placed near [Pierce County, Washington Territory] at 05/07/2019 03:26:02pm recording number 2019005070653 pages 25, 26 and 27 of 66 pages. Notification of said credit/money of account is affirmed received by U.S. Treasurer Jovita Carranza by way of [USPS] registered mail 1©375453780us on April 26, 2019 at 11:00 ante meridiem. Universal Postal Union Director Bishar Abdul Rahman by way of {USPS} registered mail re375454621 on June 1, 2019. Tantum est unum exitum Amen sia disown. nc alata tram er tt Fann cal et gsc sli sper eran eile ceo ‘Arca een ss woh esc algae spe ara er iat et geal et tscegue selves super team eit sola ine ‘Amen amc i abuser algae spe a ene ig tp a ae et flcsae sara ape Yea lata ti ao ae ASS S Moorish Pational Republic Federal Goverment > ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ > Moorish Divine ads Pattonal Movement of the Warid Hartyivest Amexem / Soutyfeest Amecem / Central Amexem / Apfoining Adantis anv ‘Americana Flares The Crue and Re Fure Patural Penples-Heirs of the Law ye ~1LS.LAM~ » Universal Sovereign Affidavit of Command to Appear in Court Re: MATTHEW DOLLE, DBA, LITTLEFIELD POOST OFFICE, POSTMASTER (Cause of Action -Your Cause Number 304-couse 000000301, ‘Unlawful Occupation of sovereign original indigenous land Date Commanded to Appear DECEMBER 19, 2019 10:00 a.m. CST Court ‘Moorish American Consular Court Online Video https:/fioin on 3200 access code 132429 [MATTHEW DOLLEL You are hereby commanded to appear at the Moorish American Consular Court to state your name and nationality for the record to the people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government. This court has sovereign jurisdiction in ll matters on aur land, The American Provost Marshal shall insure that you appear as commanded. Unti such time, all of your COMMERCE and that of all AGENTS, PRINCIPALS, HEIRS and ASSIGNS is hereby terminated by way of sovereign Universal Commercial Code 1 Lien. Failure to appear shal be just cause for your arrest. Chronos: DECEMBER 13, [2019] 1439 1 am: Judge/Vizir/Minisier, in propria pero Tree Moog?uur Northwest Amexem / Northwest tea / nes mena a ret ern sn nee ‘ce Insta caer mse etna te ttaninc gore espera sce finn amen abs excaee geet ag eranear teat Eine gneunge aera rem aa NS Ab Original indigenous Soverelgn Moorish American National Document. ‘Moorish National Republic Federal Government Empire ofthe Moors, New Jerusalem Moorish National Republic ‘Federal Government ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea At Mancikanos ~ > Mowish Pikine and Hational Motwement of the Tari Pectipuest Gmexem / Soutiguest Amexem | Central Amexem / SBojoining Betantis awd Smericana Fstanns ‘Che Cour and We Fare PDatural Beoples- Beles of the Land we ~LS.LAM~ » Universal Sovereign Affidavit of Command for Arrest and Imprisonment Re: MATTHEW DOLLE, DBA, LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE, POSTMASTER, (Causa of action couse 30i-couse 000000103 Unlawful Occupation of sovereign original indigenous land ete Commanded to Appear DECEMBER 19, 2019 10:00 am. CST court “Moorish American Consular Court Onfine Video hitps://loin feeeconferencecall,com/moorishnation ‘audio dial in number (425)436-6200 access code 13242! ‘The sid US CORPORATION CITIZENS dd not apps ae commanded by the osinal indigenous coverslgn paape who are the Moorish American ‘Consular Court and the tocrsn National Republic Federal Government. The immediate arrest of eid US CTIZENS is hereby commandos as ureuant tothe above lted Cause of Action, IATTHEW D0LLE2 You were hereby commanded to appear at the Moorish American Consular Court to state your name ond rationality for the record to the people who are the Moors National Republic Federal Government. This court has sovercien jurisdiction in all matters on our land. The American Provost Marshal has been commanded by the people to arrest You immediately and place you in jail at Guantanamo Bay Cuba permanently. All of your COMMERCE and thet of all AGENTS, PRINGPALS, HEIRS and ASSIGNS is hereby terminated by way of sovereign Universal Commercial Code 1 Uen. This arrest command is hereby activated and given to the American Provost Marshal for immediate action. This arrest command is hereby ‘activated and given to the American Provost Marshall for immediate action. (Ghronos: DECEWBER 18, (2019) 1439 1 ew A PL Judge! Vizir/Minister, in propria persona‘ sui juris, in props 7 prio Ties Moodhfur NortsnestAsnexem/ Northwest i Sct S22 = ‘Ab Original Indigenous Sovereign Moorish American Nationa Document. ‘Moorish National Republc Federal Government POSTMASTER UNITEDSTATES. POSTAL SERVICE March 13, 2019 Walter Brown P.O, Box 691 Littlefield, TX 79339 Re: Your documentation received March 12, 2019 Dear Mr. Brown: On March 12, 2019, | received your document entitled “Affidavit of Written Initial Uniformed Commerciai Code Financing Statement” ("your request"). Please be advised that, pursuant to Postal policy, your request is insufficient to waive any fees for services and products provided by the U.S. Postal Service. Additionally, please be advised that mail addressed to you at the address set forth above will continue to be delivered in accordance with our Postal Operations Manuai (“POM”) and ail other applicable Postal policies and regulations. You may wish to refer to POM §611.1, a copy of which is enciosed herein for your convenience. Very daly ys Matthew Dolle Postmaster of Littlefield. Texas Enclosure BOI PHELPS AVE LITTLEFIELD. TX 79339-9998 (806) 385-4030 ‘02018 Mathew Date Gna 2 Apor 2views 0 0 Matthew Dolle Cmd 2 Appr Uploaded by Malik Zahid Bey on Dec 12, 2019 Universal Sovereign Affidavit Of Command to Appear in Court to MATTHEW DOLLE DBA. POSTMASTER LITTLEFIELD TEXAS POST OFFICE Full description Download Embed Share Print ‘naps: seribd.comldocumeniv439566873/Matthow-Dole-Crd-2-Appr " 76544-4752 i iF fs ave = ce) ry a 3) a [3 ra Ze at 5 wo 82 ae) we Be 2g a Bo a Q su Gos Se eins ee BE rS me oF een 36 A | 2 Cty ae eer) ee eo pees 0000 ETT eTOe aan eee 1 yaeoey wmnay onsewod 1 a Toco ORO AFZS OONO OETT eTOe SS sama mmnmaiesicgnes 4 Fen oe minors 2 “aoe ise ae tmmarrertumnne 3 3 poeple, tnpaneunsrdaere g pope 8 saa 3 ene eeces SvXaL ‘C1aISSTLIN ANNAAV Sd713Hd 108 3TIOG MAHLLYW 440 180d CTAISSULLN SASN RECEIPT PENTAGON: pe 203° 2800 ARMY WASHINGTON, ostal Service IFIED MAIL® sag HOGG ws Lest £925 OOO OETT eTOA S Moorish National Republic Federal Government » ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ » Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / ‘The North Gate’ Affidavit of Written Initial Uniformed Commercial Code Financing Statement Fixture Filing, Land and Commercial Lien National Safe Harbor Program UCC § 9-521 whereby Nationals who file written UCC1 claims can file UCCs in any state. th 13, 1439 MCY [December 13, 2019 CCY] ‘To: USPS LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE POSTMASTER MATTHEW DOLLE 801 PHELPS AVENUE LITTLEFIELD, TEXAS 79339 and all derivatives thereof Mail: Documents or requests for copies can be submitted to: Ce: [MAYOR MURIEL BOWSER] JOHN A WILSON BUILDING 1350 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW WASHINGTON, DC 20004 170181130000052839431 / 9590940243668190093405] Co: [DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT CORPORATION] RECORDER OF DEEDS 1101 4™ STREET, SW, 5™ FLOOR WASHINGTON, DC 20024 170181130000052840697 / 9590940243668190093399] Ce: [OFFICE OF TAX AND REVENUE — JEFFREY DEWITT] 1101 4th St SW #270 WASHINGTON, DC 20024 [70181130000052839417 / 9590940243668190083482] From: Moorish American Consulate Moorish National Republic Federal Government Malik Zahid Bey (Ex. Rel WALTER JAMES BROWN, WALTER J. BROWN ‘Care of: PO Box 691 Cc S § 28:9-521 Uniform form of written financing statement - A filing office that accepts written records ‘may not refuse to accept a written initial financing statement in this form and format except for a reason set forth in § 28:9-516(b) entitled “What constitutes filing; effectiveness of filing”. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), communication of a record to a filing office and tender of the filing fee or acceptance of the record by the filing office constitutes filing. § 28:9-501 Filing Office. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b), if the local law of the District governs perfection of a security interest or agricultural lien, the office in which to file a financing statement to perfect the security interest or agricultural lien is: (1) The Recorder of Deeds, if (B) The financing statement is filed as a fixture filing and the collateral is ‘poods that are or are to become fixtures; or (2) The Mayor in all other cases, including a case in which the collateral is goods that are or are to become fixtures and the financing statement is not filed as a fixture filing. (b) The office in which to file a financing statement to perfect a security interest in collateral, including fixtures, of a transmitting utility is the Office of the Mayor. The financing statement also constitutes a fixture filing as to the collateral indicated in the financing statement which is or is to become fixtures. § 28:9-515 Duration and effectiveness of financing statement; effect of lapsed financing statement. (f) If ‘a debtor is a transmitting utility and a filed initial financing statement so indicates, the financing statement is effective until a termination statement is filed. § 28:9-521: Uniform form of written financing statement and amendment. UCCI FINANCING STATEMENT FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER (OPTIONAL) Moorish American Consulate B, EMAIL CONTACT AT FILER (OPTIONAL) C. SEND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TO: (Name and Address) Moorish American Consulate Moorish National Republic Federal Government Malik Zahid Bey, in care of PO Box 691 Near [LITTLEFIELD TERRITORY TEXAS 79339]] ZIP EXEMPT North America THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE ONLY 1. DEBTOR’S NAME: Provide only one Debtor name (1a or 1b) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor’s name); if any part of the Individual Debtor’s name will not fit in line 2b, leave all of item 2 blank, check here |__| and provide the Individual Debtor information in item 19 of the Finance Statement Addendum Form (Form UCCIAd) Cc i S 801 PHELPS AVENUE CITYSTATE —POSTALCODE — COUNTRY LITTLEFIELD TEXAS 79339 2. DEBTOR’S NAME: Provide only one Debtor name (Ia or Ib) (use exact, full name; do not omit, modify, or abbreviate any part of the Debtor’s name; if any part of the Individual Debtor’s name ‘will not fit in line 1b, leave all of item 1blank, check here [ | and provide the Individual Debtor information in item 10 of the Finance Statement Addendum Form (Form UCC1Ad) 2a, ORGANIZATION’S NAME USPS LITTLEFIELD TEXAS POST OFFICE OR MATTHEW DOLLE 2b. INDIVIDUAL’S SURNAME FIRST PERSONAL NAME ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) THAT ARE PART OF THE NAME OF THIS DEBTOR SUFFIX 2c. MAILING ADDRESS: 801 PHELPS AVENUE CITYSTATE POSTALCODE — COUNTRY LITTLEFIELD, TEXAS 79339 US 3, SECURED FIRST PARTY CREDITOR (or NAME of ASSIGNEE of ASSIGNOR SECURED PARTY): Provide only one Secured Party name (3a or 3b) Moorish National Republic Federal Government 3a. ORGANIZATION’S NAME 3b. APPELLATION Malik Zahid Bey ADDITIONAL NAME(S)/INITIAL(S) SUFFIX, 3c. MAILING LOCATION In Care of: PO Box 691 ICITYSTATE POSTALCODE — COUNTRY] ‘Near [LITTLEFIELD TERRITORY TEXAS 79339] Without the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 4, COLLATERAL: This financing statement covers the following collateral: ‘This financing statement covers the following collateral: The collateral covered by this financing statement is the indebtedness of the debtor to the secured (first) party creditor in the sum certain amount of: $100,000,000,000,000, in gold backed lawful tender Due for cach parcel the debtor is occupying upon the land to which Malik Zahid Bey and all Moorish American Nationals of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, the Moorish American Consulate and The Moorish Divine and National Movement of the World are heirs to pursuant to the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836 and the American ‘Mandate for the Land. previously held in the United Nations Trusteeship System (1946) in Geneva C i 8 times on the land pursuant to the said Treaty. Proof of service of each writ and affidavit is attached. Creditors notice against the liable parties is the judgement. Res Judicata. Stare Decisis. Right of the Secured Party Creditor. Additionally, this claim is filed pursuant to Common Law Claims, Writ of Plevin, International Commercial Claims, Aboriginal & Imperial Claims (Antiquitous Claims). THIS IS A FILING TO ENCUMBER Land, Property, Real Estate, and all commercial transactions by debtor (all Principals ‘and agents) also pursuant to *UCC 9-607 collection and enforcement by secured party*UCC 9-203 ‘Attachment and enforceability of security interest*UCC 9-609 Secured Party’s Right to take Possession ‘after default. All contracts with the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY are cancelled effective September 11, 2018. New Contracts with the Moorish Ni Re for the debtors are a Federal Governm< All debtors named above have current contracts with the Moorish American Nationals at North America which is the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836, the Constitution for the united States 1791 and this UCC1 finaneing statement whose document number is 70181130000052840697. ‘The terms of your contract with The Moorish National Republic Federal Government, The Moorish ‘American Consulate and the Moorish American Nationals is that the Moorish American Nationals are to be respected as the Secured First Party creditors at all times and now the new heirs to LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE, USPS and all of its intellectual property and holdings. Contract particulars are to be discussed as ‘soon as this notification is confirmed received by LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE, USPS. ‘The only flag that will fly at North America, Morocco is the Moorish American Flag [red with five pointed ‘green star] and all “US Banners of Amity and Commerce” are outlawed and are “Commanded to be «Removed Immediately. Alll Indigenous People who are not of the Moorish Nation (Melanin dominant) Birthright and Bloodline are subjects of the Moorish American Nationals. All immigrants who do not pledge sincere allegiance to the Moorish Flag will be arrested and detained and/or deported. All who pledge allegiance to the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Flag ‘will be made subjects and are mandated to protect and serve the Moorish American Nationals upon our land. The property with all acreage is now the property of the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, The Moorish American Consulate and the Moorish American Nationals. The property is to be turned over ‘to Malik Zahid Bey with the keys and codes to all of the buildings no later than February 13, 2019. The Moorish American Government will begin using the property at that time. Anyone who obstructs, hinders, encumbers, speaks against, or resists the mandates of this affidavit will be seized by the Grand Army of the Republic, formerly known as the United States Military, and detained in a jeil cell indefinitely. Malik Zahid Bey, The Moorish National Republic Federal Government, and the Moorish American Nationals are the Creditors and LITTLEFIELD POST OFFICE, USPS, are the debtors to the Moors. As with all property at Northwest America, if at any time a Moorish American National should send by mail, deliver, hand, send, or state 2 notification to the residence of any foreigner, European, or immigrant stating that you are to vacate the premises of any property at North America, along with providing a copy of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786/1836 and a copy of the Moorish American Consulate Notice of Existence, you ‘are to vacate the premises at once without question or hesitation. The Moorish National Republic Federal Government will provide remedy to you at our discussion. We remain in honor and governing accordingly. All utilities and living services at Morocco are at no charge of feudal fee to the Moorish American Nationals. The Moorish National Republic Federal Government is the only government with superior jurisdiction at North America. Only gold and silver are to be used as currency in payment of debts. Fiat “anne ERDER AT RESERVE DEBT NOTES are outlawed forever. C 6b. Check only if applicable and check only one box: cAgricultural Lien co Non-UCC Filing 7. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNATION (if applicable): 1 Lessee/Lessor 3 Consignee/Consignor 0 Seller/Buyer 1 Bailer/Bailor 3 Licensee/Licensor 8. OPTIONAL FILER REFERENCE DATA (Maximum Principal Indebtedness) The Governing Principle does extend to ‘The League of Nations American Mandate for the Land, held in Geneva Switzerland (1948), The United Nations American Mandate for the Land held in the United Nations Trusteeship (1948) and the Amendment XIII (20 sections) of the Constitution for the United States of ‘America, ratified: Nov 18, 1865 by % of the several states. We, the Moors at North America, claim trusteeship, heirship, executorship, administration of, and beneficiary status of all land in the western hemisphere and all land as mandated by our Ancient Aboriginal Pharaonic Ancestors. Chronos: Day:__13_ 1439__[2019} Tam:

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