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Assignment No.


a. Find the average power, the reactive power and the apparent power supplied by the voltage
source in the circuit if Vg = 40 cos 10​6​t V.
b. Check your answer in (a) by showing P(delivered) = P(absorbed).
c. Check your answer in (a) by showing Q(deliverd) = Q(absorbed)

Ans. 6.4Watts 4.8Vars 8VA,


The two loads shown in Fig can be described as follows: Load 1 absorbs an average power of 60KW and
delivers 70KVAR magnetizing reactive power; load 2 has an impedance of 24+7j. The voltage VL is
2500sqrt(2)cos(120 t) V.

a. Find the rms value of the source voltage.

b. By how many microseconds is the load voltage out of phase with the source voltage
c. Does the load voltage lead or lag the source voltage

Ans. 2514.86<2.735, 126.62uS, VL lags VG


a. Find the average power dissipated in the line

b. Find the capacitive reactance that when connencted in parallel with the load will make the load
look purely resistive.
c. What is the equivalent impedance of the load
d. Find the average power dissipated in the line when the capacitive reactance is connected across
the load.
e. Express power loss in (d) as a percentage of the power loss found in (a)

Ans. 36W, -250, 187.5, 23.58watts, 65.5%

Question No.4

The three loads shown in the figure are S1 = 4 +1 j KVA, S2 = 5 + 2j KVA and S3 = 10 +0j KVA

a. Calculate the complex power associated with each voltage source, Vg1 and Vg2.
b. Verify that the total real and reactive power delivered by the sources equals the total real and
reactive power absorbed by the network.

Ans. Sg1 = 9166.4 + j1076.8 VA, Sg2 = 10448 + j1923.2 VA. P(dissipated) = P(supplied) = 19614.4Watts ,
Q(dissipated) = Q(supplied) = 3000VAR.

Question No.5

The load impedance ZL is adjusted until maximum average power is delivered to ZL.
a. Find the maximum average power delivered to load.
b. What percentage of the total power developed in the circuit is delivered to ZL.

Question No.6

The peak amplitude of the sinusoidal source Vg is 180V and its frequency is 5000 rad/sec. The load
resistor can be varied from 0 to 4000. And the load capacitor can vary from 0.1uF to 0.5uF.

a. Calculate the average power delivered to te load when Ro =2000 and Co = 0.2uF.
b. Determine the settings of Ro and Co that will result in the most average power being transferred
to Ro.
c. What is the most average power in (b) ? Is it greater than the power in (a)?
d. If there are no constraints on Ro and Co , what is the maximum average power that can be
delivered to a load?
e. What are the values of Ro and Co for the condition of (d)?
f. Is the average power calculated in (d) larger than that calculated in (c)?

Ans. 360mW, Co = 0.1uF Ro = 4000, 443.1mW yes, 450mW, 4000 66.6nF, yes

Question No.7

A factory has an electrical load of 1600 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. An additional variable power
factor load is to be added to the factory. The new load will add 320kW to the real power load of the
factory. The power factor of the added load is to be adjusted so that the overall power factor of the
factory is 0.96 lagging.

a. Specify the reactive power associated with the added load.

b. Does the added load absorbs or delivers magnetizing vars?
c. What is the power factor of the additional load?
d. Assume that the voltage at the input to the factory is 2400 V(rms). What is the rms magnitude of
the current into the factory before the variable power factor load is added?
e. What is the rms magnitude of the current into the factory after the variable power factor load
has been added.

Ans. -640KVAR, delivers, S(added load) =320-640j, pf = 0.4472 leading, 833.33<-36.87, 833.33<-16.26

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