Audio Visual Aids

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Presented To : Sir Hammad Nazir Zaki Presented By: Khawaja Shafique Naila Hanif
2. 2. Topic: Audio Visual Aids
3. 3. Audio aids are also called instructional material. Audio literally means “hearing” and
“visual” means that which is found by seeing. So all such aids, which try to make the
knowledge clear to us through our sense are called “Audio visual Aids” or instructional
4. 4. According to Kinder S. James: Audio visual aids are any device which can be used to
make the learning experience more concrete, more realistic and more dynamic.
5. 5. According to KP. Neeraja An audio visual aid is an instructional device in which the
message can be heard as well as seen
6. 6. Purpose of Audio Visual Aids: Best motivation. Clear image. Save energy and
time. Antidote of the disease of verbal instructions. Capture attention.
reinforcement to learner. Positive transfer of learning. Gain & hold student
interest. Increase understanding and retention. Stimulate the development of
understanding and attitudes
8. 8. 1) Every individual has the tendency to forget. Proper use of teaching aids helps to
retain more concept permanently. 2) Students can learn better when they are motivated
properly through different teaching aids. 3) Teaching aids develop the proper image when
the students see, hear taste and smell properly. 4) Teaching aids provide complete
example for conceptual thinking.
9. 9. 5) The teaching aids create the environment of interest for the students. 6) Teaching
aids helps to increase the vocabulary of the students. 7) Teaching aids helps the teacher to
get sometime and make learning permanent. 8) Teaching aids provide direct experience
to the students.
important in education system. Audio visual aids are those devices which are used in
classrooms to encourage teaching learning process and make it easier and interesting.
11. 11. Students will gain knowledge of the latest in evolving theoretical and practical
application in the communication field utilizing various resources and methods of
inquiry. Students will grow intellectually in their oral and written communication and
critical thinking skills. Student will become aware of the ethical and spiritual
implications of communication on a diverse and global level.
12. 12. Importance of Teaching aids Teaching aids play an very important role in Teaching-
Learning process. Importance of Teaching aids are as follows :- 1) Motivation Teaching
aids motivate the students so that they can learn better. 2) Clarification Through teaching
aids , the teacher clarify the subject matter more easily. 3) Discouragement of Cramming
Teaching aids can facilitate the proper understanding to the students which discourage the
act of cramming.
13. 13. Functions of Audio visual aides: They supply a concrete basis for conceptual
thinking and hence, reduce meaningless word response of students. They have high
degree of interest for students. They make learning more permanent. They offer a
reality of experience which stimulate self activity on the part of pupil.
14. 14. Develop continuity of though; this is especially true of motion pictures. They
provide experience not easily obtained through other materials and contribute to the
efficiency, depth and variety of learning
15. 15. Types of Teaching Aids There are many aids available these days. We may classify
these aids as follows- Visual Aids Audio Aids Audio - Visual Aids
16. 16. 1) Audio Aids The aids that involve the sense of hearing are called Audio aids. For
example :- radio, tape recorder, gramophone etc. 2) Visual Aids The aids which use sense
of vision are called Visual aids. For example :- actual objects, models, pictures, charts,
maps, flash cards, flannel board, bulletin board, chalkboard, overhead projector, slides
etc. Out of these black board and chalk are the commonest ones.
17. 17. 3) Audio - Visual Aids The aids which involve the sense of vision as well as hearing
are called Audio- Visual aids. For example :- television, film projector, film strips etc.
18. 18. Most commonly used AV Aids. OVER HEAD PROJECTOR: An over head projector
is a compact, high resolution, full-color projector capable of projecting text, images,
video and audio content. Typically the projector will feature inputs for a computer, DVD
player, VCR, CD player and storage device.
19. 19. Purposes: To develop concepts and sequences in a subject matter area. To make
marginal notes on the transparencies for the use of the teacher that can carry without
exposing them to the class. To test students performances, while other classmates
observe. To show relationships by means of transparent overlays in contrasting color.
To give the illusion of motion in the transparency
20. 20. Advantages multimedia projector: It permits the teacher to stand in front of the
class while using the projector, thus enabling her to point out features appearing on the
screen by pointing to the materials at the projector itself and at the same time, to observe
the students reactions to her discussion Gains attention of the student
21. 21. NON PROJECTED A.V. AIDS: GRAPHIC AIDS: It is a combination of graphic and
pictorial material designed for the orderly and logical visualizing of relationships
between key facts and ideas ex: comparisons, relative amounts developments, processes,
classification or organization.
22. 22. CHARTS Chart is defined as a visual aid which depicts pictorial and written key
information in systematic way to summarize, compare, ex: anatomical charts and figure,
diagrams etc.
23. 23. Purposes: To visualize an item, it is otherwise difficult to explain only in words. To
highlight important points. To provide outline for materials covered in presentation.
To show continuity in process. For creating problems and stimulating thinking. For
showing development of structure.
24. 24. Limitation Using of audio visual aids decreases teacher’s autonomy in the classroom.
For effective functioning of the audio-visual aids the trained experts are required which is
not possible all the time
25. 25. Advantages of AV Aids. 1. Help to make the learning process more effective and
conceptual. 2. Help to grab the attention of targeted audience. 3. Build interest and
motivation. 4. Enhance the energy level of teaching. 5. Provide a realistic approach and
experience 6. easy to follow
26. 26. 7. participants feel more engaged 8. easier to explain or put things in perspective 9.
easier to remember 10. helps keep mistakes at a minimum
27. 27. Disadvantages of AV Aids. 1. Technical problems 2. Expensive 3. Time-consuming
4. Need space 5. Its easier to lose focus 6. requires a well designed presentation or
material 7. participants might pay more attention to the graphics than the audio

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