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INTERNATIONAL Iso STANDARD 9001 Quality management systems — Requirements ‘Sjtimes de management dela qualité — Brigences For trainin Only reosoon205808) European foreword “This document (EN 180 9001:2015) has been prepared by Technical Committe IS0/TC 176 "Quaity management ane quality asians ‘This European Standard tall be given the stats of atonal standard ther by publication of an ‘dental text or by endorsement tthe let by March 2016 sd confiting national stadaes shall Dewan at the test ty March 206, ‘tention s drawn othe posilty tht some of th elements of this document may be the subject of Patent ight. CEN and/or CENELEC shal ot be eld responsible for intiyng any orl sch patent Fie ‘This document supersedes 1 S0 90012008, ‘This document hasbeen prepared under a mandate given o CEN hy the Europea Comission and the uropean Fre Tade Assocation, nd supports essen eutements of BU Direct) ‘According tothe CEN:CENELEC Intrmal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the folowing countries are bound to implement tis European Standart Astra, Hag, Bulga, Creat ypras Goch Repub, Destark, Extn, inland, otnerYagolay Republic of Neon France, Germany, Greee, Hungary, leled, tend, aly, Lavi, Lithonia, taxembourg, Mat Netheriands, Norway. Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sovak, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Sze, ‘Turkey andthe United Kinga, [Endorsement notice ‘The ext 150 900:2015 hasbeen approved by CEN a EN 1S09001:2015 without any madfcation ing PUTPOS” or Training BY 180 9001:2015 (2) Contents BuropeanforeWO" oem nnneineiinn For Training Purpose Only EUROPEAN STANDARD ENISO 9001 NORME EUROPEENNE, EUROPAISCHE NORM September 2015 resoaszai0 “SupereoesBN1S0 900.2008 glish Version Quality management systems - Requirements (180 9001:2015) Spe nan ge: ena ‘Goamasgnetene- noderagn (50 “tots Seats) tational snd witht ay ahersuon pdt at ma ogra toes ‘Sec chote ansnay band open be GER CIES aspen aay ‘Ric tnopem Sand esi ee ofa ros (Egan Cer). A en ny ies ng de {abet eee fst mechan vorrei REN Ents te anal saat Asin lug rat Cpu oR ee oa, fen Fre oper Comyn ae ya ns tects ‘are Renan nn Sorin Sede Seat ahead B 215K Ah aeanin yma ay man od ce eeovonanise Tratiing Purpose Or 150 9001:2015(6) 42. Understanding the neodsand expectations of interested partes ue to thar tfc or potential tet onthe organizations ability to consistently provide products an servis tht mes cnr and pate tty oa ess requ he opnzaton 3) the intersted patos that areelevantto the quality maagenent pst 1) the requirement ofthese Iatrested partes hat are eleva tothe quay management syste ‘The organization shall monltr and revaw information about these interested partis and their relevant reqtrement 43. Determining the scope ofthe quality management syste ‘The arganization sll determin the boundaries and aplisilty of the qualty management system TWestabih tesrope ‘When determining his Scope the organization shal consider 43} the external and internal sss elered to nA 1) theroquirments of relevant ntersted partes refered ton 4.2 6} the prodats and services of theorgaizton ‘The organization shall apply all he equiements of his Iterational Standard they are apliable ‘within the determined sopeat tsqualty management system, “The scope of the organizations quality management system shal be avalble and be maintained ‘decunente information The scope shal state the types of products and srvices covered, and provide Inset rang erent is trata andar th organistion eens ont Spplieableto the sope a te quality management system Conformity to this International Standard ay oly be lame i the requlrments determine 3s not Delngapplcabl do not affect the ganizations ally or esponsity to ensure the conformity os rodets and services andthe enhancement a eastmer satisfaction 44 Quality management sysem and its processes 44.4 The organization sallesabish implement, maintain and continually inprove 8 quality ‘management sytem, inudng the processes need and tee interaction, accordance with the Feutrements of hs intrational andar ‘The organization shall determine the processes weed fr the ality management system a0 thelr {pplication throughout the organization, and shall 3} determine the inputs required the outpts expected fom these processes: 1) determine the sequence and interaction f hese processes 6) determine and spp the eres and methods ipeling monitoring messuranante and eat pertormance indicator) needa to ensure the efectve operation and catrl ese processes 4) determine he resources needed fo these processes and ensre thelr avalialty ©) sign the responsilitlesandoutores for these proceses 1 address the sks an opportunities deternine in acordance with he requirements of cralunte these proesseand plement ay changes eden ensure that thes processes achieve tha ntended resi heey ” For Training Purpose On'y — ©102015-Atagerart 150 9001:2015(6) 1) improve the processes andthe quality management system, 442 Totheesentnecesary the organization sha 4} maintain documented nfrmation o support the operation ois processes 1), retain docamented inbrmaton to have confene that he process are beng cated out panne = 7 5 Leadership 54 Leadership and commitment 51 Gonerst ‘Top management shall dsnonstate laership and commitment with respect to the quay Imagenes by 43) takingaccountabty er the efectveness afte quay management systeny 1) ensuring that the quay poley and quality objectives ar established forthe qualty management ‘stan nd are compat le wth the contest an state direction of he organisation, 6) ensuring the integrin of the quality management system requirements ato the organiration’s Inisiess process 4) promoting the wse of he process approach and risbased thinking ©) ensuringthat the resources needed forthe quality management system are valle 1D communicating the importance of effective quality management and of cnforming to the gual ‘management system requrements 8) ensuring thatthe quality management system achieves its intended resus, 1) engaging, decting aml supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the quality Inanagement system 9) promotingimprovenen: 2 supergene rlvnt management oes to demonstrat thr arias apples tr betta are coeto the prposeal the ornian xtnce wheter oranetion spe rt forprtcor nator pa ‘Top management shal demonstrate lesdeship and commitent with respect to cstomer focus crvurina it " ” 3) customer and applicable statutory ad regulatory requrements ave determined, understood and ensistony met 12 customer focus 1) the risks and opportantis that can afect conformity of products and services athe ait to ‘hance customer aration re determined and aes 6) thefocus on enhancing customer satisfaction fs maton, “1 Training Purpose O: (250215 -atighvenead a 150 9001:2015(6) 52 Policy 521 Bstablising the quay policy “Typ mansgernent sal estble, plement and msintin a qualy pie tht 43} Seapproptate athe purpose and conte ofthe organtztion and supports ts strategie dreton 1) provides rameworcfor setting qlty objectives: includes commitment sts applicable requirements, 4) eludes commitment continua improvement ofthe quality management system, 522 Communicating dhe qualty polly ‘The quality poe shal 8) beavilable ane maatalnatas documented Information; 1) becommuniate, understoodand applied within he organization: 6) beavatabe to relevant interested partes, as appropriate 53. ong ssand authorities ‘Top management shall ensure thatthe responsibilities and authorities fr relevant roles are assigned, ommunicted and understood wt hin he ergantzaton, ational roles, responsibil ‘op managements 2) ensuring that the quality management system conforms to the requirements of this imernationl Seanad: asi the responsibilty and authority for 1) ensuring that the processes ar delivering thee ntended tps ©) reporting om the performance of the quality management system and on opportunites for Improvement (se 101) panels to top management 4) ensuring the premtion af cusomer focus throughout the organization; 6) suring tha he nterty of he guaity management system ie maintained when changes tthe ‘quay managerent system ae planned and implement 6 Planning 64 Actions taddress risks and opportunities ization sl consider the sues the ss and opportunites that 64.1 When panning forthe gusty management system, the Fefered in dand the regutrem=ns referred ton za deters 2} alveassurance thatthe quality management system can achieves ntended est) 1) enhance desirable ets 2) prevent crveduce undesired dct: achive improvement or Training Purpose, Only ‘ ‘ono 201-atigiere 180 9001:2015(6) 6:12 The organization sal pan 43} actions to address thesis and opportunites: 1) tow to 4) ntegrate ad implenent the actions i ts quality management system processes (6c 4.4) 2) evluatetheletvenes of hes ahs Actions taken to ares sks and opprtunites shall be proportionate tothe potential impact on the enormity of pret and services NOTE _optns to aves risks ca oe ooking staking i order pean spartan, ‘hing the it tore, hanging the lode eassurnes sara he ie Fete ik ‘stormed delson NOTE2 Opportunites ca ed othe Alptioe of new pacts launching ew eed openina | ‘nurs desing ns costomers bling artes tng ne tly tote assed te suis to adresse orators carn ned 62. Quality objectives and planning to achieve then 62.4 he onpnization stl establish qualty objectives at relevant functions, levels ail prcesses ewe fete quality sagem te, ‘he quality objectives shal 3) beconsistene with che eualty pai 1) emessurable; 2. take intoaccountappeabl requirements 4) relevant conform of product and services ado enhancement of aston station; ©) bemonitered; 1) ecommuniated 2) beupdated as appropri, ‘The organization shall malan documented information on the gual objectives. {62.2 When planning how o achieve ts quality objectives the organization shall determine: 8) what willbe done 1) what resources le requed ©) whowill be responsi 4) when be complete 9 How the result wil be evaluated 6a ‘When the arganization detomines the need for changestothe ually management sytem, the changes Shall be creed out na planed manner (ee 42 lanning of changes For Tyainingy Purpose Only (1802015 Aeeree 150 9001:2015(8) The organization shall consider 83} the purpose the changes and their potential onsequences; 1b) the integrity ofthe quality management system ©) thesvalaaltyofresources: 4). the alostonoresllocaton ef responses ad authorities, 7 Support 7A. Resources 744. General ‘The organization shall determine and provide the resourees needed for the establishment, Implementation, maintenance andcontintal improvement ofthe quay management system, “The organization shal easier 28) the canabes nd constrltson, existing internal resources 1 what neds to be tale fom enteral preven 742 People ‘The organisation sal determine nd provide the persons necesary for theefective npementation fits qualty manager pst and forthe operation and contol its processes 74 Infrastructure ‘The erganlaton sal determine, provide apd maltan the lnfrastructare necessary fr the operation ‘fits processes and to achieve conkarmity of prodtsand services. NOTE nfasructrecan inde 2) buiingsanesnclated ues: 1) equipment nding hardareard star; anor recor 4) normation and communication etnsogy 744. tavironmentforthe opeation of processes “The ergantzaton stall determin, provide and matnatn the environment necessary for the operation ‘tits proceree ado seieve conor of products and services, 1 silo nods cat, om cfm 1) phological stressed brnot rovenin emetic psa eg temperature heat hemi gt iow ys ni r; of Training Purpose On 180 9001:2015(6) 74.5. Monitoringand measuring resources 74.54 Genera ‘The organization shall deeemine and provide the resaarces needed to ensure val and reliable Fests when monitring @ measuring fs wed overly the conformity of produce ad serves to requirements ‘The organization shal nse thatthe resources provided: 83) aresutablefor the peep of monitoringand measurement acts beng undertaken: 1) aremainaind to ensure thar continuing nes fr thr parpose ‘The organization shale appropriate documented information as evidence ffeness for purpose of the monitoring and measurement resources 7452 Measurement riceabiiy ‘When measurement racralityisarequrement, os considere by the organization to bean essential arto providing confidencein te valtyof measurement results messing equpment shal 3} clratedo verified o-both at specified intervals. opie touse, against measurenentstandards {taceable to international or natlnal measurement standards: when no sch standard ext the [ss used or ealbrati or vericaian shall we retained as documented infrmaton 1) ented in ade to determine ther status, 6) soeguarded from adjustments, damage deterioration that would valde the calibration Salus and suosequont measurement esl. ‘The organization shall determine ifthe vay of previous measurement results has been adversely aMfected when measuring equipment ie found ta be unt frie itended purpose, and shall ke appropiate ston se necessary. 7416 Organizational knowledge ‘The organization shall detrmine the knowledge ncesary fr the aperstion of ts processes and to clave conformity of rads and services ‘This knowledge shallbe mastained adhe mae salable tothe extent nce. When sessing changing nods and tends the organization shall consider its cursent knowledge and determine how to aque o access any necessary adaltoral knowledge and reqlred updates, NOTE 1 Orniational Rnculedge ie haowledge sce 9 the organo i genes glad by ‘soerence ia ifermatin Ut ted aad shared omen te ongonantsojetes NNOTE2 Organisational oslo canbe bs 2), imernal sores (og neta propery:tnowndge glaed fom experienc sons Ive Eure den ejects parang ean seers eaten sources (- sadards academi:caterences; gathering kaowleds from custames oF ‘tara provides For Training Purpose Only (010205 egbereaed ’ 180 9001:2015(E) 72 Competence ‘Te organization shal 2) determine the necessary copetence of person( doing work under ts control that affects the Pevormance and efcctivenesfof te quay management stem 1) ensure that these persons are competent the basls of appropiate eduction, traning. or experience: 6) where applicable take actionsto acquire the necessay competence andevaluate the effectiveness ifthe aon en 4) retain appropriate docomentd information as evidence of competence NOTE Aplebe actions canine fo expe he provision aftr the mentaring of tere [punentcuremiy employed pens othe ego cnecingo competent pesrs 7a Awareness “The organization shal ensure tha persons doing work der he organizations conrolareawate of 3) the quality poly 1) elevantquaity objectives; trot leciveresy ofthe uty mangone system nigh beet of 4) the inpleatons of ot conforming with the quality management systom requirements 7A Communication “The onpazaion sal determine the Internal al external communications relevant to the quality mangement syste Inlualng 8) on what ail eommunicate: 1B) when to commanicate with whom communicate: ow to communicate: 2 who communicates 75. Documented information 754 Generat “The organizations quaty managenent syste shal inte 8} documented information rqted by this Internationa Standard 1) documented information determine by the argantzation as being neesary fr the eectveness ‘tthe quality managementsystem. war Te eng of cero formation fr = y manigenet sen i om ae = the sie fonaneton edits typeset, proceses products an serves . on Tacining Purpose Onty 180 9001:2015(6) the compe of processes nd aera 752 Coeatingand updating ‘When creating and upeating documented information the organization shall ensure appropriate 3) en 1) Format (eg Language, stware version, graphics) and media paper lectoni) Meatlon and desertion (it, date, author or rerence munber) ©) review and approvalfr suitability te adequacy. 753 contol ofdecumented information 7533, Boumente norman equ te gilt manager ye ay thts 8) Risavallableand suitatle or se, whee and wien tis needs 1) Risadequatly protected (eg trom loss of conden, Inprope seo ks of integrity). 75.3.2. For te control of documented infomation, the organization shall adress the following ees a ppb 28) istibtion acess, retrieval and use; 1b) storage and preservation including preservation oflegbty: ©) contra ofchanges (everson cote); 4) retention and dispositen Doctnentd information o external origin determined by the organitation tobe necessary forthe panning and operation of equality management ye shal be ented as appropity econo Documented orton rete as evidence of conformity sal be protected from wine NTE Aces ca plac egarding he prison to view he Gacumented normatin ony. ‘hepermsion sn authiriytevew and mgt documenta rain 8 Operation 8.41 Operational planning and control ‘The organization shall pay, implement and contol the procestes (86 4) needed to mest the ements the pois of rds nd servis, al tmp the actos ere in 2) determining the requirements forthe products and cervices, 1) establshing extra for 1) thepracesses 2) the acceptance of pric and services; ©) determining the resources nee terueve combi oan wroduc a serve Feuireients fe1s018 ature a For Training Purpose On 150 9001:2015(6) 4) implementing contra othe rcesssin aeconance with the xtra 9) deternining,anaining andretainng documented information tothe extent necessary 1) twhave confidence that the processes have heen carried aut spanned 2) todemonstratethe conformity of products and serves to thar requlrements. “Tae ouput ofthis panning halls suitable forthe organizations operations “Tne organization sal contol planed changes and review the consequences ef ulatended changes, {akingaction tigate any adverse let, se neces ‘Te organization shal ensure that outsourced processes are controled (se) {82 Requirements fr produrts and services 182.1 Customer communi Communication with customers stl incu 2) proving information eating products an services 1) handing enquires contacts ar arders, nding changes 6) stalning customer feedback relating to products and serves, neluding customer complains: 4) handling controling custoner property: ©) establishing specif requceents for contingency actions, when relevant 822 Determining the requirements for products and services When determining the requirements for dhe products and services tobe offered to customers, the ‘ongantrtion shall ensue at 2) the requirements fr the prodetsand servicesare define, neludig: 1) any aplcable statutory sd regulstory requirement 2} those considered necessary by the organization; services ates 1b) the organization can meet theca for the peoduets 82.3 foviow the requirement for product and services 823.1 The organization sal err that thas the ability to mee the requirements or produc ana ervces tae oferedtncutomers The onansation shal conduct a reve before commiting Supp products serves toa custome to inte 43} requirements specified hy the customer inching the requirements for delivery and post avery activites 1b) requirements not stated by the customer but necessary fr the specie or intended use, when requirements spetiedbytheargantzation; 48) ttotory an reglatryreqtrement pliable tthe products and series: {contractor order requirements difering fom thse wreviously expressed a > u"pose OPI eno2ei-ntacernmmd For Training P 150 9001:2015(6) “The organization shall ensure that contractor andr requirments dfering fom those previously “etined ae resalved ‘The customer's requirements shall be confirmed by the organization befare acceptance, when the ‘astomer does nt prvidea documented statement o hi Feuirement, NOTE insome ssatlon such sinter sale formal eviews fr ator Instead he "eve can cover sovant rt fron swe ete 823.2. Theorgniation hall etn documented informatio, asaplesble 2) onthe results ofthe ree; 1) onany nw requirement fr tho products and serves. 824 Changesto roquremonts for products and services “The organization shall ensure that relevant documented formation is anended, and that relevant Parsons are made aware the changed requirements when the resuiements fr products and Services are changed 83 Design and development of products and services 34 Gonerat ‘The ongantzation shal estes, Implement aed maintain a design and develapment process that Is appropriate to ensure the sbsequent provision af products al stvies 832. Design In determining the stages ad cantor design and development, te organization shal consider development planing 4} thonture,daratin snd completo the design and development actives, 2) the required process stges,nladng applicable design and development reviews; 1 the require design and development vercation an vaiatian activites, 4) theresponsilitesandauthortes involved in the desig nd develament process 9) the internal and external esource needs for the design and development of prdutsand services: themed to contol intestaces between persons invalve inthe design and development proces £8) the need for involvement of eustomers and users inthe design and development proces: 1) the requirement for subsequent provision of poduets and services, 9 he tev of cota exec er he dng advent procs by esters and ter "elevant interested porte 1D the documented infermation nesded to demonstrate that desen fvebeen me 1 development requirements 833 Design ant development inputs ‘The ongnization shall detemine the requirement essential forthe specie types of products and services toe designed ad developed. The oranstion sal conse: 23} fenctionaland performance requirements S208-Mtumend oj Tralnng Purpose Only a 180 9001:2015(6) 1) information derived rom previous sina design and development actives, ©) statuary and regulstory requrements, 48) standards or coes of pretcethat the arganiation has commited tolinpleent ©) potential consequences of false doe to the nature ofthe products and serles Inputs sal be equate for designand development purposes, comps nl unambiguous onfcting design and development nats hal be resolved ‘The organization shal retain documented information on design and development inputs 834 Design and development controls ‘The organization shall ppl contra tothe design and developmen races tense th 4) theresultstobe achieved are define 1) reviews are conducted to evahte the ality ofthe results of design and development to meet Fequlrements ©) weiieation activities are candatd oensire that the design an development outputs meet the Input eeaaiement, 4) validation activites are conducted to ensure tha the resulting products ad services meot the ‘equlrements fo the spectedpplstan attended use ©) any ecesary actos ate ake om problems determined during the reviews, or verieaton and 1) documented information ofthese activites retained NTE, Design on developnent rere, vrestion an vito have distinct purpose: They ean be ‘onde spat on ny combo issue forthe profes and series corps 835 Designand development atputs ‘The organization shal ensure that esgn an development outputs 3} meet the pat requirements 1) areadequtefor the subsequen: processes fo the provision of pout nd services, 4) inde or reference monitoring snd measuringrequlemens appropriate and acceptance eter: 4) spect the characteristics othe products and services that ar essential fotheirintended purpose {hd ther safeana proper provision, "The organization shal retain dacuente formation on design an development outputs 836 Design and development crnges ‘he organization shal enti, revsw and contra changes made during subsequent othe design and development a prodects and services ta the exten necessary to eure tot tere ee Impact on conformity to requirements ‘The organization shallectain documented information on: 2) design and development changes, 1 theresults of reviews: For'Training Purpose On 2 (0190205 athe 180 9001:2015(6) 1) the authorization ofthechanges 18) the actions taken to prevent adversmpacts 184 Contral of externally provided processes, proviuctsand services 841 General “The argaizaton shall entre that externally provided processes, products and services conform to requtrements ‘The organization shal determine the control to be applied to externally provided processes products find services when 9) oducts eaten pidtsarltendedfrincxporatn nator’ ‘om produce ad services 1) products nd services re provided directly tothe customer() by external providers on behalf of fhe organization ©) processor part ofa process provided by an external provider as. esl fa decison by the ‘organization. “The organization stall determine and apply ertera forthe evaluation, selection, monitoring of perfortanc, and re-etalvtion of external providers based a tel aby to provide processes oF Products and services in zordance with requirements The argantzation shel rtan dacumented Formation ofthese etter and ay necessary stlans arising rom the evaluations ‘842 Typeandextentofcontrol “The organization shall ensure that exteraly provided proceses, products and services do not ‘very affect the organs ait to consttemly dvr confarang products nd services ‘The oganzation shal 4) ensue that externally provide processes remain withia the control ofits qualty management Sytem 1) dein both the controlsthattintends to sppytoan external provider an thoselt tends to apy {othe renuting oat 19) tahointconsideration 1) the potential impact of the externally provided proceses, products and services on the ‘Sans sy sty et conor ab apne tayo play roqulrments 2) theetectvenes othe contro applied by the external provider, 4) determine the verifaion, o ober activites, necessary to ensure that the externally provided 843 Information for esternal providers ‘he organization shall emuve the adequacy of requirements prie to thee communication tothe external provider. "The organlzton sal cmmnicate to external providers ts requrements fr: 5) the processes, products andsemeastabe provided (0102015- ater ar nalnieg eros On? 18 180 9001:2015(6) 1) theapprova 1) preduts and services; 2} methods processes and equipment; 3) the release of products aml services )_competenc,incaingary equredqalifeation of persaas; 48) thecxernal providers ntractons withthe ganization; {contol ond monitoring the sxtrnal providers performance tobe spied by the organization 1) verification or validation acts that ee rganzation ois castamer Intends to perform atthe ‘extemal provers premises 85 Production and service provision ‘95.1. Gontrolof production amt service provision “The organization shall implemen odution an service provision wnder controled conditions Controlled conto stl incu as applicable: 3) theawaisity of documented information hat defines: 1) the characterises of th roduettobe produced, the services tobe provide othe atvites {obepertormed: He 2) thoreslts tobe achieves 1b) theavalaity and use of suinble monitoring and measuring resources ©} the npementtion of nonttoring and measurement activites at appropriate tages to very that triers for contol of processes or atpats, and acceptance eter for products and secs, Favebser met 4) the we of suitable infrastrctere an environment forthe operation of processes, {6} theappaintmentfcompetant persons including sry required qualification; 1) the validation, and periodic ealatin, ofthe ality to achieve panned esos of the processes Fer provaction an service provision, where the resin output cot be verfed by subsequent monitoring or measurement the mpementation af actlonsto prevent human error 1) the nplementaton of release delivery and pot diver activites 852 dentifeation and traceatiity ‘The organization shall use sutablo means to Ientfy outputs whan i Is necessary to ensure the ry of products and serves ‘The organization shal ently te statue of outputs with reepet to monitoring and measurement equlrementsthroughost proton and serviee provision, ‘The organization shall cotral the unique tentifeation of the outputs when traceabilly Is @ Feiremen and shal retain the ocumented information necessary to able traceblty For Training Purpose OnWv 180 9001:2015(6) 1853 Property belongig to customers or external providers ‘The ganization shall execs care with property belonging to castors or external providers while \tisunder the organizations contol or ng used by the ergnizaton ‘The organization shall deny verily protectand safeguard customer or external prides property provided or use or incopartion into the products ai sevice. ‘When the property ofa eistomer or external provide lst damaged or otherwise found to be tnsulale for use, te ergantzaton shall epor this othe caste o exterval provider aid eal Aocameate information on what has ace NOTE. customers ar ener! vir’ propery cnincae atria compat oleand aut Press nlc paper pero dit 854° Preservation ‘he organization shal reserve the outputs during production and service provision, tothe extent recesary to ensure eonfornityto requirement ove Perron cm ind Ween ang camamatn cnr pcg, tr, 85.5 Postdelivery activites ‘The organization shall mest requirements for pose-dlvery atvtes associated with the products and services In determining the extent opost-dalvery activites thst ar equted, the organization shall consider 8) sttutoryand regulatory requirements: 1) the potentl undesirdconsoquences associated with ts products and services 6) the nature use and intended iene ofits proc ai services 4) customer requirements, 9 exstomer feedback, NOTE Posner actives cn ince ctu wader warty provisos cotati eign sh {taatenane series an siplementay series sts ej ial dsr 856 contrtotchanges ‘The ongaization sal rel and control changes for production or service provision tothe extent necessary to ensue continu ng cnfory with reqlrement, ‘The organtzaton shal retais documented information deseribng the results ofthe revcw of changes ‘he persons) authoring the charge end any necessary action asin rm the view {86 Release ofproductsand services ‘he organization shall implement plansed arrangements, a¢ appropriate stages to verify that the roduc nd service reqlrements he been oe, ‘The eens of products and servos othe customer shall ot proced tl the planned arrangements have een stisfctoriycempleted, unless otherwise approved bya tlevan authority a a3 applicable bythe customer For Training Purpose Only. : {180205 -Atvahsreered 180 9001:2015(E) ‘The organization shal retsn documented information onthe release of products and services. The documented information sal nce: 2) evidence af conlormity wih the aceplane cetera; 1) waceabity othe poson( antorang the release 87 Control of nonconforming outputs 87.4 ‘the organization shal ersure that outputs that do not conform to ther requirements are ented and contrled wo preven theirunitended use deliver ‘The organtzaton shal tke approplat action based on te nature of the nonconormity adits fect ‘neh conformy’of products aed services This shall aso apply to nonconforming prdcts rad ‘Shrvices detected after delivery ofproduts, daring or after te provision of sees, “The organization sal deal with onconforming outputs in ne of mare the flowing ways: 3} exeecton; 1) segregation containment, return or suspension of provision of products and serves; informing te customer 4) obtaining authorization Fr aseptance under concession. Conformity to the requirements tl be vrfied wen nonconforming outputs are corrected {87.2 The organization shal tan decumented information that 2) deseibes the noncotormity; 1) describes the actions taken 6} describes any concessions ebtaned: 4) dentist authority decide the action in respect fhe noncofermity. 9 Performance evaluation 9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation 944 General ‘The organization shal determine: 3) whatneeds tobe monitored and measured: 1) themethodsfor maitoring,neasurenent analy an evasion needed to ensure valid els 1 when the mitra en 4) when the results from montring and measurement shall beanalysed and evaluate. ‘The organlztionshalevalate theperformance and the etetvenessof he qalty managenent syste ‘The ngantation shal stain appropiate documented information as evidence of the results ‘of Training Purpose Only: 16 (102015 at oghsteseed 180 9001:2015(6) 9.12 customer satisaction ‘The organization shall moniter customers” percoptions of the degree to which ther needs and ‘expectations hove been lll "The organ shal determine the methods for obalnng Inontoringand reviewing his nfomaton Nove Esamples of mntorngcstomer perceptions con inde este surveys caster fadack a Severed pots on is tings wih ener mae hore aac onsen aS 95.3 Analysisand eval ‘Th orginal dealin pproprit data an inrmstin asin fom monitoring and measurement. " i ‘The rests ofanlyis stl be wed to evaate 2) conformity of products and services 1b) the degree of customer satiation; ©) the performanceandefactivenes ofthe quality managensent system 4) UMplaminghss been imlemented fectively 9) the eetivenes of acts akon to adres isk an opportunites 1) the performance ofexteral providers £8) the need for improves tothe qualty managementsystem. NOTE Method tosnaye data con incest enous 9.2 Internal audit 92.4 ‘The ongnaatin stall conduct internal audts at planned intervals to provide information on ‘whether the ally management syste 3) conformsto 1) the ongaizations cn requlrmenorits quality management systems 2) the requirement ofthis ternational Standard 1b) setectively plemented and maintained 9.22 The organization sal 2 pln sa inplenr ad aan nat propa) nudge enc. methods Fesponsibitis, planing requrement and reporting. which sal ae tno casidration the Importance ofthe proces concerned, changes allectng the engateaton, edhe results OF provus audits 1) dane the al crerla and sce far each aa; (select audtors and condset audits to ensure objectivity an the impartiality the alt process; 4) ensure thot the results th audits are reported toreevant management ©) take appropriate correction and convective actions without unde dey ‘01902015-agieraena FOr Training Purpose Oniy > 150 9001:2015(6) 1) retain documented nfrmaten os vee ofthe nplnontation ofthe audit programme and the Sitesi men NOTE So80 1901 fr gusance 93 Management review 93. Genera “Top management sll evew the organizations quality management stem, a planned intervals, to aur tseontinang say, sdogey effectiveness and llgament with the srtete drecton of {the organtzaton, 93.2 Management review inputs ‘The management review shal be lanned and carved out taking into consideration: 28) the status ofactons from previous management eves 1b) changesin externa and nterraleses that te reevant to the qualty management systems 4 nfloratn on he ermine nd tenes fhe uty mangement sys nding 1). eastomer satisfaction andfeedback rm eovant interested parties, 2) theextetto which qu 3) process performance an snort of roduc and services, itobjectives have been met 4) monconormitis and corectve actons 5) montoringandmessurenent cess; 6) adieresuts 17) te performance oFextera providers 4) the adequacy of esourees; ©) theetecveness of actionstalan to sires sks and opportunities (se 6 1) opportunites for improvement 93. Management review outpats ‘The tps ofthe management review sal nce decisions an actions relate to: 28) opportuites for improvement 1) any eer changes tothe quity managment system; 6) reroerceneede ‘The oxanizationshalletaln documented iformationasevienceof the ress management eviews ‘or Training Purpose Onl, 150 9001:2015(6) 10 Improvement 10.1 General ‘The organization shall determine and select apportutities for improvement and implement any cesta ations tome estomer requirements and elaine customer seach ‘These sal nce 9) improving produts ard services t meet requirements as wel a to address future needs and expectations 1) correcting, preventing educing undesired ets; improving the performance and effectiveness ofthe quality management syste NOTE, amples f improvement can alae correct, cate ation, contin improvement, theakvouph rg vorson td rearansin = 1022 Nonconformity and corrective action 10241 Whena nonconformiy occurs nluding ay rising rom compl, the organization hill 8} reacttothenonconforty and, a apical 1) eakestin to conta and core t 2) dea withthe consequences 1) evaluate the need for ation ociminate the causes ofthe nonconforiy norder tat it does not ‘recur or occur csewhere tyr sng the nonconlormity: 2) determining he causes ofthe nancenterity, 2) reviewing an a 3) determining sini noncnformitis alto could potently occu; ©) Implement any ston needed 4) review the effectiveness of any corrective ation take update risks and opportunities determined duvng panning necessary, make changes tothe quality management system neces. Corretiveactons shal be appropriate othe elects ofthe nonconforities encountered, 1102.2 The organization shal retain documented information a evidence of 2) the nature ofthe noncorformities and any subsequent actions ake 1) the mee of ay corrective setln, 103 Continual improverient ‘The organization shal continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness ofthe aly For Training Puipose Oniy 102015 > 150 9001:2015(6) “The onganastion shall consider the results of analysis and evaluation, and the ouipts from management review a determine there are needs or apportnitis that shillbe addressed as part of ontinal improvement. For Training Purpose Only 0 (10205 Argerenred Annex A (informative) Clarification of new structure, terminology and concepts AA Structure and terminology ‘The clause structure (ue, clause sequence) and same of the terminology ofthis edn of this International Standards in eomparizon with the prevaus ein [160 90012008) have best changed ‘olmprovealignnent with shecmanagementsyrteme standards, ‘There sno requirement inthis lmternatonl Standard frit structure and tesnclogy to be applied tothe documented iformason oan organization quay management syste ‘The structure of clases steed vo provide a coherent presentation of requirements rather than & rode! for documenting an egantations polices, objective nd proctsex Te structure and content ‘fdocumented information elated to's ualty management system can often be moe reevant (ots ‘ses it relates to both the progesses operate ly the aeganteatin ad information malted fo other purposes ‘hares no requirement forthe terms used by an organization tobe replaced bythe eras sein his Incerational Standard to spety quality management system reeirerent,Organatans cn choose {ose ers whieh su ir operations (using “eens, “documentation” or “protocols rather than "documente information” or super partner” a "vendor ater than extra rover Table Ad shows the major aifrences In teminalgy between thi edition of this ternational ‘Standard and the previous ition ‘Table A — Major affirences in terminology between 180:9001:2008 and 180 90012015 Product Product and services Escssons otused ‘ see causes for dariteation of ppiity) [Management representative Inorasea (sinr responses andauthortes reassigned batnregtenatora sng minapen ee Documentation, quality mansal, documented pro-[Documented information fsures recon [Work environment [Enviroament forthe operation of processes: [tontorngand measuring equipment ostoringand measuring resources [rurchared pred Estrnaly provide products and service supplier [steral provider A2 Productsand services 19090012009 used eter “produto inlueall output categories This edition ofhisnternational ‘Standard uses"producsandstrvices’- Products ad sericea allewtput categories (harder, series sftvare ad procemanatena {0102015 eed For Training Purpose Only a 180 9001:2015(6) “Te spoil nclasion of “servis” intended to highlight tho difernces between products and ‘ervesin he pletion fae eens. The carats servics th ata pa the tpt is elle at the iaterace with the customer The means, for eral, tat conformity 0 Fouirements cannot necessarily beconirnedbeloe serve dlvery In most cass, prodacts and series are used together, Most eutpts that organizations provide to ‘stoners rare supplied to thn by eaternal Providers Ince both products and services. Fo ‘tampa tangle or itangibeyodoct cn have some ssocated sevice ora service ca have some sSsoclated tangle er Intangible rodut A. Understanding the necds and expectations of interested parties Sabsause 4.2 specties requirement forthe orgunration to determine the terested partes that fre relevant to the quality management system and the requienant of tose Interested partes. However 42 doesnt imply extersion of qualty management sjstem requests beyend the scope ‘ofthis ternational tana As stated the Scope this International Standard is appieable where Sh organisation news to demomsarate ts abiy to consistently provide products and sevles that eens nd pe soy sept erent an snes caer ‘There Is wo requirement i this mernatinal Standard forthe organtzation to consider etree pris wer tte david that those pats are not reevan to equality manapemet sytem Ls (erthe organization to decide fa yartclar requirement ofarserantinterestd party eleva ois ‘tality managementsystem, AA Risk-based thinking ‘The concept ofrisk-baethnkinghas bee plc n previous tons ofthis International Standard fg through reqirements for Hating feview and Improvement Ths International tamer Stele reqlrements fo the orjnationtondrstand ts conten (ee 4) and determine risks at ‘base for panning (eel). This represents the application of risk-based hing to panning and implementing qualify management system processes ee 4.4) and wil asta determining the eet tf documented information ‘ne ofthe Key purposes ofa qulty management sytem sto act aa preventive took Cansequently 1s ternatgna Standard oes not havea separate eause or sabenure on preventive atin. The once preventive atlon is exresed through the use of rik hae thinking formulating galt) ‘management system oguremen “The risebased thinking applied fn his International Standard has enabled some reduction in prescriptive requirement anh replacement by performance based requirements There seater Fiesty than in 150 90012008 fn the requirements Tor processes, documented formation and torgaiztinal esponsibities ‘Althugh specifies thatthe organization shal plan seins to adres sak, there requirement fer formal wethodsfor sk management or documented rik management proces Organizations ean fle whether or not to develops more extensive risk management meshodolog thas is eguted by this tnernatonal snare eg ieough the application ober uldane standards Nocall he processes of qual management syste represent the sae evel ak ei fie ‘ongantration's bity to met Hs objectives, st the effects of uncertainty are not the Save fr al ‘gallons Unr the regeiteents of G4 the organizations responsefor ls application of Hk teed thinking nd the setions takes oss risk incloing whether or nt to retain documented Information as evidence o ts dtrination ok For Training Purpose Only, 22 (01802015-Aihe ord 180 9001:2015(6) AS Applicability ‘his tntermationl Staniard doesnot refer to “excisions” in elton to the appleby of ‘equcements to the organzations quality matagement sytem: However an organton cay eve the aplcabiity of egrenents de to the sie or eompesity of he organ, the tanagerent ‘model itadpts, the range the organeatlon’s actos snd the nature othe sks ad opportnies FRencounters ‘The requirements for applcablity are adressen 4.3, which dfins conditions under which an ‘ngunzation can dete that a equcement cannot be applied to ayo the puesses within te stop ‘ofts quality management stm. The gant can ony dcide haa esuremen snot apps ‘tts decision wl nt resin fia achieve conformity of reduc and services A6 Documented information Apart ofthe aligment wih other managanent system standards a common clause on “documented Information” hasbeen adopted without signlcant change or adn (ee 78) Where spproprlate, {ext elsewhere in this nenatonal Standard hasbeen aligned with Kes requirements, Consett “documented inlrmation ruse oral docu requietents Where 180 90012008 used specific terminology suchas “document” or “documented procedures, “qualty mana” or "qalty pla, hs etn of tis International Standard dlins requrements to “intain documented infor Where 180 90012006 use the term “records” to denote documents needed to provide evidence of confornity with requirements, this is now expressed asa requtrement to “real documented Information rhe organization ts esponsible or dtarnining what documented information ned 0 beretane, the period of tne fr which sto be retained andthe meat be we fre retention A requirement to “alata documented information does nat exclude the possiility tht the ‘xginization might lo nel to "retat"that same documented information fo a partic prose, 4 torelan previous verses \Wherethis international Standard refers to information” thr than documented information (en {LL"Theorgantzaton shall motor andrevew the nfrmation sbout these externa ineral suee, there sno requirement tha this information sto be documented In susan the organieaton ‘am decide whether or ottsneessryor appropiate to mana documented inrmation, AJ Organizational knowledge Im ZL this International Standard addresses the need to determine ad manage the knowledge ‘maltained by the organztion to ensure the operation offs processes and tht cam achieve ‘conformity of products and servis Requirements regarding oreninatonal knowledge were introduced forthe purpose of 2) salequnrding the organaton fom lous of knowlege, de ough statfeurore = ale to ape ad stare tration; 1) encouraging the organiton to acquire knows 08, — eoring fom experince — mentee: = benchmarking. For Training Purpose Only ‘otso2m-a a 150 9001:2015(8) A.8 Control of externally provided processes, products and services AI forms of externally provided processes, products and services are advesed in Bu, eg, whether eau 4) purchasing oma supplier 1) anarrangement with an assoeate company; 6) outsourcing proceses tn an externa rover ‘Outsourcing ahtays has the essen characteristic of servic, ince wll have atleast one actiy ‘ecesarlyperfornad tthe ntrace tween the provide and the organtation, tatu the proces, oducts and services. The rganzaton ca apply islebased thinking te dternite te typeand exten ‘ot cntris appropriate to partevaretternal providers and externally provided processes, products andaervices For Training Purpose Only m 01802015 teghsesered 180 9001:2015() Annex B (informative) Other International Standards on quality management and quality ‘management systems developed by 1S0/TC 176 ‘The International Standars described in this annex have been developed hy IS0/TC 176 to provide upporting Information fe aeganizatians tht apy this International Standard, ano prove ‘uidance for organtzationsthat chose to progress beyond ts requrements. aldancé or regiments ‘ieained inthe documents Usted in ths aex donot add ty oF may, the requirments of is International Sandor, ‘uble_BA shows the relionship betwoen these standards and the relevant clauses of this Ineeratinal Sandor This annex does not incoe reference tothe sectrspecii quality management system standards Aevelaped by S071 16, “This international standards one othe tree core standards developed by IS0/TC 176, 130, 9000 Quatiy management systems — Fundamenals and vocabulary provides an esentia Ickgroune forthe proper understanding and implementation ofthis Imerrational Standar® ‘The quality manager princes ate dscrbed in data e150 9000 an have boon talon nto ‘onsieration during the development of tis lteraaional Standard, These prieipls ae not Fequirements in eselves, out tay for the fundatlen afte equementsspectfied By th International Sanda, 80 9000 aso defines the terms definitions and concept used th International Standard — 1809001 (histnernational standard) speciesrequirementsined pimarlyatgivngcontidencen {he products and serves provid an onantation a thershy enkancngostomerstsacon, Its proper Inplomentaion can alo be expected to bring ether onantatonl nels such a Inproved internal communication, better understanding and contol the orantzaton's process. = 180 9004 Managing forthe sustained sucess of an organization — A guality management approach provides guidence fr organization that chore to progress beyond the requirement of th International Standard to adress a broader range of topes that can lead to improvement of the ‘rgazains overall performance. 1509004 ince uiance on a seeaseesment ntl feta organization tobe able to evaluate the level of matory ofits ualty management syaten ‘The International Standares outlined below can provide assistance to organizations when they are ‘stalishingor seeking prove hel quality management systems, he praceaseror tracy tes = 180 10001 Quality masigenent — Customer satiation — Gudens for codes of conduct for ‘organizations provides uicane to an oganiation in dteriining that ts custome station [mowisons met customer neds and expectations It use cat enkancecustame confidence 3 tngiiatonandimgrrecistoner nderstandingt what expet oman opin, here = 190 10002 quay management — Customer sausfoction — Guidelines for compli: hanting in organtaions provics guidance othe process af handing empl by recognizing and ‘aressing the needs end expactatins of complaints and resaving any complaints recive #80 10002 provides an open efactve and easy-torse omplaints proce ining training of people tals provides paneer small biinesse. — 18010003 Quattymanegement ~ Cstomersatsfacton — Guidelines or dspte resolution extern 1 organo’ provides qusdanocterceoatrvandcatgnt external dispute resin foe Ovomis attest 6. Training Purpose Only as 150 9001:2015(E) roduceelated complaints. Disp resnation gives an avenue of redress when organizations {bono remedy » complaint internally, Most complaints canbe resolved successtuly within the trganlztion without avers procedures. = 18010006 Quoley monagemert— Customer satfacton — Guldelinesfor monitoring and measuring ovis giles fr stionsto enhance customer stlficton and to determine opportunites [trove of preicts pressuss slates tat are valued by eestomers: Sachsen can "rengtben stoner loyalty and hp rtan customers = 150 10005 Quilty management sstoms — Guidelines for quality plons provides gutdance on ‘Stash and using gual plane ss 9 ean of relating requlremests a the proces, prot, ojectoreotract to work methods and pacts that support produt realization. Benefits of ‘Setblstinga qsalty plan areinereased cafidence hat eegutraments willbe mel, that processes ‘Sreincontol dhe mation tha this ean pie to those involved 180 10006 Quality management syates— Guldelins or quay monagenentin projects applicable topes from the smal to arg rr simple to compl oman idl project being part ‘fa portfolio of projects 190 19006 sto be used by persanne managing project nd who need to tise atoning ates ae he 5 aly mange = 180 10007 Quolty managemant stems — Guides for conigurtion management i 9 assist ‘rgaizationsapppingconfigiration management fr the techie and administrate rection ‘ver the Ife cle of profit. Configuration management can be used to mest the product enltestin spa aceniltyreqsrementsspetied nti International Sandare. = 180 10008 Quality manogemest — Customer saufocton — Gaiden for busines to-consuner Electronic commerce transac ives gultanceon how organtations can mplement an eectve Snd cist busineteto-consuner electronic eommereytranraeton (B2C ECT) system, and thereby provides bsiorcnsunersto ave Increased confidence n BACECT enhance ably tergantzatinsto satis consumes andtepredvce complaints and disputes. = 180 10012 Mensuremene morogement sytems — fequvoments for measurement proceses an Imensirig equpmene provides guidance forthe Management of measurement processes ad ‘etoogitl confirmation of nearuring equipment used to support and demonstrate compliance ‘ethmetologtstreqtremenss 160 1001 2providesqualityanaenentcrtertaforamessurement Ianagementsystomto ensemetroloialequemeat aremet. = 1$0/FR 10013 Guidelines fr qualty management sytem documentation provides guidelines for the development and taintetance ofthe documentation necessary for quality management Systen IS0/1H 10013 can be used to document management system aber thon those af he i8o quality managetentsystan standards, environmental mangement stems and safely management systems = 15010014 Quay manager: — Guidelines for realzingfnancaland economic onesie adresse totapmaagement provides guideline for ealiingnanclal and economic beneis through the !pplation af qual manapeent paces fottatsappileaon of management peeps ‘hd sleton of methods ad ols that enable the sustatable success ofan oganiaton, 180 10015 quuley manaemere— Guidlines or ering provides ilies to assist organizations In drectng sues relate tang, 10 10015 canbe applied whenever guldance Is equired to interpret relennces to “easton” angering: win he 190 quay fhanagensent stem Snare Any eferencetotaining includes al types of eden a ata = 180/18 10017 cide on ttt! tecniques for 180 90012000 explains statistical techniques ‘wh flo eo the variably that ean be observed in the behaviour and results of presses, ‘ton under condtlans of apparent stabi Ststistia tehigues alow eter ue ef avalae date to set in decttn making, and thre help to continually prove the qulty of produts and processes to achieve customer satisfaction, 26 raining Purpose ONY oozes atnea rend 180 9001:2015(6) = 180 10018 Quality management — Guieines om paopeInvolenent and competence proves fuldeline which fflrnce people invalvement and competence A gualty management system eyed an toe of competent pole nd they that hey ae nace td Integrated iat the orpsntsatio, iis ritcal to determine dove and evaluate the knee Shs behaviour and wk envionment required ~ 18010019 Guideline frheclectonof quality mangementystom consutantsandus ofthe serves provides guance forthe sleton of quality tanagenan system consleants ad the use of ther Servlet gives guidance onthe proces fr evaluating the competnee of quay anagement ten cansltan and provides eonidence thatthe oganzations needs ad expectations fr the ‘onslant’s serves wl beret — 19019011 Guidetines for ding management systems provides guldance onthe management of 29 nut programme, on he planning and condctng of ao a anagerentsystern a ell as ‘onthe competence and seluaton ofan altar and an aut team SO 19011 wtnteded to appl to ‘stditors organtztionsiplementing mangement systems and arganetons needing to cnt stats of managenest ystems, “Table 8 —ntationship between other ternational Standards on quality nanagement and ‘quality manage nent systems and the causes ofthis international standard ‘ther ner ‘aan is aternational Sandra Soni standard | i z 7 Fi 5 5 so9e00 Jaafar a Fafa {0.9008 Ja Jan fan [aur fan Janr [a so 10007 azz. asi oz iso 10002 fazu, —foa2 fanz iso 10003 m1 'so 10008 293 0 10005 a 010006 Jar fan fan dat ala an s0 10007 — las isoooos ana ——_[a Jalan [a la isorra io Ins isoxoo fan fan faa fa [ara 30 10015 ~ sofa 10017 lex fas la fiso soos an fa fan an ——_[anr [an a iso 10019 [sa iso son lag For Training Purpose Only {01502015 angered 2 150 9001:2015(6) 0 a o oy oT a a a a 09) on 02 03) 4) 03) 6, we (09) 9) (20) ay a ks) eH) (es) es Bibliography 150.9004, Mnaing forthe tind sucesofan ganization —A qualeymanagement approach 150 10001, uty managment — Customer sation ~ Gulelines for code of conduct for ‘rgntzations 130 10002, Quay nanegenent — Custer saisfcin — Guidelines for complains han rgantzations 150 10002, Quty managment — Customer satisfaction — Guido: for dgpue realton eternal onganzaions 13010004, Qolty mnagenont--Customersatifacton — Guilin formentoring andmecsuring 15010005, Quality manogenon systems — Gln or quay plans 1010006, Qualty managenent ystems — Guidelines or quay management in projects 10 10007 Quay managenent systems — Gulden for configuration managment 10 10008, ualty managanent — Cstomersigarton — Guideline for busnesto-ansumer ‘detronie commerce transastons 150 10012, Measrement nanagment ystems — Requremens for measurement processes and rensringeupmene 'S0/1R 10013, Guldetnes fr qulty management system documentation 150 10014, Quay manageren— Guideline or reali financial and economic ent 150 10085, quatty managnent — Gudelins or training 'SO/ER 10017 Gudnce on sisi techniques for 80 90012000 180 10018, uot managenent— Gukdelines on people nlvenent and competence 10 10019, uldlines for he selection of quality management system content and use of theirservces 150 14001, frvirnmentl management sytoms — Requirements with guldanes or use 150 1901, Guides or auiting management systems 15031000, Risk management — Princip and guidelines 150 37500, Guidance on tore ISO/IEC 90008, Software eninering — Guidelines for che appliztion of 150 90012008 to ‘conputersofware 18 60300, Dependabiliy management — Prt I: Guidance fr management and appeation ec 6160, Design review (Quatty management pine, 1500 Saletion and use ofthe 1S 9000 aly of standards, 1509 1909001 for Sal Business — What td, 1S00) 1). vale om wet placa For Training Purpose ONY 180 9001:2015() [271 Integrated use of management system standards, 150") (26) wowwisnors/c126sc0/publc (29) wnmisnorg/tei7s09001AudtingPractiesGraup For Training Purpose Only (0102015 Arr » Fee Trelning Purpose OnHY 180 9001:2015(6) For Training Purpose Oniy ks 03.2010 e10205- Aired

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