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Designation: D559/D559M - 15

Standard Test Methods for

Wetting and Drying Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures 1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D559/D559M; the number immed iately followin g the designation indicate s Ihe year
of origina l adoption or. in the case of revision. Ihe year of last revision. A number in pare ntheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e ) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This SIll/ il ion / has been apprOl'ed fo r 1I.'e by age ncies of the U.S. Department of Def ense.

1. Sco pe* 1.4 Units-The values stated in either SI units or inch-

pound units [pre sented in bracket s] are to be regarded sepa-
1.1 The se test methods cover procedures for determining
rately as standard. Th e values stated in each system shall be
the soi l-cement losses, water content chan ges. and volume
used independentl y of the other. Combining values from the
chan ges (swell and shrinkage) produced by repeated wettin g
two sys tems may result in non-conformance with the standard.
and drying of hardened soil-cement specimens. The specimens
Siev e size is identified by its standard designation in Specifi-
are compacted in a mold , before cem ent hydr ation , to maxi-
cati on E I I. Th e alternative designation given in parentheses is
mum den sity at optimum wate r content using the compaction
for information onl y and does not represent a different standard
procedure described in Test Methods 0 558.
sieve size.
1.2 Two test meth ods. depending on soil gradation. are 104. 1 The gravitational system of inch-pound units is used
co vered for preparation of material for mold ing specimens and when dealin g with inch-pound units. In this system. the pound
for mo lding specimens as follow s: (lbf) repre sent s a unit of force (weight), while the unit for mass
Sections is slu gs. The rationalized slug unit is not given. unless dynamic
Test Method A. using soil material passing a 4.75-mm [No. 4] (F = rna) calcul ation s are involved.
This method shall be used when 100 % of the soil sample 7
1.4.2 It is common practice in the engineering/construction
passes the 4.75-mm [No. 4] sieve. profe ssion to use pounds to repre sent both a unit of mass (Ibm)
Test Method B, using soil material passing a 19.0 mm [0.75-in.] and of force (lbf) . Thi s implici tly combines two separate
This method shall be used when part of the soil sample is systems of units; that is. the absolute system and the gravita-
retained on the 4.75-mm [No. 4] sieve. tional system. It is sc ientifically unde sirabl e to combine the use
This test method may be used only on materials with 30 % or 8 of two separate sets of inch -pound units within a single
less retained on the 19.0-mm [0.75-in.] sieve.
standard. As stated, this standard includ es the gravitational
1.3 All observed and calculated value s shall con form to the system of inch-pound unit s and doe s not use/p resent the slug
guide lines for significant digits and rounding estab lished in unit for mass. However, the use of balance s or scales recording
Practi ce 0 6026. unless superseded by this test method. pounds of mass (Ibm) or recording den sity in lbm/fr' sha ll not
1.3. 1 The procedures used to specify how data are collected/ be regard ed as nonconformance with this standard.
recorded and calculated in the standard are regarded as the 1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the
indu stry standard. In addition, they are representative of the safe ty conce rns, if any. associated with its lise. It is the
significant digit s that generally shou ld be retained. The proce- responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro -
dure s used do not con sider materi al variation, purpo se for priat e safety and health pra ctices and determin e the applica-
obtaining the data. special purpo se studies, or any con sider- bility of regulatory limitation s prior to use.
ation s for the user 's objectives; and it is common prac tice to
incre ase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be 2. Refer enced Docum ents
commensurat e with these con siderations. It is beyond the scope
of these test method s to consider signific ant digits used in 2. 1 ASTM Standards."
analy sis method s for engineering data . C 150 Specification for Portland Cement
C595 Specifica tio n for Blended Hydrau lic Cements
0 558 Test Methods for Moisture-Density (Unit Weight)
Relations of Soil-Cement Mixtures
I These 1e.~1 methods are under the jurisdiction of the ASTM Committee D I8

on Soil and Rock and arc the direct responsibility of Subcommi ttee 0 I8. 15 on
Stab ilization Wit h Admix tures
Curren t edition approved Nov. 15. 2015. Publis hed December 20 15. Originally 2 For referenced ASTM standards . visit the AST M website., or
approved in 1939. Last pre vious edi tion appro ved in 2003 as 0 559-03. which was contact AST M Customer Service at service For Annuul Rook of ASTM
withdrawn July 20 12 and reinstated in Nove mbe r 20 15. 0 01 : 10. 1520/00559_ Standards volume information. refer to e l andard's Document Summary page on
D0559M- 15. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Cha nges sect ion ap pears at the end of this sta nda rd
Copyright © ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbor Drive. PO Box C7OO. West Conshohocken. PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright ASTM International

• D559/D559M - 15
0560/0560M Test Methods for Freezing and Thawing 5.2 Balances-A balance or scale co nforming to the requ ire-
Compacted Soil-Cement Mixtures ments of Class GP5 with a readabilit y of I g in Specification
065 3 Term inology Relating to Soil, Rock , and Cont ained 04753, exce pt that a Class GP2 balance of 0.1 g readabili ty is
Fluid s requ ired for water co ntent determination .
0698 Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Character-
5.3 Drying Ovens- The rmostatic ally cootrolled, preferably
istics of Soi l Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-Ibf/ft' (600
forced-d raft type, meetin g the requirements of Spec ification
kN-m/m' ))
EI45 and capable of maiotain ing a uniform temperature of
0 2168 Practices for Calibration of Laboratory Mechani cal-
110 :t 5"C [230 :t 9"F] throughout the chamber for the water
Rammer Soil Compactors
cont ent speci me ns, and a temper ature of 7 1 :t 3"C
02216 Test Method s for Laboratory Determination of Water
[160 :t 5"F] throughout the drying chamber for drying co m-
(Moi sture) Cont ent of Soi l and Rock by Ma ss
pacted soil-cement spec imens.
0 3282 Practi ce for Cl assificat ion of Soil s and Soi l-
Aggregate Mixture s for Highway Construction Purpos es 5.4 Moist Room-A moist room or suitable covered co n-
0 3740 Practice for Mini mum Requirements for Agencies tainer capable of maintain ing a temperature of 21 :t 2"C [70 :t,
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as 3"F] and a relative humidity of 100 % for seven- day storage of:
Used in Engineeri ng Design and Construction compacted specimens.
04753 Guide for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying Bal- 5.5 Water Bath-Suitable tank for submerging co mpacted,
ances and Standard Ma sses for Use in Soil, Rock, and specimens in water at room tem perature.
Construction Materia ls Testing
06026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechni cal 5.6 Wire Scratch Brush- A wire scratch brush made of
Data 50-mm [2-in.] long by I.6-mm [O.06-in .] wide by 0.5-mm [No.
E l l Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test 26 gage ] thick nat wire bristles assem bled in 50 gro ups of 10
Sieves bristles eac h and mounted to fonn five longitudin al rows and
E 145 Specifica tion for Gravity-Con vection and Forced - ten transverse rows of bristles on a 190 by 65-mm [7.5- by
Vent ilation Oven s 2.5- in.] hardwood block.
2.2 AASHTO Standards:' 5.7 Straightedge- A stiff metal straightedge of any conve-
M 145 Classification s of Soil s and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures nient length but not less thao 250-mm [IO-in.]. The total length
for Highwa y Con struction Purpo ses of the straightedge shall be mach ined straight to a tolerance of
:t o. I-mm [:to.004 -in.]. The scraping edge shall be beveled, if
3. Terminology it is thicker than 3-mm [0.12-in.).
3.1 For co mmon definit ions of terms used in this standard, 5.8 Sieve s-75-m m [3- in .], 19 .0-mm [0 .75 -io .], a nd
refer to Terminology 0653 . 4.75-mm [No.4] sieve s co nformiog to the requi rement s of
Specification E ll .
4. Significance and Use
5.9 Mixing 7(Jols-Miscellaneous tools such as mixing pan,
4.1 These test method s are used to determine the resistance
and trowe l, or a suitable mechao ical dev ice for thoroughly
of compacted soil-cement specimens to repeated wetting and
mixiog the soil with cement and water.
drying. These test methods were developed to be used in
conjunction with Test Meth ods 0560ID560M and criteria 5.10 Butcher Knife-A butch er knife appro ximately 250
given in the Soil-Cement Laborato ry Handbook" to determ ine mm [10 in.] in length for trimming the top of the specimens.
the minimum amount of ce me nt requi red in soil-cement to 5.11 Scarifier-A six-pronged ice pick or similar apparatus
achieve a degree of hardness adequate to resist field weather- to remo ve the smooth compaction plane at the top of the first
ing. and seco nd layers of the specimen.
NOTE I - The qua lity of the result produced by this standard is 5. 12 Container-e-X flat, round pan for initial preparation of
dependent on the comp etence of the perso nnel perfo rming it. and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities used . Agencies that meet the
heavy textured clayey material to facilitate moisture absorption
criteria of Practice D3740 are generally consid ered capable of co mpetent by the soil-cement mixtures, about 300 mm [12 in.] in diam eter
and objective testing/sam plinglinspection/etc . Users of this standard are and at least 50 mm [2 io.] deep.
cautioned that co mpliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself ensure
reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors: Practice 0 3740 5.13 Measuring Device-A measurin g device suitable for
pro vides a means of evaluating some of those factor s. accurately measurin g the heights and diameters of test speci-
mens to the nearest 0.25 mm [0.01 in.].
5. Appa ratus
5. 14 Pans and Carriers-S uitable pans for handli ng mate-
5.1 Mold, Rammer, and Sample Extruder- Re fer to Test rials and carriers or trays for handlin g test specimens.
Methods 0698 for detailed specificatio ns.
5.15 Graduate-A graduated cylinder of 250-mL [8.4-oz J
capacity for measurin g water.
3 Available from American Association of State High way and Transportation
5.16 Water Content Containers- Suitable contain ers made
Ollicials (AASHTO). 444 N. Capitol s.., NW. Suite 249, Washin gton. DC 20001.
of material resistant to corrosio n and change in mass upon

..j Soil-Cement Laboratory Handbook, Portland Cemen t Assn.• 1992. repeated heatin g, coo ling, eXPIJIre to materi als of vary ing pH,

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• D559/D559M - 15
and cleaning. Unless a desiccator is used, containers with clo se g [0.2 Ibf]. Determ ine and record the mass. Imm ediately, dry
fitting lids shall be used for testin g specimen s having a mass of the specimen in a drying oven at llO :!: 5°C [230 :!: 9°F] for
about 200 g [004 Ibf]; while for specime ns having a mass at least 12 h or to a con stant mass. Determine and record the
greater than about 200 g [004 Ibf], containers without lid s may oven-dry mass of the specime n to four significant digit s.
be used . One container is needed for each water content Calculate the water content in accordance with Test Methods
determination . D22 16 and D698 and check again st the de sign water content
(Note 6).
6. Standa rdizationlVe rification 7.2.3 Det ermine and record the mass of the compacted
6.1 Perform verifications of mold s and ramm ers in accor- specimen to four significa nt digit s and remove it from the
dance with Test Methods D698 before initial use , after repairs mold . Calculate the dry unit weight in kg/rrr' [Ibf/ft'] in
or other occurrences that might affect the test results , at accordance with Test Method D558 to check again st the design
inter vals not exceedin g 500 test specimens, or annually, dry den sit y (Note 6).
whichever occurs first. If the dry unit weight obtain ed is within the design
6.1.1 Ba lance-Evaluate In accordance with Specification tolerances specified, identify the spec imen with a metal tag (or
D4753 as required by Test Methods D698. oth er suitable device) as No. I together with any other needed
identification mark s. Th is specimen will be used to obtain data
7. Test Method A-Using Soil Material Passing a on water content and volume changes during the test.
4.7S-mm [No. 4J Sieve If the dry unit weight obtained doe s not meet the
7.1 Preparation of Materia l for Mo lding Specimens: toler ance s specified, then another specimen will need to be
7.1.1 Collect a soil sample that is visuall y repre sent ati ve of compacted.
the project material. 7.204 Form a second speci me n as rapidly as pos sibl e and
7.1.2 Prepare the soil sa mple in accordance with the proce- determine the water content and oven -dry weight as de scribed
dure described in Test Method A of Test Methods D558. in 7.2 . 1 - 7.2.3. Identify this specimen as No.2, together with
7.1.3 Select a sufficient quantity of the soil prepared as other needed identification marks and use to obtain data on
des cribed in 7. 1.2 to pro vide two (Note 2) compacted speci- soil-cement losses durin g the test.
men s and required mo isture samples. 7.2.5 Determ ine the average diameter and height of the No .
I specimen and calculate its volume.
NOTE 2- (Oprional) Usually only one speci me n (ide ntified as No.2) is
required for routin e testing. Th e oth er speci men (identified as No. 1) is 7.2.6 Place the specime ns on suitable carriers in the moi st
made for research wo rk and for testin g unu sual so ils. room and protect them from free water for a period of seve n
7.104 Add to the soil the requ ired amount of cement day s.
conforming to Specifi cation C 150 or Specification C595 . Mix 7.2.7 Determine and record the mas s and measurem ent s of
the cement and soil thoroughly to a uniform color. the No. I specimen at the end of the seven-day storage period
7.1.5 Add sullicient potable water to raise the soil-ceme nt to pro vide data for calculating its water content and volume.
mixture to opt imum water content at the time of compaction 7.2.8 It is important that all height and diameter mea sure-
and mix thoroughly. ment s be accurate to within 0 .25 mm [0.0 I in.] and be taken at
7.1.6 When the soil used is a hea vy textured clay ey the same points on the spec imen at all times.
material, tran sfer the mixtur e to the fiat round pan and lightly 7.3 Procedure:
tamp the mixture until firm using the rammer described in 5.2 7.3.1 At the end of storage in the moi st room , submerge the
or a cyl inder about 50 mm [2 in.] in diameter. Cover the specimens in potable water at room temperature for a period of
mixture and allow to stand for not less than 5 min , but not more 5 h and remove. Determine and record the mass and mea sure-
than lO min to aid dispersion of the moi sture and to permit ment s of the No . I specime n (water content and volume chan ge
more complete ab sorption by the soil-cement. specimen).
7. 1.7 After the absor ption period, thoroughl y break up the 7.3.2 Plac e both specime ns in an ov en at 71 :!: 3°C
mixture, witho ut reducing the natural size of indi vidual [160 :!: 5°F] for 42 h and remo ve . Determine and record the
particles, unt il it will pass a 4 .75-mm [No .4] sieve , as judged mass and measurement s of the No . 1 spec imen.
by eye , and theo remi x. 7.3.3 Give specimen No.2 (soi l-cement loss specimen) two
7.2 Moldin g Specimens: lirm strokes on all areas with the wire scratch bru sh. Th e brush
7.2.1: Form a spec imen by immediately compacting the shall be held with the long axis of the brush parall el to the
soil-cement mixture in the mold , with the collar attached, and longitudinal axis of the specimen or parallel to the end s as
later trimming the specime n in the same manner as directed for required to cover all area s of the spec imen. Appl y the se strokes
Test Method A of Test Methods D558, and in addition scarify to the full hei ght and width of the specimen with a firm stroke
the tops of the first and second layers to remo ve smooth corresponding to appro ximately I3-N [3-lbf] force (Note 3).
compaction plane s before placing and compacting the succeed- Eighteen to twenty vert ical brush strokes are required to cover
ing layers. Th is scarification shall form grooves at right angle s the sides of the specimen twice and four strokes are requ ired on
to each other, approximately 3 mm [0.12 in.] in width and 3 each end.
mm [0.12 in.] in depth and approximately 6 mm [0.2 in.] apart. N OTE 3- This pressure can be measured as follows: clamp a specimen
7.2.2 During compaction , take a repre sentative sample from

in a vertical position on the edge of a platform scale and zero the scale.
the batch of soil-cement mixture that has a mas s of at lea st, 100 Apply vertical brushing strokes "the specimen and note the force

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• D559/D559M - 15
necessary to register approx imately 13 N l3 Ibf]. 8.2. 1 Form a speci men by immed iately compacting the
7.3.4 The procedures described in 7.3 .1 - 7.3.3 constitute soil-cement mixture in the mold (with the co llar attached) and
one cycle (48 h) of wetting and drying. Again submerge the later trimmin g the specimen in acco rdance with Test Method B
specimens in water and co ntinue the procedure for 12 cycles. of Test Methods 0 558, and in addition as the mixture for each
layer is placed in the mold, spade along the inside of the mold
NOTE 4-Mass dete rminations of specimen No. 2 before and after with a butcher knife before compaction to obtain unifor m
brushing arc usually made at the end of eac h cycl e when cond ucting
distribution of the material retained on the 4.75-mm [No. 41
research and making special investigations.
sieve and scarify the tops of the first and second layers as
7.3.5 The No. I specimen may be discontinu ed prior to 12 described for Test Method A of this test method .
cycles should the measurements become inaccurate due to 8.2.2 Durin g co mpaction, take from the batch a representa -
soil-cement loss of the specimen. tive sample of the soil-cement mixture with a mass of at least
NOTE 5- If it is not possible to run the cycles co ntinuou sly. the 500 g [I Ibf], determine and record the moi st mass
specimens may be held in the oven d uring the layover period. immediately, and dry in an oven at 110 :t 5°C [230 :t 9°F] for
at least 12 h or to con stant mass to determine the water co ntent
7.3.6 After 12 cycles of test, dry the specimens to co nstant
to check against design water content.
mass or until there is less than 0.1 % change in mass after one
hour of oven drying at 110 :t 5°C [230 :t 9°F]. Oetennine and 8.2.3 Form a second specimen as rapidly as possible in the
record the mass of the specimens to four significant digits. same mann er.
7.3.7 The data co llecte d will perm it calculations of volume 8.2.4 Determine and record the mass of each co mpacted
and wate r content changes of speci men No. I and the soil- specimen, while in the mold, to check against design den sity
cement losses of specimen No.2 after the prescribed 12 cycles (Note 6); remove the mold s, ident ify each specimen, measure
of test. the No. I specime n (Note 2), place both spec imens in the moist
room , and measure the No. 1 specimen again at the end of the
NOTE 6-Unlcss otherwise specified. normal laboratory practice per- seve n-day storag e period as describ ed for Test Method A in
mit s the followi ng tolerances between design fac tors and those obtai ned in 7.2.3 - 7.2.7 (7.2.8).
the mol ded spe ci me ns:
Water content ±1 percentage point 8.3 Procedure:
Dry Unit Weight ± 48 kg/m 3 [3 Ibf/ft 3 1 8.3.1 Proceed as directed in Test Method A (see 7.3).

8. Test Method B-Using Soil Material Pass ing a 9. Calculation

19.0-mm [O.75-in.] Sieve
9.1 Calculate the volume and water content changes and the
8.1 Preparation oj Material Jar Molding Specimens: soil-cement losses of the specimens as follows :
8.1.1 Collect a soil sample that is visually representative of 9.1.1 Calculate the volume of the mold used to compact the
the project material. soil-cement mixture in accordanc e with Test Methods 0 698,
8.1.2 Prepare the soil sample in accorda nce with Test Annex A I, to four significant digits.
Method B of Test Methods 0 558. 9.1.2 Calculate the water co ntent of the soil-cement mixture
8.1.3 Select and maintain separate represent ative samples of in accordan ce with Test Methods 0 22 16 to 0.1 %.
soil passing the 4.75 -mm [No. 4J sieve and of saturated, 9.1.3 Calculate the difference between the volume of speci-
surface-dry agg regate passing the 19.0-mm [0.75-in.J sieve and men No. I at the time of moldin g and subsequent volumes as
retained on the 4.75-mm [No. 4] sie ve so that the total sample a percentage of the original volume.
will be enough to provide two (Note 2) compacted specimens 9.1.4 Calculate the water content of specimen No. I at the
and requi red water co ntent samples. The percentage, by ove n- time of molding and subsequent water contents as a percentage
dry mass, of aggregate passing the 19.0-mm [0.75-in.J sieve of the original oven-dry mass of the specimen.
and retained on the 4.75-mm [No.4] sie ve shall be the same as
9.1.5 Correc t the oven-dry mass of specimen No. 2 as
the percent age passing the 75-mm [3-in.] sieve and retain ed on
obtained in 7.3.6 for water that has reacted with the cement and
the 4.75-mm [No. 4J sieve in the original sample.
soil during the test and is retained in the specimen at \I DOC
8. 1.4 Add to the sample passing the 4.75-mm [No .4] sieve, [230°Fj, as follows:
the amount of cement conforming to Specification C 150 or
Corrected oven - dry mass = (AIR) X 100 (t)
Specification C595 , required for the total sample specified in
8.1.3. Mix the ce ment and soil thorou ghly to a uniform color. where:
8.1.5 Add to the sample passing the 4.75-mm [No.4] sieve, A oven-dr y mass after drying at 100 °C [230°F], and
sufficient water to raise the total soil-cement mixture pre- B = percent by mass of water of hydration retained in
scribed in 8.1.3 to optimum water content at time of compac- specimen plus 100.
tion and facilitate moisture dispersion as described for Test
The percentage of water retained in specimen No.2 afte r
Method A in 7.1.5 to 7.1.6.
drying at 11 0°C [230°F] for use in the above formul a can be
8.1.6 After preparati on of the mixture as describ ed in 8. 1.2
ass umed to be equal to the water retained in specimen No. 1.
- 8.1.5, add the saturated, surface-dry agg regate to the mixture
When No. I specimens are not molded, the foregoing data are
and mix thoroughly.
not available and the average values prescribed in Table I are
8.2 Molding Specimens:

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• D559/D559M - 15
TABLE 1 Average Values 11. Precision and Ilias
Soi l Classif icat ion (AST M 03282 or Average Water Retained After
AASHTO M 145) Dryin g at 11D"G [23 0" F], %
11 .1 Precision-Onl y limited data are available from which
A-1, A-3 1.5
to judge the variability of results for these test methods. These
A-2 2.5 data are show n in Table 2.
A·4, A·5 3.0
A-6, A· 7 3.5 TABLE 2 Weight Loss of Duplicate Specimens in Wetting and
Dry ing Test A
Soil Class
Cement Weigh t Losses of
Soi l No. (AST M 0 3282 o r
Content, % Duplicate Speci me ns, %
9.1.6 Calculate the soil-cement loss of specimen No . 2 as a AASHTO M 145)

percentage of the original oven-dry mass of the specimen as 8939 A-1-b (0) 2 17, 19
3 6,0
follo ws: 5 5, 1
So il - cement loss, % = (AlB) X 100 8295 A-4 (5) 3 9, 11
5 6,2
7 0,0
10 0,2
A original calcul ated ove n-dry mass minu s final corrected 8942 A-6 (10) 3 20,25
oven-dry mass, and 5 6, 7
7 1, 1
B = original calculated oven -dry mass. 10 0,0
9069 A-4 (8) 4 12, 12
10. Report: Test Data Sheet(s)/Form(s) 6 7,6
6 3,3
10_1 The meth odol ogy used to specify how data are re- 10 2,2
corded on the test data sheet(s)/form(s), as given belo w, is A Molded from same batch by same operator. Data from Packard, R. G. , "Alternate
covered in 1.3. Methods for Measuring Freeze-Thaw and Wet-Dry Resistance of Soil-Cement
Mixtures," Highway Research Board Bulletin No. 353, 1962.
10_2 Record as a minimum the follo win g ge neral informa-
tion (data ).
10_2 _1 Testing date, operator name, location , and uniqu e 11 _1 _1 A larger amount of mass loss data is listed under Test
conditions. Methods 0 560/0560M . It is expected that variations of result s
10.2.2 Sample identifi cation (tha t is, sample number, of these tests, Test Methods 0559, would be similar sioce the
project, location , depth, etc.) same bru shing operation is used in both test method s to achieve
10.3 Record as a minimum the foll owing test specimen the weight loss.
data. 11 .1.2 Ex perience indic ate s that the variations in test result s
10.3.1 The design optimum water co ntent to the nearest are greater for high mass losses and less for low mass losses.
0.5 %, and maximum dry unit we ight of the mold ed specimens The degree of variation of most intere st is that at the allo wable
to the neare st 2 N/m' [0.5 lbf/fr'] , mass loss criteria, Suggested allowable mass loss criteria arc
10.3.2 The water content and dry unit we ight obtained in given in the literature .4
molded specimens (Note 6), 11 .2 Bias-Since there is no accepted reference materi al
10_3.3 The design ce ment content, in percent (include the suitable for determining the bias for the procedure for measur-
basis of the percentage calculati on), of the molded specimens, ing weight loss, no statement on bias is being made.
10.3.4 The maximum volume change, in percent, and maxi -
mum water cont ent durin g test of specimen No . I. 12. Keywords
10.3.5 The soil-ce ment loss, in percent, of specimen No.2, 12.1 durability; soil-ce ment; soi l-cement mi xtures; soil sta-
10.3.6 Procedure used (Method A or Method B). bilization ; wet-dry


In accordance with Committee 01 8 pol icy, this section identifies the location of changes to this standard since
the last edition (200 3) that may impact the use of this standard.
• D559/D559M - 15
(J ) Sec. 1.4 Units - Substituted combined SI and inch-pound (7) Section 6.1 - Combin ed 6.1.2, 6.1.3, and 6.1.4 into 6.1 with
units, and corrected referenc es throughout standard. reference to 0698.
(2) Inserted 018 policy statement on significant digits. (8) Section 7. 1 and 8.1 - Added guidan ce on sample collection.
(3) Sec. 2 Referenced Docum ents - Added reference to 0698 (9) Added guidance on significant digit s.
Test Method for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil ( J0) Revised notes.
Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-Ibflft' (600 kN-mlm 3 ) and (I J) Expanded the Report section per 01 8.91 special memo-
AASHTO M 145 Classification of Soils and Soil-A ggregate randum .
Mixtures for Highway Con struction Purpo ses. (12 ) Adju sted and clarified syntax where appropri ate.
(4) Sec. 4.1 - Updated publication date of Soil -Cement Labo- ( J3) Renumbered sections and notes as needed .
ratory Handbook .
(5) Added standard language on units and sieve sizes.
(6) Sec. 5 - Apparatus - Eliminated detail ed description of
comp action equ ipment and replaced with reference to 0 698
(e.g. 5.1 Mold, 5.2 Rammer, 5.3 Sample Extruder.).

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validityof any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expresslyadvised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and mustbe reviewedevery five yearsand
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of thisstandard or foradditionalstandards
and shouldbe addressed to ASTM InternationalHeadquarters. Yourcomments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technicalcommittee, whichyou may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrightedby ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C70 0, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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