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Abbreviations List 1 of 6
Code Description
AND Do not use &
AT Do not use @
ABDN Abandon (ed)
AMT Amount
ANG Angle (s)
APPROX Approximate
ASSY Assembly
AV Annular Velocity
AVG Average
AZIM Azimuth
BBLS Barrels
BHA Bottom Hole Assembly
BHP Bottom Hole Pressure
BHT Bottom Hole Temperature
BML Below Mud Line
BO Back Off or Barrels Oil
BOP Blow out preventers
BP Bridge Plug or Back Pressure
BPD Barrels per Day
BPH Barrels per Hour
BPM Barrels per Minute
BPV Back Pressure Valve
BRKN Broken
BS Bit Sub
BTC Buttress Connections
BTM Bottom
BU Bottoms Up
BW Barrels Water
C/K Choke and Kill
C/O Clean Out or Change Out
CA Calcium
CCM Circulating & Conditioning mud
CD Contract Depth
CIRC Circulate
CL Clorides
CMT Cement(ing)
COMP Complete or Completions
CSG Casing
CT Coil Tubing
DBL Double
DC Drill Collars
DD Directional Drilling
DEG Degree
DEMOB Demobilize
DEV Deviation
DF/RT Drill Floor Rotary Table
Abbreviations List 2 of 6
DFS Days From Spud
DHM Down Hole Motor
DIA Diameter
DIR Directional
DL Drill Line
DLS Dog Leg Serverity
DOL Days On Location or Dolomite
DP Drill Pipe
DRLG Drilling
DS Drill String
DSA Double Studded Adapter
DST Drill Stem Test
DW Drill Water
ECD Equivalent Circulating Density
ELEC Electric
ELEV Elevation
EMW Equivalent Mud Weight
EQ Equation / Equal to
ESD Emergency Shut Down
ESP Electric Submersible Pump
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD Estimated Time of Departure
FIT Formation Integrity Test
FM Formation
FP Free Point
FPH Feet per Hour
FPM Feet per Minute
FRAC Fracing or Fractured
FV Funnel Viscosity
FW Free Water or Fresh Water
GAL Gallons
GL Ground Level
GPM Gallons Per Minute
GRD Ground
HCR Hydraulically Controlled Remote Valve
HD Hard
HGS High Gravity Solids
HO Hole Opener
HORZ Horizontal
HP Horsepower
HR Hour (s)
HWDP Heavy Weight Drill Pipe
ID Inside Diameter
INC Inclination
JTS Joints
KO Kick Off
KOP Kick Off Point
Abbreviations List 3 of 6
LBS Pound (s)
LC Landing Collar
LCM Lost Circulation Material
LD Lay Down
LG Large
LGS Low Gravity Solids
LMRP Lower Marine Raiser Package
LNR Liner
LOC Location
LOG Electric logs
LOT Leak Off Test
LS Limestone
LTA Lost Time Accident
LTC Long Tread & Coupling
LTR Liter
LWD Logging while Drilling tools
LWR Lower
m Meter(s)
MD Measured depth
MOB Mobilize
MSL Mean Sea Level
MT Metric Ton
MU Make up
MW Mud weight
MWD Measurement While Drilling tools
NB Near Bit
NBR Near Bit Reamer
ND Nippling Down
NG No Good
NU Nippling Up
OD Outer Diameter
OE Open Ended
OH Open Hole
OK Okay
OS Over Shot
PA Plug and Abandoned (Permanent)
PAX Passengers
PBD Plug Back Depth
PBTMD Plug Back Total Measured Depth
PBTVD Plug Back True Vertical Depth
PD Per Day
PDC Polycrystalline Diamond Compact Bit
PDM Positive Displacement Motor
PERM Permeable or Permanent
PGB Permanent Guide Base
PKR Packer
PO Present Operation or Purchase Order
POB Personnel On Board
Abbreviations List 4 of 6
POH Pulling Out of the Hole
POR Porosity
PP Pore Pressure
PPB Pound per Barrel
PPG Pounds per Gallon
PSI Pounds per Square Inch
PU Pick Up
PV Plastic Viscosity
RA Radio Active
RAD Radius
RCJB Reverse Circulation Junk Basket
RD Rigging Down something on the rig
REP Repair
REV Reverse
RIH Running in Hole
RKB Rotary Kelly Bushing
ROP Rate of Penetration
RPM Revolutions per Minute
RR Roller Reamer
RU Rigging Up something on the rig
S/C DL Slip & cut drill line
SCSSSV Surface Control Sub-Surface Safety Valve
SD Shut Down or Sand
SDON Shut Down Over Night
SEC Seconds
SH Shale
SICP Shut in Casing Pressure
SIDPP Shut in Drill Pipe Pressure
SITP Shut In Tubing Pressure
SIWP Shut in Wellhead Pressure
SLM Steel Line Measure
SPF Shots per Foot
SPM Strokes per Minute
SQZ Squeeze
SS Shock Subs or Sub Sea or Sandstone
SSSV Sub-Surface Safety Valve
ST Side Track
STAB Stabilizer
STBY Stand (ing) By
STC Short Tread & Coupling
STD Stands
STKS Strokes
SW Sea Water
SWBG Swab(ing)
SWC Side Wall Cores
SXS Sacks
TA Plug and Abandoned (Temporary)
TBG Tubing
Abbreviations List 5 of 6
TCP Tubing Convey Perforating
TEMP Temperature
TGB Temporary Guide Base
TMD Total Measured Depth
TOC Top of Cement
TOF Top Of Fish
TOL Top of Liner
TVD True Vertical Depth
UPR Upper
UR Under Reamer(ing)
VERT Vertical
VIS Viscosity
VOL Volume
W/R Washing & Reaming
WD Water Depth
WH Well Head
WIRELINE Do not abbreviate
WKOV Work Over
WL Water Loss or Water Line
WP Working Pressure
WO Wash Out
WOB Weight on Bit
WOC Waiting on Cement
WOL Waiting on Location
WOO Waiting on Orders
WOW Waiting on Weather
WS Whip Stock
WT Weight
WTR Water
XO Cross Over
YP Yield Point

Abbreviations List 6 of 6

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