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Review Article

Nanophotonic engineering of far-field thermal

Denis G. Baranov   1,9, Yuzhe Xiao2,9, Igor A. Nechepurenko3, Alex Krasnok4, Andrea Alù   4,5,6 and
Mikhail A. Kats   2,7,8*

Thermal emission is a ubiquitous and fundamental process by which all objects at non-zero temperatures radiate electromag-
netic energy. This process is often assumed to be incoherent in both space and time, resulting in broadband, omnidirectional
light emission toward the far field, with a spectral density related to the emitter temperature by Planck’s law. Over the past two
decades, there has been considerable progress in engineering the spectrum, directionality, polarization and temporal response
of thermally emitted light using nanostructured materials. This Review summarizes the basic physics of thermal emission, lays
out various nanophotonic approaches to engineer thermal emission in the far field, and highlights several applications, includ-
ing energy harvesting, lighting and radiative cooling.

very hot object emits electromagnetic radiation according to fluctuating currents is referred to as TE. The precise nature of TE,
the fundamental principles of statistical mechanics. Examples including its intensity, spectral and angular distributions, and polar-
of this phenomenon—dubbed thermal emission (TE)—include ization, depends not only on the temperature of the emitter (see Box 1),
sunlight and the glow of an electric stovetop or embers in a fire. The but also on its optical properties.
basic physics behind TE from hot objects has been well understood TE of an optically large object at temperature T can be charac-
for over a century, as described by Planck’s law1, which states that terized by its spectral radiance Ll (θ , ϕ, ν, T ), defined as the emitted
an ideal black body (a fictitious object that perfectly absorbs over optical power per unit area, per unit solid angle in the direction
the entire electromagnetic spectrum for all incident angles) emits a (θ , ϕ), per unit frequency at frequency v, in polarization state l. A
broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation determined by its tem- simple expression for the spectral radiance can be derived for a
perature. Increasing the temperature of a black body results in an black body, which can be approximated in a laboratory by a large
increase in emitted intensity and a skew of the spectral distribution enclosure with absorbing walls and a small hole through which light
toward shorter wavelengths. A fundamental property of this process can enter and exit, or by highly absorbing optical structures that
is that the thermal emissivity of any object—which quantifies the suppress reflection and scattering, such as vertically oriented carbon
propensity of that object to generate TE compared to a black body— nanotube arrays2. The expression for the spectral radiance of a black
is determined by its optical absorptivity1. The connection between body, L BB (ν, T ) , is known as Planck’s law1:
absorption and TE, linked to the time reversibility of microscopic
processes, suggests that the temporal and spatial coherence of TE c 8πν 2 hν
can be engineered via judicious material selection and patterning. L BB (ν, T ) = (1)
4π c 3 hν
Engineering of TE is of great interest for applications in light- e k BT −1
ing, thermoregulation, energy harvesting, tagging and imaging.
This Review summarizes the basic physics of TE and surveys recent where c is the speed of light, h is Planck’s constant, and kB is the
advances in the control of far-field TE via nanophotonic engineer- Boltzmann constant. The spectral radiance of a black body is inde-
ing. First, we present the basic formalism that describes TE, and pendent of angle and polarization state.
review realizations of narrowband, directional and dynamically Equation (1) can be understood by considering a black body in
reconfigurable far-field thermal emitters based on nanophotonic thermal equilibrium with a surrounding photon reservoir in free
structures. Then we review applications of engineered far-field TE, space (Fig. 1a), such that the emitted energy density matches the
with emphasis on energy and sustainability. energy density of the reservoir3. In free space, the density of states
for photons with energy hν is 8πν 2 ∕c 3. Meanwhile, according to
Theoretical background Bose–Einstein statistics, the expected number of photons in a spe-
At elevated temperatures, the constituents of matter, including cific electromagnetic mode at frequency ν is (e hν∕ (kBT )−1) . The
electrons and atomic nuclei, possess kinetic energy. The motion of factor c ∕4π relates energy density and radiance. Note that equa-
these charges is continuously changing due to various particle–par- tion (1) describes black-body emission into three-dimensional free
ticle interactions (for example, inter-atomic collisions), resulting in space, and can be generalized for emission into a material with a
fluctuating currents. The electromagnetic energy radiated by these given refractive index3 or into a space with an arbitrary number of

Department of Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University
of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA. 3Dukhov Research Institute of Automatics, Moscow, Russia. 4Photonics Initiative, Advanced Science
Research Center, City University of New York, New York, NY, USA. 5Physics Program, Graduate Center, City University of New York, New York, NY,
USA. 6Department of Electrical Engineering, City College of the City University of New York, New York, NY, USA. 7Department of Materials Science and
Engineering, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA. 8Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI, USA.
These authors contributed equally: Denis G. Baranov, Yuzhe Xiao. *e-mail:

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When emission occurs into a transparent dielectric medium,

Box 1 | Temperature
the total emitted power is proportional to the medium permittiv-
ity3 because of the modified density of photonic states in the envi-
To understand certain subtleties of TE, it is important to con- ronment. A similar integration of the one-dimensional Planck
sider the precise meaning of the temperature of an emitter. In the law that describes Johnson–Nyquist noise yields the one-dimen-
simplest case, all parts of an emitting object are at equilibrium, sional Stefan–Boltzmann law, P = πkB2 ∕(3ℏ)T 2, which describes the
and the temperature is well defined; the Planck and Kirchhoff total power generated by thermal noise in a short-circuited resistor6.
laws (equations (2) and (3)) can then be trivially used. Instead, The TE spectrum of any realistic object deviates from that of a
a macroscopic emitter may have a position-dependent tempera- black body. Various techniques can be used to calculate TE in both
ture distribution throughout its volume; in this case, the various near- and far-field regimes from emitters with arbitrary tempera-
parts of this object are not in thermal equilibrium, but the total ture distributions and optical responses8,9. In the far field and for a
emitter can be described as an assembly of smaller emitters, each well-defined temperature T, the calculations can be simplified by
with a roughly uniform temperature. Kirchhoff ’s law can be gen- using the concept of emissivity, εl (ν, θ , ϕ, T ) , defined as the ratio of
eralized to include such position-dependent temperature distri- spectral radiance of TE from an object to that of a black body:
butions129,130, or the total TE may be calculated directly using the
fluctuation–dissipation theorem8,9. Furthermore, an emitter may
comprise one or more spatial regions not in internal equilibrium; Ll (ν , θ , ϕ, T )
for example, the temperature of the carriers in a semiconductor εl (ν , θ , ϕ, T ) = (3)
L BB(ν , T )
or metal might be different from the lattice temperature131, and
in extreme cases the temperature may not be well defined due For a black body, εl (ν , θ , ϕ, T ) = Al (ν , θ , ϕ, T ) = 1, where
to non-thermalized carrier distributions131. Thus, there exists a l
A (ν, θ , ϕ, T ) is the absorptivity. For an arbitrary reciprocal object,
continuum relating what is commonly referred to as TE—that the emissivity and absorptivity are also equivalent, as described by
is, emission from an object in equilibrium, to other types of light Kirchhoff ’s law of thermal radiation10:
emission, for example, hot-carrier luminescence132.

εl (ν, θ , ϕ, T ) = Al (ν, θ , ϕ, T ) (4)

dimensions4. For example, the one-dimensional version of Planck’s
law describes the Johnson–Nyquist voltage noise generated across a Kirchhoff ’s law captures the direct relationship between optical
resistor at a finite temperature5. The close connection between TE absorption and TE, and it can be understood via the simple thought
and Johnson–Nyquist noise can be intuitively understood by consid- experiment shown in Fig. 1b: two objects at the same temperature
ering the energy balance between radiation incident on (and emitted T are placed next to each other—one black body, and one defined
by) an antenna connected to a resistor at a finite temperature6. by some absorptivity A and emissivity ε. Here, we assume that the
Integrating equation (1) over all frequencies and angles results in objects are both opaque and non-scattering, though these assump-
the Stefan–Boltzmann law, which relates the total irradiance I of a tions can be relaxed without affecting the conclusions. Because the
black body to its temperature7: two objects are at the same temperature, there can be no net energy
flow between them, resulting in a precise balance of emission and
 2π 5kB4  absorption. Balancing the emitted, reflected and absorbed compo-
I =  T 4 (2) nents yields Kirchhoff ’s law. The direct relationship between absorp-
 15c 2h3  tivity and emissivity of an object (equation (4)) is the key result that
enables engineering of TE using nanophotonic structures (Fig. 1c).

ky ky
a Population of b c
photon states
kx kx

ε l(υ, θ ) L
υ,T )
BB (
Spectral density
Spectral density

emission Narrow-band
[1 – A l(υ,
θ )] L (υ,T emission
BB )

L BB (υ,T )
Photon energy Photon energy

Ideal black body

Object Black body
(opaque, non-scattering) εBB(υ, θ, T ) = 1
εl(υ, θ, T ) ABB(υ, θ, T ) = 1 Photonic nanostructured
Al(υ, θ, T ) material

Fig. 1 | Physics of thermal emission. a, An ideal black body establishes thermal equilibrium with a photon bath by absorbing and radiating photons.
Thermal photons occupy the available far-field states according to the Bose–Einstein distribution, resulting in the Planck spectrum. The points in the figure
depict selected photon states (out of a continuum) in momentum space, reduced to two dimensions to simplify visualization. b, Schematic of the energy
balance described by Kirchhoff’s law. As an example, an opaque non-scattering object (that is, absorption A and reflectance R add up to 1) is in thermal
equilibrium with a black body at temperature T. According to the second law of thermodynamics, the net energy flow between them must be zero, and
therefore the emissivity ε = A. c, TE from a nanostructured material with frequency-dependent absorptivity can have a substantially narrowed spectrum
compared to that of a black body.

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a Passband emission b c Si rod
Electrode pad
Manganin wire 2.4 mm
(ϕ, 25 µm) a
Bandgap emission MQW 2r

0.6-µm-thick GaAs 1.9 µm

t Si
(Lattice constant 6.5 µm)

1.0 1.0
5 layer 1,400 K

Radiation intensity (a.u.)

Emission intensity (a.u.)

410 K

Spectral radiance (a.u.)

0.8 PhC 0.8
MQW + PhC (680 K)
0.6 0.6 Black body

0.4 0.4 Si rods

Bare Si
Black body (400 K) 0.10
0.2 0.2

0.0 0 0.01
5 10 15 20 600 1,000 1,400 1,800 500 1,000 5,000 104
Wavelength (µm) Wavenumber (cm–1) Wavelength (nm)

d e
Out-coupled 0°
emission 1.0
30° 30°
60° 60°

Surface wave 0.2

90° 90°

Fig. 2 | Narrowband and directive thermal emission from nanophotonic systems. a, Top: frequency-selective TE enabled by a photonic-crystal filter,
transmitting TE from the substrate within the propagation band and reflecting the light that falls within the bandgap. Bottom: measured TE spectrum
from an emitting layer heated to 410 K covered with a three-dimensional photonic crystal (PhC). b, Top: a photonic-crystal slab etched out of a multiple-
quantum-well (MQW) layer, which results in narrowband TE due to the coupling of a narrowband material resonance and a high-Q photonic mode.
Bottom: the resulting TE spectrum at 680 K compared to that of a black body at 400 K. c, Top: an array of silicon rods enables selective TE by combining
the intrinsic electronic resonance of the material and the photonic resonances of the rods. Bottom: the resulting spectral radiance of the Si rods array at
1,400 K. d, Left: directive TE enabled by the Rayleigh anomaly of a grating, which out-couples a thermally generated surface wave to free space. Right:
angular distribution of TE from a SiC grating at three wavelengths close to the Rayleigh anomaly. e, Schematic of focused TE produced by a nanostructured
SiC surface. The non-uniform distribution of the scattering phase enables the focusing of light out-coupled from a thermally excited surface wave. Adapted
from ref. 21, APS (a); ref. 14, SNL (b); ref. 29, AAAS (c). Reproduced from ref. 33, SNL (d); and ref. 40, APS (e).

Engineering thermal emission thin semiconductors such as MoS215. If a selective emitter with a
Here, we summarize various ways to achieve narrowband, direc- step-like emissivity is desired, a wider range of simple bulk materi-
tional and/or polarized TE, and describe approaches to enable als is available, including composite materials such as cermets and
dynamic tunability, before moving on to applications that benefit metals above the plasma frequency (see ref. 16 for an overview).
from such extensive control of TE. A more flexible way to control TE is to use a combination of
material and structural optical resonances to enhance and/or sup-
Narrowband, directive and polarized far-field emission. A variety press emission. For example, optical interference in few-layer lossy
of applications require control over the TE spectrum, directionality thin films allows for control over the position and amplitude of
and polarization, and many modern tools of optics and photonics absorption peaks17 and thus TE, potentially with a narrow band-
have been brought to bear on this engineering challenge. width18,19. Photonic crystals can also offer substantial control of
Perhaps the simplest way to achieve narrowband TE (that is, TE the TE bandwidth. For example, a truncated one-dimensional20 or
with high temporal coherence) is to design an emitter comprising three-dimensional21 photonic crystal may be placed on top of an
a bulk material that has narrowband optically active resonances emitting layer, and serve as a passive filter that reflects TE at pho-
with large oscillator strengths, resulting in narrowband absorptiv- tonic-bandgap frequencies (Fig. 2a). The emitting material can also
ity/emissivity peaks. Examples of such bulk materials include, but be incorporated into the photonic crystal itself22. Alternatively, a
are not limited to, polar dielectrics such as SiC in the mid infrared11, truncated photonic crystal may be placed at some distance above
and rare-earth oxides such as erbium oxide and ytterbium oxide in the emitting substrate, forming a cavity, leading to enhanced emis-
the visible and near-infrared ranges12. Quantum confinement in sivity at the resonant frequency23,24.
low-dimensional materials can similarly be used to achieve narrow Arrays of resonant nanostructures with subwavelength separa-
resonances; examples include individual (or highly homogeneous) tion—sometimes referred to as metamaterials or metasurfaces,
carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which can radiate narrowband TE from depending on the context—have also been used to realize narrow-
the visible to the infrared due to interband transitions13, multiple band TE across the visible, infrared and terahertz ranges. Examples
quantum wells with narrow interband transitions14, and atomically include arrays of cross-shaped metallic nanoantennas25 and metal

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Box 2 | Coherence of thermal emission Box 3 | Critical coupling

Coherence is a fundamental property of wave processes. Broadly, According to Kirchhoff ’s law, enhancing the emissivity of a
the degree of coherence determines the ability of a wave to gen- structure is equivalent to enhancing its absorptivity and mini-
erate interference. mizing reflection, transmission and scattering—a classic prob-
Temporal coherence describes the degree to which a wave lem in optics and electromagnetics. A particularly helpful tool in
interferes with a time-delayed version of itself at some point this context is the concept of critical coupling136.
in space. The temporal coherence of a classical wave process Any linear electromagnetic system can be described by a set
can be characterized by the first-order correlation function of modes, each characterized by radiative γrad and non-radiative
g (τ ) = ⟨E *(t )E (t + τ )⟩ ∕ ⟨∣E (t )∣ 2⟩ , where ⟨…⟩ indicates γnr decay rates. The former is the rate at which energy from the
ensemble/statistical averaging133. The coherence time τc (or, mode is radiated into the surroundings, whereas the latter is the
correspondingly, the temporal coherence length Lc = cτc) is rate at which energy is absorbed. In a single-mode system, perfect
defined as the time after which g(τ ) decays by a factor of 1∕e, absorption arises at the resonant frequency under the critical-
and is roughly equal to the timespan over which a wave can coupling condition, when the two decay rates are equal: γrad = γnr
be approximated as sinusoidal (that is, with a particular (this is sometimes referred to as quality-factor matching)136.
frequency). Black-body TE has a wide spectrum, and conversely Correspondingly, such a system will exhibit unity emissivity at
a short coherence length compared to its mean wavelength134. the resonant frequency with a linewidth of 2γrad. This concept,
In contrast, a narrowband emission spectrum implies a longer therefore, provides a useful tool for TE engineering with resonant
coherence time. However, the enhanced coherence time/length structures23,137,138, and suggests a way toward strong narrowband
of narrowband TE comes at the price of a reduced integrated emission139. For example, near-critical coupling to a photonic
intensity, since Planck’s law limits the spectral energy density at crystal consisting of an array of holes in a multiple-quantum-
each wavelength. This is in contrast to the behaviour of lasers, well slab was used to achieve high emissivity and quality factors
where emission-line narrowing often corresponds to increasing of approximately 100, resulting in narrowband TE (Fig. 2b)14.
output power133.
Spatial coherence expresses the correlation of fields at
two different positions at the same instant in time, describing a ‘rainbow’ with light at different wavelengths being radiated toward
the ability of a light wave to interfere with a spatially shifted different directions. If the surface waves can only exist in a narrow
version of itself. Like temporal coherence, a correlation frequency range, resulting in long-range surface-wave correlations36,
function can be used to characterize the spatial coherence: then this rainbow will have few frequency components, and thus rela-
g (r , r + dr ) = ⟨E *(r )E (r + dr )⟩∕ I (r ) I (r + dr ) , where I is the tively high temporal and spatial coherence can be achieved simul-
intensity135. Spatial coherence can be quantified by a spatial taneously (Box 2)33. The resulting TE exhibits enhanced directivity.
coherence length Lsc, which is the distance around a point r In most demonstrations, frequency selectivity is achieved using nar-
over which the spatial correlation function g (r , r + dr ) decays rowband material resonances, for example, in SiC (ref. 33), and then
by a factor of 1∕e. For an emitter with very weak or no spatial angular selectivity is enforced by the structure. Alternatively, the
coherence, the TE will be isotropic. Instead, pronounced spatial frequency selectivity can be engineered using subwavelength resona-
coherence of a thermal emitter can lead to highly directive TE that tors, and angular selectivity can then be achieved via array effects37. A
can, for example, be observed in experiments with gratings33–35, different strategy must be employed to achieve angularly selective but
as described in Fig. 2d. For many sources, the spatial coherence broadband TE, for example, using non-resonant metamaterials with
length Lsc can be estimated from the far-field emission angle θ at directional absorption/emissivity due to a Brewster-like response38.
wavelength λ through Lsc ~ λ ∕θ (refs. 33,133). Lastly, polarization is One can also collimate broadband TE using refractive optical compo-
also related to coherence: fields in orthogonal polarization states nents, for example, with a broadband Maxwell’s fish-eye lens39.
cannot interfere. Control of the spatial coherence of TE can be generalized to shape
far-field TE in more-complex ways. For example, by patterning an
array of antennas with a non-uniform scattering phase distribution
stripes26,27 on top of metallic ground planes separated by dielectric on a SiC surface, free-space focusing of TE has been demonstrated
spacers, slits in metallic surfaces28, and semiconductor nanorods29 (Fig. 2e)40. Guided by a similar principle, a non-uniform metasur-
(Fig. 2c). Narrowband TE in the terahertz region has also been face composed of thermal emitters with varying angular emissivity
demonstrated in a system that strongly couples mid-infrared inter- patterns was shown to suppress TE into a certain area, forming a
band transitions to a plasmonic microcavity, pushing a polariton ‘dark spot’41. A recent theoretical study demonstrated directional TE
branch to terahertz frequencies30. from objects comprising an epsilon-near-zero material, enabled by
The structures discussed above enable spectral-bandwidth the enhanced spatial coherence resulting from the stretching of the
engineering of TE. For many applications, directional control of wavelength inside the material42.
TE also adds an important degree of freedom. Directional TE was The polarization of TE can also be controlled. In the case of linear
first observed from gratings patterned into doped silicon, result- polarization, this is relatively straightforward; in fact, most engineered
ing in selective out-coupling of surface plasmons on the doped-sil- thermal emitters are at least partially polarized (for example, those of
icon surface into free space31. Under emittance angles satisfying the refs. 33,34,43). More deliberately, anisotropic plasmonic arrays with high
momentum-matching condition, k 0 sin θ = kx + mG (where k0 is the absorptivity for one polarization and low absorptivity for the orthog-
free-space wavenumber, θ is the emission angle, kx is the guided-mode onal polarization have been employed to obtain polarized and nar-
wavenumber, m is an integer and G is the reciprocal lattice vector), rowband emission28,44. A quarter-wave retarder can be added to such
coupling is enabled between a guided-mode resonance and free- structures to achieve circularly polarized TE45. Circular-polarization
space light (that is, a Wood or Wood–Rayleigh anomaly32; Fig. 2d). selectivity can also be directly achieved in a structured emitter46; for
Such directional emission has been demonstrated with the use of SiC example, in resonant silicon metasurfaces with planar chirality47.
(ref. 33), tungsten34 and SiO2 (ref. 35) gratings in the infrared range. We conclude this section by noting that there is, in principle, no
Due to the dependence on the emission angle of the free-space wave- theoretical limit on the spectral or angular bandwidth of thermal
length at which coupling is achieved, the system can thermally emit emitters. For example, the concept of bound states in the continuum

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a b p-type contact c Temp (°C)
1.0 100
CNT film emission 1.8 mm 0.8

Photonic crystal 0.6

Pd 60
SiO2 /Si
5 µm
n-type contact
600 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400
Vds (V)

at 10 kHz
Wavenumber (cm–1)
2.5 Modulated power (a.u.) d On-state Off-state
Intensity (a.u.)

0.5 200

0 1 2 3 4 –200 –100 0 100 200
Time (ns) Time (µs)

Fig. 3 | Dynamic modulation of thermal emission. a, Top: a fast electrically controlled thermal emitter based on the small heat capacity of a CNT film and
its high heat-dissipation rate to the substrate, resulting in fast temperature change. Bottom: experimental emission modulation (red) under a continuous
input voltage of 1 GHz (green). b, Top: dynamic thermal emitter based on a p–i–n GaAs diode incorporating a two-dimensional photonic-crystal slab and
GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7 As quantum wells. Modulation of TE is achieved through emissivity, which is controlled by a gate voltage on the quantum wells. Bottom:
temporal waveforms of the TE power at a modulation frequency of 10 kHz. c, Temperature-dependent emissivity of a thin film of VO2 on sapphire, with
the tunability enabled by the insulator-to-metal phase transition of VO2. d, Infrared images of a 64-pixel tunable-emitter array, comprising metamaterial
microelectromechanical elements with two states, with the tuning via an electric bias between the ground plane and the top layer. Reproduced from ref. 51,
American Chemical Society (a); and ref. 69, APS (c). Adapted from ref. 60, SNL (b); and ref. 73, OSA (d).

can enable very narrowband absorption peaks with highly direc- power. TE modulation from hot electrons has been demonstrated
tional patterns48 (see Box 3). In practice, however, the spectral and using ultrafast pump pulses, with modulation speeds in the hun-
angular bandwidths of TE of deliberately narrowband emitters will dreds of femtoseconds in graphene53, and several picoseconds in
be eventually limited by material loss and fabrication imperfections, metals such as gold and tungsten54.
as well as by the emitter size. Dynamic control can also be achieved without (or in addition to)
temperature modulation via a time-dependent emissivity. The emis-
Tunable thermal emission. In the previous section, we reviewed sivity can be made tunable by using materials that can be tuned via
techniques to engineer far-field TE in the spectral, angular and the application of voltage55, temperature change56, strain57, and so
polarization domains. Here, we consider techniques to modulate on. Early demonstrations of tunable TE used electrochromic mate-
TE in time. Because TE depends on both emissivity and tempera- rials such as tungsten trioxide and nickel oxide58. More recently,
ture (equations (1) and (3)), the modulation of either can be used to electrical control of emissivity has been demonstrated using carrier-
achieve dynamic control. density tuning in a gated quantum well in proximity to a grating59.
The most straightforward way to modulate TE is via the tem- A similar design combining a high-quality-factor photonic-crystal
perature of the emitter. However, in many cases, modulation much slab with a gated multiple-quantum-well structure resulted in 600
faster than hundreds of Hz is difficult to realize, limited primarily kHz modulation of narrowband TE (Fig. 3b)60. This concept was
by the large thermal time constants in macroscopic structures49. The extended to resonant graphene antennas, where the plasmonic
speed can be increased by decreasing the volume, and hence the response of the graphene was modulated via a gate61, and to doped
heat capacity, of the emitters; however, this scaling also frequently semiconductors62.
decreases the total emitted power, which is proportional to the emit- One may also employ all-optical modulation of the emissivity
ting area. This trade-off can be circumvented using emitters with via photocarrier doping. For example, optical pumping of silicon
inherently small volumes but relatively strong interaction with the has been used to achieve pulsed TE, with the speed limited by the
incident light, such as two-dimensional materials or nanoanten- ~200-μs free-carrier lifetime63. A recent work demonstrated nano-
nas50. For example, current injection into CNT films has been used second modulation of emissivity of a gallium arsenide (GaAs)
to demonstrate TE modulation of up to 10 GHz (Fig. 3a)51. The inte- surface, enabled by the much shorter free-carrier lifetime in GaAs
gration of such emitters into nanophotonic cavities has been used to compared to silicon64. A similar approach was also used to realize
realize narrowband light sources operating at GHz speeds52. simultaneous spatial and temporal control of TE via photodoping of
A different way to increase the temperature modulation speed is zinc oxide, though with a much slower speed65.
to forgo heating the lattice of the material comprising the emitter, The emissivity can also be modulated using materials that
and thus dramatically reduce the heat capacity. For example, when undergo large reversible changes in their optical properties as a
pumped by a laser, electrons can be driven far out of thermal equi- function of temperature. Recently, significant efforts have been
librium with phonons, resulting in an electron temperature much focused on the use of germanium–antimony–tellurium (GST),
higher than the lattice temperature45. Depending on the material, which can exist in amorphous and crystalline phases, and can be
these temperatures can reach tens of thousands of degrees with- switched back and forth via fast and slow anneals66. GST has been
out resulting in damage53, greatly enhancing the thermally emitted integrated into structures incorporating plasmonic antennas67 and

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a Sunlight loss b c d

itt al

em rm
Solar absorber TPV emission

Membrane w

Spectral density
Nanophotonic emitter
Solar emission Vis Vis
Above bandgap IRIR
e Below bandgap lines 50 μm 1 μm
PV cell photons

Fig. 4 | TE control for energy conversion and lighting. a, Schematic of a solar thermophotovoltaic (TPV) device consisting of a broadband solar absorber, a
selective thermal emitter (for example, a one-dimensional photonic crystal), and a PV cell. For non-solar applications, a different heat source (for example,
waste heat from a power plant) replaces sunlight. b, A large fraction of solar energy consists of photons with energies below the typical photovoltaic (PV)
bandgap (1.1 eV for silicon) is not absorbed by the PV cell. In a solar TPV device, solar energy is converted to photons right above the PV bandgap via a
selective thermal emitter. c, Nanophotonic coating for efficient incandescence: a thin-film multilayer transmits visible (Vis) TE emitted by a filament, while
reflecting in the infrared (IR), leading to enhanced luminous efficiency. d, A microscope image of a wavelength-selective infrared thermal emitter for CO2
sensing. Adapted from ref. 92, SNL (c). Reproduced from ref. 93, American Chemical Society (d).

thin films66, in each case resulting in a large change in emissivity instantaneous76—to modulate the emissivity. We note also that
corresponding to switching of the GST phase. Similarly, materials such switching approaches can be a part of an external modulation
with electronic phase transitions can be used for emissivity con- scheme, allowing for fast modulation even when the emissivity or
trol. For example, the simultaneous structural and electronic phase temperature of the emitter has a slower intrinsic response.
transition in vanadium dioxide (VO2) results in a large change of
optical constants across the transition68, and has been used to real- Emission from subwavelength structures. Though equations (1)
ize structures with temperature-tunable emissivity, including some and (3) describe far-field TE into free-space from an arbitrary emit-
featuring negative-differential TE (that is, the emission decreases ter, extra care must be taken when the transverse dimensions of the
with increasing temperature) (Fig. 3c)69. More recently, the more emitter become comparable to or much smaller than the emission
gradual but nevertheless large electronic phase transition in samar- wavelength.
ium nickelate (SmNiO3) has also been used for TE management70. The TE from an optically small object depends on its absorption
Mechanical strain can similarly be used to modulate the emis- cross-section77. Since objects smaller or comparable to the wave-
sivity71. In one realization, an emitter with temperature-dependent length often have absorption cross-sections much larger than their
emissivity was engineered using a patterned metallic structure geometric cross-sections, TE per geometric area in the far field may
suspended over a back reflector, such that the gap size depended appear to be ‘super-Planckian’77. There are two equivalent ways to
on temperature via thermal expansion72. Strain can also be actu- reconcile this phenomenon with Planck’s and Kirchhoff ’s laws. The
ated using electrostatic forces; for example, modulation of TE was first option is to assume that the area considered is the geometric
recently demonstrated via an electric bias between the ground plane area; in this case, the emissivity can be allowed to exceed one, and
and the top layer of a nanostructured thermal emitter (Fig. 3d)73. can even become arbitrarily large, since a large absorption cross-sec-
Lastly, emissivity can be controlled via an applied magnetic field; for tion can be achieved via proper engineering, even when the physical
example, magnetic-field-induced optical anisotropy of a semicon- cross-section is small77,78. For example, the connection between emis-
ductor has been used to modify the spectrum of TE74. sivity and the absorption cross-section was experimentally demon-
In general, the limit of the modulation speed of TE is determined strated using subwavelength SiC nanorods with resonances in the
by two aspects: (i) how quickly the stimulus can be applied to the mid-infrared43. The second option is to consider the effective area
emitter, and (ii) how quickly the emitter responds to the stimulus, to be the absorption cross-section, rather than the geometric area.
whether that response is a change in temperature or emissivity or In this case, the emissivity of a thermal emitter cannot exceed one.
both. The first factor reflects the speed of the external control device;
in the literature, the fastest modulation of TE via temperature has Applications
been enabled by optical pumping with ultrafast pulses on the scale Selective enhancement and suppression of TE, as well as control
on hundreds of femtoseconds53. We note that although the dura- over its spectral and angular distribution, has a number of promis-
tion of such pump pulses is only limited by state-of-the-art ultra- ing applications in various fields of technology and the life sciences.
fast technology, one probably should not refer to light emission as
TE until the excited hot carriers have equilibrated with each other, Energy harvesting and lighting. Some of the most technologically
which typically occurs in the first few femtoseconds75. Furthermore, significant applications of engineered TE are in the field of energy
the overall modulation rate (that is, on and off) is limited by the hot- conversion, including energy harvesting and lighting.
carrier cooling time, which is typically in the range of a few hundred Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) technology uses photovoltaics
femtoseconds63 to a few tens of picoseconds75. (PVs) to convert engineered TE from hot objects into electricity,
In the case of emissivity modulation, the second factor is deter- and is being explored for applications that include direct solar-
mined by the material response, which could be nearly instanta- energy conversion79–81, storage and retrieval of solar-thermal
neous (for example, electro-optic or magneto-optic modulation) energy82, recycling of waste heat from power plants and combus-
and thus even faster than modulating the hot-carrier temperature, tion engines83, combined heat-and-power generation84, and har-
although the current fastest demonstration is based on optical car- vesting of TE from the Earth85. Due to space constraints, in this
rier injection and recombination in GaAs, limited by the nanosecond Review we focus on direct solar-energy harvesting with TPVs, and
recombination time in this material64. For example, one can imag- elaborate on both the potential advantages and technical challenges
ine the use of the Kerr effect—which is understood to be essentially of TPV for this application.

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NaTuRe MaTeRials Review Article
In solar-energy harvesting, the conventional PV technology has Box 4 | Near-field thermal emission and its extraction
several well-known drawbacks that limit the efficiency to far below
the ~95% Carnot efficiency limit (calculated given the temperature
For TE in the near-field regions of emitters—for example, close
differential between the Sun and the Earth)79. In single-junction
to interfaces supporting guided waves—Planck’s law (equations
PVs, only above-bandgap photons are absorbed; furthermore, the
(1) and (3)) does not provide an adequate description, because
difference between the photon energy and the bandgap is lost to
it only describes light accessing the far-field radiation modes.
heat. These loss mechanisms, together with additional losses due
For example, near-field TE can transfer substantially more en-
to radiative recombination, cap the theoretical efficiency of single-
ergy across subwavelength gaps via evanescent fields than what
junction PVs for non-concentrated sunlight at ~33% (similarly, two-
would be expected from the Planck black-body limit36,140. This
junction cells are capped at ~42%, and three-junction at ~49%); this
effect, referred to as near-field heat transfer, has been explored
cap is known as the Shockley–Queisser limit79. These limits can, in
in a variety of systems with nanoscale gaps141,142 and has led to a
principle, be overcome by using solar TPVs. In TPVs, solar photons
number of intriguing applied proposals, such as thermal diodes,
are first absorbed by an intermediate broadband absorber, raising
transistors and memory elements. Near-field TE is not the focus
its temperature, and the energy is then redirected toward a conven-
of this Review, and extensive overviews of the field can be found
tional PV using a frequency-selective thermal emitter (Fig. 4a)15.
in, for example, ref. 143.
Assuming highly idealized components—ideal geometry, TE
Various schemes can be used to out-couple near-field TE to
engineered to be nearly monochromatic, no non-radiative recom-
propagating fields. For example, a nanoparticle or a microscope
bination in the PV cell, full solar concentration, and so on—the effi-
tip placed close to a surface can scatter evanescent fields into
ciency of a TPV system could be as high as 85%86. In more realistic
the far field144,145 (pictured, left). A similar strategy can be used
geometries, many factors affect the efficiency of a solar TPV device,
to enhance the extraction of TE from a region of space with a
including the absorber/emitter spectral responses and the ratio
large density of states using a non-absorbing high-index dome
of their areas, parasitic thermal loss, and non-idealities in the PV
(pictured, right)146; more TE is emitted into the high-index
cell, among others. In particular, the temperature of the intermedi-
material, which can then escape into free space due to the
ate absorber/emitter is an important parameter in determining the
curvature of the dome. Note, however, that that the power out-
efficiency of solar TPV devices86. TE engineering, therefore, plays a
coupled using any TE extraction scheme is ultimately bounded
key role on both ends of solar TPV systems: the solar absorbers and
by Planck’s law, considering the interaction area of the entire
the selective emitters16. The ideal solar absorber should capture the
structure comprising the emitter and extractor.
vast majority of the solar spectrum—in the ultraviolet, visible, and
near infrared—but should suppress TE in the mid-infrared, such Extraction via scattering Extraction via density-of-states
that energy loss to the sky is minimized. Further improvement of the engineering

solar absorber is possible by limiting the angular range of absorp-

tion/emission to the angular range of sunlight, or using concentrated em

sunlight86. At the same time, the ideal emitter should have a relatively

Near-field emission
narrow emissivity peak slightly above the PV bandgap (Fig. 4b), such
that maximal conversion efficiency is achieved at the PV element80. Scatterer cover
A number of studies have employed nanophotonic engineering
in the design of solar TPV systems80,81,87,88. For practical ratios of the
Plasmonic substrate Emitter
area of the emitter to that of the absorber (for example, ~20) and
solar concentrations (~3,000), a single-junction PV cell, and given
a realistic nanophotonic emitter design, it has been numerically
demonstrated that the system efficiency can be higher than the 41%
Shockley–Queisser limit for a bare single-junction cell at full concen-
tration80. These numbers, however, have not yet been approached in in parts of the world, a tungsten filament is heated up to 2,000–
experiments, with the record TPV efficiency reaching 7% in systems 3,000 K, resulting in the majority of energy being emitted in the
incorporating a Si/SiO2 photonic-crystal selective emitter and a nar- infrared part of spectrum rather than the visible. One approach to
rowband optical filter81,88. These numbers are far from the theoretical improving the luminous efficiency (visibility of a light source by a
limit due to a combination of factors, including suboptimal spectral human eye relative to its power consumption) of an incandescent
responses of the absorber and emitter, low efficiency of the PV cell, light is to decrease the infrared emissivity of the filament90. This
and various parasitic loss mechanisms such as thermal conduction. can also be accomplished by decreasing the effective emissivity of
For example, it was predicted that an overall efficiency of 20% can be the incandescent source by enclosing a high-temperature filament/
realized by scaling up the device, which reduces the parasitic losses88. emitter with a filter that is reflective in the infrared but transparent
Nevertheless, given that a reasonably optimized theoretical TPV in the visible91. Recently, luminous efficiencies of up to 40% have
design yields system efficiencies of ~40%80, it is not clear if the com- been demonstrated using this approach, which exceeds that of state-
plexity of the TPV arrangement provides sufficient benefit over con- of-the-art LED lamps (Fig. 4c)92.
ventional multi-junction PV, which can achieve similar or greater TE engineering can also be used to design selective and relatively
efficiencies79. However, applications of TPVs in which the heat source bright light sources in the mid-infrared portion of the spectrum.
is not the Sun may be more promising, since existing technologies to For example, narrowband TE produced by critically coupled selec-
convert, for example, waste heat, are far less efficient than state-of- tive emitters has been used as a light source for infrared gas sensing
the-art PVs for solar-energy conversion82–84. We note that although using an array of cross-shaped antennas (Fig. 4d)93 or a thin plati-
near-field TE is largely outside of the scope of this Review (Box 4), num membrane placed λ∕4 above a gold mirror94.
positioning the emitter and PV at subwavelength distances and engi- The engineering challenges of both TPVs and lighting devices
neering near-field TE may result in improved TPV performance and require advanced nanophotonic engineering, with the structures
reduce the temperatures required for high power densities89. ultimately requiring high-temperature stability. Therefore, the
Nanophotonic structures can also be employed to increase the materials comprising these emitters should have high melting points
efficiency of lighting devices. In traditional incandescent lighting, in both their bulk and nanostructured forms95, and should not easily
which has gone out of favour for commercial lighting applications react with ambient air. Furthermore, in thermal emitters comprising

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Review Article NaTuRe MaTeRials

a b c Exposed to sky
1 900
Desired 80 800

Solar irradiance (W m–2)

Transmission, emissivity
Black paint 700

Temperature (°C)
Radiance (a.u.)
8–13 µm
Visible/ultraviolet 50 500
Cooling Ambient air 250
coating AM 1.5
solar spectrum 10
Device Photonic radiative cooler
0 0 0
0.5 1 5 10 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00
Wavelength (µm)
Time of day

d Normal textile Nanoporous PE e No mask Sample f 40

Skin temperature (°C)

38 37.0
Fiber/ 36.4
nanoPE 36
Pore size: 33.5
100–1,000 nm Com-1 Com-2 34

Human body radiation (λmax = 9.5 m) 32

Visible light (λ = 400–700 nm)
Air convection Bare skin NanoPE Cotton Tyvek

Fig. 5 | Radiative cooling. a, Schematic of a daytime radiative cooling device: the coating reflects most of the solar spectrum but has high emissivity in the
mid-infrared atmospheric-transparency window. b, The air mass (AM) 1.5 solar spectrum plotted along with a typical infrared transmission spectrum of
the atmosphere (recorded at the Gemini Observatory), which has a transparency window in the 8–13 μm range, and an appropriate emissivity spectrum
for efficient daytime radiative cooling. c, Temperature of different surfaces throughout a clear day in California, including a photonic radiative cooler based
on a thin-film multilayer that achieves cooling below the ambient temperature. d, Transmittance of a traditional textile, and a nanoporous polyethylene
(nanoPE) material with enhanced infrared transmittance, enabling radiative cooling through the textile. e, Long-wave infrared images of a human face
without a mask, with two commercial masks, and with a nanoPE mask that is semi-transparent to infrared TE. f, Equilibrium skin temperatures under
ambient conditions for the different textile materials. Reproduced from ref. 105, SNL (c); and ref. 117, AAAS (f). Adapted from ref. 117, AAAS (d); and ref. 118,
American Chemical Society (e).

multiple materials, the thermal expansion coefficients should be radiative cooling technologies have made use of nanostructured
compatible96. Various refractory metals and dielectrics have been materials, with examples including resonant SiC and SiO2 nanopar-
used for such high-temperature TE engineering. For example, sili- ticles103 and a hybrid structure comprising a lossy photonic crystal
con carbide (SiC) gratings have been used to achieve directional backed by a thin-film reflector104.
TE33. The plasmonic properties of refractory metals are often used The nanophotonic approach for radiative cooling has been
to design thermal emitters; for example, tungsten97 and tantalum98 developed in subsequent works utilizing layered systems105, meta-
photonic crystals and tungsten hyperbolic metamaterials99 have surfaces106, photonic crystals107, SiO2-microsphere-based random
been designed as selective emitters for TPV applications. Selective materials108, and hierarchically porous polymer coatings109. In par-
emission has also been realized by doping refractory ceramic mate- ticular, simple planar structures105,110 have enabled cooling below
rials, such as zirconia and yttrium, with rare-earth dopants such as the ambient temperature (Fig. 5c), and even to sub-freezing tem-
erbium, ytterbium and others100, which have narrowband absorp- perature (40 °C below ambient) through a day–night cycle111. This
tion bands in the near infrared. approach can also be made dynamic; a recently proposed structure
based on VO2 exhibited low emissivity at temperatures below a tar-
Radiative cooling and textile heat management. An appealing get temperature, and high emissivity otherwise, mitigating tempera-
application of selective TE is the enhancement of radiative cooling— ture fluctuations112. Applications of radiative cooling can range from
the process by which objects cool down when radiating light. This cooling of dwellings in hot temperatures107,111, to enhancing vapour
process requires a cold sink in radiative ‘contact’ with the emitter, condensation113, to the thermoregulation of spacecraft114,115.
and the largest cold sink available is the Universe, whose tempera- Similar concepts can be applied to textiles, enabling efficient
ture is estimated to be around 3 K based on the measurements of the thermal management. Traditional textiles are opaque in the infra-
cosmic background radiation101. To maximize the rate of cooling via red, preventing efficient radiation of TE from parts of the human
TE toward the cold Universe, a radiative-cooling structure should body but, recently, fibre-based textiles that enable high infrared
exhibit maximal emissivity in the spectral range of 8–13 μm, which transmittance and are opaque in the visible range have been pre-
is the region of maximal atmospheric transparency in the infrared sented theoretically116 and demonstrated experimentally117 (Fig. 5d).
and also roughly aligns with the peak TE wavelengths for typical A similar fibre-based material was incorporated for design of face
ambient-temperature emitters. For an emitter to cool in daylight, its masks that enable cooling based on infrared TE118 (Fig. 5e). Such
absorptivity (and hence emissivity) in the visible and near-infrared materials can lower skin temperature by several degrees compared
range also needs to be suppressed, to minimize heating by incident to cotton textiles, coming close to the temperature of bare skin (Fig.
solar radiation (Fig. 5a,b). 5f). Conversely, for cold environments, metallic nanowire-coated119
Early examples of engineered radiative coolers used simple and nanoporous metallized120 textiles have been developed to sup-
bulk materials, such as pigmented paints (see ref. 102 and references press infrared TE from the body. Finally, a dual-mode invertible tex-
therein for a comprehensive review of those results). More recently, tile capable of enhanced cooling or heating has also been recently

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