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Abstract— This document gives details for internet and electronic communication
system. It will further explain the basic key concepts like telecommunication system,
Difference between analog and digital commn system, computer networks and
internet and various such techniques.

This document is a research on use of internet and electronic communication system. It deals with the
factors like how communication is processed and why to use electronic communication system and
computer networks. It also deals with the one of the basic facts of the commn system i.e. modulation
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet
Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of
millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are
linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range
of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide
Web(WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.

B:- Telecommuncation System:-

A basic consists of three primary units that are always present in some form:

 A that takes telecommunication information and converts it to a signal

 A transmission system, also called the "physical channel" that carries the signal. An example of
this is the “free space channel”
A reciever that takes the signal from the channel and converts to the Internet from anywhere there is a
wireless network supporting that device's technology. Within the limitations imposed by small screens and
other limited facilities of such pocket-sized devices, services of the Internet, including email and the web,
may be available. Service providers may restrict the services offered and wireless data transmission
charges may be significantly higher than other access methods.

The Internet is allowing greater flexibility in working hours and location, especially with the spread of
unmetered high-speed connections and web applications.

The Internet can now be accessed almost anywhere by numerous means, especially through mobile
Internet devices. Mobile phones, datacards, handheld game consoles and cellular routers allow users to
connect Keywords— commn system(communication system),commn(communication),ECS(Electronic
Communication System),BTH(BLUETOOTH)

Advantages of internet:-

There many advantages to using the internet such as:

• Email.
Email is now an essential communication tools in business. It is also excellent for keeping in touch
with family and friends. The advantages to email is that it is free ( no charge per use) when
compared to telephone, fax and postal services.
• Information.
There is a huge amount of information available on the internet for just about every subject known
to man, ranging from government law and services, trade fairs and conferences, market
information, new ideas and technical support.
• Services.
Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking and
applications, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line or cost more.
• Buy or sell products.
The internet is a very effective way to buy and sell products all over the world.
• Communities.
Communities of all types have sprung up on the internet. Its a great way to meet up with people of
similar interest and discuss common issues.
Communications signals can be either analog signals ordigitalsignal.There are analog systems and digital
communication systems. For an analog signal, the signal is varied continuously with respect to the
information. In a digital signal, the information is encoded as a set of discrete values (for example, a set of
ones and zeros). During the propagation and reception, the information contained in analog signals will
inevitably be degraded by undesirable physical noise. (The output of a transmitter is noise-free for all
practical purposes.) Commonly, the noise in a communication system can be expressed as adding or
subtracting from the desirable signal in a completely random way. This form of noise is called "additive
noise", with the understanding that the noise can be negative or positive at different instants of time. Noise
that is not additive noise is a much more difficult situation to describe or analyze, and these other kinds of
noise will be omitted here. The other meaning of the term "channel" in telecommunications is seen in the
phrase communication channel, which is a subdivision of a transmission medium so that it can be used
to send multiple streams of information simultaneously.

The shaping of a signal to convey information is known as modulation. Modulation can be used to
represent a digital message as an analog waveform. This is commonly called “keying” - a term derived
from the older use of Morse Code in telecommunications - and several keying techniques exist (these
include phase shift keying, frequency shift keying and amplitude shift jeying). The “BLUETOOTH"
system, for example, uses phase-shift keying to exchange information between various devices.In addition,
there are combinations of phase-shift keying and amplitude-shift keying which is called (in the jargon of
the field) "quadrature amplitude modulation" (QAM) that are used in high-capacity digital radio
communication systems.
Modulation can also be used to transmit the information of low-frequency analog signals at higher
frequencies. This is helpful because low-frequency analog signals cannot be effectively transmitted over
free space. Hence the information from a low-frequency analog signal must be impressed into a higher-
frequency signal (known as the "carrier wave") before transmission. There are several different
modulation schemes available to achieve this [two of the most basic being amplitude modulation[(AM)]
and frequency modulation (FM)].


In communications-electronics is the specialized field concerned with the use of electronic devices and
systems for the acquisition or acceptance, processing,storage, display, analysis, protection, disposition,
and transfer of information.

Communications-electronics includes the wide range of responsibilities and actions relating to:

• Electronic devices and systems used in the transfer of ideas and perceptions;
• Electronic sensors and sensory systems used in the acquisition of information devoid of semantic
• Electronic devices and systems intended to allow friendly forces to operate in hostile environments
and to deny to hostile forces the effective use of electromagnetic resources.

Communication between parties at a distance from one another. Modern telecommunication systems —
capable of transmitting telephone, fax, data, radio, or television signals — can transmit large volumes of
information over long distances. Digital transmission is employed in order to achieve high reliability with
minimal noise, or interference, and because it can transmit any signal type, digital or analog. For digital
transmission, analog signals must be subjected to a process of analog-to-digital conversion; most
television, radio, and voice communications are analog and must be digitized before transmission.
Transmission may occur over cables, wireless radio relay systems, or via satellite links.
Transmission of data between computers at different locations. Data are typically sent over telephone
lines, but radio waves and satellites are also used. A computer with a communications board (RS-232C
Serial Port), telecommunications software, and modem are needed for communication; a terminal may
also be used. Software is required to communicate between computers within the firm, for time-sharing
situations, and for accessing commercial data bases. Software also aids in the manipulation of information
coming over the modem. Communications packages usually reserve some of the computer memory as a
buffer. Information is placed in the capture buffer, awaiting future disposition (saving to disk or printing
the information). Alternatively, one can load data from a disk into the buffer for uploading to another
computer in Ascii if a synchronous communication is used. Information handling functions are the core of
the telecommunications program. Some communications programs do error checking of information
received (i.e., XModem Protocol). Communications software permits CPAs in different geographic areas
to communicate with each other by electronic mail or to transfer data files and documents between offices.
Bulletin boards can be established by CPAs to share up-to-date accounting and auditing information with
their clients.


The Internet and electronic communications (also called computer mediated communications, or CMC)
doesn't just mean new tools for communication; it means new ways to communicate. Today your
organization interacts with its various constituents differently - employees, board members, customers,
partners and others - depending upon the nature of the message, the goals you are trying to achieve and the
strengths (and weaknesses) of the available media - telephones, voice mail, fax machines, print, etc.
Old Pattern Organisational Control

Electronic communications adds a powerful new channel that not only will change how you use this mix
of options, but it will create entirely new ways to interact. For example:

• Electronic communications lets you combine numerous media - text, graphics sound,
video, etc. - into a single message. That can result in far more meaningful
communications tailored to the nature of your particular audience.
• Electronic communications is interactive. It engages audiences in active, two-way
• Two-way communication is nothing new. But electronic communications creates a new
form of many-to-many communications that lets geographically distributed groups
communicate interactively and simultaneously through text, sound and video.
• Many organizations are using electronic communications facilities, such as the World Wide
Web, as internal communications tools to enhance team work
• Electronic communications removes the power of communications gatekeepers to both
positive and negative effects.
• With the Internet you have the ability to transmit and receive large amounts of information
quickly to and from individuals and workgroups around the world.


One of the application of internet and electronic communication system is Electronic mail, commonly
called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages across the internet or other computer
networks. Originally, email was transmitted directly from one user to another computer. This required
both computers to be at the online same time, a instant messaging. Today's email systems are based on a
store and forward model. Email servers accept, forward, deliver and store messages. Users no longer need
be online simultaneously and need only connect briefly, typically to an email server, for as long as it takes
to send or receive messages.
An email message consists of two components, the message header, and the message body, which is the
email's content. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's
email address and one or more recipient addresses. Usually additional information is added, such as a
subject header field.

The personal identifier could be a person's name or some other way to uniquely identify an individual. The
domain is an indicator of the location of that individual, and appears to the right of the "at" (@) sign. A
domain name is the unique name of a collection of computers that are connected to the Internet, usually
owned by or operated on the behalf of a single organization (company, school, or agency) that owns the
domain name. The domain name consists of two or more sections, each separated by a period.

From right-to-left, the portions of the domain name are more general to more specific in terms of location.
In the United States, the rightmost portion of a domain is typically one of the following:

• com—indicating a commercial enterprise

• edu—indicating an educational institution
• gov—indicating a governmental body
• mil—indicating a military installation
• net—indicating a network resource
• org—indicating a nonprofit organization


Although there are a variety of advantages and disadvantages of email, the advantages outweigh the
disadvantages by far.

Unfortunately the good always comes with the bad. Some of the disadvantages of email may be that your
staff spends too much time on personal messages as opposed to work related stuff. This is the fundamental
disadvantage to allowing employees email access.

However if a positive and trusting relationship is able to be maintained, between management and staff,
then this could contribute to a more productive working environment, where employees can enjoy the
many advantages of using email.

1. Spam emails can be sent which can clutter your inbox.

2. Email hoaxes.
3. Viruses can be sent by email.
4. Misunderstandings can occur if messages are not constructed properly.
5. Not everyone has internet connectivity.
6. Confidential information can be easily forwarded and disseminated and if done in error could
easily end up in the wrong hands.


The Internet is now truly global, with 150 countries connected. In less than 30 years, the Internet migrated
from an American military information management tool to an information superhighway serving the
entire world.
The Internet revolutionized late twentieth and early twenty-first century society as dramatically as the
railroads and the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century. Telecommuting, e-commerce, blogs, and
virtual communities have broken geographic boundaries and brought people closer together.

At the same time, the internet has introduced significant social challenges. There is a danger of creating a
second-class citizenship among those without access. Privacy and security are a continuing concern. The
workplace is drastically altering society as the information age makes industrial-era skills obsolete.
The twenty-first century will be strongly influenced by the dispersion of information technology, and
the Internet promises to be the conduit of this technology.

Internet and electronic communication system is one of the important and will be the most usable
technology in the future. The Internet is now truly global, with 150 countries connected. In less than 30
years, the Internet migrated from an American military information management tool to an information
superhighway serving the entire world.

[4] The Communication.handbook,2nd edition
[6] B.PLATHI(moderncomunicationsystem)

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