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Computer Programming


Lukman Hadijanto, MT.


What is "computation" ?

Python programming basics
– Python is relatively easier than C
– How to learn new language? 3 P

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– performs calculations : a billion calculations per
– remembers results : 100 GigaBytes
– remembers data

What kinds of calculations ?
– built-in (bawaan) to the language
– ones that you define as the programmer

Computers only know what you tell them

Computers only do what you instruct

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Types of Knowledge

declarative knowledge : statements of fact

e.g. :
– Tanggal 20 September 2018 pukul 17.00 turun hujan di
kota Bandung
– Terjadi kemacetan di jalan Supratman, Bandung
– Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2018 sebesar
– ...

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Types of Knowledge

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Types of Knowledge

imperative knowledge : a recipe or "how-to"

ex. : cara menginstall python pada komputer Ubuntu
– 1. Login via SSH and update all installed packages

First of all, login to your Ubuntu 16.04 VPS via SSH as user root

ssh root@IP_Address -p Port_number

and update all installed packages
– 2. Check the currently installed version of Python

To check the currently installed version of Python, execute the
following command # python -V
– 3. Install Python 3.6 on Ubuntu 16.04, from source

tar -xvf Python-3.6.3.tgz


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Imperative Knowledge: numerical

square root of a number x is y such that y * y = x

recipe for calculating square root of a number x:
1) start with a guess t
2) if t*t is close enough to x, stop and say t is the answer
3) otherwise make a new guess: t = ( t + x/t ) / 2
4) using the new guess, repeat process (3) until close

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Imperative knowledge : numerical

ex.: what is the square root of 16 ?

t t*t x/t (t + x/t) / 2

3 9 16/3 4.17

4.17 17.36 3.837 4.0035

4.0035 16.0277 3.997 4.000002

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What is a Recipe ...
1. sequence of simple steps
2. flow of control process that specifies when each step
is executed
3. a means of determining when to stop

1 + 2 + 3 = ALGORITMA

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Computers are Machines

how to capture a recipe in a mechanical process
-> computer program

fixed program computer, e.g. : calculators

stored program computer : machine stores and
executes instructions, e.g.: Personal Computers

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Stored Program

sequence of instructions stored inside computer,
built from predefined set of primitive instructions
1)arithmetic and logic
2)simple tests
3)moving data

special program (interpreter) executes each
instruction in order
– use tests to change flow of control through
– stop when done

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Creating Recipes

a programming language provides a set of primitive

expressions are complex but legal combinations of
primitives in a programming language -> syntax

expressions and computations have values and
meanings in a programming language -> semantic

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Python Programs

a program is a sequence of definitions and commands
– definitions evaluated
– commands executed by Python interpreter in a shell

commands (statements) instruct interpreter to do

can be typed directly in a shell or stored in a file that is
read into the shell and evaluated

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programs manipulate data objects

objects have a type that defines the kinds of things
programs can do to them
– Budi adalah seorang manusia, sehingga Budi bisa
berbicara, berjalan, dll.
– Putih adalah seekor kucing, sehingga Putih bisa
melompat, dll

objects are
– scalar (cannot be subdivided)
– non-scalar (have internal structure that can be

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Scalar Objects

int : integer (bilangan bulat), ex. : 3, 6, 19

float : real numbers (bilangan riil), ex.: 3.14 , 5.778

bool : Boolean values: True and False

NoneType : special and has one value, None

can use type() to see the type of an object
>>> type(5)
>>> type(3.0)

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Type Conversions (Cast)

can convert object of one type to another

float(5) -> converts integer 5 to float 5.0

int(7.9) -> converts float 7.9 to integer 7

float(int(4.7)) -> ...?

conversion process is called type casting

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Printing to Console

Consensus: use Python versi 3.x

check python version with command: python --version

to show output from code to a user console, use
command print()
print("Hello, apa kabar?")
print("5+9=", 5+9, "Betul?")

Note: command print() of python version 3 is different
from python version 2 !

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Expression = combination of objects and operators

an expression has a value, which has a type

syntax for a simple expression (aturan pembentukan
expression) :
<object> <operator> <object>

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Operators on int and float

5+7 # the sum (penjumlahan)

9.0 - 4.5 # the difference (pengurangan)

5.0 * 4.5 # the product (perkalian)

5.0 / 2.5 # the division (pembagian)
– Q: what will the type of the result from an operation of
an int object with a float object ?

5%2 # the remainder when 5 is divided by 2 (sisa

2 ** 3 # 2 to the power of 3 (pangkat)

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Order of Operation / Operator

parentheses ( ) tells python to prioritize operation
enclosed in that symbols

order of operation without parentheses ( ) :
– **
– * , / , % (left to right)
– + dan - (left to right)

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Order of Operation

For example: if x = 4.0 and y = 6.0
z = x + 4 * ( y + x ) / 2.0
# what is the value of z ?

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Order of Operation

if x = 4.0 and y = 6.0
z = x + 4 * ( y + x ) / 2.0

z = 4.0 + 4 * 10.0 / 2.0

z = 4.0 + 40.0 / 2.0
z = 4.0 + 20.0
z = 24.0

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Order of Operation

x = 4.0 and y = 6.0
z = x + 4 * ( y + x ) / 2.0 ;

z = 4.0 + 4 * 10.0 / 2.0

z = 4.0 + 40.0 / 2.0
z = 4.0 + 20.0
z = 24.0

Where we should put ( ) to make z = 40.0 ?

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Variables and Values

Variable : part of memory that is given a name, which we
can manipulate later (for example we can use it to save

On python, variables are not needed to be declared or be
specified before they can be used

why use variables?
– to make programs reusable (for example, use the same
program with different data)
– easier to modify / change program code

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Variables and Values

equal sign "=" is an assignment of a value to a variable
– pi = 3.1415
– pi_approx = 22/7

value stored in computer memory

an assignment "=" binds name to value

retrieve value associated with name or variable by
invoking the name, by typing "pi"

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Variable Names
Rules of naming a variable:

must be preceeded with a letter (a-z, A-Z) or underscore

the next character can be letters, numbers, or _

case-sensitive !

can be any length, but better to keep it short

python's keywords can not be used as variable names

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Variable Names
Suggestion for naming a variable :

choose a name that has meaning, ex. : "nama_siswa" is
better than "ns"

choose a short name, ex. :
"nama_siswa_jurusan_teknik_elektro" -> "nm_siswa_EL"

choose a consistent naming style, ex: "nama_siswa" or
"NamaSiswa" (camel case)

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Program Statement vs Mathematic

in programming :
– expression on the right, evaluated to a value
– variable name on the left
– you do not "solve for x"

which of the following is programming statement :
– x+5=9
– x=y+(2+4)
– 2x = y + 10
– x=x+5

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Changing Bindings

can re-bind variable names using new assignment

previous value may still stored in memory but lost the
handle for it

ex. :
pi = 3.14
radius = 2.2
area = pi * ( radius**2 )
radius = radius + 1
area = ?

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Changing Bindings

angka = 3.14
jumlah = angka + 2
print( jumlah )
type( angka )
check the result, then continue with :
angka = 3
jumlah = angka + 2
print( jumlah )
type (angka )
Q: conclusion?
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Comment is part of program which is NOT read by python

use comment to give description or to clarify program

to make comment: use "#" as the first character

# Ini adalah program untuk menghitung luas lingkaran
# Versi : 1.0
# Date : 10 Sep 2015

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Program Code

Write python code using a text editor

Save program file with extention .py

Run the program with command: python [nama_file].py

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We have discussed programming & python in general

Python program struture :
– Operator
– Expression
– Variables
– Comments

We have learned how to write and run a simple python

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Assignment 1

Install python

Visit website: https://sites.google.com/view/basicprog

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