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Description of "Resistance" - "Propeller"

and Hydrostatic calculations for ship

design purposes on a IBM compatible PC.

Part 1, Including Appendix 1 untill 5

Ing. A.P. de Zwaan

Report nr. 858

January 1990

Delft University of Technology

Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD Defft
The Netherlands
Phone 015 - 78 68 82
Computer configuration needed
A. Start of the general menu. 2

1. Still water resistance according to HOLTROP and MENNEN. 3

1.1 Introduction. 3
1.2 Input menus. 3

1.2.1 First window. 3

1.2.2 Second window. 4
1.2.3 Third window. 4

1.3 Menu handling keys. 5

2. Resistance calculation according to GULDHAMMER and HARVALD. 6

2.1 Introduction. 6
2.2 Input menus.

2.2.1 First window. 6

2.2.2 Second window. 7
2.2.3 Third window. 7

2.3 Menu handling keys.


3. Resistance calculation according to LAP /W.H. AUF'M


3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Input menus.

3.2.1 First window.

3.2.2 Second window.

3.3 Menu handling keys.


4. Calculation of Wageningen B-Serie Propellers,

4.1 Introduction,
4.2 Input menus. 10
4.2.1 First window.
4.4.2 Second window (optional).
4.3 Menu handling keys.
5. Calculation of Ducted Propellers.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Input menus. 13
5.2.1 First window.
5.2.2 Second window (optional). 14
5.3 Menu handling keys.
INDEX (continued)
6. Hydrostatic programs. 16

6.1 Introduction. 16
6.2 Input menus. 16

6.2.1 Menu for the general input data. 17

6.2.2 Menu distances between calculation ordinates. 17
6.2.3 Menu for the hullform cross sections. 18

6.3 Menu handling keys. 19

6.4 Menu for the calculation programs. 20

6.4.1 Check input data and modify. 20

6.4.2 Input control by plotting the body plan on screen. 20
6.4.3 Displacement calculation. 21
6.4.4 Stability calculation. 21
6.4.5 Trim calculation. 22
6.4.6 Floodable length curve calculation. 23
6.5 Menu handling keys. 24

This report describes how to use and start the several programs,
and does not give a description of the theory used.
For the description of used methods an appendix is given at the
end of this report or references are made.
The programs are

a). Resistance calculation according to "HOLTROP and MENNEN".

Resistance calculation according to "GULDHAMMER and HARVALD".
Resistance calculation according to "LAP / AUF'M KELLER".
Calculation of "DUCTED PROPELLERS".
Hydrostatic programs consisting of
- input check by a body plan on the screen or plotter
- displacement calculation
- stability calculation
- floodable length curve calculation
- trim calculation

The programs are fully menu controlled and the menu will be activa-
ted by the command START <cr>.

There are two possibilies for file handling

- Load an existing file, rectify possible errors in the input and
- Make a new file and run.

The descriptions of the menus will be found in the corresponding


Computer configuration needed:

- IBM compatible MS-dos computer
- Memory 640 Kb
- 20 Mb Hard disk
- 8088, 8086, 80286 or 80386 processor
- Corresponding mathematical coprocessor 8087, 80287 etc.
- Graphics screen CGA,EGA,VGA,Hercules or Olivetti screen.
- DMP Series Digital Plotter
Houston Instument
- Printer

If no plotter is available it is possible to make a copy of the bo-

dyplan on the printer by pressing the print screen key <SCRPRT>.
The menu programs are written in Quick Basic,
version 4.00b and
the calculation programs in Fortran 77 and compiled
with the IBM
Professional Fortran compiler of Ryan Mc Farland version 4.2.

A. Start of the general menu

Type the command "START" and the following menu will appear on
the screen:

Calculation programs.

You may select one of the following programs:

1 Resistance calculation according to "HOLTROP and MENNEN".

2 Resistance calculation according to "GULDHAMMER and HARVALD".
3 Resistance calculation according to "LAP / AUF'M KELLER".
5 Calculation of "DUCTED PROPELLERS".
6 Hydrostatic programs (input check, displacement, stability,
floodable length curve and trim calculation).
7 Stop.


Co with the cursor to the desired command line and press the
return key.
The program asks for an existing dataset. If not the program
starts with an empty menu, if so the menu will be filled with
the values from the existing dataset.

When choosing the numbers 1 until 5 ,

after carrying out the
calculation, the program always returns to this menu above.
If a wrong choice has been made it is possible to return to
the menu with the <ESC> function key.

1 Still water resistance according to HOLTROP and MENNEN.
1.1 Introduction

The still water resistance calculation is based on the follo-

wing reports:

A statistical power prediction method,

Holtrop J. and Mennen G.G.J.,
International Shipbuilding Progress
Vol. 25, October 1978.
See appendix [1].
An approximate power prediction method,
Holtrop J. and Mennen G.G.J.,
International Shipbuilding Progress,
Vol. 29, July 1982.
See appendix [2].
A statistical re-analysis of resistance and propulsion
Holtrop J.,
International Shipbuilding Progress,
Vol. 31, November 1984.
See appendix [3].
1.2 Input menus

There is one input menu divided over three windows:

1.2.1 First window

Length between perpendiculars (m) LPP

Length of the construction waterline (m) LWL
Moulded Breadth (m) BR
Midship draft (m) DRAFT
Trim (m) TRIM
Moulded volume of displacement (m3) VOL
Center of buoyancy forward of LPP/2 (% of LPP) LCB
Waterplane area coefficient (-) CWP
Midship section coefficient (-) CM
Wetted area hull (m2) (if unknown SHULL=0)
Shape coefficient aft (-)
U-form with Hogner stern CAFT=+10.0

Normal form CAFT- 0.0

V-form CAFT--10.0

Pram with gondola: CAFT=-25.0 .CAFT

Wetted area rudder (m2).
Rudder coefficient (-)
Rudder behind skeg CRUD-1.5-2.0
Rudder behind stern . .
. .

Twin-screw balance rudders CRUD= 2.8 .CRUD

Wetted area appendages (m2) SAPP=SUM[sapp(i)]
If the values are entered then ask for
next window with the
the key <PgDn> (page down).

1.2.2 Second window

Equivalent appendage factor (-)

Shaft brackets capp(i)
: 3.0
Skeg : capp(i) 1.5-2.0
Strut bossings : capp)i) 3.0
Hull bossings : capp(i)= 2.0
Shafts capp(i) 2.0-4.0

Stabilizer fins: capp(i) 2.8

Dome : capp(i)= 2.7
Bilge keels : capp(i) 1.4 CAPP
Cross section area bulbous bow (m2) ABULB
Centroid of bulbous bow cross section to keel(m) HBULB
Diameter of bow thruster tunnel (m)
N bow thrusters DBTTDBTT*sqrt(N)
DBTT . .

Resistance coefficient of bow thruster tunnel

Thruster in cylindrical part of bow CBTT-0.003

Thruster at the worst location CBTT-0.012 CBTT


Area of immersed transom (m2) AT

Length of the run (m) (if unknown SLR-0) . SLR

Angle of entrance of waterline(if. unknown 0 degr)--ALFA

Number of propellers:0-2,if<>0 calc. of W,T,RRE NPROP

If the values are entered then ask for next window with the
key <PgDn> (page down).
1.2.3 Third window

Diameter of propeller (m) DP

Expanded blade area ratio AAE
Pitch-diameter ratio PPD
Number of ship speeds (max) 25) NV
knots knots


If the input is completed start calculation with the func-

tion key <END>.
The program asks: Store data input? Y(es)/N(o):
- Yes :
Name of the dataset (without extension):
Type a name with not more than seven characters.
The input data will be saved on disk under the en-
tered name with the extension ".HLT".
For the calculation program, the dataset is copied
into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
No :
The input data will not be saved on disk.
For the calculation program, the input data will be
stored into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".

1.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> - Co to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> - Co to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> - Go to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> - Co to next menu.
<Return> - Value doesn't change/activate input value.

2 Resistance calculation according to GULDHAMMER and HARVALD.
2.1 Introduction

The resistance calculation is based on the report:

Ship resistance,
Effect of Form and Principal Dimensions,
H.E. Guldhammer and Sv. Aa. Harvald,
Akademisk Forlag
See appendix [4]

2.2 Input menus

There is one input menu divided over three windows.

2.2.1 First window

Length between perpendiculars (m) LPP

Length of the construction waterline (m) . LWL
Moulded breadth (m) BR
Midship draft (m) DRAFT
Trim (m) TRIM
Moulded volume of displacement (m3) VOL
Center of buoyancy forward op LPP/2 (% of LPP) LCB
Waterplane area coefficient (-) CWP
Midship section coefficient (-) CM
Wetted area hull (if unknown SHULL-0)
: .
Shape coefficient aft (-)
Extreme U-Form CAFT-+0.10

Extreme V-Form CAFT--0.10

Shape coefficient forward (-)
Extreme U-Form CFOR--0.10

Extreme V-Form CFOR-+0.10

Wetted area rudder (m2) SRUD
Wetted area appendages (m2) SAPP
Increase of wave resistance due to appendages (%):
Bossings at full ships 3-5%

Shaft brackets and shafts at fine ships 5-8%

If the values are entered then ask for next window
with the
key <PgDn> (page down).

2.2.2 Second window

Cross section area bulbous bow (m2)

Bow correction due to Guldh. & Harv. :ABULB > 0
No bow correction -ABULB 0
Bow correction due to Holtr. & Mennen:ABULB < 0 ABULB
Centroid of bulbous bow cross section to keel(m) HBULB
Diameter of bow thruster tunnel (m)
N bow thrusters DBTTDBTT*sqrt(N)
Resistance coefficient of bow thruster tunnel
Thruster in cylindrical part of bow CBTT-0.003

Thruster at the worst location CBTT-0.012 CBTT


Resistance coefficient due to air,steering,etc.:

Air resistance . CAA-0.070
. :

Steering resistance CAA-0.040


Both contributions CAA-0.110

If the values are entered then ask for next window with the
key <PgDn> (page down).
2.2.3 Third window

Number of ship speeds (max. 25) NV

knots knots


If the input is completed start calculation with the func-

tion key <END>.
The program asks: Store data input? Y(es)/N(o):
Yes : Name of the dataset (without extension):
Type a name with not more than seven characters.
The input data will be saved on disk under the en-
tered name with the extension ".GLH".
For the calculation program, the dataset is copied
into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
No :
The input data will not be saved on disk.
For the calculation program, the input values will
be stored into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
2.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> Go to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> - Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> - Go to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> Go to next menu.
<Return> - Value doesn't change/activate input value.

3 Resistance calculation according to LAP /W.H. AUF'M KELLER
3.1 Introduction

The resistance calculation is based on the report:

Extended diagrams for determining the resistance and

required power for single-screw ships,
International Shipbuilding Progress,
Vol. 20 - No. 225 - May 1973
See appendix [5].

3.2 Input menus

There is one input menu divided over three windows.

3.2.1 First window

Length between perpendiculars (m) LPP

Length of the construction waterline (m) . LWL
Moulded breadth (m) BR
Midship draft (m) DRAFT
Moulded volume of displacement (m3) VOL
Center of buoyancy forward of LPP/2 (% of LPP) LCB
Midship section coefficient (-) CM
Wetted area hull (m2) (if unknown SHULL-0)
Density of water:RHO-1025 kg/m3 resistance in N
RHO=1.025 ton/m3 resistance in kN RHO
Resistance coefficient DCFSUM[dcf(i)]
Due to wind dcf(1)0.000080

Due to bilge keels dcf(2)=0.000040


Due to steering dcf(3)=0.000040


If the values are entered then ask for next window with the
key <PgDn> (page down).
3.2.1 Second window

Number of ship speeds (max. 25) NV.

knots knots


If the input is completed start calculation with the func-
tion key <END>.
The program asks: Store data input? Y(es)/N(o):
- Yes : Name of the dataset (without extension):
Type a name with not more than seven characters.
The input data will be saved on disk under the en-
tered name with the extension ".LAP".
For the calculation program, the dataset is copied
into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
No :
The input data will not be saved on disk.
For the calculation program, the input data will be
stored into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
3.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> Go to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> Go to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> Go to next menu.
<Return> Value doesn't change/activate input value.

4 Calculation of Wageningen B-Serie Propellers
4.1 Introduction

The propeller calculation is based on the following reports:

Oosterveld M.W.C. and Oossanen P. van,

Further computer-analyzed data of the
Wageningen B-Screw Series,
Netherlands Ship Model Basin,
Publication No. 479.
see appendix [6].
Oosterveld M.W.C. en Oossanen P. van,
Recent developments in marine propeller hydronamics,
Netherlands Ship Model Basin,
Int. Jubilee Meeting 40th ann.,
NSMB 1972,
Wageningen, 1973.
See appendix [7].
Oosterveld M.W.C. en Oossanen P. van,
Representation of propeller characteristics suitable for
preliminary ship design studies,
International Conference,
Computer Applications of ship yards operation and ship
Tokyo, 1973.
See appendix [8].
Theilheimer F. and Starkweather W.,
The fairing of ship lines on a high-speed electronic com-
D.T.M.B. Report no. 1474, 1961.
Nolan T.J.,
Computer Aided Design of developable hull surfaces,
Marine Technology,
April 1971.
4.2 Input menus

There is one input menu divided over one or two windows, depen-
ding on the input.

In the first design step there is one input window, the known
parameters are:
- Diameter propeller.
- Ship speed.
- Thrust calculated by one of the resistance calculation pro-

Parameters to be calculated:
- Propeller revolutions.
- Blade area ratio.
- Pitch diameter ratio.
- Propeller power.
- Propeller efficiency.

For the second design step choose an engine from a catalogue,
delivering the required power.
Tune the propeller and engine.

The known parameters are

- Diameter propeller.
- Propeller revolutions.
Propeller power.
Resistance curve calculated by one of the used resistance
calculation programs (SECOND INPUT WINDOW).
Parameters to be calculated:
- Blade area ratio.
- Pitch diameter ratio.
- Ship speed.
- Propeller efficiency.
4.2.1 First window

Number of rev./min :
NS=0-calculate or fill in a value
Diameter in m :
D-0-calculate or fill in a value
Exp.blade area ratio:AAE-0-calculate or fill in a value
Pitch-diameter ratio:PPD=0-calculate or fill in a value
Number of propeller blades:NPB 2< NPB <-7
Shipspeed in knots :
VS=0-calculate or fill in a value
Relative Rotative Efficiency RRE
Wake Fraction PSI
Choice of propulsion param.:1 - fill in propeller thrust
2 - fill in propeller power
3 - fill in propeller torque:
Thrust in kN IV
Propeller power in KW IV
Propeller Torque in kNm IV
Center propeller shaft to the waterline in m DEPS
Cavitation criterium due to Auf'm Keller . .
Medium IWAT-1 - Sea water 0 Fresh water
, -
Correction parameter:
ICOR=1 Reynoldscorrection,ICOR-2 Correction RN, Roughness
and blade thickness ratio,ICOR-0 No correction ICOR
Test output on screen ?

O - No ; 1 - Yes
If the values are entered then ask for next
screen with the
key <PgDn> or press <END> to start calculation.

4.2.2 Second window (optional)


- (knots) (KN)

1 0 0

If the input is completed start calculation with the func-

tion key <END>.
The program asks: Store data input? Y(es)/N(o):
- Yes :
Name of the dataset (without extension):
Type a name with not more than seven characters.
The input data will be saved on disk under the ente-
red name with the extension ".BPR".
For the calculation program, the input data is copied
into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
- No :
The input data will not be saved on disk.
For the calculation program, the input values will
be stored into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
4.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> - Go to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> - Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> - Go to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> - Go to next menu.
<Return> - Value doesn't change/activate input value.

5 Calculation of Ducted Propellers

5.1 Introduction

The propeller calculation is based on the following reports:

M.W.C. Oosterveld,
Wake adapted ducted propellers,
Doctoral thesis,
Publicer H.Veenman & Zonen N.V. - Wageningen 1970.
Oosterveld M.W.C. en Oossanen P. van
Recent developments in marine propeller hydronamics,
Netherlands Ship Model Basin,
Int. Jubilee Meeting 40th ann.,
NSMB 1972,
Wageningen, 1973.
See appendix [7].
Oosterveld M.W.C. en Oossanen P. van,
Representation of propeller characteristics suitable for
preliminary ship design studies,
International Conference,
Computer Applications of ship yards operation and ship
Tokyo, 1973.
See appendix [8].

5.2 Input menus

There is one input menu divided over one or two windows, depen-
ding on the input.

In the first design step there is one input window, the known
parameters are:

- Diameter propeller.
- Ship speed.
- Thrust calculated by one of the resistance calculation pro-
- Bollard pull (optional)
- Nozzle type.

Parameters to be calculated:
- Propeller revolutions.
Pitch-Diameter Ratio.
- Propeller power.
- Propeller efficiency

For the second design step choose an engine from a catalogue,
delivering the required power.
Tune the propeller and engine.

The known parameters are:

- Diameter propeller.
- Propeller revolutions.
- Propeller power.
- Resistance curve calculated by one of the used resistance
calculation programs. (SECOND INPUT WINDOW).
Parameters to be calculated:

- Pitch - Diamater Ratio.

- Ship speed.
- Propeller efficiency.

5.2.1 First window

Number of rev./min NS=0-calculate or fill in a value

Diameter in m D=0-calculate or fill in a value
Pitch-Diameter ratio PPD=0-calculate or fill in a value
Shipspeed in knots VS=0-calculate or fill in a value
Wake number PSI
Relative Rotative Efficiency RRE
Choice of propulsion parameter 1 - Propeller Thrust
2 - Propeller Power
3 - Propeller Torque .

Propeller thrust in kN IV
Propeller power in KW IV
Propeller torque in kNm IV
Bollard pull in kN IV(2)
Center propeller shaft to the waterline in m DEPS
Medium Iwat=1-Seawater, 0-Fresh water IWAT
Nozzle type
Test output on screen ? 0 - NO, 1 - Yes .

Valid values for the nozzle type are:

36519, 45519, 47019, 47022, 47024, 47037, 510033 and 57519.
If the values are entered then ask for next window with the
key <PgDn> or press <END> to start calculation.

5.2.2 Second window (optional)


- (knots) (KN)

1 0 0

If the input is completed start calculation with the func-

tion key <END>.
The program asks: Store data input? Y(es)/N(o):
- Yes : Name of the dataset (without extension):
Type a name with not more than seven characters.
The input data will be saved on disk under the ente-
red name with the extension ".DCT".
For the calculation program, the input data is copied
into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
- No :
The input data will not be saved on disk.
For the calculation program, the input values will
be stored into a dataset "REKEN.DAT".
5.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> - Go to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> - Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> - Go to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> - Go to next menu.
<Return> - Value doesn't change/activate input value.

6 Hydrostatic programs

6.1 Introduction

The programs are written in Algo1-60 by Ing. A. Versluis and

translated into Fortran 77 by Ing. A.P. de Zwaan.
The input description is based on the following report:

Description and use of Algolprograms for Hydrostatic calcula-

Ing. A. Versluis,
Report no. 282,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Maritime Technics,
Department of Shiphydromechanics,
januari 1971.

For the input description see appendix [9].

6.2 Input menus

There are four menus

- A menu for starting the calculation programs.
- A menu for the general input data.
- A menu for the distances between the succesive calculation
Removing or adding calculation ordinates can be done by
changing the number of ordinate intervals.
If the entered values are not in accordance to the regula-
tions for the input, the program stops and gives a message.
Correct the error and the input program continues.
- A menu for the input of the hullform cross sections.
The program asks for the number of points and for the de-
sign ordinate number.
The design ordinate number is only a control variable which
represents the position of the calculation ordinate.
Removing or adding offsets can be done by changing the num-
ber of points.

If the entered values are not in accordance to the regula-

tions for the input, the program stops and gives a message.
Correct the error and the input program continues.

6.2.1 Menu for the general input data

Identification [input check program]:

General input data.

Mass density of water (t/m3)

Length between design ordinates (0 and 20) .
Moulded breadth (m)
Maximum breadth on the waterline (m)
DRAFT CWL at designord. 0 above baseline (m)
Trim at design ordinate 20 (m)
Waterline of unloaded ship above the baseline (m)

Factor for shell and appendages ( -)
Number of calculation ordinate intervals ( - )
Ranknumber of the midship section ( - )
Distance between DESING ORD. 0 and CALCULATION ORD 0)(m)
If the values are entered then ask for the next menu with the
key <PgDn>.

6.2.2 Menu distances between calculation ordinates

Number of ordinate intervals


0 - 1 15 - 16 ...
1 - 2 ETC.
2 - 3
3 - 4

14 - 15

If the input values are not in accordance to the

tions for the input, the program stops and gives a
Correct the error and the input program continues.
If the values are entered then ask for the next menu with the
key <PgDn>.

6.2.3 Menu for the hullform cross sections



Z - value Y - value

If the entered values are not in accordance to the regula-

tions for the input, the program stops and gives a message.
Correct the error and the input program continues.

If the values are entered then ask for the next screen with
the key <PgDn>.


Z - value Y - value

If the values are entered then ask for the next screen with
the key <PgDn>.

If the input is completed the program asks: do you want to

check the input data once more? Y(es)/N(o)
- Yes :
Co thru all menus again and check the input data.
It's possible to alter the data.
No :
The program asks for scaling factors for transfor-
mation of the input data.
For very small ships it is necessary to multiply the
input with 10. The input will be transformed from
to dm. Read in the output from the calculation pro-m
grams dm for m, dm2 for m2 and dm3 for m3 etc.
Scalingfactors for transformation of the input data
In length : XFACT 1
In breadth : YFACT 1
In height : ZFACT 1


At the end the program asks

- Did you modified the input data? (Y(es)/N(o)


Save input data [NAME]

The text between [] is the filename given before. When not

typing a name, the name between [] will be used.
Give a name without extension

Fill in a name with not more than seven characters.

The program makes three datasets on disk:

- A dataset with the filename + an extension ".INP".
- A dataset with the filename + an extension ".HYD".
- A dataset with only the filename itself.

In this dataset there are put three zeros. After making a

stability -,trim or a floodable length calculation one of
the zeros will be set to 1, so the program knows that one
of the calculations has already been made and there is a
dataset for:

- Stability name of the dataset + the extension ".STA"


- Trim name of the dataset + the extension ".TRI"


- Floodable
length: name of the dataset + the extension ".SCH"
The dataset with extension ".HYD" is calculated from the
dataset with the extension ".INP". The ordinate offsets
are calculated with respect to the mean draft.
If the trim is zero then the files with the extensions
".INP" and ".HYD" are equal.
6.3 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> Co to the top of the
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> Stop input and go to the end of program.
In case of not completed input, this input
can be saved and completed afterwards.
<Arrow Down>- Go to next input line.
<PgDn> Go to next menu.
<Return> Value doesn't change/activate input value.

6.4 Menu for the calculation programs

Check input data and modify.

Input control by plotting the body plan on screen.
Displacement calculation.
Stability calculation.
Trim calculation.
Floodable length curve calculation.
Make your choice!

After choosing one of the items with the cursor the program
At the end of an operation the program always returs to the
menu above.

6.4.1 Check input data and modify

This item is discussed in chapter 6.2.3

6.4.2 Input control by plotting the body plan on screen

The program produces a body plan on the screen, after a se-

lection is made for the proper screen by means of the fol-
lowing menu:
1). CGA,EGA,VGA,MCGA (320 * 200 PIXELS)
5). VGA SCREEN (640 * 480 PIXELS)
After the body plan is produced on the screen (see fig. 1),
it is possible to make a copy on the printer by pressing key
<ScrPrt> or making a plot on the plotter if one connected.

Figure 1. Body plan.

If the program is ready it turns back to the menu described

in chapter 6.4.

6.4.3 Displacement calculation

The program starts to make a copy of the input data into a

dataset "REKEN.DAT" and makes a call for the displacement
calculation program.
The program produces the following text:


Date: dd-mm-year Time: hh:min
Filename of output data [PRINTER]:

Pressing the return key the output will be send to the con-
nected printer.
Typing "CON" the output will be send to the screen.
Typing a name with less than eight characters the
output will
be placed on the disk under the given name.
If the program is ready it turns back to the
menu described
in chapter 6.4.
6.4.4 Stability calculation

The following input menu appears on the screen:

Additional input for the stability calculation.

Camber 0 No - Yes
Trimangle in degrees
- , 1 [1]: Yes
[0]. 0
Number of depths
[6]- 6
Number of angles of inclination
Stepwidth angles of inclination [9]. 9
Stability in a sinusoid wave? 0
. . .
[10 degr.]: 10
- No , 1 - Yes [0]: 0

Displacement for the curve of static arms

Matching KG - value . (m3):
The first 6 values are standard values, it
change this values. Fill in the the missing is possible to
After the input is completed start the
with the key <END>. calculation program
The input will be saved under the
with the extension ".STA". name of the input data

The program starts to copy the input

the extension ".STA" into a dataset data + the data with
call for the stability calculation "REKEN.DAT" and makes a

The program produces the following text:

STABILITY CALCULATION (1.5 min. calc. time)

Date: dd-mm-year Time: hh:min
Filename of output data [PRINTER]:

Pressing the return key the output will be send to the con-
nected printer.
Typing "CON" the output will be send to the screen.
Typing a name with less than eight characters the output will
be placed on the disk under the given name.
If the program is ready it turns back to the menu descri-
bed in chapter 6.4.
6.4.5 Trim calculation

The following input menu appears on the screen:

Additional input for the trim calculation.

Thickness of the keelplate in m
Rudder cross section area in m2
Rudder height in m
Tonnage (metric - 1000; long tons - 1016) . .
. .

Distance of Plimsoll line behind in m (in front of APP +

behind APP -) [0]
Number of measuring points on the stem or on the Plimsoll
ATTENTION: line forward
If the values are entered then ask for the
with the key <PgDn>. next input window

Data points of the stem or measuring points

line. of the plimsoll
Data points with respect to FPP(in front of
FPP x-value+;
Z - values with respect
aft FPP x-value -)
to the baseline.
Number of data points:
Z - value X - value
m ni
0 0
2 0
4 0

After the input is completed start the

with the key <END>. calculation program
The input will be saved under the
with the extension ".TRI". name of the input data

The program starts to copy the input data + the data with
the extension ".TRIn into a dataset "REKEN.DAT" and makes a
call for the trim calculation program.
The program produces the following text:

TRIM CALCULATION (20 sec. calc. time)

Date: dd-mm-year Time: hh:min

Filename of output data [PRINTER]:
Pressing the return key the output will be send to the con-
nected printer.
Typing "CON" the output will be send to the screen.
Typing a name with less than eight characters the output will
be placed on the disk under the given name.
If the program ,is ready, it turns back to the menu descri-
bed in chapter 6.4.
6 4.6 Floodable length curve calculation

The following input menu appears on the screen:

Additional input for floodable length curve.

Displacement in m3
Center of buoyancy in length with respect to ord. 10 in m
Center of gravity (KG) in height in loading
Number of permeabilities <= 5 condition m
le permeability
2e permeability .

Ask for the next input window with the key
Distance of immersion above the baseline in meters



After the input is completed start the

with the key <END>. calculation program
The input will be saved under the
with the extension ".SCH". name of the input data

The program starts to copy the input data + the data with
the extension H.SCH" into a dataset "REKEN.DAT" and makes a
call for the floodable length curve calculation.
The program produces the following text:

FLOODABLE LENGTH CURVE (1.5 min. calc. time)

Date: dd-mm-year Time: hh:min

Filename of output data [PRINTER]:

Pressing the return key the output will be send to the con-
nected printer.
Typing "CON" the output will be send to the screen.
Typing a name with less than eight characters the output
will be placed on the disk under the given name.
If the program is ready it turns back to the menu descri-
bed in chapter 6.4.

6.5 Menu handling keys

The following keys are used for menu handling:

<Home> Go to the top of the window.
<Arrow up> - One line up.
<PgUp> Go to former window.
<Arrow left>- Backspace.
<End> Co to next window or start calculation.
<Arrow Down>- Co to next input line.
<PgDn> Go to next menu.
<Return> Value doesn't change/activate input value.






J. Holtrop and G.G.J. Mennen *

The first, second arid third mentioned component
In a previous paper, [I] , a numerical representation were described using the form-factor concept:
of resistance properties and propulsion factors was
presented that could be used for statistical perfor- Rv = 'hp V2 CF (l+k)Stot
mance prediction of ships. After more than a year of in which p is the mass density of the water, V the
experience several fields for improvement of the speed, CF the coefficient of frictional resistance,
derived prediction method can be indicated: (l+k) the form factor and Stnt the projected wetted
the formula for the wave-making resistance does not surface including that of the appendages.
include the influence of a bulbous bow; this implies The coefficient of frictional resistance was deter-
that especially the resistance of ships with large bul- mined using the ITTC-1957 formula:
bous bows is over-estimated by the original for- 0.075
mula. C=
F (logRn 2)2
the resistance of fast naval ships appeared not to be
represented accurately enough by the statistical with the Reynolds number. Rn based on the waterline
formula; more in particular the wave-making resist- length L. The form factor (1 +k). can be divided into
ance of ships with a large waterplane-area coef- the form factor of the single hull (l+ki ) and a con-
ficient is over-estimated by the previous formula. tribution of the appendage resistance (l+k2):
it appeared that the accuracy of the formula for the l+k = l+ki+ I (l+k2)(1+k1) I Sapp /Stot
thrust deduction fraction for slender single-screw
ships is insufficient. In Table 1 tentative values of (l+k2) are given.
the wake fraction and the model-ship correlation
allowance are not properly represented by the
formulas for full ships at ballast diaught. Table 1
Appendage factor 1 + k2
Focussed on the above-mentioned points for im-
provement of the prediction method a new statistical Appendage configuration 1 + k2
analysis was made. The presented revised formulas
rudder - single screw 1.1 - 1.5
for statistical power prediction are based on more ex-
rudders - twin screw 2.2
perimental results than the original equations given in
rudders + shaft brackets - twin screw 2.7
rudders + shaft bossings - twin screw 2.4
stabilizer fins 2.8
Re-analysis of resistance data
bilge keels 1.4
The total resistance of a ship is generally subdivided dome 2.7
into components of different origin. In the numerical
representation of the total resistance the following
components were considered: The form factor for the bare hull (1+1c1 ) can be ap-
equivalent flat plate resistance; proximated by the formula:
- form resistance of the hull;
- viscous drag of appendages; l+ki = 0.93+(T/L)0.22284(B/LR )0.92497
- wave-making and wave-breaking resistance;
(0.95 Ce )-0.521448( 1 Cp +0.0225 1 cb)°.69°6
resistance of a (not fully immersed) bulbous bow;
- model-ship correlation allowance. In this formula T is the average moulded draught,
In the present statistical study each component was L is the length on the waterline, Cp is the prismatic
expressed as a function of the speed and hull form coefficient and kb is the longitudinal position of thi
parameters. The numerical constants in the regression centre of buoyancy forward of 0.5L as a percentage
equations were obtained from random model test of the waterline length L. LR is the length of the run
data. and is approximated by:
*) Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen. The Netherlands. = 1 Cp +0.06Cp Icb/(4Cp 1)

The projected wetted surface of the bare hull was 0.Sa = 125.67B/L-162.25q+234.32q,+
correlated with the data of 191 ship models. The 6.8(TA -Try
following statistical formula involving a standard +0.155087 (lob+
deviation of a = 1.8 per cent was deduced:
S = L(2T+B)NrC;(0.453+0.4425CB -0.2862Cm + With respect to the resistance of a bulbous bow
vvhich is close to the water surface a tentative fonnuli
-0.003467B/T+0.3696Cwp )+2.38ABT /CB
was deduced using the results of only a few model
In this formula Cm is the midship-section coefficient. tests. From inspection of these test results it was con-
L the, length of the waterline, T the average moulded eluded that the relation to the speed could be rem-.
draught, B the breadth, CB the block coefficient, sented well by:
Cwp the waterplane coefficient and ABT is the trans-
RB =FL/(1+Fn2i)
verse sectional area of the bulb.
The wave-making and wave-breaking resistance com- In which Fro is the Froude number based on the im-
ponents were described using the following represen- mersion:
tation for the dependency on the speed: Fni = V/Vg i+0.15V2
= ci c2exp I m Fd. +m2 cos(XF.-2 ) with
i = TF -hB -0.25/74./ ./.
In this equation, in which Rw /A is the Froude-num-
ber dependent resistance per unit displacement and F. In the definitions above:
the Froude number based on the waterline length. V = speed
The coefficients cl, c2, m1, d, m2 and X are functions g = acceleration due to gravity
of the hull form. TF draught forward
The coefficient X can be determined from: hB position of centre of area ABT above base
X = 1.446Cp -0.03L/B ABT = transverse area of the bulb at the position
where the still water plane intersects the
From a regression analysis using the above-mention- stem.
ed equation for the wave-making resistance with the
As a measure for the emergence of the bulbous bow
from the still water surface the coefficient pi) was
d = -0.9 introduced with:
the following formulas for the coefficients c1, C2, mi pB = /(TF -1.5hB )
and m2 were derived:
It appeared that the resistance of a bulbous bow
= 2223105ovw3-78613(T/B)1.07961(90-0.5 0-137565 could be described fairly well according to:

C2 = exp(-1.89VT3' ) RB = 0.11 exp ( -3 p-B2) F.3/ A p g/( 1+Fiii )

m = 0.0140407L/T-1.75254V1/3/ L-4.79323B/L+ With respect to the model-ship correlation resistance
-8.07981 C, +13.8673q -6.984388CP RA it was observed that the correlation allowance CA
m2 = -1.69385C; exp (-0.1/F! )
CA = RA '( 1/2p Stot-
The coefficient c3, that accounts for the reduction
of the wave reAistance due to the action of a bulbous for full ships in ballast condition is about 0.0001 high-
bow, is defined as:
er than at the loaded draught.
A possible explanation for this difference can be
C3 = 0.56Aid / I BT(0.56NrA7T+T1, -hB -0.25') I found in the interaction of the wake of the breaking
bow wave with the relatively thick boundary layer on
In the above given formulas 0.5a is the angle of the the hull on model scale.
waterline at the bow in degrees with reference to the According to this explanation the difference in CA
centre plane neglecting the local shape at the stem, V is value will be present only if in fully loaded condition
the displacement volume, ABT is the transverse area of wave breaking is absent, whereas it is supposed to
the bulbous bow, hi/ is the position of the centre of occur at the ballast draught. Based on the results of
area ABT above the base and T,, is the draught on the 108 measurements made during the speed trials of 54
forward perpendicular. The half angle of entrance new ships the following formula for CA having a
can be approximated by: standard deviation of o = 0.0002 was deduced:
- 255

CA 0.006(Ls +100Y° 0.00205 + - deep sea water of 15 degrees centigrade and a

+ 0.003NiLs /Lm cic2 (0.04c4) mass density of 1025 kg/m3
- a clean hull and propeller
with c4 = TF /Ls if TF /Ls.< 0.04 or
The open water torque coefficient was determined
c4 =0.04 if TF LB > 0.04 . from these values assuming a shafting efficiency of
us = 0.99 and using the relative-rotative efficiency
In this formula Ls is the length on the waterline of the from the model test.
ship, Lm the similar value for the ship model, CB the
block coefficient and TF the draught fonvard. The The open-water characteristics of the propeller
were determined from the results of the open-water
coefficient c2 accounts for the influence of a bulbous
bow on the wave-breaking resistance. For calculating
test with the model propeller by correcting for the
proper Reynolds number and the average full-size
full-size resistance values for ideal trial conditions the
above given formula can be used employing a typical blade roughness according to the method proposed
by Lindgren, [2].
model length of Lm = 7.5 metres.
Application of the afore-mentioned statistical re- The effective wake fraction then followed from:
sistance formulas showed a standard deviation of 5.9 w = 1JnD/V
per cent of the total model resistance values.
in which J is the advance coefficient, n the rotation
rate of the propeller and V the sp'eed.
3. Statistical data for propulsion factors
The relative-rotative efficiency can be approx-
New formulas for the thrust deduction fraction, the
imated by
effective wake fraction and the relative rotative ef-
ficiency were derived for single-screw ships. The thrust nR = 0.9922-0.05908AB /A0 +0.07424CpA
deduction fraction, defined by In this formula AB /A0 is the expanded blade area
t= 1R/T, ratio and CpA is the prismatic coefficient of the
in which R is the total resistance and T the propeller afterbody. CpA can be approximated by:
thrust, can be approximated by: CpA =C0.0225
0.0225 Icb
t = 0.001979L/(BB Cp )+1.0585B/L-0.00524+ With respect to twin-screw ships only tentative
formulas are presented:
In this formula B is the moulded breadth, T the aver- w = 0.3095 CB + 1 OCv CB 0.23D/NFITT
age moulded draught, D the propeller diameter and t = 0.325 CB 0.1885DWT3T-
Cp the prismatic coefficient.
For the effective wake fraction based on thrust nR = 0.9737+0.111 (Cp 0.0225 lcb) 0.06325P/D
identity the following formula was derived: In these formulas Cv is the viscous resistance coef-
BSCv 10.0661875 1.21756Cv ficient, D is the propeller diameter and P/D is the
w DTA TA + Cp ))+ pitch-diameter ratio.

+ 0.24558/B
L(I Ce)
_ 0 09726 + 0 11434
0.95Ce 0.95CB 4. Application in prelirninary ship design
In this formula Cv is the viscous resistance coef- The numerical description of the resistance com-
ficient, determined from: ponents and propulsion factors can be used for the
Cv = (l+k)CF + CA determination of the propulsive power of ships in the
S is the total wetted surface, TA is the draught aft and preliminary design stage. In this stage the efficiency
D is the propeller diameter. The above-mentioned
of the propeller has to be estimated. To this purpose a
for- propeller can be designed using the characteristics of
mula has been derived from the results of model ex-
e.g. the B-series propellers. Polynomials for the thrust
periments and speed trials. The full-size wake frac-
tions were determined using the following calculation and torque coefficient of this extensive propeller series
are given in [31. The calculation procedure for deter-
mining the required power proceeds along the follow-
a. The measured trial speed, rotation rate and shaft ing lines:
power were corrected for ideal trials conditions: - for the design speed the resistance components
- no wind, waves and swell
described in Section 2 are determined.

for a practical range of propeller diameters the ment with respect to the previously given form
thrust deduction and the effective wake fraction in [1] . Especially, the incorporation of the Mu
are calculated. of a bulbous bow in the numerical description of
the required thrust is determined from the resistance resistance is considered important.
and the thrust deduction. Apart from the application in preliminary
the blade area ratio is estimated. design, where the presented method can be used for
for a practical range of rotation rates the pitch parameter studies, . the method is also of importan
ratio as well as open-water thrust and torque coef- for the determination of the required propulsive pow
ficient are determined from the polynomials given in from model experiments. The given formulas for
[3] model-ship correlation allowance and the effee
the scale effects on the propeller characteristics wake, from which the wake scale effect can be easily
are determined from the method described in [2]. deduced, can be employed in the extrapolation fro)
the shaft power is calculated for each combination model test results to full-size values.
of propeller diameter and rotation rate using the
statistical formula for the relative-rotative efficiency
and a shafting efficiency of ns = 0.99.
that combination of rotation rate and propeller References
diameter is chosen that yields the lowest power; Holtrop, J., "A statistical analysis of performance test
further optimization of the propeller diameter and results", International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 24, Na,
rotation rate, employing e.g. the embedded search 270, February 1977.
technique can then be carried out. Lindgren, H., "Ship model correlation based on theoretical
considerations", 13th International Towing Tank Conference,
Berlin and Hamburg, 1972.
5. Final remarks Oosterveld, M.W.C. and Oossanen, P. van, "Representation
The presented formulas for the resistance and pro- of propeller characteristics suitable for preliminary ship
design studies", International Conference on Computer
pulsion properties constitute an appreciable improve- Applications in Shipbuilding, Tokyo,1973.




J. Holtrop* and G.G.J. Mennen*

Introduction RTR additional pressure resistance of immersed

In a recent publication [1] a statistical method was transom stern
presented for the determination of the required pro- RA model-ship correlation resistance.
pulsive power at the initial design stage of a ship. This
method was developed through a regression analysis For the form factor of the hull the prediction for-
of random model experiments and full-scale data, mula:
available at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin. Because 1 + k1 = c13 {0.93 + c12(BILR )0.92497
the accuracy of the method was reported to be insuf-
ficient when unconventional combinations of main (0.95 y-0321448 ( 1 Cp + 0.0225 /cb)13.6906 I
parameters were used, an attempt was made to extend
the method by adjusting the original numerical predic- can be used.
tion model to test data obtained in some specific cases. In this formula Cp is the prismatic coefficient based
This adaptation of the method has resulted into a set on the waterline length L and lcb is the longitudinal
of prediction formulae with a wider range of applica- position of the centre of buoyancy forward of 0.5L as
tion. Nevertheless, it should be noticed that the given a percentage of L. In the form-factor formula LB is a
modifications have a tentative character only, because parameter reflecting the length of the run according
the adjustments are based on a small number of ex- to:
periments. In any case, the application is limited to LB/L= 1 Cp + 0.06 Cpkb1(4Cp 1)
hull forms resembling the average ship described by
the main dimensions and form coefficients used in the The coefficient c12 is defined as:
method. c12 = (I-V.2228446 when TIL> 0.05
The extension of the method was focussed on im-
proving the power prediction of high-block ships with C12 = 48.20( T/L 0.02) 2'078 + 0.479948
low L/B-ratios and of slender naval ships with a com- when 0.02 < T/L< 0.05
plex appendage arrangement and immersed transom C12 = 0'479948 when TIL< 0.02
In this formula T is the average moulded draught.
Some parts of this study were carried out in the
The coefficient c13 accounts for the specific shape of
scope of the NSMB Co-operative Research programme.
the afterbody and is related to the coefficient Cstern ac-
The adaptation of the method to naval ships was
cording to:
carried out in a research study for the Royal Nether-
lands Navy. Permission to publish results of these c13 = 1 + 0.003 Cstern
studies is gratefully admowledged. For the coefficient Cstern the following tentative
guidelines are given:
Resistance prediction
The total resistance of a ship has been subdivided Afterbody form Cstern
into: V-shaped sections I0
Rtntat RF(1 + ) + RApp+ Rw+ RB+ RTR+ RA Normal section shape
U-shaped sections with
where: Hogner stern + 10
RF frictional resistance according to the ITTC-
1957 friction formula
The wetted area of the hull can be approximated
well by:
l+ki form factor describing the viscous resistance
of the hull form in relation to RF S = L(2T + B)NrC7f(0.453 + 0.4425 CB+
RApp resistance of appendages
Rw wave-making and wave-brealcing resistance 0.2862 CM 0.003467 BIT + 0.3696 Cwp) +
RB additional pressure resistance of bulbous bow + 2.38 ABT/CB .
near the water surface
In this formula Cm is the midship section coef-
Netherlands Ship Model Basin, (Marin), Wageningen, The Netherland& ficient, Ca is the block coefficient on the hats of the

waterline length L, Cwp is the waterplane area coef- C7 = BIL when 0.11 <B/L< 0.25
ficient and A87 is the transverse sectional area of the
bulb at the position where the still-water surface inter- C7 = 0.5 - 0.0625 LIB when BIL> 0.25
sects the stem. C2 = exp(- 1.89 Vc3)
The appendage resistance can be determined from: Cs = 1 - 0.8 A TART Cm)
RApp = 0.5 pV2SApp(l+k2)c7CF In these expressions c2 is a parameter which accounts
for the reduction of the wave resistance due to the ac-
where p is the water density, V the speed of the ship, tion of a bulbous bow. Similarly, cs expresses the in-
SApp the wetted area of the appendages, 1 + k2 the fluence of a transom stern on the wave resistance. In
appendage resistance factor and CF the coefficient of the expression AT represents the immersed part of
frictional resistance of the ship according to the IT1'C-
the transverse area of the transom at zero speed.
1957 formula.
In this figure the transverse area of wedges placed at
In the Table below tentative 1 + k2 values are
the transom chine should be included.
given for streamlined flow-oriented appendages. These
In the formula for the wave resistance, Fn is the
values were obtained from resistance tests with bare
Froude number based on the waterline length L. The
and appended ship models. In several of these tests
other parameters can be determined from:
turbulence stimulators were present at the leading
edges to induce turbulent flow over the appendages. X = 1.446 Cp - 0.03 LIB when LIB < 12
Approximate 1 + k2 values
X = 1.446 Cp - 0.36 when LIB> 12
m1 = 0.0140407 LIT - 1.75254 I/3/L +
rudder behind skeg 1.5- 2.0 - 4.79323 BIL - ci6
rudder behind stern 1.3 - 1.5.)
twin-screw balance rudders 2.8 c16= 8.07981 Cp - 13.8673 C3 + 6.984388
shaft brackets 3.0 when Cp < 0.80
skeg 1.5 - 2.0
CI6 1.73014 - 0.7067 C/1 when Cp > 0.80
strut bossings 3.0
hull bossings 2.0 1722 = CIS Ci? exp(- 0.1 F;2
shafts 2.0 - 4.0
stabilizer fins The coefficient c15 is equal to - 1.69385 for L3/7 <
dome 512, whereas cis= 0.0 for L3/7 > 1727.
bilge keels For values of 512 < L3/7 <1727, c15 is determined

The equivalent 1 + k2 value for a combination of cis= - 1.69385 + (L/7 1/3- 8.0)/2.36
appendages is determined from: d= -0.9
E(1 + k2 )SApp The half angle of entrance is is the angle of the
(1 +k2)e -
q ESApp waterline at the bow in degrees with reference to the
centre plane but neglecting the local shape at the stem.
The appendage resistance can be increased by the If is. is unknown, use can be made of the following
resistance of bow thruster tunnel openings according formula:
to: -

= 1 + 89 exp (L0)0.80856 (I cwp)0.30484

P V2 Ird2 CBTO
(1 - CF - 0.0225 Icb)(16367(LR /B)°34574
where d is the tunnel diameter.
The coefficient CBT0 ranges from 0.003 to 0.012. For (100 VW)0.16302 ). 6.<
openings in the cylindrical part of a bulbous bow the
This formula, obtained by regression analysis of over
lower figures should be used
200 hull shapes, yields is values between 1° and 90°.
The wave resistance is determined from:
The original equation in [1] sometimes resulted in
Rw = cic2csV pgexp{m 1P13 + m2 cos(XF;2)) negative iE values for exceptional combinations of
with: hull-form parameters.
The coefficient that determines the influence of the
= 2223105 CP8613 (m)1.07961 (90 id-1.37565 bulbous bow on the wave resistance is defined as:
C7 = 0.229577 (B1L )O'33333 when B/L < 0.11 c3 = 0.56 AM. I {BT (0 .31 ViTi; + T ki)}


where hB is the position of the centre of the trans- increase CA = (0.105 k,113 - 0.005579)/L3
verse area ABT above the keel line and TF is the for-
In these formulae L and ks, are given in metres.
ward draught of the ship.
The additional resistance due to the presence of a
3. Prediction of propulsion factors
bulbous bow near the surface is determined from:
The statistical prediction formulae for estimating
RB= 0.11 exp(- 3 Pi 2) F n3 pg1(1+ FL) the effective wake fraction, the thrust deduction frac-
where the coefficient PB is a measure for the emer- tion and the relative-rotative efficiency as presented in
gence of the bow and Fni is the Froude number based [1] could be improved on several points.
on the immersion: For single-screw ships with a conventional stern ar-
rangement the following adapted formula for the wake
Pß = 0.56 ./74;271(T - 1.5 hB)
fraction can be used:
and Cy
C (0.0661875 + l.21756 c11 +
= V ag(T - hB -0.25 Nai; ) + 0.15 V2 w-c9 v rA 11 (1 -Cp1))
In a similar way the additional pressure resistance 0.09726 0.11434
+0.24558,1 B
due to the immersed transom can be determined: L(1 - Cp1) 0.95-Ce 0.95 -CB
+ 0.75 Cstem Cy + 0.002 Cstem -
The coefficient c6 has been related to the Froude The coefficient c9 depends on a coefficient c8 defmed
number based on the transom immersion:
C6 = 0.2(1 - 0.2 Par) when FnT < 5 c8 = BSALDTA) when BITA <5
c8= S(7 BITA -25)1(LD(BITA - 3))
c6=0 when Fer 5
when BITA > 5
FnT has been defined as: when c8< 28
C9 = C8
FnT = VA/2 ,gA 7.1(B +B Cwp) Or

In this defmition Cwp is the waterplane area coeffi- = 32 - 16/(c8 - 24) when c8 > 28
cii = /D when TA <2
The model-ship correlation resistance RA with
RA =1/2. pV2S CA
c11 = 0.0833333( TA /D)3 + 1.33333
is supposed to describe primarily the effect of the hull when TA >2
roughness and the still-air resistance. From an analysis
of results of speed trials, which have been corrected to In the formula for the wake fraction, Cy is the vis-
ideal trial conditions, the following formula for the cous resistance coefficient with Cy = (1 + k) CF + CA.
correlation allowance coefficient CA was found: Further:
Cp1 = 1.45 Cp - 0.315 - 0.0225 lcb
CA 0.006(L + 100)-0.16 0.00205 +
In a similar manner the following approximate for-
+ 0.003N //Tr-7.5 c2(0.04 - c4)
mula for the thrust deduction for single-screw ships
with with a conventional stern can be applied:
c4 = TF/L when T p IL 0.04 t = 0.001979 LAB - BCp1)+ 1.0585 c10 +
Or - 0.00524 - 0.1418 D2 l(BT)+ 0.0015 Cs
C4 = 0'04 when TFIL> 0.04
The coefficient clo is defmed as:
In addition, CA might be increased to calculate e.g. C10 =BIL when LIB> 5.2
the effect of a larger hull roughness than standard. To
this end the ITTC-1978 formulation can be used from
which the increase of CA can be derived for roughness c10 = 0.25 - 0.003328402/(B/L - 0.134615385)
values higher than the standard figure of ks = 150 Atm when LIB < 5.2
(mean apparent amplitude): The relative-rotative efficiency can be predicted

well by the original formula:

ccos is the chord length at a radius of 75 per cent and
nR = 0.9922 - 0.05908 AE/Ao + Z is the number of blades.

+ 0.07424(Cp - 0.0225 kb) &CD= (2 + 4(00035) {0.003605 -(1.89 + 1.62

Because the formulae above apply to ships with a log (c075 ik,,)) -2.5}
conventional stern an attempt has been made to in- In this formula tic is the thicluiess-chordlength ratio
dicate a tentative formulation for the propulsion fac- and k is the propeller blade surface roughness.
tors of single-screw ships with an open stern as applied
For this roughness the value of kp = 0.00003 m is
sometimes on slender, fast sailing ships: used as a standard figure for new propellers.
w = 0.3 CB + 10 CvCR -0.1 The chord length and the thickness-chordlength ratio
t = 0.10 and can be estimated using the following empirical for-
= 0.98.
These values are based on only a very limited num- CO35 = 2.073(AR/A0 ).DIZ
ber of model data. The influence of the fullness and
the viscous resistance coefficient has been expressed and
in a similar way as in the original prediction form- ulae k)0.75 = (0.0185 - 0.00125 Z) Dlc 0.75 .
for twin-screw ships. These original formulae for twin-
screw ships are: The blade area ratio can be determined from e.g.
Keller's formula:
w = 0.3095 CB + 10 CvCR - 0.23 D/Nar
AE1,40 = K + (1.3 + 0.3 Z)TI(D2 (po + pgh - pd)
t = 0.325 CB - 0.1885 D ALT3T'
In this formula T is the propeller thrust, Po + pgh is
= 0.9737 + 0.111( Cp - 0.0225 kb)+ the static pressure at the shaft centre line, pp is the
- 0.06325 PID vapour pressure and K is a constant to which the
following figures apply:
4. Estimation of propeller efficiency K= 0 to 0.1 for twin-screw ships
K= 0.2 for single-screw ships
For the prediction of the required propulsive power
the efficiency of the propeller in open-water condition For sea water of 15 degrees centigrade the value of
has to be determined. It has appeared that the charac- po -pi, is 99047 N/m2.
teristics of most propellers can be approximated well The given prediction equations are conslitent with a
by using the results of tests with systematic propeller shafting efficiency of
series. In [2] a polynomial representation is given of PDIPs' 0.99
the thrust and torque coefficients of the B-series
propellers. These polynomials are valid, however, for a
and reflect ideal trial conditions, implying:
Reynolds number of 2.106 and need to be corrected no wind, waves and swell,
for the specific Reynolds niimber and the roughness deep water with a density of 1025 kg/m3 and a
of the actual propeller. The presented statistical pre- temperature of 15 degrees centigrade and
diction equations for the model-ship correlation al- a clean hull and propeller with a surface roughness
lowance and the propulsion factors are based on according to modern standards.
Reynolds and roughness corrections according to the The shaft power can now be determined from:
ITTC-1978 method, [3] . According to this method
the propeller thrust and torque coefficients are cor- Ps = PEI(nRnons
rected according to:

K T-slup. = K P c0.75 Z 5. Numerical example

T-B-sezies A CD 0.3
D2 The performance characteristics of a hypothetical
C0.7. Z single-screw ship are calculated for a speed of 25 knots.
KQ-ship= KQ-B-series - AC 0.25
The calculations are made for the various resistance
components and the propulsion factors, successively.
Here &CD is the difference in drag coefficient of the
The main ship particulars are listed in the Table
profile section, P is the pitch of the propeller and
on the next page:

Main ship characteristics The calculations with the statistical method re-
sulted into the following coefficients and powering
length on waterline L 205.00m
characteristics listed in the next Table:
length betvveen perpendiculars
breadth moulded 32.00m = 0.2868 FnT = 5.433
draught moulded on F.P. TF 10.00 m Cp =0.5833 RTR = 0.001EN
draught moulded on A.P. TA 10.00 m Ls = 81.385 m c4 = 0.04
displacement volume moulded y 37500m3 kb = - 0.75% (trele4 CA = 0.000352
longitudinal centre of buoyancy 2.02% aft of Y2L p C12 = 0.5102 -° RA = 221.98 kN
transverse bulb area A BT 20.0 nP12 c13 = 1.030 Rtote = 1793.26 kN
centre of bulb area above keel line hB 4.0 m 1+1c1 = 1.156 PE = 23063 kW
midship section coefficient CA,f 0.980 = 7381.45 m2 Cv =0.001963
waterplane area coefficient Cwp 0.750 = 0.001390 c9 = 14.500
transom area AT 16.01112 RF = 869.63 kN c11 = 1.250
wetted area appendages SApp 50.0m2 l+ k2 = Es-6- 7- Cp = 0.5477
stern shape parameter Ca. 10.0 RApp = 8.83 ItN w =0.2584
propeller diameter 8.00m = 0.1561 =0.15610
ntunber 9f propeller blades 4 = 12.08 degrees t = 0.1747
clearance propeller with keel line 0.20m ci = 1.398 = 2172.75 IcN
ship speed V 25.0 knots = 0.02119 As/A0 = 0.7393
C2 = 0.7595 nR = 0.9931
cs = 0.9592 c0.75 = 3.065m
mi = - 2.1274 tko = 0.03524
=1.69385 ACD = 0.000956
M2 = -0.17087
References = 0.6513 From the B-series
I. Holtrop, J. and Mennen, G.GJ., 'A statistical power predic- Rw = 557.11 kN polynomials:
tion method', International Shipbuilding Progress, Vol. 25, = 0.6261 = 0.18802
October 1978.
1311 Kn
Fni = 1.5084 = 1.6594 Hz
Oosterveld, M.W.C. and Oossanen, P. van, 'Further computer
analyzed data of the Wageningen B-screw series', Internation- RB = 0.049 kN Q0
= 0.033275
al Shipbuilding Progress, July 1975. o = 0.6461
Proceedinp 15th ITTC, The Hague, 1978. Ps = 32621 kW




J. HoItrop* /sp

In a recent publication [1] a power prediction 1 + k1 = 0.93 + 0.487118 c14(BIL)1.06806 Ta)0.46106
method was presented which was based on a regression (LILR )0.121563 (L3 iv )0.36486( I ) 0.604247
analysis of random model and full-scale test data.
For several combinations of main dimensions and form In this formula B and T are the moulded breadth and
coefficients the method had been adjusted to test draught, respectively. L is the length on the waterline
results obtained in some specific cases. In spite of these and V is the moulded displacement volume. Cp is the
adaptations the accuracy of the method was found to prismatic coefficient based on the waterline length.
be insufficient for some classes of ships. Especially LR is defined as:
for high speed craft at Froude numbers above 0.5 the
LR = L(1 Cp+ 0.06; 1cb1(4Cp 1))
power predictions were often wrong. With the ob-
jective to improve the method the data sample was where lcb is the longitudinal position of the centre of
extended covering wider ranges of the parameters of buoyancy forward of 0.5 Las a percentage of L.
interest. In this extension of the data sample the The coefficient c14 accounts for the stern shape. It
published results of the Series 64 hull forms [2] have depends on the stern shape coefficient Cstern for which
been included. The regression analyses were now based the following tentative figures can be given:
on the results of tests on 334 models. Beside these
analyses of resistance and propulsion properties a
method was devised by which the influence of the Afterbody form cst,
propeller cavitation could be taken into account. In Pram with gondola 25
addition some formulae are given by which thi effect V-shaped sections 10 c14 = 1 + 0.011 Co=
Normal section shape 0
of a partial propeller submergence can tentatively be U-shaped sections
estimated. These formulae have been derived in a study with Hogner stem 10
carried out in a MARIN Co-operative Research pro-
gramme. Permission to publish these results is grate-
fully acknowledged. As regards the appendage resistance no new analysis
was made. For prediction of the resistance of the ap-
pendages reference is made to [1] .
Re-analysis of resistance test results
A re-analysis was made of the wave resistance. A
The results were analysed using the same sub-divis- new general formula was derived from the data sample
ion into components as used in [1] : of 334 models but calculations showed that this new
RTota1 = RF ( 1 +ki)+ RAPP+ RW + RB+ RTR + RA prediction formula was not better in the speed range
up to Froude numbers of about Fn = 0.5. The results
of these calculations indicated that probably a better
R = frictional resistance according to the prediction formula for the wave resistance in the high
ITTC-1957 formula speed range could be devised when the low speed data
1 + k1 = forrn factor of the hull were left aside from the regression analysis.
RApp = appendage resistance By doing so, the following wave resistance formula
Rw = wave resistance
was derived for the speed range Fn > 0.55.
RB = additional pressure resistance of bulbous
bow near the water surface
Rw_8= c17c2c 5V pg exp {m3Fnd + m4 cos(XF;72)}
RTR = additional pressure resistance due to
transom immersion where:
RA = model-ship correlation resistance. C17 = 6919.3 Cm- 13346 (va3 )2.00977 (L1B-2)1.40692
A regression analysis provided a new formula for
the form factor of the hull: m3 = 7.2035(Ba )0.326869 ( m0.605375
4) Maritime Research Institute Netherlands, Wageningen, The Nether- The coefficients c2, c5, d and X have the same definit-
lands. ion as in [1] :

c2 i= exp(- 1.89s/c3) 'Rw = Rw-A0.4+ (1 0F- 4)(R w_Bo

is - R Iv-A(:1)113
cs ,= (1 -0.841(BTC8f) Here Rill-A 4 is the wave resistance prediction for
1.446 Cp - 0.03 LIB \ Fn= 0.40 and Rw_B035 is the wave resistance for Fn=
when LIB < 12 0.55 according to the respective formulae.
1.446 Cp -0.36 No attempts were made to derive new formulations
when LIB> 12 for the transom pressure resistance and the additional
-0.9 wave resistance due to a bulb near the free surface.
c3 = 0.56,42./CBT(0.31V74B7. + TF - hB)} The available material to develop such formulae is
= C15 0.4 exp( 0.034F; 129) rather. scarce. As regards the height of the centre of
the transverse bulb area hB it is recommended to obey
-1.69385 the upper limit of 0.6 7'p. in the calculation of the ad-
when L3/V < 512 ditional wave resistance due to the bulb.
= -1.69385 + (.07 1/3 -- 8)/2.36
I when 512< L3/V < 1726.91 3. Re-analysis of propulsion data
c18 = The model propulsion factors and the model-ship
when L3 /V > 1726.91 correlation allowance were statistically re-analysed
The midship section coefficient CM and the trans- using the extended data sample. This data sample in-
verse immersed transom area at rest AT and the trans-
cluded 168 data points of full-scale trials on new built
verse area of the bulbous bow ABT have the sama ships. In the analysis the same structure of the wake
mean1ing as in [ 1] . The vertical position of the centre prediction formulae in [1] was maintained. By the
of An. above the keel plane is hB . Tte=ylue Cr=k9 regression analyses new constants were determined
shoulcLasSaiggzUktupper limit of 0.6 T. which give a slightly more accurate prediction.
Because attempts to derive prediction formulae for A point which has been improved in the wake predict-
the wave resistance at low and moderate speeds were ion formula is the effect of the midship section coef-
oril}r partially successful it is suggested to use for the ficient CM for full hull forms with a single screw.
estimation of the wave resistance up to a Froude num- The improved formula for single screw ships with a
ber'of 0.4 a formula which closely resembles the orig- conventional stern reads:
inal' formula of [ 1 ]. The only modification consists
w = c9c20Cv IT (0.050776 + 0.93405 c Cv
of an adaptation of the coefficient that causes the 11 (1 -Ç1))
hutbps and hollows on the resistance curves. This
formula, which is slightly more accurate than the + 0.27915
original one reads: c2° \ILO -CFI) + c19c20
13h, _A= C1C2C5 V pg exp CnilF + m4 cos( X F;2)} The coefficient c9 depends on the coefficient cs
with: defined as:
= 2223105 c7338613 (778)1.07961(90 N-1.37565
E c8 = BSI(L D Ti)
C7 = 0.229577 (B/L) (133333 when B/TA <5

when BIL, < 0.11

= BIL C8 = S(7 BITA -25)1(LD(BITi -3))
when 0.11 <B/L< 0.25 when BITA> 5
= 0.5 - 0.0625 LIB - C9 = C8
when B/L> 0.25 when c8 <28
mi-= 0.0140407LIT - 1.75254 V l/3/L - Or
1 4.79323 BIL -
C9 =- 32 - 16/(c8 -24)
when c8 > 28
IC16 =P 0.8
when Ç<0.8
8.07981 C - 13.8673 C2P + 6' 984388 C3
C11 = 7/D
when TAID <2
Ic16 = 1'73014 - 7067CP Or
when Ç>0.8
0.8 C11 = 0.0833333(7A ID)3 +1.33333
i m4 : as in the Rw formula for the high speed range. when 7A ID> 2
I For the speed range 0.40 < F.,< 0.55 it is suggested co= 0.12997/(0.95 -CB) -0.110561(0.95 -Cp)
touse the more or less arbitrary interpolation formula: Or
when Cp <0.7

e19 = 0.18567/(1.3571 Cm) 0.71276 + 0.38648C' 'wen by a certain value of the speed-independent coef-
when C> 0.7 ficient:
c20 -7 1 + 0.015 Cstn KT
Cp1= 1.45 Cp 0.315 0.0225 Icb J2 ao 2D2 (Po pp+ pgh)
The ! coefficient Cy is the viscous resistance coef-
ficient with This coefficient is indicated as (K2.I(J2 a0
KT is the thrust coefficient, J is the advance
Cv 7 (1 + k) CF + CA
coefficient and ao is the cavitation number defmed as
As 'tegards the thrust deduction of single screw Pv+ Pgh
ships new formula was devised of comparable ac- ao Po
1/2p v2
where py is the vapour pressure, 130+ pgh is the static
t = 0.25014(B/L)018956 w-B-1740 0-2624 pressure in the undisturbed flow at the level of the
1(1 Cp + 0.0225 kb) 0.01762 + 0.0015 Cstern shaft centre line, p is the density of the water and Vis
the advance speed of the propeller.
For the relative-rotative efficiency an alternative
From the data of the B-series (KTI(J2 a °))iu was
prediction formula was derived but because its ac-
determined for each propeller and by means of mul-
curacjr is not better than that of the original one it is
tiple regression analysis these (141(12 ao))m values
sug,gested to use the prediction formula of [1] :
were correlated to the main propeller parameters.
nR I= 0.9922 0.05908 AE1,40 + This resulted into the following formula:
I + 0.07424(Cp 0.0225 kb)
(KT 1(12 ao))Bi = 0.06218 + 0.1194AE/A0 0.00249 Z
Foiir multiple-screw ships and open-stern single-screw
Here AEIA0 is the expanded blade area ratio and Z is
ships with open shafts the formulae of [ I ] were main-
the number of blades.
The pitch ratio appeared to have no significant in-
The model-ship correlation allowance was statis-
fluence on the KTI(J2 ao) value where cavitation begins
tically analysed. It appeared that for new ships under
to affect the propulsive performance. Of course, this
ideal trial conditions a CA-value would be applicable
will not be true for the effect of the pitch setting of a
which is on the average 91 per cent of the CA-value
controllable-pitch propeller because then the radial
acco'rding to the statistical formula of (1]. Apparent-
load distribution is changed.
ly, t.he incorporation of more recent trial data has
If K7I(J2 ao) exceeds the value given by the predic-
reduced the average level of CA somewhat. It is sug-
tion equation cavitation influence is present and
gested, however, that for practical purposes the origin-
should be accounted for. This influence was represent-
al formula is used.
ed in relation to the characteristics of the non-cavitat-
ing propeller because these are well defiiied by the
4. The influence of propeller cavitation and partial polynomial representation in [4] and [5]. This was
propeller submergence done by analysing the ratios
Especially on high speed craft propeller cavitation
can 'effect the propulsive performance. FN = .01150 a0

Tests on B-series propellers in unifonn axial floW and

under cavitating conditions were reported in [3] , but Fp = (K0113 )a l(K,,g3)a
thej representation of the results was confined to a
graphical form only. Coefficient FN is the factor by which the rotation rate
The KT KQJ relationship of the 16 B-series n should be increased, whereas Fp is the factor by
propellers tested under cavitating conditions were which the propulsive power is increased due to cavitat-
fed into the computer for a statistical analysis. The ion. The factors FN and Fp were considered as a func-
tion of IC2.IJ2 for each cavitation number because
dala used consisted of the changes of KT and Ko due
to ;cavitation at certain J-values. The unaffected K7. K2./12 can be regarded the same for non-cavitating
ancii Ko values of the propellers were supposed to be conditions and for conditions in which the propulsive
deterrnined accurately by the polynomials given in properties are affected.
[4] and [5] . From preliminary analyses it appeared that It appeared that the influence of the cavitation num-
for' each propeller the conditions where influence of ber could be expressed well by using
th suction-side cavitation begins can be represented KrI(J2 ao) )

as an independent variable. wh = 0.6 CBB cn

By means of selective regression analysis the propor-
tionality was correlated with the main propeller par- where:
ticulars, and the following prediction equations were C21 = Fr? when Fh <0.3
derived :
C21 = 0.09 when Fn > 0.3.
FN = 1 + 46.4301 (At. lAor 1.746(10 -Z)2223
KT KT \ \1.2 From experiments it appeared that the speed in-
crease factor G could be expressed as a linear function
k J2 0 J2a )
o o BI of the emergence coefficient U and the propeller
and loading KTIJ 2 = 0D2( w )2 pr2 ).
Hence, for pos-
Fp = 1 + 15.1845 (AEldlo)- 2.2514(10 _z)_ 1.4478 itive values of U the factor G can be determined
t KT KT 1.2
0.01) G= 1 + 3 U(
\j2 02(1 w)2 v2 )
Go Pao
where the coefficient 3 is an empirical constant.
It should be noted, however, that the scatter in the
data was fairly large. It is suggested that the para- When the propeller emergence is not excessive the
thrust deduction and the relative-rotative efficiency
meters AEIA0 and Z are not used outside the ranges of
can be regarded to be unaffected.
0.75 < 'AE/A0 < 1.05 and 4 < Z .4 5
The formula for Fh, is valid for 5. Numerical example
ICT /K \ For the following hypothetical twin-screw ship
j2 co \ 12 0. I the still-water powering performance is calculated
over the speed range from 25 to 35 knots.
whereas the formula for Fp is valid only for
Main particulars
-1- >(-)
j2 00
j2 cro
+0.01 L 1 = 50.00 ART = 0
B = 12.00 25 degrees
TF = 3.10 Cm = 0.78
In all other cases FA,an11, are 1.0.
TA = 330 lcb = -4.5%L aft of 1/2L
V =900 m3 AT = 10 m2
In the optimization of the performance of ships SaPP 2-- 50 m2 1+/c2 = 3
in ballast conditions the behaviour of not fully im- Cstem = O Cwp 0.80
mersed propellers can be of importance.
For practical use the following equations were Related coefficients
derived from model experiments on the assumption Cp 0.60096 CB = 0.46875
LR = 14.1728 m Shull = 584.9 m2
that by introducing a fictitious increase G of the en- 1+k1 = 1.297 CA = 0.00064
trance velocity the influence of the partial emergence
can be accounted for over the range of propeller c17 = 1.4133 C5 = 0.7329
loadings of interest: m3 = -2.0298 X = 0.7440
C2 = 1.0 c15 = -1.69385
= V(1 - w)G
VE is the resultant entrance velocity of the propeller.
Results resistance calculation
This increase-factor G was related to coefficients
Speed M4cos(X/Fb m3Fg Rw RApp RTR
describing the emergence of the propeller and the
(knots) (cN) (cN) (k14) (N)
propeller loading.
As a parameter indicating the emergence the variable
25 03279 -33100 475 21 25 662
27 0.1820 -3.0883 512 24 16 715
U is used with: 29 0.0409 - 2.8962 539 28 2 756
u_ D+ho -TA -wh -0.0834
31 - 2.7274 564 31 0 807
33 -0.1876 - 2.5780 590 35 0 864
35 -0.2730 -2.4453 618 39 0 925
Where D is the diameter, ho is the vertical distance
from the keel plane to the blade tip in its lowest
position, 7:4 is the draught aft and wh is a measure for Results propeller design and calculation of propulsionfactors
the wave height at the location of the propeller, ap- t = 0.054 D = 3.231m no = 0.705 (30 knots)
w = 0.039 ¡-'ID = 1.136
proximated by: nR = 0.980 AE/A0 = 0.763

Results performance calculation References

Speed total N* PD* FN FP N** Ps** 1. Holtrop, J. and Mennen, G.GJ., 'An approximate power
(knots) (kN) prediction method', International Shipbuilding. Progress,
(RPM) (kW) (RPM) (kW) Vol. 29, July 1982.
25 699 259.3 12670 1.000 1.000 259.3 12798 Yeh, H.Y.H., 'Series 64 resistance experiments on high-
27 756 275.7 14707 1.000 1.000 275.7 14856 speed displacement forms', Marine Technology, July 1965.
29 799 291.1 16617 1.000 1.000 291.1 16785 Lammeren, W.P.A. van, Manen, JD. van, and Oosterveld,
31 853 307.1 18915 1.008 1.000 309.6 19106 M.W.C., 'The Wageningen B-screw series', SNAME, November
33 913 326.2 21508 1.019 1.011 329.8 21964 1969.
35 978 340.2 24406 1.033 1.027 351.4 25318 Oosterveld, M.W.C. and Oossanen, P. van, 'Further computer
without effect of propeller cavitation.
analysed data of the Wageningen B-screw series', Intemation-
* including effect propeller cavitation. al Shipbuilding Progress, July 1975.
Oosterveld, M.W.C. and Oossanen, P. van, 'Representation
of propeller characteristics suitable for preliminary ship
design studies', Intemational Conference on. Computer
Applications in Shipbuilding, Tokyo, 1973.


Ship resistance,
Effect of Form and Principal Dimensions,
H.E. Culdhammer ans Sv. Aa. Harvald.

Akademisk Forlag
H.E.Guldhammer and Sv.Aa.Harvald 1965
ISBN 87 SOO 1487 0

FiSt. Kannikestrmde 8
IDK-1169 Copenhagen K.

Printed in Denmark by
Trykteknik a/s
Preface to 1974-Edition

The present paper is intended to replace the 1965 edition of

SHIP RESISTANCE which for many years has been used by the stu-
dents at th; Shipbuilding Department ofDanmarks Tekniske HOjskole
(Technical University of Denmark). All diagrams in this edition
are based upon non-dimensional coefficients and S.I. units (ISO
recommendation on Quantities and Units of Plechanics).The diagrams
for the residukl-resistance coefficient, for *instance, have 'ben
redrawn replacing the Speed-Length ratio by Froude number.
Recent rapid development Within the shipbuilding industry
and in ship research has emphasi.zed the need for further
ment of the problem of determining the resistance of a prelimina-
ry ship design and for revision of the diagrams.
As, unfortunately, the related hydrodynamic problems are
still widely unsolved, the authors do not presume to have 'reached
a final solution with this new edition.
The publication has its present form and is printed in Eng-
lish just like the 1965 edition because it is the authors'
that the paper may also be of interest to others than the
at Danmarks Tekniske HOjskole.
The revision and the printing.of the paper was made possible

August 1974:
Dammxks Tekniske Holskole


. Summary S

Introductibn 1

Resistance' diagrams 1

Determination of the resistance of a ship design 2

Wetted surface 6

-;Required accuracy 6.

Diagrams 7
Units and conversion factors 18

Symbols and abbreviations 19


Sample form for the calculation of effective power 20

Based on published results from model tests, the main diagrams

give residual resistance coefficient CR for merchant ship forms as
a fuaction of length-displacement ratio L/Vi and prismatic coef-
ficieint Ç . Correction diagrams etc. are given, allowing corrections
from the selected standard.
The whole work is based on the 1TTC 1957 model-ship correlation
line, and to facilitate the calculations a diagram has been prepared
giving the frictional resistance coefficient as a function of speed
and length of the ship.

In the course of time many diagrams and formulas for determination of the ef-
fective power of preliminary designs have appeared. Best known are the diagrams
published in "Speed a:nd Power of Ships" by D.W. Taylor, where residual resistance
per ton of displacement s given as a function of speed-length ratio. Taylor's test
date have-been reanalyzed by Morton Gertler, and the results presented in a repirt
from-the Taylor Model Basin. Furthermore it should be mentioned that on the basis
of tests carried out at the Dutch model basin at Wageningen A.J.W. Lap has prepared
diagrams giving the variation of a residual resistance coefficient with a
length ratioifor ship forms with various prismatic coefficients and with varying
position of the centre of buoyancy.
Model basins around the world have published results of tests with model se-
ries, the forms and coefficients of which have been varied methodically.
should particularly be made of the DTMB-series 11, the S.S.P.A.-series 21 and the
N.i.L.-series 21.
In the present publication an attempt has been made to co-ordinate all these
published test data within the area that is of importance in the design of
Test data from the same publications as for "Ship Resistance" - 1965
have been used in this examination, together with data from the latest publications.

The analysis of the basis material has been carried out in the following
All data have been brought back to the model area and the model
(RTm) has been determined as a function of speed.

The specific total resistance coefficient of the model (CTm) has

p Vm2 Sm.

where p is the mass density, VM velocity of model, Sm wetted

surface of
model (s mean girth x length on waterline).

The David W. Taylor Model Basin, Carderock
21 The Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank, GSteborg
21! National Physics/ Laboratory, Teddingtoa
15. The specific residual resistance coefficient has been determined from.
'-CR = CTm Cpri. (2)
where CIpm is the specific. frictional resistance coeffiCieni.
The "ITTC 1957 model-s4p correlation line" has been used for determina-
tion of the frictional resistance coefficient
CF = (3)
(logliRn - 2)1

where Rn is Reynolds Number (----, where y is coefficient of kinematic.

viscosity and L length oniLterline).

1 4. CR has been expressed as a function of Froude Number

.17n. = 2-

(the speed.4ength ratio' vhere V is teesured in knots and L in feet,

sis found as a sub-scale on the CR -diagrams. See later).

The results have been arranged in groups according to length-displacement

ratio WV* :and the prismatic coefficient cp of the model.
Here V is the volumetric displacement and cp -
LBTO (5)

where B is breadth, T draught, and midship section area coefficient..

The main.diagrams have been drawn giving the mean curves of CR for the
breadth-draught ratio B/T = 2,5. The diagrams are .shown in Figs.1-:5.

,In some places in the diagram the curves are dotted in order to indicate that
they have been based either on very few test results or determined by extrapolation.
The uncertainty is therefore comparatively great in these areas. Further it should
be noted that the uncertainty is also great in and near the areas where the curves
have pronounced humps, especially where the slope becomes negative. Small altera-
tionain the hull form can in these areas considerably influence the CR value.


A sample form for the calculation of the effective power of a ship', or of a
preliminary ship design, by means of the diagramsin this paper is shown on.page20 .


The values of CR may be determined by means of the diagrams Figs. t-9

It must now be mentioned that the resistance curves correspond to vessels with
a "standard" form, i.e. a standard position of the centre of buoyancy, standard .B/%,
normal shaped sections, moderate cruiser stern and raked stem.
As ships are generally different from the standard toa greater or lesser ex-
tent the following corrections should be taken into account.
Corrections of CR for Ships Differing from Standard

i. B/T

, As the diagrams have been prepared for a breadth-draught. ratio corresponding

top BIT = 2,5 (6)
a correction must be made if CR is desired for a ship with a larger' or smaller
bréadth-draugth ratio. .

,ExAmination of the present test material has shown that follewing correcting
formula can be recommended:

103CE = 103CE (BIT . 2.5) + 0,16 (t/T - 2,5) (7)

The porrection may be positive as well as negative.

The CE curves are intended to correspend to-.vessels with a Longitudinal

position of Centre of Buoyancy near to what is today considered the best poesible
I. The optiMum LCB'is a quantity which is in some doubt, and the available liters:-
ture shows differences in opinion that makes the picture rather confused.Theclepen-
denCe of ship resistance on LCB is, however, evident at higher speeds.
In an attempt to make some order out of the confusion, the available informa-
'tioh has been collectedand condensed in the diagram Fig. 10 which must be regarded
as the standard LCB of the method.
The standard LOB has in this way been defined as &linear function on the
Freude number Fn. As no. safe dependency on other parameters have been recorded, the
standard LCB is represented in the diagram by a single:line,. and the shaded area
around this line illustrates the spread of the.examined material. e -

'As the standard-pesition of LCB is,' as earlier'mentioned; assumed to give the

smallest possible Tesistance, all other positions must in principle giveresistances
which are larger. The increase in resistance is to be found by multiplyingthedevi-
ation of LCB from standard
ALCB = LCB-LCBstandard (LCB in % of L) (8)
by ,a factor
The values of the factor max be lifted from the diagram Fig. 11, which is val-
id for the case where LCB is forward of LCBstandard. When LCB is aft of the stand-
ard LCB, the sources are very contradictory, and as the tendencies are very vague,
no serious error will he introduced by neglecting the correction in such cases.
The corrected residual resistance coefficient for a ship with CB forward of
standard is consequently determined by:

ato'cR 1
10 CR = 103CR(dard)
stan + ALCB I
aLco (9)

3., Hull form (shape 'of sections and bow)

As previously stated it is assumed that the resistance curve (deduced from Fig.
1-9) applies to a ship having a "standard" form; i.e. the sections are neither dis-

tincly U-shaped nor V-shaped. Therefore, in calculating the effective power of a

preliminary ship design it should not normally be necessary to make a correction for
shape of hull sections. If the sections are extremely U- or V-shaped the 103CR val-
ues may be corrected as follows:

Corrections to 103CE fob shape of sections:

'Fere Body Extreme U Extreme V

- 04 + 0,1.
After Bady Extreme U Extreme V
+ 0,1 . - 0,1

These corrections cover the speed range V/igr = 0,20 - 0,25.

Further it must be considered that the "standard" form is a form with well de-
signed lines. If it. is necessary to alter the lines the-operating require-
ments of the ship, or allowance to the power must be made, it isrecommended to in-
crease CR by 10 per cent and perhaps 20 per cent or more for non-optimal lines..

Concerning the bow, the standard form must be regarded as having an orthodox
non bulbous bow. For a vessel with bulbous bow having ART/Ax 1 0,10 (ABT is the
sectional area of the bulbous bow at the fore perpendicular and Ax is the area of
the midship section) the following corrections to 102CR are suggested:

Fn = 0,15 0,18 0,21 0,24 0,27 0,30 0,33 0,36

+0,2 0 -0,2 -0,4 -0,4 -0,4* 0,50 .

+0,2 0 .-0,2 -0,3 -0,3 0,60

1 11)
+0,2 0 -0,2 -0,3 -0,3 0,70
+0,1 0 -0,2 .0,86
With ABT/AX = 0,10 the bulbous bow is rather pronounced.

For 0 < ART/Ax < 040 tfie corrections are assumed to be proportional with size of.

. The above corrections are valid for loaded conditions only. At ballast condi-
tions the corrections due to bulbous bows will give a somewhat inversed picture.
Full forms (cP> 0,70) will show a remarkable decrease inresistance, the corrections
'having two to three times the above values, whereas the resistance for fine forms
(cPc 0,60)" generally will tend to increase.

7.4. Appendages
Rudders: No correction. The standard form is intended to include a rudder.

Bilge Keel: No correction.

Bossings: For, full ships add 3-5 per cent to CR. (12)

Shaft brackets
and shafts: Por fine ships add 5-8 per cent to C.


The ITTC-57 line has been employed in the analytical work.

Tha frictional resistance coefficients for the model and smooth ship are in ac-
cordance with ITTC-57 (International Towing Tank Conference, Madrid 1.957) determined
CF 0.075
(logioRn - 2)2 .(±3)

Rn is Reynolds number defined by Rn -


where v is the coefficient of kinematic viscosity.

To facilitate the calculation work, Fig. 12 gives. the frictional resistance

coefficient Cp as a function of length of ship L ,.and speed of ship V .

Incrementa]. Resistance

It has for many years been general praptice to apply a correction to the Cp-s
for the ship, in order to include the effect of the roughness of the surface of the
ship, which will never be "model-smooth" even when brand-new and freshly painted.

This incrementa], resistance coefficient for model-ship correlation has very often
been fixed at CA = 0,0004.

More recent experience has shown that this cannot be true in all cases. There-
fore, the follOwing correction for roughness and scale effect is proposed for.the
trial condition:.
Por vessels with L 5 100 m 103 CA = 0,4
= 130 m 0,2
= 200m' 0 (15)
= 250m -0,2
300m 1 -0,3
It must be mentioned that this correction is still rather uncertain.

The correction of CF
for appendages is made, by simply increasing CF pro-
portionally to the wetted surfaces of the appendages. Thus:
C F' = C F-S" (16)
where S is the wetted surface of the hull and Si the wetted surface of the hull
and appendages.


The air resistance may be.determined by use of data for the above-water struc-
ture and the air.
The magnitude of the air resistance is however very often of minor importance
and the expenditure of effort in making an accurate calculation may not be justified.
Therefore, in the absence of knowledge of the windage of a ship design it is
suggested that 103CR be corrected by
103CAA ' 0307 (17)
The correction for steering resistance is about

1-03CAS = 0,04.
It can be seen that both corrections are small and that for a preliminary
sign they may be assumed to be included in the incremental resistance.


The resistance and the effective power calculated by use of the diagrams in
this paper correspond to the values for a ship in the trial condition, i.e. for i-
deal conditions as regards winds and waves, deep sheltered water, and smooth
For the mean service condition an extra allowance has to be made on
the resi-
stance and the effective power on account of wind, sea, erosion
and fouling of the
hull. This extra allowance is dependent on the shipping route.
The following average service allowances on the calculated resistance oreffec-
tive power are proposed:

North-Atlantic route, eastwards 15 - 20%

in summer and winter respectively
North-Atlantic route, westwards 20 - 30%
in summer and winter respectively
Pacific route 13 - 30%
South-Atlantic and Australian.routes 12 - 18%
East-Asiatic route 15 - 20%
In the extrapolation from model to ship it is theoretically most correct to use
a three-dimensional method, e.g. the method of G. Huihes. But due to the still not
fully answered question of how to determine thé form factor of this, method, use of
the ITTC-57 method has been preferred here.,

wirmigi) SURFACE
The total resistance has to be calculated from
RT = CT pV2 S (19)
where S is the wetted surface of the hull.

Numerous methods for approximate determination of S exist. Use of one of the

following two methods is recommended:
The publications FORMDATA I-V (Danish Technical Press) contain hydrostatic
data for a comprehensive series of systematically varied ship forms. The
wetted surface of these forms are mapped (volume III-V) using the coeffi-
cient (20)
( 13 + 2,5T)
If the actual form for the preliminary ship design largely coincides with
one of the FORMDATA forms, an error of less than one per cent in the deter-
mination of S will be obtained.

For normal merchant ship forms the wetted surface can be obtained from the
following formula (a version of Mumford's formula):

5 = 1.025 Lpp (6pp B +1,7 T) (21)

The FORMDATA El diagrams and the formula given above correspond to ship forms
having a vertiCal stern and stem at the perpendiculars. Most ships wiil have a wet-
ted surface corresponding to this assumption as the plus and minus areas will bal-
ance each other. For ships with a large underwater overhang or with large cut outs
this ought to be allowed for'in the calculations.

In the design stage the main question to be settled is thait of type and size
of engine (e.g. number and dimensions of cylinders if diesel machinery). The deter-
mination of the resistance must be sufficiently exact such that on the basis of ef-
fective power PE , it is possiblelo fix the shaft power accurately enough to ar-,
rive at a safe solution to this vital question.
On the other hand, trying to attain greater accuracy than needed to solve this
problem makes little sense. The uncertainty of the factors involved isconsiderable,'
and readers are warned against wasting time in attempting to squeeze the last ounce
of accuracy out of a calculation that can only be an estimation.
In diesel-engined ships an alteration of the number of cylinders from say 6 to
7 or from 11 to 12 means that the power is changing by abt. 17 or 8 per cent, re-
spectively. By modifying the mean effective pressure and number of revolutions it
is possible to vary the continuous output by abt. 10 per cent.
Turbine manufacturers have corresponding steps between their types.
On the basis of these considerations the authors' opinion is that an required
accuracy in the determination of PE for a preliminary ship design must be one or
more per cent, up to 5 per cent.
This accuracy will in most cases be easily obtained by use of the diagrams and.
the calculation forms in this publicatlon.
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1 11111UM
1 o
''..i1111M111111111MUI U1HUIIIIIIMUI i
1'\ 11
111111111 01 0111111111111111111 I 1111111111111111
CCI N to
-- I

FIG. 10. Standard LCB.

The longitudinal position of the
centre of buoyancy that is consid- C4
ered the best possible today.

A\13rox. Lcs =.9.34 -43.s Fn

0,10 Q20 Fn= vqr. Q30

0,5 0.6 0,7 0.8 0,9 1.0.

FIG. 11 The correction oi the

a LC B

residual resistance coefficient
for LCB one per cent forward of
The correction is thus-
90,85 111111111111
a 103 Cp
where ALCB is the longitudinal dist-
ance between actual and standard LCB
in per cent of L.
No correction for LCB aft of standard:
The correction is always positive: Amigo 7:CCI5
AirMir Ammo
Q10 Q20 Fn= v "g" r.

0,4 qs 0,6 0,7 C8 o,9 7; to

Note on the CF-diagram Fig. 12

According to the ITTC-formula the CF is a fUnction of the Rn 3+,11 only. For fixed and L

the CF depends on the kinematic viecCeity v. The diagram corresponds to Vm 1,191 *10 6m 8-1
(p = 1,025 tim°, 15°C). The diagram may therefore be used at.other cOnditions, i.e. other7densities
and temperatures, only if the length is altered before entering the diagram tos

1,191 L.
The construction of the diagram allows the pa=ameters V and L to be Chmaged by multiplying
with k and ijk respectively. This allows greater accuracy in the small-ship region. Change for
inetance the L-scale by a factor 0 to cover L up to 100 m, then the V-values on the curves must
be Changed by factor 5.

0 -n



MI .4'

om o
ID. 0
m o
O. e


C? m

n o
o o o
= 1



Metric units (the SI-system) are used throughout with the folloWing exceptions:
The speed length ratio V/iE and the length L in feet have been added as sub scales.

1. m (metre) = 3,281 ft
t (metric ton) = 1.000 kg = 0,984 tons (1 ton British = 2240 lb)
1 knot (metric) : 1.852 m/hour = 0,999 British kn'ots = 0,5144 m/s
1 N (Newton) unit for force. 1. kN = 1.000 N
1 W (Watt) unit for power. i kW = 1000 W
1 hp (metric) = 75 kp m/s = 735,5 W = 0,986 British hp

If the mass unit ton (1 t = 1.000 kg) is used, the corresponding force unit
will be kilo-Newton, kN, which will correspond to the power unit kilo-Watt, kW,
being a convenient unit.

It must be emphasized that the units t and kg are mass, and N (Newton)
is force. The units are connected by the equations:

Force = Mass x Acceleration

or with units:

1 N = 1 kg x 1 m/s2

Readers using the old "technical" metric system use the force unit 1 kp (kilo-
pond) and the mass unit is derived thus:

1. kp = i mass unit x g = 1 m.u. X 9,8066 m/s2

By utilizing non-dimendional coefficients it is possible to use any system
of consistent units: e.g. Meter/Kilogram/Second, or Beter/Kilopond/Second, or
Foot/Pound-mass/Second (ft/lb/s), or Foot/Pound-force/Second (ft/lbf/s).

Confusion may.arise from the different systems, and care must be taken to use -
within the same expression - units belonging to one system only; i.e. when the
Mass kilogram is used the specific mass will be in kg/m3 and the force must be meas-
ured in N but if the Force kilopond is used the specific mass p must be measured
in hR-R2

The following values have been used:.

lbf 52)
P , density of sea water: 1025,9 kg/m2 or 104,61 hR-R2 (or t,990
m4 ft4

p , density of fresh water: 999,0 kg/m2 or 101,87 2S2 (or 1,938 1"
va. .
m4 ft4

y , kinematic visccisity of sea water: 1,191 10-2m2 s-1 (=1,28 10-5ft28-2)

, kinematic viscosity of fresh water: 1,141 10" m2 s-1 (= 1,23 10-2 ft2 S-1)


Ship DimensiOn Dimensionless Coefficients and Ratios

L = length on vaterline V
6 = = block coefficient
Lpp = length betveen perpendicaars
B = breadth on vRterline 45 -
Lpp B T
= block coefficient
T = draught
AE = immersed midship section area AX
BT = midship section
ABT n section area of bulbous bov
(measured at FP) 9 = prismatic coefficient

= vetted surfice (L X mean girth) = length-breadth ratio

(including rudder)
SI_ = vetted surface as S but
including appendiges = breadth-draught ratio
A = displacement
V = volumetric displacement = length-displacement ratio
LCB =*longitudinal position of centre Cri
of buoyancy (also used to denote
the distance of CB abaft amid-
ships OW Pa = Froude number
= amidships (Lpp/2)

V speed-length ratio
Suffix m
denotes that the quantity VE (V in knots and L in ft)
concerned is valid for model only
Rn = = Reynolds number

C F = frictional resistance
p v2 s coefficient

Kinematic and Dynamic Symbols

CR p 2s = residual resistance
V = speed of ship
= resistance RT
= total resistance
R-A = air resistance I p v2 s coefficient
RF = frictional resistance
incremental resistance
RR = residual resistance coefficient for model-ship
Rs = steering resistance correlation
RT = total resistance
PR = brake power
PE = effective power
p = density of water
V 5 kinematic viscosity of water
Sample Form .for the Calculation of Effective Power
Dimensions Coefficients etc.

Length betw. Perpendiadiars Breadth-Draught Ratio T

Length on waterline L Block Coefficient

Midship-Section Coeff.

Breadth Longitudinal-Prismatio
Coefficient . .

Draught T m
Leugth-Displacement Ratio 14*
(1000 kg)
Volume. 3113
Longitudinal pos. of Centre of Buoyancy
per cent of L aft of (lApp/2)
Wetted Surface.

i pS Er92
LIM ...
L7actual 16standard per cent

'Shape of Sections: Afti lorwardt'

Wetted surf.-(app. incl.) G,
Shape of DOI,:

Column 1 2 I 3 4 5 9 110 1 11 I 12 I 13 I 14
6 I 7' 1 8
Speed 103% Corrections to 10sCR for
Y y2 psv2 Sec-
V Li V*
tione Bow App.
fir I
lines -

Source Diagrams Fig.

Fig. 1-9
(7) 10+11
(10) (11) (12)-
(Formula .

Unit - '.ni,/é Knots (orN kN) -- - - - - - -.

I Neykal Thai fianran in f 1 indlinft+s +11a fn-nrnlia nnmrhervre in +h. +mw.1._

'Columns 20-22 are intended to be used for supplementary resistande

calculations for air, steering, etc.
In a preliminary estimate the calculations in columns 9-14 and 20-22
may be wholly or partly omitted.

2 15 16 17 le 19 20 21 22 5 24 25 I 26
103CR io -6 Rn io3cp io'cri ioscA . 103CT ET

Nit 57 .
8+9+10 .
Fig. 12 &
g-V L
+11+12 10 - --v 4.1:127:192 10r° [ 51x [23J [ 21x[24]
- [17.1 (15) 1?-5-1
, .
+13+14 or (13 ) k .

We - - - - - - - N
(or kN)
(or kW)
(metric) ,

f7xq_q . 1w
a 0,7355 for force meaeured in

Extended diagrams for determining the resistance and

required power for single-screw ships.
W.H. Auf'm Keller.
/7 ,




Due to ever increasing dimensions, block much lower L/B ratios than those usual at the
coefficients etc. of single-screw ships such as time of publication of [1].
bulk carriers and tankers, it often is not pos- This correction, in percents of on a base of
sible anymore to use the diagrams published by L/B ratio, is given in Figure 8.
Lap [1], because the values of the parameters to For a reliable power calculation a good total
be used, now often are not within the range of propulsive efficiency estimation is required.
the mentioned diagrams. Therefore an extension The resistance values calculated by means of
of these diagrams was necessary. the present diagrams, just like those of [1], are
based on Schoenherr's extrapolation with rough-
Diagrams. ness allowance coefficients CA of 0.00035 to
The results of model tests of 107 large 0.00045.
single-screw ships were converted into dimen- For ship self propulsion points corresponding to
sionless residuary resistance values. Based on these extrapolations an efficiency curve n D was
these values the extended diagrams, Figures 2 given in Figure 13 of [1].
through 6, were made. It is clear that for large ships, as investigated
The available data have been grouped in the now, with incremental resistance coefficients,
same way as published in [1]. of CA = -0.00025 (or even less) a much lower
Figure 1 shows the relation between Cp and loading of the propellers has to be accounted
LCB for these groups. for than was formerly usual. This results in
Figure 7 represents a histogram for the B/T higher efficiencies and a correction on the rip
ratio values of the 107 investigated models. curve of [1] is necessary in such cases. The
Contrary to the distribution of the B/T values correction as a function of CA (representing a
mentioned in [1], Figure 7 shows that for the certain over- or underload) is given in Figure 9.
large ships 71% has a B/T value varying It must be noted that this figure only may be
between 2.5 and 3.0. used for ships with large block coefficients
Since it waE the intention to start from the ( > 0.75).
existing diagrams as given in [1], which apply For ships with small block coefficients the n D
to a B/T value of 2.40, a correction was neces- decreases (respectively increases) as a function
sary for the differences in B/T. of the overload (respectively underload) are
The same correction as mentioned in [1] was much smaller.
maintained, viz, a mean value of 0.5% increase According to Lap the 1D correction for the last
of the total ship resistance for an increase of mentioned ships amounts to about 1/3 per cent
B/T by 0.1. per 10 per cent overload, this corresponds to
It appeared, however, that for ships with high only a fifth of the correction as given now in
B/T values (B/T > 3.00), such as for example Figure 9. Furthermore it appeared that with in-
gas tankers, these corrections had to be adapt- creasing block coefficients and decreasing L/B
ed. ratios the efficiency 11D decreased.
If B/T > 3.00 a correction of 0.5% decrease of Empirical rID corrections to a base of block
the total ship resistance seemed to be desirable coefficient and L/B ratio are therefore given
for an increase of B/T by 0.1. respectively in Figures 10 and 11.
It further was found necessary to introduce an A histogram showing percentages deviation of
empirical correction factor for the effect of the efficiency derived from the curves in the
*) Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen, the Netherlands. Figures 9, 10 and 11 as compared to actual

model test results, is given in Figure 12. is given by the percentages deviation of the cal-
With the calculated efficiency and PE values the culated PD values with regard to the PD values
PD values can be determined. of 116 arbitrarily chosen tested models in the
An indication of the accuracy of the calculations histogram of Figure 15.





0.60 065 0.70 0 75 0 80 0.85 0.90

--op C p
Figure 1. Position of centre of buoyancy of the examined models.
Figure 2. Diagram for determining the specific residuary resistance as a function of - and Cp.

40 Mr II AT 111
o r*
lr ANI

Figure 3. Diagram for determining the specific residuary resistance as a function of Vs

vL and Cp.


rl XI
BiTa Z40

Ar A A


30 ply ArarrAwim -


Figure 4. Diagram for determining the specific residuary resistance as a function of Vs and Cp.

1111 MIMI 1 API
por Al
r 111
'O' r Yoram."
Figure 5. Diagram for determining the specific residuary resistance as a function of and Cp.

ah vx
40 MEW1111 Vi///1
to -'017i
00 0.2

Figure 6. Diagram for determining the specific residuary resistance as a function of and Cp.

tion for the L/B ratio has to be included.

The ship length required for the calculation is
the length between perpendiculars increased
.2 with one percent (Ld).
In cases where the length of the waterline is
smaller than 1. 01 x Lpp the waterline length
must be used.
For the resistance calculation it is furthermbre
necessary to make the correct choice for the in-
cremental resistance coefficient CA.
In Table 1 CA values, as used for resistance
calculations at the moment at the N. S. M. B.,
are given as a function of the dimensions of the
full size vessels.
With the aid of the number of propeller rev-
olutions N and the ship length L a preliminary
ID value can be estimated from Figure 13.
w,2 8
Table 1
'Figure 7. Histogram for the B/T ratio values of the 107
investigated models. Length of Incremental
the vessels resistance coefficien CA -f 0, cr170 19D
se of the diagrams and estimation of PE and 50 - 150m +0,0004 - +0.00035
values. . 150- 210 m +0.0002
e use of the diagrams is similar to the 210- 260m +0.0001
niethod as mentioned by Lap in publication 118 260 - 300 m 0
04he" N. S. M. B. [1]. 300 - 350 m -0.00010
ii;q.esiitanCe 'cilculation the new correc- 350- 450 m -0.00025



FOR 5.0 1/8 < 8.0


40 L.


4.5 50 55 8.0 05 70 7.5 00
. __.
Figure 8. Correction in percents of on a base of L/B ratio.

FOR CA 0.00036 coanEcnom 0 Pt



010 CID C5 040 COO COO

Figure 10. Tip correction in percents on a base of

.0.01011 0.0001 o 0A0011 .0.0004
CA block coefficient CB*
Figure 9. 1D correctionin percents on a base of the in-
cremental resistance coefficient for model-ship cor- ve CORRECTION PINCENT1 CO A MO Or LAP RATIO,
relation CA. For CA = +0. 00035 correction = 0%.

To find the final total efficiency the 1D values

from Figure 13 must be corrected with percent-
ages as given in the Figures 9, 10 and 11.
With the final ?ID and PE values the PD values
on trials can be determined. 6
u. As 114

An example to explain the method of calcula- Figurt 11. correction in percents on a base of L/B
tion is given on the next page. ratio.
4. Example of calculation.
Characteristics of ship. revs./min. propeller = 80
Wanted: SHP at trial condition for
= 350.00 m Ld/B = 5.89 14-15-16 and 17 knots.
Ld = 353.50 m B/T = 2.79
= 60.00 m O = C.O.B. = +3.00%
= 21.50m S = (3.4 V% + 0.5 L) = 30512 m2
V = 377000 m3 = 104.5 kg sec? m-4 (salt water) temperature = 15° Centigrade
CB = 5 = 0.835 PS = 1,594,252 kg sec? m-2
Cm = 6
8c1 =
Am 0 CmxBxT
0 = 0.042067x = CRt
PP = R
Cpd = = 0.831
Pt = PFS +

Derived from:
Fig. 1 Group A
1 Ship speed V in knots 14 15 16 17
2 Ship speed Vs in m sec71 7.2023 7.7168 8.2312 8.7457
0.420 0.450 0.480 0.510
Fig. 2 x 103 23.24 23.35 23.79 25.00
5 Fig. 8 L /B correction = +12% +12% +12% +12%
6 x 103 corrected 26.03 26.15 26.64 28.00
7 CRt x 103 1.095 1.100 1.121 1.178
V x Ld
(V in knots L in metres) 4949 5303 5656 6010
9 Fig.14 CFs x 103 1.397 1.385 1.374 1.365
10 CA (See Table 1) -0.00025 -0.00025 -0.00025
1 (CFS + CA) x 103 1.147 1.135 1.124 1.115
Ct2 x 103 (= 7 + 11) 2.242 2.235 2.245 2.293
V82 (m sec:2) 51.873 59.549 67.753 76.487
%pV52 S (kg) 82,698,634 94,936,112 108,015,356 121,939,553
(in kg)(=12 x 14) 185410 212182 242494 279607
Rt1 .

lit/T correction +1.95% +1.95% +1.95% +1.95%

(in kg) 189025_ 216320 247223 285059

, (m sec71) 0.096030 0.10289 0.10975 0.11661

(= EHP)(in hp metric) 118152 22257 27133 332411

VLd = 1504
T1D = 0.706
CA = -0.00025 correction T1D T1D = 0.749
CB (perpendiculars) correction TID = -4 `X) T1D = 0.719
L/B correction correction n D = -3 % = 0.697 =11 final
Trials = n (in hp meiric) 126043 31933 38928 476921
, 'ID

5. Final remarks.
It must be taken into account that the diar,
grams apply to ships with a conventional bow or
with a cylindrical bow, but not to ships equipped
with a bulbous bow.

According to our experience with the use of
these diagrams the efficiency nD may be 1 or
2% better than calculated, if the vessel is equip-
ped with Oertz or balance rudder arrangement
instead of a Mariner rudder arrangement.
As the efficiency diagram Figure 13 and the
correction diagrams apply to the results of tests
with 4 bladed propellers, it is necessary to
realize that ships with 6 bladed propellers may
have up to about 4% lower efficiencies than
derived from the diagrams.

'.)15 -4 0 .4 Lap, A .J.W. , `Diagrams for determining the resist-
ance of single-screw ships', Publication 118 of
the N. S. M. B., International Shipbuilding
Figure 12. Histogram showing percentages deviation of
the efficiency. Progress, Volume 1, No. 4, 1954.



0.13 )
' °°0 o o
oa 0
e o
o 0
o 09 ° ° egCe o °o
0.7 1/0 00 e ... -y., o

.00Q o


o o po
, 000
11 O
00 o 0 0 O

0.7 ) O I O
O Oe

e O
1 n

e %

0.5 ..
O °O

% I 1

0.6 I


2000 2200 g
I. IN no.

Figure 13. Diagram for determining the total propulsive efficiency for the smooth ship under ideal circumstances.

4 .

2 3 4 5 6 7 e a io it 12 13 14 16 11


Figure 14. Specific frictional resistance coefficients calculated according to Schoenherr for ships in sea water of
150 Centigrades.

a Distance of centre of buoy-
ancy forward (+) or aft (-)iperc.
of L
of %L.
Am Midship section area. m2
30 Breadth moulded.
BHPtr Engine power under trial
conditions. hp
In BHPs Engine power under service
o conditions. hp
0 20 CA (=p ) Incremental resistance co-
efficient for model-ship
2 CB 5) Block coefficient.
Cm (= 13) Midship section coefficient.
(= ) Prismatic coefficient.
Cpd (= d) Prismatic coefficient be-
longing to displacements
o CRt (= ir.) Specific residuary resist-
25 20 15 10 5 o 5 10 15 20 25
CFS (= Specific frictional resist-
ance of the ship.
Ct (= ts) Total specific resistance of
the ship.
Figure 15. Histogram of the deviation of PD in percents. Sc rew diameter


D =V Displacement in fresh Rr Residuary resistance of the

water m3 ship. kg
DHP = PD Delivered horse power at Rt Total ship resistance in sea
the screw in sea water. hp water of 15° C under tank
EHP = PE Effective horse power in conditions. kg
sea water. hp S (= Q) Wetted area. m2
Acceleration due to gravity. m/sec.2 Mean draft.
Length between perpendic- V Ship speed. knots
ulars. Vm Model speed. m/sec.
Displacement length Vs Ship speed. m/sec.
(= 1.01 L or = LwL). W (= tF ) Wake fraction.
LWL Length on load waterline. m a Angle of entrance of load
N' Number of revolutions of waterline.
the propeller in tank con- p Efficiency of the screw in
dition. revs. /sec. open water.
Number of revolutions of rID (= 0) Total propulsive efficiency.
the propeller in service t (= y) Thrust deduction fraction.
condition. revs. /min. Y Specific gravity of water. kg/m3
Specific denr of water. kg m4sec?
Description of "Resistance" - "Propeller"
and Hydrostatic calculations for ship
design purposes on a IBM compatible PC.

Part 2, Appendix 6 untilL9.

Ing. A.P. de Zwaan

Report nr.858

January 1990

Delft University of Technology

Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory
Mekelweg 2
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
Phone 015 - 78 68 82

Further computer-analyzed data of the

Wageningen B-Screw Series.
W.M.0 Oosterveld and P. van Oossanen




In this paper the open-water characteristics of the Wageningen B-series propellers are given in
polynomials for use in preliminary ship design studies by means of a computer. These polynomials
were obtained with the aid of a multiple regression analysis of the original open-water test data of
the 120 propeller models comprising the B-series. All test data was corrected for Reynolds effects
by means of an 'equivalent profile' method developed by Lerbs. For this Reynolds number effect ad-
ditional polynomials are given. Criteria are included to facilitate the choice of expanded blade area
and blade thiclmess. Finally, a number of new type of diagrams ,are given with which the optimum
diameter and optimum RPM can easily be determined.

1. Introduction
In preliminary ship design studies in which the of Reynolds number and of the thiclmess of the
ship size, speed, principal dimensions and pro- blade profile at a characteristic radius is taken
portions are to be determined, the application of into account in the polynomials . As such the foll-
computers is rapidly increasing. Here, the owing relations have been determined:
hydrodynamic aspects, including resistance data,
KT =fi(J, P/D, AE/Ao, Z, Rn, t/c)
wake and thrust deduction data and the propeller
characteristics are of importance. KQ=f2(J, P/D, AE/Ao, Z, Rn, t/c)
In this paper the characteristics of screw pro-
pellers are given in a form suitable for use in
preliminary design problems. These character- 2. Geometry of B-series screws
istics are obtained from open-water test results A systematic screw series is formed by a num-
with the Wageningen B-screw series [1]**). ber of screw models of which only the pitch ratio
B-series propellers are frequently used in prac- P/D is varied. All other characteristic screw
tice and possess satisfactory efficiency and ade- dimensions such as the diameter D, the number
quate cavitation properties. At present about 120 of blades Z, the blade-area ratio AE/Ao, the
screw models of the B-series have been tested. blade outline, the shape of blade sections, the
Some years ago the fairing of the B-screw blade thicknesses and the hub-diameter ratio d/D
series test results was started by means of a re- are the same. These screw series now comprises
gression analysis. In addition, the test results models with blade numbers ranging from 2 to 7,
were corrected for Reynolds number effects by blade area ratios ranging from 0.30 to 1.05 and
using a method developed by Lerbs [2]. Pre- pitch ratios ranging from 0.5 to 1.4.
liminary results of these investigations were Table 1 gives the overall geometric properties
given by Van Lammeren et al [3] and by Oosterveld of the original Wageningen B-series. The re-
and Van Oossanen [4]. quired coordinates of the profiles can be calculat-
- The fairing of the B-screw series test results ed by means of formulas, analogous to the form-
63 now been completed. The thrust and torque ulas givenby Van Gent and Van Oossanen [5] and
coefficients KT and Kca of the screws are ex- Van Oossanen [6], viz:
iiessed as polynomials in the advance ratio J,
the ; pitchratioP/D, the blade-area ratio AE/AO' Yface V1 (tmax tt. e )
the blade number Z. In addition, the effect for P <
ìiJJ Yback = (V1 + V2) (tmax tt. e .)+Le.
NMhes:lands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
s in brackets refer to the list of references at the end of this (2)

t .7
r ,;;;Jr.'e 44,


Dimensions of Wageningen B-propeller series.
Dimensions of four-, five-, six- and seven bladed
B-screw series.
TE 4
/ LI

sr/D=Ar -BrZ v. I p0

Figure 1. Definition of geometric blade section parame-

0.2 1.662 0.617 0.350 0.0526 0.0040 ters of Wageningen B- and BB-series propellers.
0.3 1.882 0.613 0.350 0.0464 0.0035
0.4 2.050 0.601 0.351 0.0402 0.0030

0.5 2.152 0.586 0.355 0.0340 0.0025

0.6 2.187 0.561 0.389 0.0278 0.0020 Yface = V1(tmax- tl.e.)
}for P> ;
0.7 2.144 0.524 0.443 0.0216 0.0015 Yback= (V1 +V2)(tmax- tl.e.) +h. e.
0.8 1.970 0.463 0.479 0.0154 0.0010
0.9 1.582 0.351 0.500 0.0092 0.0005
1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0030 0.0000 From Figure 1 it follows that.:
Dimensions of three-bladed B-screw series. Yface' Yback = vertical ordinate of a point on a
blade section on the face and on
r /D=Ar -BrZ theback with respect to the pitch
Cr z line,
D AE/AO ar /cr br /crr ABr max maximum thickness of blade sec-
0.2 1.633 0.616 0.350 0.0526 0.0040 tt. e . tl . e. = extrapolated blade section thick-
0.3 1.832 0.611 0.350 0.0464 0.0035 ness at the trailing and leading
0.4 2.000 0.599 0.350 0.0402 0.0030 edges,
0.5 2.120 0.583 0.355 0.0340 0.0025 V1, V2 = tabulated functions dependent on
0.6 2.186 0.558 0.389 0.0278 0.0020 r/R and P,
0.7 2.168 0.526 0.442 0.0216 0.0015 P = non-dimensional coordinate along
0.8 2.127 0.481 0.478 0.0154 0.0010 pitch line from position of maxi-
0.9 1.657 0.400 0.500 0.0092 0.0005 mum thicimess to leading edge
1.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0030 0.0000 (where P=1), and from position
of maximum thickness to trailing
Ar Br = constants in equation for Sr/D
edge (where P = -1).
ar = distance between leading edge and generator Values of V1 and V2 are given in Tables 2 and
line at r 3. The values of e. and tt. e. are usually chosen
in accordance withrules laid down by classifica-
br = distance between leading edge and location of
tion societies or in accordance with manufactur-
maximum thickness
ing requirements. In conjunction with the geo-
Cr = chord length of blade section at radius r metry of this propeller Series, it is remarked
that at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin modi-
sr = maximum blade section thickness at radius r
fied B-series Kopellers are now used and design-
ed, which have a slightly wider blade contour near
the blade tip. These propellers are denoted as.
'BB' propellers. For the sake of completeness,
Table 4 is included which gives the particulars
of this series. The performance characteristics
of these BB-series propellers may be consider-
ed identical with the original B-series propellers .
Table 2
Values of V1 for use in equations 2 and 3.

RX) -1.0 -.95 -.9 -.8 -.7 -.6 -.5 -.4 -.2 O

.7-1.0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O

.6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
.5 .0522 .0420 .0330 .0190 .0100 .0040 .0012 0 0 O

.4 .1467 .1200 .0972 .0630 .0395 .0214 .0116 .0044 0 o

.3 .2306 .2040 .1790 .1333 .0943 .0623 .0376 .0202 .0033 O

.25 .2598 .2372 .2115 .1651 .1246 .0899 .0579 .0350 .0084 O

.2 .2826 .2630 .2400 .1967 .1570 .1207 .0880 .0592 .0172 o

.15 .3000 .2824 .2650 .2300 .1950 .1610 .1280 .0955 .0365 O


+1.0 +.95 +.9 +.85 +.8 +.7 +.6 +.5 +.4 +.2 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
.6 .0382 .0169 .0067 .0022 .0006 0 0 -0 0 0 0
.5 .1278 .0778 .0500 .0328 .0211 .0085 .0034 .0008 0 0 0
.4 .2181 .1467 .1088 .0833 .0637 .0357 .0189 .0090 .0033 0 0
.3 .2923 .2186 .1760 .1445 .1191 .0790 .0503 .0300 .0148 .0027 0
.25 .3256 '.2513 .2068 .1747 .1465 .1008 .0669 .0417 .0224 .0031 0
.2 .3560 .2821 .2353 .2000 .1685 .1180 .0804 .0520 .0304 .0049 0
.15 .3860 .3150 .2642 .2230 .1870 .1320 .0920 .0615 .0384 .0096 0

Table 3
, Values of V2 for use in equations 2 and 3.

.9-1.0 .0975 .19 .36 .51 .64 .75 .84 .96
.85 .0975 .19 .36 .51 .64 .75 .84 .96
.8 .0975 .19 .36 .51 .64 .75 .84 .96
.7 .0975 .19 .36 .51 .64 .75 .84 .96
.6 .0965 .1885 .3585 .5110 .6415 .7530 .8426 .9613
.5 .0950 .1865 .3569 .5140 .6439 .7580 .8456 .9639
.4 .0905 .1810 .3500 .5040 .6353 .7525 .8415 .9645
.3 .0800 .1670 .3360 .4885 .6195 .7335 .8265 .9583
.25 .0725 .1567 .3228 .4740 .6050 .7184
.2 .0640 .1455 .3060 .4535 .5842 .6995 .7984 .9446
.15 .0540 .1325 .2870 .4280 .5585 .6770 .7805 .9360

.9-1.0 .0975 .1900 .2775 .3600 .51 .6400 .75 .8400 .9600
.85 .1000 .1950 .2830 .3660 .5160 .6455 .7550 .8450 .9615
.8 .1050 .2028 .2925 .3765 .5265 .6545 .7635 .8520 .9635 1
.7 .1240 .2337 .3300 .4140 .5615 .6840 .7850 .8660 .9675 1
.6 .1485 .2720 .3775 .4620 .6060 .7200 .8090 .8790 .9690 1
A .5 .1750 .3056 .4135 .5039 .6430 .7478 .8275 .8880 .9710 1
.4 .1935 .3235 .4335 .5220 .6590 .7593 .8345 .8933 .9725 1
.1890 .3197 .4265 .5130 .6505 .7520 .8315 .8920 .9750 1
.1758 .3042 .4108 .4982 .6359 .7415 .8259 .8899 .9751 1
o .1560 .2840 .3905 .4777 .6190 .7277 .8170 .8875 .9750
0 .1300 .2600 .3665 .4520 .5995 .7105 .8055 .8825 .9760 1

Table 4
Particulars of BB-series propellers.
Tio = 2, KQ (7)
r Z The effect of a Reynolds number variation on the
r/R br/c r
D AE /A0 ar/cr testresults has been taken into account by using
the method developed by Lerbs [2], from the char-
0.200 1.600 0.581 .0.350 acteriatics of equivalent blade sections . This me-
0.300 1.832 0.584 0.350 thod has been followed also in References 7, 8, 9
0.400 2.023 0.580 0.351 and 10.
0.500 2.163 0.570 0.355 In the Lerbs equivalent profile method the blade
0.600 2.243 0.552 0.389 section at 0.75R is assumed to be equivalent for
0.700 2.247 0.524 0.443 the whole blade. At a specific value of the ad-
0.800 2.132 0.480 0.486 vance coefficient J, the lift and drag coefficient
0.850 2.005 0.448 0.498 .CL and CD and the corresponding angle of attack
0.900 1.798 0.402 0.500 a, for the blade section, are deduced from the
0.950 1.434 0.318 0.500 KT- and KQ -values from the open-water test.
0.975 1.122 0.227 0.500 .,Fteynolds number effects are only considered
ar = distance between leading edge to influence the drag.coefficient of the equivalent
profile. It is furthermore assumed that this in-
and generator line at r
fluence is in accordance with a vertical shift of
br = distance between leading edge the CD-curve, equal to the change in the mini-
and location of maximum mum value of the drag coefficient. This minimum
thickness at r value is for thin profiles composed of mainly fric-
Cr = chord length at r tional resistance, the effect of the pressure gra-
dient being small.
According to Hoerner [11], the minimum drag
coefficient of a profile is:

3. Analysis of model test data C 2Cf(1 +2-

Dmin. (9)
The open-water test results of B-series pro- c0.75R
pellers are given in the conventional way in the in which;
form of the thrust and torque coefficients KT and
Ko, expressed as a function of J and the pitch 0.075
ralio P/D, where: cf - (9)
[O. 43429)
110. 75R

(4) where;
KT = pn2 D4

Q O. 75R + (0. 75TrnD)2

(5) (10)
-74 012 D5 R110. 75R -
VA Cf is the drag coefficient of a flat plate in a tur-
J= (6)
bulent flow and the term 1+2!. represents
in which 75R
the effect of the pressure gradient; C0' is the
T = propeller thrust, chord length at 0.75R and y the kinematical vis-
Q = propeller torque, cosity. '

p = fluid density,
On setting out the minimum value of the drag
n = revolutions of propeller per second,
coefficient as obtained from the polar curve for
D = propeller diameter,
each propeller on a base of Reynolds number, a
VA = velocity of advance.
large scatter is apparent as shown in Figure 2.
The open-water efficiency is defined as: When this minimum value of the drag coefficient
SS-SO X El 5 - 45
83 - 5S 5 5 GO , BS -DO x 115 49
0:00 53 -CS 55 110
5 3 - 50 A 5 5 75
SS- SO A 11 5 - 75
5 3 - 35 V 55.105 ';
g335 V US-105
' 8 4 - 40 V B - 50. 8 4 - 40 V 11 - SO
0.020 Si - 55 S 8 G - GS 4 - 55 I - 65
A 5470 - SO 4 - 70 0 8 1 - 80
5 4 - as e 8 7 - SS 0.015 AVERAGE RELATION
04-135 El 87-55
FOR P10.1.0
+84.100- B 7 - 70' 5 4 - 100 U 9 - 70
B 7 - 55 5 si-es


-C. 0.009
THREE - C2142910NAL
' +44.0*


0.10 0.15 to 020 0.15

Figure 3. Three-dimensional effect on minimum drag

coefficient of equivalent profile of B-series propellers.

0 ials for specific combinations of Z, AE/Ao, P/D,

'15 05 9210 oo42105
3210 58105
a and R. The resulting values formed the input
Figure 2. Uncorrected value of minimum drag coeffi- for the development of a thrust coefficient and a
cient of equivalent profile of B-series propellers.
torque coefficient polynomial. The thrust and
torque coefficients were then expressed as poly-
is set out against for each pitch-diameter nomials in the advance coefficient J, pitch ratio
P/D, blade area ratio AE/Ao and blade number
ratio, it is seen that below a specific value of the Z and with the aid of a multiple regression anal-
blade area-blade number ratio an increase in the ysis method the significant terms of the poly-
CD value occurs . For a pitch-diameter ratio nomials and the values of the corresponding co-
equiNti 1.0, this is shown in Figure 3. The ex- efficients were determined. For Rn = 2x106 the
istence of such a correlation of the CD value polynomials obtained in this way are given in
with propeller geometry points to the fact that the Table 5. The choice of a Reynolds number value
scatter in Figure 2 is not entirely due to Reynoldsof 2x106 for the characteristics on the model
number effects and experimental errors. It is. scale followed from the fact that the correspond-
obvious that the drag coefficient is influenced by ing CDmin. values is an average of all model
a three-dimensional effect. It is necessary, CDmin. values.
therefore, before correcting for Reynolds number
according to the given equations, to subtract this 4. Reynolds number effect on propeller
three-dimensional effect from the CD value. chararacteristics
An estimation of this effect was QbtaTnied by ap- In 'formulating the minimum value of the drag
plying regression analysis of which the results coefficient as a function of the Reynolds number
are given by Van Oossanen [6]. (see equition 8), it is possible to calculate thrust
Thethus obtained lift and drag coefficients were and torque values valid for full-scale by correct-
each expressed as a ftmction of blade number, ing this CD-value.
blade area ratio, pitch-diameter ratio and angle This was performed for Reynolds numbers
of attack in polynomials by means of a multiple equal to 2x107, 2x108 and 2x109 for a selected
regression analysis method. By applying this grid of J, P/D, AE/Ao and Z-values. Together
process in reverse, thrust and torque coefficient with the values for R. = 2x106, these KT and 11/41
values were then calculated. The basis for this values formed the input for The determination of
reverse process was formed by calculating CL a KT and KQ polynomial for the additional
and CD coefficients from the CL and CD polynom- Reynolds number effect above 2x106. These poly-

nomials are given in Table 6. The actual value one of these parameters on KT and KQ with
to be substituted into these polynomials is the creasing Reynolds number.. The effect of the num-
common logarithm of the actual Reynolds number.. ber of blades is shown in Figure 4 while the ef-
Thus if = the value to be substituted is fect of the expanded blade area ratio is shown in

7. 3010. Figure 5. Figure 6 gives the effect of the pitcl-

To demonstrate how the Reynolds number ef- diameter ratio and Figure 7 shows the effect of
fect is dependent on the number of propeller the advance coefficient J. The results shown are
blades, the blade area ratio, the pitch-diameter for the propellers grouped around the B5-75 (Z =
ratio and the advance coefficient, diagrams have 5, AE/Ao = 0.75) propeller with a pitch-diameter
been prepared each of which gives the effect of ratio of 1.0, working at an advance coefficient
equal to 0.5.

Table 5
Coefficients and terms of the KT and KQ polynomials for the Wa.geningen B-screw _

Series for R22=2x106. '

Kr = E f (.1)°.(P/DY.(AE/A0)".(z")
.: Ko= L Or.(P/D)'.(As/Ao)'4e) -

KT: S t y K s t
(i) (PM) (A6/A0) fz) L
(P/D) (AE/A) (z) - -

0.008804% +0.00379368 o... o

-0.204554 0 :0 . +0.00886523 o < o o
+0.166351 0 I 0 0 -0.032241
-1 0.158114
0 .0
0 2 0 0 +0.00344778 -
' -0.481497



0 -0.0408811
1 1 1 0 ;:t1
+0.0144043 o 0 0 1 +0.188561
-0.0530054 2 0 0 -0.00370871 0
o, 1
.; 0
' 1. .
+0.0143481 0 0
1 1
+0.00513696 0 1
+0.0606826 0
1 1 1 +0.0209449 1 ' 1 0 1
-0.0125894 0 0 +0.00474319
1 1
1 ' 0 ',Is': .1
0 -0.00723408

1 1

-0.133698 0 +0.00438388
+0.00638407 0 6 0 0 , -0.0269403 , - :1
-0.00132718 2 0 0

+0.168496 3 0 0
-0.0507214 0 :;
-1-0.00318086 I 3 1 ;;
+0.0854559 2 0 , +0.015896
: 2 O t
-0.00648272 2
.;,: 3 iO '; ;2 0
6 2 -0.0502782
-0.00841728 0 3 0 1 ; -0.030055 3

3 3

*". 1 2 "
-0.0317791 0 3 1 1
, .3 2 . 0.
-0.00410798 0
1 0
,; 1

3:.."," ; I ).::'
-0.000606848 3 : 3 = 0
0 0 0 2
0 2
-1-0.0035985 ;
-70.00142121 0 6

i ii.....

' '."'' "0 2"'' 1

-0.000328787 6
- , ,,.!:;.?";,1 2 2t
0 2 -0.00318278.
+0.000116502 2 6 0
2 , . 3 ' 2 ° 1

+0.000690904 +0.00334268 7' O ". 2

0 0 I 2

+0.00421749 ,-0.03183491 I,"

0 3 I 2
1 2
+0.0000565229 +0.000112451. 3 ' 2 0
3 6 1 2 2
' 0.0000297228 3-1`.!J."`; 6
0 3 2 2 ';`; 0 2 ";
+0.000269551 , ,-.; O. 7.i 2 .;
" +0.00155334
, 0 . 1, 2
I ,' 2
1, '
-0.0001843 0 0 2 2
R. r, 2>< 106 -0.000425399 o ,4:,41.3
+0.0000869243 3 3
, 2 , 2
-0.0004659 '4 6 2 *
* 2 *

+0:0000554194 I 6 2 2
Table 6 -,
Polynomials for Reynolds number effect
(above Rn = 2x106) on KT and KQ
AKT = 0.000353485 I
0.00478125 (AE/Ao) (P/D)J
+0.04257792 (1ogRn-0.301)2 (AE/A0)J2 A KT
+0.0000643192 (logRn-0,301)(P/D)6 ,
0.0000110636(1ogRn- 0.301)2 (P/D)6 J2 o o
0.00002763 F5 (logRn-0.301)2 z(AE/A0)J2
+O. 0000954(logRn-0.301) z (AEA()) (P/D)J 6 K0

+0.0000032049(logRn-0.301) z2(AE/A0) (P/D)3 J

AKQ = -0.000591412
0.0000666654 z(P/D)6
+0.0160818 (AE/A0)2
0.000938091(logRn-0.301) (P/D)
O. 00059593(logRn- 0.301) (P/D)2
+0.0000782099(logRn-0.301)2 (P/D)2 -0.003
+0.0000052199(logRn-0.301) z(AE/A0)J2
-0.00000088528(1ogRn-0.301)2 z(AE/A0) (P/D)J
+0.0000230171 (1ogRn-0.301) z(P/D)6
0.00000184341 (logRn- 0.301)2 z(P/D)6 2410724108 24103
0.00400252(logR,n- 0.301) (AE/A0)2
Figure 5. Influence of blade area ratio on Reynolds num-
+0.000220915(1ogRn-0.301)2 (AE/A0)2 ber effect on thrust and torque coefficients.

0.002 0.002

0.001 0.001


o o

A Ka



24106 24107 0, 24109 24109 24106 24107 2410 24109
Figure 4. Influence of number of blades on Reynolds num- Figure 6. Influence of pitch-diameter ratio on Reynolds
ber effect on thrust and torque coefficients. number effect on thrust and torque coefficients.

It should be noticed that the increment in

P10:1.0 ; Z S ; AE/Ao :0.75
KT (AKT) and the increment in KQ (AKQ) present- J 0
ed in Figures 4 to 7 are relative to a Reynolds 3:0.2
number value of 2x106. The value of the Reynolds 3:0.4
number is determined by equation 10. Strictly, 3:0.5
therefore, the AKT and AKQ values for a J 1.0

Reynolds number equal to 2x106 should equal

zero. As shown in Figures 4 to 7, this is not the
case. This is due to the difficulty in multiple re-
gression analysis methods to prescribe that the
resulting relation must have a specific value for a
particular combination of values for the indepen-
dent variables.

5. Effect of variation in blade thickness on
propeller characteristics
The effect of blade thickness on the thrust and
torque coefficients can be determined in an o O

analogous manner as used to determine the effect

of Reynolds number as described in section 4.
A change in the t/c-value of the equivalent pro- 0.001
peller blade section at 0.75R is again only con-
sidered to influence the value of the minimum
drag coefficient. Thus, as was the case in analys-
ing the effect of Reynolds number, the drag co- .0.002
efficient of the equivalent blade section as a func-
tion of angle of attack (or advance ratio) is shift-
ed vertically upwards or downwards in accord- -0.003
ance with the change in the value of the minimum
drag coefficient CDmin.. This situation, there- 2x107 R1 2/109 2X109

fore, leads to the idea that the effect of a specific Figure 7. Influence of advance ratio on Reynolds number'
change in the tic-value at 0.75R can be repre- effect on thrust and torque coefficients.
sentedby a specific change in Reynolds number.
The polynomials given in Tables 5 and 6 are for
a blade thickness-chord length ratio equal to: where
(0.0185- 0.00125Z)Z 0.75R = effective Reynolds number for a
ti00.75R- 2. 073 AE/Ao change in (t/c)0.75R
By rearranging equation 8, 9 and 10 a change in (t/e)10.75R = new tic value at 0.75R.
this value of tic can be shown to correspond to a
new value of the Reynolds number given by: Thus, when it is assumed that an increase or
decrease in blade section thickness (relative to
1/1 +2(t/c)0.75R equation 11) does not influence the effective cam-
ber and pitch, the effect on thrust and torque can
R1 =exp 4 . 6052 +
nO . 75R
1 4-2(t/c)'0 75R be ascertained by calculating an effective new
value for the Reynolds number according to equa-
tion 12 and then determining, by means oT the
polynomials presented in Table 5 and Table 6, the
(1nRn0. 75R -4.6052)1
(12) associated values of KT and KQ.
6. Choice of blade'area ratio based on cavitation between 0.1 and 0.6. A handy formula for the
criteria , value of the-cavitation number of the blade sec-
A reasonable indication as to the required blade tion at 0.75R in the vertical upright blade posi-
area ratio of fixed pitch propellers can be obtain- tion is:
ed by means of a formula given by Keller [12], 200 +20(h - O. 375D)
viz: a- 2
VA +(O. 04ND)2
in which
h = distance in meter of propeller shaft to ef-
fective water surface,
VA = velocity of advance of propeller in m/sec. ,
= expanded blade area ratio,: N = revolutions per minute,
D = propeller diameter in meter.
Z = number of blades, The remilting thickness-chord length ratio of
T = propeller thrust in kg,
the equivalent blade section at 0.75R must also
Po = static pressure at centre line of propeller possess satisfactory strength properties. Many
shaft in kg/m2,
methods have been devised to determine the mini-
Pv = vapour pressure in kg/m2,
mum acceptable value of the blade thickness at
K = constantwhichcanbe put equal to 0 for fast
various propeller radii. However, in this pre-
twin-screw ships,
liminary design stage, in Which the only interest
K = 0.10 for other twin-screw ships,
of the naval architect is focussed on a parametric
K = 0.20 for single-screw ships.
study to determine overall propeller parameters,
it is quite sufficient to use a very simple formula
7. Choice of characteristic thickness chord length to ensure that the chosen t/c-value is not too
ratio based on 'cavitation criteria and strength small. In this regard it should be noticed that for
In a number of previous studies [13,5], it is normal merchant ships equation 14 always leads
shown that the minimum allowable blade section to larger tic-values than, e.g. , the tic-value
thickness based on strength criteria does not give for the B-series according to equation 11.
the largest margin against cavitation when opera- A simple formula for the minimum blade thick-
ting in a non-uniform velocity field. In a propel- ness at O. 75R can be derived from Saunders [14],
ler design the proper compromise between the viz:
conflicting characters of thick blade sections 3 (2375- 1125P/D)Ps
(having a large cavitation-free angle of attack 0.0028+0.21
range) and thin blade sections (being free of ca- tml n075R
. =
vitation at low cavitation numbers at shock-free 4.123ND3(SC + D2N2)
entry of the How) must be made.
For every tyPe of thickness and camber dis-
tribution used, there is only one optimum t/c-
value for a specific value of the cavitation num- where
ber. For propeller blade sections with an elliptic = minimum blade thickness at 0.75R
type of thickness distribution the optimum t/c- tma1 40 . 75R
in feet,
value, giving the largest cavitation-free lift co- D = propeller diameter in feet,
efficient range, can be approximately given by: PS= shaft horsepower per blade,
(t/c)opt= O. 3cr - 0..012 (14)
N = revolutions per minute,
Se = maximum allowable stress in
where pounds per square inch (psi).
cr= cavitation number of the blade section in the In this formula the bending moment due to the
-* vertical upright blade position. centrifugal force effect is neglected, which is
Relation 14 is only valid for small blade sec- correct only for propellers with zero rake. The
(tioncambers and values of the cavitation number additional formula for the chord length for de--
ip ::1 1-' ozi to
..,.. 5' RO 5. ol o o 0. 0:1
rti f-'1. ro
o -. el it Z !ft. coEi ,81 ; Pi 11 1.4 H Ps a." ... o ,01.... 2,,, .1
o Ps to a e io 0 .'" r. i: II i-i.
o oo .cr -1


ti 8'.
gr 07
I-I a. a) R'' ca tr 8. a cao g o 5 n btti oa
a'.. '1 I La, cel
matimmassmaElsopmm. .1 cr, II II
--I 5.
o z- gg ma, 'g ail- ov om T'i Ps r) or' 5' oi
%?%-'-'--- '13m CPI 5)-1 Wm 01 i Otn .80 : tn°1 ro:
g lg. ZZ a i.94. w .06-CL: N 1 oi .t, .crct
NORM 4 RIOR._. .- :0*. 71-: F-4- ,''
:,..,»....,...a,........,.....a, 5 co 0..0) 6- va. o CD II 5.
(.7' '',... 0" I'S e) 0.. ;0
gil ID
oo `< ov =
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... 1
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I, ,
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. 5
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iiS11111111111MIIIUM111111MIIMILI 'al

The square root of B is adopted since then a 9. References

linear scale can be used in the resulting diagrams Troost, L. , `Open-water tests with modern propel-
for this variable. Figure 9 shows the result for ler forms', Trans. NECI, 1938, 1940 and 1951.
the B5-75 propeller for a Reynolds number of Lerbs, H. W. , 'On the effect of scale and roughness
2x106. on free rtuming propellers', Journal ASME, 1951.
Lammeren, W. P. A. van, Manen, J.D. van and
In the case that the optimum propeller speed is Oosterveld, M.W. C., The Wageningen B-screw
to be determined when the power, the propeller series', Trans. SNAME, 1969.
diameter and the advance velocity is specified, Oosterveld, M. W. C. and Oossanen, P. van, 'Recent
use can be made of the power constant developments in marine propeller hydrodyna-
fined as: B2 P' de- mics', Jubilee Meeting of NSMB, 1972.
Gent, W. van and Oossanen, P. van, 'Influence of
= P1/2. D-1. (20) wake on propeller loading and cavitation', Paper
P VA-3/2
' presented at 2nd Lips Propeller Symposium; May
in which the variables P, D and VA are defined 1973.,, International Shipbuilding Progress, 1973.
- Oossanen, P. van, '!Calculation of performance and
as in equations 18. This power constant can be cavitation characteristics of propellers including
replaced by the non-dimensional expression effects of non-uniform flow and viscosity'.
KQ1/4, as follows: Doctor's thesis, Delft University of Technology,
1974: Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Publication
1.75 VT3/72 = KQ (21) No. 457, 1974.
Lindgren, H., 'Model tests with a family of three
and five bladed propellers', Publication No. 47,
Here also the square root of is adopted since
SSPA, 1961.
then a linear scale on the horizontal axis can be Lindgren, H. and Bjarne, E., 'The SSPA standard
used in the resulting diagram. Figure 10 shows propeller family. open-water characteristics',
the resultfor the B5-75 propeller for a Reynolds Publication No. 60, SSPA, 1967.
number of 2x106. At the Netherlands Ship Model Newton, R.N. and Rader, H. P. , 'Performance data
Basin, diagrams of the type shown in Figures 9 of propellers for high-speed craft', Trans . /UNA,
and10 have been prepared for all B-series pro- Schmidt, D., 'Einfluss der Reynoldzahl und der
pellers for a Reynolds number value of 2x106. .Rauhigkeitauf die propeller-characteristik, be-
A diagram giving the values of the pitch-dia- rechnetnach der Methode des iiquivalenten Pro-
meter ratio P/D, the open-water efficiency % fils', Schiffbauforschung 11, 1972,
and r1, corresponding to the value of the opti- Hoerner, S.F. , 'Fluid dynamic drag', Published by
mum diameter, based on /1/441/4. j-5/4, is given the author, 1971. .

Keller, J. aufm, 'Enige aspecten bij het ontwerpen

In Figure 11. Figure 12 gives the analogous dia- van scheepsschroeven', Schip en Werf, No. 24,
gram for the value of the optimum number of re- 1966.
volutions. Both diagrams are for the 5-bladed Oossanen, P. van, 'A method for minimizing the oc-
B-series propellers. currence of cavitation on propellers in a wake',
International ShipbuildingProgress, Vol. 18, No.
205, 1971.
Saunders, H. E. , 'Hydrodynamics in ship design' ,
:Vol. 2, page 620, published by the Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers, 1957.

Recent developments in marine propeller hydronamics.

M.W.C. van Oosterveld and P. van Oossanen.
Recent developments in marine propeller hydrodynamics

Dr Ir M. W. C. Oosterveld and Ir P. van Oossanen / Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen

Introduction complete integration of the design with the wake at the

propeller position is obtained. A short exposition of the
On looking back on a 40 year period of work in the principles of this method is given.
field of ship hydrodynamics at the Netherlands Ship
Model Basin (ram) a number of memorable highlights Experimental propeller characteristics such as open-
can be discerned. A munber of these highlights are noted water test results are increasingly used in preliminary
elsewhere in this book. Most of these memorable propeller design and parameter studies by means of
activities were the result of self-sponsored research with high speed computers. For this purpose it is very ad-
the aim to promote the efficient designing of ships. vantageous to have these experimental propeller charac-
Particularly intensive research has constantly been devot- teristics in the form of polynomials or formulas. Among
ed to the various aspects of ship propulsion, the results the well-known screw series developed by Schaffran,
of which were nearly always published in well-known Gawn and others, the Wageningen B-screw series of the
magazines and periodicals. Netherlands Ship Model Basin are perhaps the most
used. This screw series has through the years been ex-
It is not the intention of this paper to review past tended and now comprises some 120 models with blade
activities in the field of ship propulsion, but rather to numbers ranging from 2 to 7 and blade area ratios from
consider more recent work in this field, carried out or 0.3 to 1.05. The cross-fairing of the open-water test data
being carried out, in particular at the /ism. by means of the computer for a Reynolds number of
2 x 106 has now been completed, and it was considered
This paper is divided into the following four main topics: appropriate that these results should be published for the
Theoretical propeller theory. first time in this paper. The thrust and torque polyno-
Experimental (conventional) propeller characteristics. mials given incorporate the results of some 40 years of
Characteristics of non-conventional propulsion open-water testing at the Nsmn.
Propeller testing techniques and facilities. In the chapter on non-conventional propulsion devices,
particular attention is given to the characteristics of the
The state-of-the-art of sub-cavitating optimum propeller various propulsion devices. The application of non-con-
theory has progressed to a stage ensuring the highest ventional propulsion devices is increasing due to the fact
possible efficiency in both the free-running and wake- that modern ships sometimes demand specific propulsion
adapted cases. A short review of past developments in requirements which can not be obtained with the con-
theoretical propeller theory particularly concerned with ventional screw propeller. The propulsion devices con-
sub-cavitating optimum /propellers is included in this sidered are the following:
paper. With the unmistakable trend towards higher ship ducted propellers,
speeds and larger displacements, however, non-optimum contra-rotating propellers,
propeller design in connection with securing the best overlapping propellers,
possible cavitation properties is becoming relatively more controllable pitch propellers,
important. As a consequence, many research institutes vertical axis propellers.
have recently intensified work on this aspect of propeller Of the above mentioned, ducted propellers are being
theory. At the Netherlands Ship Model Basin a method increasingly applied behind large tankers. Ducted
has been developed to determine overall and local propellers are therefore considered in more detail.
propeller geometry in accordance with obtaining maxi- Accelerating, decelerating and non-axisymetrical nozzles
mum latitude to the angle of attack. In this method are regarded.


Lastly, this paper deals with some recent developments Propeller Theory
in the cavitation testing of propellers, both from the
viewpoints of techniques and facilities. Review of past developments

Model tests are often employed to determine the best Before considering some recent progress made in
propeller-afterbody configuration. The main reason for propeller theory, a survey of past developments is
this is the difficulty involved in the theoretical determina- appropriate. In 1865, Rankine [3] developed the fore-
tion of unsteady propeller action, cavitation, and propel- runner of momentum theory as it is known today. This
ler-afterbody interaction effects when the propeller opera- theory is based on the change of momentum and the
tes in a wake. related axial motion of the fluid passing through an
With modern propeller theory the determination of actuator or propeller disk. In 1889, R.E. Froude [4]
unsteady propeller forces in the non-uniform velocity considerably extended this theory and it has subsequent-
field can, to a certain extent, be realized. Theoretical ly become known as the Rankine Froude axial momen-
assessment of the cavitation properties and, in turn, the tum theory. The effects of the rotational motion of the
influence of propeller cavitation on propeller action and slipstream were included by Beta [5] in 1920. This
interaction effects, has not progressed that far. In conse- theory is today used in various propeller problems. The
quence, model testing is particularly employed to deter- fact that it gives no indications of the geometry of the
mine propeller cavitation properties, induced vibrations propeller causing the changes in the flow is a large
and other adverse effects of cavitating ship screws. The drawback, and in fact the reason for it not being used in
tests to determine propeller-induced vibratory forces general design problems.
acting on the afterbody of a ship were up till now
performed in conventional towing tanks. In this ship The first to attempt to formulate the relation between
model testing facility the effect of propeller cavitation is propeller geometry and the associated propeller thrust
not taken into account. It has recently been established, and torque was W. Froude [6] in 1878. His crude blade
that the effect of cavitation on the vibratory forces on element theory was the forerunner of all theories relating
the ship's afterbody and appendages and on the the lift and drag of an element of a blade to its geome-
propeller itself is considerable [1, 2]. Complementary try. Later, Drzewiecki [7] considerably extended this
tests with model propellers in cavitation tunnels in theory and suggested performing tests to determine the
wake-simulated flows are therefore often necessary to lift and drag forces experienced by blade section forms
obtain an impression of the cavitation properties of the at various angles of attack when he found that he could
propeller. Actual interaction effects between propeller not calculate them. The uncertainty as to the character-
and afterbody are, however, not taken into account in istics which musi be assumed for such sections was, and
this way, while it is found extremely difficult to simulate to a certain extent still is, an unsatisfactory feature of
the required distribution of the axial and tangential such theories. Furthermore, early workers in this field
wake components. These and other difficulties have led failed to recognise finite aspect ratio effects, causing the
the Netherlands Ship Model Basin to construct a depres- arithmetical results obtained with this theory to be
surized towing tank, in which the air pressure can be far from satisfactory.
lowered to such an extent that ship model testing can be In consequence of the large discrepancies between the
performed at the correct cavitation index. The dimens- momentum theory and the blade element theory, at-
ions of this towing basin are such that ship and propel- tempts were made to combine the two, and to use
ler models are of a size with which it is possible to the induced velocities as determined by the momentum
avoid unpredictable scale effects. theory to reduce the angle of attack in the blade element
theory. In this way large differences between experiment
Besides a short description of this facility, this part of and theory were avoided but due to the still unaccount-
the paper includes a review of the many problems as- ed finite aspect ratio and chordwise effects, and the still
sociated with ship model testing including such subjects unknown variation of blade section characteristics with
as scale effects and cavitation scaling. Reynolds number, thesi differences remained unaccep-
table, in particular for broad bladed marine propellers.

In 1907, Lanchester [8] put forward a new theory which

accounted the lift of an aeroplane wing due to the
development of circulation around each section in the difficulty inherent to the finite blade number case lies
span direction. He postulated that the vortex movement in the complexity of calculating the induced velocities
around such an aerofoil is continued in the fluid in the caused by the system of trailing vortices constituting a
form of vortices trailing from the ends, and in the case finite number of vortex sheets. Particular credit must be
of propeller blades, passing downstream in approxima- paid to Betz's paper, not only for determining the op-
tely helical paths from the tips. This concept of the timum radial load distribution from the viewpoint of
shedding of vortices from the tips of propeller blades efficiency, but also for being the first to successfully
was shown to be true by Flimm [9] in 1909 by means of apply the Prandtl vortex theory to propellers and to
photographs of the wake of a propeller. Many scientists define the mathematical model concerned.
subsequently endeavoured to calculate the induced
velocity associated with this system of trailing vortices, With these new vortex conceptions, which in fact con-
and in this regard the work of Joukowski [10] in 1912, stituted an important break-through in propeller theory,
Grammel [11] in 1917 and Wood and Glauert [12] in various important propeller theories were developed in
1918 should be noted. In 1918, Prandtl [13] succeeded, the years that followed. Amongst the most important is
and the concept of trailing vortices became fully accept- the work of Glauert [15] in 1926, Pistolesi [16] in 1922
ed. Prandtl concluded to state that the behaviour of an and particularly, the work of Kawada in 1933, 1936 and
element of an aerofoil of finite span can only be consid- 1939 [17, 18, 19]. Bienen and Von Karman [20] in 1924
ered the same as in two-dimensional flow when proper extended Betz's 1919 paper and performed the addit-
allowance is made for the induced velocities caused by ional calculations for the case that the effects of profile
the shedding of vortices from such an aerofoil. This first drag are included. In 1927 Betz [21] extended his work
vortex theory is often referred to as a lifting line theory to the heavily loaded, free-running case. In the case of a
due to the fact that a wing of finite span is replaced by heavily loaded propeller the influence of the induced
a vortex line. In this way it was possible to account for velocities on the shape of the helical vortex sheets is
spanwise variations in the circulation distribution, the taken into account as well as the effects of centrifugal
circulation of the vortex line at each section being put forces and of the contraction of the induced velocity
equal to the chordwise integrated circulation at that components. Only in the case of the lightly loaded
section. This theory is therefore not able to calculate propeller are the vortex sheets true helical surfaces.
subsequent effects of the fact that the circulation around
a section of a propeller blade or a wing is not concen- In 1929, Goldstein [22] successfully considered the flow
trated at the position of the line vortex, but distributed past a finite number of true helical vortex sheets and
along the chord. For moderate aspect ratios it was found obtained an expression for the ratio between the mean
that the Prandtl lifting line theory was very satisfactory, circulation taken around an annulas and the circulation
and this very soon led to the standard procedure in at the helical surfaces for a 2 and a 4 bladed propeller.
airscrew design to use two-dimensional lift and drag From these values the ratio between the mean inflow
characteristics (so-called profile characteristics) at an velocity taken around any annulas and the corres-
angle of incidence corrected for the induced velocities. ponding larger inflow velocity in way of the helical
For the broad bladed propeller this theory was still not vortex sheets at the position of the propeller blades was
satisfactory, however. derived. The values of this ratio for various values of the
propeller radius, the hydrodynamic pitch angle and the
On assuming that the trailing vortices behind a propel- number of blades have since been designated as Gold-
ler blade follow helical paths with a constant angle of stein factors. A large number of these values ware
advance (implying a uniform propeller inflow and that calculated by Lock and Yeatman [23] in 1935, in 1941 by
the induced velocities are small, i.e. that the propeller Kramer [24], and very accurately in 1950 by Tach-
is lightly loaded), and on neglecting the profile drag of mindji and Milam [25]. The Tachmindji and Milam
the blade sections, Betz [14] in 1919 succeeded in esta- values are valid for the case of zero circulation at the
blishing the best load or thrust distribution along the hub, which case is now considered as correct.
blades for minimum induced drag. Due to the involved Today these Goldstein factors are extensively used, and
mathematical difficulties, Betz had to assume that the often in cases where they are not applicable. They are
propeller had an infinite number of blades. In an appen- strictly only valid for uniform propeller-inflow (so-called
dix to Betz's paper, Prandtl established an approximate free running propellers), having a constant radial virtual
correction to account for a finite number of blades. The pitch, i.e. the Betz optimum radial circulation distribu-
tion. Furthermore, none of the devised marine propeller dynamic pitch angle are a result.
design methods based on the Goldstein factors are sui-
table for heavy screw loading. Very few recognize slip- Ludwieg and Ginzel [34] in 1944 were the first to
stream contraction and the influence of the radial recognize this influence and they actually calculated
pressure gradient. The most used marine propeller some correction factors with which the amount of blade
design methods based on the lifting line procedure section camber could be corrected for the induced
incorporating Goldstein factors are those due to Burrill curvature of the flow. These camber corrections were
[26, 27] in 1943 and 1955, Lerbs [28] in 1945, Hill given in the form of a ratio between the effective camber
[29] in 1949, Van Manen [30] in 1952 and Eckhardt and the geometric camber of the blade sections as a
and Morgan [31] in 1955. function of propeller radius, blade area, blade number
and hydrodynamic pitch. These particular correction
When Lerbs [32] in 1952 published his lifting line factors were, however, only strictly valid for the opti-
method based on induction factors as defined by Kawa- mum radial circulation distribution, uniform chordwise
da in 1933, it was a timely introduction of a method loading (circular arc meanlines) and a uniform propeller
suitable for a radially varying wake and a non-optimum inflow. Due to the large amount of work involved in
circulation distribution. In 1958, Van Manen [33] show- calculating such correction factors, the Ludwieg and
ed that important differences occur between the results Ginzel camber factors were used for a large number of
of the induction factor method and the Goldstein factor years following 1945. Very often they were applied in .

method when applied to so-called wake adapted propel- cases where they were unsuitable, resulting in fact in
lers. larger errors than caused by the correction factors based
on experiments with profiles in cascades which they
As mentioned above, lifting line procedures were found replaced.
to be very suitable for the design of propellers and
wings of moderate aspect ratios as low as 3. This was Prior to the work performed by Ludwieg and Ginzel,
contrary to the case with wide bladed propellers having all lifting line procedures for the design or analysis of
lower aspect ratios. Soon after lifting line procedures marine propellers incorporated correction factors based
were introduced it was found necessary to supplement on previous experience or theoretical or experimental
design procedures based on the lifting line concepts for work on cascade effects. The opinion, that the differen-
wide bladed marine propellers with emperical or theore- ces occurring between theory and the results of experi-
tical correction factors. It is now known that this is due ments with marine propellers are due to so-called casca-
to the fact that in the case of wide propeller blades it is de effects, was then a general one, and many efforts
no longer correct to calculate the induced velocity at the were made at developing reliable theories and at ob-
position of the vortex line representing the blade and to taining relative experimental information in the 50-year
neglect the variation of the induced velocity along the period following the first suggestion to do so by Drze-
chord. A distribution in the induced velocity or down- wiecki in 1892. Drzewiecki first found that the lift and
wash along the chord results in a specific curvature of drag forces appeared to depend considerably on the ratio
the flow over the blade which, amongst other effects, of length tobreadth of the propeller blades. The
changes the effective camber of the blade sections. Such experimental investigations eventually culminated in
effects remain unaccounted for in lifting line procedures. the work of Gutsche in 1933 [35] and 1938 [36] who
In the case of moderate aspect ratios it is more or less tested a series of cascades of aerofoils and propeller
correct to consider the induced velocity at the lifting blade sections at different pitch angles and various gap
line as a correction to be applied to the geometric ratios.
angle of incidence in determining an effective angle of Particularly good theoretical work on cascades was
incidence to which the corresponding blade section performed by Weinig in 1932 [37].
reacts as if it were in a two-dimensional flow. In the
case of low aspect ratios, however, the decrease in After the Ludwieg and Ginzel paper, the application
effective camber and, in general, the way in which the of cascade corrections in marine propeller problems
blade sections react to the curved flow, must also be continued. The reason for this is best reproduced by
accounted for. Changes in the ideal angle of attack Burrill in the discussion of his 1955 paper on the op-
and, in the case of non-symmetric chordwise loading of timum diameter of marine propellers [27]. To quote
the meanline about the midchord position, in the hydro- from the relative passage:
'For myself, I am not convinced that (the Ludwieg- 1950 [46] and 1955 [47], by Kerwin in 1961 [48],
Ginzel theory is the right one for correcting the vortex 1963 [49] and 1964 [50], and by English in 1962 [51]
line into a vortex sheet theory) this is correct, despite was based on the vortex-lattice representation of a
the correction factors and other devices which have been propeller blade. Then in 1959 Sparenberg [52] derived
introduced recently to enable the correct pitches to be the three-dimensional integral lifting surface equation
obtained, as the centreline camber corrections suggested for a screw propeller in a steady flow. This theory in-
by this method lead to very high cambers indeed at the corporated a continuous vortex sheet representation of
tip of the blades and much lower cambers at the root. the lifting surface, i.e. without physical or mathema-
One of the deficiencies of the Ludwieg-Ginzel correc- tical assumptions and models for the arrangement of the
tions is that they have been worked out for wide-tipped lattice. Such a formulation for a lifting surface (a wing)
outlines and another is that the basic aerofoil section wns first given by Garner in 1948 [53] and 1949 [54] and
characteristics obtained from wind tunnel work must be by Multhopp [55] in 1955. In 1962 Hanaoka [56] extend-
corrected by similar lifting surface curvature effects ed Sparenberg's work to the case of unsteady flow. This
in order that they may be applied to propeller design theory was then further developed by Pien [57], Nishiya-
work. ma and Nakajima [58], Yamazaki [59] and others. In
The use of the Gutsche cascade corrections may seem obtaining numerical results with this theory, various
to be out-of-date, but they have the merit of simplicity different numerical procedures have evolved to solve
and they do seem to be of the right order and to give the integral equation. In this connection the work done
satisfactory integrated values of thrust, torque and effi- by Cheng [40], Tsakonas et al. [60, 61, 62, 63], Brown
ciency.' [64, 65], Greenberg [66] and Verbrugh [67] should be
particularly mentioned. The necessary approximations
With the advent of high speed computers, gradually and linearizations necessary for the solution must be
proper and more accurate lifting surface calculations carefully chosen in order not to cause appreciable errors
were made, and now most propeller design procedures in the numerical results.
incorporate lifting surface correction factors. In 1961
Cox [38] derived a set of camber corrections valid for 4 In 1965, Harley [68] carried out a comparison between
different types of blade shapes, with 3, 4 and 5 blades, the results of Kerwin's vortex lattice program and
applicable to the case of constant chordwise loading at Cheng's program for the continuous vortex theory of
shock-free entry of the flow. In the last 10 years, lifting Pien. He found that the differences were small. It should
surface corrections have been derived for various types be mentioned, however, that Cheng's numerical proce-
of propeller designs. Of these, the correction factors of dure is essentially a vortex lattice representation of
Morgan, Silovic and Denny [39] for a family of non- Piens theory.
skewed and skewed propellers, should be mentioned.
These correction factors were derived from the lifting Recent developments
surface programs developed by Cheng [40] for blade
loading and Kerwin [41] for blade thickness. They are Application of lifting surface theory to propeller design
valid for the NACA a = 0.8 meanline and the NACA 66 has as yet not been carried out to a large extent. Fur-
thickness distribution. The number of blades for which ther refinements to the numerical procedures are yet to
these corrections are given are .4,5 and 6. For the res- be made in order to perform the necessary calculations
pective 3-bladed propellers of this series, the correc- faster and more efficient. For the analysis of propeller
tion factors were derived by Mirtsaas and Slattelid [42] performance, however, lifting surface theory has already
by means of the same programs. proven invaluable. In 1967 and 1968 Tsakonas etal
[69, 70] performed a comparison of vibratory thrust and
Lifting surface theory for marine propellers has develop- torque calculations with experimental values obtained
ed basically along two different paths. The first calcula- at the mho by Wereldsma [71] in 1966. The results
tions and theories were really extended lifting-line showed the same agreement in trends of vibratory thrust
methods. These eventually developed into so-called vor- and torque but relative large discrepancies in magnitude.
tex lattice methods, in which the lifting surface is re- This has been ascribed to the insufficient number of
presented by a descrete lattice of vortices. After the readings in the wake survey.
Ludwieg and Ginzel theory, the work done by Guillo-
ton in 1949 [43] and 1955 [44, 45] by Strecheletzky in Another result of lifting surface theory application has

been the development of propellers having large skew.

With lifting surface theory it is possible to determine the
desired radial load distribution and the associated
necessary ideal angle correction to the hydrodynamic
pitch angle. Lifting surface calculations and measure-
ments show that propellers with a large skew experience
substantial reductions in propeller force and moment
fluctuations [72, 73]. Recent work by Boswel and others
at the NSRDC [74] has also shown that the cavitation
performance of skewed propellers can be superior to the
cavitation performance of the comparative propellers
without skew. 02 0.4 0.6
oe 10 1.2 1.4 1.6

Due to the importance of designing propellers with Fig. 1 Angular variations in effective propeller inflow at
acceptable cavitation properties, research into non- various propeller radii and ship speeds for a destroyer type
optimum propeller design has recently received a great
deal of attention. At the Nsma, a method has been
developed to account for the peripheral inequality of
the wake in the design process [75]. The necessary cal- than the blade thicknesses resulting from current stan-
culations and iterations, performed on an electronic dard design practices. This is particularly the case for
computer, have been found to give good results, Pro- the outer propeller radii. It is therefore often necessary
peller pitch, blade thickness and camber are calculated to specify a maximum blade section thickness to avoid
in accordance with obtaining maximum latitude to bubble cavitation and unacceptable high drag coefficients.
variations in the angle of attack. From 5-hole pitot-tube When relative high 643i values occur at low values for
measurements, an accurate survey of the axial, tangen- the cavitation number, it is impossible to design prop-
tial and radial wake components is made. These eller blades free of sheet cavitation. In that case this
components determine the geometric inflow conditions. design process can be applied, e.g., to avoid cavitation
By assuming a specific blade section geometry, the on the face.
effective propeller inflow at a large number of points
in the screw disk is calculated. Together with the calcula- Besides the aspects of propeller pitch, blade thickness
tion of the cavitation index over the screw disk, it and camber, recent studies have also shown that a
becomes possible to select a new blade section geometry carefull selection of propeller diameter, rotative speed,
at each radius having the necessary cavitation-free angle direction of rotation and the number of blades should
of attack range and the required average lift. With this be made.Unloading of the blade at the tip and at the
second geometric configuration, the associated induced hub by means of a carefully selected radial load distribu-
velocities are again calculated, the blade section geome- tion should be seriously_considered and more often
try determined, etc. initiating an iteration procedure applied, particularly in view of the fact that the prop-
which is continued until the effective propeller inflow eller efficiency is not seriously effected. When in particul-
at the various points in the screw disk no longer chang- ar hub vortex cavitation is a problem, use of a diver-
es. gent fairwater has been found to be very successful [76].
Calling the total variation in the effective inflow at a
certain screw radius and ship speed 41, it is possible Experimental propeller characteristics:
to construct a diagram showing the variation of Af3i the Wageningen B-screw series
with ship speed and screw radius on a base of cavitation
number. In Fig. I these results are given for a twin- An important method of screw design is that based on
screw destroyer type vessel. A figure of this nature the results of open-water tests with systematically varied
illustrates the necessary cavitation-free angle of attack series of screw models. Am'ong the well-known screw
or lift coefficient range the blade sections must have to series developed by Schaffran, Taylor Gawn and others,
be free of cavitation at a specific ship speed. the B-screw series of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin,
This procedure for the determination of blade section often designated as the Wageningen B-Screw Series',
geometry very often leads to higher blade thicknesses take an important place. The B-series screw type is
frequently used due to its satisfactory efficiency and Table 2a Dimensions of four five, six and seven bladed
adequate cavitation properties. Wageningen B-screw series.
C. z S,./D = Ar-Brz
The first tests with systematic series of screw propellers r/R ar/Cr br/C,.
at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin were performed D. AE/Ao A,. Br
in 1936. From model experiments carried out by Baker
and Riddle [77] and Baker [78] it had become evident 0.2 1.662 0.617 0.350 0.0526 0.0040
that screws with circular-b'ack blade sections and ellipti- 0.3 1.882 0.613 0.350 0.0464 0.0035
cal blade outline such as the Taylor and Schaffran series 0.4 2.050 0.601 0.350 0.0402 0.0030
0.5 2.152 0.586 0.350 0.0340 0.0025
were inferior as regards efficiency to propellers with aero-
0.6 2.187 0.561 0.389 0.0278 0.0020
foil sections. At the Netherlands Ship Model Basin these
0.7 2.144 0.524 0.443 0.0216 0.0015
conclusions were verified. These results led to the devel-
0.8 1.970 0.463 0.479 0.0154 0.0010
opment of a series of model propellers having aerofoil 0.9 1.582 0.351 0.500 0.0092 0.0005
sections. This series was called the A4-40 series as it was 1.0 0.0030 0
a series having 4 blades and a blade area ratio of 0.40.
The results of the open-water tests with this series were
given by Troost [79].
Table 2b Dimensions of three bladed Wageningen B-screw
Later, it was found that the A4-40 screw series were
only suitable for use in cases where no cavitation danger
Z Sr/Dr = Ar-Brz
r/R ar/C, br/C,
was present. This was found to be due to the fact that D.AE/Ao Ar Br
the narrow blade tips and the aerofoil shaped blade
sections gave rise to very unfavourable pressure distribu- 0.2 1.633 0.616 0.350 0.0526 0.0040
tions on the blades. In addition, the A4-40 screw series 0.3 1.832 0.611 0.350 0.0464 0.0035
possessed unfavourable backing characteristics. It was 0.4 2.000 0.599 0.350 0.0402 0.0030
therefore decided to design a new screw series having 0.5 2.120 0.583 0.355 0.0340 0.0025
wider blade tips, circular blade sections near the tips 0.6 2.186 0.558 0.389 0.0278 0.0020
and aerofoil blade sections near the hub. This new prop- 0.7 2.168 0.526 0.442 0.0216 0.0015
eller series was designated as the B-series. The first B- 0.8 2.127 0.481 0.478 0.0154 0.0010
0.9 1.657 0.400 0.500 0.0092 0.0005
screw series to be desig,ned was the B4-40 series and due
1.0 0.0030 0
to great popularity this screw series was gradually ex-
tended to other blade numbers and blade area ratios. The
results of the first open-water tests were given by Troost
[80] and others [81, 82]. Table 1 lists the available B-
screw series. The geometry of the B-screw series is given
in Table 2.
At present, about 120 model propellers of the B-series
have been manufactured and tested at the NSMB. The
results of the open-water tests are given in the form

Table 1 Table of existing Wageningen B-screw series.

Blade number z Blade area ratio AE/Ao
2 0.30
3 0.35 0.50 0.65 0.80
4 0.40 0.55 0.70 0.85 1.00
5 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.05
6 0.50 0.65 0.80
7 0.55 0.70 0.85

57 Z:0711Z, rit,-"Irlyr:f

of the thrust and torque coefficients KT and Ke express- the blade section at 0.75R is equivalent for the whole
ed as a function of the advance coefficient J and the blade. At a specific value of the advance coefficient
pitch ratio PID, where: the lift and drag coefficients and the corresponding
profile angle of attack is deduced from the KT- and KQ
" T
K values from the open-water test. In this way the polar
pn2D 4
curves for CD and CL on a basis of a is calculated from
the known propeller characteristics KT and Ke on a
v basis of J. Reynolds number effects are only considered
to influence the drag coefficient of the equivalent profile.
It is furthermore assumed that the influence of Reynolds
VA number on the drag coefficient is in accordance with a
nD vertical shift of the CD curve equal to the change in
the minimum value of the drag coefficient. This mini-
in which mum value is for thin profiles composed of mainly
= propeller thrust, frictional resistance, the effect of the pressure gradient
p = fluid density, being small.
n = revolutions of propeller per second, According to Hoerner [89] the minimum drag coefficient
D = propeller diameter, of the profile is:
VA = velocity of advance.
CDn 2C1 + 2(-90.75R)
Some years ago it was decided to cross-fair the B-screw
series open-water test results by means of a regression in which
analysis. In this way the existing small errors in the 0.075
diagrams would be eliminated and the resulting analyti- [0.434291n ( 2]
cal expressions for the thrust and torque would be very
welcome for use in preliminary design calculations by
means of high speed computers. One reason for the
small errors in the diagrams was the inconsistancy of
RCo=75R N/ VA 2 -I- (0.75 nnD) 2
the Reynolds number during open-water tests. The early
open-water tests were carried out at a lower rotational Cf is the drag coefficient of a flat plate in a turbulent
propeller speed than the more recent tests. For the
,u3rrection of the test results for Reynolds number flow and the term (1 +2 ( represents the effect
,ffects the method developed by Lerbs [83] was applied. -c)075R)
This method is a so-called 'equivalent profile method', of the pressure gradient.
consisting of replacing the propeller by one of its
profiles, the equivalent profile, and deducing the prop- On setting out the minimum value of the drag coefficient
erties of the propeller at other scale and roughness as obtained from the polar curve for each propeller on
values from the known properties of this profile This a base of Reynolds number, a large scatter was appar-
idea was first considered by Lock [84] and Von Doepp ant as shown in Fig. 2. When this mimimum value of
[85] and was previously applied by Driggs [86] and
Kramer [87]. AE1,40
the drag coefficient is set out against for each

The cross-fairing of the B-series was first attempted pitch-diameter ratio, it is seen that below a specific value
for each blade number separately. The results of the of the blade area-blade number ratio an increase in the
investigations for the four and five bladed B-series CD,i value occurs. For a pitch-diameter ratio equal
were given by Van Lammeren etal [88] in 1969. It was to 1.0, this is shown in Fig. 3. The existance of such a
later decided to include the blade number as an inde- correlation of the CDmin value With propeller geometry
pendent variable in the cross-fairing and also to include points to the fact that the scatter in Fig. 2 is not
the Reynolds number as an independent variable in the entirely due to Reynolds number effects and experimen-
polynomials for KT and Ke. tal errors. It is obvious that the drag coefficient is influen-
In the Lerbs equivalent profile method it is shown that ced by a three-dimensional effect. It is necessary, there-
00 3-00.
08 369 The lift and drag coefficients obtained in this way were
0024 4.0 3..60
003.35 each expressed as a function of blade number, blade
8 -70
area ratio, pitch-diameter ratio and angle of attack by
e-115 means of a multiple regression analysis method. By
0 020.
OD 5-5
applying this process in reverse, thrust and torque
5 -75
11 5-102 coefficient values were next calculated. The basis for
16-65 this reverse process was formed by calculating CL, and
CD coefficients from the CL and CD polynomials for
0.016 07.85 specific combinations of z, AEI AD, PI D, a and R..
The resulting values formed the input for the devel-
opment of a thrust coefficient and a torque coefficient
polynomial. For R. = 2 x 106 the polynomials obtained
0 012 . 3. 1C 1907 18888LE51 LOW 1010

in this way are given in Table 3. The choice of choosing

% .:
co . 00
° a Reynolds number value of 2 x 106 for the characteris-
tics on the model scale followed from the fact that the
0 a*. WAD/ ..
0 006 corresponding CD,i value is an average of all model
CD,i values.
With the aid of a tape-controlled drawing machine a
O 2..364.2S L.NAR FL. LINE
new set of open water diagrams has been prepared.
0 004
Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 show the results for the B3-65,
B4-70, B5-75, B6-80 and B7-85 propellers for the
Reynolds number value of 2 x 106. In formulating the
minimum value of the drag coefficient as a function of
3.105 3.105
the Reynolds number, it is possible to calculate thrust
Fig. 2 Uncorrected value of the minimum drag coefficient and torque values valid for the full-scale by correcting
of equivalent profile of B-series propellers. the CD-values as described above. It is therefore possible
to calculate a new set of coefficients in the KT and Ke
polynomials already obtained for R. = 2 x 106. The
/0 0 FOR ALL 1.01NTS necessary calculations can be performed by a least
B3-80 85-45
0.030 3-68
squares method. By correlating the values of the respect-
ive coefficients with the value of the Reynolds number, a
8 4- SS 6 665
0.016 4.11436 RELATION 34.70 63 _30 final Kr and a final ICQ polynomial is to be developed
FF007/0 P.O 8.-es 07-35
6- 100 6 7 - 70
having as independent variables the number of blades,
the blade area ratio, the pitch-diameter ratio, the advan-
ce coefficient and the Reynolds number.

0006 A program has also been started to include the thick-

- 0114ENSI000L
EFFECT ON Cp ness of the propeller blades at a characteristic radius in
these polynomials. The ultimate aim is to determine the
following relations:

0. 0.15 000 0.38 0 30 KT = AdAo, z,


Fig. 3 Three-dimensional effect on minimum drag coefficient and (7)

of equivalent profile of B-series propellers.
KQ = AEIAD, z, R,:

fore, before correcting for Reynolds number according With these relations it will be possible to perform
to equations 4, 5 and 6 to subtract this three-dimensional preliminary design calculations to determine the op-
effect from the CDdi-value. An estimation of this effect timum propeller geometry parameters in connection
was obtained by applying regression analysis. with obtaining a specific ship speed, the required strength

Table 3 Coefficients and terms of the KT and Ko polynomials for the Wageningen B-screw series for R = 2 x 106
KT = i r
KQ = s,t ,u,V L
KT: Cs,t.u.v u y KQ: s. t u y
(J) (P/D) (AE/A0) (z) (P/D) (AE/A0) (z)

+0.00880496 0 0 0 0 +0.00379368 0 0 0 0
-0.204554 1 0 0 0 +0.00886523 2 0 0 0
+0.166351 0 1 0 0 -0.032241 1 1 0 0
+0.158114 0 2 0 0 +0.00344778 0 2 0 0
-0.147581 2 0 1 0 -0.0408811 0 1 1 0
-0.481497 1 1 1 0 -0.108009 1 1 1 0
+0.415437 0 2 1 0 -0.0885381 2 1 1 0
+0.0144043 0 0 0 1 +0.188561 0 2 1 0
-0.0530054 2 0 0 1 -0.00370871 1 0 0 1

+0.0143481 0 1 0 1 +0.00513696 0 1 0 1

+0.0606826 1 1 0 1 +0.0209449 1 1 0 1

-0.0125894 0 0 1 1 +0.00474319 2 1 0 1

+0.0109689 1 0 1 1 -0.00723408 2 0 1 1

-0.133698 0 3 0 0 +0.00438388 1 1 1 1
----+4.00638407 0 6 0 0 -0.0269403 0 2 1 1

-0.00132718 2 6 0 0 +0.0558082 3 0 1 0
+0.168496 3 0 1 0 +0.0161886 0 3 1 0
-0.0507214 0 0 2 0 +0.00318086 1 3 1 0
+0.0854559 2 0 2 0 +0.015896 0 0 2 0
-0.0504475 3 0 2 0 +0.0471729 1 0 2 0
+0.010465 _1 6 2 0 +0.0196283 3 0 2 0
-0.00648272 2 6 2 0 -0.0502782 0 1 2 0
-0.00841728 0 3 0 1 -0.030055 3 1 2 0
+0.0168424 1 3 0 1 +0.0417122 2 2 2 0
-0.00102296 3 3 0 1 -0.0397722 0 3 2 0
-0.0317791 0 3 1 1 -0.00350024 0 6 2
+0.018604 1 0 2 1 -0.0106854 3 0 0 1
- -0.00410798 0 2 2 1 +0.00110903 3 3 0 1
-0.000606848 0 0 0 2 -0.000313912 0 6 0 1
-0.0049819 1 0 0 2 +0.0035985 3 0 1 1
+0.0025983 2 0 0 2- -0.00142121 6 1
-0.000560528 O 0 2 -0.00383637 1 0 2 1
-0.00163652 1 2 0 2 +0.0126803 0 2 2 1
-0.000328787 1 6 0 2 -0.00318278 2 3 2 1
+0.000116502 2 6 0 2 +0.00334268 0 6 2
+0.000690904 0 0 1 i -0.00183491 1 1 0

+0.00421749 0 3 1 2 +0.000112451 3 2 0 2
+0.0000565229 3 6 1 2 -0.0000297228 3 6 0 2
-0.00146564 0 3 2 2 +0.000269551 1 0 1 2
+0.00083265 2 0 1 2
+0.00155334 0 2 1 2
+0.000302683 0 6 1 2
-0.0001843 0 0 2 2
-0.000425399 0 3 2 2
R = 2 x 106 +0.0000869243 3 3 2 2
-0.0004659 0 6 2 2
+0.0000554194 1 6 2

O O ° O

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7 vs
10-litioaotiostitm._ . .1.1m
AT.. -40 -4001- OLIKV
Ar VpiligNA
04,0040.-,....--- obi% thVie
gt. ',441
t-Aerisi-" -"TahrAraWitre"
B4 -40
83 - 35 84- 55
B 3 - 50 B4 -70
83 - 65 0.7 84 - 85
0.7 8 3 - 80 84 - 100 500
83 - 95 - 500

1.4 400


0.5,- 1.2
0.5 - 1.2


o 1.0
P/D 200
P/o 200

0.3 -


4 110
6 6 20
30 40 50 100
200 300
4 6 810
20 30 400 100 200 300

Fig. 14 Curves for optimum diameter of three-bladed Fig. 15 Curves for optimum diameter of four-bladed B-
B-series propellers at R. = 2 X 106. series propellers at R. = 2 x 106.

B5 - 30 8 6 - 35
B5 - 45 B6 - 50
B5 - 60 B6 - 65
0.7 B 5 - 75 0.7 B6 - 80
B5 - 90 - 500 86 - 95 - 500
B5 - 105 B6 -110

0.6 0.6
1.4 400 1.4 - 400

0.5 - 1.2 0.5 - 1.2

300 300

1.0 1.0
0.4 0.4
Pio 200 P/D 200

0.8 0.8

0.3 0.3 -
100 100
0.6 0.6

0.4 0 0.4 ;
4 6 6 10 20 30 40 50 100 200 300 4 810 20 30 40 50 10 0 200 300
B. Bo

Fig. 16 Curves for optimum diameter of five-bladed B- Fig. 17 Curves for optimum diameter of six-bladed B-series
series propellers at R = 2 x 106. propellers at R = 2 x 106.

" a -

B7-40 In the design-of recent-day ships such as high speed

87-70 cargo ships and very large tankers with full hull forms,
0.7 B7-85 special attention has to be given to the growing danger
87-100 500 of vibrations generated by the ship propeller. Recently,
it was found that cavitation has a substantial effect on
the vibratory forces acting at the stern of the ship and
0.6 on the bending moments acting on the propeller shaft
1.4 400 [91, 2]. There is also a growing demand for thruster
systems which are able to improve the manoeuvrability
and position-keeping ability of vessels, especially those
vessels used for ocean exploration. These new trends in
0.5 1.2
ship design demand a well balanced compromise be-
tween the main requirements for a ship propeller as
already mentioned. Non-conventional propulsion devices
6 which may have advantageous properties over the
0.4 conventional ship propeller due to these new trends in
P/D 200 ship design are:
ducted propellers,
overlapping propellers,
controllable pitch propellers,
contra-rotating propellers,
0.8 vertical axis propellers.
Of these propulsion devices the ducted propeller is by
far the most important and therefore discussed in more
detail in the section on ducted propellers. In the case
0.4 I I
0 of heavy screw loads (all types of towing vessels) the
4 8 10 210 310 410 510 100 200 300
Bp attractiveness, with regard to propulsion efficiency,
of the application of accelerating nozzles has been
Fig. 18 Curves for optimum diameter of seven-bladed B- demonstrated in practice in the course of the past
series propellers at R = 2 x 106. thirty years. Recently, the field of application of ducted
propellers was extended to large tankers.

Other propulsion devices, which may be of use for high

Characteristics of non-conventional propulsion devices speed craft, are the fully-cavitating or super-cavitating
propeller [92, 93, 94], the waterjet propulsion system
General considerations with internal pumps [95], the water-air ramjet [96, 97],
and the airscrew and ducted airscrew. For high-speed
The main requirements for a ship propeller are, as craft the selection of the propeller type has a dominat-
summarized by Van Manen [90]: ing effect on the whole design configuration.
high efficiency,
no adverse effects of cavitation, viz. erosion, Controllable pitch propellers
minimum vibration-exciting load fluctuations,
good stopping abilities, Overlapping and controllable pitch prdpellers are two
favourable interaction with the rudder to improve special configurations of the conventional screw propel-
manoeuvrability, ler. The controllable pitch propeller can be used succes-
reliability and invulnerability, fully when good accelerating, stopping and manoeuvr-
low initial and maintenance costs. ing qualities are desired or when in the operation of the
Due to its advantageous properties with respect to these ship widely diverging speeds or widely varying degrees
requirements, the conventional ship propeller has of loading occur [98, 99]. The attractiveness of applying
dominated for more than a century among the modes controllable pitch propellers has already been demon-
of ship propulsion. strated in practice for tugs, fishing vessels, incebreakers,
ferry boats etc. The solution of various mechanical and
technological difficulties and the development of suita-
ble control systems has recently led to the application
to frigates and other warships and to various types of
merchant ships. Shaft horsepowers of up to 30000 are
now being installed. The supreme stopping and accelerat-
ing properties of controllable pitch propellers promise
continuing application of this propeller type.

Overlapping propellers

The overlappini twin screw propeller arrangement, see

Fig. 19, may soon find application in cases of high
powered ships where the single screw solution has to be
left out of consideration. From the results of various
model tests [100, 1011 it can be concluded that the
reductions in DHP which can be obtained with this
propeller configuration are of the order of 5 to 8
percent compared to the conventional single screw
propeller and 20 to 25 percent compared to the con-
ventional twin screw arrangement. The hull excitation
) level appears to be somewhat higher than that of the
conventional twin screw arrangement, but comparable
to that of the regular single screw configuration. The
cavitation properties of each of the propellers also
appear to be comparable to those of the respective
conventional single screw configurations. Unfavourable
interaction of cavitating tip vortices, as shown in Fig.
20, can occur however.

Fig. 20 Sketch of observed interference of tip vortices of

overlapping propellers.

Fig. 19 Drawing of overlapping twin-screw arrangement.

variations in the effective angle of attack, however,
Vertical axis propellers cavitation may set a bound to such high speeds [102,
The group of propulsion devices in which a number
of perpendicular mounted blades rotate around a Contra-rotating propellers
cal axis are specified as `Cycloidal Propellers', see
21. By means of a special mounting mechanism, each
The contra-rotating propeller arrangement may form a
blade is given a movement whereby a thrust is created. serious competitor of the conventional ship screw on
The vertical axis propeller is a propeller type with out-
and fast and large container ships where the required power
standing manoeuvring capabilities. Ferries, tugs cannot be installed on one screw. However, applications
supply vessles are examples of ship types where succes-
have not been realized up to date due to problems involv-
full application of the vertical axis propeller is frequent-
float- ed with the shafting system. Contra-rotating propellers
ly realized. Recent applications include ships and consist of two co-axial screw propellers situated a
ing structures in the field of ocean engineering, where
short distance apart having opposite directions of rota-
ynamic positioning capabilities must be high. Future
tions, see Fig. 22. The aim of such a propeller con-
prospects may be hidden in developing the vertical axis
figuration is to reduce the rotational losses in the screw
propeller for very high speeds, in which case the blade type
race. Results of open-water tests with this propeller
motion ressembles the motion of a fish. Very high
show that in the case of light loads higher efficiencies
efficiencies are then possible. Due to the peripheral for the
can indeed be obtained. Fig. 23 shows curves
efficiencylo, the pitch-diameter ratio PID and the speed
ratio 8 for the optimum diameter of a conventional
screw propeller series (B4-70 series), an accelerating
ducted-propeller and a decelerating-ducted propeller
series (K.a 4-70 in NSMB nozzle no. 19A and Kd 5-100
in Nsfrin nozzle no. 33 respectively) and a contra-rotat-
ing propeller series, on a base of B. This contra-rotat-
ing propeller series has a 4-blade forward screw and a
5-bladed screw aft having a smaller diameter so as to
avoid that the tip vortices of the forward screw interfere
with the blades of the aft screw [104]. With such a
contra-rotating propeller series, low propeller induced
vibratory forces can be obtained. With respect to

Fig. 22 Photo of contra-rotating propeller arrangement

Fig. 21 Photo of model ship fitted with vertical-axis pro-
behind a model ship.

the rotation of the fluid are then zero. The influence of

ll friction is neglected. With momentum theory the follow-

ing expressions for the ideal efficiency ryi and the ratio
between the velocity v,, at the impeller plane and the

Q 600

undisturbed stream velocity VA can be derived:

06 SOO
Q 40
0 4-70 series
Ka4-70 in 19A am. 1 + .\/1 + rCT
--- Rd 5-100 in 33
CRP series Ism CT
111E111111 VpIVA =

021 100

2 3
4 67 30 40 50
hi where
2[ 1 + .\/1 + TCA

5 10 20 70 300 400
100 200
CT (13)
Fig. 23 Curves for optimum diameter of different types of ToVA27D2

cavitation and stopping abilities, no marked advantages (14)

or disadvantages with respect to the conventional screw
propeller appear to exist [99, 105].
T and 7; denote the total thrust and the impeller thrust
respectively; D is the propeller diameter. These formulas
Ducted propellers
are graphically represented in Fig. 25. From this dia-
gram it can be seen that due to the nozzle action the
Insight into the working principle of a ducted propeller
inflow velocity of the impeller can be either less or
can be gained by the application of fundamental mo-
greater than the inflow velocity of an open propeller
mentum relationships. Fig. 24 shows the simplified
under equal conditions. For a thrust ratio r equal to
system by which the ducted propeller can be replaced.
1.0, no force acts on the nozzle and the flow pattern is
Here the screw propeller is represented by an actuator
comparable with that of an open screw. With decreasing
disk rotating at infinite angular velocity. The tangential
valves of T, the nozzle produces a positive thrust, the
induced velocities and consequently, the losses due to inflow velocity of the impeller is increased, and an

2.4 0.9
\` ti.J. IMMMr./, ME
1.6 0.7
vp v. L'°"6 .'"'-
tgl A11,1r ,A
-1 LW




....;001. b7..

0 0.30
0. 0.5 2
CT 4 6 16

Fig. 24 Control for volume Momentum considerations of Fig. 25 Efficiency and mean axial velocity of a ducted
ducted propeller. propeller.


improvement in ideal efficiency is found. For thrust Although the idea of surrounding a propeller by a
ratios greater than 1.0, a negative thrust or drag force nozzle is very old, it was not until the early 1930's
acts on the nozzle, the inflow velocity of the impeller before the ducted propeller came into practical use.
decreases and the ideal efficiency is lower. Luisa Stipa and later Kort [106] experimentally prov
the advantages which can be obtained by application
Insight into the shape of the nozzle profile of a ducted the accelerating nozzle. These investigations clearly
propeller can be gained by means of Fig. 26. Here the showed that an increase in efficiency can be obtained
flow through different types of ducted propellers is with this nozzle when applied in the case of heavy sc
superimposed on the flow through an open propeller. loads. Primarily due to the work done by Kort, the
Both the open- and the ducted propellers are designed application of ducted propellers behind certain ship
for the same mass flow rate and velocity in the ultimate types (tugs, pushboats, supply vessels, trawlers) has
wake. Consequently the thrust and ideal efficiency of become common practice. This may be the reason th
these systems are equal. the accelerating ducted propeller is frequently referre
to as the `Kore nozzle.

Many studies on ducted propellers have been made

ing the last 40 years. An extensive summary of this
work was made by Sacks and Burnell [107] in 1960.
NOZZLE NOZZLE general review of the more recent theoretical studies
ducted propellers has been given by Weissinger and
[108]. Among the theoretical studies on ducted prop(
the investigations of Horn and Amtsberg [109], Küche
and Weber [110], and Dickman and Weissinger [111
may be mentioned in particular. Especially, the worl
Dickmann and Weissinger was a first step to develoi
a more refined theory for ducted propellers. This pa
was the basis for the work which has been performe
at Karlsruhe by Dickmann, Weissinger, Wiedemer,
Bollheimer, Brakhage, Maass and Rautmann.
Some of the basic ideas used at Karlsruhe were also
used by other investigators such as Ordway, Ritter,
Greenberg, Hough, Kaskel, Lo, Sluyter, Sonnerup,
Morgan, Caster, Chaplin, Voight, Nielsen, Krievel,
Mendenhall, Sacks, Spangler etc.

Fig. 26 Streamline forms induced by different nozzle types. Most of the theoretical investigations on ducted pro
lers were concentrated to a large extent on the linea
ed theory and on axisymmetrical nozzles in a unifor
The ducted propeller with the accelerating flow type of flow. These theories do not give data about the dank
nozzle is now used extensively in cases where the ship flow separation on the nozzle. If flow separation oc.4
screw is heavely loaded or where the screw is limited in which may happen if the nozzle is very heavily load
diameter. The accelerating nozzle offers a means of the drag of the nozzle will increase sharply. The effi
increasing the efficiency of heavely loaded propellers. cy of the system will decrease and the propeller will
The nozzle itself produces a positive thrust. In the case operate in a highly irregular flow. Flow separation
of the decelerating flow type of nozzle, the nozzle is the nozzle surface should be avoided. For the desig
used to increase the static pressure at the impeller. This of a ducted propeller it is therefore necessary to haN
ducted propeller system is the so-called pumpjet. The available a sdund theoretical method supported by
duct will produce a negative thrust. This nozzle may be results of carefully selected systematic experiments.
used if retardation of propeller cavitation is desired. A comparison of theory and experiments on ducted
For naval ships a reduction in noise level can be ob- propellers has been made by Morgan and Caster [1
tained, which may be of importance for tactical reasons. Tests on ducted propellers are scarce, however, and
most of these tests are restricted to isolated applica-
tions. By far the most extensive systematic experiments
on ducted propellers for application on ships have been
performed at the NSMB over the last 20 years. These
investigations included nozzles of both the accelerating
[113, 114, 115, 116, 117] and decelerating [118, 119]
flow type.

Accelerating nozzles

The investigations on accelerating nozzles have led to

the development of a standard nozzle (nozzle no. 19A)
for application in the case of heavy screw loads. This
nozzle has, from the structural point of view, a simple
shape. The inner side of the nozzle at the location of the
screw has an axial cylindrical form. The outside of the
nozzle profile is straight and the trailing edge of the Fig. 28 Blade planform of the Ka-series propellers.
nozzle is relatively thick. The profile of nozzle no. 19A
is shown in Fig. 27.

rather poor. For towing vessels (especially pushboats),

the thrust which can be developed at bollard pull
condition either with the propeller running ahead or
astern is of the utmost importance. In such cases it is
attractive to use a nozzle with a relative thick trailing
edge. Therefore, a new type of nozzle, especially suited
for astern operation was developed. The profile of this
nozzle is given in Fig. 29. In comparison with nozzle
Fig. 27 Profile of nozzle no. 19A of the NSMB. no. 19A, this nozzle (designated as nozzle no. 37) has a
well-rounded and relatively thick trailing-edge. This
prevents flow separation in reversed condition.
Open-water tests were performed with all these nozzles
For use in nozzle no. 19A, special screw series (the in combination with the Ka 4-70 screw series. The fair-
so-called Ka-screw series) were designed. Screws of ing of the open-water test results was performed by
these series have relatively wide blade tips which make
them less susceptable to blade tip cavitation Extensive
investigations performed at the rams have led to the
design of these series having uniform pitch and flat face
sections. The results of the experiments mentioned show
that this type of screw has no drawbacks with respect
to efficiency and cavitation. The particulars of these
screw models are given in Table 4 and Fig. 28.
Nozzle No. 19A has a length-diameter ratio LID equal
to 0.5 For application on pushboats and tugs, nozzles
with larger length-diameter ratios may be attractive.
'Therefore two other nozzles were designed of which the
basic form is equal to the shape of nozzle no. 19A,
possessing length-diameter ratios LID of 0.8 and 1.0.
These nozzles were designated as No. 22 and 24.
The backing characteristics of these nozzle types are Fig. 29 Profile of nozzle no. 37 of the NSMB.


Table 4 Dimensions of the Ka-screw series.
rIR 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Length of the blade from centre line 30.21 36.17 41.45 45.99 49.87 52.93 55.04 56.33 56.44 Length of blade .

sections in percentages to trailing edge section at 0.6 R =

of the maximum length
of the blade section from centre line 36.94 40.42 43.74 47.02 50.13 52.93 55.04 56.33 56.44 = 1.969 -1AE/A0
at 0.6 R to leading edge
total length 67.15 76.59 85.19 93.01 100.00 105.86 110.08 112.66 122.88

Max. blade thickness in percentages of Maximum thickness

the diameter 4.00 3.52 3.00 2.45 1.90 1.38 0.92 0.61 0.50 at centre of shaft =-.
0.049 D

Distance of maximum thickness from 34.98 39.76 46.02 49.13 49.98

leading edge in percentage of the length of
the sections

Distance of the ordinates from the maximum thickness

From maximum thickness to trailing edge From maximum thickness to leading edge
rIR 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 20% 40% 60% 80% 90% 95% 100%

Ordinates for the back

0.2 - 38.23 63.65 82.40 95.00 97.92 90.83 77.19 55.00 38.75 27.40
0.3 - 39.05 66.63 84.14 95.86 97.63 90.06 75.62 53.02 37.87 27.57
0.4 - 40.56 66.94 85.69 96.25 97.22 88.89 73.61 50.00 34.72 25.83
0.5 - 41.77 68.59 86.42 96.60 96.77 87.10 7;.46 45.84 30.22 22.24
0.6 - 43.58 68.26 85.89 96.47 96.47 85.89 68.26 43.58 28.59 20.44
0.7 - 45.31 69.24 86.33 96.58 96.58 86.33 69.24 45.31 30.79 22.88
0.8 - 48.16 70.84 87.04 96.76 96.76 87.04 70.84 48.16 34.39 26.90
0.9 - 51.75 72.94 88.09 97.17 97.17 88.09 72.94 51.75 38.87 31.87
1.0 - 52.00 73.00 88.00 97.00 97.00 88.00 73.00 52.00 39.25 32.31

Ordinates for the face

0.2 20.21 7.29 1.77 0.1 - 0.21 1.46 4.37 10.52 16.04 20.62 33.33
0.3 13.85 4.62 1.07 - - 0.12 0.83 2.72 6.15 8.28 10.30 21.18
0.4 9.17 2.36 0.56 - - - 0.42 1.39 2.92 3.89 4.44 13.47
0.5 6.62 0.68 0.17 - - - 0.17 0.51 1.02 1.36 1.53 7.81

Note: The percentages of the ordinates relate to the maximum thickness of the corresponding section.

means of regression analysis and the polynomials

together with the coefficients are given in Tables 5a and
5b. The open-water diagrams are given in Figs. 30, 31,
32 and 33.

Table 5a Coefficients and terms of the KT, KTN and KQ polynomials of the Ka 4-70
screw series in nozzles nos. 19A and 22.
Nozzle no. 19A Nozzle no. 22
xy Axy Bxy Ccy Axy Axy Cxy

0 0 0 +0.030550 +0.076594 +0.006735 +0.008043 +0.001317 +0.032079

1 -0.148687 +0.075223

2 2 -0.061881 -0.016306 -0.208843 -0.020219

3 3 -0.391137 -0.138094 -0.902650 -0.021294
4 4 -0.007244 -0.937036
5 5 -0.370620 -0.369317
6 6 +0.323447 +0.682898
710 -0.271337 -0.102805
8 1 -0.432612 -0.687921 -0.661804 -0.559885
9 2 +0.225189 -0.024012 +0.752246
10 3 +0.951865
11 4 -0.376616
12 5 -0.159272
13 6 -0.081101
14 2 0 +0.667657 +0.666028 +0.720632 +0.371000 +0.140281
15 1

16 2 +0.285100 +0.734285 +0.005193

17 3
18 4
19 5
20 6
21 3 0 -0.172529 -0.202467 + 0.046605 -0.202075 -0.096038 -0.026416
22 1 +0.011043
23 2 -0.542490
24 3
25 4
26 5
27 6 -0.016149
28 4 0 -0.007366
29 1

30 2
31 3 +0.099819
32 4
33 5
34 6
35 5 0
36 1 + 0.030084 -0.008516
37 2
38 3 -0.093449
39 4
41 6
42 6 0 -0.001730
43 1 -0.017283 -0.000337 + 0.005229
442 -0.001876 +0.000861
45 3
46 4 -0.000195
47 5
48 6
49 0 7 -0.244550 + 0.001334

Table 5b Coefficients and terms of the KT, KTN and KO polynomials of the Ka 4-70
screw series in nozzles nos. 24 and 37.
Nozzle no. 24 Nozzle no. 37
xy Axy Bxy Cxy Axy Bxy Cxy

0 0 0 -0.068666 -0.026195 +0.023557 -0.162557 -0.016806 +0.016729

1 1 +0.098268
2 2 -0.483300 -0.016989
3 3 -1.190490 -0.838832
4 4 -0.077387
6 6 +1.005980 +0.555129 0.082386 -0.099544 +0.030559
7 1 0 +0.242630 +0.109624 +0.072021 -0.598107 0.048424
1 -0.781923 -0.681638 -1.009030 -0.548253 -0.011118
1111, 9 2 +1.136930 +0.773230 +0.230675 -0.056199
10 3 -0.037596
11 4 -0.034871
12 5
13 6
14 2 0 +470803 +0.259217 +0.103364 +0.085087 +0.460206 +0.083476
15 1 +0.425585
16 2 + 0.045637
17 3 -0.042003
18 4 -0.131615
19 5 -0.276362
20 6
21 3 0 -0.121062 -0.058287 -0.013447 -0.216246 -0.00802
22 1

23 2
24 3
25 4
26 5 -0.021044
'7 6 +0.013180
18 4 0 +0.042997
29 1

30 2 -0.012173
31 3 +0.046464
32 4 -0.035041
33 5
34 6
35 5 0
36 1 -0.038383
37 2
38 3 -0.044629
39 4
41 6
42 6 0
43 1
44 2 +0.014992 + 0.002441
45 3 +0.026228
46 4
47 5
48 6 +0.009323
49 0 7 -0.239044 -0.049039 +0.036998 +0.051753 -0.012160
Aire pplingrA.
lowAlmormr- It INAR
111/111111t 'Wm'


=11 I
' r 'ormgo NEI
ArAt hilliFINI
vo llE /AMWAraM! I
a a
o 3 o g a a a a 00
Important factors in the selection of a propulsion device From Fig. 34 it can be seen that for ducted propellers
for tugs, pushboats etc. are: the efficiency coefficient rid is much higher than for
the forward static bollard pull, conventional screws. Further, it can be seen that the
the astern static bollard pull, effect of nozzle length on rid is small. With increasing
the free-running speed. length-diameter ratio of the system a slight increase in
A comparison between the forward static bollard pull the efficiency factor rid has been found.
of nozzles nos. 24, 22, 19A and 37 and a conventional
screw series (the B4-70 series) can be made with the aid A comparison between the astern static bollard pull of
of Fig. 34. In this diagram the thrust coefficient KT, nozzles nos. 19A and 37 and the B4-70 screw series
the torque coefficient K(2, the impeller thrust-total thrust can be made with the aid of Fig. 35. From this diagram
ratio s and the efficiency coefficient rid of the different it can be seen that the efficiency factor rid for nozzle no.
propulsion devices are given on a base of the pitch 37 is much higher than for nozzle no. 19A. This can
ratio PID. The efficiency coefficient nd is defined as: be explained by the fact that nozzle no. 19A suffers from
flow separation when operating astern. The efficiency
T/70 312 factor rid of nozzle no. 19A is still higher than the value
nd (15)
KQ of this factor for the B4-70 screw series.

This efficiency can be used as a direct measure for the

effectiveness of different propulsion devices at the static
condition, if systems with the same diameter and power
considered. However, this coefficient must not be
sed if there are restrictions in choosing the RPM of the



different propulsion devices.
1.5 1. I

/ 1.4

/ A K7 t II
iiiirtiiii- ilar ;-
.,..- 1.2

1.5 1.
101(43 %
./------T. Arl 41.
// nozzles no. ,---
---- 0.



1.3 - 22
24 - ---- - -
84-70 / /

---- -1


/.___ .______

t2 14 1.6 18
, -7

Fig. 35 Characteristics of different propulsion devices at


- - .4P'
astern static bollard condition.


For the method of selecting the propulsion device based

06 08 10
1.2 1.4 1.6 1.9 on the free-running speed of the vessel, more practical
information can be derived from the KTKeJ diagram.
Fig. 34 Characteristics of different propulsion devices at The most widely encountered design problem for the
forward static bollard condition. screws of cargo ships is that where the speed of advance


d 1,
of the screw VA, the power to be absorbed by the screw 16

P and the number of revolutions n are given. The diame-

ter D is to be chosen such that the greatest efficiency ryn
can be obtained. Pushboats often operate in restricted

water. This means that the ship must be limited in draft
and have small propellers or tunnelsterns. In such cases a7 7- 10 11L. ....
it is more convenient to start the propeller design from
given V4, T and D or VA, P and D. The problem of 6 OS
1 .,
determining the optimum diameter or the optimum
number of revolutions can be solved by plotting rio and
J as functions of:
K2b./5 if VA, P and n are given,


nozzle nol9A

--- /
KTIJ4 if VA, T and n are given, a3 3

KQ/./3 if VA, P and D are given, (16)

KT/J2 if VA, T and D are given. 0.2 2

For the Ka4-70 screw series in nozzles nos. 24, 22,

19A and 37 and for the B4-70 screw series, the curves
for optimum diameter (on base of (KQ/J5)1 and (Kr/./4)1)
and for optimum number of revolutions (on base of 0.5 07 2 3 4 5 7 10 20 30 6050
(KT/J2) and (KQ/J3)) are given in Figs. 36, 37, 38 and 39.
Fig. 36 Curves for the determination of the optimum diam-
On comparing the characteristics of ducted propellers eter of various ducted propellers if VA, P and n are given.
with the B4-70 screw series, it may be concluded that
ducted propellers give a higher efficiency than conven-
tional screws at larger screw loads. The differences
between the different ducted propellers are small. t. ;
Nozzles nos. 19A, 22 and 24 have about a 2 percent
higher efficiency than nozzle no. 37. Nozzle no. 37 in 1.
comparison with nozzles nos. 19A, 22 and 24 presents,
however, a very attractive solution when both ahead
\ \ ..\
astern operation are of interest.
0.7 7 1.


From these results it can be concluded that ducted 0.6 6 I _

propellers are to be recommended for heavy screw loads
such as occur on towing vessels, trawlers etc. In addi- 0,5 rA
tion, the ducted propeller lends itself very well to restrict- '90 VJ nozzle nol9A him rai
ed water applications as the nozzle protects the prop- 04 4
_._ .. .. 24 Ipliii014_
eller blades from striking fixed objects such as the bot- %IWO
tom or banks. Furthermore the nozzle may protect the
propeller from damage by ice.


2 Mill 111111h1,4

Finally, it must be noted that the flow velocity at the 0.1

impeller disk of a ducted propeller is far less sensitive

O o
to variations in ship speed than in the case of a con- - -- 2 3 4 5 7 ip 20 30 4050
ventional screw propeller. Consequently the power ab- IVTC/74

sorption of a ducted propeller is relatively less sensitive Fig. 37 Curves for the determination of the optimum diam-
to variations in the ship speed. This feature has also
eter of various ducted propellers if VA, T and n are given.
been important in the choice of ducted propellers behind
tugs, pushboats and trawlers. All these ships must
operate satisfactoraly at different loadings (towing and
free-running) of the screw.
For single screw tugs spending an appreciable percent-
_ age of their service life to manoeuvring, the ducted
-77.-:-.==-- propeller configuration must include bacicing rudders
1.2 .........
forward of the propeller besides the traditional steering
rudder located aft of the propeller. Without backing or
flanking rudders a fixed nozzle does not provide direct-
ional control when backing. A twin-screw tug has
0.64 6 08
- ,,.._....
enough manoeuvring qualities.
0.5 5

nozzle no.19A
Mlikka, ,' River pushboats can not operate safely without flanking
rudders. Even on multi-screw pushboats, flanking rudders
are to be used to provide satisfactory directional con-
03 3
trol when backing. In Fig. 40 a typical ducted propeller
024 2 jillr: configuration for a pushboat is shown.

o o
oos mg 01
02 03 04 05 07 1 2 345
38 Curves for the determination of the optimum num-
ber of revolutions of various ducted propellers if VA, P and
D are given.


-.... ...
--- -:, -..
,_ Fig. 40 Photo model push boat showing the ducted propel-
07 7
ler configuration.
6 as

... 170
IIS Investigations have also been carried out to determine
I?0 nozzle nal9A hills WWII the effect on performance of various ducted propeller-
0.4 4
. 24 wk.-, rudder systems when applied to pushboats and tugs.
For instance the effect of the flanking rudder angle O on
performance was investigated for a ducted propeller
2 _AI arrangement as shown in Fig. 41. The results of these
tests are given in Fig. 42. From this diagram it can be
seen that the flanking rudder angle has a marked effect
on the characteristics of the system. With increased
05 07
2 345 7 10 20 30 40 50 loading of the ducted propeller system a larger flanking
rudder e becomes attractive. This is due to the relativ-
Fig. 39. Curves for the determination of the optimum number ely larger slipstream contraction at larger screw loads.
of revolutions of various ducted propellers if VA, T and A flanking rudder angle o of 15 to 20 degrees gives the
D are given. best characteristics.


_ 1,2VdriLl I o
gain in static pressure at least compensates the unfavour-
able effect of the increased screw loading. The result of
an analysis of the minimum pressures which may occur
at the blades of a ducted propeller is given in Fig. 43.

Fig. 41 Ducted propeller configuration with single rudder

arrangement for a pushboat. 8

CP nin .

-1 .6

ar ----
9.10. -- -

e-n --- L

0. 2

am 4

oEg MkE ?13


02 0.3 3 06 05 06 (k7


0.6 Q8 10 1.2

Fig. 42 Effect of flanking rudder angle O on open-water

Fig. 43 Minimum static pressure at impeller blades of a
characteristics of ducted propeller configuration for a push-
boat. ducted propeller.

This diagram shows that improved cavitation properties

Decelerating nozzles for the particular screw considered (blade-area ratio
AE/Ao 1.0 and number of blades z = 5) only occurs
As already mentioned, the application of the flow for low values of the thrust coefficient Cr. If ducted
decelerating nozzle may be attractive if retardation of propellers with larger blade-area ratios of the impeller
propeller cavitation phenomena is desired. The reduc- or with more rotor- (and eventually more stator-) rows
tion of the flow rate inside the decelerating type of are considered, the decelerating nozzle may favourably
nozzle results in an increase of the static pressure at the affect the cavitation properties of the screw for larger
impeller. However, the duct itself will produce a negative values of CT.
thrust (t > 1). In order to compensate for this thrust
loss (induced nozzle drag), the impeller loading must Application of the decelerating nozzle results, further-
be increased. An improvement of the cavitation proper- more, in a reduction of the pressure at the exterior
ties of the impeller will therefore only be obtained if the surface of the nozzle. From a comparison between the
minimum pressures which occur at the exterior surface Table 7 Coefficients and terms of the KT, KTN and KQ
of the nozzle and at the impeller blades, it can be con- polynomials of the Kd 5-100 screw series in nozzle no. 33.
cluded that except in the case of very short nozzles or very Kd 5-100 series in nozzle no. 33
low loaded systems, impeller cavitation is more critical.
Systematic series of model tests with decelerating ducted xy AxY By CXY
propellers have also been performed. The design of the 0 00 -0.347562 -0.0077894 +0.083142
nozzles was based on the vortex theory as described in 1 0 1 -0.321224 -0.0224240 -0.332286
[119]. The variation of the design parameters 2 0 2 +0.075277 +0.305926
considered is shown in Table 6. The experiments 3 0 3 -0.0090870 -0.1132106
4 0 4 -0.009560
Table 6 Design parameters of decelerating nozzle series 6 6 -0.013948
7 1 0 +0.963261
Nozzle number CTO To LID alL SIL dID 8 1 1 -0.215803
9 1 2 -0.0104923 -0.349298
30 0.95 1.00 0.6 0.5 0.15 0.20 10 1 3
31 0.95 1.15 0.6 0.5 0.15 0.20 11 1 4
32 0.95 1.30 0.6 0.5 0.15 0.20 12 1 5
33 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.15 0.20 13 1 6 -0.000031
34 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.5 0.09 0.20 14 20 + 0.0824632
35 1.0 1.2 0.9 0.5 0.10 0.20 15 2 1
36 1.0 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.075 0.20 1.6 2 2 + 0.0261933 .
17 2 3 -0.0095845 +0.038469
18 24
with these nozzles were all carried out with a series 19 2 5 +0.0010293
20 2 6
of five bladed Kaplan type screws (Kd5-100 series).
The Kd 5-100 series screws were designed in 21 3 0 +0.119965
22 3 1 -0.0076923
combination with NSMB nozzle no. 33. The pitch distribu-
23 3 2 + 0.013402
tion of the screws depend on the velocities induced by
24 3 3
the nozzle at the impeller plane and on the radial load 25 3 4
distribution. For the design, use was made of [117]. 26 3 5
Particulars of the screw models are given in Table 8 27 3 6 -0.0000935
and in Fig. 44. The screws were located in the nozzle 28 40 -0.016882 -0.0031955 -0.043816
with a uniform tip clearance of 1 mm. The fairing of the 29 4 1

open-water test results was performed by means of 30 42

regression analysis. The polynomials together with the 31 4 3
coefficients are given in Table 7. The KT-KQ-J diagram 32 44 -0.0001172
of nozzle no. 33 with the IC,1 5-100 screw series is given 33 4 5
in Fig. 45. 34 4 6
35 5 0
36 5 1 + 0.001752
37 5 2
Table 8 Typical Bp and CT values for different ship types.
38 5 3
Bp Cr 39 5 4
40 5 5
Torpedo's <10 <0.5 41 5 6
Twin-screw ships 10-15 0.5-1.0
Fast warships (frigates, destroyers) 10-25 0.5-1.5
42 60
Single screw cargo ships 43 6 1

Tankers 45 6 3 +0.0001523
35-70 2.5-5.0
Trawlers 46 6 4
60-100 4.0-8.0
Towing vessels (tugs, pushboats) 47 6 5
>80 >6.0
48 6 6 -0.000028
49 0 7 +0.003691

Mbh. M .4 I. I
10111r 2
;! .111111WINOW11111...

0 NI
Ho mirdnorkest
....- '''''r
,A _.... 4
imam 1 marrApoork.anmarml.,
mum i Aminirmonwhommaum-
9- 9-
eti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
h r ..r.;
1E1111 pprowsuram-
7 ,r --mu

qupg ,Homu

rq 0 CI a
From all the model tests performed with accelerating Optimum curves for open-water efficiency no, diameter
and decelerating nozzles at the NSMB it can be deduced coefficient (5 and thrust ratio r of the Ka 4-70 screw
that the relation between the thrust coefficient Cr,. and series in nozzle no. 19A, the Kd 5-100 screw series in
the thrust ratio r of a ducted propeller system is nozzle no. 33 and the B 4-70 screw series are presented
approximately independent of the pitch ratio PID of in Fig. 47. Typical Bp-values for different ship types are
the impeller. Furthermore, it was found that for the indicated in Table 8. The lightly loaded screws of fast
considered nozzles there exists a fixed relation between ships are on the left side of Fig. 47 while the heavily
the impeller disk area-nozzle exit area ratio Ao/AEx. loaded propellers of towing vessels are on the right. It
This result is shown in Fig. 46. In Fig. 46 the optimum
efficiency which can be obtained with the different duct-
ed propeller systems is also given. Furthermore it can 40 o

be seen that with decreasing value of the area ratio 36

AolilEx, the thrust ratio r decreases and the efficiency
rio of the ducted propeller system increases. Thus with 320 nozzle no.33,

nozzle no.19A.
nozzle no 19A.

increasing positive loading of the nozzle, the efficiency

I.MOsirs-Er i 411111WEIM Er
28 ' 0.70

of the ducted system increases. The loading


of the nozzle, however, is limited by the risk of flow S,8' 0

separation on the nozzle. 20 45 f

/ ill Ili 1.5

0-4.04 l3

12 Q30
aillp 1.1

nozzle n033.


80 029


.. sal nozzle 0031

no 19A

L 49


8 o
3 45 7 10 Bp15 20 30 40 50 70

Fig. 47 Optimum relationship between no, (5 and Bp of the
020 i I I I I t Ka 4-70 screw series in nozzle no. 19A, the B4-70 screw
090 090 120
113° Ao/AEx tit) 1,30 , 1A0
series and the Kd 5-100 screw series in nozzle no. 33.

can be seen from Fig. 47 that the accelerating nozzle

(nozzle no. 19A), when compared with a conventional
screw (B 4-70 series), gives rise to an improvement in
open-water efficiency 10 in the case of heavy screw loads.
The decelerating nozzle (nozzle no. 33) has a low open-
water efficiency 10. The curves of the diameter coefficient
(5 of the accelerating and the decelerating nozzle almost
coincide; the B 4-70 series has a larger optimum screw
diameter. It is interesting to note that the curves for
the diameter coefficient (5* based on the maximum
diameter of the system of both the accelerating and the
decelerating nozzle and the B 4-70 screw series almost

Wake adapted nozzles

Usually the variations of the velocity field at the screw

Fig. 46 Relations between impeller disc area-nozzle exit behind a ship can be split up into two components:
area ratio, thrust coefficient Cr and efficiency 10 of a duct- 1 The radial variation, especially of the axial velocities.
ed propeller system. This variation does not lead to unsteady phenomena at

the screw. A propeller working in such a velocity field
has a steady flow-and force-pattern. Moreover, the
propeller can be adjusted to this radially non-uniform
flow by an appropriate distribution of pitch and cam-
ber, and optimum efficiency and cavitation properties
may be expected.
2 The circumferential (at a given radius) variation of
both the axial and tangential velocities. This non-
uniformity is the origin of the periodically fluctuating
pressure distributions along the blade chords and leads
to the unsteady force pattern at the screw and at the
stern of the ship. These periodically fluctuating pressure
distributions also lead to unsteady cavitation phenome-
na which may be serious from a viewpoint of erosion
and noise radiation. In addition, these unsteady pressure
distributions lead to propeller induced vibrations. The
inflow to the screw can be made more constant over the
screw disk by surrounding the propeller by a non-
axisymmetrical nozzle which is adapted to the wake Fig. 48 View of stem of tanker fitted with non-axisymmetri-
distribution and the flow direction behind the ship. cal ducted propeller.

Based on results, as presented in Fig. 47, propulsion

tests have been performed at the risms with a large
number of tanker models equipped with ducted pro- Table 9 Reduction in DHPof tanker fitted with various
pellers [119]. The results of these tests generally confirm nozzles with respect to tanker with conventional stern and
the conclusion that an increase in propulsive efficiency
can be obtained by application of a ducted propeller Configuration Loaded Ballast
for this ship type. In the case of a single screw ship the condition condition
intake velocity will be lower in the upper part of the
Ship with conventional stem and
screw disk than in the lower part. Consequently, the axisymmetrical ducted propeller. 2-6%
propeller is more heavily loaded in the upper part of Ship with conventional stem and
the screw disk. By applying a non-axisymetrical nozzle non-axisymmetrical ducted reductions
which is adapted to the wake distribution as occurs propeller. 6-9% about 2-3%
behind the ship, acceleration of the flow in the upper larger
part of the screw disk (by increasing the exit area of the Ship vvith cigar-shaped stern and
nozzle) and deceleration of the flow in the lower part axisymmetrical ducted propeller. 5-8%
of the screw disk (by decreasing the exit area of the
nozzle) can be realized. A view of a tanker with a
conventional stern and equipped with a non-axisymme-
trical nozzle is given in Fig. 48. In Table 9 the results velocity of the impeller that the non-axisymmetrical
of a large number of model self-propulsion tests, ducted propeller offers a means of minimizing propeller
performed with tankers with conventional and cigar- induced vibration and cavitation problems.
shaped stern arrangements and fitted with conventional
screws, ducted propellers and non-axisymmetrical duct- For naval ships it is of importance that the cavitation
ed propellers, are compared. From this table it can be inception speed, or the lowest speed at which cavita-
seen that the conventional stern with the non-axisym- tion phenomena at the screw occurs, should be as high
metrical ducted propeller gives a reduction in DHP as possible. For tactical reasons a minimum radiation
which is still larger than can be obtained by application of propeller noise is necessary. In the case of twin screw-
of a cigar-shaped stern with axisymmetrical nozzle. In ships, the propellers operate in a varying inflow primarily
addition, it may be expected from the homogenizing due to the shaft inclination. This inclination is a conse-
effect of the non-axisymmetrical nozzle on the inflow quence of the fact that the propeller shaft usually has a
sizeable inclination to both the horizontal and the Propeller testing techniques and facilities
buttock lines in way of the propeller. Wake data indic-
ate that the flow follows the buttock lines closely. From Introduction
the viewpoint of retardation of propeller cavitation, the
application of a non-axisymmetrical nozzle may be As already mentioned, the Netherlands Ship Model
attractive here also. This nozzle must be designed in Basin has recently completed the building of a depres-
such a way that the actual effective incidence changes surized towing tank. The decision to build such a facility
of the blade sections of the impeller will be as low as was for a large part a consequence of the fact that
possible' during a revolution. A part of the stern of a conventional cavitation testing facilities such as cavita-
twin-screw ship fitted with non-axisymmetrical nozzles tion tunnels very often supply insufficient and unrealistic
is shown in Fig. 49. This nozzle (the starboard nozzle) experimental information regarding cavitation on the
accelerates the flow velocity with respect to the mean propeller and associated interaction effects between
flow velocity at the starboard side (cp = 90°) by in- propeller and ship afterbody. This is primarily caused
creasing the exit area of the nozzle and decelerates the by the absence of the ship's hull in the cavitation tunnel
flow at the port side (q = 2700) by decreasing the exit in front of the propeller. Elsewhere, other research
area of the nozzle. The nozzle is cylindrical at the trail- facilities have recently built large cavitation tunnels in
ing edge. The leading edge of the nozzle is adapted to order to be able to build the ship model into the test
the flow direction. The velocity diagrams of a screw section. In order to evaluate these new developments in
blade-element at a radius of 0.7R are given in the same propeller and ship model testing, an evaluation of con-
figure for the different angular positions of the blade. ventional techniques and facilities is necessary.

The general problem of obtaining cavitation similarity in

model testing

Detrimental cavitation effects have their origin in the

interference of the cavitation zone with the fluid flow.
It is therefore necessary, in studying cavitation and its
effects on a model scale, to ensure geometric and flow
similarity. Any deviation from geometric and so-called
kinematic similarity will cause a scale effect. Two geo-
metric figures are similar if the ratios of all the corres-
ROTATION jOUT _)ARD) ponding lengths are identical, while kinematic similarity
LOWING f ORWARD is complied with when the flow velocities around model
and true object have the same direction. Dynamic simi-
larity is obtained when the specific forces on the model
and the full scale object are similar. To obtain dynamic
or physical similarity the effects of gravitation, viscosity,
surface tension, vaporization, temperature, etc., must
be accounted for. That is, the scaling factors must be
Fig. 49 Hull of twin-screw vessel fitted with non-axisym-
known in order to accomplish the conversion. Sedov
metrical nozzles.
[120] defines dynamic similarity as follows:
'Two phenomena are similar if the characteristics of one
can be obtained from the assigned characteristics of the
These diagrams show that the angle of incidence of the other by a simple conversion analogous to the trans-
flow with respect to the blade element can be made formation from one system of units of measurements
constant during a revolution. However, the incidence to another'.
velocity of the blade element will vary. Results of tests In the case of dynamic similarity, therefore, all the
performed with a non-axisymmetrical nozzle at different nondimensional variables (nondimensional combina-
shaft inclinations in a cavitation tunnel of the NSMB tions of dimensional quantities) have the same numerical
have shown that an improvement in the cavitation values. This statement leads to the following important
characteristics of the screw can be obtained. axiom in the modelling of physical phenomena:

'The necessary and sufficient conditions for two pheno-
mena to be similar, are that the numerical values of the
F implies that V, = \IA
R implies that V. = V.A
nondimensional coefficients forming the basic system
W implies that V. = V. 12
are constant. These conditions are called similarity
criteria'. - ao implies that V. = V.rn
The physical similarity problem is thus reduced to the
J implies that V, = V.n,InA
problem of finding this set of nondimensional coeffi-
7c7 implies that V. = V.A
where it is assumed that for prototype and model g, =
This is possible with the aid of dimensional analysis g, Pm = p, n, --- a, Pg. = Pg, d. = d and
as shown in [121]. There are 9 important independent Cm = e. Here A is the model scale and the subscript m
nondimensional coefficients. These are: refers to the value for the model. It follows that when

ir ; V2
; 2r, =_-
the properties of sea water and the water used in
laboratories are considered identical, simultaneous
identity can only be obtained for the following groups:
- F, ao and J when the pressure and rotative propeller
Pg . pV2D n6 Pv speed can be freely chosen;
7r4 7C5 ; (17)
pV2' o- pV2 R, ao, J and 7r7 (the gas diffusion number) when
again the pressure and rotative propeller speed can be
V freely chosen and the required high flow speeds for R
7C7 VD
=; 7[8 - 179
offers no problems;
W, ao and J when once again the pressure and
in which rotative propeller speed can be freely chosen.
V= flow velocity (LT-1),
acceleration due to gravity (LT-2), In a cavitation tunnel, model testing with marine
P= static pressure (L-1MT-2), propellers is usually performed in accordance with the
'1= dynamic viscosity of fluid (L-1MT-1), cavitation number and the coefficient of advance (or
fluid density (L-3M), so-called Kr-identity) only. Simultaneous identity of
o- surface tension of liquid-gas interface (MT-2), F and R is impossible in water. If model propellers
= gas concentration in fluid (L-3M), are run at the correct Froude number this would imply
P = vapour pressure (L-1MT-2), low water speeds and therefore under-critical flows.
Pe = gas pressure in cavity (L-1MT-2), Water speeds are therefore chosen as high as possible
d= diffusion coefficient of gas (L2T-2), to minimize R differences occurring between prototype
D propeller diameter (L), and model. The scale effects associated with not com-
-= rotative propeller speed (T-1) plying to the various nondimensional similarity criteria
derived above is discussed in one of the following sec-
It is readily seen that tions.
= Froude number F
7r2 = Reynolds number R Present methods employed in the study of cavitation on
7c5 Weber number W marine propellers
Advance ratio J
Historical development
From the combination of 7r3 and 7r6 the cavitation num-
ber ao can be formed. The gas diffusion number 7r7 To study cavitation on a model scale, it is necessary to
and the gas (air) content number 71.9 have as such have at one's disposal a facility in which the water
never been used in model testing. Simultaneous identity pressure can be varied. The need for such a facility
of these 9 nondimensional coefficients for prototype was first realized by Parsons. He constructed the fore-
and model is hardly feasible. For instance in water: runner of the modern cavitation tunnel in 1895. A
photo of this historical tunnel is shown in Fig. 50.
In 1910 Parsons constructed a larger tunnel in Wallsend,
England, with which he was able to test 12 inch cavitat-
tion was controlled by varying the circulating puinp
speed. The test section included devices for measuring
thrust, torque and model propeller speed. The propeller
was illuminated by a large searchlight through a system
of revolving mirrors directly into the propeller plane.

In 1929 a 12-inch propeller testing tunnel was built at

the David Taylor Model Basin. In the years that follow-
ed, cavitation tunnels were built in Hamburg at the
Hamburg Model Basin, at the National Physical Labor-
atory in Feltham England, at the Masachusetts Institute
of Technology and at the Netherlands Ship Model
Basin. By this time many refinements and improvements
over Parson's tunnel and been developed.

Description of some cavitation tunnels suited for

propeller testing and their characteristics.

The large cavitation tunnel of the Netherlands Ship

Model Basin, see Fig. 52, was designed and built in the
period between 1938 and 1940. Between 1962 and 1966
Fig. 50. Parson's first cavitation tunnel (1895). the test section, downstream bend and difusor were
modified to improve its cavitation and noise characteris-
tics. This tunnel is a very large unit, having an octagonal
test section shape of 0.9 m by 0.9 m, and is suited for
propeller models up to a diameter of 500 mm (20
inches). The maximum water speed in the test section
is about 11 m/sec, the maximum power absorbed by
the impeller is 300 hp, that by the propeller model
250 hp, whilst the maximum propeller speed is 3200
r.p.m. Recording of propeller thrust and torque is by
means of strain gauge dynamometers. The minimum
obtainable cavitation number is about 0.3. The cavita-
tion phenomena is observed by means of stroboscopic
lighting. This tunnel is used for noise measurements on
cavitating propeller models and for investigating various
propellers and propeller configurations (contra-rotating
propellers, vertical axis propellers, overlapping prop-

Fig. 51 Parson's second cavitation tunnel (1910).

ing propeller models. This tunnel consisted of a closed

circuit with a flow path of about 20 metres, see Fig. 51.
The test section was about 0.7 metres by 0.76 metres
with glass windows in the sides. Distilled water was
circulated from a 4.25 metre diameter and 3.5 metre
high stilling tank through the test section down to a
low level where the circulating pump was situated, and
back to the stilling tank. The flow rate in the test sec- Fig. 52 Large cavitation tunnel of the NSMB.


- v",4
type of cavitation tunnel are its complexity and its low
ellers, etc). Special arrangements have been made for hydraulic efficiency due to increased flow resistance.
testing propellers in inclined flows and behind built-in
ship afterbody models. A more detailed description of flow
The fact that variable throttling over the upstream
this tunnel is given by Witte and Esveldt [122]. of a screan or flow regulator
cross section by means
This cavitation tunnel is representative for a whole
does not reproduce the basic three-dimensionalitY of
class of cavitation tunnels specifically built for research the flow behind the ship's hull, has been the reason to
of propeller cavitation. Typical characteristics of these construct tunnel working sections in which upstream a
tunnels is their large size (in connection with the desire
model of the adjacent portion of the ship can be built-
to test at high Reynolds number and to reduce wall of
in. At the Netherlands Ship Model Basin this method
effects) and their moderate flow velocity in the test constructing in the tunnel working section, upstream of
section. the propeller, a model of the ship's afterbody is used
in cases where the tangential wake components are
From the viewpoint of marine propeller research, a relatively important. The large cavitation tunnel, already
econd type of cavitation tunnel was introduced in 1955. described, was adapted for. this purpose, the upper
At that time experimentors were becoming aware of
portion of the worlcing section being removable and
the fact that the differences occurring between the suitable for models of 2,5 m length. The difficulty of
erosion patterns on screw blades obtained in the cavita- providing enough of a ship model to produce a satis-
tion tunnel and those of the ship were due to imperfec-
factory approach to the influence that the real ship has
tions regarding the correspondence of the velocity
on the flow remains however. A problem inherent in
fields in which the model propeller was tested. The use this approach is the choice of model scale, since the
of solids of revolution in front of the propeller in the
amount of hull surface that must be modelled to obtain
cavitation tunnel to imitate the radial distribution of the
a satisfactory velocity distribution for the propeller
velocity field was in this regard found to be unsatis-
requires a relatively small-scale model.
factory. The same applied to the placing of roughened
The propeller diameter should not be too small, how-
planks or wire mesh in front of the propeller. Attemps
ever, in connection with manufacturing difficulties of
to eliminate the effects of these imperfections by testing
the leading edges and in connection with avoiding large
at a cavitation number 10 to 20 percent less than that
Reynolds scale effects. Figs. 53 and 54 show built-in
of the full-size propeller was found to be only a very
afterbody models in the large cavitation tunnel of the
rough correction. The rfsms decided, therefore, to build
Netherlands Ship Model Basin for simulation of the
a new cavitation tunnel in which the flow could be non-uniform flow for respectively a twin-screw vessel
regulated in accordance with the required distribution
and a single-screw vessel.
of the axial velocities. This flow regulator divides the
cross section into a large number of elementary sec-
These difficult facets of model testing in cavitation tun-
tions. The amount of fluid passing through each sec-
tion can be adjusted by means of a valve. The valve nels have led various laboratories to build larger cavita-
tion tunnels with or without a free water surface. The
rods are adjustable from the outside. This tunnel was
Swedish State Shipbuilding Experimental Tank has
built in 1955 and came into use in 1956. It is suited
recently built a large cavitation tunnel especially suited
for testing propeller models with a diameter up to 250
for ship models of a length between 6.5 m and 8m. This
mm (10 inches). The maximum r.p.m. of the propeller
cavitation tunnel has á length between the centre lines
model is 3500, the maximum torque is 4 kgm, the
of the vertical parts of 20 m and a height between the
maximum thrust is 100 kg and the average speed in the
horizontal parts of 12 m. Large cavitation tunnels of
test section is 4.5m/sec when the flow regulator is in
this type, with or without a free surface, may be classi-
operation. The minimum cavitation number in this
condition is about 2.0. The maximum power absorbed fied as the third type of cavitation tunnel suited for
propeller testing. The Kryloff Shipbuilding Institute and
by the propeller model is 13.5 hp.
The velocity field in way of the screw can be measured the Netherlands Ship Model Basin have selected the
alternative to this type of cavitation tunnel; the depres-
by means of a rotating pitot-rake which can also be
moved longitudinally. The test section of the tunnel is surized towing tank. Mention should also be made of
the existance of many other cavitation tunnels of a
circular and at the propeller position provided with a
multy-purpose nature, used for the testing of turbines
slotted wall to reduce tunnel wall effects whereby rela-
and other hydraulic devices, and of a special nature
tively larger models can be tested. The drawbacks of this
such as high speed cavitation tunnels of which the
Netherlands Ship Model Basin also possesses one. A
description of a large variety of cavitation research
facilities is given in [123].

Factors preventing precise simulation in cavitation

tunnel testing

From the previous sections it shall have become appar-

ent that a number of difficulties exist preventing precise
simulation of full-scale behaviour in the cavitation
tunnel. The factors involved are the impossibility of
simultaneous identity of the 9 similarity criteria already
discussed, wall effects, and the difficulty involved in the
simulation of the irregular flow behind the ship.

Scale effects and cavitation scaling

The impossibility of simultaneous identity of the various

similarity criteria discussed earlier, introduces so-called
scale effects. To account for these scale effects it is
necessary to devise corrections. This is termed scaling.
Normal cavitation tunnel testing with marine propellers
is usually performed in accordance with a nominal
Fig. 53 Photo of built-in model afterbody of a twin-screw
cavitation number and the ratio of advance only, the
vessel in the large cavitation tunnel of the NSMB.
water velocity in the test section being adjusted as high
as possible. This implies that neither the Froude num-
ber nor the Reynolds number is obeyed. This is in
consequence of the fact that were the Froude number
obeyed, the water velocity in the test section would be
low and as such prescribe low pressures. A further
consequence would be that the Reynolds scale effect
would be larger than it already is. Identity of Reynolds
number on the other hand prescribes extremely high
water velocities in the test section.
The scale effect resulting from not obeying the Froude
number is probably the most serious. It implies that
the local cavitation number at a particular propeller
radius x (= rIR) and angular blade position will not
be the same for model and ship propeller. This follows
from the fact that when, e.g., at the centre line of the
shaft ao, cro, the nondimensional pressure head
difference in the model at a point (x, (p) can only have
the same value as for the prototype when:
pgR, pgR
lpV,2 (19)

i.e. when V, = VI
Fig. 54 Photo of built-in model afterbody of a single-screw
vessel in the large cavitation tunnel of the NSMB.



When the Froude number is not obyed, therefore, cavitation parameter encountered within the prototype'.
equal values for the cavitation number for model and
prototype can only be obtained in one point. In that This last view would be true were it not for the necessity
case this point is usually taken to be at the centre line in propeller testing to take into account the influence of
of the shaft, in this way securing a nominal cavitation the wake on the cavitation properties; these are not
number. The argument that in this way cavitation prop- 'easily and accurately calculated'. In a homogeneous
erties are effected least, due to the fact that the average propeller inflow this method would indeed seem to be
value of the local cavitation number at (x, (p) during a the best. The variation in the angle of attack during a
propeller revolution is the same, is not correct however. propeller revolution in the wake, however, leads to
This is due to the fact that the conditions for cavitation instationary cavitation phenomena and in consequence
inception are not the same as those for cavitation once different effects on performance, erosion, propeller-
it has been formed. Hence it is important to secure induced vibrations, etc. can be expected from case to
identity of the local cavitation number. Newton [124] case, depending on the ship's afterbody and appendages.
gives an example of the influence of the effect of These effects can only be ascertained when the develop-
Froude number on the onset of tip vortex cavitation. ment of cavitation on the model propeller is similar.
There is a marked difference between the value of the
nominal cavitation number for onset of this cavitation At this stage it is difficult to determine the influence of
form at different Froude numbers. When determining Reynolds number on the onset of cavitation. Various
the ship speeds at which cavitation inception on the test results show an increase of the value of the cavita-
propeller occurs, it is therefore important to perform tion number with increase of the Reynolds number. In
the tests at the correct Froude number. general it is assumed that as long as the flow is super-
critical large scale effects will not occur. In this regard
The importance of performing experiments at the cor- it should be noted that the flow in most cavitation
rect local cavitation number also follows from the tunnels is rather turbulent. A Reynolds number of
large influence of Froude number on propeller perfor- approximately 3 x 105 to 5 x 105 for the chord length
mance. This is to be expected since this influence is at 0.75R should be sufficient in most cases. For a large
largely an influence on the extent of cavitation on the tunnel the R influence can to a certain degree be
propeller during a revolution. To improve the simula- obtained explicitly by conducting tests on a geosim
tion of the pressure field over the propeller, Newton propeller series at the same F. But then again, the
suggests using as a nominal cavitation number the local difference in wall effect on the different propellers is a
cavitation number for x = 0.7 for the upright blade disturbing factor, as are also the physical properties of
position. He goes further to state that: 'The low water the fluid when extrapolating to full-scale values.
speeds needed to run a model propeller at the correct
Froude number will mean a low Reynolds number and The scale effects associated with the physical properties
introduce a larger error in viscous scaling effects, but as of the fluid are also largely undetermined. An important
the author pointed out to the 9th I.T.T.C. it should be physical property of the fluid is the gas or air content.
easier to correct for one larger error than for two smaller The air content, as measured by the Winkler or Van
and interrelated errors'. Slijke method, is the total air content of both dissolved
and undissolved air. It is the undissolved air content,
On the other hand Knapp et al [125] suggest that: however, which influences cavitation inception. Various
'The variation in cavitation characteristics of an individ- tests at different laboratories have shown that the in-
ual liquid is governed by properties of the liquid in fluence of air content on cavitation ¡nception and cavita-
ways which are not clearly understood. On the other ating propeller performance can be large. The precise
hand, the variation in cavitation parameter due to the scale effect and scaling rules can only be determined
variation in depth during a revolution of a propeller or when the undissolved air (gas)content and the size of the
turbine runner is easily and accurately calculated. There- bubbles (bubble-spectrum) in which it is present can be
fore, it would seem wise to make model tests of large accurately determined. At the Netherlands Ship Model
low-Froude number equipment by using prototype or Basin such fundamental cavitation studies are under-
higher velocities in the model and to explore the differ- way. The determination of this bubble spectrum in the
ences in cavitation characteristics by making tests at cavitation tunnel is to be attempted by holographic
various system pressures to cover the range in the means. In the meantime it is important to keep the
total air content constant during tunnel testing. This In a depressurized towing tank, a method of model
can be done by either a standard cavitator or frequent testing far in advance of contemporary testing methods
measurements. It is also important to ensure that read- is possible. Testing can be carried out in accor-
ings are not made untill sufficient time has passed after dance with the Froude number, the cavitation number
every velocity or pressure change in the tunnel, so that and the coefficient of advance. This means that identity
stability between the amount of dissolved and undissolv- of the local cavitation number is obtained. Furthermore,
ed air is obtained. To conclude this section it might be the problem of correct simulation of the propeller
stated that it is of little or no avail to consider surface inflow is no longer present. The correct effect of cavita-
tension, gas diffusion and other cavitation scale effects tion in propeller performance, propeller-induced vibra-
in model testing when one does not possess the means tions on the afterbody, etc, can easily be obtained. In
to measure the undissolved gas or air content and the addition, the dimensions of the tank have been chosen
way this is present in The fluid. As already mentioned, such that propeller and ship models can be large enough
this physical property of the fluid is perhaps the most to avoid unpredictable Reynolds number effects with
important in modelling cavity flows. respect to propeller cavitation, performance, flow
separation phenomena on the ship's hull, etc.
Tunnel wall effect
List of symbols
The presence of boundaries, in the form of tunnel Walls,
influence the flow conditions in the test section. Cor- a axial distance between leading edge of nozzle
rections for the effect of tunnel walls for non-cavitating and impeller plane.
propellers in the screw race can be calculated by a AE expanded blade area of screw.
method given by Wood and Harris [126] when the AEX exit area of nozzle.
A0 disk area of screw
propeller is considered as an actuator disk. The extra
A, constant in equation for VD for Wageningen
wall effect due to the finite number of blades and the B-series propellers.
presence of tangential induced velocities has been shown distance between leading edge and generator
by Van Manen [127] to be negligible for ratios of line at radius r of Wageningen B-series propellers.
propeller disc area to tunnel cross section normally As), coefficients in KT polynomial of ducted propellers
employed. For cavitating propellers in a cavitation tun- Bp loading coefficient, Bp = 33.07 K10. J-5/2
nel no adequate method for determining the effect of constant in equation for S,f D for Wageningen
tunnel walls on performance and on the cavitation pat- B-series propellers.
tern has as yet been devised. distance between leading edge and maximum
thickness of blade section at r of Wageningen
Simulation of irregular propeller inflow in the cavitation B-series propellers.
coefficients in KTN polynomial of ducted propellers.
chord length of blade section of propeller and
gas concentration in fluid.
The difficulties involved in the correct simulation of the
Co.75R chord length of blade section of propeller at
irregular propeller inflow in cavitation tunnels has al- 0.75R.
ready been commented upon. Due to the fact that CD drag coefficient of propeller blade section,
cavitation patterns on propellers are very much depen-
dent on the varying angle of attack during the propeller CD
1/2p vo2c
revolution it will be obvious that propeller performance
is also appreciably affected. Nowadays everyone is CDmin minimum value of the drag coefficient.
convinced about the importance of correct simulation CF skin friction drag coefficient.
of the ship wake at the propeller position; the problem CL, lift coefficient of propeller blade section,
now is how to obtain the best possible simulation. The
Netherlands Ship Model Basin believes that this can be V2p vo2c
adequately done only by including the ship's hull in
propeller testing. This has been one of the reasons for P-P.
cp pressure coefficient, Cp
the Netherlands Ship Model Basin to build a depressur- '/2p1/02
ized towing tank. Cp,, minimum pressure coefficient.

VA speed of advance of open-water propeller
CQ torque coefficient, CQ 112pv2 axial propeller inflow velocity component
Z4E D2. D
V,, average velocity at propeller disk.
Cr chord length of Wageningen B-series propellers ship speed.
at radius r. Vt tangential propeller inflow velocity component.
Cs.t.u.o coefficients in KT and KQ polynomials of Wage- axial induced velocity at a specific propeller.
ningen B-series propellers. radius and angular blade position.
wt tangential induced velocity at a specific propeller
CT thrust coefficient, CT 112P v2A D2 radius and angular blade position.

CT° design thrust coefficient. pV2D

Weber number, W. =
Cxy coefficients in KO polynomial of ducted propellers. o'
propeller diameter and drag force. (based on propeller diameter),
diffusion coefficient of gas. dimensionless propeller radius, x = rIR
camber of propeller blade and nozzle section. power of PID in KT, KTN and KQ polynomials for
V2 ducted propellers.
Froude number, F = Y power of J in K.T, KTN and ICQ polynomials for
ducted propellers.
acceleration due to gravity. number of propeller blades.
VA AEI Ao blade area ratio of screw.
advance coefficient, J = AolAzx ratio between impeller disk area and exit area of
fIL camber ratio of nozzle.
KT thrust coefficient, KT PID pitch ratio of screw.
LID nozzle length-diameter ratio
SIL maximum thickness ratio of nozzle.
KTN nozzle thrust coefficient, KTN tic thickness to chord length ratio of profile or
propeller blade section.
thickness to chord length ratio of propeller blade
KQ torque coefficient, KQ section at 0.75R.
angle of attack of flow relative to nose-tail line
nozzle length. of propeller blade section.
n, N number of revolutions per second and per effective hydrodynamic inflow angle relative to
minute. nose-tail line of propeller blade section at a
pressure, propeller pitch and power. specific radius and angular blade position,
Po static pressure.
Pc gas pressure in cavity V.+ w.
Po vapour pressure xnnD+
torque PI max maximum value of effective hydrodynamic in-
propeller radius flow angle at a specific propeller radius and ship
local propeller radius speed.
minimum value of effective hydrodynamic inflow
R. Reynolds number, R pVD (based on angle at a specific propeller radius and ship
propeller diameter). angular variation in the effective hydrodynamic
Rn0.7 SR Reynolds number based on chord length of inflow angle at a specific propeller radius and
propeller blade section at 0.75R (see equation 6) ship speed. 4
maximum thickness of nozzle section.
sr propeller blade section thickness at radius r of 101.27
diameter coefficient or speed ratio, (5
Wageningen B-serieipropellers.
diameter coefficient or speed ratio based on the
propeller blade section thickness. maximum diameter of ducted propeller system.
thrust of impeller of ducted propeller. efficiency.
flow velocity.
open water efficiency of propeller in the static
undisturbed flow velocity. bollard condition (see equation 15).

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75 P. van Oossanen. A method to Minimize the Occurance 95 J. H. Brandau. Pumping Machinery for Marine
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Studies. DTMB Report No. 1724, 1966. Ramjets. AIAA 2nd Advanced Marine Vehicles and Propuls-
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Naval Architects, 1934. trollable Pitch Propellers SNAME, New York Section, 1970.
79 L. Troost. Open-Water Tests with Modern Propeller 99 J. P. Hooft and J. D. van Manen. The effect of Propel-
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81 L. Troost. Open-Water Test Series with Modem Prop- Kavitations- und Vibrationsverhalten von Überlappenden
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Resistance, Propulsion and Steering of Ships. H. Stam, Haar- Vertical Axis Propellers. ISP, Vol. 13, 1966.
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Free Running Propellers. Journal of the American Society 104 J. D. van Manen and M. W. C. Oosterveld. Model
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formance of Airscrews. R & M, Aeronautical Research Holland. NSMB Publication No. 317
luncil No. 1675, 1934. 105 J. B. Hadler, W. B. Morgan and K. A. Meyers. Ad-
85 Von Doepp. Design of Airscrews by Means of the vanced Propeller Propulsion for High-Powered Single Screw
Equivalent Polar Curve. Luftfahrt-Forschung, 1936. Ships. Trans. SNAME, 1964.
86 Driggs. Simplified Propeller Calculations. Journal of 106 L. Kort. Der neue Dilsenschrauben - Antrieb. Werft
Aeronautical Science, 1938. Reederei - Hafen, Jahrgang 15, Heft 4, 1934.
87 Kramer. On the Approximate Design of Airscrews by 107 A. H. Sacks, and J. A. Burnell. Ducted Propellers - A
Means of Polar Curves. Luftfahrt- Forschung, 1941. Critical Review of the State of the Art. Progress in Aeron-
88 W. P. A. van Lammeren, J. D. van Manen and M.W.C. autical Sciences, Vol. 2, 1962.
Oosterveld. The Wageningen B-screw Series, SNAME, Vol. 77, 108 J. Weissinger and D. Maass. 'Theory of the Ducted
Propeller; A Review. 7th Symposium on Naval Hydrodyn-
89 S. F. Hoerner. Fluid Dynamic Drag. Published by the amics, Rome, August, 1968.
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112 W. B. Morgan and E. B. Caster, Comparison of Theory
and Experiment on Ducted Propellers. 7th Symposium on
Naval Hydrodynamics, Rome, August, 1968.
113 J. D. van Manen. Open Water Test Series with
Propellers in Nozzles. ISP, VOL 1, no. 3, 1954.
114 J. D. van Manen. Recent Research on Propellers in
Nozzles. ISP, Vol. 4 no. 36, 1957.
115 J. D. van Manen and A. Superina. The Design of
Screw Propellers in Nozzles. ISP, Vol. 6, no. 55, 1959.
116 J. D. van Manen. Effect of Radial Load Distribution
on the Performance of Shrouded Propellers. Trans. RINA,
117 J. D. van Manen and M. W. C. Oosterveld. Analysis
of Ducted Propeller Design. Trans. SNAME, 1966.
118 M. W. C. Oosterveld. Model tests with decelerating
nozzles. ASME, Symp. on Pumping Machinery for Marine
Propulsion, Philadelphia, 1968.
119 M. W. C. Oosterveld. Wake Adapted Ducted Propel-
lers. NSMB publication No. 345, 1970.
120 L. I. Sedov. Similarity and Dimensional Methods in
Mechanics. Published by Cleaver Hume Press Ltd., 1959.
121 P. van Oossanen. Cavitation Testing of Marine
Propellers. Schip en Werf, Vol. 39, 1972; Nsms Publication
No. 418.
122 J. H. Witte and J. Esveldt. Recent Improvements in
the Large Cavitation Tunnel of the Netherlands Ship Model
Basin. ISP, 1966.
123 J. W. Holl and G. M. Wood. (Editors) Cavitation
Research Facilities and Techniques. Symposium of the
ASME, 1964.
124 R. N. Newton. Influence of Cavitation on Propeller
Performance. Presented at Convegno di Tecnica Navale,
Trieste University, 1961.
125 R. T. Knapp, J. W. Daily and F. G. Hammitt. Cavita-
tion. Mc Graw Hill Book Co., 1970.
126 R. M. Wood and R. G. Harris. Some Notes on the
theory of an Airscrew Working in a Wind Channel. R & M.
662, Aeronautical Research Council, 1920.
127 J. D. van Manen Report on Tests with Propellers in
Tubes. 9th rr-rc, 1960.

There has been made some mistakes in the publication for the
ducted propellers. The calculated curves doesn't match the
given diagrams in the publication.
The coefficients for KQ and KTN has been sometimes exchanged.
In the following pages the correct values are given.

Propeller Ka 4-55. nozzle 19A.

no modifications.

Propeller Ka 3-65. nozzle 19A.

no modifications.

Propeller Ka 4-70. nozzle 19A.

The term 0.285076 in the KT-coefficient column is added.

Propeller Ka 5-75. nozzle 19A.

The term -0.006398 must be in the KQ
KT - column. - column instead of the

Propeller Ka 4-70. nozzle 22.

no modifications.

Propeller Ka 4-70. nozzle 24.

The KT - column is complete modified.

Propeller Ka 4-70. nozzle 37.

no modifications.

Propeller Kd 5-100. nozzle 33.

The KTN - column is complete modified.


The correlation of the corrected polynomials with the publication

is excellent.
The deviation is less than 0.005.
KT E CT(x,y) (P/D)x(J)Y
x,y (total thrust)
KQ ECQ(x,y) (P/D)x(J)Y
KTN xEyCTN(x,Y) P/D)x(J)37
x y C
0- 0 .028100 .154000 .006260
1 -.143910 .115560 0.0
2 0.0 -.123761 -.017942
3 -.383783 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 -.008089
5 0.0 -.741240 0.0
6 0.0 .646894 0.0
1 0 0.0 -.542674 0.0
1 -.429709 -.749643 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 -.016644
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 -.162202 .0.0

2 0 .671268 .972388 0.0

1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 .286926 1.468570 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 -.182294 -.317644 .040041
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 -1.084980 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 -.032298 0.0
4 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 .199637 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0e 0.0 0.0
5 0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 .060168 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0 0.0 0.0 -.003460
1 -.017378 0.0 . -.000674
2 0.0 0.0 .001721
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 7 I 0.0 0.0 0.0 '

0.6 e 0/a .


o .030550 .076594 .006735
-.148687 .075223 0.0
2 0.0 -.061881 -.016306
3 -.391137 -.138094 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 -.007244
5 0.0 -.370620 0.0
6 0.0 .323447 0.0
O 0.0 -.271337 0.0
1 -.432612 -.687921 0.0
2 0.0 .225189 -.024012
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 -.081101 10.0
O .667657 .666028 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
2 .285076 .734285 .005193
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
O -.172529 -.202467 .046605
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 -.542490 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 -.016149 0.0
O 0.0 0.0 -.007366
0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 M.0 .099819 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
O 0.0 0.0 d.o
0.0 .030084 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
o 0.0 0.0 -.001730
1 -.017293 0.0 -.000337
2 0.0 -.001876 .000861
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
L4 1114'..).S nwc..?asi'aefri-S"
x y C C
0- 0 .033000 -.000813 .007210
1 -.153463 .034885 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 -.014670
3 -.398491 -.276187 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 -.006398
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 -.435515 -.626198 0.0
2 0.0 .450379 -.031380
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 :0.0
2 0 .664045 .359718 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 .283225 0.0 .010386
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 -.162764 -.087289 .053169
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 0.0 0.0 -.014731
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 -.017208 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 -.003751 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 I
0.0 0.0
0 7 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 .

o.fvs: P/is

0 -.375000 -.045100 -.034700
1 -.203050 0.0 .018568
2 .830306 0.0 0.0
3 -2.746930 -.663741 0.0
4 0.0 -.244626 -.195582
5 0.0 0.0 .317452
6 .067548 0.0 -.093739
0 2.030070 .244461 .158951
1 -.392301 -.578464 -.048433
2 -.611743 1.116820 0.0
3 4.319840 .751953 .024157
4 -.341290 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 -.123376
6 0.0 -.089165 -0.0
0 -3.031670 0.0 -.212253
1 0.0 -.146178 0.0
2 0.0 -.917516 0.0
3 -2.007860 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 2.836970 .068186 .156133
1 0.0 .174041 0.0
2 0.0 .102331 0.0
3 .391304 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 -.994962 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 .030740
2 0.0 0.0 .073587
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 . 0.0 0.0
0.0 ,
0 0.0 J.031826
1 .015742 0.0 -.014568
2 0.0 0.0 -.109363
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 .043862
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.0
0 .043782 -.008581 .007947
1 0.0 0.0 . 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 .038275
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 -.021971
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 .000700
7 0.0 .088319 .022850
AL.....,-,, ,L
0- 0 .008043 .001317 .032079
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 -.208843 0.0 -.020219
3 -.902650 0.0 -.021294
4 0.0 -.937036 0.0
5 .369317 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 .682898 0.0
1 0 0.0 0.0 -.102805
1 -.661804 -.559885 0.0
2 .752246 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 .951865 0.0
4 0.0 -.376616 0.0
5 -.159272 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 .720632 .371000 .140281
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 -.202075 -.096038 -.026416
1 0.0 .011043 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 -.008516
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 -.093449 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 - .005229
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 .045373 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 -.000195
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 7 0.0 -.244550 I .001334
0.6.5f ia 6- .6 "TLIG.s 1-uP,--_14 TS

x y
__ -]
0- 0 -.056541 -.026195 .023557
1 .001197 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 -.016989
3 -1.234240 -.838832 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 .555129 .082386
0 .235791 .109624 -.072021
1 -.705042 -.681638 0.0
2 0.0 .773230 0.0
3 -.159436 0.0 -.037596
4 0.0 0.0 -.034871
5 .908131 0.0 - 0.0
6 -.840424 0.0 ,
2 0 .454377 .259217 .103364
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 1.254499 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 -.131615 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 -.110537 -.058287 -.013447
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 -.392827 0.0 0.0
3 -.205174 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 .013180
4 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 -.012173
3 0.0 0.0 .046464
4 0.0 0.0 -.035041
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0e 0.0 0.0 .

5 0 0.0 ' 0.0 0.0

1 -.022669 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 -.044629 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 .011161 0.0 . 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 .023147 .026228 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 . 0.0 0.0 -

O 7 .452712 -.239044 -.049039 ' -

r. 6 Ms 14 11.)6s01),-- F3Cs PTS

Ka 4-70


x y c
- CT CTN -T- o
. 0- o -.162557 -.016806 .016729
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 -.077387 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 -.099544 .030559
1 0 .598107 0.0 -.048424
1 -1.009030 -.548253 -.011118
2 0.0 .230675 -.056199
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 - 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0 .085087 .460206 .084376
1 .425585 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 .045637
3 0.0 0.0 -.042003
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0 0.0 -.215246 -.008652
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 -.021044 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0 0.0 .042997 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 . 0.0 0.0
5 0 0.0 0.0 6.o
1 -.038383 0.0 0.0
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0 0.0 0.0 0.0
1 0.0 0.0 -.001176
2 .014992 0.0 .002441
3 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 0.0 0.0 0.0
6 0.0 0.0 0.0

0 7 0.036998 1 .0s1753 -.012160

77:.a-Z;&-Fifrity u)t-Pc::.1t.14 ge; rS
0 -.347562 .025149
1 -.321224 0.0
2 .075277 .317808
3 0.0 -.083296
4 -.009560 -.070735
5 0.0 .050083
6 0.0 0.0
0 .963261 0.0
1 -.215803 -.371072
2 0.0 -.561715
3 0.0 .921327
4 0.0 -.410495
5 0.0 .067465
0.0 0.0
0.0 .138501
0.0 0.0
0.0 -.315179
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 .235429
.013401 .077988
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
-.016882 -.015350
0.0 -.073049
0.0 0.0
-0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 1 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.0
-.003473 0.0
1.0 P/6

Representation of propeller characteristics suitable for

preliminary ship design studies.
M.W.C. Oosterveld and P. van Oossanen.

M.W.C. Oosterveld and P. van Oossanen

Netherlands Ship Model Basin
Wageningen, The Netherlands


In the preliminary design of ships, that The way in which these results can be used
is the design phase in which the ship size, for preliminary design calculations and
speed, principal dimensions and propor- for Ehe analysis of the characteristics of
tions are to be determined, the appli- the screw at off-design conditions are die-
cation of computers is increasing rapidly. cussed. If, for instance, the speed, the
In this phase the hydrodynamic aspects, in- developed horsepower and the RPM are give4
cluding resistance data, wake and thrust the optimum screw diameter from the view-
deduction data and the screw characteris- point of efficiency, the blade area-ratio
tics are of importance. Ap/An (based on a given cavitation crite-
rrumr and characteristic thickness-ratio
In this paper the characteristics of screw (based on strength) can be determined.
propellers will be given in a form which Thii procedure is discussed.
make them suitable for use in preliminary
design problems. These characteristics are 2. GEOMETRY OF B-SERIES SCREWS
obtained from the open-water test results
with the Wageningen B-screw series [I]. A systematic screw series is formed by a
The B-series screw tnie is used frequently number of screw models of which only the
in practice and possesses satisfactory pitch ratio P/D is varied. Al]. other
efficiency and adequate cavitation proper- characteristic screw dimensions, such as
ties. At present about 120 screw models of diameter D, number of blades z, blade-area
the B-series have been tested. ratio AE /AOf blade outline, shape of blade
sections, blade thicknesses and hub-
Some years ago the fairing of the B-screw diameter ratio d/D are the same. The ge-
series test results was started by means ometry of the B-screw series is given in
of a regression analysis. In addition, the Table 1. These screw series now comprises
test results were corrected for Reynolds models with blade numbers ranging from
number effects by using a method developed 2 to 7 and blade area ratios ranging from
by Lerbs[2]. Preliminary results of these 0.30 to 1.05.
investigations were given in m and [4].
The fairing of the B-screw series test re-
sults has been completed. The thrust and The open-water test results of screws are
torque coefficients KT and K9 of the screws given in the conventional way in the form
are now expressed as polynomials in the of the and torque coefficients KT
advance ratio J, pitch ratio P/D, blade- and K, expressed as a function of J and
area ratio AE/Ao, and the blade number z. the pYtch ratio P/D, where:
In addition the effect of the Reynolds
number and of the thickn4ss of the blade
profile at a characteristic radius was KT --Y-T
pn D
taken into account in the polynomials. As
such we have determined:

K.efi(J,P/D,AE/A0,z,Re,t/c). on D

J I= VA/nD

-1 -
- 4
in which T =
propeller thrust,
Q =
propeller torque, c0.75R\/V2A+(0.75wn0)2'
p =
fluid density. Rn0.75R
n =
revolutions of propeller per
second, C, is the drag coefficient of a flat plate
D = propeller diameter, ift a turbulent flow and the term
VA= velocity of advance. 1+2 - represents the effect of the
The open-water efficiency is defined as:
pressure gradient.
J K.
2w ( 4 ) On setting out the minimum value of the
KO drag coefficient as obtained from the
polar curve for each propeller on a base
of Reynolds number, a large scatter was
apparant as shown in Fig. 1. When this
The effect of the Reynolds number on the minimum value of the-drag coefficient is
test results has been taken into account set out against/w2, for each pitch-
by using the method developed by Lerbs
from the characteristics of equivalent diameter ratio, it is seen that below a
blade sections. This method has been spe6ific.value of the blade area-blade
followed also in Ref. [5,6,7,8]. number ratio an increase in the C,
In the Lerbs equivalent profile method it value occurs.. For a pitch-diameter ratio
is shown that the blade section at 0.75R equal to 1.0, this is shown in Fig. 2.
is equivalent for the whole blade. At a The existence of such a correlation of the
specific value of the advance coefficient CDvalue with propeller geometry
J, the lift and drag coefficient CD and CL Dmin.
and the corresponding profile angle of points to the fact that the scatter in Fig
attack a, is deduced from the 1 is not entirely due to Reynolds number
KT- and K0 effects and experimPntal errors. It is
values from the open-water test.
obvious that the drag coefficient is in-
The method developed by Lerbs is based on fluenced by a three-dimensional effect. It
a linearized theory. For the analysis used is necessary, therefore, before correcting
in this paper, an extension was made to for Reynolds number according to the given
include the non-linear terms. This was done equations, to subtract this three-dimen-
in accordance with the wish to use the siofial effect from the Cromin -value. .

method for the correction of the test re-

sults over the whole range of operating An estimation of this effect was obtained
conditions of the propellers, including by applying regression analysis.
the range of heavy scred loads.
The thus obtained lift and drag coeffi-
Reynolds number effects are only considered cients were each expressed as a function
to influence the drag coefficient of the of blade number, blade area ratio, pitch-
equivalent profile. It is furthermore diameter ratio and angle of attack in
assumed that the influence of the Reynolds polynomials by means of a multiple reT-
number on the drag coefficient is in gression analysis method. By applying this
accordance with a vertical shift of the C process in reverse, thrust and torque co-
curve, equal to the change in the minimumD efficient values were next calculated. The
value of the drag coefficient. This basis for this reverse process was formed
minimum value is for thin profiles composed by calculating CL and CD coefficients from
of mainly frictional resistance, the effect the CL and C polynomials for specific
of the pressure gradient being small.
combinations of z,AE/AD,P/D,a and R.
4 The resulting values formed the input for
According to Hoerner [9] the minimum drag the development of a thrust coefficient
coefficient of the profile is: and a torque coefficient polynomial. The
thrust and torque coefficients were then
" = 2Cf(1+2 (5) expressed as polynomials in the advance
-min 0.75R) coefficient J, pitch ratio P/D, blade area
ratio AE/A0 and blade number z and with
in which
" 0.075 the Aid of a mu/tiple regression analysis
Cf = (6)
the significant terms of the polynomials
[9.43429 ln(R )-2]2 and the values of the corresponding co-
n0.75R efficients were determined. For Rn=2x106
the polynomials obtained in this way are
given in Table 2. The choice of a Reynolds
II 4

number value of 2x106 for the characteris- 1 1+2(t/00.751/

tics on the model scale followed from the =exp 4.6052+
fact that the corresponding CD value is 0,75R. 1+2(t/c)0.75R
' min
an average of all model C values;
(1nR -4.6052]
In formulating the minimum value of the where Rn = effective Reynolds number
drag coefficient as a function of the 0.75R
Reynolds number (see equation 5),it is for a change in (t/c)0.75R
possible to calculate thrust and torque and
values valid for full-scale by correcting 1
this CD-value. .(t/c)0.75R
= new t/c value at 0.75R.
This was performed for Reynolds numbers
Thus, when it s assumed that an increase-
equal to 2x107, 2x108 and 2x109 for a or decrease in blade section thickness
selected grid of J, P/D, A.,r./A0 and z-values. kelative to equation 5) does not influence

Together with the values for R = 2x106, camber and pitch, the effect on thrust and
these KT and Kn values formed 2he input torque can be ascertained by calculating.
for the determInation of a KT and a K an.' effective new value for the Reynolds
0 number according to equation 9 and.then
polynomial for the additional Reynolds determining by means of the polynomials
number effect above 2x106. These poly- *presented in Table 2 and Table 3 the
nomials are given in Table 3. The actual associated values of KT and K .
value to be substituted into these poly- 0
nomials is the common logarithm of the 7 CHOICE OF BLADE AREA RATIO BASED ON
actual Reynolds number. Thus if Rn = 2x10
the value to be substituted is 7.3010. CAVITATION CRITERIA.

EFFECT OF VARIATION IN BLADE THICKNESS A reasonable indication as to the required

blade area ratio of fixed pitch propellers
ON PROPELLER CHARACTERISTICS. can be obtained by means of a formula given
by Keller [10], viz:
The effect of blade thickness on the thrust
and torque coefficients can be determined
in a manner analogous as used to determine AE = (1:3+0..3z)T + K (10)
the effect of Reynolds number as described Ao 1':177777-
in section 4. A change in the t/c-value
of the equivalent propeller blade section .
at 0.75R is again only cOnsidered to in- where -- = expanded blade area ratio,
fluence the value of the minimum drag
coefficient. Thus, as was the case in
analysing the effect of Reynolds number, z = number of blades,
the drag coefficient of the equivalent T = propeller thrust in kg,
blade section as a function of angle of Po= static pressure at centre line
attack (or advance ratio) is
shifted Of propeller shaft in kg/m2
PV= vapour pressure in kg/m2
vertically upwards or downwards in accor-
dance with the change in the value of'the d constant which can be put equal
minimum drag coefficient
CDmin . This to 0 for fast twin-screw ships,
= 0.10 for other twin-screw ships,
situation, therefore, leads to the idea and
that the effect of a specific change in the K = 0.20 for single screw ships.
t/c-value at 0.75R can be represented by a
specific change in Reynolds number. The CHOICE OF CHARACTERISTIC THICKNESS CHORD
polynomials given in Tables 2 and 3 are for
a blade thickness-chord length ratio equal LENGTH RATIO BASED ON CAVITATION
t/c (8)
0.75R=. 2.073 AE/A0 In a number of previous studies [11,12],
it is shown that the minimum allowable
blade section thickness based on strength
By rearranging equation 5 and 6, a change criteria does not give the largest margin
in this value of t/c can be shown to against cavitation when operating in a non-
correspond to a new value of the Reynolds uniform velocity field. In all propeller
number given by:
designs the proper compromise between the

- 3 -
H -- 4

conflicting characters of thick blade (2375-1125P/D)Ps

sections (having a large cavitation-free +0.21 (13)
angle of attack range) and thin blade
sections (being free of cavitation at low i34.123ND3 (sciumv

cavitation numbers at shock-free entry of

the flow) must be made. For every type of where tmin minimum blade thickness
thickness and camber distribution used, 0.75R
there is only one optimum t/c-value for at 0.75R in feet,
a specific value of the cavitation number. D propeller diameter in
For propeller blade sections with an feet,
elliptic type of thickness distribution shaft horse power per
the optimum tic-value, giving the largest blade,
cavite.tion-free lift coefficient range, N im revolutions per minute
can be approximately.given as: and
maximum allowable stress
Sc = in pounds per square
(V/c)opt = 0.3e - 0.012 (11)
inch (psi).
where a = cavitation number of the blade In this formula the centrifugal force
section in the vertical up- effect is neglected, which is only strict4
right blade position. true for propellers with zero rake, The
necessary formula for the chord length for
Relation 11 is only valid for small blade determining the minimum value of t/c at
section cambers and values of the cavita- . 0.75R is:
tion number between 0.1 and 0.6. A handy 2.073 AE/A0.D
formula for the value of the cavitation (14)
number of the blade section at 0.75R in C0.75R = z
the vertical upright blade position is:
V2 +(0.04ND)2
For a fast twin-screw ship with dis-
in which h = distance in meter of placement of approximately 4000re it is
propeller shaft to required to determine the main propeller
effective water surface, parameters for optimum efficiency when
VA= velocity of advance of the available power is 20000 metric horse-
propeller in m/sec., power per shaft and the propeller diameter
N = revolutions per minute is 4.4 meter. According to resistance tests
and in combination with an estimated propulsive
D = propeller diameter in coefficient a speed of 29 knots can be
meter. attained. The Taylor wake fraction follow-
ing from a wake survey was found to
The resulting thickness-chord length ratio equal 0.99. The propellers are to be cast
of the equivalent blade section at 0.75R of manganese bronze for which the maximum
must also possess satisfactory strength . allowable stress is specified as being
properties. Many methods have been devised 7000 psi. The distance of propeller shaft
to determine the minimum acceptable value to effective water surface is 3.85 meters.
of the blade thickness at various propel- The number of blades is to be 5.
ler radii. However, in this preliminary
design stage, in which the only interest When accounting the shaft friction losses
of the naval architect is focussed on a to be 1,5%, the available metric horse-
parametric study to determine overall power is 19600. The advance velocity
propeller parameters, it is quite suffi- VA= 29x0.5144x0.99 = 14.77 m/sec.
cient to use a very simple formula to
ensure that the chosen t/c-value is not An estimation of the required thrust per
to small. In this regard it should also propeller is 68000 kg whereby a first value
be mentioned that for normal merchant for'the required blade area by means of
ships equation 11 always leads to larger equation 10 becomes:
tic-values than e.g. the tic-value for
the B-series according to equation 8. (1.3+1.5)x68000
AE/A0= = 0.70
A simple formula for the minimum blade (10100+3.85x1025)x4.42
thickness at 0.75R can be derived from
Saunders (13), viz: To determine the P/D-value and the RPM
such that optimum efficiency is obtained,
tmin = D[0.0028+ a number of RPM values are assumed and by
0.75R means of the polynomials given in Table 2
the resulting P/D is calculated such.that:


19600 211Korn2D5.n position at 0.75R is:

200+2013.85-0.375x4.4) = 0.1945,
1.025 75 0.751(
218.15 + 1036.22
in which the factor 1.025 accounts for the
fact that the B-series characteristics are from which follows that the optimum t/c-
valid for fresh water. Thus, the ?/D-value ratio from a cavitation suppression point
is calculated such that: of view is:
Ni (t/c), =0.3x0.1995-0.012 = 0.0464.
1.025x21x102xn3x1649.16 -r-0.75R
which is easily performed by computer when A Strength check gives, according to
using the polynomial for Kri given in Table equation 13, a minimum blade thickness of:
2 for any given value of 111 For each combi-
nation of P/D and RPM-values found in this = 14.436 [0.0028+0.21 W-5-673.5E13
way, the open-water efficiency n_ is cal- tmln
culated according to equation 4 by means
of the values found for J, K. and KC). In = 0.0385 m,
= 0.1263 feet
this way the RPM and the P/D-value giving
the largest open-water efficiency is whereby 0.0301
determined. For the case at hand the open-
water efficiency is still increasing (t/c)min 0.75R =
(slightly) at P/D=1.4 with increasing pitch. The Reynolds number for the full 'scale
Taking the optimum value of P/D to be 1.4 propeller, for a water temperature of
(the highest 1-/D-value for which the
polynomials are valid), the corresponding 15°C, is:
RPM is equal to 182.9 and K01=0.04791
KT=0.2000, J=1.0101 and n0=0.731. The 1.277N/218.15 + 998.74'x 106
delivered thrust is equal to: "0.75R 1.1888
T = 0.2x102x9.292x374.8=71046 kg
= 3.747x107
With this new value for the thrust, a new
value for the blade area ratio can be The effective Reynolds number (corrected'
calculated, viz: 0.732. With this new for the change in blade thickness)becomes:
value for the blade area ratio, the des-
cribed procedure can be repeated, in this R1 = exp[4.6052+e.9961k(ln(3.747x107)
way initiating an iteration procedure which n0.75R
should be continued until the blade area
ratio no longer changes. In this example, -4.6052)] = 3.50/407
a new value for the advance velocity should
also be incorporated in accordance with
the larger delivered thrust, giving an From Table 3 it follows that the
increased ship speed. corrections to the KT and Ko-values
already determined, for this Reynolds
Assuming, for the sake of this example, number value, are:
that the definite blade area rati6 is 0.70,
the P/D-ratio is equal to 1.4 and the RPM AKT = 0.00139 which gives KT=0.2013,
is equal to 182.9, developing 19600 metric
horsepower in sea water at a Reynolds and
number equal to 2x106 providing for a ship AK =-0.00126 which gives K0 =0.04664
speed of 29 knots, we must now calculate 0
the Reynolds number correction for the
full-scale and the consequences of choosing These values lead to an absorbed power
(at 0.75R) another blade thickness ratio. at W=182.9 equal to:

The chord length at 0.75R is: P = 2rK0 on3D5

= 1.277m; .= 19074 metric horsepower in sea water
C0.75R 5
and a propeller thrUst equal ti.o:
the tic-ratio at 0.75R for the B-series is:
T = KT.pn2D4=73281 kg in sea water
(t/c)0 75R
= 0.0422
Thus to absorb the available power, the
the cavitation number for the upright blade RPM must increase from 182.9 to 184.6
- 4 .

whereby the thrust will increase to 11) P. van Oossanen:"A Method for
74667 kg. Minimizing the Occurence of Cavitation
DIAGRAMMATICAL REPRESENTATION OF on Propellers in a Wake", International
Shipbuilding Progress, Vol.18 No.205,
W. van Gent and Van Oossanen:
For many purposes, it is still usefull to "Influence of Wake on Propeller Loading
have at ones disposal diagrams giving and Cavitation", Paper presented at
characteristics of open-water tests of 2nd Lips Propeller Symposium May 1973.
screw-series. It was therefore decided to To be published in International
make a new set of diagrams for the B-series Shipbuilding Progress.
based on the KT and K(:) polynomials of H.E. Saunders: "Hydrodynamics in Ship
Table 2. Figs 3 to 8 show some of the Design" vol.2, page 620, published by
diagrams which have replaced the existing . the Society of Naval Architects and
"B diagrams of the B-series. The Marine Engineer, 1957.
viriable"B ", defined as:
B 33.o8 K1/2.J-5/2 =14P1-4/VA/3 ------ (15) C,. z VD r- A,-B,z
r/R arIC, h,/C,
has been replaced by the non dimensional D. AL/A° A, B,
variable KI.J-5/4 such that:
0.2 1.662 0.617 0.350 0.0526 0.0040
KQ 3/4.J-5/4= (16) 0.3 1.882 0.613 0.350 0.0464 0.0035
0.4 2.050 0.601 0.350 0.0402 0.0030
the variable 6, defined as: 0.5 2.152 0.586 0.350 0.0310 0.0025
0.6 2.187 0.561 0.389 0.0278 0.0020
6 = ND/Vg (17) 0.7 2.144 0.524 0.443 0.0216 0.0015
0.8 1.970 0.463 0.479 0.0154 0.0010
has been replaced by the non dimensional 0.9 1.582 0.351 0.500 0.0092 0.0005
variable 1/J. This change of variables 1.0 - 0 0.0030 0
facilitates the use of a linear scale on
the horizontal axis. -.-
Table la. Dimensions of four five,
REFERENCES: six and seven bladed
Wageningen B-screw series.
' 1) L. Troost: "Open-water tests with
modern propeller forms", Trans. NECI,
1938, 1940 and 1951.
H.W. Lerbs: "On the effect of scale and
roughness on free running propellers",
Journal ASNE, 1951.
W.P.A. van Lammeren, J.D. van Manen and r/R C..1 BID.- As- B,1
a,/C, b,/C,
M.W.C. Oosterveld: "The Wageningen B- 7).A ,../A0 II,
screw Series", Trans. SNAME, 1969.
M.W.Ç. Oosterveld and P. van Oossanen:
0.2 1.633 0.616 0.350 0.0526 0.0040
"Recent developments in marine propeller
0.3 1.832 0.611 0.350 0.0464 0.0035
hydrodynamics", Jubilee Meeting of NSMB,
1972. 0.4 2.003 0.599 0.350 0.0402 0.0030
0.5 2.120. 0.583 0.355 0.0340 0.0025
H. Lindgren: "model Tests with a Family
of Three and Five Bladed Propellers", 0.6 2.186 0.558 0.389 0.0278 0.0020
Publ. No. 47, SSPA, 1961. 0.7 2. I G3 0.526 0.442 0.0216 0.0015
H. Lindgren and E. Bjarne: "The SsPA 0.8 2.127 0.481 0.478 0.0154 " 0.0010
0.9 1.657 0.400 0.500 0.009.2 0.0005
Standard Propeller Family Open-water
characteristi6s", Publ. No. 60, SSPA, 1.0 - - - 0.0330 0
R.N. Newton and H.P. Rader: "Perfor-
mance Data of Propellers for High- Table lb. Dimensions of three bladed
speed Craft", Trans. RINA, 1961. Wageningen B-screw series.
D. Schmidt: "Einfluss der Reynoldzahl
und der Rauhigkeit auf die propeller-
characteristik, berechnet nach der
Methode des a/uivalenten Profils",
Schiffbauforschung 11, 1972.
S.F. Hoerner: "Fluid Dynamic Drag",
Published by the Author, 1971.
J. auf'm Keller: "Enige aspecten bij
het ontwerpen van scheepsschroeven",
Schip en Werf,No.24, 1966.


KT E (1).( .(AL/A0)".(1.' ) 1
Ko (11'.(P/D)1-(k/A.)".(z* I 1
KT: C,,,, s t u y K,>: C,,, s I u v
(J) (PA)) (A, /A0) (z) (1) (P/D) (A, Mo) (1..

+0.00880496 O o o o +0.00379368 o 0 o 0
-0.201554 1 0 0 O -10.00836523 2 0 o o
+0.166351 . O 1 O o -0.032241 1 I o o
+0.153114 0 2 0 0 +0.00344773 0 -2 0 0
, -0.147531 2 o 1 o -0.0408811 0 I t O
-0.481497 1 1 1 O -0.108009 1 1 I O
+0.415437 0 2 1 O -00885381 2 i i o
+00)41043 O O O 1 +6.183561 0 2 1 O
-0.0530054 2 o o t -0.00370371 1 o o 1

+0.0143431 0 1 o I +0.00513696 0 I o t
+0.o60826 I 'I 0 1 +0.0209449 1 1 0 1

-0.0125394 0 o I 1 +0.00474319 2 1 O 1

-I 0.01009 1 O 1 1 -0.00723408 .2 o I 1

-0.133698 ' 0 3 0 0 +0.00438333 1 I 1 i

4 0.00638-107 0 6 0 0 -0.0269403 0 2 t i
-0.00132718 2 6 0 0 +0.0558082 3 0 1 O
+0.168496 . 3 0 1 o 4-0.0161836 0 3 1 O
-0.0507214 0 0 2 .0 +0.00318086 1 3 1 0
4 0.0854559 2 0 2 o +0.015896 0 o 2 ' 0
-0.0504475 3 0 2 0 +0.0471729 1 o 2 0
. 40.010465 t 6 2 o +0.0196283,.. 3 0 2 0
-0.00618272 2 6 2 0 -0.0502782 O 1 2- 0
-0.00811728 0 3 0 1 -0.030055 .3 1 2 0
-1-0.0169424 1 3 0 1 +010417122 2 2 2 0
-000102296 3 3 0 1 -0.0397722 0 3 2 0
-0.0317791 0 3 1 I -0.00350024 0 6 2 0
+0M18604 1 0 2 1 -0.0106854 3 0 0 1
-0.00110798 0 2 2 1 40.0011091)3 3 3 O 1

-0.000606848 0 0 0 2 -0.000313912 o 6 0 1
-0.03.498)9 1 o o 2 +0.0035985 3 0 1 1
4 0.0025983 2 0 o 2 -0.00142121 0 '6 1 1

- 0.000560528 3 0 0 2 -0.00383637 1 O 2 1

-0.00163652 1 2 0 2 +0.0126303 O 2 2 1

-0.000328787 1 6 0 2 -0.00318273 2 3 2 1

+0.000116502 2 6 0 2 +0.00334268 o 6 2 t
4 0.000690904 O O 1 2 -0.00133491 1 1 o 2
-40.0042)749 0 '3 1 2 +0.000112451 ' 3 ' 2 o 2
+0.0000565229 3 6 1 2 -0.0000297228 3 6 0 2
- -0.00146564 0 -3 2 2 -1-0.000269551 1 O 1 2
. +0.00083265 '2 O 1 2
+0.00155334 0 2 1 2
+ 0.0(.0302643 O 6, 1 2
-0.0001813 0 0 2 2
- -0.0110425399 0 3 2 2
R,, . 2 x 10° +0.0000369243 3 3 2 2
-0.0004659 0 6 2 2
- +0.0000551194
4.... .
1 6 2 2

"feble 2. Coefficients and terms of .the 117 and Ito polynomials for the
Wageningen B-screw series fOr R =2x106.
II 4

AKTw AK04=
0.000353485 -0.000591412
-0.00333758(AE/A0)J2 +0.00696898(P/D)
-0.00478125(AE/A0)(P/D)J -0.0000666654z(P/D)6
+0.000257792(1ogR -0.301)2.(AE/A0)J2
+0.0000643192(1og%-0.301)(P/D)6,J2 -0.000938091(1ogR n-0.301)(P/D)2

-0.0000110636(1ogRn-0.301)2(P/D)6172 -0.00059593(1ogRn-0.301)(P/D)
-0.0000276315(1ogRn-0.301)2z(AE/A0)J2 +0.0000782099(1ogRn-0.301)2(WO)2
-0.00400252(logR -0.301) (A'/A
, E 0
+0.000220915(1ogRn-0.301) (AE/Ao)

Table 3. Polynomials for Reynolds number

effect (above Rn=2x106) -on KT
and K.


11 3 Co
413 3 65
U 024 8 3 50
- 35
8 - 40
aß 4 -65
8 4 .70
II 4-85
4B -100
a X 8 5 -45
0 020 11 85.80
8 5 -75
'B 5 -105
v1313 -50
8 6 .:65
8 7.55
5e 7.70
0 018 CB 7-85

0 012

". o

0 008
:a 11. co




0 004

3.105 4.105 550

Figure I. Uncorrected value of the minimum drag coefficient of

equivalent profile of B-series propellers.

- 9 -
II 4


3 - 80 o 9 5 -45
o 9 3 - 95 8 6 -60
9 11 3 - 50 A 5 - 75
8 3 - 35 V e5-tos
8 4 - 40 V 9 - 50
8 4 - 65 9 6 - 65
0.016 AVERAGE RELATION 84 - 70 096-50
FOR P/D 1.0 9 4 Os 9 7 -55
4 9 4 - 100 e 7 - 70
8 7-85



oo 005 0.10 0.1 0.20 0.25 0.30


Figure 2. Three-dimensional effect on minimum drag coefficient

of equivalent profile of 8-series propellers.
#4 ViV++ .4% t4
t114t tre.
A 11:
\ A'40f
'V ,4
4010. e:,4'
)* ).

44 414-- ir0 *fir e!e
4t, *INV 444,47,
r / W.'
v AW 44,4P
:-'''' / 10* ti #444.444+.64:0
"t0t# We,*LP
* 04,-4....
4Sitt; 0S-4";
,---,--:<> I. sv.44
:A. ..0.
06 ......-_
r - 4. 44.4P- Asi2,/*
02 03 "04 05
i 411:f.-.4.4!"-fir- wr
06 07 08 09 1.0 Ii 12 1.3
141 6 16 17 te 19 20 21 22
V,d/ dt
64-70 41.
; 41/d2

/ //V




. .
03 04 05. Coe 07 OS 09 W 0.1.25,41 /4 15 16 17 19
2 0 21 22
Kg 'S

AA 444,
VS 4,
' cr"
rilk 4.
/ -4
i 4
fiv '.
/ A .o. 43..:
''''' ''

, 111 .T.

,\\ ' A.*

4% !".

015 - 1
05' -
14 15
re: t
16 17 I8 19 20 21 22

p 1
F1g.3,4 and 5. the B-series.
New/B33.07 J

11 -
II - 4
5-75 14 1




: -t-z.,/r/:-.
Cia2 ' 03 04 05 06 07 12 13 14 15 16 1,7 18 19 20 22

y/4 -5/4 21
iica -3

/v, / V I 43'
1: A ;' it 004 Oh iii I ..A.4#'4 ,/,'r " ,,.
t °+ s,
' \A
*40444,0"47- fomeit9AK4 0 ,
V 1 '


, \\sty
:041.0,4410;*+4.0. 44e#4'40'

-l- .


40441 0,, ofoot-4

p..446 vA,,i+,4: 44 ,
eA srp-4,#*$ ):-
SteeXP .... rPP4 4 4 010
10 O' 0 '
.... .
4' -áfix"':'.? -0-444#4,00 0 .0
02 03 04 05'
06 07
00 09 0 11 12 13
4 15
. . "...."
.: * ...' ;;;:;;;:e: -- .:.
16 17 18 19 20 21
.,,,4.05/4 22


r, f\
q, A\

. ., *

00'2 03 04 r- 05.
QS. 07 00 .09

Bp 1 1
Fig.6,7 and 8. New ----- - diagrams of the B -series.
33.07 J

-12 -

Input description of the Hydrostatic Programs.

IX.1 Ordinate distribution.

For ships where the deckhouses don't participate in the stability

calculation, take 21 design ordinates (Figure 1).
In most cases take two calculation ordinates behind the design
ordinate O.
In case of a stem with an extreme slope choose two calculation
ordinates extra before the design ordinate 20.
Calculation ordinates at design odinates 0, 20 and at half length
design ordinates must always be given.
The situation of the first ordinate for the calculation don't ha-
ve to be on the design ordinate 0.

7s ) o I di 17 is ha 2G.

0 2 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 2 23 24
derv" ord. 0 1:1 044311 ord. 20


Figure 1
By entering the calculation ordinates 0, 1,23 and 24 in Figure 1,
the part of the ship behind design ordinate 0 and before design
ordinate 20 will be kept in account with the calculation.

Because of using the "Simpson rule" in the calculation programs,

the number of calculation ordinate intervals must be even.

In the figure,the numbers at the top are the design ordinates and
at the bottom the numbers of the ordinates used in the calcula-
tion programs (calculation ordinates).
For ships where deckhouses do participate in the stability calcu-
lation, the ship will be divided into sections. The endbulkheads
of the deckhouses are the section borders and will be entered by
two ordinates, i.e. the last ordinate for the section behind and
the first ordinate for the section in front (see Fig. 2a and 2b).
The interval between this two ordinates is zero.

o 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2
Poop be f0
El% DE C,

2 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2 223
24 25 2 6 27 28

Lea* cieSIS* eatt4 Zo


Figure 2a
In figure 2a calculation ordinates 4 and 5, 23 and 24 are each at
the same location, so these ordinate intervals are zero.
Calculation ordinate 4 belongs to the Poop-Deck, so the offsets
must be entered to this deck. Calculation ordinate 5 belongs to
the Upper-Deck so the offsets must be entered to the Upper-Deck,

1 2 45 67 8 10 111 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 o
P001+ E.
D E 1) Ehk
fe ,t2 c

o 2 34 12 13 14 15 1 17 18 2627 28 29 30
ciestv,t aim 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
V Lord cite 101 lain orZa sZo

Figure 2b
In figure 2b calculation ordinates 4 and 5, 11 and 12, 18 and 19,
25 and 26 are each at the same location, so these ordinate inter-
vals are zero.
Calculation ordinate 4 belongs to the Poop-Deck so the offsets
must be entered to this deck. Calculation ordinate 5 belongs to
the Upper-Deck so the offsets must be entered to the Upper-Deck,

The numbers at the top are the design ordinates and at the bottom
the ordinates used in the calculation programs (calculation ordi-
Because of using the "simpson rulen in the calculation programs,
each section must be divided into even ordinate intervals.

For the input,the number of ordinate intervals is the sum of or-

dinate intervals of each section.
An ordinate interval equal to zero counts also for an ordinate

IX.2 Definition of the baseline.

The baseline is the lowest horizontal line thru the top of the
The z-values of the hullform cross sections may never be negati-

IX.3 Entering ordinate offsets.

The first point is situated on the baseline.

If a part of the curve is a straight line, the first point of the
straight line must be entered twice.
The number of offsets depends on the shape of the ordinate.
Extreme shapes needs more offset points than moderate shapes.
The ordinate curves for the calculation are obtained by interpo-
lation with the aid of the entered offsets (zb(i),yb(i)).
For a straight part of the curve a linear interpolation is used.
At the transfer point of the keel and the bilge, a second degree
interpolation is used else a third degree interpolation is used.

2%456 7 11 ti 12. tb 14 $5 14 17 18 14)Er

CA 5.-"rt.
1500 foRE
EC peck Hais6
iiPpep bEck

01 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10
12 13
1 4 15 16
17 18 19 20 21
22 23
25 2 627 2$
desie ord.0 Lord frii$M1An ord.20

PDop Deck Poop De ic -Poo 1" Deck

yb [0,2] =

zb[0,0]=0 zb
yb[0,0]=0 yb[4,3]
yb 00]=0

bas [Arm. bast baseline

ordinate 0 ordinaLe1 ordinate 4
AO CIS eh-f &Pie )
toWS beirs,L4o tionrOsj.

41 Reavt-
o ft*ei-s

base bast 0.
C. 1.

ordinaka 12 ordinate14 (Mait4 1P-OAKE)


qt. the s-4ern
move. Potter.

base. be

ordinate 26 orclina6& 27

Between the offsets a and b will be interpolated with a parabol

(ord. 14) defined by the points a and b and the first derivate
at point a (deadrise/half breadth).
This also counts for ships without deadrise, the axis of the pa-
rabol goes thru offset a.
IX. 4 Particular frame forms .

Ord( h4. ak,..i4e

collietde uf

,gaucc-re letZvv, orcliqa+e

c.onSIS+ trt es 0 j
.34 raiht eLvvss
IX.5 Input example.

IX.5.1 General input data.

1.025 133 19.6 19.6 6.18 4 0.445 1.006 26 12 0

IX.5.2 Ordinate intervals.

3.325 3.325 3.325 3.325 3.325 3.325 6.65 6.65 6.65

6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65 6.65
6.65 6.65 6.65 3.325 3.325 3.325 3.325 1.3
IX.5.3 Offsets of the hulform cross sections.
0 0 14
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.200 0.000 7.545 1.000
8.000 2.469 8.507 4.000 9.000 5.097 10.000 6.669
11.000 7.519 12.000 8.011 13.000 8.312 14.000 8.531
15.000 8.665 16.000 8.755
1 0.5 16
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.055 0.000 6.535 0.250
6.723 0.500 6.874 0.750 7.000 1.022 8.000 3.655
9.000 5.717 10.000 7.041 11.000 7.781 12.000 8.211
13.000 8.485 14.000 8.695 15.000 8.823 16.000 8.909
2 1 28
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.803 0.000 0.834 0.250
0.852 0.368 0.912 0.500 1.077 0.750 1.376 1.000
2.000 1.176 2.500 1.137 2.960 1.000 3.521 0.750
4.142 0.500 5.000 0.379 5.551 0.500 5.990 0.750
6.254 1.000 6.623 1.500 7.000 2.272 8.000 4.564
9.000 6.258 10.000 7.358 11.000 8.026 12.000 8.400
13.000 8.649 14.000 8.843 15.000 8.963 16.000 9.048
3 1.5 30
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.025 0.119 0.500
0.219 0.750 0.374 1.000 0.500 1.150 0.750 1.354
1.500 1.617 2.000 1.617 2.500 1.537 3.000 1.373
3.500 1.189 4.000 1.040 4.500 0.985 5.000 1.065
5.500 1.264 6.000 1.693 6.500 2.418 7.000 3.423
7.269 4.000 8.000 5.329 9.000 6.759 10.000 7.698
11.000 8.260 12.000 8.599 13.000 8.828 14.000 8.992
15.000 9.097 16.000 9.177
4 2 27
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.020 0.750
0.090 1.000 0.250 1.283 0.455 1.500 0.750 1.732
1.000 1.837 1.500 1.945 2.000 1.930 2.500 1.851
3.000 1.726 3.500 1.652 4.000 1.617 4.500 1.685
5.000 1.874 5.500 2.223 6.000 2.752 6.500 3.519
7.000 4.421 8.000 6.007 9.000 7.203 11.000 8.474
13.000 8.987 15.000 9.222 16.000 9.297
5 2.5 23
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.045 1.030
0.250 1.490 0.500 1.784 0.750 1.963 1.000 2.087
1.500 2.214 2.000 2.214 2.500 2.184 3.000 2.189
4.000 2.323 5.000 2.836 6.000 3.863 7.000
8.000 5.334
6.630 9.000 7.597 10.000 8.250 12.000 8.943
13.000 9.127 15.000 9.340 16.000 9.401
Offsets of the hulform cross sections(continued).
6 3 24
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.050 0.790 0.169 1.496 0.250 1.634 0.500 1.938
0.750 2.137 1.000 2.277 1.500 2.444 2.000 2.534
3.000 2.753 4.000 3.157 5.000 3.870 6.000 4.907
7.000 6.134 8.000 7.167 9.000 7.945 11.000 8.852
13.000 9.251 14.000 9.366 15.000 9.441 16.000 9.486
7 4 23
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.026 1.180 0.250 1.933 0.374 2.179 0.500 2.347
0.750 2.636 1.000 2.860 1.500 3.220 2.000 3.564
3.000 4.272 4.000 5.015 5.000 5.822 6.000 6.640
7.000 7.417 8.000 8.050 9.000 8.559 10.000 8.923
12.000 9.346 14.000 9.531 16.000 9.606
8 5 22
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.065 1.890 0.250 2.531 0.379 2.895 0.500 3.154
0.750 3.612 1.000 3.995 2.000 5.150 2.500 5.608
3.000 6.000 4.000 6.719 5.000 7.330 5.500 7.637
6.000 7.880 7.000 8.639 9.000 9.062 11.000 9.441
14.000 9.650 16.000 9.700
9 6 20
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.125 2.980 0.250 3.657 0.500 4.523 0.750 5.107
1.000 5.570 1.500 6.273 2.000 6.801 3.000 7.593
4.000 8.130 5.000 8.510 5.500 8.698 6.000 8.830
7.000 9.096 10.000 9.566 13.000 9.715 16.000 9.780
10 7 23
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.204 4.410 0.320 5.195 0.500 5.962 0.750 6.650
1.000 7.123 1.500 7.781 2.000 8.235 3.000 8.790
3.500 8.968 4.000 9.100 5.000 9.326 6.000 9.470
7.000 9.581 8.000 9.660 10.000 9.750 12.000 9.785
12.950 9.800 12.950 9.800 16.000 9.800
11 8 17
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.281 5.809 0.500 7.178 0.628 7.556 0.750 7.806
1.000 8.235 1.500 8.773 2.500 9.331 3.000 9.480
4.000 9.670 5.500 9.780 6.470 9.800 6.470
16.000 9.800
12 9 15
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.317 6.477 0.500 7.593 0.635 8.000 0.750 8.213
1.000 8.614 1.500 9.123 2.000 9.422 3.000 9.735
3.640 9.800 3.640 9.800 16.000 9.800
13 10 19
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.282 5.830 0.370 6.660 0.500 7.300 0.605 7.610
0.735 7.920 1.000 8.390 1.500 8.951 2.000 9.275
3.000 9.625 4.000 9.740 5.000 9.780 6.000 9.795
6.220 9.800 6.220 9.800 16.000 9.800
Offsets of the hulform cross sections(continued).
14 11 24
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.204 4.409 0.252 5.205 0.302 5.675 0.380 6.100
0.495 6.545 0.645 7.020 0.750 7.275 1.000 7.735
1.500 8.384 2.000 8.758 3.000 9.256 4.000 9.491
5.000 9.620 6.000 9.700 7.000 9.730 8.000 9.765
10.000 9.790 12.000 9.800 12.000 9.800 16.000 9.800
15 12 22
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.109 2.692 0.230 4.210 0.500 5.643 0.640 6.030
0.745 6.285 1.000 6.799 1.500 7.522 2.000 8.000
3.000 8.634 4.000 9.002 5.000 9.237 6.000 9.420
7.000 9.530 8.000 9.631 9.000 9.680 11.000 9.740
14.000 9.780 16.000 9.800
16 13 25
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.700 0.000 0.700
0.023 1.113 0.150 2.725 0.450 4.435 0.600 4.910
0.745 5.215 1.000 5.723 1.500 6.467 2.000 6.951
3.000 7.699 4.000 8.208 5.000 8.582 6.180 8.937
7.000 9.106 8.000 9.276 9.000 9.411 10.000 9.511
11.000 9.595 12.000 9.640 13.000 9.675 14.000 9.710
16.000 9.760
17 14 21
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.146 0.150 1.990
0.500 3.598 0.750 4.220 1.000 4.655 1.500 5.323
2.000 5.819 2.500 6.200 3.000 6.538 4.000 7.148
5.000 7.617 6.180 8.082 7.000 8.366 8.000
9.000 8.661
8.926 10.000 9.140 12.000 9.440 14.000 9.620
16.000 9.700
18 15 18
0.000 0.000 0.150 1.350 0.246 1.790 0.500
0.745 2.689
3.225 1.000 3.620 1.500 4.188 2.000
3.000 4.610
5.305 4.000 5.887 5.000 6.377 6.180
8.000 6.926
7.746 9.000 8.140 10.000 8.526 12.000
14.000 9.115
9.440 16.000 9.570
19 16 21
0.000 0.000 0.150 0.875 0.300 1.395 0.445 1.780
0.600 2.055 0.900 2.480 1.500 3.060 2.100 3.495
3.000 4.030 4.000 4.520 5.000 4.977 6.180 5.542
7.000 5.982 8.000 6.517 9.000 7.065 10.000
11.000 7.626
8.126 12.000 8.551 13.000 8.900 14.000
16.000 9.345 9.120
20 17 21
0.000 0.000 0.160 0.560 0.300 0.880 0.455
0.600 1.305 1.125
0.900 1.590 1.500 2.020 2.100 2.350
3.000 2.760 3.900 3.110 5.000 3.540
7.000 6.180 4.025
4.430 8.000 4.990 9.000 5.660 10.000
11.000 7.095 12.000 6.395
7.700 13.000 8.195 14.000 8.540
16.000 8.930
21 18 20
0.000 0.000 0.250 0.437 0.500 0.720 1.000 1.095
1.500 1.320 2.000 1.480 3.000 1.730 4.000 1.940
5.000 2.180 6.180 2.520 7.000 2.820 8.000 3.320
9.000 4.010 10.000 4.850 11.000 5.670 12.000 6.440
13.000 7.090 14.000 7.595 15.000 7.960 16.000 8.240
Offsets of the hulform cross sections(continued).
22 18.5 22
0.000 0.000 0.250 0.348 0.500 0.620 1.000 0.960
1.500 1.180 2.000 1.325 2.495 1.433 3.000 1.491
3.280 1.500 4.000 1.530 5.000 1.630 6.180 1.815
7.000 2.045 8.000 2.470 9.000 3.120 10.000 3.960
11.000 4.790 12.000 5.620 13.000 6.330 14.000 6.920
15.000 7.395 16.000 7.745
23 19 26
0.000 0.000 0.250 0.348 0.500 0.620 1.000 0.960
1.500 1.180 2.000 1.325 2.495 1.433 3.000 1.491
3.280 1.500 3.750 1.483 4.000 1.440 4.200 1.416
4.600 1.279 4.800 1.215 5.000 1.160 6.180 1.160
7.000 1.320 8.000 1.640 9.000 2.190 10.000 2.970
11.000 3.810 12.000 4.645 13.000 5.405 14.000 6.090
15.000 6.655 16.000 7.100
24 19.5 30
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.045 0.000 0.250 0.326
0.500 0.600 1.000 0.960 1.500 1.180 2.000 1.325
2.495 1.433 3.000 1.491 3.280 1.500 3.750 1.483
4.000 1.440 4.200 1.413 4.600 1.274 4.800 1.140
5.000 0.980 5.300 0.820 5.500 0.740 5.700 0.670
6.180 0.575 6.500 0.600 7.000 0.650 8.000 0.855
9.000 1.255 10.000 1.915 11.200 2.842 12.700 4.059
14.000 5.070 16.000 6.275
25 20 27
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.320 0.000 0.500
1.000 0.880 1.500 0.350
1.170 2.000 1.325 2.495 1.433
3.000 1.491 3.280 1.500 4.000 1.440 5.000
5.520 0.075 0.940
5.520 0.075 7.000 0.075 8.000 0.120
9.000 0.305 10.000 0.745 10.500 1.055 11.000
11.325 1.655 1.405
11.325 1.655 13.880 3.745 14.000 3.840
14.500 4.220 15.000 4.590 16.000 5.225
26 20.2 23
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.640 0.000 0.640
0.700 0.240 1.000 0.000
0.690 1.500 1.060 2.000 1.320
3.000 1.480 4.000 1.440 4.600 1.220 5.000
5.200 0.400 5.280 0.820
0.000 5.280 0.000 9.700 0.000
10.000 0.200 11.000 0.890 12.000 1.680 13.000
14.000 3.300 15.000 2.440
4.040 16.000 4.760

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