Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview

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1) Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview


Harry Surden – Artificial Intelligence and Law Overview from Harry Surden
People who are not aware of what artificial intelligence is will find the topic
presented in a very simple manner here.

Along with the explanation of what AI is, the two major approaches towards AI are
discussed– logic and rules-based approach, and machine learning approach. Special
emphasis on machine learning approach can be seen in the slides devoted to its
detailed examination. The examination goes beyond the rudimentary explanation of
what machine learning is and presents examples of proxies that seem like machine
learning but are not.

The presentation lists examples of AI in the field of law and identifies some of
the limitations of AI technology.

2) What is Artificial Intelligence – Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For


What is Artificial Intelligence | Artificial Intelligence Tutorial For Beginners |

Edureka from Edureka!
For the uninitiated, this presentation offers an ideal rundown of AI. The question
of AI being a threat is raised at the very beginning. However, as the presentation
progresses, it discusses the basics necessary for understanding AI. The most basic
question of what is artificial intelligence is answered.

A brief history of AI and the discussion on recent advances in the field of AI is

also found. The various areas where AI currently sees practical application have
been listed. Fascinating uses that AI can be put to in the future are also found in
the presentation. The two approaches of achieving AI, machine learning and deep
learning, is touched upon.

All in all, this presentation serves as a simple introduction to AI.

3) Why Social Media Chat Bots Are the Future of Communication

Why Social Media Chat Bots Are the Future of Communication – Deck from Jan Rezab
An exciting application of AI can be found in chatbots. Here, the limitless scope
of chatbots is explored. The various milestones reached by leading players in bot
technology such as Facebook, Skype and KIK are enumerated.

The evolution of chatbots and its absorption of more AI in the future is also
looked into. E-Commerce is touted as the biggest beneficiary of the advancement in
chatbots and that bot technology will owe its rise to services and commerce.

Two tech giants, Facebook and Google, have been pitted against each other based on
their ongoing developments in this area and the question of who will emerge as the
best is raised.

4) AI and the future of work

TEDx Manchester: AI & The Future of Work from Volker Hirsch

This presentation talks about the far-fetching applicability of AI and ML,and the
perils of that applicability. In order to derive a better understanding of this
presentation, it is advisable to first watch the original talk.

During the course of the presentation, many examples of how machines can learn and
perform any human task that is repetitive in nature are cited.

Other possibilities suggested include the creation of new unheard jobs for human
beings as a result of aggressive use of AI and other allied technologies. Qualities
that are characteristic only of human beings, may be the basis on which these jobs
will be created is also suggested.

It concludes with a message- Ride the train, don’t jump in front of it.

5) AI and Machine Learning Demystified

AI and Machine Learning Demystified by Carol Smith at Midwest UX 2017 from Carol
In this presentation, Carol Smith establishes that AI cannot replace humans. Smith
conveys that AI can serve the purpose of enabling human beings in making better

The slides talk about how the actions of AI are the result of the human inputs
going into its programming. An AI’s bias is not its own, but the human bias with
which it has been programmed, is emphasised on.

Other issues such as the need for regulations and other considerations within it
that require deliberation are also touched upon. The presentation leaves you with a
message – Don’t fear AI, Explore it.

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