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Solutions to the Review Final Exam

MATH 100 (Summer 2017)

1. Note g(x + h) − g(x) = 2h − 2xh − h2 . So if h 6= 0, then we may divide by h to obtain 2 − 2x − h.

2. We have (j/k)(x) = −3x/(x + 3). Note the domain of k is x 6= 0. We also need k(x) 6= 0 which
means x 6= ±3. Under these conditions, the expression for j/k simplifies to −3x/(x + 3).
3. We have (f ◦ k)(x) = log5 ((x2 − 9)/x). The domain is (−3, 0) ∪ (3, ∞).
4. The graph is given below:

5. The function g is obtained from f by a reflection about y-axis, shifting 3 units to the right, vertically
stretching by a factor of 2, and shifting upward by 1 unit. So the given points goes to (5, 7).
6. We have (3, 2) for part (a), (−3, −2) for part (b), and (1, −2) for part (c).
7. The domain and range of f are [0, 3] and [1, 8] respectively. This function is one-to-one as it passes
the horizontal line test (it is also increasing). We see that f −1 (1) = 0. To obtain the graph of
f −1 reflect the given graph about the line y = x. The domain and range of f −1 are [1, 8] and [0, 3]
respectively. We have f −1 (g(1)) = 1 and g(f (1)) = 5. To draw the graph of 1 − f (x + 3), shift the
graph of f to the left by 3 units, reflect about the x-axis, and move upward by 1 unit. The domain
of this new function will be [−3, 0] and its range will be [−7, 0].
8. The value of a is −22/3.
9. We have p(x) = (3/4)(x + 3)2 (x + 1.5)(x − 1)3 . For part (b) we use the given graph. Since the
graph of p is below the x-axis on [−1.5, 1] and p(x) = 0 at x = −3, −1.5, and 1, the solutions are
x = {−3} ∪ [−1.5, 1].
10. By inspection we find that 2 is a zero for p. So we perform long division to find the other factors.
This gives p(x) = (x − 2)(x − 3)(x + 2).
11. Horizontal asymptote: y = 1. Vertical asymptote: x = ±2. The x-intercepts are at x = 3 and
x = −1. The graph has no y-intercept since x = 0 is not in the domain. The graph of r intersects
the horizontal asymptote at the point B = (1/2, 1). The graph is given below.
12. The x and y-intercepts are at −2 and 1 respectively. There is a vertical asymptote at x = 2. The
inverse function f −1 is given by 2 − 22−y . The graph is given below:

13. The value of f (6) = 125/4.

14. The answers are: (a) −3/2; (b) − ln(2); (c) 4, 16; (d) 2, −4; (e) π/3, 2π/3, 4π/3, 5π/3; (f) 7π/18+2nπ
and 11π/18 + 2nπ for any integer n.
√ √ √ √
15. (a) 2 + 3 (use the half angle formula); (b) 3/2 − 1; (c) −20/6; (d) −1/ 15; (e) 7/(5 2).

16. The graph is given below:

17. The center is at (5, −3) and the radius is 4.

18. The maximum height is 32 feet and the bottle reaches this height after 3 seconds. The bottle will
hit the ground after 7 seconds. Here is the graph:

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