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The “family-friendly” workplace

Conditions of Work and Employment Programme

I mplementing “family-friendly” policies is a business strategy with a dual agenda

of creating a win-win situation for achieving both organizational effectiveness and
employee well-being. Some measures may be costly for the employer, but also smaller
cost-efficient, family-friendly initiatives can make a big difference for the enterprise
and its staff and positively affect the bottom line of the business.

This Information Sheet considers some of the major business benefits that can be
gained from implementing family-friendly practices in the workplace. It also gives a
brief overview of different family-friendly measures and how they can be successfully
implemented in the workplace.

What is “family-friendly”?

T he family-friendly
recognizes the

responsibilities of employees and

work commitments. Being a family-
friendly organization goes beyond
being just child- or women-friendly, and
accepts that such responsibilities can under the wider “work-life” concept,
have an impact on employees’ working many employers now recognize
lives. A family-friendly organization tries the importance of making “family-
to facilitate the reconciliation between friendly” arrangements available to all
work and family responsibilities for its employees, not just those with care
staff and to make them feel supported responsibilities.
in balancing their work and outside

Creating a win-win situation

Benefits for staff
Employee satisfaction
F or the staff, some of the most
important benefits of family-
friendly practices are:
The annual employee satisfaction
survey of a Singaporean hospital
showed the positive impact of the
• Decreased stress caused by hospital’s “family-friendly” initiatives
reducing conflicts between work in terms of increased job satisfaction:
and family responsibilities;
Social Protection Sector

56% of the employees found that

they help to reduce work-related
• A more supportive and positive stress; 66% felt more energized and
working environment where each motivated to help the organization;
person is valued and needed, also and 66% felt a greater sense of job
contributing to making team work satisfaction after introducing the
easier and more efficient; “family-friendly” initiatives. Over 90%
of the staff found the initiatives a help
• Increased job satisfaction and in better balancing work and family.
morale that can make employees
more committed to their job, more Source: The official website of the Ministry of
cooperative, loyal, productive and Community Development and Sports, Singapore

Information Sheet No. WF-3 May 2004

Benefits for employer

S ome of the most important benefits

employers can derive from family-
friendly practices are that they can
induction and training associated
with the replacement of leavers;

help to: • Reduce absenteeism and lateness;

• Enhance the capacity to attract a • Enhance performance and moti-

broader range of candidates and vation among employees and
retain high-quality employees, both improve productivity;
men and women, in a competitive
job market; • Create and maintain a competitive
edge and innovation contributing to
• Reduce staff turnover, which can improved competitiveness.
lower the costs of recruitment,

Employer benefits

The managers in a pharmaceutical company in the

United Kingdom were able to identify six people who
had stayed in the company due to “family-friendly” offers
at virtually no cost to the business. This had saved
direct replacement costs of £7,500 per person; a total
of £45,000 in one year. The same company reported
that staff turnover had fallen by 15 per cent due to the
improved atmosphere and positive responses to family-
friendly practices.
Source: S. Dench; S. Bevan; P. Tamkin and J. Cummings: “Family-friendly
employment: Its importance to small and medium enterprises”, in Labour
Market Trends, Vol. 108, No. 3, March 2000, pp 111-120.

“Family-friendly” measures

F amily-friendly arrangements are

tied to the work itself and refer to
arrangements in work systems and
• Statutory and non-statutory
leave (for reasons such as family
emergencies, maternity, career
processes targeted at achieving work- breaks, illness or care of family
family balance for the staff in their members, etc.);
daily work. Such arrangements cover
a range of options, including: • Information services and training
(information kits, information on
• Working hour arrangements (such policies, contact during leave,
as flexible working hours, part time, courses and workshops, etc.).
job-sharing, work from home and
telecommuting); Specific measures related to working
time arrangements and leave are
• Child- and elder care (such as presented in detail in Information Sheet
workplace nurseries or subsidies No. WF-5 on family-friendly working
for childcare, breastfeeding time and Information Sheet No. WF-6
facilities, workplace support for on leave and family responsibilities.
employees taking care of a family
member, telephone to use for family
Achieving the “family-friendly” workplace
Implementation process

B eing family-friendly is more

than having a set of practices
recorded in the organization’s rules
the staff. The perceived equity of the
policy programme among the staff is
highly important for the acceptability of
and regulations: a commitment to the practice. Childcare arrangements,
these practices and a work culture for instance, may not be perceived as
supporting the values of work-life a benefit among staff without children.
balance and encouraging the use of the For this reason, many workplaces
practices is critical when successfully have introduced a so-called “cafeteria
putting family-friendly policies into approach” for their benefits plans,
practice. Ongoing communication and allowing employees to chose the
employee participation in the design of benefits most suitable for their needs
the policies are essential for making among a fixed set of benefits.
the policies efficient in practice.
Although some family-friendly
Using the practices themselves, high- measures are not expensive, many
level management can show their involve some costs. When undertaking
commitment and support to family- the cost-benefit analysis of family-
friendly measures and encourage their friendly programmes, an immediate
use among staff. Suitable training and short-term focus on the cost must be
guidance for line managers, who often carefully weighed and balanced against
have responsibility for implementing longer-term benefits for the business.
the measures, is also important for Adopting a longer-term perspective is
take-up rates and ensuring that these essential, since not all family-friendly
measures are used appropriately. practices can be expected to produce
immediate benefits at the beginning.
Each workplace is unique in terms
of needs. The challenge when Putting family-friendly policies into
successfully implementing family- practice should be seen as an ongoing
friendly practices is to meet the needs and evolving process. Evaluation and
of the organization with those of its review of the content of policies or
staff. A needs assessment is essential practices becomes important since
as a starting point for designing needs of staff and business objectives,
policies and practices derived from as well as the external environment,
the need picture of the workplace and constantly change and will have to be
to target them to the varied needs of taken into consideration.

Shared responsibility

D eveloping work and family

arrangements is
agreement making. A dialogue
effective when it is seen as a shared
responsibility. Finding workable
solutions requires collaboration and
between management, employees commitment from both sides. Trade
and their representatives is important unions can play an important role at
when developing practices so that the workplace by encouraging and
they are tailored to the needs of both supporting family-friendly collective
the staff and the organization. Making agreements.
the enterprise family-friendly is most
Promoting equality

F amily-friendly work arrangements

can improve the potential for
equality of opportunity between men
friendly arrangements are not just
for women. When designing family-
friendly arrangements, it is important
and women by reducing the interruption to have a comprehensive view of the
of careers, most often those of women “family”, extending beyond childcare
due to caring responsibilities. They responsibilities of women, to include
can also help men achieve a more any person dependent upon any staff
active involvement in family life member (male or female) for care and
and facilitate a more equal sharing support, such as an elder dependant
of caring responsibilities between or a disabled partner.
women and men. Thus, family-


• Promote family-friendly strategies in • Provide relevant information so

your organization. that everyone can take part in the
• Survey the business needs.
• Clarify and agree eligibility criteria,
• Survey the workforce to find out e.g. which staff have a priority claim
what the needs are. on the provisions made?

• Identify and obtain general • Establish channels for open and

agreement on the aim of the family- ongoing communication.
friendly programme.
• Make sure that information on
• Engage employees at an early practices is available to everyone in
stage in the process and listen to the organization.
their views.
• Ensure that top management sets
• Collaborate with trade unions to the example.
encourage family-friendly policies.
• Provide support and relevant
• Demonstrate/document both busi- training to managers throughout the
ness and employee benefits. organization.

• Include a long-term perspective

when weighing benefits against
costs for implementation.

International Labour Office, Tel: +41 22 799 6754

Conditions of Work and Employment Fax: +41 22 799 8451
Programme, e-mail:
4, route des Morillons,
CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland

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