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Computer Programming


Lukman Hadijanto, MT.




branching : if , elif , else

iteration : while

iteration : for


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String Manipulation :
1. a. subscript operator
2. b. iteration (loop) & string
3. c. function ord(), chr()
4. d. string methods

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string can be perceived as sequence of characters

string can be compared using operator ==, > , <

string can be argument of certain function, ex. : len() function,
used to calculate the length of a string

string can also be an argument of a function, ex.
len( ) function used to calculate the length of a string

s_str = "abcde"
len(s_str) # what is the output ... ?

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string - subscript operator [ ]

square brackets are used to access value of a string at certain

s = "abc"
index from the front : 0, 1, 2

s[0] # 'a'
s[1] # 'b'
s[2] # 'c'
s[3] # error, out of bounds

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string- subscript operator [ ]

square brackets are used to access value of a string at certain

s = "abc"
index from behind : -3, -2, -1

s[-1] # 'c'
s[-2] # 'b'
s[-3] # 'a'
s[-4] # error, out of bounds

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string - slicing

string can be sliced using [start : stop : step]

the default value of "step" is 1; not needed to be specified

"start" and "stop" can also be not specified

s = 'abcdefgh'
s[3:6] # "def"
s[3:6:2] # "df"
s[ : : ] # "abcdefgh"
s[ : : -1 ] # "hgfedbca"
s[4 : 1 : -2 ] # "ec"

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string - immutability

string is "immutable" - means its content can not be modified /

s = "hello"
s[0] = 'y' # error

s = 'y' + s[1 : len(s) ]

# allowed, s refers to a new object

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to check if a substring is in a string, use operator "in" :
example :
s = "Bandung Jawa Barat"
brt = "Barat" in s # boolean
print("Ada kata Barat:", brt )

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review : loop "for"

"for" loop is used to make a certain number of iteration

for var in range(4) : # do iteration for var=0,1,2,3

<expressions> # expresion is executed for each var

for var in range(4,6) : # do iteration for var=4, 5


the arguments of "range" can also be a certain value, in
addition to numbers

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String and Loop

iteration using string as the argument of "range"

# method 1
s = "bandung"
for index in range ( len(s) ) :
if s[index] == 'd' :
print ( "ada huruf d")

# method 2
for char in s :
if char == 'd' :
print ( "ada huruf d" )
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String and Loop

what if we use "while" ?
s = "bandung"

clue : use a "counter"

compare with method #1 or method #2

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String and Loop

s = "bandung"

question : what if the output we want is :
"ada huruf u pada karakter ke: 5"

using method #1 ?

using method #2 ?

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Exercise : string and loop

exercise : create a program to find letters which are exist in
two strings :

s1 = "bandung"
s2 = "jawa barat"
h_sama = " "

print("huruf yg sama: " + h_sama)


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Function ord() dan chr()

each character has an ASCII code

function ord(c) will return ASCII code (ordinal position) of
character c
example : ord('a') # returns 97

function chr(x) is the opposite of function ord(), will return the
character of ASCII code x
example : chr(97) # returns character 'a'

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string methods

string object has "method", which can be accessed by using
"dot" notation
ex. : s = "Bandung Jawa Barat"

split() : returns a list of words from a string, ex. :
s.split() # [ 'Bandung' , 'Jawa' , 'Barat' ]
s.split('a') # ['B', 'ndung J', 'w', ' B', 'r', 't']

find(sub) : returns the lowest index of s, if substring "sub" is
found, ex. :
s.find("Ja") #8
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string methods

lower() : returns a string with lowercase letter, ex. :
s.lower() # 'bandung jawa barat'

upper() : returns a string with uppercase letter, ex. :
s.upper() # 'BANDUNG JAWA BARAT'

replace(old, new) : returns a string in which the "old" substring
is replaced with the "new" substring, ex. :
s.replace("Barat", "Timur") # 'Bandung Jawa Timur'

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string methods

strip(sub) : returns a string in which the first and the last
characters are truncated if the same as substring "sub", ex.:
s.strip("Bat") # 'ndung Jawa Bar'

startswith(sub) : returns True if s is started with "sub", ex. :
s.startswith("Ban") # True

endswith(sub) : returns True if s is ended with "sub", ex. :
s.endswith("rat") # True

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variable story berisi text

hitung jumlah kata "kucing" dalam text tersebut

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subscript operator [ ]

immutable string

string and loop

function len(), ord() & chr()

string methods : split, find, lower, upper, replace, strip,
startswith, endswith

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