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Name: …………………………… Date: …………………….

Class: ……………


I. Fill in the blanks with the right tense. (20 points)

1. (amphibians, live) …………………………………. both on land and in water?

2. I (never, go) …………………………………. to that restaurant again. The food was horrible!
3. Ralph is getting frustrated because the meal he ordered …………………………… (not be) served yet. He
……………………………….. for his meal for 30 minutes. (wait)
4. Leslie .............................................. (call) me 10 minutes ago to tell me she ................................................
(leave) her purse at home.
5. Andrea ................................................... (practise) the piano every day for six months before she
................................................. .. (enter) that competition.
6. A: Michael …………………………………. (be) very quiet today. Is anything wrong? - B: No, I don’t think so.
7. Mary ................................................ (wash) the dishes when a glass broke and cut her finger.

II. Cross out the unnecessary word. (10 points)

1. How long is it been since you moved here?

2. I felt tired so I had decided to go to bed early.
3. Having an operation was being the worst experience of my life.
4. She has graduated from college a month ago.
5. That's the man whose his wallet was stolen.
6. Kim is not so old enough to drive a car.
7. There isn’t enough of light for me in here to read.
8. The dishwasher which I bought it las week is faulty.
9. The manager wanted to know how long I had I been in England.
10. If should you need any help, let me know.

III. Fill in the correct particle / preposition. (10 points)

1. The old cinema has been transformed .......................... a nightclub.

2. Graham often boasts ............................. his achievements.
3. She is well-known ......................................... her charity work.
4. John asked .......................... some time off work next month.
5. Lots of people travel ........................................ taxi when they're in a hurry.
6. There is a limit ...................................... the amount you can spend with your credit card.
7. Many people were worried ..................................... the reports they saw on television.
8. When you arrive ....................................... the hotel, you will be shown to your room.
9. The teacher was pleased .......................................... the exam results.
10. They can't decide ......................................... who to invite to the party.

IV. Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold. (20 points)

1. I woke up too late to have breakfast in the hotel. not

I did ......................................................... to have breakfast in the hotel.
2. He hasn't finished watering the plants. still
He .......................................................................................................... the plants.
3. I'd rather wear glasses than contact lenses. prefer
I ........................................................................................ contact lenses.
4. I stopped drinking coffee as it was bad for my stomach. gave
I ....................................................... coffee as it was bad for my stomach.
5. Most teenagers like this kind of music. popular
This kind of music ......................................................... most teenagers.
6. Someone revealed the company's plans for the new project. gave
Someone ............................................................................... the company's plans for the new project.
7. I've never eaten such tasty food. ever
It's the ........................................................................................................... eaten.
8. When did they move house? since
How long is it ............................................................................................ house?
9. Tom started learning Spanish ten years ago. been
Tom ........................................................................................................ ten years.
10. This is Amanda. Her car was stolen yesterday. whose
This is Amanda ..................................................................................... yesterday.

V. Choose the correct item. (10 points)

1. Mark and Louise … for five hours when they stopped to eat lunch.
a. have been travelling b. travelled c. were travelling d. had been travelling
2. My jar is nearly empty! Someone … my coffee!
a. has been drinking b. was drinking c. had been drinking d. is drinking
3. Did you go to the post-office today? – No, I didn’t have … time.
a. too much b. many c. much of d. enough
4. The hospital … I was born was knocked down two years ago.
a. where b. whose c. there d. that
5. By the time they closed the shop, they … all the sandwiches.
a. would have sold b. had been sold c. had sold d. sold
6. There are four boats in the harbour, … can carry passengers.
a. which two b. the two c. two of which d. two of them
7. … she been more careful, she wouldn’t have broken her arm.
a. Were b. Had c. If d. Should
8. Were he more sensitive, he … have said such a horrible thing.
a. wouldn’t b. couldn’t c. mustn’t d. hadn’t
9. I wish you … quiet. I’m trying to concentrate.
a. would be b. had been c. were being d. has been
10. When I … home, I’ll ring you.
a. will arrive b. arriving c. arrive d. am arriving

VI. Turn the following into reported speech. (10 points)

1. “I don’t want to go to school today”, Sammy said to his mother.

2. “Do you know how to use the internet?” our teacher asked us.

3. “You mustn’t drive my car without asking me first”, Dad said to me.

4. “Why don’t we play chess?” Jill said.

5. “Yes, I broke the vase.” he admitted.

VII. Rewrite the following sentences. (10 points)

1. If I knew how to drive a car, I would have got the job.

I wish ………………………………..
2. It’s a pity I forgot Sam and Jill’s wedding anniversary.
I wish ……………………………….
3. Jane wants to go on holiday but she hasn’t got enough money.
If ……………………………………..
4. I didn’t get there on time, so I missed the beginning of the film.
If ……………………………………
5. Why don’t you try to help with the cooking more often?
I wish ………………………………

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